Order on means of rehabilitation. A new list of indications and contraindications for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation

From March 18, 2018, new contraindications and indications for the provision of disabled people come into force.

Bad news from the Ministry of Labor about the simultaneous recommendations in the IPR for some means of rehabilitation.

From the bad:
- it is impossible to enter an electric train and a regular stroller at the same time
- removed the lift from the wheelchairs
- if you don’t manage yourself, they don’t enter
- even more cut, 1 piece per day

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2017 No. 888n "On approval of the list of indications and contraindications for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation"

P Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2017 No. 888n "On approval of the list of indications and contraindications for the provision of disabled peopletechnical means of rehabilitation"

(Ministry of Labor of Russia)

dated December 28, 2017 No. 888n

On approval of the list of indications
and contraindications to provide disabled people
technical means of rehabilitation

In accordance with subparagraph 5.2.107 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 No. 610 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 26, Art. 3528; 2013, No. 2809; No. 36, 4578; No. 37, 4703; No. 45, 5822; No. 46, 5952; 2014, No. 21, 2710; No. 26, 3577; No. 29 , item 4160; No. 32, item 4499; No. 36, item 4868; 2015, No. 2, item 491; No. 6, item 963; No. 16, item 2384; 2016, No. 2, item 325 ; No. 4, item 534; No. 23, item 3322; No. 28, item 4741; No. 29, item 4812; No. 43, item 6038; No. 47, item 6659; 2017, No. 1, item 187; No. 7, item 1093; No. 17, item 2581; No. 22, item 3149; No. 28, item 4167);
1. Approve the list of indications and contraindications for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation in accordance with the appendix.
2. Recognize as invalid:
order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2014 No. 998n “On approval of the list of indications and contraindications for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 27, 2015, registration No. 35747);
Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2015 No. 491n “On Amendments to the List of Indications and Contraindications for Providing Disabled Persons with Technical Rehabilitation Means, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of December 9, 2014 No. 998n” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 13, 2015, registration number 38496);
clause 3 of the annex to the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of July 18, 2016 No. 374n “On Amendments to Certain Orders of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation on the Issues of Providing Disabled Persons with Technical Rehabilitation Means” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 10 2016, registration number 43202);
paragraph 3 of the annex to the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2017 No. 845n "On Amendments to Certain Orders of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation on the Provision of Disabled Persons with Technical Rehabilitation Means" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 28 2017, registration number 49523).

Minister M.A. Topilin

to the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2017 No. 888n
List of indications and contraindications for providing disabled people with technical means

1. If there are medical indications for the provision of disabled people (hereinafter referred to as TCP), provided for in column 4 of this list, the individual program for the rehabilitation or habilitation of a disabled person, the individual program for the rehabilitation or habilitation of a disabled child (hereinafter referred to as the IPR of a disabled person, the IPR of a disabled child, respectively) shall indicate one name that most fully compensates for the persistent limitations of life activity that a disabled person (child with a disability) has, with the exception of TCP types provided for by numbers 6-06, 6-07, 6-08, 6-09, 6-11, 8, 11-01 , 12-01, 13-01, 15-01, 16-01, 17-01, 21-01, 22-01, 23(1)-01.

2. TCP is selected for a disabled person (disabled child) individually based on the severity of his persistent impairments of the corresponding body functions, but not lower than the severity of functional impairments provided for in column 4 of this list, taking into account the conditions for using TCP in order to compensate or eliminate existing disabled person (disabled child) with persistent limitations of life.

3. Medical contraindications for the provision of disabled TCP, provided for in column 5 of this list, are the basis for the selection, otherwise shown to a disabled (disabled child) TCP.

4. When entering into the IPRA of a disabled person, the IPRA of a disabled child, recommendations on the need for (TCP 6-10 type number), the anthropometric data of the disabled person (disabled child) are indicated - height, weight.

5. When making recommendations on the need for wheelchairs in the IPRA of a disabled child, the IPRA of a disabled child, the anthropometric data of the disabled person (disabled child) are indicated - height, weight (type numbers TCP 7-01, 7-02, 7-03, 7- 04, 7-05), as well as seat width, seat depth, seat height, footrest height, armrest height (TCP type numbers 7-01, 7-02, 7-03, 7-04).

6. When making recommendations on the need for wheelchairs (TCP types 7-01, 7-02, 7-03, 7-04) in the IPRA of a disabled child, the IPRA of a disabled child, the types of backrest are indicated (with an adjustable tilt angle, folding, rigid); types of seat (adjustable angle, rigid); types of armrests (adjustable in height); footrests (height-adjustable, with adjustable footrest) and accessories (headrest, side head supports, side body supports, lumbar roll, leg clearance roll or belt, leg holders, heel strap, chest strap, waist belt). For a wheelchair with an electric drive (type number TCP 7-04), an additional electric method for adjusting the angle of the backrest, seat, footboard can be indicated.

7. If there are both medical indications and relative medical contraindications for providing a disabled person (a disabled child) with an electric wheelchair (type number TCP 7-04), alternative types of control are indicated: head, chin, finger, hand stump, leg, other alternative types of wheelchair control with electric drive.

8. If it is impossible for a disabled person (child with a disability) to independently manage a walking recommendation on the need for an active wheelchair (type number TCP 7-03) in the IPR of the disabled person, the IPR of the disabled child is not entered.

10. When determining the need for a disabled person in certain items of lower limb prostheses (TCP item numbers from 8-07-05 to 8-07-10, 8-07-12), the assessment of the potentially achievable level of motor activity is carried out as follows:
Level 1 - the ability to move in a confined space: a disabled person moves for short distances within an apartment or house with the help of additional means (walkers, crutches, etc.) or with the help of unauthorized persons; putting on and managing the prosthesis is difficult;
Level 2 - limited possibilities of movement in the outside world: a disabled person moves with the help of a prosthesis on a flat surface, without additional means of support; the duration and range of walking are moderately limited; a disabled person can independently put on a prosthesis; prosthesis control is average;
Level 3 - unlimited possibilities of movement in the outside world: a disabled person can move on a prosthesis at different speeds, easily overcoming any obstacles; a disabled person is able to perform significant physical activity associated with being on his feet to perform domestic or industrial tasks; the duration and range of walking in comparison with healthy people is limited slightly;
level 4 - unlimited possibilities of movement in the outside world with increased requirements for prosthetics: a disabled person moves confidently with the help of a prosthesis; duration and walking distance are not limited; excellent prosthesis control; due to the active use of the prosthesis and increased functional needs, the requirements for the design of the prosthesis are increased (increased reliability of the nodes and their dynamic activity, reliable fastening of the prosthesis and increased depreciation functions).

11. When making recommendations on the need for food (TCP item numbers 21-01-18, 21-01-19) in the IPRA of a disabled person, the IPRA of a disabled child, if there are medical indications, it is allowed to make additional recommendations on the need for absorbent underwear, (TCP type number 22-01), no more than 1 product per day.

13. When introducing recommendations on the need for TCP, provided for in numbers 21-01, 22-01, to the IPR of a disabled child, the IPR of a disabled child with spinal cord injury, the nature of the dysfunction of the pelvic organs is taken into account, including the presence of combined dysfunctions of the lower urinary tract, including mixed, taking into account the conclusion of the medical organization, it is allowed to simultaneously make recommendations on the need for urocondoms (TCP item numbers 21-01-18, 21-01-19), catheters (TCP item numbers 21-01-20, 21-01-21) , anal tampons (name TCP 21-01-27) (with persistent stool retention, no more than 1 anal tampon per day), in absorbent underwear, diapers (type number TCP 22-01) (no more than 1 product per day).

In March, a new list of indications and contraindications for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation began to operate, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 28, 2017 No. 888n. The previously valid list, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 9, 2014 No. 998n, has become invalid.

Why is this list needed?

The provision of disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation (hereinafter referred to as TMR) is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. No. 181-FZ "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation". According to Article 11.1 of this Federal Law, the decision to provide disabled people with TSW is made when establishing medical indications and contraindications based on the assessment of persistent disorders of body functions due to diseases, consequences of injuries and defects.

About some changes in the new list

Let's start with the fact that the "structure" of the order itself has slightly changed. The section formerly called " Type of technical means of rehabilitation', now called ' Type and name of technical means of rehabilitation". This was reflected both in the numbering and in the definition of indications and contraindications.

As for the numbering, now first there is an indication of the "generalized" type of TCP, and then there are various "subspecies" (name), for example:

New list:

Old list:

The first digit (in our example - 6) always denotes the paragraph of the section "Technical means of rehabilitation" from the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2005 No. 2347-r "On the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person."

Now let's move on to more significant changes and innovations.

The crutches are the same, but the medical (contra) indications are different

    The indications and contraindications for providing various types of canes have changed. For example, to provide a support cane, adjustable in height with or without an anti-skid device, only absolute (and previously there were only relative) medical contraindications are provided: significant violations of neuromuscular, skeletal and movement-related (static-dynamic) functions of the upper limbs; significant violations of statics and coordination of movements (hyperkinetic, atactic disorders). Absolute medical contraindications for a tactile cane have been determined - significantly pronounced disorders of neuromuscular, skeletal and movement-related (static-dynamic) functions of the upper limbs; significant violations of statics and coordination of movements (hyperkinetic, atactic disorders).

    Absolute medical contraindications for various types of crutches have been established, namely:

    Additional relative contraindications: .

    Absolute contraindications for providing support to the bed are defined: significant impairment of neuromuscular, skeletal and movement-related (statodynamic) functions of the upper extremities. Complemented by relative medical contraindications: pronounced, significantly pronounced disorders of statics and coordination of movements (hyperkinetic, atactic disorders); , digestive system, excretion, hematopoiesis, metabolism and energy, internal secretion, immunity.

    Changed and supplemented medical indications and contraindications regarding supports and walkers for disabled children. Added relative medical contraindications for providing disabled children with lying support: pronounced, significantly pronounced disorders of mental functions caused by epileptic seizures with blackouts of consciousness, resistant to therapy; significant violations of statics and coordination of movements (hyperkinetic disorders); significant disorders of the functions of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system. Previously, there were no contraindications at all.

    medical indications to provide disabled children with support for lying, sitting, crawling and standing are now: persistent pronounced disorders of neuromuscular, skeletal and movement-related (static-dynamic) functions, leading to impaired standing, due to: diseases, consequences of injuries and deformities of the lower extremities, pelvis and spine; consequences of injuries and diseases of the central, peripheral nervous system. The same indications are defined for walkers.

    Relative contraindications for the provision of self-lifting handrails have been supplemented: significantly pronounced disturbances of mental functions, leading to a pronounced decrease or lack of a critical assessment of one's condition and the situation as a whole.

    And, for example, from medical indications excluded "diseases of the organs of blood circulation, respiration, digestion, excretion, hematopoiesis, metabolism and energy, internal secretion, immunity."

    To provide a manual wheelchair with additional fixation (support) of the head and body, including for patients with cerebral palsy, room (for the disabled and disabled children) * established relative medical contraindications: the consequences of diseases leading to the progression of the pathological process in the sitting position of the disabled.

    * In the new order, the names and some types of wheelchairs have been changed. So, the last order did not contain the above type of wheelchair. This also affected various other TSRs.

    Absolute medical contraindications have been established (previously there were only relative ones) for various types and names of prostheses:

  • Cosmetic finger prosthesis: defects and diseases of the stumps of the fingers, persistent combined contractures of adjacent joints, making the stumps unsuitable for the use of a cosmetic prosthesis.
  • The prosthesis of the hand is working, including in the case of articulation and partial exarticulation of the hand: pronounced, significantly pronounced disorders of mental functions, leading to a pronounced decrease or lack of a critical assessment of one's condition and the situation as a whole, behavioral disorders, affective-volitional, psychopathic disorders, personality psychopathization; chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse.
  • Shoulder prosthesis working: pronounced, significantly pronounced disorders of mental functions, leading to a pronounced decrease or lack of a critical assessment of one’s condition and the situation as a whole, behavioral disorders, affective-volitional, psychopathic disorders, psychopathization of the personality; chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse; significantly pronounced disturbances in statics and coordination of movements (hyperkinetic, atactic disorders); bilateral upper paraplegia, pronounced or significantly pronounced upper paraparesis.
  • Foot prosthesis: significant violations of statics and coordination of movements (hyperkinetic, atactic disorders); bilateral lower paraplegia, significantly pronounced lower paraparesis.
  • Modular hip disarticulation prosthesis: pronounced, significantly pronounced disorders of mental functions, leading to a pronounced decrease or lack of a critical assessment of one's condition and the situation as a whole, behavioral disorders, affective-volitional, psychopathic disorders, psychopathization of the personality; chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse; significantly pronounced disturbances in statics and coordination of movements (hyperkinetic, atactic disorders).
  • and so on.

Medical indications and relative contraindications have been changed or supplemented for almost all types of prostheses

  1. The list of orthopedic shoes has been expanded. New items appeared (there were 5 items, and now there are 10), for example, orthopedic shoes for prostheses, etc.
  2. Changed medical indications to provide anti-decubitus mattresses: significant impairment of neuromuscular, skeletal and movement-related (statodynamic) functions, leading to forced prolonged lying or immobility. Previously, there were: significantly pronounced violations of static-dynamic functions, functions of blood circulation, respiration, digestion, excretion, hematopoiesis, metabolism and energy, mental functions, immunity, leading to immobility or forced prolonged lying in bed.
  3. Defined absolute medical contraindications(previously there were only relative ones) for devices for dressing, undressing and grabbing objects: pronounced, significantly pronounced disorders of mental functions, leading to a pronounced decrease or lack of a critical assessment of one's condition and the situation as a whole; significant impairment of neuromuscular, skeletal and movement-related (statodynamic) functions of both upper extremities.
  4. The absolute medical contraindications for providing a guide dog with a set of equipment have been expanded, namely, the following has been added: significantly pronounced disorders of mental functions, leading to a pronounced decrease or lack of a critical assessment of one's condition and the situation as a whole, behavioral disorders, affective-volitional, psychopathic disorders, personality psychopathization; chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse; epileptic seizures with blackouts; pronounced, significantly pronounced disturbances in statics and coordination of movements (hyperkinetic, atactic disorders); significant violations of the functions of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, endocrine system and metabolism, blood system and immune system, urinary function; pronounced or significantly pronounced violations of static-dynamic functions due to diseases of the lower extremities, pelvis, spine, brain or spinal cord of any origin; age less than 18 years.
  5. To provide medical thermometers and tonometers, relative medical contraindications have been established: deafness; age less than 14 years (taking into account the formation of skills and abilities in accordance with biological age). In the last list there were only absolute contraindications: deafness.
  6. Absolute medical contraindications have been established for the provision of sound signaling devices. The old order did not provide for contraindications.
  7. For hearing aids, absolute medical contraindications have been defined (previously there were only relative ones) - significantly pronounced disorders of mental functions, leading to a pronounced decrease or lack of a critical assessment of one's condition and the situation as a whole.
  8. Expanded medical indications for providing a telephone device with a text output, namely: violation of sensory functions III and IV degree (previously there was only IV degree).
  9. Medical indications have been changed to provide special means for violations of the excretion function (urine and colostomy bags). For each, the name is added: “persistent moderate, severe and severe disorders of the digestive system/urinary system…”. Contraindications for catheters have been established - acute inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system; urethral injury; urethral stricture.

Of course, this is only a small part of the changes and additions. There are practically no provisions that would remain unchanged. In view of this, the new list has grown fat by one and a half times compared to the old one. Let's hope that the effectiveness and "suitability" of the new order will also be one and a half times (at least!) Exceed the previous order.





List of changing documents

N 463n ,

In accordance with paragraph 9 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2008 N 240 "On the procedure for providing disabled persons with technical means of rehabilitation and certain categories of citizens from among veterans with prostheses (except for dentures), prosthetic and orthopedic products" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 15, 1550; 2011, N 16, item 2294; 2012, N 17, item 1992; N 37, item 5002; 2013, N 13, item 1559) I order:




order of the Ministry of Labor

and social protection

Russian Federation




List of changing documents

(as amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 13, 2013 N 463n ,


<1>Types of technical means of rehabilitation, prostheses and prosthetic and orthopedic products can be provided in various designs.

Item of the section "Technical means of rehabilitation" of the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to the disabled Number of the type of technical means of rehabilitation (products) Type of technical means of rehabilitation (products) Terms of Use
6. Support and tactile canes, crutches, supports, handrails 6-01 Support cane, adjustable in height, without anti-slip device At least 2 years
6-02 Support cane, adjustable in height, with anti-slip device
6-03 Support cane, not adjustable in height, without anti-slip device
6-04 Support cane, not adjustable in height, with anti-slip device
6-05 Support cane with anatomical handle, adjustable in height, without anti-slip device
6-06 Support cane with anatomical handle, adjustable in height, with anti-slip device
6-07 Support cane with anatomical handle, not adjustable in height, without anti-slip device
6-08 Support cane with anatomical handle, not adjustable in height, with anti-slip device
6-09 Cane 3-point, adjustable in height, without anti-slip device
6-10 Cane 3-point, adjustable in height, with anti-slip device
6-11 Cane 3-point, non-adjustable in height, without anti-slip device
6-12 Cane 3-point, non-adjustable in height, with anti-slip device
6-13 Cane 3-pole with anatomical handle, adjustable in height, without anti-slip device
6-14 Cane 3-support with an anatomical handle, adjustable in height, with an anti-slip device
6-15 Cane 3-pole with anatomical handle, not adjustable in height, without anti-slip device
6-16 Cane 3-support with an anatomical handle, not adjustable in height, with an anti-slip device
6-17 Cane 4-point, adjustable in height, without anti-slip device
6-18 Cane 4-support, adjustable in height, with anti-slip device
6-19 Cane 4-point, not adjustable in height, without anti-slip device
6-20 Cane 4-point, not adjustable in height, with anti-slip device
6-21 Cane 4-support with an anatomical handle, adjustable in height, without anti-slip device
6-22 Cane 4-support with an anatomical handle, adjustable in height, with an anti-slip device
6-23 Cane 4-support with anatomical handle, not adjustable in height, without anti-slip device
6-24 Cane 4-support with an anatomical handle, not adjustable in height, with an anti-slip device
6-25 Cane white tactile solid
6-26 Cane white tactile folding
6-27 Cane white support not adjustable in height with anti-slip device
6-28 Cane white support non-adjustable in height without anti-slip device
6-29 Cane white support adjustable in height with anti-slip device
6-30 Cane white support adjustable in height without anti-slip device
6-31 Elbow crutches with anti-skid device
6-32 Elbow crutches without anti-skid device
6-33 Forearm crutches with anti-skid device
6-34 Forearm crutches without anti-skid device
6-35 Axillary crutches with anti-skid device
6-36 Axillary crutches without anti-skid device
6-37 Rope bed support
6-38 Metal bed support
6-39 Crawling support for disabled children
6-40 Seat support for disabled children
6-41 Lying support for disabled children
6-42 Standing support for disabled children
6-43 Walkers walking
6-44 Walkers on wheels
6-45 Forearm walkers
6-46 Walkers made to order
6-47 Walkers with underarm support
6-48 Rollator walkers
6-49 Handrails (railing) for self-lifting angular At least 7 years
6-50 Handrails (railing) for self-lifting straight (linear)
(in ed. order
7. Wheelchairs with manual drive (room, walking, active type), with electric drive, small-sized 7-01 Wheelchair with manual drive basic indoor, including for disabled children At least 6 years
7-02 Manual wheelchair with hard seat and back, indoor, including for disabled children
7-03 Manual wheelchair with reclining back room, also for disabled children
7-04 Wheelchair with manual drive with adjustable angle of inclination of the footrest (footrests) indoor, including for disabled children
7-05 Manual wheelchair for patients with cerebral palsy, indoor, including for disabled children
7-06 Wheelchair with a drive for one-hand control room, including for children with disabilities
7-07 Wheelchair with manual drive for persons with a large weight indoor, including for children with disabilities
7-08 Basic walking wheelchair with manual drive, including for disabled children At least 4 years
7-09 Manual wheelchair with hard seat and back for walking, including for disabled children
7-10 Manual wheelchair with folding back for walking, including for disabled children
7-11 Wheelchair with manual drive with adjustable angle of inclination of the footrest (footrests), walking, including for disabled children
7-12 Walking wheelchair with manual drive for patients with cerebral palsy, including for disabled children
7-13 Lever-driven walking wheelchair, including for disabled children
7-14 Walking wheelchair with a drive for one-hand control, including for disabled children
7-15 Walking wheelchair with manual drive for people with a large weight, including for disabled children
7-16 Active type wheelchair, including for disabled children
7-17 Electric wheelchair, indoor, including for disabled children At least 5 years
7-18 Electric wheelchair for walking, including for disabled children
7-19 Electric wheelchair for patients with cerebral palsy, including for disabled children
7-20 Electric wheelchair for patients with cerebral palsy, including for disabled children
7-21 Small-sized wheelchair (for disabled people with high lower limb amputation), including for disabled children At least 1 year 6 months
(in ed. order
8. Prostheses and orthoses 8-01 Cosmetic finger prosthesis At least 3 months
8-02 Cosmetic prosthesis of the hand, including in case of protrusion of the hand
8-03 Hand prosthesis is working, including in case of protrusion and partial prosthesis of the hand
8-04 The prosthesis of the hand is active, including in case of protrusion and partial protrusion of the hand
8-05 Hand prosthesis with an external energy source, including in the case of disarticulation and partial disarticulation of the hand
8-06 Cosmetic forearm prosthesis
8-07 Active forearm prosthesis
8-08 Working forearm prosthesis
8-09 Forearm prosthesis with external energy source
8-10 Cosmetic shoulder prosthesis At least 2 years (for disabled children - at least 1 year)
8-11 Active shoulder prosthesis
8-12 Shoulder prosthesis working
8-13 Shoulder prosthesis with external energy source At least 3 years (for disabled children - at least 1 year)
8-14 Prosthesis after disarticulation of the shoulder with an electromechanical drive and a contact control system
8-15 Prosthesis after disarticulation of the shoulder, functional and cosmetic At least 2 years (for disabled children - at least 1 year)
8-16 Cover for the stump of the forearm, cotton At least 6 months
8-17 Shoulder stump cover cotton
8-18 Cover for the stump of the upper limb made of polymeric material (silicone) At least 1 year
8-19 Cosmetic shell for upper limb prosthesis At least 3 months
8-20 Foot prosthesis At least 2 years (for disabled children - at least 1 year)
8-21 Calf prosthesis therapeutic and training
8-22 Non-modular tibia prosthesis, including for congenital underdevelopment of the lower limb At least 2 years (for disabled children - at least 1 year)
8-23 Modular leg prosthesis, including underdevelopment
8-24 Swimming leg prosthesis At least 3 years (for disabled children - at least 1 year)
8-25 Cover for shin stump woolen At least 3 months
8-26 Cotton cover for the shin stump
8-27 Cover for the shin stump made of polymeric material (silicone) At least 1 year
8-28 Hip prosthesis therapeutic and training At least 1 year (for medical reasons, the sleeve can be changed up to three times a year)
8-29 Hip prosthesis, non-modular At least 2 years (for disabled children - at least 1 year)
8-30 Modular hip prosthesis
8-31 Modular hip prosthesis with external energy source
8-32 Bathing hip prosthesis At least 3 years
8-33 Prosthesis for hip disarticulation non-modular At least 2 years (for disabled children - at least 1 year)
8-34 Modular hip disarticulation prosthesis
8-35 Cover for thigh stump woolen At least 3 months
8-36 Cover for thigh stump cotton
8-37 Cover for the femoral stump made of polymeric material (silicone) At least 1 year
8-38 Cosmetic shell for lower limb prosthesis
8-39 Breast exoprosthesis
8-40 Knitted cover for breast exoprosthesis At least 6 months
8-41 Dental prostheses (except for dentures made of precious metals and other expensive materials equal in value to precious metals) At least 2 years (for disabled children - at least 1 year)
8-42 Glass eye prosthesis
8-43 plastic eye prosthesis
8-44 Ear prosthesis
8-45 Nasal prosthesis
8-46 palate prosthesis
8-47 Voice prosthesis
8-48 Combined facial prosthesis, including combined prostheses (ear and/or nasal and/or eye sockets)
8-49 Genital prosthesis
8-50 Orthopedic bandage on the upper limb to improve lymphovenous outflow, including after amputation of the mammary gland At least 6 months
8-51 - 8-62. Excluded. — Order
8-51 Orthopedic supporting or fixing bandage made of cotton or elastic fabrics, including bandage-grace-pants, bandage-pants, bandage-knickers on the abdomen in case of weakening of the muscles of the abdominal wall, prolapse of organs, after operations on the abdominal organs At least 6 months
8-52 Orthopedic thoracic bandage after heart surgery and chest injuries At least 6 months
8-53 Bandage-suspensorium At least 1 year
8-54 Hernial bandage (inguinal, scrotal) one-sided, two-sided
8-55 Semi-rigid head holder
8-56 Rigid fixation head holder
8-57 Bandage on the knee joint (knee)
8-58 Compression bandage for the lower limb
8-59 Breast exoprosthesis bra At least 6 months
8-60 Grace (or semi-grace) for fixation of the breast exoprosthesis
8-61 Soft fixation corset
8-62 Semi-rigid corset
8-63 Rigid fixation corset At least 2 years (for disabled children - at least 1 year)
8-64 Functional corrective corset
8-65 Reklinator - posture corrector At least 6 months
8-66 Apparatus for brush At least 2 years (for disabled children - at least 1 year)
8-67 Apparatus for hand and wrist joint
8-68 Apparatus for wrist joint
8-69 Apparatus for the elbow joint
8-70 Apparatus for hand, wrist and elbow joints
8-71 Apparatus for wrist and elbow joints
8-72 Apparatus for elbow and shoulder joints
8-73 Apparatus for wrist, elbow and shoulder joints
8-74 Shoulder joint device
8-75 Full hand device
8-76 Ankle joint device At least 1 year
8-77 Device for ankle and knee joints
8-78 Device for the knee joint
8-79 Apparatus for the hip joint
8-80 Device for knee and hip joints
8-81 Device for the whole leg
8-82 Apparatus for lower limbs and torso (orthosis)
8-83 Splint for wrist joint At least 2 years (for disabled children - at least 1 year)
8-84 Tutor on the forearm
8-85 Splint for elbow joint
8-86 Shoulder splint
8-87 Tutor for the whole hand
8-88 Ankle splint At least 1 year
8-89 Cosmetic splint for shin
8-90 Tutor on the knee joint
8-91 Splint for the hip joint
8-92 Tutor for knee and hip joints
8-93 Tutor for the whole leg
8-94 Prosthesis shoes At least 6 months
8-95 Shoes on the apparatus
8-96 Bandage on the wrist joint At least 1 year
8-97 Bandage on the wrist
8-98 Bandage on the elbow joint
8-99 Shoulder brace
8-100 Bandage on the upper limb - "scarf"
8-101 Bandage for the cervical spine
8-102 Bandage for the hip joint
8-103 Ankle brace
8-104 - 8-114. Excluded. — Order Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 18, 2016 N 374n
8-115 - 8.124. Excluded. — Order Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1199n
(as amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1199n, from 22.07.2015 N 490n ,
9. Orthopedic shoes 9-01 Orthopedic shoes without insulated lining
9-02 Orthopedic shoes with insulated lining
9-03 Orthopedic shoes for unilateral amputation without insulated lining At least 1 year (for disabled children - at least 3 months)
9-04 Orthopedic shoes for unilateral amputation with insulated lining
9-05 insert slipper At least 6 months (for disabled children - at least 3 months)
9-06 Orthopedic shoes, uncomplicated, without insulated lining At least 1 year (for disabled children - at least 6 months)
9-07 Orthopedic shoes, uncomplicated, with insulated lining
9-08 Insert corrective elements for orthopedic shoes (including insoles, semi-insoles) At least 6 months
(in ed. order Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 18, 2016 N 374n)
10. Anti-decubitus mattresses and pillows 10-01 Anti-decubitus polyurethane mattress At least 3 years
10-02 Gel anti-decubitus mattress
10-03 Anti-decubitus air mattress (with compressor)
10-04 Anti-decubitus cushion polyurethane At least 3 years
10-05 Gel anti-decubitus pillow
10-06 Air cushion
11. Devices for dressing, undressing and grasping objects 11-01 Shirt putter At least 5 years
11-02 Device for putting on pantyhose
11-03 Sock putter
11-04 Device (hook) for fastening buttons
11-05 Capture active
11-06 Grip to hold dishes
11-07 Lid opener
11-08 Key holder
11-09 Hook on a long handle (for opening vents, window sashes, etc.)
12. Special clothing 12-01 A set of functional and aesthetic clothing for disabled people with double amputation of the upper limbs At least 6 months
12-02 Orthopedic trousers At least 1 year
12-03 Insulated leather mittens with fur (for disabled people using small-sized wheelchairs) At least 4 months
12-04 Woolen cover for the stump of the thigh (for disabled people using small wheelchairs)
12-05 A pair of leather or knitted gloves (for upper limb prosthesis) At least 1 year
12-06 Leather glove with insulated lining for the hand of the preserved upper limb
12-07 Pair of leather gloves for deformed upper limbs At least 2 years
13. Special devices for reading "talking books", for optical correction of low vision 13-01 A special device for reading "talking books" on flash cards At least 7 years
13-02 Electronic manual video magnifier
13-03 Electronic fixed video enlarger
13-04 magnifying glass At least 5 years
13-05 Illuminated magnifier
14. Guide dogs with a set of equipment 14-01 Guide dog with equipment
15. Medical thermometers and blood pressure monitors with speech output 15-01 Medical thermometer with speech output At least 7 years
15-02 Medical tonometer with speech output
16. Light and vibration sound signaling devices 16-01 Digital sound signaling device with light indication At least 5 years
16-02 Digital sound signaling device with vibration indication
16-03 Digital sound signaling device with vibration and light indication
17. Hearing aids, including those with custom made earmolds 17-01 Hearing aid analog behind the ear heavy duty At least 4 years
17-02 Hearing aid analog behind the ear powerful
17-03 Hearing aid analog behind the ear medium power
17-04 Hearing aid analog behind-the-ear weak power
17-05 Hearing aid digital behind the ear heavy duty
17-06 Powerful digital behind-the-ear hearing aid
17-07 Hearing aid digital behind the ear medium power
17-08 Low Power Digital Hearing Aid
17-09 Hearing aid pocket heavy duty
17-10 Hearing aid pocket powerful
17-11 Hearing aid digital behind the ear for open prosthetics
17-12 Bone conduction hearing aid (non-implantable)
17-13 Custom made earmould (for hearing aid) At least 1 year
18. Televisions with teletext for receiving programs with closed captions 18-01 TV with teletext for receiving programs with closed captions with a diagonal of 54 - 66 cm At least 7 years
19. Telephone devices with text output 19-01 Telephone device with text output
20. Voice apparatus 20-01 Voice apparatus At least 5 years
21. Special means for violations of excretory functions (urinary and colostomy bags) 21-01 One-piece drainable bag with built-in flat plate At least 24 hours
21-02 One-piece drainable colostomy bag with built-in convex plate
21-03 One-piece non-drainable bag with built-in flat plate At least 12 hours
21-04 One-piece non-drainable colostomy bag with built-in convex plate
21-05 One piece drainable urinal with integrated flat plate At least 24 hours
21-06 One piece drainable urinal with integrated convex plate
21-07 Two-component drainable colostomy bag included:
Adhesive plate, flat At least 3 days
Drainable bag At least 24 hours
21-08 Two-component drainable colostomy bag for retracted ostomies included:
At least 3 days
Drainable bag At least 24 hours
(in ed. order
21-09 Two-piece non-drainable colostomy bag included:
Adhesive plate, flat At least 3 days
Non-drainable bag At least 12 hours
(introduced by order Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 13, 2013 N 463n)
21-10 Two-piece non-drainable colostomy bag for retracted ostomies included:
Adhesive plate, convex At least 3 days
Non-drainable bag At least 12 hours
21-11 Two-component drainable urinal included:
Adhesive plate, flat At least 3 days
Urostomy bag At least 24 hours
21-12 Two-component drainable ureter for retracted stomas in the kit:
Adhesive plate, convex At least 3 days
Urostomy bag At least 24 hours
21-13 Belt for colostomy bags and urinals At least 2 months
21-14 Plastic colostomy bag on the belt complete with bags
21-15 Foot urinal (urine collection bag), daytime At least 3 days
21-16 Bedside urinal (urine collection bag) night
(in ed. order Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 13, 2013 N 463n)
21-17 A pair of straps for attaching urinals (urine collection bags) to the leg At least 15 days
21-18 Urocondom with patch At least 24 hours
21-19 Self-adhesive urocondom
21-20 Catheter for self-catheterization lubricated At least 4 hours
21-21 Sets - urinals for self-catheterization: urinal bag, lubricated catheter for self-catheterization, container with sodium chloride solution At least 4 hours
21-22 Long-term urethral catheter At least 1 week
21-23 Permanent urethral catheter At least 1 month
21-24 Epicystostomy catheter At least 1 week
21-25 System (with catheter) for nephrostomy At least 3 months
21-26 Ureteral catheter for ureterocutaneostomy
21-27 Anal plug (fecal incontinence treatment) At least 12 hours
21-28 Irrigation system for bowel emptying through a colostomy At least 3 months
21-29 Sealant paste for protecting and smoothing the skin around the stoma in a tube, at least 60 g At least 1 month
21-30 Sealant paste for protecting and smoothing the skin around the stoma in strips, at least 60 g
21-31 Protective cream in a tube, not less than 60 ml
21-32 Powder (powder) absorbent in a tube, not less than 25 g
21-33 Protective film in a bottle, not less than 50 ml
21-34 Protective film in the form of napkins, at least 30 pcs.
21-35 Skin cleaner in a bottle, at least 180 ml
21-36 Skin cleaner in the form of wipes, at least 30 pcs.
21-37 Odor neutralizer in a bottle, not less than 50 ml
21-38 Absorbent Gelling Packets for Pouches, 30 pcs.
21-39 Adhesive half-ring plate for additional fixation of the plates of colostomy bags and urinals, at least 40 pcs.
21-40 Adhesive wafer - skin barrier At least 3 days
21-41 Protective rings for the skin around the stoma At least 24 hours
21-42 Ostomy swab At least 12 hours
(in ed. order Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1199n)
22. Absorbent underwear, diapers 22-01 Absorbent sheets (diapers) measuring at least 40 x 60 cm (absorbency from 400 to 500 ml) No more than 8 hours (with polyuria syndrome - no more than 5 hours)
22-02 Absorbent sheets (diapers) measuring at least 60 x 60 cm (absorbency from 800 to 1200 ml)
22-03 Absorbent sheets (diapers) measuring at least 60 x 90 cm (absorbency from 1200 to 1900 ml)
22-04 Adult diapers, size "XS" (waist / hips up to 60 cm), with a total moisture absorption of at least 1000 g
22-05 Adult diapers, size "XS" (waist / hips up to 60 cm), with a total moisture absorption of at least 1200 g
22-06 Adult diapers, size "S" (waist / hips up to 90 cm), with a total moisture absorption of at least 1000 g
22-07 Adult diapers, size "S" (waist / hips up to 90 cm), with a total moisture absorption of at least 1400 g
22-08 Adult diapers, size "M" (waist / hips up to 120 cm), with a total moisture absorption of at least 1300 g
22-09 Adult diapers, size "M" (waist / hips up to 120 cm), with a total moisture absorption of at least 1800 g
22-10 Adult diapers, size "L" (waist / hips up to 150 cm), with a total moisture absorption of at least 1450 g
22-11 Adult diapers, size "L" (waist / hips up to 150 cm), with a total moisture absorption of at least 2000 g
22-12 Adult diapers, size "XL" (waist / hips up to 175 cm), with a total moisture absorption of at least 1450 g
22-13 Adult diapers, size "XL" (waist / hips up to 175 cm), with a total moisture absorption of at least 2800 g
22-14 Diapers for babies weighing up to 5 kg
22-15 Diapers for babies weighing up to 6 kg
22-16 Diapers for babies weighing up to 9 kg
22-17 Diapers for babies weighing up to 20 kg
22-18 Diapers for babies weighing over 20 kg
(para. 22 in red. order Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 18, 2016 N 374n)
23. Chairs with sanitary equipment 23-01 Chair-chair with sanitary equipment of active type At least 4 years
23-02 Chair-chair with sanitary equipment (with wheels)
23-03 Chair-chair with sanitary equipment (without wheels)
23-04 Chair-chair with sanitary equipment of passive type of increased load capacity (without wheels)


<1>The federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2005 N 2347-r (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 4, art. 453; 2010, N 47, art. 6186; 2013, N 12, item 1319).

<2>The period of use of a technical means of rehabilitation, a prosthesis and a prosthetic and orthopedic product is calculated from the date of its provision to a disabled, veteran. If the service life established by the manufacturer of the technical means of rehabilitation (product) exceeds the period of use of the technical means of rehabilitation (product) approved by this order, the replacement of such technical means of rehabilitation (product) is carried out after the expiration of the service life established by the manufacturer of the technical means of rehabilitation (product). ).

<3>In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2008 N 240 "On the procedure for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation and certain categories of citizens from among veterans with prostheses (except for dentures), prosthetic and orthopedic products" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 15, item 1550; 2011, N 16, item 2294; 2012, N 17, item 1992; N 37, item 5002; 2013, N 13, item 1559) certain categories of citizens from among veterans who are not disabled people, dentures are not provided.

<4> Rules providing guide dogs are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2005 N 708 “On approval of the rules for providing disabled people with guide dogs, including the payment of annual monetary compensation for the costs of maintaining and veterinary care of guide dogs” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, No. 49, article 5226; 2011, No. 16, article 2294; 2012, No. 1, article 105; No. 17, article 1992; 2013, No. 13, article 1559).