Development of a personnel management system at the enterprise. Staffing of the enterprise

To determine the needs of an organization in human resources, it is necessary to understand under the influence of what factors they are formed. Since organizations are open social systems, their needs, however, in the labor force arise under the influence of both internal (intra-organizational) and external factors.

Intraorganizational factors. The needs of the organization in the labor force depend primarily on the goals it faces, for the implementation of which human resources are needed. The objectives of the organization can however be presented as a long-term strategic goal (to provide the highest quality of automotive service and 100% customer satisfaction), business strategy ("to increase sales by 10% annually through the creation of a network of franchises") or business -plan. The more specific the organizational goal, the easier it is to determine the needs for the labor force necessary, however, for its implementation.

In a company with a stable long-term strategy, labor needs do not change dramatically from year to year, and human resource planning is not particularly difficult. Conversely, if an organization changes its strategy - moves to the release of new products, the development of new markets, the elimination of certain business segments, the need for both the number and qualifications of the workforce can change significantly.

Another source of changes in the needs of the organization in the workforce is the intraorganizational dynamics of the workforce - voluntary layoffs, retirements, maternity leave, etc.

The Human Resources department must track these dynamics and anticipate changes ahead of time.

External factors. Among the many external factors, there are several of the most important, however, having a direct impact on the state of the labor market - the source of labor for most modern organizations. Ensuring the need for personnel of an existing enterprise involves not only determining the number of employees of the enterprise, but also comparing it with the existing workforce, assessing staff turnover and determining the additional need or excess staff. When determining the needs for labor resources, it is necessary to distinguish between the stages of preparation for production and operation. At the pre-production stage, the need for labor resources is mainly associated with all preparatory activities for setting up production. However, management personnel, middle management personnel, technicians and specialist machine operators must be recruited in advance, not only to train them, but also to participate in the construction of buildings and installation of the equipment on which they will work. Calculations must, however, be made on the basis of the functions performed by using the usual man-month cost formula to determine the cost of labor on which capital must be expended. At this stage, the number of personnel required should be kept to a minimum in order to reduce pre-production costs.

When assessing labor needs, the required specialists should be divided into the categories of workers and engineers and employees in order to have a structure for recruiting and developing appropriate training programs. In assessing these needs, labor availability and changing levels of productivity must be taken into account. It is necessary to distinguish between local and foreign labor.

Personnel planning, however, is closely related to their turnover. It comes from 2 sources:



The use of an external source involves recruiting from outside. In this case, various media, regional employment services, and appeals to educational institutions are used.

Most enterprises, however, seek to take into account their internal capabilities when satisfying staff. These include the transfer of working employees to another place of work, relocation, training of workers through the system of production team training. The advantage of using an internal source is its economy. Abeit, eine votSelection of personnel, however, is carried out on the basis of certain methods and principles. For each position, qualifications will be the deciding factor.

First of all, when studying the indicators of labor resources, attention is drawn to how the organization is provided with the necessary personnel. For this purpose, the following are considered:

Composition and structure of industrial and production personnel;

Provision of the organization and its divisions with workers, administrative and managerial personnel;

Availability of qualified employees;

Labor movement.

The analysis of the provision of labor resources, however, begins with a study of the structure and composition of the staff.

The personnel structure is the ratio of the number of different categories of employees. To analyze the personnel structure, the share (Kpi) of each category of employees in the total average number of employees of the enterprise is determined.

Крi = Pi/P , (1)

where Pi is the average number of employees of the i-th category (persons), Р is the average number of employees of the enterprise.

The average number of employees is calculated for a certain period of time (per month, quarter, half year, year).

The average number of employees per month is determined as the quotient of dividing the sum of all list data for each day by the calendar number of days in the month. The average number of employees per month (HR) is determined by the following formula:

HR \u003d Hcm / T, (2)

where Chsm - the number of employees for all days of the enterprise for the analyzed period (quarter, year, people), T - period (number of days).

The average number for the year is calculated by summing the average for all months of work from the beginning to the end of the year and dividing by 12.

The structure of labor resources, however, is analyzed for each division of the enterprise and can be considered according to such criteria as age, gender, level of education, work results, qualifications, degree of compliance with standards, etc.

In the process of analysis, it is necessary to study the change in the composition and structure of personnel. The composition of the labor force is always in motion. It is determined by the hiring, dismissal and internal movement of workers. The process of movement of personnel and the corresponding change in the number is called the turnover of labor. It includes the admission and departure of workers. Therefore, the most important stage in the analysis of the provision of the enterprise with labor force is the study of its movement. However, the analysis of the movement of the number of employees of the enterprise should complement the analysis of the personnel as a whole in order to identify the main trends in its development as a factor of production.

The movement of labor resources is the distribution, redistribution, release, training and retraining of labor resources. This is a constant change in quantitative and qualitative characteristics that characterize that part of the population that is the bearer of the labor force. The movement of labor resources is designed to balance the needs of production in terms of replacing vacancies and the need for ore of the appropriate quality.

When analyzing the movement of the labor force, special attention is paid to the reasons for the dismissal of workers from the enterprise. The main reasons include: conscription, downsizing, retirement, transfer to other enterprises, the expiration of the employment contract, the death of an employee, at his own request, admission to an educational institution out of work, absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline.

When analyzing the movement of the labor force, the coefficients of the total turnover (Ko) are determined by admission (Kpr), by retirement (Kv), staff turnover (Ktk), staff constancy (Kps).

The coefficient for the total turnover (Ko) characterizes the intensity of labor movement:

Ko \u003d (Chp + Chu) / Chsp, (3)

where Np - the number of employed workers for the period, Chu - the number of laid-off workers for the period, Nsp - the average number of employees for the period. The recruitment turnover ratio (Knr) characterizes the share of hired workers for the period:

Kpr \u003d Chp / Chsp, (4)

where Np - the number of employed workers for the period, Nsp - the average number of employees for the period.

The retirement turnover ratio (Kv) characterizes the share of employees who retired over the period:

Kv \u003d Chu / Chsp, (5)

where Chu - the number of laid-off workers for the period, Nsp - the average number of employees for the period.

The staff turnover rate (CTC) characterizes the level of dismissal of employees for negative reasons:

Ktk \u003d (Chuszh + Chupn) / Chsp, (6)

where Chuszh - the number of workers who left of their own free will, Chupn - the number of workers dismissed for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline, Chsp - the average number of employees for the period.

The staff retention coefficient (Kps) characterizes the level of employees at this enterprise constantly in the analyzed period (year, quarter):

Kps \u003d (Sp.h - Chu) / Chsp, (7)

where Sp.h. - payroll at the beginning of the period, Chu - the number of dismissed workers for the period, Nsp - the average number of employees for the period.

The coefficients of the movement of labor resources are not planned, therefore, their analysis is carried out by comparing the indicators of the reporting year with those of the previous year.

The turnover of workers plays an important role in the activity of the enterprise. Permanent personnel who have been working at the enterprise for a long time improve their qualifications, master related professions, quickly navigate in any atypical environment, create a certain business atmosphere in the team, actively influencing labor productivity. Staff turnover interferes with the proper organization of labor, advanced training of workers, and reduces labor discipline.

High staff turnover is a negative indicator of the work of an enterprise and is often the result of poor work by economic managers, public party organizations to improve working conditions and the living conditions of workers. The reasons for leaving are most often: weak work to improve working conditions, shortcomings in the organization of wages for workers, labor rationing, lack of housing, child care facilities, etc.

Forecasting the needs for the organization's personnel can be performed using a number of methods (individually and in combination). It is clear that, regardless of the method used, forecasts are certain approximations and should not be considered as an absolutely correct result, a kind of “ultimate truth”. Methods for predicting staffing needs can either be based on, shall we say, judgment or the use of mathematics.

Judgments include management estimates and the Delphi methodology:

1. When using the manager estimates method, managers present estimates of future staffing needs. These estimates can either be made by top management and passed down, or by lower-level managers and passed up for further modification. Although the greatest success is possible with a combination of these two options.

2. With the Delphi technique, each of the experts makes an independent assessment of what the next request will be, guided by all the main assumptions. Intermediaries present each expert's forecast and assumptions to others, and allow the experts to revise their positions if necessary. This process continues until there is agreement. Methods based on the use of mathematics include various statistical and modeling methods. Statistical methods use historical data to project a future state. One of them can be considered extrapolation - the simplest and most frequently used method, which consists in transferring the current situation (proportions) into the future. The beauty of this method lies in its accessibility.

The limitation lies in the inability to take into account changes in the development of the organization and the external environment. Therefore, this method is suitable for short-term planning and for organizations with a stable structure operating in relatively stable external conditions.

As the input changes, staffing forks can be checked for different staffing scenarios. Separately, I single out methods for determining the required number of personnel of an enterprise. At the same time, one should distinguish between: - the total need for personnel, which is the entire number of personnel that the enterprise needs to perform the planned scope of work (gross need for personnel); - additional need, the number of employees that is needed in the planning period in addition to the existing number of the base year, due to the current needs of the enterprise (net need for personnel).

Thus, we have considered a methodology for analyzing the availability of labor resources for an enterprise, which involves considering the composition and structure of industrial and production personnel; analysis of the provision of the organization and its divisions with workers, administrative and managerial personnel and the qualification composition of employees; assessment and analysis of labor movement indicators.

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Staffing analysis

The main element of the management system is personnel and managers and specialists who lead a team of people, determining the direction of development of the enterprise and its divisions, setting specific tasks for a certain period of time, and providing the necessary conditions for their implementation.

The object of the analysis of the staffing of management systems is the cycle of management of the formation of the staffing of the enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary, first, to determine the employment of personnel in the management apparatus (see Appendix 2, table 2):

K 3 \u003d 1 - 54 \u003d 0.2 100% \u003d 20%

Thus, 20% of the total number of employees are employees of the management apparatus. This indicator alone is not decisive, it is difficult to judge whether this is sufficient or not. It is necessary to assess the completeness of the personnel of the management apparatus by levels of management and individual services (see table 2.2).

Table 2.2

Composition of personnel by levels and services

From the data in Table 2.2 it can be seen that the share of line personnel in the number of managerial personnel is 56% - managers, i.e. mid-level line staff is 41%. Functional personnel make up 44% of the number of managerial personnel, which is a normal value for a company with a linear-staff structure of management organization.

However, to get the full picture, it is necessary to assess the qualitative composition of the administrative and managerial staff (see Table 2.3):

Table 2.3

Qualitative composition of management personnel




Line staff

middle management

Functional staff

1. Higher education

2. Secondary special

3. Secondary education

5. Experience less than 1 year

6. 1 -2 years

8 over 5 years

From the data in Table 2.3, it can be seen that the majority of managers have secondary specialized education - 62.5%, and 37.5% - higher education; 63.6% of mid-level line personnel have specialized secondary education and 27.4% - secondary education; however, those employees who have a secondary education work for the enterprise for an average of 2-5 years, i.e. have experience in construction and agriculture. Functional personnel make up the bulk of management personnel, in turn, 75% of functional employees have higher education and 25% have secondary specialized education. From the analysis of the table it can be seen that the functional services are staffed by highly qualified personnel with a fairly long work experience at this enterprise (from 2 to 5 years).

An important indicator of the stability of the enterprise is the stability of the management staff. At the enterprise, it is stable, because 37.5% of managers work at enterprises in that position for 2-5 years. It should be noted that the enterprise has a tradition of "recovering" its personnel, i.e. managers are most often appointed from among their employees and employees.

So, it can be noted that the managerial staff is staffed with highly qualified workers and employees, and the main “backbone” of managers, foremen, site managers, functional specialists has developed at the enterprise, who have been working at Topaz LLC for a long time. This fact on the positive side characterizes the company's policy, and is also a guarantor of stability and cohesion of the administrative and managerial staff, creates a favorable socio-psychological climate, ensuring the stability of the style and forms of management.

It is also necessary to assess the age composition of the administrative and managerial staff. (see table 4).

Table 2.4

Age composition of management personnel




Line staff

middle management

Functional staff

1. 20 -25 years old

2. 26 - 30 years old

3. 31 -36 years old

4. 37 -42 years old

5. 43 -48 years old

It can be seen from the table that the main share of managerial personnel is 44.4% aged 31-36 years, in particular, the main part of managers (62.5% of the total number of managers), the main part of mid-level line personnel (40.9% of their total number), functional personnel (41.7% of the total number). If the entire age is divided into two categories from 20-36 years old and from 37-48 years old, then 77.7% of the staff fall into the category from 20-36 years old and only 22.3% into the category from 37-48 years old. This suggests that the company has experienced employees, but the bulk of the management personnel are young people aged 20-36 years. The enterprise, as noted above, educates its personnel, develops succession, approves promotion, both in position and up the hierarchical ladder; this fact has a positive effect on the climate in the team, where the young specialist understands that his future is in his hands, and the company's management has done everything possible to give him the opportunity to develop in his field.

An important indicator is the degree of workload of employees of functional services. Currently, all services have the necessary number of specialists to carry out an uninterrupted information processing process, if until recently there was a shortage of lawyers, now Topaz LLC has three lawyers who distributed the workload among themselves in proportion to experience and length of service. But there is one more weak link - this is the economic department. There are two economists at the enterprise: one deals only with analysis, because the enterprise has overspending on various cost items, and there is also a real need for analytical work; the second economist - performs the general functions of an economist, as well as some functions of an accountant (calculation of wages), so his workload is too large. The disadvantage of this situation is that the CEO does not receive current economic information in time, because. the economist simply does not have enough time to process current information and provide on-farm reports. This is reflected in the speed of information flows within the enterprise, and since information flows most often precede material flows, the enterprise is clearly threatened by a violation of the sequence of flows. And this, in turn, affects untimely deliveries or, conversely, the formation of unnecessary contracts, etc.

The assessment of the completeness and quality of work performed by specialists and managers is supplemented by an analysis of their working conditions, which primarily include the completeness of providing the necessary information and computing, organizational and duplicating equipment.

The specialists and managers of Topaz LLC have at their disposal a computer network equipped with timely data processing and accounting programs, copying equipment, communication equipment, computer and organizational equipment in the total cost of machinery and equipment is 175,710 rubles (19%).

The level of the mechanism and automation of the work of managerial personnel is:

To m.a. = 17541 = 3254 rubles

Thus, one employee has office equipment in value terms at 3,254 rubles. Today, this is a very high figure; the cost of equipment is very high and many enterprises do not have the opportunity to purchase modern equipment.

Calculate the indicator of labor efficiency of managerial personnel. Overhead costs at the enterprise in 2011 amounted to 77,294.9 rubles.

E AUP = 77294.9 = 0.156 100 = 15.6%

It can be seen that the share of overhead costs in the total cost of costs was 15.6%.

In our case, this condition is observed, i.e. 0.2 > 15.6 the share of overhead costs in the total cost does not exceed the share of the headcount in the total number of employees of the company. The general indicator is the economic efficiency of management activities:

K E.AUP \u003d 1466084 \u003d 27149.7 (rubles)

The value of the indicator is high, but the degree of merit of managerial personnel, because an additional product in the form of profit is accumulated not only by employees of the administrative apparatus, but also by employees of other departments.

One of the most important objects of influence of managerial personnel is information. At the Topaz enterprise, a high level of mechanization and automation of the work of managerial personnel has now been transferred to the 1S-accounting system. However, despite this, due attention is paid to information as a resource, the rational use of which contributes to the efficiency of production activities, is not given. Most of the information exists in paper form, but many functions associated with compiling, transferring documentation from service to service, and with entering and internal movement of information are duplicated, while other functions are not performed at all, for example:

1. assessment of the correctness of the preparation of documents;

2. correction of documentation;

3. drawing up a sequence of information flows;

4. Tracking the deadlines for the execution of documents;

5. analysis of information support for employees, specialists and managers.

Thus, due to the lack of an information service, it is not possible to make an analysis of the information support of managerial personnel.



1 The concept and goals of personnel policy

2 The concept and elements of staffing


1 State civil service and personnel work

2 Modern personnel technologies in the civil service




One of the important tasks facing the organization is the creation of a capable team of employees, i.e. providing the organization with reliable and competent personnel. The activities of organizations are constantly associated with non-standard situations, which very often require employees to take an informal approach to resolve them. Therefore, it is important for the manager not only the steps of such employees, but also to form a qualified team.

The formation of qualified personnel, the improvement of their management are one of the most important factors for the success of any organization.

Regardless of what type of activity the organization is engaged in, in the implementation of any business, it is necessary to select qualified personnel, i.e. competent capable workers, otherwise the enterprise will be unreliable, and its activities will be inefficient. Team selection is an art that a leader needs to make the organization work successfully.

When choosing a personnel policy, factors inherent in the external and internal environment of the enterprise are taken into account: business requirements, enterprise development strategy; the financial capabilities of the enterprise, the permissible level of costs for personnel management determined by them; quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the existing staff and the direction of their change in the future; situation in the labor market; demand for labor from competitors, the emerging level of wages; labor law requirements and others.

The problem of staffing the personnel management system is explained by the still insufficient saturation of personnel management services with specialists. Their training is currently underway in many universities of the country, but, nevertheless, the problem of a good organization of the personnel management system and the provision of its personnel remains an acute problem for Russia.

If the enterprise does not have a well-thought-out strategy and tactics for providing and managing personnel, then we can certainly say that not all the potential of employees is used at the enterprise, that the work of personnel can be made more productive.

The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the insufficient development of the personnel support of the personnel management system, and sometimes the lack of elaboration and due attention to this area of ​​the enterprise. Solving the problem of staffing the personnel management system will ensure the effective functioning of the entire enterprise. Therefore, improving the staffing of the personnel management system is an important and necessary topic for study.

The purpose of the work is to study the staffing of the organization.

Based on this goal, we highlight the main tasks of the work:

consideration of the essence and goals of the personnel policy;

study of the concept of staffing and its elements;

consideration of personnel work on the example of the state civil service;

analysis of modern personnel technologies on the example of the state civil service.

This work consists of the present research, the main part, the conclusion and the list of sources and literature used.


1 The concept and goals of personnel policy

Taking this into account is important in the implementation of personnel policy, solving the problems of staffing the organization, staffing the organization with highly professional, creative, active workers. In modern conditions, this is one of the main, priority areas for the implementation of personnel policy, an important factor in strengthening the organization and increasing the efficiency of its work.

Under the personnel policy of the organization is understood the consistent activity of all bodies of the organization in the formation of requirements for personnel, in their selection, training and rational use of their professional potential.

The essence of the personnel policy in the organization is to attract, retain and adequately use highly qualified specialists in the organization, to create conditions for them to realize their professional potential for the successful performance of their duties and to ensure the effective functioning of the organization on this basis.

Personnel policy is designed to make full use of the creative potential of employees, their energy and ability to solve urgent problems; help employees to fully reveal their skills, talents and abilities. Based on this approach, it is possible to improve the quality of work of employees and ensure the solution of the organization's tasks.

The main goal of the personnel policy is the formation of such personnel potential, which in professional and business terms would ensure the effective functioning and development of the organization.

Personnel policy, regardless of the situation and possible adjustments, includes among its main goals:

-creation of favorable and equal social conditions and legal guarantees for the manifestation of each employee's abilities and knowledge;

-ensuring high professionalism of the managerial and technological process, staffing of all areas of labor activity with qualified, active, conscientious employees;

-the establishment of reliable barriers to the penetration of unworthy people prone to careerism into leadership and managerial positions.

Thus, the staffing of the organization is a very complex and controversial phenomenon, where many processes and relationships interact. On the one hand, it is associated with the characterization of the state of the organization's personnel, the improvement of its quantitative and qualitative parameters, the identification of their compliance with the functions and needs of the organization; on the other hand, staffing acts as a purposeful process of influence, a system of measures to staff the organization with professionally qualified employees, develop and enrich their abilities, and motivate their service and labor activities.

2 The concept and elements of staffing

The real embodiment of the personnel policy in the organization is staffing, which is a set of technologies, methods and mechanisms for its implementation implemented in practice. Staffing is the direct activity of the personnel services of organizations in the formation and improvement of the personnel of the relevant structures.

Staffing includes such components as personnel planning, selection of personnel, ensuring its professional development, personnel assessment, their motivation, social control, etc.

The starting point of personnel work is personnel planning, defined as the process of providing the organization with the necessary number of qualified personnel, taken to the right positions at the right time.

The main task of personnel planning is to translate the existing goals and plans of the organization into specific needs, into qualified employees, that is, to derive an unknown amount of necessary workers from the existing “equation” of the organization’s plans; and determine the time at which they will be in demand.

Essentially, every organization uses workforce planning, explicitly or implicitly. Some organizations are doing serious research in this regard, others are limited to superficial attention in relation to personnel planning.

The long-term success of any organization ultimately depends precisely on having the right people in the right positions at the right time (“cadres are everything!”). Organizational goals and strategies to achieve those goals matter only when people with the required talents and skills are committed to achieving those goals.

Workforce planning done in bad faith, or completely ignored, can provoke serious problems in the shortest possible time. With the help of effective workforce planning, you can "fill" vacant positions, as well as reduce staff turnover by evaluating career opportunities for specialists within the organization.

Well-designed workforce planning should provide clear, unambiguous answers to the following questions:

-how many workers, what skills, when and where will be needed (staff planning)?

-How can you attract the necessary and reduce unnecessary staff, taking into account social aspects (planning for recruitment or downsizing)?

-how can employees be used according to their abilities (employment planning)?

-How can the development of human resources be targeted and adapted to changing requirements (HR planning)?

-what costs will be required by the planned personnel activities (staff costs)?

The central place in personnel planning is occupied by the issues of determining the overall needs of the organization for personnel. A specific definition of the need for personnel in government and administration is the calculation of the required number of employees in terms of their number, qualifications, time, employment and placement in accordance with current and future development tasks. The calculation is made on the basis of a comparison of the need for labor force and the actual state of staffing on a certain date and is considered as an information basis for making managerial decisions in the field of attracting personnel, their training and retraining.

By recruiting personnel, the personnel service of the organization solves a certain number of common tasks. First of all, this is the determination of the optimal number of personnel. There should not be either a shortage of staff, the consequences of which are disruptions of planned activities, mistakes, the emergence of a conflict or tense situation in the team, and its excess, which causes an increase in cash costs for the wage fund, a decrease in interest in high-quality and highly skilled work, an outflow of qualified specialists .

In addition to personnel planning and personnel assessment, an important part of the organization's personnel work is to ensure high professional training of personnel.

A professional employed in an organization should have the following features:

1)the necessary knowledge in the relevant field of activity;

2)the ability to put into practice fundamental ideas and theoretical developments;

3)constant focus on the subject of work;

4)the desire and ability to transfer their knowledge to other people;

5)a clear understanding of the goals and motives of their activities;

6)the ability to predict and make effective decisions.

Professional qualities are the core in any field of activity.

Thus, personnel work includes such constituent elements as personnel planning, selection of personnel, ensuring its professional development, personnel assessment, their motivation, social control, etc.


2.1 State civil service and personnel work

State civil service of the Russian Federation - a type of public service, which is a professional service activity of citizens of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as citizens) in positions of the state civil service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter also referred to as civil service positions) to ensure the execution of the powers of federal state bodies, state bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation, persons holding public positions of the Russian Federation, and persons holding public positions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

One of the most important factors for the successful functioning of the public service system of the Russian Federation is the determination of the procedure for the formation and use of personnel potential, the implementation of personnel technologies and personnel policy. From the solution of these issues, as well as their personnel, material, financial, information, scientific and methodological support, the vital activity of the civil service as a single whole organism depends. Therefore, an important issue is personnel work in the civil service.

Staffing in the civil service is the activity of state bodies, management bodies of individual organizations, personnel services and officials, aimed at implementing personnel policy. The areas of personnel work are:

formation of a personnel management system and its strategy;

business assessment, career guidance and adaptation of personnel;

training, career management and promotion;

motivation, organization of work and ensuring the safety of personnel;

creation of a normal psychological environment in the team, etc.

Personnel work in the civil service includes, firstly, the formation of personnel to fill positions in the civil service. Researchers and practitioners constantly turn to the topic of forming the personnel of the state civil service. The issue is actually permanent. This fact is due to at least two main reasons: the lack of qualified personnel in the authorities, as well as the lack of a system for their training and development in the process of performing official activities. Two interrelated problems of staffing state power and local self-government for their solution require the search for new ideas and ideas that correspond to the realities of the time.

The formation of the personnel of the civil service, considered as the process of creating a professionally trained apparatus of civil servants that ensures the effectiveness of public administration, is based on a number of specific principles, some of which have now received normative consolidation.

Thus, the Federal Law of May 27, 2003 No. 58-FZ “On the System of the Civil Service of the Russian Federation” established that the formation of the personnel of the civil service is ensured by creating and effectively using personnel reserves to fill civil service positions; development of professional qualities of civil servants; evaluation of the results of their professional activities in the course of attestation or passing a qualification exam; creating opportunities for official (service) growth of employees; the use of modern personnel technologies and the application of educational programs, federal state educational standards and federal state requirements.

In more detail, the regulation of the principles and priority areas for the formation of the personnel of the civil service found expression in the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-ФЗ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”.

As a result, the principles of formation of the personnel of the civil service in the state body included:

the principle of taking into account merit and business qualities when appointing to a position;

the principle of improving the professional skills of civil servants.

In turn, the priority areas for the formation of personnel are determined:

training of personnel for the civil service, as well as additional professional education of civil servants in accordance with the programs of professional development of civil servants;

promotion of promotion of civil servants on a competitive basis;

rotation of civil servants;

formation of a personnel reserve on a competitive basis and its effective use;

assessment of the results of the professional performance of civil servants through certification or a qualification exam;

the use of modern personnel technologies when entering the civil service and its passage.

In addition, personnel work in the civil service, in accordance with the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" also includes:

“1) the formation of personnel for the replacement of civil service positions;

) preparation of proposals on the implementation of the provisions of this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts on the civil service and making these proposals to the representative of the employer;

) organizing the preparation of draft acts of a state body related to entering the civil service, its passage, the conclusion of a service contract, appointment to a civil service position, dismissal of a civil service position to be replaced, dismissal of a civil servant from the civil service and his retirement for long service, and registration of the relevant decisions of the state body;

) maintenance of work books of civil servants;

) conducting personal files of civil servants;

) maintaining a register of civil servants in a state body;

) registration and issuance of service certificates of civil servants;

) ensuring the activities of the commission for the settlement of conflicts of interest;

) organizing and ensuring the holding of competitions for filling vacancies in the civil service and the inclusion of civil servants in the personnel reserve;

) organization and provision of attestation of civil servants;

) organization and provision of qualification examinations for civil servants;

) organizing the conclusion of contracts for targeted admission and contracts for targeted training;

) organization of additional professional education for civil servants;

) formation of a personnel reserve, organization of work with a personnel reserve and its effective use;

) ensuring the promotion of civil servants;

) organization of verification of the authenticity of personal data and other information submitted by a citizen upon admission to the civil service, as well as registration of an admission of the established form to information constituting a state secret;

) organization of internal audits;

) organization of verification of information on income, property and liabilities of a property nature, as well as compliance by civil servants with the restrictions established by this Federal Law and other federal laws;

) advising civil servants on legal and other issues of the civil service”.

Thus, the state civil service of the Russian Federation is a type of public service, which is a professional service activity of citizens of the Russian Federation in the positions of the state civil service of the Russian Federation to ensure the execution of the powers of federal state bodies, state bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, persons holding public positions of the Russian Federation, and persons replacing public positions of subjects of the Russian Federation (including being in the personnel reserve and other cases). Personnel work in the civil service is the activity of state bodies, personnel services and officials aimed at the implementation of personnel policy.

2.2 Modern personnel technologies in the civil service

New personnel technologies are applied already at the stage of selection of citizens for the civil service. In order to implement equal access of citizens to the civil service in state executive bodies, the entry of a citizen into the civil service is carried out based on the results of an open competition. The competition is the main personnel technology for attracting managers and specialists from other fields of activity to the civil service. The announcement of acceptance of documents for participation in the competition is published without fail in a certain printed publication.

Among competitive events, of particular interest is the assessment of the professional level of candidates for filling a vacant civil service position. To assess the competence (knowledge, skills and abilities) of candidates for filling a vacant position in state bodies, competitive procedures of various forms are used.

During the first stage of the competition, on the basis of the submitted documents, the biographical data is analyzed for compliance with the qualification requirements for education, civil service length or work experience in the specialty.

The next step is usually a survey. For this, a specially developed and approved personnel reserve questionnaire is used, which allows assessing the candidate’s literacy, ability to formulate and present information, ascertain his self-esteem and motivation.

The second stage, as a rule, is limited to an interview. It is held both at a preliminary meeting with the personnel officer when submitting documents, and when candidates who have passed the initial stage of selection meet with the head of the structural unit. The interview gives a very rough idea of ​​the professional level of the candidate, so it is recommended to use a variety of assessment methods.

An important point in the selection of candidates for filling vacancies can be writing an abstract or concept. Competitive works (abstract - for specialists, concept or development plan - for managers) are prepared on a topic corresponding to the direction of activity of the structural unit of the state body.

The second stage may include the implementation of practical tasks.

And yet, the main method of evaluating candidates at present remains an interview with the applicant at a meeting of the competition committee - the so-called panel interview. To increase objectivity, it is recommended to organize the work of the commission in such a way that during the interview, the members of the commission evaluate the level of knowledge and skills, business and personal qualities on a five-point scale.

Personnel technologies used in the course of the civil service are designed to ensure the implementation of a unified personnel policy for the formation of the optimal personnel of the civil service. Thus, the reform program refers to the need to develop new methods and forms of work with personnel.

New in the passage of the state civil service was the conclusion of service contracts with all state civil servants. A change in the terms of the contract, determined by the parties, is formalized by an additional agreement to the service contract.

When conducting qualifying exams, practical tasks are also included in the examination tickets. Thus, there is a gradual improvement of methods for assessing the professional competence of civil servants from testing knowledge to determining the level of development of professional skills.

The practice of staffing dictates the need to develop and implement uniform mechanisms for ensuring the official (service) growth of civil servants based on their professional merits and business qualities. The most advanced methods of personnel work include an open personnel competition. Both civil servants and citizens who do not replace positions of the state civil service take part in it.

To ensure the rotation of civil servants and the "horizontal" advancement of civil servants in the state civil service, it is envisaged to form and maintain a reserve of civil servants, which, in the prescribed manner, includes civil servants from the personnel reserves of state bodies. Each state body annually analyzes the need for a personnel reserve, taking into account changes in the organizational structure and staffing, assessment of the state and forecast of the turnover of civil servants, the exclusion of civil servants (citizens) from the personnel reserve and the results of work with the reserve for the previous calendar year.

The personnel reserve for the appointment of citizens to the position of the state civil service is also formed on a competitive basis. The federal legislation on the state civil service does not regulate the conditions and procedure for holding such a competition. Today, each region is looking for independent ways to solve problems when creating an effective personnel reserve system and establishing effective and comprehensive work with it, including the rotation of administrative personnel in government bodies.

One of the main personnel technologies in the state civil service, which are used in the process of passing the state civil service, is attestation. Certification is a form of comprehensive assessment of personnel, based on the results of which decisions are made on the compliance of the employee with the position held, on the further career growth of the employee. The attestation procedure includes a preparatory stage and directly holding a meeting of the commission and depends on the chosen methods for evaluating employees.

Information about the human resources of the state civil service, obtained during the attestation, forms the basis of managerial decisions during the restructuring of public authorities.

In the period of reforming the civil service, great importance is given to continuous professional training of personnel. The professional training system should cover all categories of civil servants, determine the principles and procedure for selection, technologies and terms of training.

An important role is played by additional (postgraduate) vocational education and professional retraining of personnel. With the adoption of the Program for the Development of the State Civil Service, the amount of funds allocated for these expenses has increased, as a result of which the number of civil servants annually sent for professional retraining. The list of professional retraining specializations has also expanded.

The main form of development of the professionalism of civil service personnel remains advanced training. Satisfying the need for advanced training of civil servants (once every three years) is quite difficult. And it's not just the lack of funding, but also the limitation of civil servants in the time they can devote to training. In this regard, government bodies use such forms of training as short-term seminars, round tables, trips to exchange experiences. Unfortunately, at present, distance learning forms are not widely developed, namely, they are recognized as the most promising today. It is necessary to more actively implement individual planning for the professional development of civil servants. Flexibility, the optimal combination of all types and forms of general and professional, postgraduate, short-term training will achieve positive results in the formation of the personnel potential of the civil service.

Thus, the personnel technologies in the public service of the Russian Federation include the following:

) personnel technologies that provide the required characteristics of the composition of personnel (selection and placement of personnel):

competitive filling of vacant positions,

formation of a personnel reserve;

) HR technologies that provide the receipt of personal information (personnel assessment):


qualifying exam,

maintaining a bank of personnel information;

) personnel technologies that ensure the demand for personnel capabilities (career management):

career management,

personnel movement (personnel rotation),


The staffing of an organization is a very complex and controversial phenomenon, where many processes and relationships interact. On the one hand, it is associated with the characterization of the state of the organization's personnel, the improvement of its quantitative and qualitative parameters, the identification of their compliance with the functions and needs of the organization; on the other hand, staffing acts as a purposeful process of influence, a system of measures to staff the organization with professionally qualified employees, develop and enrich their abilities, and motivate their service and labor activities.

Personnel work includes such constituent elements as personnel planning, selection of personnel, ensuring its professional development, personnel assessment, their motivation, social control, etc.

The main goal of staffing the organization is the formation of such a personnel potential, which in professional and business terms would ensure the effective functioning and development of the organization.

In the memory of this study, staffing was considered on the example of the state civil service. It was found that personnel work in the civil service is the activity of state bodies, personnel services and officials aimed at implementing personnel policy. It includes: the formation of personnel for filling civil service positions, maintaining work books of civil servants, maintaining personal files of civil servants, maintaining a register of civil servants in a state body, etc.

The personnel technologies in the public service of the Russian Federation include the following:

personnel technologies that provide the required characteristics of the staff (recruitment and placement of personnel): competitive filling of vacant positions, formation of a reserve of personnel;

HR technologies that ensure the receipt of personal information (personnel assessment): attestation, qualification exam, maintaining a bank of personnel information;

personnel technologies that ensure the demand for personnel capabilities (career management): career management, personnel transfer (personnel rotation), vocational training.

personnel management staffing


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