Psychological types of human personality. General characteristics of people by psychotype

“If you don’t have your own “I,” there’s nowhere for magic to come from.
Every master is an individual, every craftsman is good
and rivets quality crafts to match those like him.”
Oleg Roy

When a person wants to achieve certain goals, he first of all looks for ways to achieve them. In order to be successful in everything, you must first understand yourself. There is such a thing as “I-concept”. What it is? This is the result of self-knowledge and self-improvement, a certain “set of rules”. A person will never smoke if smoking does not fit into his “correct” self-image, that is, into his “I-concept”. Determining a person’s psychotype is the best start on the path of self-knowledge. What is it and how to determine your psychotype?

What is a personality psychotype?

When you want to talk about a person, you first try to talk about his character. Your interlocutor will understand a lot from your story. A person with certain character traits behaves in a certain way in various situations. A person’s psychotype is the characteristics of a person that are used in his activities. To be successful, you need to be aware of your personal qualities and find practical application for them. A person’s psychotype is manifested in how he relates to the surrounding reality and people.

Scientists became interested in studying personality psychotypes even before the advent of such a science as psychology. Numerology, palmistry, physiognomy - these are all attempts to find a certain classification of a person according to his personal qualities. Accentuations, that is, the main personality traits that leave an imprint on all types of human activity, are important in determining a psychotype.

How to determine a personality’s psychotype yourself?

There are many different classifications that allow you to determine a person’s psychotype. Among the most popular is the classification by temperament type. A description of this classification can be easily found in scientific and popular science literature. By answering questions on simple psychological tests, you will be able to interpret the results and get the information you need. To do this, it is not even necessary to contact specialist psychologists. However, such tests provide a fairly generalized concept of a person’s personal qualities. There is another classification, after familiarizing yourself with which, you can more accurately determine the main and additional personality traits. This classification is based on K. Leonhard’s theory of accentuation and is the theoretical basis of many personality typologies. After familiarizing yourself with this theory, you will be able to determine your psychotype yourself.

Psychotypes of people according to Leonard's classification

  • Hyperthymic type

    These people are extremely active and sociable, talkative and emotional. In a conversation, they actively use all possible “expressive means”: gestures, facial expressions, pantomimes. Often such people move away from the original topic of discussion and begin to selflessly talk about something else, abstract. Among the traits that are positive for communication and collaboration with such people, it is worth noting their energy, initiative, thirst for activity and optimism. There is also the “other side of the coin”. Often such people become direct participants or instigators of conflicts that arise due to some frivolous attitude towards their responsibilities. Such a person can be frivolous and can commit “extravagant” acts. In addition, it is very difficult to force such a person into any framework, to force him to follow certain rules, or to perform monotonous activities. The most terrible enemy for people of the hyperthymic type is loneliness.

  • Dysthymic type

    These people are withdrawn, lead an ascetic lifestyle, and feel uncomfortable in a large and noisy company. They always stay away from conflicts and never become their instigators. They are laconic and have a keen sense of justice. Such people are driven, they have few friends, but if they have them, they are ready to completely obey them. These people are excellent workers in a field that requires monotonous, routine work. These people will fulfill their duties conscientiously. People of the dysthymic type are characterized by sluggishness, slowness and passivity.

  • Cycloid type

    In the lives of these people, everything depends on their mood, and it changes with the speed of the wind. If they are in a good mood, they are sociable and emotional; if they are in a bad mood, they are withdrawn and irritable. These people, depending on their mood, can exhibit both hyperthymic and dysthymic type traits.

  • Excitable type

    These people are gloomy, uncommunicative and withdrawn. Their reactions are slow, they are prone to rudeness and abuse. They often get into conflicts, and even more often they become their main instigator. In the team, such people are usually not liked and shunned. In family relationships they are despotic and domineering. In a calm emotional state, they are neat, love children and dogs, but when they are in a state of excitement, they are quick-tempered and have difficulty controlling their own outbursts of anger. You can never guess what to expect from such a person!

  • Stuck type

    These people are silent a lot, and rightly so! Because in communication they are terrible bores, prone to preaching morals. In a conflict, people of this psychotype are the active, provoking party. The worst boss! Such a person is accustomed to making high demands on himself and others. He is used to achieving high levels in everything. At the same time, these are precisely the people who claim that they are not vindictive, but simply evil and that they have a good memory. Vengeful and distrustful, jealous and proud.

  • Pedantic type

    Bureaucrat and pedant. Willingly gives up the leading place to others, prefers to “keep a low profile.” He plagues his family with complaints about order in the house; in his world, everything must have a certain place. In business it is good to have such a partner, but the relationship should not go beyond work. In business, such a person is a serious and reliable partner, but otherwise he is a formalist and a bore.

  • Anxious type

    These people are always in minor key. They do not take initiative, are passive and uncommunicative. In conflict situations, they look for support and support. They are friendly and self-critical, but in the team they often act as “scapegoats” and “whipping boys.”

  • Emotive type

    These are the people who today are associated with representatives of the “emo” youth subculture. They prefer communication in a narrow circle of “chosen ones” who understand each other “without a word”. People of this psychotype prefer to keep all emotions and grievances to themselves. They are able to sympathize with the grief of others, have a hypertrophied sense of responsibility and are very efficient. Such people are overly sensitive and tearful, and this is rather a repulsive trait in their character.

  • Demonstrative type

    These people are always the center of attention. They crave leadership, praise and power. Outwardly they are soft and sociable, but these are exactly the type of people who, without hesitation, will “put a knife in the back.” The biggest intriguers and collectors of “palace gossip”. These people are attracted to work by their ability to make non-standard decisions, but they are characterized by selfishness, boasting and hypocrisy. And further! They are able to find 1000 ways and reasons to evade work or stubbornly create the appearance of activity.

  • Exalted type

    These people have high contact and communication skills. They are ardent debaters, but will not enter into open conflict. They are very romantic people who often fall in love, but quickly become indifferent to the object of their passion. Despite this, they can be very attached to their family and close friends. These individuals are true altruists and are able to sympathize with the misfortune of others. People of this psychotype are characterized by brightness and sincerity of feelings, they have aesthetic taste, but are very susceptible to momentary impulses and tend to create panic “out of the blue.”

  • Extroverted type

    People of this psychotype are characterized by the presence of a large number of people who surround them. They are ready to give up leadership and be in the shadow of someone else's glory, but at the same time they are talkative to the point of talkativeness. These people can listen carefully to their interlocutor and fulfill any requests and instructions. They are subject to the influence of others, capable of frivolous and thoughtless actions, love to go on carousing and have fun in every possible way. It is among people of this psychotype that there are many regulars at gambling houses.

  • Introverted type

    The complete opposite of the previous one. These are thinkers and philosophers. They are very reserved and rarely attend noisy gatherings. Such personalities will never come into conflict unless you encroach on their personal space. They rarely become attached to people, are stubborn in their beliefs, have their own (often erroneous) point of view on everything and are ready to stubbornly defend it. Among the positive qualities are restraint and integrity.

How to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life?

Having carefully studied the materials of this “research”, you need to try to “identify yourself”, that is, actually determine your psychotype. When you make your choice, you should do some self-analysis. You should analyze all areas of your activity. Think about your job. A person will never become a creative person if he is a representative of a dysthymic psychotype and experiences the greatest pleasure from routine work brought to the point of automatism. You can also adjust your circle of friends. If you are a leader by nature, then a person with a dysthymic type or an extrovert will be an excellent friend for you.

Having understood yourself and analyzed the behavior of the people around you, you will be able to independently model the most comfortable situations and personal relationships for yourself. Your work will bring you pleasure, people will stop annoying you, and you will be in complete harmony with yourself. You just need to choose the right job and the right people! Remember that any classification is very conditional and subjective.

Each person is unique from birth, plus all the innate psycho-physiological properties of people: from the genetically inherent characteristics of higher nervous activity, physique and interhemispheric asymmetry to innate intelligence, inclinations and mental abilities..., there are also individual emotional-psychological and cognitive-behavioral personality characteristics inherent in the process of education and socialization, which form human personality psychotypes (psychological types of people, men or women).

To determine psychological types, various methods of psychodiagnostics and personality testing are used, from complex multifactor personality questionnaires, such as the SMIL test or the Cattell test, to testing temperament and character accentuation, as well as to better determine human psychotype, use individual psychoanalytic conversation.

How to determine a person’s psychotype (psychological type of a person)

Since the time of Hippocrates, people began to be divided into psychopersonal types: Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic and Phlegmatic - they are also temperaments.
Pavlov divided people according to psychological types of higher nervous activity, which also, in essence, relates to human temperament.

A similar theory of human psychotypes arose from Eysenck - his test for temperament and neuroticism (not to be confused with neurosis).

Jung divided people into extrovert, ambivert and introvert psychotypes.

Leonhard identified extreme psychological types of people based on character accentuations (10 psychotypes) - take the test with a description...

Similar work on distinguishing people by accentuations was done by Gannushkin and Lichko (13 “Devil’s Dozen” psychotypes), with an emphasis on borderline personality states (close to neuroses), for example, neurasthenic or psychopathy, psychasthenic, etc.

Kretschmer discovered differences in the psychological types of people and similarities with the temperaments of a person’s physique (“Athletic”, “Picnic” and “Asthenic”), which are associated with human behavior (“Practitioner”, “Interlocutor” and “Thinker”).

Also, psychotypes are distinguished by interhemispheric asymmetry of the brain: right hemisphere, left hemisphere and ambidexterity (test for the leading hemisphere).

People also differ in how they think and perceive information, i.e. according to the leading representative sensory system, for example such psychological types as “Kinesthetic”, “Visual”...

In a word, if you dig around, you can find many more differences between people according to all sorts of psychological types (psychotypes) in the works of different authors, including contemporaries.

Studying all these human psychotypes is necessary for psychologists, sociologists, advertisers and PR specialists, marketers and manipulators. The average person can only be driven by curiosity or real information and misinformation about the benefits of knowing one’s own and others’ psychological type.

For an ordinary person, of course, it is good to know your psychotype of personality, in order to level out the minuses and enhance the pluses. It is also good to know the psychological type of your partner, husband (wife), child, friend, etc. to build harmonious cooperative relationships and avoid unnecessary quarrels and conflicts.

But the main thing for the average person, nevertheless, is not the psychotype of the individual as such, but how a person lived, lives and will live his life, having this psychological type... what is his life scenario... who is he in life: “Winner”, Banal Average” or “ Jonah? And most importantly, is it possible to change anything in yourself and your life?

This is what is really useful for an ordinary person, and not a “game” of dividing into personality psychotypes... (


The schizoid type of people is distinguished by increased responsibility and constancy. They live in a world of their illusions, harbor unrealistic hopes of changing their lives. In communication, they are slightly dry and formal, prefer to keep their distance and are reluctant to talk about themselves. They do not follow fashion - they prefer practical, comfortable clothes. A schizoid can be recognized by his angular movements, monotonous and abrupt speech. Usually, he has almost no facial expressions. His circle of friends is small, but they are reliable.

Hyperthyma is distinguished by endurance. He is enterprising and prone to taking risks, he likes to do many things at the same time and he succeeds in them. He has an expressive voice and lively, figurative speech. Talking, . Usually he has a developed sense of humor and is in any company; he needs a constant environment. He has a wide variety of hobbies, dresses fashionably but discreetly, and has taste.

Asthenic – meticulous and scrupulous, but does not like to take initiative. He is easy to manage and not prone to ambition, a conscientious and careful performer, modest, decent, and diligent. His hobbies are usually quiet activities - crosswords, chess, reading. His clothes are modest and discreet. He has a quiet voice and unclear diction.

Related article


  • Psychological types

There are no two identical people in nature. Everyone has their own psychological characteristics. They determine a person’s character traits, his behavior, and the degree of suggestibility. However, there are several main psychological types, which most people belong to.


Watch your behavior. If you take actions, make decisions quickly, and actively spend your free time, then most likely you are either. Both of them have an active life position and achieve a lot with their perseverance (in the first case) and charm (in the second). If you do not see anything attractive in vigorous activity, and stability comes first for you, then you can classify yourself as asthenic or schizoid.

Think about which activity brings you more pleasure. For example, if you like to communicate with people, always be the center of attention and cannot imagine your life without an audience, then you are hypertimid. If at the same time you are very strong in yourself and believe that no one can do this job better than you, then this is a sign of a hysteria. This one is characterized by selfishness, pride and a sense of superiority over others. Quiet and calm work in one place attracts asthenics and schizoids.

The psychotype test determines each person, which consists of a genetically given temperament and a character acquired during the first years of life. Character traits can often have accentuation features, i.e. close to possible personality disorders or neurosis. They are classified in exactly the same way using a unique socionics system.

Many people hide a person’s psychotype with a social mask, or, on the contrary, it sticks out more due to a basic personality disorder. All this was taken into account in the preparation of this online test - therefore, all questions are arranged in a strict, coded sequence to give the most accurate result.

To determine your psychotype, including accentuation of character and temperament, go online now psychotype test free and without registration. Socionics systems are one of the most accurate in the world and this technique is available to you on this page! Hundreds of people have already taken a test to determine their psychological type and it has helped them get to know yourself better, your main talent , and build better relationships with others . Moreover, the psychotype test I offer will help you choose a love partner!

Take a test to determine a person’s personality type:

The psychotype test includes questions that need to be answered quickly, the first thing that comes to mind. Choose the answer that suits you best.

Having learned more closely the features of his character, everyone can initially be surprised and amazed at the accuracy of revealing the nuances of his inner world. The a psychotype test gives an answer to the most important question in life - with whom to build a relationship and family, how to find your soulmate . Together with your loved one, who will be close to you, life will sparkle with new bright colors and you will feel all the harmony of love and intimacy.

The psychotype test offers you not only to find out about yourself, but also the opportunity to find a suitable psychotype, and among them - those closest to you. Indeed, in addition to the mental complement, community of interests, and the level of culture and education also play a big role. Take this test completely and your life will change!


HYSTEROID is an upstart for whom it is important to be the center of attention. This type receives energy for life from the outside, by receiving emotions from others. At best, emotions of admiration, but if this is difficult, then any emotions will suit him. If ignored, he achieves his “doping” with hysterics, hence the definition of this type.

Many other psychotypes build this quality into themselves and cultivate it, because the hysterical model of behavior attracts more attention, fans, and social significance to the individual.

Appearance of a hysteroid

  1. Brightness, contrast with others. It is important for him to be different from everyone else.
  2. Plasticity - light, relaxed gait, flexibility of the hands, ease.

Facial expressions and pantomimics of a hysteroid

  1. He always fits his role. He instantly grasps what role he needs to get used to, and instantly turns out to be who he needs.
  2. Often overplays, getting overly involved in the game. Sometimes he instantly leaves the character as soon as the need to shine with his acting talent disappears.
  3. He is flirtatious, constantly flirts, shows off, shines, is able to carry on a conversation on any topic, but does not have deep knowledge. Therefore, when he needs to delve deeper into a topic, he prefers to change the audience so as not to be branded stupid.

Thinking and speech of a hysteroid

  1. Easily suggestible, overly emotional. It’s easy to catch him emotionally and persuade him to cooperate. This is exactly the “spy’s find” that the proverb refers to.
  2. There are many “I”s, he is not able to talk about anyone other than himself. Constantly draws attention to himself and his loved one.
  3. Good creative thinking, great imagination. Talks a lot about nothing.
  4. The erudition is extensive, but not deep. Under no circumstances should you be an accountant or other responsible employee.
  5. Unusually artistic, always in different images. All for the sake of attracting more attention (energy).

Communication and behavior of a hysteroid

  1. Superficiality - it is easier to change the flock than to delve deeper into the topic of conversation.
  2. Ability to interest
  3. Great manipulative abilities
  4. He loves gifts, although he can flirtatiously declare that gifts are not important to him. For this type, gifts are more important than for a representative of any other psychological type.
  5. Scandalist, starts with half a turn.


3. Showbiz figure

5. Seller. Variety and attention from others are very important.



EPILEPTID- prone to seizures, to a state of passion, irritable. Aimed at preserving information and one’s own well-being. Achieves this by establishing order and control everywhere.

Routine is very important for him, sleep, food, sex on a schedule. Anyone who brings discord into his life is an enemy. This psychotype can be compared to a balloon that is constantly inflating and is about to burst. It is important for him to constantly deflate in order to avoid an explosion.

An individual in this category is greedy for representatives of the opposite sex to satisfy natural physiological needs, loves food because it helps maintain vital activity and health, loves order in business, because everything should be in order and that’s right. Often he teaches others about life.

He doesn't like displays of emotion. All government bodies are built according to their template, that is, everything is according to instructions. They make good accountants and administrators.

It has a scanner running all the time. He subconsciously identifies strong people, identifies weaknesses in a person and knows how to use this information for his own benefit.

Very executive type, controlling, disciplined. Will succeed where you need to dig deep. A good specialist with a narrow profile.

Appearance of the epileptoid:

  1. Strong constitution, well-developed muscle mass. Athletic build.
  2. A well-defined chin, a strong jaw, possibly thick eyebrows and powerful brow ridges.
  3. Heavy look
  4. Short functional hairstyle
  5. Accuracy
  6. Clothes according to the script. That is, if it is customary in a certain place to be dressed in something specific, he will dress exactly like that. Even if the situation turns out that circumstances have changed. For example, the weather is not right. But he will endure the weather, but he will dress correctly.

Facial expressions and pantomimics of an epileptoid:

  1. Discreet
  2. Limited by certain stereotypes
  3. Harshness with those who prevent him from performing certain functions and distract him from performing his duty

Thinking and speech of an epileptoid:

  1. Clearly focused on action, not on empty blah blah. These are the ideal military. In moments of danger, the brain turns off and reflexes turn on. Without panic, he resolves issues as they arise.
  2. The individual depends on physiological needs - food, sleep, sex.
  3. Rough or neutral progressive
  4. Clumsiness, clumsiness
  5. Doesn't like to explain

Communication and behavior of an epileptoid:

  1. Responsibility. But if they sit on his neck, he quickly notices it and gets rid of the manipulator mercilessly
  2. Subordination, difficult to let people into your circle. Very restrained in expressing feelings.
  3. It is even possible to be aggressive to test the recruit's strength. Thus, he weeds out those who are not suitable for him.
  4. Vengefulness, remembers the insult for a long time
  5. Strives to control everything
  6. Can't sell

Emotions, feelings of an epileptoid:

  1. The process of discharge is important, there will be no tenderness
  2. Manipulates partner


1. Monotonous affairs (accounting, tax accounting, administration)

2. Power structures (army, police)

3. Local officials

4. Security guards



PARANOYAL- called upon to carry out global reform, to transform the world. Able to manage human resources in order to achieve a great goal. Without pity, without conscience, he will walk over the bones to complete the task.

Unlike the previous type, he knows the goal, but does not know HOW to go towards it. But having chosen a direction, he will achieve his goal, no matter what the cost. He inspires and motivates those around him to carry out their own programs.

He is inclined towards a Spartan lifestyle and thinks little about health. The stomach often “flies”, thanks to hard work and dedication in the name of an idea.

It is dangerous to get help from him. When he needs it, he will receive the debt in the amount that he needs. He has no irreplaceable people. As soon as one person (cog) wears out, he will replace it with another.

He can easily steal an idea, he is a workaholic, cruel and without rules.

Appearance of paranoid:

  1. Tension, officialdom, like a core.
  2. Commitment to style, depending on your own goal. Carries his idea through clothes.
  3. Status of your own style

Facial expressions and pantomimics of the paranoid:

  1. Total suppression of emotions
  2. Cynical, suspicious look (tense lower eyelid)
  3. Lips become thinner thanks to self-control
  4. Motivating gestures, wider than those of an epileptoid
  5. Slashing movements
  6. There is an accusation in the speech, very suspicious

The thinking and speech of the paranoid:

  1. Not suggestible. To influence him, it is necessary to destroy the halo of the goal, to introduce a shadow of doubt. Another way is to hint at the transience of life, that he may not have time to complete his mission on earth.
  2. Speech is smooth, strong, reasoned, inspiring
  3. Able to persuade
  4. Focused on business

Emotional and sensual sphere of the paranoid:

  1. There is no time for love, he chooses a partner according to necessity - who is more suitable for the business.
  2. Wedding - staged for the right people
  3. Uses a partner to achieve his own goals, often very cynically
  4. This is a strategist; a hysterical steroid is most suitable for him in a partnership - it will work as a beautiful screen in his affairs. Or the epileptoid is the executor of his grandiose plans.


1. Lawyer

2. Career growth is important. Salesperson with the opportunity to become a director

3. Politician

4. High level official

Motto: “The end justifies the means”


EMOTIVE- the man is God's dandelion. He treats everything around him kindly. He wants to harmonize and humanize everything around him.

This is a brilliant actor because he does not dress up the role, but lives the life of the hero he plays. They have extraordinary empathy for people, they are very sensitive to any manifestations of lies. But they will never offend their partner with suspicion.

A person does not know how to refuse people, and those around him take advantage of this. Often the emotive person promises more than he can deliver due to his inability to say NO. This implies that he is not obligated; he simply cannot do some things.

This is the most faithful psychotype. He will never cheat on his partner, he will wait for him all his life if fate separates them. Often they love unrequitedly, while the other party lives with another partner.

If an emotional person flares up, he then becomes very worried, tormented by a feeling of guilt, etc.

Appearance of emotive:

  1. Dresses with taste, cute, aesthetically pleasing, harmonious, comfortable. The tones are calm and soft.
  2. Women most often have long hair
  3. No contrasts
  4. Proper facial features

Facial expressions and pantomimics of the emotive:

  1. Sad, mournful, heartfelt.
  2. Sincerity, naturalness
  3. Kindness, honesty
  4. Romance
  5. Tact

Emotive thinking and speech:

  1. Reflects the premonitions and experiences of the individual
  2. Quiet
  3. Melodic
  4. Apologetic
  5. Competent
  6. Knows how to listen

Communication and behavior of emotive:

  1. Goodwill
  2. Statement
  3. Hyperresponsibility
  4. Shyness, shyness
  5. Patience
  6. Reliability
  7. Sacrifice
  8. Inability to say NO
  9. Guilt
  10. Love is a deep feeling
  11. Can't lie


1. Teacher, educator

2. Nanny, nurse, doctor

3. Psychologist

4. Designer

5. Actor, poet, artist

Motto: “Guys, let’s live together”


HYPERTIME- eternal child. Lives to gain new emotions through high social activity.

He lives quickly and immediately enters into communication. This is an emotional addict, he feeds on new impressions and adrenaline. Loves adventure.

Rarely works in one place, on one project. Freedom is important to him.

This is an ideal seller as long as there is a sense of newness

Thinking and speech hyperthymia:

  1. Focus on immediate resolution of issues
  2. Excitedly
  3. Adrenaline junkie, joint inside
  4. “Simplicity is worse than theft.” He may give out confidential information without thinking about the consequences.
  5. Emotionally colored

Treatment and behavior of hyperthymia:

  1. Non-binding
  2. Focus on emotions and novelty
  3. Unreliability
  4. Love is like entertainment. Pickup, Free Love - for him
  5. Noisy, restless, like all children
  6. Active
  7. Positive, sociable, adrenaline junkie

Appearance of hyperthyma:

  1. Functional (dressed to go everywhere). Ingratiates oneself, but cannot be placed in responsible positions
  2. Some confusion due to haste

Facial expressions and pantomimics hypertim:

  1. Movable, bright
  2. Other-oriented
  3. Fast-paced, full of ideas. It is important to write down these ideas, otherwise the hypertrim quickly switches and gets distracted.
  4. Widespread
  5. Charging


1. Tour guide

2. Teacher, counselor

3. Animator, toastmaster at a wedding

Motto: “Oh, grief is not a problem!”


SCHIZOID- strange, “out of this world.” They live in their own world and seem not entirely adequate from the point of view of other people. A striking example is Dr. Brown from the movie "Back to the Future".

Constantly looking for something new. This new thing will not necessarily be practical or necessary, but he is fully involved in the process.

Society does not accept him, he is an object of ridicule. Therefore, a schizoid person often withdraws into himself and goes into the virtual world of the Internet. No one understands him, so he rejoices and opens up to those who understand him. It is through this channel that it is easy to gain confidence in him.

He doesn't understand life. Having started one thing, you may end up with the opposite. A creative person, trying to understand everything, a deep inner world. He doesn't feel time. Order is not necessary for him.

Thinking and speech of a schizoid:

  1. Philosophizing
  2. Designing something new that doesn’t exist yet. Not necessarily useful
  3. Non-standard
  4. Doesn't know life
  5. Slurred speech
  6. Confusion of the speech algorithm

Communication, behavior of schizoid

  1. Not clear
  2. Communicates with someone who understands him
  3. Irresponsibility
  4. We hurt easily
  5. Internalizes stereotypes

Schizoid appearance:

  1. Hoodie, hood, headphones
  2. Something new, non-standard
  3. Untidy
  4. Ungroomed hairstyle
  5. Strange, it's a black sheep
  6. Possible beard
  7. Hands get in the way
  8. Unusual pose
  9. Loves backpacks and big bags

Facial expressions and pantomimics of the schizoid

  1. This is an orchestra in which everyone plays whatever they want.
  2. Doesn't understand his size, so he's quite clumsy
  3. Splitting - can be in several processes at once
  4. Complexly structured speech
  5. Doesn't understand jokes, reacts inappropriately


1. Programmer

2. Inventor, if you have the ability

3. Minimal communication with people



PSYCHASTHENOID- an unusually timid and indecisive person. He will spend hours talking about empty, uninteresting things in order not to take decisive action. He is more afraid of making decisions than nuclear war. He is terribly suspicious, shy, always afraid for his loved ones, which can drive them crazy. An ideal performer, trouble-free at work. What everyone and anyone is using.

Appearance of psychasthenoid

  1. Just in case, he is pedantically careful, because he is afraid of trouble. With the help of an impeccable appearance, he tries to neutralize additional fears
  2. The tones of clothing are gray and beige. Tries to be inconspicuous so as not to attract attention to himself
  3. He wears the same clothes for a long time, which is why he lags behind fashion.
  4. Women hide their hair in a ponytail or bun. They say about such women: “Gray mouse.”

Facial expressions and pantomimics of the psychasthenoid

  1. Without strong emotions
  2. Extremely indecisive
  3. Often there is a frozen emotion of sadness on the face
  4. The movements are minimally sweeping, not completed.

Thinking and speech of a psychasthenoid

  1. Speaks quietly, hesitantly, “eats” the end of words
  2. Stutters
  3. Does not use gestures to illustrate speech
  4. When talking, does not make eye contact, lowers jaw
  5. Does not expect attentive attention from people. And if someone took care of him, the psychasthenoid will remember this for the rest of his life

Communication and behavior of a psychasthenoid

  1. He never asks for anything because he is afraid of refusal.
  2. Prefers solitude
  3. Finds a more courageous and decisive person, and voluntarily submits to him
  4. Loyal in friendship, as he finds it difficult to get along with new people


HYPOTHYME- a terribly negative, pessimistic type. Moreover, with low self-esteem. Depression is his eternal state. Eternal self-digging drives him to madness.

Appearance of hypothyma

  1. Treats everyone with caution, takes offense for a long time at the slightest provocation
  2. Direly needs friends to complain about life, but pushes everyone away
  3. Makes new acquaintances with difficulty, practically does not make them at all

Facial expressions and pantomimics hypothyma

  1. Always sad and angry. Emotions of sadness and anger on the face
  2. Tries to be less visible to avoid possible shocks
  3. Behind the mask of a bore, he can show affection and support to loved ones. But he doesn’t know how to accept gratitude, so after he’s helped, he may leave or even become rude.

Thinking and speech hypothyma

  1. Doesn't like and doesn't know how to communicate
  2. Avoids people
  3. Speech is poorly developed, although he may be well-informed intellectually

Communication and behavior of hypothyma

  1. Never expects anything good
  2. Can ruin the mood of any person, even the most positive one
  3. Constantly analyzes his mistakes, even the most insignificant ones. Inflates them to the size of the Universe and suffers. He counts himself among the losers, and revels in his torment.
  4. Works conscientiously and is especially critical of the results of his work
  5. Chooses a profession where he can be in solitude and peace

Hypotyma's motto: “Not everything is as bad as it seems. Everything is much worse."


CONFORMAL- a representative of the gray mass of opportunists. He quickly changes his mind as soon as he comes under the influence of a new leader. Always supports someone whom he sees as an authoritative person.

Appearance of conformal

  1. As everybody

Facial expressions and pantomimics of conformal

  1. Ingratiating

Conformal thinking and speech

  1. Never have an opinion
  2. Captures the general mood of the crowd well and clearly voices the general opinion

Communication and behavior of conformist

  1. Tries to be convenient for the one he considers a leader

The motto is “Think like everyone else, do like everyone else, and have everything be like everyone else.”


UNSTABLE- extremely mobile, unable to concentrate. Having absolutely no opinion of his own, and easily falling under the influence of any person.


ASTHENIC- extremely tired, painful, suspicious. An unusually capricious greenhouse flower.

No. 13. LABILE

LABILE- a person with severe mood swings from minor events. Any little thing can make him angry, at the same time the same little thing brings him into a state of joyful ecstasy


CYCLOID- a person with cyclical mood swings. Absolutely unpredictable and unbalanced. The mood changes for no apparent reason. In life it is very difficult to communicate.


This is the best tool for life!


6 reasons to study physiognomy and profiling right now:

1. You will know ALL THE SECRETS of people, because the face is always in sight. To do this, you will not need any data about the person - no last name, no first name, no patronymic, no date, no time, no place of birth, no passport information, no details of his current account - NOTHING!

3. You will increase your income by an average of 40%

4. You will build a strong family without wasting time on mistakes

6. You won't need a lie detector