Various counting rhymes. This unknown genre "Counting books. Counting books about fishing.

Translation of the poem "Counting about fish"

Raetsel: Fisch oder kein Fisch

Ein Fischlein schlaeft im Meeres Flusse,
Bestimmt besitzt es keine Fuesse.

Erwacht der Fisch, weil er nach oben muss,
Ploetzlich erscheint bei ihm der erste Fuss.

Auf seinem Kopf schwimmt er weiter,
Erscheint bei ihm noch ein Fuss, der zweite.

Was it? Er hat noch einen Fuss dabei!
Wieviel zusammen? Also - es sind drei.

Wir fangen langsam an zu kichern,
Denn Fisch versucht auf allen Vieren kriechen.

Unser Fisch zieht auf einmal einen Trumpf -
Die Zahl der Fuesse waechst prompt auf fuenf.

Wir staunen. Die Sache ist complex.
Er hebt die Zahl der Fuesse auf sechs.

Das Ergebnis wurde noch mal hoch getrieben -
Wir sehen noch mehr Fuesse: diesmal - sieben.

Los, fragen wir ihn. Seine Antwort ist vollbracht:
"All meine Fuesse sind zu acht."

Wenn du entdeckst: ein Fisch besitzt den achten Fuss -
Das ist kein Fisch, das ist ein OktopUs.:)

Translation of the poem "Counting about fish"

Little talk about fish

Fish to sleep at the bottom of the river -
Any legs, any hands.

The fish rose from the bottom -
One leg was growing.

It splashed on my head -
She now has two.

Let's take a look at it.
How many times? Isn't it three?

Raptom, we can’t believe it, -
There's nothing wrong with the fish!

There is a need to save the sign.
She already has five!

For Khvilina - new news:
There are already six fish legs.

We are completely lost.
How many legs does a fish have? Sim?

Numo, let's drink it in the rib.
“Everything” - it confirms to us.

Fish, which everyone has,
Call it: EIGHT.


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Children's poems and rhymes about fish in English:

When I go fishing
I"m always wishing
Some fish will be my prize;
But while I"m fishing,
The fish are wishing

If anyone needs a translation, write in the comments!

And all the wishes
Of all the fishes
Seem always to come true;
So all my wishes
To catch some fishes
Never do.

I"m a little fishy, watch me swim
Here is my tail, here is my fin,
When I want to have fun with my friends,
I wiggle my tail and dive right in!

One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive;
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let him go again.
Why did you let him go?
Because he bit my finger so!
Which finger did he bite?
This little finger on the right!
Down at the bottom
Of the deep blue sea.
I catch fishes
One, Two, Three.

A. S. Bourinot

The little fish are silent
As they swim round and round.
Their mouths are ever talking
A speech without a sound.
Now aren't the fishes funny
To swim in water clear
And talk with words so silent
That nobody can hear?

C. Quinn

Fishies in the water
One, two, three, four, five.
Fishies in the water
Dive, dive, dive, dive, dive.
Fishies in the water
Swimming to and fro.
Fishies in the water,
Go, go, go, go, go.
Fishies in the water
You'd better not stay.
Fishermen are coming.
Swim, swim, swim away!

Little Color Fish

Five little fishies swimming near the shore.
The red snapper took a bit and then there were four.
Four little fishies swimming in the sea.
The orange roughy fish swam away and then there were three.
Three little fishies in the ocean blue.
The pink salmon took a seahorse ride and then there were two.
Two little fishies swimming in the sun.
The yellow perch swam too far and then there was one.
One little blue marlin, now you"re all alone.
I"ll put you in my gold fish bowl and take you home.

Five Little Fishes

Five little fishes swimming in a pool.
The first one said, the pool is cool.
The second one said, the pool is deep.
The third one said, I want to sleep.
The fourth one said, Let's dive and dip.
The fifth one said. I spy a ship.
The boat comes, and a line goes kerplash.
Away the five little fishies dash!

Four Little Fishes

Four little fishes swimming out to sea,
One met a shark!...And then there were three.
Three little fishes wondering what to do,
One hid in a great big shell...And then there were two.
Two little fishes looking for some fun,
One chased after a wave...And that left one.
One little fish with all his friends gone,
Went back home to find his mum...
And that left none!

V. S. Danoff

Five Little Fishy

Five little fishy, ​​swimming out to sea,
The first one said, "Oh, what can we see?"
The second one said, "I can see a tail."
The third one said, "It must be a whale!"
The fourth one said, "She"s looking for lunch,"
The fifth one said, "She"ll eat us in one munch!"
Five little fishy, ​​swimming side by side, cried,
"Oh where, oh where, oh where, can we hide?

Fred and His Fishes

Fred had a fishbowl.In it was a fish,
Swimming around with a swish, swish, swish!
Fred said, "I know what I will do.
I "ll buy another and that will make two."
Fred said, "I"m sure it would be
Very, very nice if I just had three."
Fred said, "If I had one more,
That would make one, two, three, four."
Fred said, "What fun to see them dive,
One, two, three, four, five."
How many fishes do you see?
How many fishes? Count them with me!

E. Malyonkina

Two fish frolic in blue water,

They sparkle with their golden scales.

Their elegant backs flash in the river,

And their mother, a sardine, swims nearby.

A. Teslenko

There are fish in the aquarium

They scurry here and there,

There are fish in the aquarium

They sing us songs.

But I can't hear the songs

Completely, completely, completely.

G. Fokov

The fish swim silently.

Throw crumbs into their aquarium -

They eat lunch in silence.

There are no more silent fish.

Yu. Lyubimov

The fish blows bubbles

Underwater endlessly.

How does she manage to do this?

No soap, no ring?

V. Pakhomov

A fish swims in the water:

"Who caught you and where?"

Well, the fish is still silent,

Does not say anything.

I'll give her food, turn on the light,

And I sit there and remain silent.

The fish swims on the bottom

It's sad for her and sad for me.

The evening wanders outside the window,

Soon the night will come to our house,

It's time for me to go to bed:

"Fish! Fish, see you in the morning!"

I. Shabalina

The aquarium is clean and sparkling glass,

And elegant fish swim in it.

I asked: “Do you want crustacean food?”

But the fish remained silent about this.

I want to communicate in their language.

I’ll sit down next to you and shut up.

G. Dyadina

Somehow a prickly needle fish

I found a leaky boat in the sea,

The hole was mended on her side

And returned it back to the fisherman.

Why is the fish silent all the time?

Doesn't bark, doesn't grunt or moo,

And even when you get hooked,

Your mouth will be full of water and then there will be silence?

Is she really not even afraid of her ears? —

Ask the fish, she will tell you!

N. Shcherbinina

On a boat together

We will sail on the sea.

The blue sea was stormy.

For the sailors this is grief.

The waves are moving.

And for fish the sea is home.

They live in the depths.

There is order and comfort.

Does not storm at depth.

The fish circle in silence.

They dance in the sea,

They are not afraid of stormy waters.

They are not given into people's hands -

They laugh at the sailors.

D. Sirotin

The fish opens its mouth,

opens, and is silent!

I don't understand anything

and therefore - angry!

Brother Vitka smiles at me:

“Why are you angry again?

The fish can talk

Thinner than a squeak?! No problem!

I'll come close

to the jar of fish then!

Here I crept up quieter than a mouse,

I dipped my ear into the jar...

And I can’t hear it in the water!

So, my brother didn’t deceive me?!

I made my face more stern,

shouted: “Fish, how are you?!”

But it seems that you can understand me

the fish couldn't do it either...

Is La

She lived on my window,

Fish in a glass jar,

And the cat really wanted

Try this fish.

But the fish is in glass armor,

She calmly chewed worms,

To the accursed predator,

She looked silently from the jar.

But somehow a terrible wind

Suddenly the window opened,

And the can fell to the floor...

Straight to the clawed cat.

Fingered with her paws

Glass pieces on parquet,

The mustachioed one couldn’t understand -

There are no fish in the fragments...

My mother is a sorceress,

Provided in advance

And the fish moved

To a new big aquarium!

I. Konkov

My aquarium is huge

Like a home ocean

Behind the glass flows a modest

A living fountain of bubbles.

There's a fish in the aquarium,

She has an underwater house

The fish moves flexibly

Waving his tail fan.

This fish is not simple -

Her golden outfit

Shining brightly like a rainbow,

Mesmerizing to look at.

Between the tender algae,

Near the pebbles at the bottom

The fish swims slowly

And he lives for my joy.

T. Goette

Oh, if only we could

Talking fish -

Wonderful stories

We should have listened enough!

And she would tell us


About how to

Once the offense took over:

One Ichthyologist

He revealed the truth to her,

Once I said

What is she - Sawfly!

How long was it

In a sad state:

And if they called

And you with Sawsaw?!

How indignant I would be

Suddenly Barracuda!

And I would find out everything -

Gossip from where?

She's not a Piranha!

And it’s clear to everyone

Not at all for life

Others are not dangerous!

What if he's talkative?

Would Pike?

No! Better yet, Pike

He won't say a word!

You have to deal with her

We should be careful -

Horrible stories

You can listen!

And Keith? He's not a fish

But he is also silent.

And how much in total

Keith would have told us!

And I want to believe

Is it too late or early?

Will reveal all the secrets

He is the Ocean to us!

T. Vtorova

The fish was catching up with the fish,

The fish wagged its tail

Poked in the abdomen - Got it!

Hey girlfriend! How are you?

Poems about fish

In a quiet river

In a quiet river at the pier

The fish met the fish:



How are you?

I was fishing

I was fishing for a fisherman

Uncle Petya is an eccentric.

Where is your fisherman?

No, he's gone, you sly fellow!

Lost it!

E. Chepovetsky


Above the river

The reeds rustle.

By the reeds

Six cocky ruffs.

Don't be irritated, you irritants,

Better hide in the reeds.

You ruff kids

The pike is waiting by the reeds.

Yu. Mogutin


Fish in a jar

They pour in semolina.

The fish are burning with gold.

I got some semolina early in the morning

They cook porridge and say,

As for me from that porridge

I'll be golden too.

And the fish are biting

The fisherman is afraid to go fishing.

Why are you shy?

Tell me, weirdo?

Not suitable for the river

Coward Fedot

Since I heard it,

What fish are biting.

V. Tatarinov

Lenya asks Petya:

How to knit fish nets?

There are a lot of holes to take,

Tie them all together with threads.

V. Biryukov

Flying fish

flying fish,

flying fish,

You are coming to our kindergarten

Could you come over?

Fly quickly

The whole group is waiting for you:

A living corner has appeared

Yu. Kapotov

We fished from a boat

And the lazy one is out of the frying pan.

We fried cod

Divided into pieces.

And I’m lazy - not a piece:

In the sea, friend, your cod!

I. Demyanov


Petya is sitting with a fishing rod,

He looks keenly at the water.

There are little crucian carp in it

They dig through mud like pigs.

A flock of old crucian carp

Water carousel

Briskly twirls at the hook,

The fisherman is distracted

To remove a worm from a hook.

G. Ladonshchikov

Lonely catfish

Som thought about

How to build a house in a river.

How to build a brick house

And with a window, and with a pipe,

How to build a great house

Right in the blue river.

The catfish does not sleep in the dead of midnight,

The catfish twirls its mustache in thought -

Who would come to his aid?

And helped build the house?

Because soma

It's very difficult to be alone.

V. Boyarinov


At sunset the pond sleeps.

Circles float on the water -

These are small fish

They played out here and there.

I like to splash water on them,

To flash your scales for a moment, -

Fishes jump out into the air

It's like we're diving.

E. Stewart

About the whale

From an airplane

And said,

Waving his hand:

Small fry!

G. Sapgir


Walking, frolicking,

And she has no account.

And a shell on each

From coins.

V. Karizna


Here's the hook, here's the worm,

Line, stick and fishing.

Well, give it up, Michalka!

No river? Well, no problem!

The rain has passed and there is water all around.

Puddle is also a river -

There will be a bite for sure.

Without a doubt this is so...

The fisherman cast his fishing rod.

An hour stands - silent and waiting...

The fish isn't biting for some reason.

V. Karizna


Only the shepherd sang his horn,

I went out to the bank.

Caught a fish!

Silently sat by the reeds

And he threw it in slowly.

Caught a fish!

I sit for an hour, then sit for two.

Where is the perch? Where is the roach?

Caught a fish!

Finally! Gotcha, friend!

He pulls the fishing rod out of his hands.

Caught a fish!

The perch flashed in the air,

Slap! Dive... and sneak away.

Walk, fish!


Fishing with a cat

We've been fishing with her since the morning.

Small fish for the cat,

Of course, it's bigger for me.

Simple science -

Watch the float.

Maybe I'll catch a pike

Maybe you'll catch a catfish.

But so far only the cat is lucky.

Pike don't bite on crumbs.

E. Stekvashova

For a fish, cancer is neither a friend nor an enemy.

Fish are unlikely to be afraid of cancer.

The fish is afraid of the worm,

Which is hooked.


Fish move with their fins,

They muddy clean water.

Have lunch -

They never say.

They live like this for centuries.

And wherever you look, -

Fish with fins only

They move gratefully.

Why such fish?

Yes, they have water in their mouths!

And they say thank you

They will never be able to.

L. Rashkovsky

Fish tease


That's it!

Not afraid!

Let me pull your mustache!

You are lazy,

You are agile

You are silver

You're black.

And don’t slap your mouth in vain,

You won't catch the minnow!

I. Gamazkova

The fishermen are sitting

Guard the floats.

Fisherman Korney

I caught three perch.

Fisherman Evsey -

Four crucian carp.

And the fisherman Mikhail

I caught two catfish.

How many fish are the fishermen

Dragged from the river?

N. Konchalovskaya

A catfish sleeps under a snag,

Moves his mustache...

Well, what kind of dream is this?

Judge for yourself?

I lay down a little, and suddenly I’m pouring

I found myself next to him,

In the thick of the reeds

Two ruffs quarreled.

The pike clicked its teeth...

What kind of dream - judge for yourself!

The catfish moved its whiskers,

He got angry and... fell asleep.

E. Stewart

Fishing rhyme

Egorka is lucky again!

It’s not in vain that he sits by the river:

Five crucian carp in a bucket

And four minnows.

But look - at the bucket

A sly cat appeared...

How many fishes go home Egorka

Will he bring it to us?

V. Krivosheev

Tiger shark

Tiger swallowed

big shark,

And after breakfast

I fell fast asleep.

But arc stripes appeared

On the stomach

The greedy villainess.

I couldn't wash them off

Sea wave -

So striped

She did.

To distinguish from others,

Steel a shark

Call it Tiger.


The fisherman returns from fishing, satisfied.

Got a good catch on the hook:

Tin can, holey shoe,

A punctured ball and an old jacket.

Yes, yes, he was left without fish soup for now,

But the river will thank him.

O. Polyakova

There are reeds near the river.

Ruffs splashed there.

The circle is older,

The circle is younger,

The circle is just kids.

I. Demyanov

Mustachioed monster

We gave him a nickname:

"Mustachioed monster!"

He lives in the very pool -

Master of the depths.

The fish has a huge mouth

And the eyes are barely visible.

Himself black,

The belly is gray,

And he moves his mustache.

Perhaps you found out?

Learned. This is a catfish.

G. Abramov

At the old bridge

No, guys, for a reason

I'm fishing near the bridge.

Here they are

At least bring it to the exhibition!

On the fast lane

More of dad's hand.

What a line!

They are brighter than gold!

And although I caught

I am only

Best places

At the old bridge.

I. Melnichuk


Stop, roach and crucian carp!

And don't ask for mercy!

I am the mistress here in the pond.

I'm going hunting.

A. Leontyev


There was a pike in the lake,

I took the worm off the hook.

The pike cooked cabbage soup,

I invited three ruffs.

The ruffs told everyone:

Pike cabbage soup is good!

V. Musatov


A pike lived in the river,

Chalk water with a brush,

I cooked cabbage soup for the guests,

She treated the minnows.

E. Kotlyar


The pike swallowed the brush

The brush tickles her throat.

Amazing thing!

What kind of fish did I eat?


This pike

Not a simple thing!

Put your finger in her mouth -

The whole hand is abyss!

E. Kotlyar

The pike was good

I made friends with fish.

Cabbage soup made from sea cabbage

The pike has cooked.


She treated me to cabbage soup.

F. Bobylev

Eh,” the fishermen sighed, “

Are these pike perch?

You'll pull it out before, it used to be

The tail used to be in half a hand!

Eh, - the pike perch sighed, -

There used to be worms...

It used to be just a worm

We ate half the river!

Eh,” the worms sighed, “

Fishermen used to lie!

We used to listen to them

They climbed onto the hooks themselves!

Children's rhymes are an integral part of children's yard games, an attribute of childhood. Ask your grandmother or grandfather: “Do they remember the rhymes from their childhood?” Their face will immediately brighten and a smile will appear on their lips. Of course, we all know and remember these mischievous, sometimes hooligan rhymes .A small part of them is collected here. Some came to us from time immemorial, we will never know who composed them, others modern ones have their own authors. Introduce and teach the ones you like to your children. I'm sure they will find them useful.

A hare was running through the swamp,
He was looking for a job
Yes, I didn’t find a job,
He cried and left.

A puppy was running around the yard
He sees a piece of pie,
He crawled under the porch and ate it,
He dozed off and snored.
But we won't sleep,
We all want to play.

The bomb explodes
The game begins.
At the start of the game:
One two Three,
Fire, fall!

There are cars in the garage -
Volga, Chaika, Zhiguli,
Which one do you get the keys from?

A dachshund got into the taxi,
- What is the rate for a dachshund?
- Both dachshunds and cats are equal -
Whatever you hit, pay!

In a quiet river at the pier
The fish met the fish.
- Hello!
- Hello!
- How are you?
- I was fishing
I was fishing for a fisherman
Uncle Petya is an eccentric.
- Where is your fisherman?
- No, the sly man has left,
Broke it.

Deep in the forest
On the edge
Two cuckoos:
Bring me flour
I'm here for a treat
I'll bake some cookies.
You go, bring the flour!

A, B, C, D, D, E, F -
A toad rides a hedgehog.
3, I, K, L, M, N, O -
Bunny, look out my window.
C, Ch, Sh, Shch, E, Yu, I -
And pike have scales.

A and B were sitting on the pipe,
A fell, B disappeared,
What's left on the pipe?

Drum, drum,
Don't bother drumming in vain.
One two three four five -
Take the boys out to play.

The lamb was walking in the meadow,
The lamb lost its horns.
A hungry wolf walked by
He clicks the lamb with his teeth!

Badger Grandma
I baked pancakes.
Treated two grandchildren -
Two pugnacious badgers,
But the grandchildren didn’t have enough to eat,
The saucers are knocking with a roar!

There are a hundred heads in this herd
Goats, rams and cows.
Who shepherds them to health,
He himself will be healthy.

The wind blows in our faces
And the tree shakes.
The wind is getting quieter, quieter,
The trees are getting higher and higher,
The wind died down completely -
And we will all play!

The wind flew over the sea,
The wind counted the songbirds.
I counted every one of them!
And then I took the day off.
It's our turn to count!
One two three four five!

The soldiers were walking
To the market.
What did you buy?
What is the price?-
Three rubles.
Who's coming out?
It's me.

A ram was walking
Over steep mountains
Found some weed
I put it on the bench.
Who will take her?
That one will go too.

The squirrels treated the hares
And they served carrots.
We ate all the nuts ourselves,
And they told you to drive

A hedgehog came out of the fog
Drank half a glass of vodka
He took out a knife and sausage
Good in your native forest
I started singing a song quietly
I cried about the unfulfilled
Looked into an empty glass
And again he went into the fog...

A goat walked along the bridge
And wagged her tail,
Got caught on the railing
It landed right in the river.

Who doesn't believe is him.
Get out of the circle!

Tomorrow it will fly from the sky
Blue-blue-blue whale
If you believe, stand and wait,
If you don't believe me, come out!

One two three four five,
The bunny went out for a walk
Suddenly the hunter runs out,
Shoots straight at the bunny

Bang - bang oh-oh-oh
My little bunny is dying.

They brought him to the hospital
He refused to be treated
They brought him home
He turned out to be alive.

Dora, Dora tomato.
We caught a thief in the garden,
They began to think and guess,
How to punish a thief?
We tied our hands and feet
And they let us go on our way.
The thief walked, walked, walked
And I found a basket.
In this little basket
There is lipstick and perfume,
Ribbons, lace, boots...
Anything for the soul?

One two three four five,
Six seven eight nine ten,
A clear month emerged all round,
And behind the month is the moon,
The boy is the girl's servant.
You, servant, bring the carriage,
And I’ll sit down and go.
You, servant, hand me the broom,
I'll sweep the carriage.

A suitcase was floating on the sea,
There was a sofa in the suitcase,
An elephant was riding on the sofa.
Those who don't believe, get out!

One two three four five -
Let's count cats:
Once - three-color Manana,
Two - fluffy Snezhana,
Three - brindle, all striped,
Tabby cat Matroskin.
The fourth cat is Zolotok,
The reddest cat.
We began to count further:
But where is number five?!
Apparently he ran away:
Apparently he saw a mouse...
We will understand by continuing the counting,
Which one of us is the runaway cat?

Who has a cold and sneezes -
He releases germs.
-Who is sick? Answer me! –
Come out, go, get treatment!

One two three four five,
Six seven eight nine ten!
We must, we must, we must sleep!
And no need to fool around!
He who falls asleep sees a dream,
Whoever is not sleeping, get out!

Pike counting

Fluttering fins
I walk around the bream.
The bream is agile and smart -
He leaves the game.

Lazy counting rhyme

On Monday I was kicking the ball,
And on Tuesday I painted,
On Wednesday I went for a walk in the park,
And on Thursday - play hockey,
I played a little on Friday
And on Saturday I was running with the cat,
On Sunday I rested -
I'm very tired.

They sat on the golden porch
Tsar, prince,
King, prince,
Shoemaker, tailor,
Who will you be?
Speak quickly
Don't detain honest and kind people!

Stork is a stork, stork is a bird,
What do you dream about at night?
I want the swamp edges,
- And what else?
More frogs.
You can't catch them, you can't catch them.
That's it, you drive!

The month has emerged from the fog,
He took the knife out of his pocket.
Whom to cut? Whom to beat?
Come out - you should drive!

Tryntsy, bryntsy, bells,
The daredevils called,
Digi, digi, digi, don,
Get out quickly!

Bunny - coward
He ran across the field,
He ran across the field,
Ran into the garden
I found a carrot
I found cabbage
Sits, chews,
Ay - someone is coming!

An orange was rolling
Around the city of Berlin,

Didn't teach any lessons
And I got a bad mark.

And the deuce is not mine
- Someone else's king.

The king was sitting on a bench,
I counted my boogers.

One two Three -
You will be a booger!

One day the mice came out
See what time it is.
One two three four,
The mice pulled the weights.
Then a terrible ringing sound was heard -
The mice have run away!

Hush, mice, the cat is on the roof, and the kittens are even higher.
The cat went for milk, and the kittens went head over heels.
the cat came without milk, but the kittens ha-ha-ha.

Ahi, ahi, ahi, oh,
Masha sowed peas
He was born thick,
We'll rush, just wait!

Sheep were walking along the road
Got my feet wet in a puddle
They began to wipe their feet:
Who with a handkerchief
Who is a rag
Who has a holey mitten!

White hare,
Where did you run? -
- To the oak forest! -
- What were you doing there?
- He tore his face!
- Where did you put it?
- Under the deck.
- Who stole it?
- Rodion!
Get out!

Zealous horse
Jumps across the field
The cornfield is jumping.
Who's the horse
He'll catch him
Tag with us

The car was walking through a dark forest
For some interest,
Inter- inter- interest,
Exit with the letter "ES".
The letter "ES" did not fit,
Exit with the letter "A"
The letter "A" is not good
Exit with the letter "SHA".

On the edge of the river
The cat is sitting on the porch,
And behind her in a long row
Nine little kittens.

Three kittens with mustaches,
Three striped like a zebra,
Three with a star on the chest,
Who's last - come out!

Wolves prowl
They are looking for food.
We'll catch them first
And then we'll play.

There's a beetle sitting opposite -
It's obvious he's a mean guy.
Make way for him
So as not to be angry for a very long time.

I'll get up, I'll get up with the roosters,
I'll go out, I'll go out with the shepherds.
I'm going east
I'll look at the sunrise.
One two Three -
Beginning of the game!

I met a bull hedgehog
And licked his side.
He licked his side -
He pricked his tongue.
The hedgehog laughs to himself:
- Don’t put it in your mouth,
Whatever happens!

Snow fell on the fields,
A child came running.
One two three four five -
We will run and jump,
We'll play in the snow.

High, very high
I threw my ball easily.
But my ball fell from heaven
Rolled into the dark forest.
One two three four five,
I'm going to look for him.

The little bunny went out for a walk,
He began to pluck the grass.
He pinched once, pinched twice.
The third time it didn't work -
The meeting with the wolf happened.
The bunny ran away from the wolf,
The wolf did not catch up with the hare.

The month has emerged from the fog,
And I will be the captain.
Early in the morning
I'll assemble a team.
Don't hang your nose
You will be a sailor.

One day the mice came out
See what time it is.
One two three four,
The mice pulled the weights.
Then a terrible ringing sound was heard -
The mice ran away.

They say at dawn
Gathered on the mountain
Pigeon, goose and jackdaw
That's the whole counting rhyme.

Two firefighters ran
And they pressed the button:

The cat got into a taxi
And the kittens clung
And we had a free ride.

House, two-story house,
There's an important cat upstairs.

Dora, Dora, Tomato.
We caught a thief in the garden,
They began to think and guess,
How to punish a thief?
We tied our hands and feet
And they let us go on our way.
The thief walked, walked, walked
And I found a basket.
In this little basket
There is lipstick and perfume,
Ribbons, lace, boots...
Anything for the soul.

Dora, Dora, tomato,
We caught a thief in the garden.
They began to think and guess,
How can a thief be punished?
We tied our hands and feet
And they let us go on our way.
The thief walked, walked, walked
And I found a basket.
In this little basket
There are drawings and pictures.
One two Three,
Give it to whoever you want!

Uncle Vanya, look
We blow bubbles.
Blue, red, light blue -
Choose any one for yourself!

I'm on my way to my grandmother, my grandfather
On horseback
In a red hat.
On a flat path
On one leg
In an old shoe.
Over potholes, over bumps,
Everything is straight and direct,
And then suddenly - bang into the hole!

Hedgehog through the forest
Walked, walked, walked,
Under the bush
I found a fungus.
Walked around the fungus:
- This is a good find!
He brought the fungus home
The mushroom soup turned out great!

The cat was riding on a barrel,
He sold flowers.
Blue, red, light blue -
Choose any one for yourself.

A boy was traveling from Kazan,
One and a half hundred rubles sleigh,
Fifty rubles arc;
The boy is the girl's servant.

A man was driving along the road,
Broke a wheel on the doorstep...
How many nails do you need?
Don't think for long
Speak quickly.

A fox was driving through the forest,
Broke three wheels.
We need to sit down and tell our fortunes,
How much money should I give to whom?

A fox was riding through the forests,
Broke four wheels -
Everyone went crazy.
How much money should you give?
So we can play?

Once upon a time there were two neighbors,
Two cannibal neighbors.
Cannibal cannibal
Invites you to lunch.
The cannibal replied: - No,
I won't go to you, neighbor!
It's not a bad idea to go to lunch
But by no means
Not as a dish!

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman,
We ate porridge with milk.
Grandfather got angry with grandma -
And hit the belly with your fist!
And from the belly two watermelons
We rolled into the union house.
In the house-union they say:
“Grandma needs to go to kindergarten!”

Once upon a time there lived a hundred guys
Everyone went to kindergarten.
Everyone sat down to lunch
And they ate a hundred cutlets,
And then they went to bed.
Start counting again!

Once upon a time there were three herrings:
Kulya, Mulya and Balda.
Kulya and Mulya slept together,
And Balda slept alone.

Behind the iron pillars
There is a tower on the hill.
There is a lock on the door.
Go get the key
And unlock the lock.

Over the seas, over the mountains,
Behind the iron pillars
There is a tower on the hill,
There's a lock on the door,
Go get the key
And unlock the lock.

Behind glass doors
There is a Bear with pies.
- Hello, Mishenka-friend,
How much does a pie cost?
- I don’t sell pies,
This is how I give them to my children!

Behind glass doors
The ass is sitting with pies.
Tell me, butt friend,
How much does a pie cost?

Bunny - coward
He ran across the field,
Ran into the garden
I found a carrot
I found cabbage
Sits, chews,
Go away - the owner is coming!

I walked along the sea
I dropped the keys.
Golden keys
Things are expensive.

White hare,
Where did you run? -
- To the oak forest! -
- What were you doing there?
- He tore his face!
- Where did you put it?
- Under the deck.
- Who stole it?
- Rodion!

Who's ready to find the grains in their pocket?
The pastry chef baked twenty-five blackbirds into the cake.
A bird's tur-lu-lu burst out of the cake,
Did the king dream of such a dish?
The king was in the office, keeping track of the income.
The Queen was eating a sandwich in the hall.
Outside the yard the maid was hanging laundry,
Drozd goes there and immediately grabs her nose.

It's rolling downhill
Blue dress.
There is a green bow on the side,
A musician loves me.
Young musician
His name is Volodenka.

From under the stove
Two planks - clap!
Pop came out.

A breeze from the drifting snow
Made a silver cord
And he brought him to the taiga
White-maned blizzard!

Like ours
Outside the yard
Worth a cup
With cottage cheese;
Two grouse
Pecked -
They flew away.
Pecked -
They flew away
In the meadow
We sat down.

One day in the summer along Onega
Som rode in a cart.
Instead of a horse - crucian carp,
He drove the cart into the mud.
Gets stuck, asking for help,
And scolds the crucian carp!

The orange was rolling
To the city of Berlin,
Didn't study my lessons
And I got a bad mark.

The bag was rolling
From a high hump;
In this bag:
Bread, wheat,
With whomever you want
Share with that.

An apple rolled through the garden
And fell straight into the water:
You don’t have to count the bubbles,
We need to save the apple!

Pussy, pussy,
Here's a big bowl for you.
This bowl is with milk,
But drink it secretly!

Horses, horses, horses, horses
We sat on the balcony
We drank tea, we drank water,
In Turkish they said:
Chabi, chariabi
Chayabi, chabi-chabi.
We took water in our mouths
And they told everyone - freeze
And who will die first?
He'll get a bump on the forehead!


One day I went to the forest,

I found mushrooms there.

Boletus, milk mushroom,

Get into the box.

Poisonous fly agaric,

Get out of the basket!

We approached the store

Looked at the window -

There are clothes laid out there

On the shelves, as expected.

One two three four five,

Let's go pick out some clothes!

A magpie is chattering on a bitch,

Having fun, white-sided.

So I spun on the bitch,

What fell on the grass!

You do not believe? Come out,

Look at the magpie!

Jackdaws are sitting on the branches,

Crows, bullfinches.

And next to the paths

Sparrows are jumping.

You go out into the yard

Look at the birds!

The titmice sing: “Tili-shadow!

We have fun on a frosty day!”

The sparrows don't sing

They peck the grains!

One two three four five,

Come and play with us!


One-two, one, two, three,

The cranes are flying away.

One stretches to the south

Cranes last wedge.

Now everyone has disappeared into the distance -

The cranes flew away.

One two three four five,

Come back, we'll be waiting!

The goose touched the puddle with its paw:

“Oh, where am I going?”

Ice on the puddles in the morning -

It's time to fly south.

Geese, geese, get together,

Let's hit the road!

One two three four five,

We'll go see you off!


Santa Claus is coming and going

Among the fir trees and birches,

He carries a bag behind his back -

He carries gifts in it:

Books, dolls, tangerines,

Hares, bears and cars.

One two three four five,

We're going to meet him!

Dili-don, dili-don,

You can hear the ringing from all sides!

The sleigh is flying merrily

The bells are ringing!

Santa Claus with Snow Maiden

He hurries towards us among the birches.

You do not believe? Come out!

Come and take a look!

One two three four five,

The little fox went out for a walk.

The little fox loved the fish,

She outwitted the wolf.

The wolf sits by the ice hole,

The tail is hanging in the hole.

You do not believe? Come out

Look at the wolf!

We baked a bun,

He has a ruddy side.

He was lying on the window

He suddenly jumped and ran away,

One two three four five,

We want to catch up with him.

One two Three,

Come on, catch up!


One two three four five,

Violets, cacti. Aloe,

And pike tail and Kalanchoe...

He will catch up!

Flowers grew in the group

Unprecedented beauty.

One two three four five,

Who can name them?

Let's speak in chorus

Well, go and drive!


Fireworks thunder over the city.

Grandpa and I alone

Around the festive city

Let's go watch the fireworks!

One two Three,

Come with us!


We will cut logs,

Chocks - to chop with an axe.

Axes are knocking in the morning,

There is a mountain of firewood on the street.

One two three four five,

Come out and help us!


One two three four five,

The holiday has come to us again!

One two three four five,

We will congratulate moms!

Prepared gifts -

And sweets and flowers.

And although we were hot,

We baked cakes in the stove.

One two Three,

Mom come!



Tili-bom, tili-bom,

We will build new house!

Let's be like parents

We are builders!

One two three four five,

We want to become builders!

So the morning comes -

The bell calls us to school.

Open the door for us, school,

We are schoolchildren now!

One two three four five,

We will study with A's!

September has arrived -

He opened the doors to the school for us.

We hold briefcases in our hands,

Satchels, books and flowers.

We are not just children now,

You and I are students!

You do not believe? Come out!

Look at the schoolchildren!


A tractor plows the ground with a plow,

The harrow follows him,

Next is a large seeder

Places grains in the ground.

You do not believe? Come out!

Look at the field!

There was a scarecrow in the field,

It grumbled at the rooks:

“Birds, get out of the field!

Field, birds, don’t trample!

Don't peck the grains, birds!

Fly away, birds, from the field!

Don't you want to leave?

Well, then you should drive!

Ay, doo-doo, ah, doo-doo,

I'll go to the garden now.

I'll pick some vegetables

For green fresh cabbage soup.

Where are you vegetables, ay?

Better hide, I'm coming!

We play, we play

We choose fruits together.

Apple - one

Pear - two,

Plum - three,

Well, go and drive!

One, two help


Let's collect the spikelets -

Let's bake a loaf.

You do not believe? Come out

Look at us quickly!

We had lunch in the garden

Ay, doo-doo, ah, doo-doo!

Suddenly the magpies flew in,

They ate everything from our plates,

Scattered forks, spoons,

Cups, saucers, ladle.

Then the crow flew in

And she told you to drive.

One two three four five.

The table went for a walk again.

The chairs followed him,

We didn’t find them later!

The chairs flew into the sky,

And they told you to drive!

They love balls very much

Girls and boys.

Hit the ball with your palm,

Hit the ball with your palm - knock!

The ball is bouncing along the path,

He is not angry, he does not cry!

One two Three,

Go play ball!


We filled the tank with gasoline,

We got into the car together.

One two Three. One two Three,

Turn the steering wheel left and right!

You do not believe? Come out

And bring it quickly!


The machine is washing, spinning,

Plop-plop, plop-plop!

Aunt Zina washes the clothes,

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

One two Three,

Help me hang the laundry!

If you don't want to help, come out.

Just go and drive it!

One, two, the willow has blossomed!

One, two, three, don’t tear it!

One two three four five,

It's time for us to play!

One two Three,

You go drive!

We went for a walk

On a bright spring day.

The icicles sing and ring:

Shadow-shadow, shadow-shadow, shadow-shadow!

And drops like a waterfall

They are in a hurry to fall.

And so many of these drops

You do not believe? Come out!

Look at the icicles!

One two Three,

What kind of fish, look!

Three four five,

We want to catch her!

We want to catch her

To play with her!

Fish, fish, don't yawn,

Catch up guys!


Waste, tra-ta-ta,

We caught a mosquito.

And the mosquito flew away

And he sat down on a tree.

He sat on a tree

He sang a song quietly.

One two three four five,

Fly away, mosquito, for a walk!

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,

I'm flying and buzzing!

I'm a big funny bumblebee

I'm not too lazy to buzz all day!

Don't come near me

Come on, drive it!

One two three four five,

The bees need to collect honey!

Bees need to work hard.

It's not good for them to be lazy!

The bees sat on the flowers,

We play - you drive!


Kittens and puppies,

Funny boys,

We frolicked in the meadow

We played leapfrog.

One two three four five,

It's fun to play together!


Somehow polar bears

We sailed on a bicycle.

And the funny seals

They flew slowly in the sky.

Walruses were sitting on a tree,

Everyone turned their heads.

You do not believe? Come out!

Come on and give me the reins!


A parrot walks through the jungle.

He doesn't find anyone:

Neither elephant nor monkey

Not a boa under the vine.

Who will I play with?

Who can tell me?

One two three four five,

You will play with us!

From distant overseas countries

The captain brought the macaque.

In the house I opened the door with a key:

“Come in, monkey, into the house!”

And the macaque was scared

She climbed onto the ledge.

You do not believe? Come out!

Look at the macaque!

Autumn, golden autumn,

Play with us today.

One two three four five,

We want to play with you!

Autumn. It's leaf fall in the park.

Yellow leaves are flying.

The wind never stops blowing,

Frequent rain of tears pours.

You do not believe? Come out

Look at the puddles!

Rain, rain,


Wet paths.

I'll still go for a walk

With Masha and Antoshka!

One two three four five,

Come for a walk with us!

The cloud is crying - it is raining.

The jackdaws at the gate are getting wet.

The breeze blew

And he told you to drive.

All the trees have flown over,

The birds have flown south

Ice on the puddles in the morning, -

Winter will come to us soon.

If you don't believe it, come out!

Come on and give me the reins!


Once upon a time there is a big bear in the forest

He started singing the song loudly.

The fox sang with him,

A hare, a wolf - these are miracles!

You do not believe? Come out,

Look at the bear!

Once upon a time in the forest under the tree

Two foxes, two wolves

They danced in the clearing,

We jumped and played together!

You do not believe? Look!

Come and drive quickly!

Oh, snowflakes are flying, flying -

White-winged fluff.

Everything around is white and white,

The first snow covered it.

Hey guys, run out!

Welcome winter!

There's a snowstorm blowing -

The snow is spreading like a wave.

Outside the village

Winter has made snowdrifts.

One two three four five,

Winter has come to the village again!


One two three four five,

We love winter!

Skis and skates are waiting for us,

Sleds, slides and snowballs.

One two three four five,

We love to play in winter!

We sculpt, we sculpt snowballs,

Together we play.

And we snowball into each other

Have fun throwing!

One two three four five,

Come out and play!

There is a mountain in the yard -

Kids are having fun!

I'm flying down the hill -

I fly wherever I want!

I'm sledding

And I'm not afraid to fall!

I'm not afraid of heights

And you will be the one to drive!

We'll put on sweaters

We will take the skates in our hands.

Like a cheerful breeze

Let's run to the skating rink!

Do you want to join us? Do not snooze!

Catch up with us quickly!

We take the skates in our hands,

Let's go to the skating rink with them.

We play hockey on them

And we perform the figures.

One two three four five,

How fun we are again!

On crispy snow

I'm going to the park for a ride.

I quickly put on my skis,

I walk briskly along the ski track.

One two three four five,

Well, try to catch up!

If you're very lucky,

You too will get into the navy!

You will be in the sea

Bravely surf the sea!

You will be a brave captain

You will see many countries!

Waves hit from all sides.

Those who don't believe will get out!

Aty-baty, the soldiers were coming

From dawn to dusk

Through fields and meadows,

Through swamps and snow,

Through the mountain pass

At night we made a halt.

One two three four five,

Everyone is tired. Sleep quickly!

They walk proudly in the open air

Ships in the distant sea.

The captain leads the ship

The ship moves on the waves.

One two Three,

You will be the captain!


They sang in a ringing chorus

Roosters all over the fences!

Wake up, all the people,

The red sun is rising!

One, two, three, don't yawn,

Count the roosters quickly!

One two Three,

Look at the stars!

There are millions of them in the sky,

One two three four five…

Do the math, don't be lazy,

Make sure you don't make a mistake!

We will be astronauts

Let people be proud of us.

On silver rockets

We will fly in clear skies.

You do not believe? Come out!

Look at the rockets!

Willow looks sadly into the pond,

Ducks are swimming on the pond,

Leaves on the water lie:

In the old park - leaf fall.

One two three four five,