Promotion of a channel on YouTube. YouTube channel promotion: methods and methods of promotion

Hello! In this article we will talk about how to make money on exchangers.

  • How much can you earn: from 100 rubles per day.
  • Minimum Requirements: basic knowledge of Forex.
  • Is it worth it?: if you want to learn how to trade in the foreign exchange market.

General information about making money on exchangers

Making money on exchangers is a rather interesting opportunity to get money if you have basic knowledge about currency rates and their movements. A kind of thing, only with minimal investments and virtually no risks. If you want to learn how to make money on currency pairs, then I advise you to start with exchangers.

Let’s immediately touch on the topic of “magic wallets” and sites that help you make money on exchangers. Such methods of fraud are gradually becoming a thing of the past, but there are still those who are trying to lure ordinary citizens with this. Let's not fall for their tricks.

The essence of magic wallets is as follows. You throw money at him, after some time “you will receive 2 times more.” Newcomers in some cases started with small amounts. The money came, everything was fine. But as soon as someone charged an amount with 3 - 4 zeros, the money disappeared somewhere. It can't be that simple. This is a lie.

The essence of “magic exchangers” is as follows. You must transfer electronic currencies through some exchanger to the site account. Then, using the site, you transfer money somewhere else and after that you are in the black. Only at the stage of transfer to “another site” is the money successfully lost. You will receive assurances that “in a couple of days the required amount will be credited to your account.” You can forget about it right away.

This is the most difficult and safest way to make money on. Most exchangers save money and offer it to users themselves. For this they pay from 5 to 15% of the system’s profit for each referred client. Let's look at an example:

If the exchanger’s commission is 1.5%, and you receive 15% of the profit, then for every 10,000 rubles that will be transferred through the system, you will receive 22.5 rubles.

It would seem that this is not much, and the amounts processed through exchangers are usually smaller: from 500 rubles to 3 - 4 thousand. But the amount is paid simply for the fact that you brought a person - that is, it is on someone else’s electronic currency exchange.

You can attract referrals in different ways. You can also collect ratings of the most reliable exchangers. You can answer the questions “where to exchange currency n for m” on forums or on social networks and attach referral links.

There are many ways to make money from referrals. But this method very much depends on luck: whether a person will exchange using your link, whether he will find another option, and so on. Get ready for the fact that this method of making money on exchangers will not be completely passive at the initial stage. You will have to try hard to get good referrals that will periodically bring you income.

3. Earnings on cryptocurrency exchange.

This is a more interesting way to make money than the first one, because you are practically not required to “guess” when the rate will go up and when it will go down. The scheme is simple:

  • You buy cryptocurrency in one exchanger.
  • Monitor several verified exchange offices throughout the day.
  • If you see that somewhere the price is higher than the one at which you bought, exchange it.

In this way, you can earn from 100 rubles a day if you periodically monitor how things are going in different exchangers. This is quite difficult, because you will have to devote a lot of time to monitoring and also calculate what the real cost of the purchased and sold currency will be minus interest.

But this method of earning money has one significant advantage: the price of cryptocurrency varies greatly. Even during one trading day, it can jump and fall by 50 - 100 dollars (this applies). That is, for one transaction you can get from 0.7 to 1.5% profit minus commission.

For beginners who know nothing about cryptocurrency or trading, I would not recommend this method of earning money. Still, you will have to have a rough idea of ​​where the market will move. But the cost of error in such cases is minimal, and if you use basic analytical skills and tools like minimum and maximum lines, you can make some money.

The main difference from the first method is that cryptocurrency is even more volatile. The course is constantly changing, jumping, and ups and downs constantly alternate. Therefore, there is a lower probability of error here, because you can hold the money for a day or two, and there is a greater chance of making a profit.

If you are not well versed in trading and currency, only the second way to make money is suitable for you. In the first and third, you will have to imagine where the rate might move and at what price it is better to purchase the asset. This is very similar to playing Forex, only the stakes are much smaller, and with them the probability of losing a large amount is less.

Greetings to my dear readers. Today I will reveal all the secrets and show you how to promote a video on YouTube for free. Yes, this is the question asked by all users who have created their own YouTube channels from scratch and start recording their videos. Personally, I needed my own channel to upload videos for new blog posts, since storing all the videos on hosting is very problematic.

If you record cool videos, you can earn a lot of money with the help, but not everyone will be able to do everything perfectly; here you need to have talent and a good understanding of video editing and design of your videos. You won’t believe it, but sometimes by making one cool video you can one day wake up famous. Don't believe me? So the same Justin Bieber or PSY, who recorded mega hits, became the most popular people in the world and, most importantly, highly paid, which is what everyone strives for.

Videos of an entertaining nature are very popular and well promoted, as opposed to educational and narrowly focused topics. But there is such a thing as a viral video. I think everyone has heard about such a video, which instantly sells like pies, and has tens of millions of views. And you don’t need any producers or millions of rubles to promote your business; it’s enough to show your talent and please the public, and the users themselves will carry you in their arms to a mountain of gold.

Selection of keywords for videos

If you look at the main page of YouTube video hosting, you can see the search bar for all videos, which we will primarily use to optimize our videos. After you have prepared your video for uploading, you need to decide on the queries on which we will promote. I will tell you with my example of my video clip on video compression without loss of quality.

If we enter this query in the search, then my video is displayed in 9th place as in the following screenshot.

How to do this? It all depends on the competition of a given request and its frequency. If we look at the example of Yandex statistics, we can see the following picture of changes in the request history.

One interesting point of difference in optimizing titles and descriptions for videos and articles for a blog is that on YouTube you can even promote high-frequency queries using them many times both in the body of the document and in the list of key queries. So far, Google has not punished such fraud. But as we remember, articles were also previously sharpened for promotion to the Yandex Top, which made it possible to highlight queries in the text in bold and often use the same situation now on YouTube. But sooner or later they will beat you hard for this, as always happens.

Thus, we select the query we need from Yandex Wordstat statistics, and also use YouTube search, where we also enter this key and see what tail can be added to it. For example, if you select the query “ How to compress a video“then you can add the second part from a slightly less frequent request and you will get a new one with the prefix “+ without loss of quality.”

After the semantics for the video have been collected, you need to move on.

SEO video optimization for promotion on YouTube

So, we have a list of our requests in the amount of 2-3 pieces. In my case, they are related to working with video. Now, in order for our video to be picked up in searches, we need to take the following steps:

Step #1. Before publishing a finished video after editing or just filmed, you need to name the file on your computer as the main request for which we plan to promote the video. Also, after uploading a video to your channel, the service will take the name from the video file itself, but we need to make a little adjustment at the second stage of video optimization to promote it.

Step #2. Working with the video title is the most important point when promoting, as elsewhere, this tag has the greatest weight for ranking in search. Make the title no more than 70 characters long and insert our request at the very beginning. The title should contain the main essence of the video and meet user expectations.

An important point is also the competitiveness of a particular request.

Step #3. descriptions for your video clip. Here we also need to copy and paste our main request at the very beginning and finish the sentence with added simple text that makes sense and is readable. I mean the sentences must be correctly written and without errors, and they must also be convenient and interesting to read.

You describe what will be in your video in the form of an announcement, just like they do for movies. Write tempting content with the main advantages and nuances that the viewer can get by clicking on the links, which also need to be inserted at the very end in the form of free bonuses or simply to your accounts, blog or company website

As you understand the whole point, as when optimizing materials for a blog. But at the same time, you can still spam text, for which today you are punished by a bunch of Yandex and Google filters.

Speed ​​up indexing of new videos

Also, in order for a new video to be picked up by YouTube and get to the TOP of search results, you need to ask your friends and acquaintances to write comments. at least 10 pieces which will help dramatically push the video forward compared to the rest.

Advice: There is an opinion that the more likes the better, but they do not affect promotion in any way and ordering them is useless and stupid. They are just scamming clients -))).

These are the main points and steps that need to be done first and definitely within the first 2 days, since this is the decisive factor in free video promotion.

Program for promoting videos on YouTube

I also began to look for information about various services or use behavioral promotion. I don’t recommend increasing user views and actions using services on your website, as opposed to videos on your video channel. Behind .

First of all, I went to cheater services and decided to find out what the cost of watching a video was, click on likes and write a comment, and I was just shocked when I found out the prices. Here is the price list of one of the most famous RuNet services (I won’t promote the name since I left it myself).

Horror, for pressing the useless like button under the video 3 rubles. And if you need a hundred, then lay it out 300 rubles immediately into the pipe -)))). I found one very cool service (, which does not require investment, but only for a mini service it gives you free video views from different IPs according to the required settings.

It’s a pity, of course, that there are no other functions besides views, but if you alternate with various ways to promote your website, then you can use viewing a particular page.

After registration, we are offered to add our website. For your video, I recommend adding the channel url as a source and a link to the video itself that will be viewed.

I recommend making the following settings:

  • Breaks between views are 300 seconds;
  • Unique IPs for sites, and for YouTube, maybe non-unique ones, have no effect;
  • Insert at least 10 key queries in descending order from the main one and further;
  • Set viewing time to 45 seconds.

The essence of this video promotion service is to purchase bonus points, which are called “Rm” in the system. You can get them on your balance by purchasing them for pennies, or what attracted me was installing an application from the service, which will be unnoticed in a minimized form in the tray to view different sites of system participants, and you will receive points that you are already distributing to your sites.

In a couple of hours you can get points for viewing a site or video by 100-150 times. They just launched the program and forgot about it.

After you earn points, simply go to the distribute section and distribute the amount of “Rm” for each video clip or site that you are promoting.

If you don’t have time to install a video promotion program on your computer, but want quick results, then you can buy 5000 Rm for only 55 rubles, go in and look at the tariffs. And with the help of the program you simply receive points, and after certain actions you can automatically receive bonuses from the system.

In general, using the service you can promote your video or website without investing money. I hope the material was useful to my readers. Promote videos on YouTube for free in a short time and get high-quality traffic. Subscribe to the news because in the following lessons I will tell you how to create a beautiful letter to send to subscribers or clients and also FOR FREE!!! Be sure to read the cool article where I show.

I suggest watching a detailed video with practical optimization and loading:

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

Do you want to promote your YouTube channel, but the number of subscribers is stagnant and not moving?

In this article I will tell you about the main methods of attracting subscribers to your YouTube channel.

You can also watch the video version of this article:

7 basic principles (methods) on how to promote a YouTube channel

The first principle of promoting a YouTube channel. Make useful and high-quality content.

You should only publish useful videos that will be of interest to your target audience. It is advisable that each video that you upload to the channel solves some problem that the user faces.

Give all the information you know about the topic of the video, don’t hide anything. Otherwise, sooner or later the viewer will find what you hid from another author and go to him.

The more useful the video, the more subscribers will come from it to your YouTube channel. That's why quality content is always the key to success.

The second method is how to promote a channel on YouTube. Call on your subscribers to take action.

There should be a call to action in every video you publish on YouTube. Have you ever had a situation where, after watching one video, you want to go to the next one in the “similar” tab, then to the next one, and so on for several hours in a row?

I think this happens to everyone. This is a very smart YouTube marketing move that allows you to keep the user on this site. But for YouTubers, the problem is that after watching the first video, you will move to another channel and forget about the previous videos and their authors.

With a call to action, specifically to subscribe to the channel, you must retain the user and prevent him from moving on to the next video, or at least motivate him to subscribe to your channel. Attracting subscribers to the channel helps promote the video in search. By the way, the most extensive section on my blog is dedicated to video promotion:

The call to action should consist of two parts:

  • What should be done? — subscribe to the channel.
  • Why do you need to do this? — there can be a lot of options.

For example:

    • Subscribe to the channel so you don't miss the next videos
    • Subscribe to the channel and get a discount on all products in our store (if this channel belongs to an online store)
  • Subscribe to the channel so as not to be a radish.

Choose your appeal according to the audience your videos are intended for. But remember, there should be a call to action in every video you make. The number of subscribers largely depends on this.

The third principle of promoting a YouTube channel. Start designing your channel.

Channel design is very important. Since the channel icon and its banner are the first thing the viewer sees when meeting you.

Articles about channel design can be found under the “YouTube channel design” tag:

Let’s say you are an information businessman, selling personal growth training, consulting, and so on, and you have some ladybugs on your channel banner. Naturally, an image is formed that this channel will not bring much benefit, and users will pass by without paying attention to your channel.

Therefore, do not skimp, order a banner from the same freelancers. It will cost you only 100-200 rubles for a simple but neat design. It's worth it.

If you are a blogger or an information businessman, and you want people to remember your face, place your photo on the banner.

And remember, the banner should reflect the theme of your YouTube channel

Fourth principle. Use music in your videos.

Videos with quiet music in the background are much more enjoyable to watch than videos without it. Especially if you make some kind of podcasts, shoot video from the screen, explain something, be sure to use sound. It will help you with this.

Firstly, music relaxes you a little and helps you perceive content better. Secondly, on a psychological level, it makes the viewer more loyal to you.

But don't make the music too loud. In this type of user, users simply will not hear you. =)

The fifth principle of effective promotion of a YouTube channel is the regular release of videos.

It is necessary to release content regularly. This is due to several factors.

Everyone already knows that YouTube loves when videos are regularly uploaded to the channel. He sees that some action is taking place on the channel, the channel is being watched, and videos are being released. This has to do with its (YouTube’s) algorithms, I won’t go into depth.

The second factor has to do with your followers. If you upload videos regularly, your subscribers will start watching them regularly. They develop a systematic approach, which increases views.

It is very important to tell your subscribers what days of the week you release your videos. For example, I upload videos every Tuesday and Thursday. As practice shows, The best effect comes from publishing 1-3 videos per week.

You must upload at least one video per week.

Sixth principle. Use annotations.

Take the time to make a subscribe button in each video’s annotations. This button works well.

    • Firstly, it attracts attention and is a hidden call to action.
  • Secondly, it helps those users who watch your videos not on YouTube itself, but on other resources, to subscribe to your channel. Since on other resources there is no “subscribe” button for the video.

Also use annotations on your other videos, as well as on your playlists. The more of your videos a user watches, the more likely he is to subscribe to your YouTube channel.

The seventh principle of how to promote a YouTube channel. Optimize your video.

Video optimization is one of the most important principles and methods for growing a YouTube channel.

Now on YouTube, by properly optimizing your video, you can reach the top for low-frequency queries without any investment.

Of course, there is not very much traffic for low-frequency queries. But if you shoot not one, but 10-20 videos, then the increase in traffic will be quite noticeable. Therefore, video optimization needs to be taken seriously.

And in the end I want to say. There is no single correct channel development strategy. Everything depends on you.

In this article, I described only those methods that I use myself, and which helped develop my channel on YouTube:

I wish you success in developing your channel! If you have questions about promoting on YouTube, be sure to ask them in the comments under this post or under the videos on my channel at the link above.

It is also worth remembering that many popular channels also started from scratch. So, how can you promote your YouTube channel and get trending?

It’s quite easy for young channels with good material to become popular - they usually quickly gain views, if the content excites the minds of users and is current.

The only problem is that you need to somehow help viewers learn about this channel. For this purpose, there are special services to attract the public and promote.

Don't neglect the design either., because this is, first of all, your face. Users are attracted only by channels that are pleasing to their eyes and convenient.

The best ways to promote your channel for free

1 . Remember that at first everyone will be interested not in your personality, but in what you do and post, so don’t start your career as a successful video blogger by talking about yourself.

2 . Come up with titles and descriptions for your videos that will make it easier to search on the Internet; add more keywords and tags. It’s also worth choosing the right video category.

3 . Use annotations (clickable text that appears anywhere on a video and can, for example, ask the user to subscribe to a channel or other videos and take them to the appropriate page).

4 . Don't forget to politely ask the user to subscribe to the channel or like it at the end of the video. If you do this at the beginning, the person will simply forget about it.

5 . Try to be friendly and sociable with your audience, if possible answer questions in the comments, leave a connection with yourself on other resources.

6 . Post new videos more often with high-quality material that will be truly interesting. If you upload videos once a month or less, you can quickly lose your entire audience and be left with nothing.

7 . Improve the quality of your work, buy new equipment (microphone or camera).

9 . Find out what topics are currently trending. Try to do something new on these topics.

Remember that you need to choose what is interesting to the public, and not to you personally.

10 . Do not attempt to exhibit movie or cartoon footage shot in a movie theater or porn. This violates the law and video hosting rules.

11 . Don't hide your emotions. Spectators love to watch the appropriate reaction to what is happening.

For example, you review horror games, but not once did you flinch in the entire video. Your creativity is unlikely to attract more subscribers and will quickly become boring if they are not scared along with you.

12 . Don't try to deceive your audience. Sooner or later, the truth will still be found out, and then even deleting comments will not save you from haters.

13 . Try to create a viral video. These usually gain views and likes in a couple of days and remain in people’s ears for some time.

Paid ways to promote a YouTube channel

If you have at least a small capital and are ready to continue developing your channel, there are services where you can pay for advertising and get more views.

Unlike autoclickers, this method is more honest, and in this case, views will not be canceled.

The best services for paid channel promotion

  • Google AdWords ;
  • SEO sprint;
  • Soclike;
  • Redsurf.

There is also another option - promotion on social media. networks. You pay the owner of a large community, and he places advertising on your channel or video. This usually brings a lot of benefits., since the post stays at the very top for quite a long time.

Remember that the promotion of a video to the TOP depends on the number of likes, comments, views, the authority of the channel and the presence of links to the video on other resources.

How can you make money from your YouTube channel?

When you have managed to acquire subscribers and a sufficient number of views, you can start making money from your channel. This can be done using:

  1. Affiliate program and advertising of other channels.
  2. Links to other channels or sites in the description.
  3. Advertising of goods/services/competitions in your videos from advertisers.

Remember that becoming unique and interesting is not so easy. You will have to regularly improve yourself and learn a lot of new and useful information that you can use for your videos. This is the only way you can get into trends and.

Users who run their channels on the popular video hosting site YouTube do it not only for the sake of a hobby. The main goal of most is income. And you can really make money there. Uses this video service monthly more than a billion people. This is almost a third of all Internet users. If you figure out how to promote a YouTube channel and achieve your goal, you can earn good money on the Internet.

Before considering methods of promoting a YouTube channel for free or for money, it is worth highlighting the basic principles of work:

Free ways to promote your YouTube channel

Many people understand that the more subscribers, the more opportunities the profile owner will have. Therefore, users, especially those who are focused on making money, are looking for working ways to quickly promote a channel on Youtube.

As stated earlier, the primary focus should be on content. Often, authors who publish videos useful for the audience only need to film, edit and post the material, such a profile promotes itself.

To speed up your YouTube channel promotion, you can use the following methods.

Correct and beautiful profile design

To stand out among competitors, it is important to create a unique “face” of your profile and competently present the video material published on it:

The user interface allows you to:

  • Set an avatar. It will be visible when publishing comments, in search results, and in the list of subscriptions. A memorable image, a photo of a blogger or a company logo will increase recognition;
  • Design the cover, i.e. upload a unique banner. It is important that it is combined with the theme of the published videos;
  • Create and optimize playlists. With their help, you can set up convenient navigation by combining thematic videos. This will not only make it easier for users to navigate, but will also encourage them to watch additional videos.
  • Create sections. With their help, you can distribute videos on the main profile page in a convenient and attractive form for the viewer.
  • Download trailer. The main purpose is to introduce the audience to the topics of the published videos and motivate them to become subscribers.

Correct and attractive design will allow you to receive natural subscribers for free.

Also, to the correct design it is worth adding SEO promotion of a youtube channel, i.e. creating videos for specific search queries and drawing up the correct optimized description for them. To select keywords, you can use special services Mutagen, Yandex.Wordstat, Key Collector, Google keyword tool.

Regular publication of new video content

Successful free promotion of a Youtube channel also lies in the right strategy. Here it is important to understand the critical points for audience retention, i.e. how many videos should be published so that the audience’s interest is always in a “heated” state. On average, it is considered that two videos per week are enough. But it all depends on the topic, for example, popular bloggers who keep personal diaries publish videos more often and immediately gain a good number of views. When trying to fill your profile with video content, it is important to remember that the priority is not the quantity of material posted, but its quality.

Publishing videos on social networks, forums, blogs

This method is not only an option for video promotion, but also an option for promoting a YouTube channel and recruiting free subscribers. If the material is really interesting and useful, many users not only share it with friends, but also go to the author’s profile to get acquainted with other content.

You can post new videos:

Communicate with viewers and motivate them to action

For a good indicator of behavioral factors, it is important to receive feedback from subscribers and viewers in the form of likes, comments and subscriptions; this directly affects the promotion of the channel on Youtube.

For this purpose, you can conduct surveys asking you to leave your answers and opinions in the comments under the video. You can also ask your audience to subscribe and like directly in the video. For example, “If you liked this video, please like and subscribe to my channel.” According to statistics, people often respond to such calls.

Youtube channel promotion for money

Mutual PR deals are also effective. To promote your channel, you can ask other YouTubers for help. On EPICSTARS you can do this for free, using the mutual PR deal:

For those who want to promote their video blog for free, you can try working with SMOFast and TurboLiker. These are convenient and understandable services for promoting a YouTube channel for free. On them you can order all the same actions as on paid projects, only payment is made using credits, which the owner will earn for performing various actions ordered by other participants.

To achieve good results, it is better to combine promotion methods. But it is important to remember that artificially boosting behavioral factors can negatively affect the ranking of video content and profile promotion. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of published material and the design of your profile.