Reception of goods at 1 s 8.3. We reflect the sale of a pancake maker at retail price

For the receipt of goods or services in 1C 8.3, it is necessary to create a corresponding document. In this step-by-step instruction, we will look at detailed step-by-step instructions on how to do this and what data to fill out. Let’s also look at the example of transactions created by the 1C program.

In the “Purchases” menu, select “Receipts (acts, invoices)”. A list form for this document will open in front of you.

From the list form that appears, you can create several different types of documents. Let's look at them briefly.

  • Goods (invoice). You will only have access to the tabular part for adding products.
  • Services (act). Similar to the previous one, but only for services.
  • Fixed assets. This document generates incoming and outgoing transactions that do not require installation. There is no additional need to take into account.
  • Goods, services, commission. Combination of goods, services and commission trading.
  • Materials for recycling. Here the name speaks for itself.
  • Equipment.– equipment. Acceptance for accounting is formed separately.
  • Construction objects. Receipt of fixed assets - construction objects.
  • Leasing services. To calculate the next lease payment when accounting for property on the lessee’s balance sheet.

Let's consider the first two types of operations, because they are the most popular.

How to deliver goods on arrival

When creating a new document, select the transaction type “Goods (invoice)”.

In the header, indicate the counterparty, contract and department where the goods will be received. You can also additionally configure VAT (included in the price and calculation method), consignee, consignor, etc.

The accounting account in this case is 41.01 – goods in warehouses. It can also be changed. Next, adjust the VAT rate if necessary.

At the bottom of the form, indicate the invoice number and date, then click on the “Register” button. The document will immediately be created automatically and a link to it will be displayed.

As we can see, the document made two entries: for the receipt itself and for VAT (account 10.03).

Watch also the video on posting goods in 1C Accounting:

Receipt of services

This time, when creating a document, select the type of operation “Services (act)”. We will not consider filling out this document in detail due to the fact that everything here is similar to the previous method. Only here item items with the “Service” type are added.

We attributed our lawn mowing service to account 26 and indicated the cost item “Other costs.”

In the case when you need to immediately reflect the receipt of both goods and services, use the “Goods, services, commission” transaction type.

A user working in the 1C: Accounting program must display the receipt of goods from the supplier (as well as services, if any) by creating a new document by going to “Purchases/Receipts (acts, invoices)” and then to the journal of receipt documents.

On the command panel of the list of documents there is a button “Receipt”. To initiate a new document, the user, by clicking on it, activates a drop-down list through which he selects the type of operation that needs to be completed in the system.

Figure 1. Types of goods/services receipt transactions available for registration in the system

Despite such a wide range of operations, as a result of selecting any of them, a document “Receipts of goods and services” will be created in the system, whose appearance - the title, the composition of the fields and even the set of accounting accounts available for use in the document, depends on the selected in the drop-down list of the type of operation being reflected.

Let's look at the procedure for registering a receipt using the example of goods being received into a warehouse from a supplier. Let's assume that this product was previously paid for (an advance payment was made to the supplier), and now the supplier has handed over the product to us.

From the available list of transactions, the user selects “Products/services/commission”.

Here, fields indicating our organization are required to be filled in (if the system keeps records of one organization, it will be automatically selected in the document) and the details of the counterparty from whom we purchased the goods.

Figure 2. Implementation of a new document for receipt of goods/services

When creating a new document, the “Warehouse” field becomes available if the “Use multiple warehouses” checkbox is checked in the accounting settings. The system does not yet know that we plan to register the receipt of goods, and the operation we have chosen implies that we can buy not only goods and materials, but also register the receipt of services. In the second case, specifying the warehouse is not required.

As soon as we filled out the “Products” tabular part, the “Warehouse” field immediately became mandatory.

Let’s complete the document preparation by filling out the minimum fields required to reflect the operation in the system.

Figure 3. Filling out the document for receipt of goods/services

After posting the document, it immediately generates transactions upon receipt of goods at the warehouse, thereby being reflected in the system in the accounting accounts.

Figure 4. Example of transactions upon receipt of goods at the warehouse

Please note the posting of the advance offset: Dt 60.01, Kt 60.02. The fact is that this supplier was previously paid in advance. It was this advance that was offset by the receipt document.

You can set up the procedure for offsetting the advance payment (or even specify the offset documents manually), clarify the settlement and advance accounts, and also change the way VAT is included in the price by clicking on the corresponding links in the “Calculations” block of the goods receipt document.

Figure 5. Setting up the calculation of the Receipts of goods and services document

At this point, the process of reflecting the receipt transaction in the system can be considered complete. Don’t forget to display the incoming and posted invoice in the system later (this can be done either directly from the document or from a separate journal). Without an invoice, the receipt will not be reflected in the purchase book.

Registration of receipt of services in other ways

In addition to the document of receipt of goods/services, the system contains a number of documents to reflect specific receipt transactions:

  1. Receipt of additional expenses
  2. Entrepreneur's expenses
  3. Reports to committents
  4. Customs declaration for import

Document “Receipt of additional expenses” is necessary to document the receipt of expenses from an external counterparty, which are included in the cost of incoming inventory items. It is important to emphasize that such expenses include only commodity procurement costs. Selling expenses cannot be included in the cost of inventory items.

Figure 6. Registration of a document for receipt of additional expenses

Here, not only does the price of the received goods increase (in the tabular section you can distribute the amount of expenses among the received goods), but also a debt is formed to the counterparty for the amount of services received. That is, this document completely replaces the document “Receipts of goods and services” for the purpose of reflecting transactions of receipt of services included in the cost of goods.

If the system keeps records of the activities of individual entrepreneurs, the interface becomes available document "Entrepreneur's Expenses". It has a minimum number of settings and is designed to reflect the personal expenses of the entrepreneur, and immediately corresponds to the loan with account 84.

Figure 7. Reflection of personal expenses of an entrepreneur in the system

The document can reflect both payment for the service provided and the purchase of goods.

"Report to the Committent" used to display operations in the system:

  • Sales of goods received on commission;
  • Services provided on behalf of the principal;
  • The cost of the agent's remuneration for services rendered.

Figure 8. Registration of a report to the committent in the system

Of course, if an organization does not provide agent services or does not take goods for sale, this document is not used in the system.


Displaying transactions of receipt of goods/services in the 1C:Accounting program implies the ability not only to add goods to 1C or record the receipt of goods in 1C, but also to keep a full record of the receipt of services, make entries upon receipt of goods at the warehouse, and much more. Additionally, documents have been implemented to reflect a number of specific operations.

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To account for services in 1C Accounting 8.3, the document “Receipts (acts, invoices)” is used, which is located in the “Purchases” section.

Next, a list of all documents (Receipts) that have already been created opens. If there are several organizations in the information base and we need to see Receipts only for a specific organization and counterparty, then in the header it is possible to set selections in the appropriate fields.

Since the Receipts document has several types of operations, after clicking on the “Receipts” button, you must then select “Services (act)”.

If selections were previously set in the form of a list of documents, then in the form of a new document the Counterparty and Organization will be filled in automatically, in some cases this can be convenient.

In the header of the document, in the “Act” field, enter the number and date of the Incoming act on the provision of services from the supplier. If the Counterparty has a main agreement (you can see this in the counterparty’s card, in the “Agreements” section), then the “Agreement” field of the document will also be filled in automatically. Also in the header should be filled in the accounting accounts and the procedure for crediting the advance. Price type – substituted from the Agreement. The “Original received” flag in the document header is intended only to indicate which primary documents were received and which were not.

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You can add an item to the tabular part of the document, which has the “Item Type” – “Services” (this can be viewed in the item card itself). In addition, you can change the VAT rate of any item in the table section by clicking on the corresponding field.

In this example, accounting for services in 1C Accounting 8 is assigned to account 26 with cost items “Other costs” and “Transport services”.

After posting, the document will generate the following transactions. Since VAT is not included in the price, separate entries for incoming VAT were generated for it.

We can also register the document “Invoice received for receipt” (the corresponding button under the tabular part of the document) and print it if necessary. And print out the “Act on the provision of services for the supplier” itself

It is possible to keep track of services through the “Supplier Account”, when the “Receipt” document is entered on its basis.

In this case, the “Receipt” document will be filled out completely automatically. If it is necessary to immediately reflect both goods and services in one document, then a document with the transaction type “Goods, services, commission” is intended for this purpose.

After completing the documents, we will create a balance sheet for our organization. To do this, you need to go to the “Reports” section and select “Turnover balance sheet” in the Standard reports group. After which we will see the following, we will see the following:

On the 60th account, a debt was formed to the supplier in the amount of 10,974 rubles, on the 19th account, VAT was reflected in the amount of 1,674 rubles, and services were received in the amount of 9,300 rubles on the 26th account.

For retail stores

Forecast demand and manage inventory
There should not be a few goods and there should not be a lot. If there are not enough products, the store experiences lost sales. If there are too many goods, excess funds are frozen in circulation. Use the 1C-Products service for a more accurate demand forecast. The service takes into account average sales, trends, periods of product shortages (gaps on shelves), seasonality of demand, holidays, sales, and promotions.

Every day, the service automatically checks minimum balances and promptly sends a request to the supplier using the forecast results. This way you will avoid both shortages and surpluses of goods in the store.

Plan your assortment without mistakes
Find out which products bring you profit and should always be in stock. And, conversely, remove products with low markups and turnover from the assortment.

Control your business and increase profits
Try different options for increasing sales - new products, changing markups, redistributing space. Reports will help you make sure your actions are correct. The analytics block is accessible via the Internet and is designed as a dashboard of activity indicators, which allows you to quickly notice changes.

For wholesale suppliers

Plan deliveries of goods to your own or leased retail outlets
Using the service, obtain the current balances of goods in stores and correctly determine the size of deliveries. The demand forecasting system built into the service will help ensure the constant availability of popular goods on store shelves and avoid “overstock” in your warehouses.

For such a work scenario, a special favorable tariff “Auto-order 300 products” is provided.

Increase the efficiency of processing received orders
The 1C-Products service allows you to synchronize the names of goods from the supplier and the store, which makes it possible to automatically upload applications from retail stores into the accounting system and not spend a lot of time comparing items.


Demand forecast and automatic ordering

The automatic ordering system is based on a customized assortment matrix. An assortment matrix is ​​a list of goods that a store sells. For each product, the service calculates average daily sales and determines the “minimum balance” and the optimal order volume.
The 1C-Products service automatically checks minimum balances and generates orders for goods for which the balance is less than required.
An established supply process allows you to avoid both shortages and surpluses of goods in the store.

Store management and analysis

Clear reports will help you evaluate the efficiency of using store resources:

  • revenue analysis (by day, hour, payment type, average bill);
  • analysis of inventory balances and turnover (best-selling products, turnover, sales by supplier);
  • analysis of the use of space (revenue from 1 sq. m. of retail space, by section or product category).
Reports are available from any device via the Internet.

Terms of Use


1C-Products. Test for the store for 1 month

For free

  • Optimization of assortment, control of inventory balances and automatic ordering of goods

1C-Products. Auto order for the store

1000 rub/month
for one store

  • Assortment optimization
  • Control of inventory balances and automatic ordering of goods

1C-Products. Sales analytics for the store

1000 rub/month
for one store

  • Analysis of the work of a retail store
  • Comparative analysis for a chain of stores

1C-Products. Comprehensive for the store

1700 rub/month
for one store

  • Using the Forecast Server
  • Optimization of assortment, control of inventory balances and automatic ordering of goods
  • Analysis of the operation of a retail store or chain of stores

Step 1. Filling out the Goods document (invoice)

To post goods in 1C 8.3, we will use the document Goods (invoice): section Purchases – Receipts (acts, invoices) – Receipts – Goods (invoice):

Let's fill out the top part of the document:

  • In line Invoice No. from indicate the number and date of the receipt document;
  • In the Counterparty line we indicate the supplier;
  • In the Contract line we indicate the supply agreement:

  • In the line Type of contract you need to indicate – With supplier:

Incorrect indication of the type of contract when filling out a document can lead to accounting errors. For more information about this, see the following video lesson:

How to correctly indicate the correspondence of settlement accounts with a supplier in 1C 8.2 (8.3), see our video lesson:

If the shipper and consignee are different counterparties, then we use a hyperlink Shipper and consignee and fill in the fields accordingly:

How to correctly enter input VAT into the receipt of goods and services document in 1C 8.2 (8.3), see the following video:

Let's fill out the table part. Fill in the columns as shown in the figure:

Step 2. Postings for goods receipt

Let's see the result of posting the document and posting it:

Step 3. Register an invoice from the supplier

To register, fill in the fields of the line Invoice No. from and click the Register button. The Invoice document received in 1C 8.3 is generated automatically:

Based on the document entries, we see that VAT has been claimed for deduction:

Step 4. Checking the correct registration of goods receipt in 1C 8.3

To check the correctness of registration of goods receipt in 1C 8.3, we will use the Turnover balance sheet report: section Reports – Standard reports – Balance sheet:

Let's check the generated cost of goods using the report Balance sheet for account 41: section Reports – Standard reports – Account balance sheet:

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