Extension of the balcony and glazing technical specifications. How to redevelop a balcony

No matter how good your balcony is initially, it can always be improved, for example, by redesigning it using an external structure. This solution is very attractive for small apartments, for families with children who need at least a little personal space, or for houses where guests often come. However, despite all the charms, the remote glazing design sometimes leads to quite big problems. After all, it is not enough to actually turn a balcony into a small room: you also need to legalize the alteration, which in some cases is inevitable.

The law allows minor conversions of balconies to be carried out without legal formalities. So, you can even expand your balcony or loggia using extended glazing, and this does not require special design. However, work that requires the dismantling of a load-bearing wall or a major expansion of the façade structure must be legally formalized before the work begins. Otherwise, apartment owners may have serious problems not only with obtaining permission, but also with actually carrying out the work.

There are quite a lot of ways to “pump up” your balcony that do not require any legal procedures. Let's look at them first.

When is registration not required?

In general, there is no need to arrange for the reconstruction of a balcony if after the reconstruction the dimensions do not change and the balcony does not protrude beyond the original framework. This includes types of work such as insulation, glazing, and replacement of a balcony block.

In principle, it is not necessary to pre-arrange the expansion or removal if the balcony is extended by 30 centimeters or less. This type of modification can be completed after actual work.

By the standards of a full-fledged living room, 30 cm is a negligibly small distance, but on a narrow balcony it may be enough to accommodate all the necessary furniture, install the necessary items and feel comfortable. Therefore, first of all, when considering expanding the balcony, think about this limit. You may be able to limit yourself to this modest addition in order to fit everything you would like on your new balcony.

How to arrange the reconstruction of a balcony or loggia

If you are planning to redesign the façade structure, connect it to a room (by demolishing part of the wall) or simply expand it, the first thing you will need is permits. Yes, their registration is a slow procedure. However, without documents, you may encounter unexpected problems. At a minimum, you will not be able to carry out legal procedures with the apartment if necessary - sell, donate, exchange, or arrange inheritance. But it is more likely that you will have to pay a fine for unauthorized redevelopment and, which is not excluded, remove the glazing or extension at your own expense. It’s scary to think what will happen if your redevelopment actually leads to destruction throughout the entire building.

But even if your design turns out to be quite safe, legalizing it after construction will be more difficult than before. Therefore, take note of the tips for legalizing reconstruction.

  • What needs to be legalized is not the result of the work, but the preliminary design documentation. With it, you need to go to the local architecture department and write an application according to the sample usually presented at the stand. According to the law, one calendar month is allotted for the consideration of your application, but please note that in reality it may take longer.
  • Having roughly imagined how you see the reconstructed balcony, contact the design organization and order documentation for the reconstruction there. Specialists will find a way to reconcile your wishes with the capabilities of the house and the requirements of the law.
  • The project will need to be coordinated not only with architecture and urban planning authorities, but also with firefighters, gas workers and the sanitary and epidemiological service. And if you live on the first floor of a high-rise building and are going to add a balcony with a foundation, then you will have to additionally agree on the allocation of a plot of land for your addition.
  • You must obtain a warrant from the local architecture department to carry out construction work in accordance with the submitted design documentation.
  • All of the above steps are absolutely necessary if you are planning a large balcony extension or combining it with a room. Until you have an agreed upon project and work permit, it is better not to start the actual reconstruction. Whether you do all the work yourself or turn to specialists does not matter from the point of view of the law.
  • Upon completion of the work, a procedure for commissioning the facility is required. Be sure to certify the acceptance certificate drawn up based on the delivery results.
  • Since the actual area of ​​your apartment increases, you will need to legalize changes in area in Rosreestr.

Yes, all these procedures will require a lot of time and effort from you. However, it is better to take care in advance than to deal with the consequences of your indiscretion later. Today there are quite a lot of law firms that can take care of the paperwork on reasonable terms.

Changing the configuration of the balcony is carried out by demolishing interior ceilings, thresholds, and increasing the window openings of the apartment. The balcony area should not be expanded by increasing the load on the supporting structures of the house.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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It is prohibited to extend the loggia beyond the level of the facade wall, that is, the balcony should not “overhang” much over the facade.

Weakness of the support is fraught with the collapse of part of the facade wall due to technical wear and possible emergency situations - strong winds, fires, etc.

Legal formalities require obtaining permission from:

  • BTI bodies;
  • housing inspection at the location of the apartment.

Apartment refurbishment

Reconstruction of the apartment is carried out on the basis. Redevelopment options may involve changing the configuration of the entire housing or individual premises.

Replacing utility networks with devices of similar parameters does not require special permission, but must be carried out in accordance with fire and sanitary protection regulations.

The demolition of interior partitions should not touch the supporting structure of the building. It is prohibited to reconstruct an apartment by increasing the area of ​​residential premises with expansion into common areas.

The reconstruction does not affect the use of common property.

A balcony can be included in the technical design:

  • as a separate element of redevelopment;
  • along with other rooms.

Balcony redevelopment

Balcony redevelopment begins with determining the list of all necessary reconstruction measures.

If, due to the balcony, the area of ​​the kitchen or living room is increased, then the parameters of thermal integrity must be maintained at normal levels, that is, the heating power must be sufficient for the newly formed room.

A balcony redevelopment project can be drawn up by an interested party independently, which is difficult to implement without a specialized technical (engineering) education.

In a panel house

In a panel house, not only the façade walls, but also the interior walls are load-bearing. Residents tend to tear down interior partitions or make an opening in them to increase the total living space of the room.

When planning the reconstruction of a balcony in a panel house, architects recommend combining the loggia and kitchen into one large room with separate functional areas.

The law allows the demolition of the window sill block, but not the “threshold”. It is permissible to install additional double-glazed windows.


On the base it is possible to connect the loggia with the main living room. The demolition of the window sill is compensated by the installation of sliding doors.

The housing area is increased by reducing the space in the auxiliary premises.

When reconstructing the loggia, ventilation circuits and other utility networks should not be affected.

Do glazing need to be legalized?

Balcony glazing does not require the development of a special project. The owner or owner of the apartment can install coverage without coordination with housing and technical services.

For a complex approval project, it is recommended:

  • adhere to the technical parameters of the loggia, balcony;
  • do not increase the load on load-bearing walls.

Registration procedure

The balcony must begin with the collection of the necessary documentation. The tenant must apply to the local authorities for approval of a completed project for the reconstruction of an auxiliary premises.

Efforts are also expended on collecting:

  • certificates from the BTI and the local committee for the protection and protection of historical monuments;
  • technical reports from utility and fire services.


Coordination is carried out with the relevant commission in the housing inspection. The official accepts applications from citizens and the necessary package of documents.

The period for consideration of approval should not exceed 45 days.

The applicant is informed of the decision within 3 days from the moment the official signs the necessary resolution.

Where to go?

For balcony redevelopment, you should contact several specialized organizations:

  1. A technical passport for an apartment and a conclusion on the safety of the construction of a residential building are issued by BTI specialists.
  2. Additionally, you will need to contact the local housing inspectorate for approval (approval signature) on the redevelopment project by a leading specialist.
  3. For a cadastral extract, you should contact the territorial body of Rosreestr.

Project development

Development and approval of project documentation takes on average 7-10 days and is carried out taking into account the wishes of the customer.

Includes alteration of the general layout of the apartment, taking into account the desire of the residents to remove the balcony in the apartment.

The technical plan takes into account the future state of the apartment - an increased area of ​​residential and auxiliary premises.

Required documents

To redevelop a balcony you must provide:

  • a project certified by the signature of a BTI specialist;
  • technical conclusion of a specialist on the safety of living in residential premises;
  • title documents for living space;
  • certificate of compliance of the project with fire safety standards;

Residents' consent is also required for redevelopment of the balcony. Additionally, you may need a certificate stating that the house is not in disrepair or dilapidated condition.

What is prohibited from alteration?

The law prohibits the removal of radiators and other heating devices onto the balcony. It is impossible to alter load-bearing structures to accommodate an element of a balcony support, or to increase the load on the transverse partition of the loggia.

Technical standards do not allow changing the parameters of utility networks, as well as installing additional devices on them: taps, valves.

Balcony redevelopment requires careful design considerations. When deciding to undertake the reconstruction yourself, you can use thematic literature, which is freely available.

It is better to entrust the legal side of the issue to specialized specialists with extensive experience in interacting with government and municipal structures.


The price of redevelopment depends on the customer’s desire to act on his own or use the services of intermediary organizations.

Each company has its own individual price list.

Below are the average prices for popular services:

The cost of services usually does not include mandatory payments. By agreement with the company, it is possible to represent the customer’s interests in court.


Life experience suggests that any attempt by a citizen to improve their living conditions is associated with incredible bureaucratic red tape. How to get through this stage with the least losses?

“I am planning to enlarge my balcony. Now my balcony is 8 meters long; there is no way to extend it to the sides. But what about extending it to the street? Is it really possible to do all this? And is this legal? There is already a project to increase the balcony space. I just don’t know if any permits are needed?” - someone Dima_88 asks a question on the apartment renovation forum.

Obviously, similar questions have repeatedly occurred to many owners or tenants of apartments in buildings with balconies or loggias. And it is also interesting due to the fact that there is not yet enough established case law to give an unambiguous answer to it. Nevertheless, we will try to identify the main pitfalls that a person may encounter when trying to solve this problem on their own.

Two options for increasing the balcony: coordination in both cases

Extension of the balcony for external glazing

First of all, we need to discuss what kind of increase in the size of the balcony we are talking about? If we are talking about an increase of 25-30 cm when installing external glazing, creating, or placing a balcony outside, then no problems arise with such an increase in the area of ​​the balcony.

In any case, there are no examples of citizens being forced to approve changes of this kind in official bodies. Or, at least, it is extremely difficult to find such examples.

Such an increase in the balcony would be better coordinated

It’s another matter if there is an increase in the size of the balcony with a significant increase in the load on the supporting structures of the building. For example, when refurbishment of a balcony involves attaching additional structures (extension frames, brackets, etc.) to the balcony slab, increasing its dimensions; when filling the space formed by these structures with concrete or creating capital infrastructure in any other way.

Algorithm for obtaining approval documentation


The balcony has been expanded quite a bit, but living has become more convenient!

1. Order a balcony reconstruction project from a design organization that has the appropriate license. 2. Coordinate the project with the organization that designed your house. As a rule, you will be required to approve this approval at Mosgorekspertiza (Second Brestskaya Street, 8). It is possible that you will have to pay for the expert’s work out of your own pocket. 3. Submit the project along with documents confirming your ownership or lease, social tenancy for the apartment to which the balcony is adjacent. Attach to them a single housing document (issued by the district Unified Information and Settlement Center), a technical passport from the BTI, and an application for a permit.

The consent of supervisory authorities is required not only to increase the area of ​​the balcony, but also to its ordinary glazing. How to obtain such “permission” - read in
Extending a balcony can also be classified as an illegal renovation. How to decide - read on our website!
If you decide to improve your living conditions by adding a balcony to your apartment on the ground floor, then

4. If your project does not raise fundamental objections, then you will need to continue approval according to the register that will be proposed by the housing inspectorate. Surely it will include the Ministry of Emergency Situations (the main department for Moscow is located at Tverskaya street, building 8/2; tel. 624-89-53; the coordinating authorities of territorial divisions are, as a rule, in prefectures). Firefighters should check whether the alterations you have planned will not interfere with the evacuation of people in the event of a fire, etc.

If you live on the ground floor and are making a foundation to support the balcony, then coordination with gas and energy services will be required to ensure that you will not block access to their communications.

An artistically designed extension of the balcony will only decorate the building

If you live in a house of historical value, you will need approval from the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage (19 Pyatnitskaya St.).

In the event that the expansion of the balcony occurs as part of its connection to the residential premises of your apartment, then a number of additional approvals will be required, which are listed in more detail.

5. It must be remembered that, according to the current Housing Code, a balcony (loggia) is not part of the apartment. It is part of the common property, which is managed on behalf of all residents of the house.

That is, by reconstructing the balcony, you infringe on the rights of other residents of the house to manage this property. If at the same time they suffer any real damage (cracks in their residential and non-residential premises, a decrease in the light flux into the windows of their apartments, etc.), then the court will definitely side with them.

It is the neighbors' claims that are the main reason why the courts force the dismantling of all those structures through which you will be able to increase the area of ​​​​the balcony or loggia. The most obvious examples of this are: which forced the dismantling of additional space and utility lines installed on the balcony following a complaint from a neighbor whose apartment wall had cracks; , which demanded that the balcony be restored to its original condition due to a complaint from a neighbor who complained about the deterioration of the lighting in her apartment.

Therefore, obtaining consent for the reconstruction of the balcony from all residents of the house is a mandatory condition for obtaining permission to increase the area of ​​the balcony.

What sanctions will be applied to you if you reconstruct your balcony without permission from the Moscow Housing Inspectorate?

It is almost impossible to obtain official permission from all of the listed authorities to expand the balcony. No one - neither the Housing Inspectorate inspectors nor the designers - obviously has the desire to take on the risks that will arise when the load on the load-bearing structures of a residential building increases, etc.

Moreover, enlarging the balcony is really very critical and dangerous from all points of view, including for the users of this balcony. However, if you decide to increase the area of ​​​​the balcony at your own peril and risk, what threatens you?

A very risky extension of the balcony

In the Russian Federation there is no body authorized to identify and control this kind of restructuring. Law enforcement practice shows that punishment for the authors of illegal reconstructions is almost always imposed on the claims of neighbors whose rights were infringed in one way or another by the reconstruction of balconies.

Or simply the illegal expansion of the balcony becomes a convenient reason for settling scores: a pretext for filing a claim in court in this case is not difficult to find.

As a rule, the court requires the unauthorized reconstructor to return the balcony to its original condition. It also often imposes an obligation to compensate the plaintiff for damage and imposes a fine of up to 10 thousand rubles. (more often – 2.5 thousand rubles). And don’t let these relatively small numbers make you happy: in both of the above cases, the dismantling of illegal alterations on the balconies cost their authors more than the reconstruction itself!

“We made ourselves such a balcony. Only unofficially. We tried officially - we waited for more than a year for permission. They subtly hinted to us that in general we shouldn’t do this, but if you do it and don’t sell the apartment later, then you can “work things out somehow.” In five years we had to settle things twice. The amounts paid so far are relatively small, but who knows what will happen next? – writes someone Nattali on a forum for those involved in apartment renovation.

Perhaps, in current conditions, this is the most realistic way to achieve restful sleep while providing oneself with earthly blessings in their not entirely legal version...

The desire to increase the living space of an apartment by adding a balcony or loggia often arises among many property owners. The reason for this is often the small area of ​​the apartment, its poor layout, or growing children who need personal space. But the transformation of a remote façade structure into a full-fledged room is often associated with serious alterations, which in some cases must be formalized legally.

If minor changes, such as glazing a loggia or balcony with an extension, can be made without obtaining permits, then a significant expansion of the façade structure or dismantling of a load-bearing wall will almost certainly create problems for the owners of the apartment - liability for such actions can be quite strict. Therefore, major reconstruction must be legalized before construction work begins.

Let's consider what work can be carried out on the balcony without legal registration, which ones are better to be legalized in advance, and what steps need to be taken for this.

Balcony changes that do not need to be legalized

Reconstruction of a balcony within an existing framework, as a rule, does not entail legal consequences. To install glazing on a balcony or loggia, insulate a façade structure, or replace a balcony block, no approvals will be required.

Without preliminary registration, you can expand the balcony by no more than 30 centimeters or make an extension of the same size. Legitimizing such a rework after the fact will not cause problems.

At first glance, it may seem that an additional 30 cm is too small an increase in area for arranging a room. However, this is often quite enough to fit all the necessary furniture into a new room. Therefore, before planning a grandiose reconstruction of a balcony or loggia, carry out calculations and make sure that such a step is necessary, because expanding the façade structure by an amount exceeding 30 cm is considered a redevelopment and requires documentation.

The procedure for registering the reconstruction of a balcony or loggia

All work on redevelopment of the façade structure, its expansion or addition to the room must be carried out only after obtaining permits. Their registration will take some time, however, if this is not done, then ignoring legal norms will entail a number of problems. At a minimum, you will not be able to sell, exchange or register an inheritance for an apartment with a reconstructed balcony, and in the worst case, you may be subject to penalties, required to return the structure to its original state, or dismantle the balcony glazing, which excessively loads the base slab. It is more difficult to legitimize such reconstruction after the fact than before the start of construction work. Therefore, it makes sense to take care of the paperwork in advance.

We give an approximate procedure for the actions required to legalize reconstruction.

  1. Obtaining permission to produce design documentation. To do this, you need to contact the architecture department at the location of the apartment and write a corresponding application. One month is officially allotted for consideration of the issue, but practice shows that sometimes making a decision takes longer.
  2. Ordering the production of documentation for the reconstruction of a balcony from a design organization.
  3. Coordination of the project with the gas, fire and sanitary-epidemiological services, as well as with urban planning and architecture authorities. Those who decide to complete the construction of a balcony with a foundation on the ground floor of a multi-storey building will also need to coordinate with the cadastral authorities the allocation of a plot of land for this building.
  4. Obtaining a warrant for construction work from the local architecture department.

The vast majority of apartments in multi-storey urban buildings have a balcony or loggia, and often not even a single copy. Some homeowners do not perceive this extension as additional space and use it only for drying clothes or as a warehouse for old things. And it’s completely in vain: a certain amount of effort - and due to such an element of the apartment it is quite possible to expand the living space.

It is easier, of course, to organize a full-fledged room in a loggia, insulating and improving the surfaces, since it has side main walls. However, it is also quite possible to transform an open balcony, and, if possible, even expand it a little. Do-it-yourself balcony repairs are carried out in different ways, and the owners need to decide in advance what kind of transformations they want to see in their properties.

In principle, balcony repair options can be divided into two main categories - cosmetic, which does not require major reconstructions and administrative approvals, and capital, for which it is often necessary to obtain the appropriate permit.

  • When making cosmetic changes, you can simply paint the walls, lay tiles on the floor and sheathe the fence with waterproof material. This process does not require any complex calculations, since the load on the balcony slab practically does not increase.
  • Another option is to erect a permanent wall, insulate and glaze, or install panoramic windows. In this case, it is recommended to invite specialists who can determine how much the load on the load-bearing slab can be increased, or whether it will have to be strengthened by creating an additional metal structure.

Major balcony renovation

Inspection of the balcony slab

If the slab has a normal appearance without chips or shedding, then first you can examine it yourself and try to determine the degree of its damage, which will determine what kind of repair it requires.

  • If only cracks are found on the slab, then you should not repair them immediately, since it is still necessary to determine their depth for the reliability of the picture. To do this, the gaps are expanded to the reinforcement, and if it is in good condition, then the repair can be carried out independently.
  • If the cracks formed precisely because of damage or deformation of the reinforcement, and this was discovered during their expansion, then this will mean that the slab will require serious strengthening. In this case, it is necessary to invite experts to determine the extent of the damage. It is recommended to entrust the work of eliminating them and strengthening the slab to specialists.
  • Sometimes you can immediately see that the load-bearing slab is literally in disrepair and requires major repairs. It must also be produced by professional builders.

An emergency slab is considered if:

— cement shedding occurred, as a result of which the reinforcement was exposed;

— the appearance of deep cracks at the junction of the slab and the wall of the house was revealed;

— destruction of the concrete coating or its peeling from below or above the slab is detected.

You also need to know that in some cases the slab cannot be repaired at all, and you simply have to remove it from the wall. Therefore, before you go for permission for reconstruction, it is best to first invite an expert who will determine the condition of the supporting structure.

Obtaining a work permit

Any large-scale alterations in an apartment in multi-storey buildings, including glazing and major repairs of a loggia or balcony, require a special permit issued by the territorial housing inspectorate. However, before going to this organization, you will have to collect a package of certain documents:

  • Application according to the established form.
  • A notarized copy of the document certifying the ownership of the property.
  • Technical passport for the apartment.
  • Project for planned glazing and major renovation of a loggia or balcony.

Glazing project

  • The project or loggias are developed and issued by special institutions that have permission to design residential buildings. Employees of the organization, based on the conclusion on the technical condition of the balcony, first draw up a report on the possibility of glazing it, and only after that develop design documentation.
  • The finished project is agreed upon by four organizations. These include:

— DEZ — management company;

— SES — sanitary-epidemiological service;

— “Gospozhnadzor” (GPN);

— architectural and planning management.

After the project has been approved by these authorities, the package of documents is submitted to the territorial housing inspection, where the final permit for glazing and repair of the balcony must be issued.

It should be said that all conciliation procedures for obtaining permission are quite lengthy and expensive, since you will have to pay not only for drawing up the project and obtaining permission from various organizations, but also for the established state fees. Sometimes the cost of preparing a documentation package is practically comparable to the price of the repair itself, so many owners decide to carry out the work without permission, at their own peril and risk. But it must be remembered that if permission is obtained, then no one has the right to force the owner of the apartment to dismantle the installed double-glazed windows or the cladding of the fence. But in the absence of approval, you can expect various troubles from control services at any time.

It is important to note that if you plan to glaze a balcony in an old house, you must definitely consult with specialists, otherwise such improvement could end tragically for the residents of the apartment or people passing below the balcony.

If the project is approved and the necessary permission is obtained, then work can begin. But in the case where it is prescribed to repair or strengthen the slab, this work should be carried out exclusively by professionals.

Strengthening the balcony slab

Specialists will carry out major repairs to the balcony slab, but in order to have an idea of ​​how the balcony can be strengthened, it is advisable to consider several ways of carrying out this process. In addition, it is important to know what is required for this work.

If the examination determines that it is necessary to repair a balcony slab that is in disrepair, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it will be necessary to invite a team of qualified installers, “armed” with specialized equipment, since the work will be carried out at height.

Reconstruction and strengthening of the balcony slab is carried out in the following order:

  • The first step is to clean the balcony of debris and crumbled concrete.
  • Next, the slab is enclosed in a frame made of steel channel, the ends of which are embedded and fixed to the wall. For this purpose, a channel number 12U or 14U is taken (so that it “captures” the entire slab along its thickness with shelves), which is recommended to be treated in advance with an anti-corrosion compound. Sometimes a steel plate with the same metal thickness - 5 mm - is additionally welded to the channel from below.

  • After this, a steel corner 100x100x10 mm is embedded into the wall from the bottom side of the slab, as shown in the first diagram. It should protrude from the wall by ⅓ of the width of its side, since its function is to create support for the junction of two planes.
  • Instead, triangular supports can be installed on the sides of the slab on its lower side - modulons, welded from a metal corner, which are fixed to the wall under the slab.
  • A rod is welded to the upper side of the channel. It is most often made from a corner or reinforcement with a diameter of 20÷24 mm. It is anchored to the wall through a metal plate.

  • Further, if during the removal of construction waste the reinforcement was exposed, but it turned out to be in a good condition, then it should be cleaned of rust and coated with an anti-corrosion compound. At the same time, such processing can be done for all parts of an already welded reinforcing structure. Particular attention is paid to welded seams, which must first be cleaned of slag.
  • On top of the slab, at a height of 15÷20 mm from the base, a reinforcing mesh of wire with a diameter of 4÷5 mm is laid - it is welded to the channel. To create the necessary clearance between the slab and the mesh, you can use pieces of old ceramic tiles as linings, laying them in several places.

  • The next step is to install formwork boards along the edges of the slab. Their height is calculated so that the concrete covers the reinforcing mesh with a layer of 20÷25 mm. It is recommended to insulate the floor, as well as to significantly lighten the screed, to make a backfill of expanded clay under the reinforcing mesh.

  • The next step is to make sand and cement in a ratio of 3:1, and pour and level the screed.
  • It is recommended to strengthen the screed with iron - dry cement is scattered on top of the damp, leveled surface and rubbed into the concrete using a grater.
  • The bottom surface of the slab must be primed and plastered. If a metal plate is fixed at the bottom, then it is coated with an anti-corrosion compound.
  • After the concrete has dried and gained strength, before further work begins, the slab must be covered with waterproofing. This is important to do in any case, whether the balcony is open or glazed and insulated. For this purpose, roll waterproofing materials or coating compounds are most often used.

Balcony extension

Recently, more and more apartment owners are thinking about expanding the balcony, and this is usually done in conjunction with structural reinforcement, glazing and insulation. Therefore, this process will be considered first.

The expansion of the balcony is carried out by increasing the load-bearing slab or by organizing an extension along the top of the fence. Since the load on the balcony slab will increase, it is necessary to strengthen it with the measures discussed above. This is especially important to do when the building is old and has a lot of wear and tear.

A balcony, unlike a loggia, usually has a smaller area, and if it is planned to be insulated, then the size will decrease by at least another 50 ÷ 80 mm on each side. The expansion will help not only preserve, but also slightly increase the area of ​​the extension.

So, there are two options for removing the balcony.

Removal along the balcony floor

Expanding the floor, that is, increasing the total area of ​​the balcony, is done by installing a metal frame, which can simultaneously perform the function of strengthening the slab.

  • To do this, first, if necessary, the old fence is dismantled, but if it is possible to temporarily preserve it, then this must be done for safety reasons when working at height.
  • The expanding and strengthening frame is fixed not only on the load-bearing floor slab or under it, but also on the wall along the entire height and width of the balcony, both in its upper and lower parts. The frame is made of a profile pipe measuring 50×50×2 mm or a metal corner 50×50×4 mm.

  • The optimal size of extension along the floor forward and to the sides is 350÷400 mm, which significantly increases the area of ​​the balcony. If the work is carried out correctly, then such a design will increase the area of ​​the extension and make it more reliable.

Removal along the top of the fence

The second expansion option is made along the upper edge of the fence or along the window sill, that is, in this case, the floor will still have its original area, and the metal structure brings forward only the balcony fence. The glazing frames will be installed along the edge of the protruding part of the frame. The most optimal extension option is a size of 300 mm, since the metal-plastic window structure will place a fairly large load on the frame protruding beyond the balcony.

This take-out option is much cheaper than the previous one, so it will be less expensive for the family budget. With this approach to increasing space, you can remove only the front part of the window sill or all three sides of the balcony.

The work is carried out on an already reinforced slab. The metal frame structure is mounted by welding.

Work to increase space on the balcony

The process of expanding the balcony area is quite complex and time-consuming. It is based on accurate measurements and calculations of the safety factor of the load-bearing balcony slab and the new fence, taking into account future load. In addition, you must have sufficient experience in welding and installation of metal structures.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  • Experts assess the strength of the balcony. Based on the analysis, an expansion option is determined.
  • Next, measurements of the extension are taken, after which a drawing and reconstruction project are drawn up, on the basis of which, after the necessary approvals, a permit to carry out the work is issued.
  • Once the permit is in hand, you can purchase everything you need and prepare the design details.
  • If necessary, the fence is dismantled.
  • The next step is installation and welding work to create a common frame and a new fence.
  • After this, wooden sheathing bars are mounted to the metal corners to which the outer sheathing will be attached. It is advisable, for the safety of the work, to install at least temporary flooring on the floor.
  • The next step is the outer cladding of the fence and installation of the drip lining.
  • Next, the glazing frames are installed and secured to the ceiling and walls. If you plan to install a canopy over the frames (and it is needed), then it should be mounted simultaneously with them, secured to the ceiling with dowels.
  • After the balcony room is closed from wind and rain, you can move on to its insulation and interior decoration.

Even if you take a quick look at the list of upcoming administrative hassles and practical work, it becomes clear that not every apartment owner is able to carry out such a reconstruction on their own. Therefore, if you do not have the skills to carry out calculations and design, or sufficient experience in installing metal structures, then, one way or another, you will have to turn to the appropriate specialists.

Repair without expanding the balcony space

If the area of ​​the balcony completely satisfies the apartment owners, and you just want to insulate it and put it in order, then all the work, except for strengthening the slab (if necessary) and glazing, can be done independently.

But, again, before starting work, you should obtain a specialist’s assessment and permits.

  • Strengthening the load-bearing slab.
  • Repairing or replacing fencing.
  • External fencing cladding.
  • Balcony glazing.
  • Insulation of fences, floors and walls.
  • Covering with finishing material.

To repair a balcony, it is recommended, if possible, to choose materials that are as light in weight as possible and that will not create too high a load on the slab - this condition must be observed even if the slab is well reinforced.

Balcony glazing

Enough glazing of a balcony is a rather expensive “pleasure”, so in order not to overpay, you should choose the most optimal option. There are three types of glazing - warm, cold and frameless. What they are will be discussed further.

  • Cold glazing will be the best choice for an uninsulated balcony. It is designed only to protect the balcony from wind, precipitation and dust. Cold glazing usually uses aluminum or metal-plastic frames with single glass.

  • Warm glazing is hermetically sealed metal-plastic or wooden frames with double-glazed windows having two or three glasses. This option is good for insulated balconies that have a heating system, for example, floor heating. Since this design is airtight, it not only protects the room from the cold, but also perfectly insulates it from noise, which is important for apartments located in buildings located near busy highways.

  • Frameless is a type of cold glazing, as it does not create airtight protection from the penetration of cold or street noise. It can only cover the balcony from wind, snow and rain. The advantage of this design is that it provides an excellent view of the entire surrounding area - frame lintels will not interfere.

In this case, the system uses tempered glass sashes, which, when the window is opened, moves to one side or the other along an aluminum profile on rollers.

Balcony fencing

An important detail when arranging a glazed balcony is its fencing. It can be done in two ways - you can build a wall from foam concrete blocks or make the outer cladding of a metal fence with plastic lining, having previously secured a wooden frame to it.

Wall made of foam concrete blocks

Foam blocks will more reliably protect the balcony from wind and low temperatures than PVC lining, but they are still much more massive than plastic siding. If you plan to build a fence from them, then the weight load factor must be indicated in the project, and only after such a decision has been approved can you proceed to the purchase of materials.

A table of the main parameters of standard foam concrete blocks will help you calculate the required amount of material and the additional load falling on the balcony slab:

Block size, mmQuantity, pcs. in 1 m³Weight 1 m³ depending on the brand of foam concrete blocks, kg
D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 D1000 D1100 D1200
600×300×10056 436 543 652 761 887 996 1100 1220 1330

For those who are “afraid” of making a mistake when making calculations, there are two calculators below - the calculations will take literally a few seconds