Recipe for a boiled onion hair mask. How to use an onion mask against hair loss - basic recipes

So, onions contain the following substances:

  1. Vitamin C stops the aging process, makes hair shiny, strong, elastic, healthy.
  2. Essential oils– they give the onion a specific smell and pungent taste. Essential oils trigger a powerful metabolic process, which wakes up inactive hair follicles and activates the hair growth process.
  3. Potassium normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, eliminating problems such as dandruff and oily hair.
  4. Sulfur activates the regenerative processes of the scalp.
  5. Niacin– restores color, prevents gray hair and dullness.
  6. Glycosides and phytoncides fight fungal and viral infections, due to which you can forget about such a problem as seborrhea.
  7. Microelements, organic acids saturate hair with a wide range of nutrients.

More information about using various oils to accelerate hair growth:,.

In order to bring your hair into perfect shape, give it a luxurious shine and a healthy glow, you can use the following onion-based home remedies:

  • onion masks;
  • rinsing with onion peel infusion;
  • rinsing with a decoction of burdock/nettle/chamomile/plantain leaves mixed with onion juice (10:1);
  • rubbing fresh onion juice into the scalp.

An infusion of onion peels is made very simply: an armful of onion peels is poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. Decoctions of medicinal herbs are also simply made, to which onion juice is added.

Brew two tablespoons of burdock/nettle/chamomile or plantain leaves with a cup of boiling water and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then a tablespoon of onion juice is added to the broth, and the solution is rubbed into the roots of the hair.

IMPORTANT: Onion masks will allow you to achieve amazing results, but to do this you need to do them 1-2 times a week for 3 months.

Rinsing with an infusion of onion peels also strengthens the hair and energizes it with vitamins and microelements. In addition, the infusion gives light hair a beautiful golden hue. But if you want to achieve the effect of rapid growth, then use onion hair masks.

Terms of use

Of course, thanks to its rich composition, onions are one of the most effective cosmetics, but there are a number of nuances, failure to comply with which can not only negate all the beneficial properties of this plant, but also lead to serious negative consequences.

Do not overuse onion masks and do not keep the mask on for more than 15 minutes, since the active substances contained in onions can lead to scalp burns.

Also, you should not use this vegetable if you have an allergic reaction to it.

You can check your reaction to onions in the following way: cut the onion and apply a little juice to your wrist. If redness appears and pain symptoms occur (itching, rash), then you will have to abandon the onion mask. If no painful reaction occurs, then this is your folk medicine.

Also, many people are afraid of the too strong smell of onions. To avoid causing tearing, you can place the cut onion in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.

ATTENTION: Unlike most hair masks, onion paste is applied not to the strands, but to the scalp, to the root zone. Then you need to wrap your head first with cellophane film and then cover it with a towel.

In recipes for onion masks for hair growth, onion is the main component; it can be supplemented with eggs, honey, aloe juice, essential oils, herbal tinctures and vitamins.

In order to make a mask for hair growth from onions at home, you must first grind the onion in a blender.

Then, if the mask requires onion, and not gruel, then it is squeezed through gauze by hand.

The simplest recipe that has come down to us since ancient times is a mixture of onion juice and hot water in equal proportions.

The juice solution is rubbed into the root zone and left for 10 minutes, then washed off.

However, the following recipes have a great effect.

From onion juice and egg yolk

Strengthens, tones, heals.

Mix 1 tablespoon of onion juice with one egg yolk. Add 1 tablespoon of burdock (olive or castor) oil to the mixture. The mask is evenly distributed over the root zone and left for 15 minutes, then washed off with lukewarm water.

IMPORTANT: The onion mask should not be washed off with hot water, because in this case the strong onion smell will be more persistent. If the mask causes a strong burning sensation, it is washed off immediately.

From aloe juice with honey and onion

Gives hair elasticity and elasticity, fights dandruff.

Honey and aloe are known for their healing, restorative effect. These components are actively used in cosmetology, both to create face creams and for hair care.

To prepare a triple effect mask, mix 1 tablespoon of onion juice, aloe juice and liquid honey. Rub into the scalp and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with either cool water or a decoction of chamomile or nettle.

From carrot, lemon and onion juice

Launches the regenerating process, accelerates hair growth.

In order to prepare this onion mask, you can use the gruel, but remember that the gruel is harder to wash off, so it is better to use the juice wisely.

To prepare, mix 2 tablespoons of carrot, lemon and onion juice, add 1 teaspoon of burdock oil and apply this mixture along the entire length of your hair (especially, thoroughly rubbing into the root zone). Cover your head with film and wrap it with a towel. The mask lasts for half an hour, then is washed off.

How to get rid of the smell?

To get rid of the pungent, unpleasant onion smell after a mask, you can use several proven recipes:

  • simultaneously eliminates odor and strengthens hair decoction of medicinal herbs. Rinse off the mask with nettle decoction and, without fail, leave your hair to dry for about five minutes, and then rinse with plain, not hot water;
  • good for eliminating odors lemon juice. Just dilute a tablespoon of lemon juice in a bowl of water at room temperature and rinse your hair with this solution. After five minutes, rinse with running water;
  • helps a lot in such cases and colorless henna. Mix 1 teaspoon of henna and mustard and pour hot coffee (freshly brewed). Add a few drops of rosemary or lavender to the mixture. After you rinse off the onion mask and shampoo your hair twice, apply this aromatic mixture and leave for another 20 minutes, then rinse with warm herbal infusion. There will be no trace of the unpleasant smell.

Useful materials

Read our other articles on the topic of growing hair:

  • Tips on how to grow curls or others, return natural color, accelerate growth.
  • The main reasons which are responsible for their growth and which influence good growth?
  • How is the hair and even?
  • Products that can help you grow: effective, in particular brands; products and; and various; and Horsepower brands; as well as others, in particular

Onions contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for our hair. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, onions heal the skin and help with dandruff. The high content of zinc, silicon and vitamin C helps strengthen and renew hair follicles and prevents the appearance of gray hair.

Onions have long been used in folk medicine to stimulate growth in cases of hair loss. Even with partial baldness, daily onion hair masks promote the appearance of new hairs.

Pepper mask with onions to accelerate growth. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of pepper tincture, 1 tablespoon of onion juice, 1 tablespoon of nutritious oil (olive, almond). Mix everything and apply to hair roots for 30 minutes, warm. This is a very powerful remedy; after a course of use (1-2 times a week for 2 months), fluff appears on bald patches. Pepper tincture can be replaced with burdock oil with red pepper.

Onion mask for hair growth. Grate the onion on a fine grater. Rub the resulting mixture into the roots of your hair, insulate your head with cellophane, and on top with a towel. It is necessary to rinse off after 1 hour - for dry hair, after 1.5-2 hours - for normal hair, after 3 hours - for oily hair. For dry hair, it is recommended to add castor oil to this mask.

Mask with onions and yeast. Grate the onion on a fine grater, then squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Add 1 teaspoon of dry yeast, burdock and castor oil, and 2 tablespoons of hot water to the juice. Stir the mask components and leave in a warm place for 10 minutes. Apply the mask to the roots of your hair, put a cap on your head. After an hour, the mask can be washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Onion mask with honey to strengthen hair. Grate the onion, mix the resulting pulp with 1 tsp. honey Apply the mask to your hair for 1 hour. Wash your hair with shampoo.

Onion mask with cognac for hair loss . Pass the green onions through a meat grinder and apply the mixture to your hair for 1 hour. For oily hair, you can add cognac or alcohol to the mask, this will increase blood circulation in the scalp.

Onion mask with kefir . Mix honey, kefir, cognac, and sea salt in equal proportions. Add the pulp or juice of 1 onion to the mixture. Apply the mask to your hair with massage movements, insulate your head with cellophane and a towel. After an hour, the mask can be washed off with shampoo.

Garlic and onion mask . Mix 5 drops of rosemary oil with two tablespoons of burdock oil. Squeeze the juice from 1 large onion and a few cloves of garlic. Mix the juice with oils, add egg yolk and a spoonful of cognac to the mixture. Apply the mask to your hair and rub into your scalp. After an hour, rinse with water and shampoo.

Onion mask with burdock oil . Mix freshly squeezed lemon, carrot and onion juices in equal proportions, add 1 tsp. burdock or castor oil (any vegetable oil can be used), 1 tsp. dry yeast, 2 tablespoons of hot water. Leave the mask for 10 minutes in a warm place. Apply the mask to your hair, wrap your head in cellophane, then with a towel. After an hour, the mask can be washed off.

Fragrant onion mask . Squeeze the juice from 1 onion, add any of the following ingredients to the mask - egg yolk, calendula tincture, castor oil, 1 tsp. honey. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oils to the mask, preferably rosemary, lavender and clary sage. After half an hour, wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.

Strengthening, refreshing and stimulating hair growth mask from onions and fermented milk products. To 3 tbsp. onion juice, squeezed through cheesecloth from finely chopped onions into a pulp, add 1 tsp. liquid honey and 2-3 tbsp. yogurt (preferably natural, the shelf life of which does not exceed several days) or 1 tbsp. low-fat sour cream - for oily and normal hair. For dry hair type you need to add 1 tbsp. sour cream with the highest percentage of fat content and the same amount of vegetable oil (olive, almond, castor, burdock) or instead of oil - 1 tbsp. mayonnaise. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and rub into the hair roots. After 40-60 minutes, wash off the mask and rinse your hair well with warm water and shampoo. The recommended frequency of using the mask is 1-2 times a week.

Oil masks with onions for nutrition, strengthening, improving growth. Mix 2-3 types of oils, one tablespoon at a time (burdock, castor, wheat germ, almond are suitable), add a spoon of onion juice and a couple of drops of rosemary essential oil. Apply to hair roots and put on a cap for 1 hour. When mixed, the oils increase their nutritional value, a complex of vitamins and minerals nourish the curls with everything they need.

How to remove onion smell from hair

After an onion mask, the smell remains on the hair for a long time. To prevent its occurrence, add lemon juice or banana pulp to any onion mask. Essential oils of rosemary, tea tree, lavender, and ylang-ylang also help neutralize the smell of onions. It is enough to add only a few drops to the mask (but no more than 7).

If the smell still remains after the onion mask, rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar, diluted in equal proportions with water, or citrus juice (orange, lemon) in the proportion of 2 tbsp. juice per 1 liter of cool water.

Remember that to prepare masks you need to use only carefully strained onion juice, since it is the small particles of onion that carry the bulk of the unpleasant odor. Follow the technique for applying the onion mask: do not distribute it over the entire length of your hair, but only thoroughly rub it into the roots and scalp.

Onions are probably the healthiest vegetable. It helps fight disease, boost immunity, and even promotes hair growth and improved skin quality. In our article, we suggest looking at how to prepare an onion hair mask at home and what its benefits are.

Beneficial properties of onion mask

Onion peel is a universal remedy: it makes an excellent natural dye and a good hair mask that saturates it with all useful microelements:

  • selenium;
  • vitamin B6;
  • potassium, magnesium, germanium;
  • a huge amount of sulfur.

It is precisely because of the presence of the “beauty mineral” - sulfur, that the onion mask is used against hair loss, to give it thickness, to heal bald spots, and to restore damaged bleached and dyed strands.

Onions and hair growth

Onion mask for hair growth was used by our grandmothers. This remedy has a lot of advantages over other recipes:

  • can be used every day;
  • not harmful during breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • suitable even for shading children's hair;
  • the effect appears after a week of regular (every other day) use.

To add volume to your hair and accelerate hair growth, we recommend using the following mask: mix the juice of three onions with the pulp of black bread, apply the porridge to the roots of your curls, and leave overnight. For quick results, repeat daily.

Yeast also makes good onion hair masks. Mix 1 spoon of sugar, 2-3 vodka or koyak and 3 spoons of onion juice. Dilute the mixture with yeast and a few drops of mineral water. Then whisk all the ingredients and apply the product to your hair. Leave it on your scalp for 45 minutes and then shampoo your hair twice.

Also, to speed up hair growth, the following mixture is useful: pepper, onion and yolk. Three onions on a fine grater and mix with a teaspoon of pepper, beat the mixture with the yolk. Apply only to the roots, otherwise the strands will dry out, leave on for at least an hour.

Mask from grandma's chest for oily hair. You will need:

  • rum (or rum powder);
  • bulb;
  • Burr oil.

Finely chop the onion, squeeze out the juice and mix it with rum and butter. Apply only to the roots, heat in a water bath before use. Similar method: grate the onion and soak the puree in a glass of rum, in this case the vegetable will not lose its beneficial properties, but the smell will noticeably decrease. You can use it the next day.

Photo - Onions and honey for masks

Quite aromatic, but very useful mask for restoring damaged hair and accelerating growth - garlic and onion mixture. Peel and grind the vegetables in a blender (or grate), mix with warm castor oil, apply to hair for 40 minutes. Tip: if the strong smell does not disappear after washing your hair, then an egg-lemon mixture (the juice of one lemon and whipped egg white) will help.

A similar recipe for the mixture: you need to take a quarter of an onion, mix with a puree of three cloves of garlic, a tablespoon of olive oil and a quarter of a teaspoon of red hot pepper. The mass is applied only to the hair roots. Wash it off after an hour, if it gets too hot, you can wash it off earlier. If you don’t have oil on hand, oak bark or mint decoction (two spoons) will help.

One women's forum says that the onion mask below, although very complex, is incredibly effective for hair: one onion is grated and mixed with garlic, you need to squeeze the juice out of the resulting puree and add to it:

  • 20 grams of warm burdock oil;
  • vitamin B6 ampoule;
  • a spoonful of warmed flower honey;
  • two drops each of the following essential oils: lavender, ylang-ylang and orange.

We will get a bright orange liquid, and apply it to the curls using a tampon or pipette. Agree, preparation takes some time, but the effect (for those who do it regularly) is ensured by such a huge amount of ingredients useful for curls. By the way, you can add as many oils as you like, but be careful, otherwise you risk burning your scalp. Keep the mixture for no more than 40 minutes.

For those who lack the thrill, we recommend trying the mustard-onion mixture. Mix mustard powder with half the grated onion, a spoonful of castor oil and burdock oil. The mass is applied to the hair at the roots for an hour or two, then washed off with cool water without shampoo.
Video: recipe for hair mask with onions

Recipes for masks to strengthen and prevent hair loss

An excellent restorative mask for strengthening dry and split ends honey-onion: 3 tablespoons of grated onion should be mixed with 1 large spoon of honey (you must definitely buy a natural product). Apply the mixture to your scalp. Leave on for at least 45 minutes, then rinse off without using chemical cleaners.

To strengthen dark hair, a recipe for an onion mask with honey and cognac will be useful. We will need 1 part cognac, 4 parts onion juice and 6 parts burdock oil, one part honey. You need to mix the ingredients until smooth, then apply a thick mixture to your entire head, rinse off after 40 minutes. Remember, the cognac-onion mixture dyes your hair, do not use it on light hair.

Photo - Ingredients for a mask with onions

Kefir-egg a mixture with onions is just a godsend for those who want to get rid of dandruff and split ends. Mix a glass of low-fat kefir with two beaten eggs and puree one onion. Apply to the full length of your curls; it is very important to wash your hair first.

The following nutritional mixture will help dry hair gain strength and shine: mix 1/2 of an onion with three large spoons of olive juice (you can also use peach or jojoba essential oil), and colorless henna, and a decoction of oak bark (two spoons), and bring until smooth. Apply completely to hair for 40 minutes. For treatment, this mask is used only once a week.

In the old days, even lice were removed from a child with onion puree. You need to grate one onion and mix it with a tablespoon of ash, now you can replace it with activated carbon. Rub your curls with this mixture and keep for at least an hour under film and a towel.

Also, to improve the quality of strands, we recommend using onion tincture diluted in water. For a glass of boiled water, you need to take a spoonful of onion tincture and walk along the partings between your hair with a cotton pad dipped in the liquid. This cleanses the skin of excess fat and stimulates normal blood circulation.

In certain situations, an onion mask can be dangerous for hair, despite all the positive reviews, sometimes it is dangerous to do it. In particular, should be avoided this remedy when:

  • open sores on the head or very severe irritation (it will be very painful);
  • intolerance of the body;
  • very delicate skin.

Many people don't use these excellent health masks because of the strong smell. We can give several recommendations on this matter:

  • rinse your hair with vinegar water (three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar per liter of water);
  • rosemary decoction will also have some benefits;
  • lemon juice and egg, as mentioned above;
  • Essential oils also have properties to drown out unpleasant odors.

The average course of treatment is a month, but the product contains many vitamins and aggressive substances, so the onion hair mask will show the first results after the third use (an “undercoat” will appear, hair volume and shine will noticeably increase).

Looking for information on whether onions are good for your hair? Do you doubt the effectiveness of the plant or are you afraid that the unpleasant smell will be everywhere? Onion restores curls, nourishes the scalp, stimulates the hair follicles and fights hair loss. Find out the benefits of onions for hair from this article.

Onions are a product that is found in every home. Most often, bulbs are used during cooking.

Few people know that onions have unique healing properties and can significantly improve the condition of the hair, scalp and even fight alopecia.

The benefits of onions are as follows:

  • Vegetable juice is a powerful natural antibiotic and antioxidant.
  • Onions stimulate metabolic processes in the body.
  • The plant has an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect.

These properties of onions improve the condition of the scalp, providing normal conditions for.

The onion mask deserves special attention. Regular use of the product gives results such as:

  • strengthening the hair follicle;
  • stimulation of hair growth;
  • restoration of hair structure;
  • eliminating the causes of skin peeling and dandruff formation.

Onion skins can be used to dye blond hair. The result will be insignificant. This property of the vegetable will appeal to pregnant women and nursing mothers who want to change their image without endangering the health of the baby.

It is important to note that onions help fight hair loss only in cases of bacterial alopecia and when the hair follicle is depleted.

If hair loss is due to genetic predisposition, due to drug treatment or after chemotherapy, onions will not solve the problem.

Onion juice, onion masks and onions themselves are practically harmless. Despite this, there are a number of reasons when it is better to refuse to use the plant, namely:

  • with individual intolerance to the vegetable;
  • in the presence of wounds and abrasions on the surface of the scalp;
  • if the skin is hypersensitive;
  • with increased dryness of the scalp.

Don't expect any effect from using an onion once. Follow the recommendations, repeat the procedures regularly, and after a month and a half the first results will become noticeable.

According to the publication of one of the specialized journals, the use of onion juice for 2 weeks stimulated hair growth in 74% of experiment participants suffering from alopecia areata. After 6 weeks, the rate increased to 87%. A total of 38 people, mostly men, took part in the study.

There is no clear scientific opinion regarding the effectiveness of onions in the fight against alopecia. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Onion juice is used to treat and restore hair. Masks for hair growth prepared on its basis will not irritate you with an intense smell.

Getting onion juice is easy. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Take 4-5 large onions, peel them.
  2. Grind the onion with a blender or pass it through a meat grinder.
  3. Wrap the onion mass in gauze and squeeze out the juice.

Gently apply the resulting juice to the scalp with massaging movements. It is better to use the product at night and wash your hair in the morning. To neutralize odor, add a couple drops of rosemary or lavender essential oil to your shampoo.

Onion juice in its pure form improves the condition of the scalp, helps restore hair follicles, and makes curls shiny, elastic and manageable.

Masks based on onion juice help fight various problems. It all depends on what ingredients you add to the product. So:

  • Coconut oil based mask.

To prepare the product, combine the following ingredients:

  1. Onion juice and coconut oil - 2 tbsp each. l.
  2. Tea tree essential oil - 5 drops.

Apply the mask for half an hour. After the specified time has passed, wash your hair with shampoo.

This mask has good antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Onion in combination with coconut oil will restore scalp cells and hair follicles, returning vitality to them.

  • Olive oil mask.

To prepare the mask you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Onion juice - 3 tbsp. l.
  2. Olive oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.

Apply the mask to the scalp and hair roots with gentle massaging movements. Leave it for 1.5–2 hours, then wash your hair with shampoo.

This product moisturizes and nourishes the scalp, stimulating healthy hair growth.

  • Mask for hair growth based on castor oil.

To prepare the mask, combine 2 tbsp. l. onion juice and castor oil. Apply the product to the hair roots and leave for one hour.

Castor oil in combination with onion juice effectively fights hair loss and stimulates the activity of hair follicles.

Onion hair mask is applied every other day to unwashed hair. Sebum protects epithelial cells from the aggressive effects of acids contained in onion juice.

It is possible to increase the frequency and number of procedures only if the products do not cause discomfort. Don't forget that cells accumulate substances and process them. In this case, the Polish proverb is appropriate: “What is excessive is not healthy!”

Before applying a mask based on onion juice or pure juice for the first time, conduct a sensitivity test. Place a couple of drops of the product on the crook of your elbow. If there is no redness, itching, or burning, feel free to apply it to the scalp.

Onions are associated with health. This vegetable has more beneficial properties and qualities than it seems at first glance. It effectively combats the problem of hair loss, helps take care of the beauty of curls and restores depleted scalp.

However, in the pursuit of beauty, do not forget that a person is beautiful in soul!

The dream of becoming the owner of luxurious thick braids can be achieved with the help of natural remedies. Onion has been used for hair since time immemorial due to its strengthening and antiseptic properties. Proven recipes still remain popular today. It’s easy to make your curls manageable and elastic at home.

Benefits of onion for hair

    1. Stops hair loss;
    2. Treats dandruff, seborrhea;
    3. Reduces root greasiness;
    4. Accelerates growth;
    5. Provides shine and elasticity.

Composition contains:

    • phytoncides;
    • vitamin B2, C;
    • carotenoids;
    • essential oil;
    • organic acids;
    • flavonoids.

Ways to use onion for hair

You can correct the results of regular drying, dyeing and curling with available products. Based on the traditional vegetable, it is easy to prepare restorative masks and conditioners. And the golden husk will allow you to get a deep natural shade.

Head massage

Interesting video: How to properly massage your scalp with onion juice?


The husk of the plant is no less effective for caring for curls. The rich composition and gentle action make it universally applicable for all types. Effectively dye your hair with onion peels, get rid of dandruff and seborrhea, achieve fullness and thickness.


To treat baldness and strengthen the follicles, you should prepare onion oil. The natural product has a gentle effect, providing strands with useful components to the very ends.


    • bulb;
    • 100 ml olive oil;
    • 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil.

Grind the fruit, place it in a vessel, and add oil. Leave for five/six days, then add aroma drops. The finished tincture can be enriched in masks, balms, and used to restore after coloring and extensions.



    • bulb;
    • 700 ml water.

Do not remove all the husks from the vegetable, only remove the lower part with contaminants. Pour water and put on low heat, after boiling, cook for fifteen minutes. Use the resulting liquid instead of conditioner, and also use it to prepare cosmetic masks.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Hair coloring

Natural hair coloring is the best way to change and care for your curls at the same time. Depending on the amount of husk, you can get from a golden tone to a rich chestnut; it is also effective against gray hair. You need to prepare a concentrated decoction (20–500 grams of husk per liter of water, cook for about half an hour), apply evenly to clean strands every day, leave for two/three hours. To achieve long-lasting coloring, repeat for two to three weeks.

Photo - after two months of using onion peels.

Rules for preparing and using onion masks

One of the most effective remedies for hair loss, onion hair mask should be used correctly to achieve the desired result:

    • Be sure to check the composition for a possible allergic reaction before use;
    • if there are wounds on the scalp, postpone the procedure until complete healing;
    • onions can be used in different forms - boiled, fresh, baked, and also prepared as a concentrated tincture;
    • for thin, damaged strands it is better to use boiled or baked; it is useful to rinse with a decoction;
    • in case of baldness, rub fresh onion juice into the scalp so that the active composition does not burn the skin; mix with vegetable oil or sour cream in equal proportions and keep for up to twenty minutes;
    • distribute on unwashed curls, for shine and elasticity, rinse with the broth after cleansing with shampoo.

Homemade recipes for onion hair masks

For independent hair care, it is recommended to use various recipes for natural cosmetics. Thanks to the active elements of onion, it is easy to restore damaged strands from roots to ends. Using home remedies will allow you to grow thick, shiny braids.

Growth mask with onion and kefir

To quickly achieve the desired length, you should turn to proven recipes. An onion mask accelerates blood circulation, ensuring the supply of nutrients to the follicles. The procedure is also useful for reducing the greasiness of the root area.


    • 15 gr. Luke;
    • 25 ml kefir;
    • 2 ampoules of vitamin B2.

Production and method of application: using a blender, turn the vegetable into a homogeneous mass, combine with yogurt and vitamin solution. Distribute the finished mixture on the roots and leave for ten/fifteen minutes. Rinse off as usual.

Useful video: How to grow hair with onion juice, yolk, lemon and oil

Hair loss mask with onion and egg

Weakened, dull curls are often injured even with normal combing. Stops hair loss, gives fullness and thickness with a natural product created with your own hands. Ensures the supply of vitamins, minerals, and acids that strengthen the follicles of the stems.


    • 20 gr. onions;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 10 ml wheat oil;
    • 2 drops of tangerine essential oil.

Preparation and method of use: mix boiled onion pulp with beaten eggs, add warm cereal oil and citrus drops. Distribute the natural product onto unwashed strands at the roots, and put on a shower cap. You can finish after twenty minutes by washing your hair as usual. To treat weakened roots, carry out a course of ten/fourteen days. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the best masks for hair loss.

Video: Recipe for onion mask against hair loss

To strengthen with onion and honey

The amazing effect of onion masks can be observed on weakened colored strands. Intracellular processes are normalized, useful components restore trunks to the very tips. It is recommended to use a combination of onion and honey in combination after extensions and curls.


    • red onion;
    • 15 gr. nettles

Production and method of use: chop the juicy vegetable and mix with honey, crush the herb in a mortar. Distribute the combined components on damp strands after cleansing, wrap them up, and leave them while you sleep. After waking up, rinse and leave to dry on its own. With regular use, the composition lightens the hair by one or two tones.

For hair thickness

A recipe for natural cosmetics will help you achieve strong, thick curls at home. Get soft, voluminous hair and strength right to the ends, easily with time-tested ingredients. Useful for slow growth and dandruff.


    • bulb;
    • 30 ml of serum.

How to prepare and apply: pour warm whey over the bread pulp, mix thoroughly and combine with the juice of one vegetable. Distribute the product onto the damp root area and leave to act for thirty/thirty-five minutes.

For oily hair

With your own hands, you can prepare caring compositions that effectively cope with oily hair. Healing cosmetics with essential oils allow you to add volume and plumpness, get rid of dandruff and irritation.


    • bulb;
    • 15 gr. salt;
    • 2 drops of rose ether;
    • 2 drops of orange ether;
    • a drop of ginger ether.

Recipe and method of use: mix grated onion with sea salt, add aroma drops. Distribute the pulp generously on the root area, wait twenty/thirty minutes, then finish with rinsing.

For dry hair

To nourish and moisturize dry, damaged strands, as well as get rid of magnetization, it is worth using available products. Thanks to homemade compositions, the level of vitamins is normalized and damaged areas of the cuticle are sealed.


    • 30 ml of onion broth;
    • yolk;
    • 10 gr. coconut oil

Preparation and method of application: prepare a concentrated decoction, combine with nourishing oil and yolk. Apply the mixture instead of balm after washing your hair, moving away from the root area. Finish in half an hour.

To add shine to hair

For a glossy shine and softness, use homemade onion recipes once a week. The composition based on an available vegetable allows you to solder the exfoliated structure, adds shine, and facilitates the combing process. Useful for frequent coloring and for recovery after summer sun.


    • 15 ml onion juice;
    • 10 ml lemon juice;
    • 20 drops of tocopherol;
    • 2 drops of cedar ether.

How to make and method of use: squeeze juice from vegetables and citrus fruits, add vitamin and aroma drops to the liquid. Distribute the finished product onto clean, damp strands and leave to dry naturally.

Video recipe: Onion mask with oils for hair loss and shine


It’s easy to get rid of flaking and irritation of the scalp, ensure oxygen breathing and supply nutrients to the follicles, thanks to effective recipes. To treat dandruff, carry out at least five procedures, which also enhances growth and awakens dormant bulbs.


    • 20 ml onion juice;
    • 15 gr. soda;
    • 15 gr. activated carbon.

Production and method of application: crush the tablets in a mortar, combine with soda powder and vegetable juice. Rub the mixture intensively into the wet roots, leave for another six/seven minutes. Finish as usual.

Onion and garlic mask

To treat hair after dyeing and perms, you should use natural cosmetics. The composition is also effective against baldness, allowing you to quickly increase the supply of nutrients. The result of the mask will be noticeable after a course of seven/twelve sessions.


    • bulb;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 20 ml castor oil.

Production and method of use: grate the onion and garlic, heat the oil separately in a water bath. Having combined the components, leave the mask for an hour, after this, treat the roots, hide under an insulating cap. Leave the product on for two to four hours, then rinse with shampoo.

Video recipe: Onion-garlic mask for hair growth at home

Mask with onion and burdock oil

Onion is an excellent helper against hair loss, thanks to its vitamin composition, it stops root exfoliation, strengthening the bulbs. The mask allows you to add volume and shine, restore along the entire length.


    • 15 ml onion juice;
    • Vitamin B 12 ampoule.

Recipe and method of use: squeeze the juice through a press, mix with warm oil and vitamin solution. Spread the mixture on the roots using a foam sponge and leave the product to act while you sleep.

Mask with onion and cognac

A home spa treatment has a deeply restorative effect. Works great along the entire length, moisturizing and soldering delaminated areas. A healthy glow and volume can be observed after the first use.


    • bulb;
    • 50 ml cognac;
    • 3 yolks;
    • 5 ml avocado oil.

Production and how to apply: grate the onion, scald the pulp with boiling water, then add an alcoholic drink, butter and ground yolks. Distribute the product on damp strands, wrap with film, and leave with a towel for 3–5 hours.

Onion and yeast mask

You can grow long, shiny locks at home using proven cosmetics. The mask is also useful for thickness and volume, and successfully solves the problem of thin, dull hair.


    • bulb;
    • 30 gr. brewer's yeast;
    • 15 drops of olive oil;
    • 60 ml of burdock root decoction.

How to make and use: grind the vegetable in a blender, combine with yeast and oil, add the concentrated, strained decoction. Distribute the finished mask along the growth line and leave for about an hour and a half.

How to get rid of onion smell from hair

Hair scales actively absorb any smell, be it the perfume composition of a shampoo, or the aromas of cooking. The specific properties of the vegetable convey a persistent characteristic aroma that prevents it from fully revealing its medicinal benefits at home. You can also get rid of the onion smell on your own after undergoing medical procedures.

The most effective means are considered to be rinsing after removing the mask. You can remove the smell by adding herbal decoction, lemon juice, apple and wine vinegar, or essential oils to the water (up to five to seven drops per liter of water is enough).