Examples of positive characteristics (samples from the workplace). How to write a letter of recommendation for a company

    prove yourself- Show, show yourself with what l. sides... Dictionary of many expressions

    RECOMMEND, I will recommend, you will recommend, absolutely. only in the expression: to prove oneself, to show oneself in such a way that a well-known reputation is formed. Okay, it's bad to give a bad name. Prove yourself as a good worker... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    RECOMMEND, blow, blow; ver.: to prove oneself as someone to prove oneself with what n. (usually the good) side. Prove yourself as a good worker. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    recommend-recommander. 1. outdated Testify about something. These plays did not reflect well on the management's taste. OZ 1880 10 2 187. 2. Only in expression: to prove oneself, to show oneself in such a way that a well-known reputation is formed. Fine,… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    recommend- du/yu, du/eat; recommended/bathroom; van, a, o; St. see also recommend someone what Introduce someone l. whom, what l. from a good, advantageous side. prove yourself... Dictionary of many expressions

    I blow, I blow; proven; van, a, o; St. who what. Introduce to someone whom, what l. from a good, advantageous side. ◊ Prove yourself. Show yourself, show yourself with what l. sides. ◁ Recommend, ay, ay; nsv... encyclopedic Dictionary

    I blow, I blow; prib. suffering past recommended, van, a, o; sov., trans. (unsov. recommend). Introduce to someone whom, what l. from a good, advantageous side. My father ordered from the Butenops a cast-iron, well-proven Turgenev winnowing machine... Small academic dictionary

    US Federal Court- (USA Federal judiciary) The US Federal Court is a US federal judicial body created by the government to resolve disputes at the federal level US Federal Court: the US federal judicial system, by whom judges are appointed... ... Investor Encyclopedia

    Analyst- (Analyst) Specialist, employee of a company, bank Information about the field of activity of analysts, financial and business analytics, currency and stock market analytics Contents >>>>>>>> Analyst is, definition History Analytics appeared when... ... Investor Encyclopedia

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    Contents 1 Chronicle 2 Preparation for the 2008 season 2.1 ... Wikipedia


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  • French women do not tolerate competition, Florand, Laura. Laura Florand is the author of world-famous bestsellers, translated into 7 European languages, which have received recognition and awards from such authoritative publications as Romance Today, Publishers Weekly,…


Most characteristics begin with the phrase: “During his work/study/internship, he has proven himself to be positive/negative.” It should be remembered that even if the characterization is for a sad reason, you should not aggravate the poor fellow’s situation, but look for positive facts. For example, say: “I have established myself as conflict-free and efficient.” This part is important not so much for its psychological depth as for its stylistic monotony. It is curious that everyday, non-official characteristics also begin with a general phrase. For example: “He’s a normal person, this Ivan Ivanovich” or “Masha Petrova is a rare smart girl.”

Individual characteristics of a person. Is he pedantic and neat or creative and able to work on three projects at the same time? Performer or organizer? Does he have good oral or written communication skills? Here it is important to resist the temptation to feel like Leo Tolstoy and an X-ray machine at the same time. The characterization is a dry official document, and not a psychological and philosophical treatise. And certainly not an anonymous letter, the purpose of which is to denigrate or whitewash a person. The author of the description must show himself as a balanced person and maintain a balance between positive and negative epithets. For everyday characteristics, the same rules apply: “Masha Petrova is a rare smart girl: caring, gets straight A’s in her studies.”

Context, environment. In the case of the disciples, the family and . For example, “He grows up in a full, intelligent family, his parents fully influence him, he maintains smooth, friendly relationships with his classmates.” To characterize an employee, you need to discuss his style of interaction with. For example, “He does not maintain personal contacts with colleagues, but also enjoys the trust of management.” Typical phrases are: “Has his own opinion and knows how to defend it,” “Complies with the charter of the educational institution / daily routine / work schedule.” The main thing is to clearly indicate that a person opposes himself to the team or is inclined to dominate?

Alignment with goals. The written document, in dry, formal language, suggests how suitable the student or employee is for the new endeavor. If this is a characteristic for law enforcement agencies and the reason is sad, then this point is skipped, but the social or characteristics of the person are described in a little more detail. For example, “Has no bad habits”, “Has numerous complaints related to violation of discipline.” Accordingly, at the everyday level, the personal characteristic will sound like this: “Masha Petrova is a rare smart girl: kind, caring, gets straight A’s in her studies. And her friends are all so smart and respectful. If you want to marry her, then hurry up. They’ll beat you off!”

Various government agencies and non-governmental organizations often require references from the place of work. For example, when applying for a new job or employment, in court in civil, labor, criminal cases, as part of or consideration of a protocol on an administrative offense.

Strictly speaking, compiling a job description is the task of the HR department. But most often, such a document is drawn up by the employee himself, and is signed by the immediate supervisor and the main employer (chief manager). We will tell you how to draw up such a document yourself, what to include in its content, and also post an example of a description from your place of work so that you can use it as a sample.

Example of a job description

Limited Liability Company "Newest Electronic Technologies"

TIN 364616841365 OGRN 3546516546 legal. address: 394054, Voronezh, st. Koltsovskaya, 49


This characteristic was issued to Valery Stepanovich Abakumov, born March 30, 1972, who has been working at the Limited Liability Company “Newest Electronic Technologies” from January 15, 2012 to the present as an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment.

Abakumov Valery Stepanovich, born 03/30/1972, has been working under an employment contract at New Electronic Technologies LLC since 01/15/2012 as an assistant electrician, since 12/12/2015 as an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, 3 qualification.

Has a higher education in the profession of "auto mechanic", series PN No. 687461, issued on June 25, 1996 (Vologda State Technical University), secondary vocational education, diploma from the Voronezh College of Welding and Industrial Technologies, series AC No. 65874351, issued on June 20, 2011.

Marital status: married, 2 children.

During his time working at New Electronic Technologies LLC, Valery Stepanovich Abakumov proved himself to be a professional, competent and responsible employee. The duties of Abakumov V.S. includes participation in the repair, inspection and maintenance of electrical equipment, repair of transformers, switches, rheostats, magnetic starters, reconstruction of electrical equipment, processing of insulating materials.

Strives to improve his qualifications (he increased his rank during his work). He has no disciplinary sanctions and has been repeatedly rewarded for his work with cash bonuses. During the period of work, there were no emergency situations with work objects. Hardworking and highly efficient.

Non-conflicting. He has friendly relations with colleagues and shows delicacy and patience. Consistent and correct. He is distinguished by punctuality, high demands on himself and a desire for professional growth. He has proven himself to be a proactive, responsible and reliable specialist, capable of completing assigned tasks on time. Able to make independent decisions in difficult situations and bear responsibility for the results of their activities.

This specification has been issued for presentation at the place of request.

General Director of "Newest Electronic Technologies" LLC

Viktorov V.V.

When to use a job reference

In Soviet times, such a document was very common. It was required for every new employment, during transfers, etc. But even now the reference from the place of work has not lost its meaning. Such a document can be used in cases, in labor disputes, etc. as a document.

There are so-called internal and external characteristics from the place of work. Internal is used for transfer, promotion, assignment of a new rank. External characteristics from the place of work are used exclusively for presentation to all other (except the one where the employee works) organizations and authorities. In the first case, we recommend paying more attention to the description of work activity: advanced training, education, incentives, disciplinary sanctions. When a description is drawn up for other organizations, work activity may be described in a brief form.

The job description has its own structure. Such a document is given legal force by: the signature of the head of the organization, who has the right to act on behalf of the organization (sometimes the reference is also signed by the immediate superior), seal, and date of issue. It is advisable to prepare the document on the organization’s letterhead indicating the OGRN, INN, legal address, and telephone numbers.

Contents of characteristics from the place of work

For your convenience, we have systematized the information that may be indicated in the job description. Use them as a template to compile a document:

  1. Company letterhead, format – A 4
  2. In the center is the name of the document - CHARACTERISTIC
  3. In whose name it was issued, date of birth, position, period of work in the organization
  4. Information about the employee's education
  5. Marital status information
  6. Employee’s work history – date of hire, career growth, job responsibilities, work results
  7. Assessment of professional qualities: disciplinary sanctions, incentives, work experience, self-education, study of the regulatory framework, self-improvement
  8. Assessment of business and personal qualities: punctuality, responsibility, communication skills, relationships in a team, with subordinates, ability to plan work, assessment of work ability, behavior in stressful and conflict situations, relationships with the boss, etc.
  9. The purpose of compiling a reference from the place of work: for presentation to a government agency or others.

The reference letter from the place of employment does not have a statute of limitations, but it is more logical and expedient to present a document that is current as of the date of preparation.

Our sample description from the place of work is not the only possible one, but, as practice has shown, when using it, the result is the most optimal.

Good day, dear reader! Today's article will be devoted to an issue that worries freshmen very much. Newly graduated students often send messages to our website email address ( [email protected]) with a request to tell about how to establish yourself as a good student. It is clear that in a new place you are a completely new person, and all your previous achievements are unknown to anyone. All your “baggage of influence” remained within the school walls. It's time to build a new “bastion” of merit so that... But how to do this? You will find the answer to this question below.

Before moving directly to recommendations on how to establish yourself in a higher education institution, you need to honestly answer yourself one simple question: “Why do I need this?” Some of you believe that you need to immediately “shine” in any place in order to continue to “shine” in the future without ceasing.

If you make a name for yourself in a new place, you are guaranteed to be noticed by both university teachers and new fellow students. And attention is a thing in demand. The more you attract attention to yourself, the more vital energy you receive. And great vital energy gives strength for great life achievements. You want to be a successful person, right?

So, we have partially answered the question: “Why do you need to prove yourself to be a good student?” And by the way, I didn’t say who I consider a “good student.” By “good student” I mean a person (girl or boy) who is successful in his studies (this is the primary requirement, because then why are you going to college), is active in social activities, helps his friends and has some kind of talent, which sets him apart from the crowd of other university students (for example, a person can masterfully play the button accordion or mini-football).

The only question is how you can immediately “show up” before the public. Agree, it is unlikely that in the very first days of your stay at a new educational institution you will be able to prove yourself as an outstanding leader in some field. Be it singing, dancing, intellectual abilities, or just leadership among people.

I advise you to leave the first two to three weeks to adaptation. You shouldn’t immediately show your best self. There is no need to organize some kind of “show” in the very first days of your presence in a new place. Firstly, this is only done by careless people who came to the university not for knowledge, but just for fun. Organize some kind of performance for them - don’t feed them bread. And, secondly, such actions may shock your other classmates who expected something more academic from the university, but here THIS is. Just like at school.

If you don’t want to be branded as a smart guy from the very first days, then hold off on showing all your talents right away. Little by little, take a closer look at your new surroundings. Find out who is good at what, who is an athlete, who is an intellectual, who is “average”, etc. As they say, test the waters

Once you find out, at least in general terms, who is what, then begin taking active steps to secure your authority as a good student. How to do this is written below.

1. Put learning activities first.

As I mentioned above, the most important thing in university is your academic performance. At the same time, it is important to understand that it is not the grades themselves that are important, but the knowledge and skills that you acquire during your studies at the university. Again, what did you come to university for - to study or to play iPhone in pairs, as some do?

2. Be a social activist.

However, in order to establish yourself as a good student, good academic performance alone is not enough. You also need to be a social activist, i.e. take part in various events held within the walls of your higher education institution. Just don't overdo it in your social life.

I personally know a person who has been active in public life from the very first days of his stay at the university. However, after 3 years, this person was expelled from the university in disgrace for systematic absences and poor academic performance. That's how things are.

Try to harmoniously combine social life with academic life, and then your reputation as a “good student” will be established for many years. You will already graduate from university, and everyone will say about you: “Oh, remember, Vovka Petrov, what a wonderful student he was!”

3. Take initiative

Some people believe that initiative does bad things to the initiator. If you also think so, then you don’t have to read any further. The article is clearly not intended for you. If you like to take the initiative, then listen to this secret trick. Yes, yes, this is really a secret feature, since only a limited number of people know about it. And do you know why? The thing is that in nature there are very, very few such people.

The super secret trick is...are you ready?..what (just shh, no one, okay?)... People(whispers) do not want and do not want to take on any responsibility. Everyone wants to sit in one place exactly and have everything done for them. Yeah of course. Dream, as they say...

Not only the university, but the whole country as a whole suffers from the lack of initiative people. Well, okay, for now we won’t talk about the country, it’s important for us now to figure out how the initiative will help you in our goal - prove yourself to be a good student.

What, what, yes that's what. If you are an initiative person, propose some ideas, and, most importantly, take responsibility for their implementation, then you will, in any way (I hear, in any way) establish yourself as a good student. Initiative may be punishable, but those who do nothing receive nothing at all. You can do something right, something wrong. Doesn't matter. The main thing is to do it.

It is our deeds that remain. We will all die (again, almost no one thinks about this, especially when we are young). Only our creativity will remain. Positive (Leonardo da Vinci, Mendeleev) or negative (Hitler). History is basically not that important. What matters to her is that people do something. And it’s better for people to do something more grandiose. And any, even the most grandiose, business begins with an idea and initiative. Think about it.

Conclusion: In this article I tried to briefly tell freshmen about how to prove yourself to be a good student. All the tips have been tested in practice, I was convinced that everything works.

A character reference is an important document that contains personal information about an employee, describing his personal and professional qualities. A document is drawn up depending on the requirements and authorities where it will be submitted. Previously, based on the compiled information, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the competence and personal qualities of a person.

Various situations arise when people need to participate in legal proceedings. In these cases, you are required to provide a reference from your last place of work. Much determines the type of process - criminal or civil. Each has its own nuances in describing an employee, emphasizing certain qualities.

The civil trial will consider the fulfillment of job duties, promising career advancement, and job stability. When adopting, it is advisable for the plaintiff or defendant to provide a document that describes the positive qualities and financial security.

The structure of the reference to the court is presented in the following sections:

  • date and place of compilation;
  • Full name, position, date of birth;
  • herd of work from the last place of work;
  • marital status and family composition;
  • education, courses, skills;
  • details and name of the company;
  • description of the type of activity in which the employee is engaged;
  • Military service;
  • achievements, promotions, awards.

The reference is certified by the manager or head of the HR department. Important formulations are solvency and salary level, level of professionalism, business potential, relationships with colleagues and responsibility.

To whom it May concern

Depending on the types and purposes of compilation, a document of external and internal type is distinguished. An external one is drawn up at the place of request - to a bank, military registration and enlistment office, government bodies and structures, the police, etc. When drawing up, they are guided by generally accepted rules for drawing up business documents. Describes personality, work achievements, resistance to stress, conflict, behavior in a team, attitude towards colleagues, and competence.

A general description should create an image of the individual and help form the right opinion.



FULL NAME works in (company name) from 02/01/2018 to this day in the position of manager-consultant.

He has a good reputation in the team, relations with colleagues are friendly, open, and always responsive. Clients appreciate him for his high level of communication and professional approach to his work.

Deals with assigned tasks and problems creatively, quickly and efficiently. Has excellent communication. When given difficult goals, he always copes with them and provides useful advice.

Works to improve qualifications and professional level, engages in self-development and training. He always comes to the aid of others, for which he is appreciated in the team.

Independent in work, performs complex and varied types of tasks from management.

To be provided where required.

Date __________ Signature __________

Production per worker

This type of document characterizes the employee’s abilities and skills. Often provided for a new job so that the employer has the opportunity to learn about the applicant for the position.

Drawed up and signed by the head of the company. It is imperative to indicate reprimands, warnings, penalties that were the result of serious violations.

Requirements and structure of production characteristics:

  • serial number of the document and date of preparation;
  • chronology of employment and formation in the workplace;
  • the presence of incentives, violations, penalties;
  • signature of the director and seal of the company.

The characteristic must objectively describe the person in terms of his qualifications and attitude to work.


Inventory accounting specialist Ivanchenko V.P. has been working for the company for two years. She has a number of positive professional qualities: responsible, conscientious about her responsibilities, observes and adheres to corporate instructions and legislative standards. Prepares reports on time and maintains documentation correctly.

Participates in the corporate life of the team, has a good reputation, and is valued by the team for its open attitude and hard work.

Sample for an employee - driver

Reasons for compilation

Issued in 2 cases:

  • at the personal request of the employee;
  • in response to external and internal requests.

External characteristics - compiled at the request of the driver himself or other users: bank, court, law firm. Internal is provided upon request of acts issued by the company’s management bodies. In case of transfer to another department or position.

Text structure

Compiled in any form without a standard form. An exception is requests to government agencies when a specific form is issued.

It is conventionally divided into 5 parts:

  1. Title.
  2. Personal data.
  3. Labor activity.
  4. The main part is personal qualities.
  5. Conclusion.


Samara, st. Stroiteley, 2A


Born in 1980, specialized secondary education.

In 2001 he graduated from Samara College with a degree in Auto Mechanic.

In 2010, he was hired by Garant LLC as a driver.

During these years there were no accidents or violations. Responsibly completes assigned tasks. Always takes care of the technical condition of the vehicle. Upon repeated requests, he acted as a mechanic.

Polite and tactful towards others. Colleagues respect and appreciate him. He did not violate labor discipline.

In 2017, he was awarded a diploma and monetary reward for honest work and conscientious attitude.

The specification has been issued for presentation at the place of request.

Director _______

Signature _______ transcript

Chief accountant and accountant-cashier

The description must indicate: does the employee comply with legislative regulations, how does he keep records of each section, how does he calculate wages and taxes, does he adhere to cash discipline, does he conduct payment and settlement transactions of various types, prepares and submits reports, owns software, maintains audit.

In addition, it is important to indicate such qualities as: perseverance, attentiveness, accuracy, responsibility, patience, accuracy.

Lawyer or legal consultant

Large enterprises have a legal department that deals with drafting contracts, checking the compliance of documents with legislation, and court cases. A specialist must not only be competent in his activities, but also have good professional skills.

It is important to indicate in the document: what legal cases the employee was involved in, the level of preparedness in resolving legal issues, responsibilities and verification of various contractual acts.

It is necessary to indicate personal qualities that are important for conflict-free work in a team.


Limited Liability Company "Garant"

Samara, st. Stroiteley, 2A


Given to in-house lawyer Vladislav Nikolaevich Makarenko, born in 1980. Education: higher legal.

In 2007, he was hired as a lawyer.

Responsibilities include:

  • drafting and analysis of contracts;
  • drawing up internal documents;
  • representing the interests of the organization;
  • participation in trials.

Does not violate labor discipline. He is respected among colleagues, responsive, and sociable.

The specification is given for presentation at the place of request.

Director ___________ (full name)

Teachers (teacher)

This type of document can be written by the school director or head teacher. It is compiled mainly during re-certification, for awards, participation in competitions, employment or at personal request.

In addition to the standard sections, the teacher’s characteristics indicate: how many graduations he has had, what methodological topic he is researching, what program is used in the educational system, possession of new technologies in the educational process, work with students and parents.

To confirm the professional level, you can indicate the achievements of students at various Olympiads.



for Vladislav Nikolaevich Makarenko, physics teacher

highest qualification category

Samara secondary school No. 1

Makarenko V.N. has been working in this institution since 2010. During this period, he proved himself to be an initiative and responsible employee.

Makarenko V.N. perfectly uses new methodological and technological approaches in the learning process. Successfully uses them in practice, which significantly increases the level of achievement and interest of students.

He is characterized as a competent, qualified teacher who knows the features and problems of teaching in this subject. The personal orientation of education allows children to be motivated and learn well.

Particular attention is paid to extracurricular activities to increase student activity. For this purpose, it organizes events, competitions, and developmental tournaments.

Class management focuses on class cohesion, taking into account the individual characteristics of each student. Creates various situations so that children can react and reason correctly in such cases in real life. Parents highly appreciate his work with students.

Actively participates in methodological conferences, training camps, seminars, and improves her qualifications while taking courses.

The characteristics are given for presentation in __________

Director ______ (full name)


For a doctor (medical worker)

When writing a reference letter for an employee of a medical institution, it becomes difficult to describe all the responsibilities and focus on a specific aspect. For such compilation, it is important to indicate moral, qualification, scientific, and business qualities.

This is a rather serious document, which should fully describe not only personal characteristics, but also the comprehensive responsibilities of this area.

An obligatory point is to highlight the response in force majeure situations that relate to the safety of the health and life of the patient.


Compiled at the request of the employee. Most cases are new employment, obtaining a loan. Like all standard types of documents, it must consist of mandatory sections.

In the main part, attention should be paid to the performance of job duties. It is important to indicate in which area or workshop he works, knowledge of cooking technology and technological maps, knowledge of various work techniques.

The chef must not only prepare the dishes, but also lead and collaborate with the team to work smoothly.


Limited Liability Company "Garant"

Samara, st. Stroiteley, 2A


Hired as a cook on March 21, 2010.

Increases the level of professional knowledge by taking courses and master classes.

In the team he demonstrates leadership qualities, for which he is respected. Sociable, performs well in unforeseen situations, has excellent contact with clients.

Does not violate safety regulations.

The characteristics are given for presentation in _______

Director _______ (full name)


Kindergarten teacher

Employees of preschool educational institutions undergo recertification to improve their category and level of competence. In this case, the characteristics are drawn up by the parents with confirmation from the head of the preschool institution. If the certificate is provided upon transfer or new employment, then it is written on behalf of the director.

The characteristics indicate: the teacher’s ability to work with children of different ages, organizing groups, maintaining order, using pedagogical methods in work, new approaches, resolving conflict situations between children.

The teacher must observe the child’s sanitary and personal hygiene, and skills in finding a “common language” with a problematic category of pupils.


The educational process is organized on the basis of pedagogical requirements and programs. The main focus of the work is the development of independence, the personality of the child, the disclosure of potential and creative abilities.

The teacher's interest in innovative approaches and developments is manifested in the high achievements of the students. The group constantly takes an active part in regional competitions.

Completed advanced training courses. Awarded a diploma from the Office of Preschool Educational Institutions.

Personal qualities include dedication, having your own opinion, respect for colleagues, and prudence.

To the police on a criminal case

Compiled for the following reasons:

  • to study a person who is involved in a court case as a suspect, accomplice or witness;
  • when applying for employment in law enforcement agencies;
  • in case of problems with the law of minors who work and the police are interested in them in order to study their identity.

There is no universal form, but a sample structure should contain:

  • date of;
  • Full name, education, qualifications and work experience;
  • information about who draws up the document;
  • specifics of work activity;
  • description of the employee’s personality, indicating all the positive and negative aspects, the occurrence of conflicts in the team, attitude towards colleagues;
  • Family status.

It is important to write the description in the first person, preferably from the manager. This will form an initially good opinion about the person.


The demand for such a document forms the basic rules and requirements for its preparation. It is necessary to consistently indicate the main components of the sections so as not to write everything chaotically.