MCC workstations list. New metro scheme - MKZD

The average speed of passenger trains will be 40 km/h.

According to the head of the Business Block Management Department Passenger Transportation JSC " RUSSIAN RAILWAYS " Maxim Schneider, the average speed is determined taking into account acceleration and deceleration and stopping time. In addition, freight traffic will continue on the Moscow Central Circle." As before, it will be served by the depot “ Likhobory”, equipped with diesel locomotives 2M62 and ChME3. However, after the launch of passenger electric trains, freight traffic will be carried out mainly at night.

Passenger traffic on the Moscow Central Circle will be launched in the fall of 2016. In the first year of operation, it is planned to transport about 75 million people. There will be 31 transport interchange hubs on the Moscow Ring Railway, and all stations will also provide the possibility of transferring to public transport.

/ Thursday, July 7, 2016 /

Topics: Public transport Moscow Ring Railway MCC Russian Railways

It will be possible to travel a full circle along the Moscow Central Circle in 84 minutes, the head of the business block management department told reporters Passenger Transportation JSC " RUSSIAN RAILWAYS " Maxim Shneider. He is quoted by the agency “ Moscow ". According to the official, the average speed of electric trains will be about 40 kilometers per hour, taking into account acceleration and deceleration and stopping time. Control of travel and inspection of passengers at stations will be carried out by Russian Railways employees, for which inspection areas will be created with metal detectors.
In turn, the deputy head of the State Unitary Enterprise Moscow subway for Strategic Development and Investments, Roman Latypov again confirmed that the launch of the ring will not affect the cost of travel. “Cards” will be valid on the line Troika”, “United", “90 minutes" and all types of capital benefits. And in August, new schemes will appear in the subway, where the Moscow Central Circle will be indicated as the 14th metro line; the launch of the line may be scheduled for the first ten days of September.
According to the calculations of the capital's authorities, the ring will gain popularity among Muscovites and guests of the capital within two years after the launch of passenger traffic on it. In the first year of operation, the road should carry approximately 75 million passengers, and by 2025 the expected passenger traffic will increase to 300 million people per year, which is comparable to traffic on busy subway lines.

In this case, the average speed will be about 40 kilometers per hour, reports the City News Agency “ Moscow " with reference to the Head of the Business Unit Management Department Passenger Transportation JSC " RUSSIAN RAILWAYS " Maxim Schneider.

Also, trains on the Moscow Circle will be synchronized with the metro. Thus, trains will not run at night from 1:00 to 5:30. The opening of the ring railway is scheduled for September 1, 2016. There will be 31 stations on the ring, passengers will be able to make 17 transfers to 11 metro lines and 9 transfers to radial directions of the Moscow railway hub. All city tickets and benefits will be valid to pay for travel, and transfers between the metro and the Moscow Ring Railway will be free.

The launch of passenger traffic on the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway will actually create another ground ring of the Moscow Metro, which will reduce the load on the subway by about 15%, and in 2020 - by 20 percent. The load on critical sections of radial metro lines will be reduced - these are two or three stations in front of the ring, where the maximum number of passengers gathers during rush hour.

A full circle along the Moscow Ring Railway (Moscow Ring Railway), including stops, will take passengers 84 minutes.

According to the portal, the entire route around the ring will take 84 minutes. Head of the Business Unit Management Department Passenger Transportation JSC " RUSSIAN RAILWAYS " Maxim Shneider said that this takes into account stops and acceleration and braking.

The Moscow Ring Railway (outdated name) will be the second metro circuit. It will intersect with the metro at convenient interchange hubs. The test launch of the ring will take place in July. Passengers will be able to use the railway from September.

The 54-kilometer ring will have 31 stations and 17 interchanges on the metro line. All city tickets and benefits on the ring will remain valid.

It will be possible to drive along the Moscow Central Circle in 84 minutes at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, the Agency reports. Moscow ".
“We expect that the train will complete a full circle, including stops, in 84 minutes. The route speed will be about 40 kilometers per hour, taking into account acceleration and deceleration and stopping time.”, - said the head of the business block management department Passenger Transportation JSC " RUSSIAN RAILWAYS " Maxim Shneider.
The Moscow Ring Railway will become a full-fledged second circuit of the metro, which will be integrated into the Moscow subway system with the help of convenient transport hubs. The test launch of the second metro ring is scheduled for mid-July, and the railway will open for passengers in September.
The length of the Small Ring will be 54 kilometers. 130 pairs of trains will run along it at intervals of 5-6 minutes during peak hours. It is planned to equip all rolling stock with energy-saving electrical equipment.
There will be 31 stations with transport interchange hubs (TPU) on the ring. There are 17 transfers to 11 metro lines and 9 transfers to radial railway lines.
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Today it became known how long it will take to travel from point A to point A on the Moscow Ring Railway. Test runs of trains have shown that a full circle along the Moscow Central Circle can be traveled in 84 minutes at a speed of 40 km/h. The head of the business block management department told reporters about this. Passenger Transportation JSC " RUSSIAN RAILWAYS " Maxim Shneider.
Deputy Mayor, head of the capital's Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development Maxim Liksutov said that the Moscow Ring Road received the official name "Moscow Central Circle". It was previously reported that passenger traffic on the Moscow Ring Railway is planned to be launched in the fall of 2016. In the first year of operation, the Moscow Ring Railway should transport approximately 75 million passengers.

A full circle along the Moscow Central Road (formerly the Moscow Ring Road) will take 84 minutes, the news agency reported. Moscow " with reference to the head of the Business Block Management Department Passenger Transportation JSC " RUSSIAN RAILWAYS " Maxim Schneider.

. . . . . The route speed will be about 40 kilometers per hour, taking into account acceleration and deceleration and stopping time,” Schneider said.

Let us recall that the Moscow Ring Railway (MKZD) was given the official name - Moscow Central Road. Now on metro maps it is called “Second ring”.

Already this fall, the capital's metro will be connected to the new ring. The MCD is a modern, electrified line with completely new traffic safety devices. According to preliminary calculations, after its commissioning, the Circle Line of the Moscow Metro will be unloaded by 15%.

This is the time for a full circle of the MCC.

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The average speed of electric trains will be about 40 km/h. Passage control and screening of passengers at stations will be carried out by Russian Railways employees using metal detector frames.

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In certain sections of the ring there is a third route for maneuvering train movements.

The transport route will be opened for passengers by the end of 2016. 31 stations will operate, including 17 with transfers to the metro line.

The average speed of trains on the Small Ring Railway will be 40 kilometers per hour. They will be synchronized with the metro, and transfers between the metro and the Moscow Ring Railway will be free.

. . . . . All city tickets and benefits will be valid to pay for travel on the Small Ring.

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The Moscow Central Circle (MCC) will open to passengers in early September. Approximately September 10th. This was stated by the head of the Moscow Metro, Dmitry Pegov.

The MCC line received number 14 in the Moscow Metro. The ring consists of 31 stations, 17 of them are connected to the metro, 10 to radial railway lines. Transfers between metro stations and the MCC will take no more than 10-12 minutes. The shortest and most comfortable transfers will be in “warm” (not requiring going outside) crossings from the stations: Mezhdunarodnaya, Leninsky Prospekt, Cherkizovskaya, Vladykino, Kutuzovskaya.

The main advantage of the Moscow Central Circle is that it should relieve the “Koltsevaya” line by 15%, the “Sokolnicheskaya” line by 20%, and all stations.


Since the Moscow Central Circle is metro line 14, the operating hours will be identical - daily from 5.30 to 1.00.


A single ticket for 20 trips will cost 650 rubles, for 40 trips - 1,300 rubles, 60 trips - 1,570 rubles. At the same time, travel for Troika card users on the MCC will cost the same as on the metro - 32 rubles. It is worth emphasizing that the possibility of transferring from the metro to the MCC and back will be free of charge.

Transfers within 90 minutes from the moment you first enter the station are free. Reprogramming of turnstiles, cash registers, and ticket vending machines has now begun,” said Dmitry Pegov.

You can use the second free metro transfer from MCC platforms only with tickets purchased after September 1. Passengers who purchased tickets before this date will be able to exchange them for new ones, with the benefit of a free transfer. Otherwise, the additional trip will be charged. And the first 30,000 people who exchange tickets purchased before September 1 will receive gifts from the metro. There will be no need to exchange social cards.


Tickets can be purchased in the same way as for trips on the metro: at ticket offices, vending machines, or top up your Troika card via the Internet. It will also be possible to pay for travel by credit card. For this purpose, all stations are now equipped with machines for reading bank cards.


The stations will introduce similar services that exist in the metro. Passengers with limited mobility will be able to benefit from free mobility assistance. The stations will have chargers for gadgets, trees, and benches. And also trash cans, which are not in the Moscow metro itself. “Live Communication” counters will appear at five stations, where tourists will also be able to obtain information in English. In particular, it is already being installed at the Luzhniki station.


33 trains will be launched on the ring, which will have handrails for standing passengers. And just like on regular trains, there will be toilets. The interval between trains will be only 6 minutes.


By the time the Moscow Central Circle launches, the map will be updated in the Yandex Metro application, which is used by many Muscovites.

We have already taken measurements so that people can plan their time on the trip. People will also be informed about temporary closures of stations, said Alexander Shulgin, CEO of Yandex in Russia.


Navigation is hosted;

The trains practice movement intervals;

Information boards are installed on the platforms;

They are creating comfortable ground transport routes connecting with stations of the new subway line.


75 million passengers will be able to use the transportation in the first year, and by 2025 the number will increase to 350 million passengers annually;

The metro staff will increase by 800 people.

Online workload application

To implement this project, it is necessary to prepare the infrastructure to show this. But we have this in our plans. This will be a similar project to Yandex.Traffic. The Moscow Metro is working on the issue of providing Yandex with data on congestion. As soon as we are able to receive them, we will send them to Yandex, and they will be displayed in the application online,” said Dmitry Pegov, head of the metro.

Launch stages

The opening of the Moscow Central Circle (MCC) took place on September 10, 2016. At the first stage, 24 stations will be available to passengers, and seven more MCC platforms will open in December. A RIAMO correspondent learned how to use a new type of urban transport.

The opening of MCC stations will take place in three stages.

The first one is scheduled for September 10, already this Saturday 24 stations will be put into operation: Okruzhnaya, Likhobory, Baltiyskaya, Streshnevo, Shelepikha, Delovoy Tsentr, Kutuzovskaya, Luzhniki, " Gagarin Square”, “Crimean”, “Upper Boilers”, “Vladykino”, “Botanical Garden”, “Rostokino”, “Belokamennaya”, “Rokossovsky Boulevard”, “Lokomotiv”, “Falcon Mountain”, “Entuziastov Highway”, “ Nizhegorodskaya", "Novokhokhlovskaya", "Ugreshskaya", "Avtozavodskaya" and "ZIL".

In December 2016, 7 more stations will become available to passengers: Koptevo, Panfilovskaya, Zorge, Khoroshevo, Izmailovo, Andronovka and Dubrovka.

And in 2018, the construction of warm crossings will be completed: it will be possible to make transfers without going outside. A total of 350 transfers will be available for passengers, so travel time should be reduced by 3 times.



From September 10 to October 10, 2016, travel to the MCC will be free for everyone. Some of the turnstiles will be open, and others will open automatically when approaching them. Thus, tickets will need to be applied to the turnstile only in transitions to railway stations and the metro.

After October 10, any Moscow Metro travel card (Troika, Ediny, 90 Minutes), as well as social cards, will be used to access the MCC station. Within 90 minutes from the moment the ticket is validated, the transition from the metro to the MCC and back will be free. Payment for travel by bank cards is also provided.


MCC schemes

Three variants of MCC schemes have been developed for passengers. The first, in addition to the metro lines and MCC stations, indicates the stages of opening stations and transitions, the distance between transfer stations and the time it will take to transfer.

The second version of the diagram will help commuters find their way: the map shows railway stations, existing metro lines, as well as MCC stations and “warm” metro transfers.

The third diagram shows the stops of ground urban transport near the MCC stations, as well as the interval of its movement during rush hour. For example, from the Luzhniki platform of the MCC you can go to the Sportivnaya metro station in 2 minutes. Buses number 806, 64, 132 and 255 regularly run there, so getting to the right place will not be difficult.

In addition, the map shows all the main attractions of the city, forest parks and nature reserves. Many of them are within walking distance from the MCC, for example, Losiny Ostrov Park and the Vorobyovy Gory Nature Reserve.



The MCC is integrated into the Moscow public transport system with the possibility of transfer to the metro, Moscow Railway trains and ground public transport.

From September 10, it will be possible to transfer from the MCC to the metro at 11 stations (Business Center, Kutuzovskaya, Luzhniki, Lokomotiv, Gagarin Square, Vladykino, Botanical Garden, Rokossovsky Boulevard, "Voikovskaya", "Shosse Entuziastov", "Avtozavodskaya"), by train - on five ("Rostokino", "Andronovka", "Okruzhnaya", "Business Center", "Likhobory").

By the end of 2016, the number of transfer hubs will increase to 14 and 6, respectively, and in 2018 there will be 17 transfers from the MCC to the metro and 10 to the train.

To make a free metro-MCC-metro transfer (within an interval of 90 minutes), you need to attach your metro travel document to the turnstile with a special yellow sticker at the entrance to the MCC station.

Passengers who are planning a trip only on the MCC or intend to make one metro transfer - MCC or vice versa, can apply their tickets to any turnstiles, including those without yellow stickers.

If you do not meet the 1.5 hour time limit, you will need to pay for the fare again when making a transfer.


Trains and intervals

New luxury trains “Lastochka” with a capacity of 1,200 people will run on the MCC. Their maximum speed is 160 kilometers per hour, and they will travel along the MCC at an average speed of 50 kilometers per hour.

The trains are equipped with air conditioning, dry closets, information panels, free Wi-Fi, sockets and bicycle racks.

The cars will open manually: to enter or exit, you will need to press a special button installed on the doors. The buttons will be active (green backlight) only after the train has stopped on the platform; at other times, the doors will be locked for safety reasons.

During morning and evening rush hours, the traffic interval will be only 6 minutes. The rest of the time, “Swallow” will need to wait from 10 to 15 minutes.


Updating (activating) travel cards

In order to access the MCC using “90 minutes”, “United” for 20, 40 and 60 trips, “Troika” tickets purchased or topped up before September 1, 2016, you need to renew them. To do this, you can contact the metro or monorail ticket office, as well as the metro passenger agency (Boyarsky Lane, 6) or the Moscow Transport service center (Staraya Basmannaya St., 20, building 1).

Holders of a Strelka card to travel by train must exchange it at the metro ticket office for a card with the Troika application.

Activation is carried out without changing the balance of trips and the validity period of the ticket, while the new reprogrammed travel documents will allow free transfers from the metro to the MCC and back.

You can also update your Troika electronic card yourself by topping up your balance at ticket machines at stations, on the website, via SMS or at payment terminals. As for social cards, their activation is not required.


Help and navigation

You can find out detailed information about updating tickets, transfer hubs and navigation on the MCC from consultants at the entrance to the ring metro stations or at metro stations adjacent to the MCC. Volunteers will also help passengers navigate the new transport. A special mobile application is also being developed, with which you can choose the optimal route.

Here you can see new convenient routes through the MCC.

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  • TASS-DOSSIER /Valery Korneev/. On September 10, passenger traffic opens in Moscow on the Moscow Central Circle (MCC), an intracity ring line of passenger electric trains that uses the infrastructure of the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway (MK MZD).

    The line is integrated with the Moscow metro (in the metro system it is assigned the number 14) and radial railway lines.

    Stations and transfers

    The total length of the Moscow Central Circle is 54 km. A total of 31 passenger platforms have been built on the MCC. It is expected that 26 platforms will open for passenger traffic on September 10, 2016, the remaining 5 by the end of 2016.

    Transfers to the Moscow Metro lines are planned from 17 stations. Five transfers to metro stations from the very beginning will be carried out “in a warm circuit” (without going outside): to “Kutuzovskaya”, “Delovoy Tsentr”, “Vladykino”, Cherkizovskaya” and “Leninsky Prospekt”. In 2016, after the opening station "Shelepikha" of the Third Interchange Circuit, transport interchange hubs will be built that will provide transitions "in a warm circuit" to the metro stations "Partizanskaya", "Botanical Garden", "Rokossovsky Boulevard", as well as the stations under construction "Nizhegorodskaya" and "Okruzhnaya" ".

    At other stations, you will need to go outside to transfer: for example, a transfer from the Baltiyskaya MCC station to the Voykovskaya metro station will take about 12 minutes.

    In 2016, five transfers to electric trains in five directions will operate - Kazansky, Leningradsky, Belorussky, Yaroslavsky and Smolensky. Four more transfers - to Paveletskoye, Rizhskoye, Kursk, Gorky directions - will open in the coming years after the existing platforms are moved. The only direction of commuter trains with which transfers are not provided is Kyiv.

    Also, transfers to 273 ground public transport routes will be organized from MCC stations.


    During the first month of operation of the MCC (until October 10, 2016), travel along the ring will be free for passengers.

    In the future, travel will be carried out using travel tickets and transport cards ("Unified", "90 minutes", "Troika") in accordance with metro tariffs while maintaining all existing social benefits.

    At the same time, with a ticket for one trip it will be possible to make a triple transfer: metro - MCC - metro.

    Operating hours, intervals

    Opening hours - from 05.30 to 01.00 - coincide with the schedule of the capital's metro.

    6 minutes - intervals during rush hours, 11-15 minutes - at other times. As the demand for the line increases, the intervals may decrease.

    A circular drive around the entire ring will take 75-85 minutes.

    Rolling stock

    Every day, 30 five-car ES2G Lastochka trains (Siemens Desiro RUS), manufactured at the Ural Railway Engineering Plant, will operate on the MCC. Three more trains will be in reserve. Maintenance of the trains will be carried out by Siemens (under an agreement concluded at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in 2015) at the Podmoskovnoye depot, located in the Sokol and Airport districts of Moscow.

    Each train can accommodate 1,200 passengers; Lastochka can also carry up to 12 bicycles. The trains are equipped with climate control systems, toilets, 220 V sockets and Wi-Fi. The doors will open with buttons at the request of passengers.

    The maximum design speed of the Lastochka is 160 km/h. However, on the MCC, due to frequent stops, trains will only be able to reach a speed of 80 km/h. The average route speed will be about 40 km/h.

    In total, up to 134 pairs of trains will run on the MCC per day.

    Project cost

    The MCC construction budget is 130.3 billion rubles. In total, 74.8 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget, investments from the Moscow government amounted to 15.5 billion rubles. Another about 40 billion rubles. private investors will invest in the construction of transport hubs.

    Freight traffic

    Freight traffic on the line will continue at reduced volumes only at night. Currently there are 12 operating freight stations on the ring.

    MCC goals

    The main goal of the project is to relieve congestion at railway stations, central parts of metro lines and create new short routes. The Moscow General Plan Institute expects that the introduction of the MCC will reduce passenger traffic on the Sokolnicheskaya metro line by 20%, on the Circle Line by 15%, on Lyublinskaya by 14%, on Filevskaya by 12%, on Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya by 18% and Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya - by 5%.

    The load at Kazansky station will decrease by 30%, at Kursky - by 40%, at Yaroslavsky - by 20%, at Rizhsky - by 30%, at Leningradsky - by 20%.

    It is planned that by September 2017 the Moscow Central Circle will transport 75 million passengers, 34.5 million of whom will use the road to transfer from the metro, 20.2 million from electric trains, 12.7 million from ground urban transport, and 7. 5 million will be city residents living near the MCC.

    By 2025, the MCC is expected to transport 300 million passengers a year, and the line itself will create up to 40 thousand new jobs after the development of the areas closest to the stations.

    MCC section on the official website of the Moscow Metro -