Rhinoplasty, how long does rehabilitation last? Recovery after nose job

Rhinoplasty is a surgical method for correcting congenital or acquired deformities of the nose, performed to improve its functional state and/or for aesthetic purposes. In most cases, these operations are quite traumatic, and the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty is characterized by duration, possible side effects and serious complications.

They can cause not only emotional and aesthetic problems for the patient, but also serious violations of his health. This largely depends on the qualifications and experience of the surgeon, the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and the latter’s compliance with the doctor’s recommendations during the recovery period.

Some features of rhinoplasty

One of the features of these operations is a certain unpredictability of tissue changes during the recovery period. To some extent, this is due to the small volume of soft tissue in the nasal area, which creates conditions for its deformation by postoperative scars already during the recovery period. In addition, rehabilitation after the procedure is lengthy and has strict restrictions. They are quite debilitating for some patients, and the latter often do not have the patience to follow the surgeon's recommendations. According to statistics, about 30% of operated people require, in this regard, corrective or repeat plastic surgery.

To reduce the severity of side effects after surgery and prevent possible and frequent complications, it is necessary not only to correctly follow the doctor’s recommendations throughout the entire recovery period, but to do this consciously based on a general understanding of the course of the surgical intervention, possible complications and stages of the rehabilitation period.

Briefly about methods of online access

Depending on the nature of operational access, all types of operations are combined into 2 groups:


They involve making incisions not only in the nasal cavity, but also, most importantly, in the area of ​​the outer folds of the nose, including across the vertical skin fold (columella) separating the nostrils. This allows the soft tissue to be moved upward to allow manipulation of the nasal bones and cartilage. “Open” surgery is performed when there is a significant amount of surgical intervention or the need for re-correction.


When they are carried out, one or several incisions are made from the side of the nasal cavity, that is, without violating the integrity of the skin and the formation of postoperative scars on it. After this, soft tissues, including skin, are shifted upward for further manipulation. The possibilities of access to the cartilage and bones of the nose with this type of operation are quite sufficient to eliminate typical aesthetic defects. At the same time, rehabilitation after closed rhinoplasty is easier and with fewer complications. Therefore, plastic surgery clinics predominantly use the closed method.

Side effects and complications during the rehabilitation period

The postoperative recovery period is accompanied by unpleasant but natural side effects of surgery and possible early and late complications, which may be accompanied by undesirable consequences of an aesthetic nature.

Side effects are:

  1. Hematomas and pinpoint hemorrhages directly in the nose area, around it and in the periorbital zone, and sometimes subconjunctival hemorrhages of various sizes, which are associated with tissue detachment during the intervention and inevitable, even with the most gentle plastic surgery technique, rupture of blood vessels.
  2. Severe swelling of the tissues in the nose and under the eyes, which can spread to the cheeks and down to the chin area.
  3. Increase in body temperature in the first 1-2 days after surgery.
  4. Severe difficulty breathing through the nose, and sometimes complete impossibility, associated with swelling of the mucous membrane and hemorrhages under it.
  5. Lack of smell.
  6. Temporary partial or complete impairment of skin sensitivity in individual areas or all of the skin in the operated area.
  7. Development of temporary asymmetry of the nose due to displacement of its soft tissues by uneven swelling.

All of the above phenomena, which create a feeling of discomfort, sometimes significant, and gradually disappear within 7-14 days, are natural and do not relate to complications. However, during the rehabilitation period, serious complications are possible. The main ones are:

  1. The development of microbial infection and various additional complications caused by it.
  2. The occurrence of necrosis of skin, cartilage or bone tissue, usually caused by excessive dissection, vascular damage, coagulation to stop bleeding, infection. All these factors can lead to disturbances in the blood supply to tissues and, accordingly, to their necrosis (death).
  3. Dehiscence of postoperative sutures, which contributes to the formation of a rough scar.
  4. The formation of hypertrophic and not only worsens the aesthetic results of the operation, but also can lead to functional disorders (difficulty in nasal breathing and impaired sense of smell).
  5. Nose deformity.

In terms of the frequency of complications during the rehabilitation period, the second place (after the surgeon’s fault) is occupied by reasons associated with non-compliance with the doctor’s recommendations.

Stages of recovery after rhinoplasty

The rehabilitation period begins with the introduction of gauze tampons into the nasal passages, which prevent nasal breathing (but they are soon removed) and plaster splints are applied. The duration of the recovery period, depending on the volume of the operation, the quality of its execution and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, ranges from six months to 1 year, and in some cases more. Conventionally, it distinguishes four stages.

Stage I

Duration is 1-2 weeks. The main goal of the first stage is to ensure the immobility of the bone and cartilage structures and soft tissues of the nose. This is achieved through special fixatives or (more often) a plaster splint, as well as by introducing hemostatic tampons into the nasal passages, which also provide additional tissue fixation.

Why is plaster applied?

During the operation, correction of cartilage, bone, and soft tissues is carried out. A plaster cast, despite the fact that it causes discomfort, itchy skin and a general feeling of discomfort, allows you to:

  • to finally fix the necessary shape and anatomical proportionality of the nose;
  • prevent displacement of bone and cartilage plates;
  • protect the operation area from unwanted external mechanical influence;
  • When an antiseptic drug is added to the layers of a plaster cast, it also acts as a means of suppressing the development of infection.

Stage II

The average duration is 1 week. It begins with the removal of the plaster cast. In addition, hemostatic tampons are removed from the nasal passages and washed (to remove blood clots and crusts) with an antiseptic or 0.9% sodium chloride solution. Almost all unresolved surgical sutures are also removed. By this time, the general condition improves and stabilizes, and after removing the tampons, breathing becomes easier.

On what day after rhinoplasty is the cast removed?

In cases where the fixing ability of the plaster cast has decreased, it has become deformed, was accidentally or intentionally damaged by the patient, or has become wet during water hygiene procedures, it must be removed and replaced with a new one. The plaster splint is finally removed on days 7-14.

Swelling at this stage still persists and may even increase. If the swelling increases after removing the plaster, this is quite acceptable and should not bother the patient. The fact is that a rigid plaster cast not only supports the structures of the nose, but also restrains swelling of the soft tissues, redirecting it to surrounding areas. After removing the obstacle, swelling also appears in the freed areas, but it is no longer dangerous, since it cannot lead to deformation of the fused bones, and quickly passes due to a decrease in the degree of the inflammatory process.

Can I remove the plaster myself?

Sometimes patients want to check the strength of its fixation, lift it or even temporarily remove it in order to get rid of unpleasant sensations or check whether the cartilaginous and bone plates have already fused. Such experiments cannot be carried out, since the correction performed by the surgeon may be violated, as a result of which the entire aesthetic result of the operation may be reduced to “zero”.

Stage III

Lasts on average 2-2.5 months and is a period of cosmetic recovery. During this time, swelling and hematomas almost completely disappear, and the shape of the nose, except for its tip and nostrils, takes on an almost final appearance. This stage is also important psychologically, since the patience of many patients is already running out by this time. However, they can already roughly assess the results of plastic surgery.

Stage IV

Lasts up to 1 year, and sometimes a little longer. This is the period of final healing and formation of the appearance, during which various defects may disappear and, conversely, new defects may appear in the form of asymmetry of shape, irregularities, scars, the formation of visually detectable callus, etc.

In the postoperative period, patient participation is especially important. This is the key to successful rehabilitation.

Subsequent treatment depends on the operation. When changing the bone skeleton of the nose, it is necessary to wear a plaster splint for a period of 7 to 14 days at the discretion of the doctor. Internal packings are usually removed from the nose the next day or the day after surgery. In the presence of tampons, nasal breathing is difficult. Silicone plates - splints, on both sides of the septum, are removed a week after the operation. If during the operation the doctor manipulated the bones of the nose, then there are likely to be bruises around the eyes, which will then spread to the cheek area. Swelling and bruising are a normal consequence of surgery and will subside within 2-3 weeks. This is facilitated by anti-inflammatory and countercurrent ointments prescribed by a doctor. While lying in bed, maintain the correct body position: its upper part should be elevated 30 degrees. You can wash and shower carefully, avoiding getting the plaster cast (splint) wet. Bloody nasal discharge is completely normal and will disappear within a few days after surgery. Dry lips will persist as long as you breathe through your mouth; to eliminate discomfort, you can lubricate your lips with balm or moisten them with water. Body temperature up to 38C after surgery is considered acceptable and normal for several days. In the first 24 hours after rhinoplasty, nausea can sometimes be observed - this problem can be solved with the help of medications. For several months after surgery, the tip of the nose and upper lip may be numb and swollen, as a result of which facial expressions will seem unnatural to you, and the tip of the nose will appear excessively raised. The sutures at the skin incision sites are removed after seven days.

After the operation, the surgeon will answer all your questions and give recommendations regarding postoperative treatment, which must be followed so that the result of the operation remains unchanged:

Hair can be washed no earlier than the third day after surgery (there is a high risk of re-bleeding).

At first, it is important to avoid physical activity. Light physical activity is permissible no earlier than after four weeks, heavy work should be performed no earlier than after six weeks. It is allowed to resume sports activities no earlier than 30 days after surgery. You will return to a full life in about 2-3 weeks.

You can blow your nose 30 days after surgery; rinse your nose before that. You can only sneeze with your mouth open!

Eating and brushing your teeth should be done carefully. It’s not enough to talk; if possible, don’t laugh, because the muscles involved “pull” the new nose.

If you wear glasses, please note that in the first 2-3 weeks after removing the bandage, they put too much pressure on the bridge of your nose. Ask about a tire that will distribute the weight of the glasses, or skip them. Contact lenses can be worn immediately after surgery (soft disposable lenses can be used as an alternative to glasses until you can wear them again, at least three months after surgery).

It is necessary to avoid traumatization and hypothermia of the nose.

Avoid exposure to sun and heat (sauna, bath, hot tub) for several months.

Avoid facial massage for six months after surgery.

Sexual activity can be resumed three weeks after surgery.

You should know that the final result of the operation is achieved no earlier than after 12 months.

Rhinoplasty, which is performed surgically, is an effective method of nose correction. The result of the procedure can be excellent, but you will have to pay for it both in material resources and in time, because it will have to be spent on postoperative care.

Problems during rehabilitation are common. Discomfort, lifestyle changes, special procedures are things you can’t do without after rhinoplasty. Learn how to care for your nose after rhinoplasty.

Principles of care

Caring for your nose after rhinoplasty involves following the following rules:

  • Choose a high pillow because you need to sleep on a hill. The only acceptable position is on your back.
  • Go for procedures after rhinoplasty. The frequency of therapy sessions is determined by the doctor. Ultrasound after rhinoplasty is prescribed on the tenth day. In addition to ultrasound, sessions of laser therapy, lymphatic drainage and microcurrents are recommended.
  • Use medications after rhinoplasty. Usually the doctor prescribes antibiotics and ointments with a healing, antimicrobial and analgesic effect. These include ointment "Traumeel S" (apply 2 times a day to swelling), "Braumeel" (use according to instructions) and "Dimexide" (the method of application is determined by the doctor).
  • Nose massage after rhinoplasty it is necessary if cartilage compaction has formed. Usually 3 sessions are carried out, but you need to consult a specialist.
  • Try not to touch your nose. Firstly, scarring after rhinoplasty will be pronounced, and secondly, there is a high risk of deforming the nose and causing infection.
  • After removing the tampons (3 days after discharge), you can clean your nose. The doctor will tell you how to rinse your nose; they do this using a special pipette. Tilt your head to one side, hold your breath, instill a weak saline solution and blow your nose.

What not to do?

Care after rhinoplasty involves several restrictions:

  • Do not wear glasses for 2 months after surgery– You can’t have anything on the bridge of your nose. The frame presses and changes the contours of the nose.
  • Solarium after rhinoplasty is prohibited for 2 months. You can't sunbathe in the sun. Apply cream with a protective factor before going outside, but ask your doctor about the possibilities of using a cosmetic product.
  • Limitations after rhinoplasty include two-month ban on visiting baths, saunas and swimming pools. Avoid sudden changes in temperature and consumption of ice cream, hot foods or drinks. If swelling is a concern, reduce the amount of salt in your food.
  • Sports and other physical activities are prohibited for 3 months. You can engage in professional sports no earlier than six months after surgery.
  • Don't smoke or drink after surgery for as long as possible. These bad habits provoke swelling, increase the healing time of the skin and lead to tissue death.
  • The patch after rhinoplasty should not be removed prematurely and should not be wetted.. Its role is to fix new outlines. If the bandage is damaged, there is a high risk of tissue deformation.
  • Do not allow your nose to come into contact with water in the first 24 hours after rhinoplasty.. This manipulation is fraught with damage to the retaining bandage.
  • Don't use cosmetics before removing the bandage and plaster.

To achieve optimal results after rhinoplasty, the patient requires patience and following the doctor's recommendations for nose care.

In pursuit of an ideal appearance, great attention is paid to nose correction. But it is worth considering that the final result depends not only on how successfully the operation itself was performed, but also on how well the recovery after rhinoplasty proceeds. The patient needs to undergo a course of rehabilitation measures that will help him return to his previous lifestyle.

Rhinoplasty rehabilitation period

Almost immediately after the operation, the person is discharged home, since there is no longer any point in being in the hospital. However, it is still better to spend the first few days in bed rest. At this time, weakness, nausea, pain, low temperature, bruising, swelling, nasal congestion and numbness may be observed. Sometimes side effects such as numbness of the upper lip and a nasal voice appear, but this quickly passes.

In addition, for another 2 weeks you will need to wear a special bandage that fixes the nose. To maintain its shape, it is also necessary to use tampons; they will absorb blood and postoperative discharge. They are usually installed for several days. Reviews from those who have gone through this period say that the most difficult are the first few weeks after surgery.

Swelling, bruising and swelling completely disappear approximately one month after surgery. In general, how long the recovery period after rhinoplasty lasts largely depends on the complexity of the operation. Thanks to modern technologies, scars and scars remain completely invisible over time.

Possible complications

Despite the fact that rhinoplasty is a fairly common operation, as with any surgical intervention, no one can give a 100% guarantee that there will be no complications. So, there may be such negative consequences after rhinoplasty:

From the above complications, it is clear that rhinoplasty, rehabilitation after which may require a long time, is not such a simple operation, and it must be taken extremely seriously. Fortunately, in most cases everything goes well.

Restrictions after surgery

For those who have decided to take such a step to change their appearance, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with what contraindications will arise for them after the manipulation of nose correction:

  • At first, you should never sleep on your side or stomach, only on your back;
  • It is forbidden to wear glasses for 3 months; if necessary, replace them with lenses;
  • Do not take too cold or hot a shower or bath;
  • It is not allowed to visit swimming pools, baths, saunas, rivers and other bodies of water;
  • Sunbathing and sunbathing are contraindicated;
  • It is forbidden to bend your head down;
  • It is not recommended to lift weights or give the body strong physical activity.

It is also very undesirable to suffer from colds during this period; you should not drink alcoholic beverages or use cosmetics.

Thanks to the opinions of experts, as well as those who have experienced similar operations, it was possible to collect a number of tips to promote a speedy recovery. Rhinoplasty, the forum about which told many of the intricacies of the recovery period, involves following a number of requirements in order to obtain the desired result. Thus, the patient should follow the following recommendations:

  • Ensure the safety of stitches and bandages. Do not touch your nose, do not blow your nose or wet it, and avoid wearing clothes that need to be pulled over your head. Remember, even if you slightly touch your nose, you can significantly affect its still fragile shape.
  • Prevent overvoltage. This can cause stitches to come apart and cause nosebleeds.
  • Follow your doctor's recommendations. Medications can only be taken after consultation with a doctor. He can also prescribe special ointments for speedy healing.
  • Provide proper nutrition. It is best to stick to your diet.
  • Do massage and physiotherapy. They promote scar healing and also prevent bone tissue growth. You can do them yourself by lightly pinching the tip of your nose with two fingers for half a minute, and then repeating this procedure closer to the bridge of your nose. Under no circumstances should you apply strong pressure or sudden movements!

Rhinoplasty of the nose, the rehabilitation period of which takes several months, also provides another way to relieve swelling, such as placing a cushion under the pillow. Sometimes it is recommended to apply ice to the nose.

For the first 2 months, you should exclude sugar, salt, fried and smoked foods from your diet, and eat less carbohydrates. When the time of bed rest passes, it is useful to walk in the fresh air, take vitamins, and also avoid stress.

The photo shows that already a month after the operation, the patients look quite successful. Of course, recovery after complex rhinoplasty takes longer than, for example, after correction of the tip of the nose. In many ways, everything depends on the method of such correction. The individual characteristics of a particular organism and the state of human health as a whole also play an important role. Typically, the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty takes about six months, when the nose is completely healed, and the final results can only be discussed a year after the operation.

Correction of the shape of the nose allows you to eliminate visible disturbances in its location, symmetry and eliminate certain pathologies in the functioning of this organ. today it enjoys well-deserved popularity, because this particular operation allows you to quickly obtain the expected positive result from the intervention and has a minimal number of possible side effects.

The recovery process after rhinoplasty is relatively short; following all the doctor’s recommendations will eliminate the possibility of negative health consequences and obtain a nose shape that will correspond to the patient’s wishes.

Recovery period after surgery

General rules

Features of the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty of the nose include the need to fulfill a number of requirements that will minimize the likelihood of the risk of developing complications after this. And even with modern correction of the shape of the nose, the use of the least aggressive medications and extremely convenient and trouble-free technology, there is a certain possibility of negative consequences of rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty involves surgery to make adjustments to the physical shape of the nose. This affects the bone, mucous and cartilage tissues of the nose, which form its inner and outer shell. Since rhinoplasty involves a significant impact on the nasal tissues and passages, a certain amount of time is required for their recovery. And the greater the extent of the intervention, the longer the period required for recovery.

Since each organism is individual, the course of recovery can occur in different ways. Moreover, on average, according to practice, the rehabilitation period lasts for several months, after which the patient, subject to all doctor’s recommendations, can lead a normal active lifestyle without contact sports.

There are several potential negative consequences of this surgery that affect the healing process of the nasal tissue and may have a significant negative impact on future nasal function. The entire period of the patient’s recovery after surgery can be divided into four main stages, during which all the requirements of the doctor who performed the intervention must be strictly followed.

The video below will tell you about rehabilitation after rhinoplasty:

Possible consequences

The most common consequences of rhinoplasty include the following negative manifestations:

  • Scarring. Their appearance is due to the characteristics of the skin and the tendency for poor tissue healing. Modern rhinoplasty techniques and materials used make it possible to achieve minimal trauma for this type of intervention. When the tissues inside the nose are injured, usually there are no visible marks left on the skin.
  • , which is determined by the tendency of the upper layer of the epidermis to hemorrhages and poor resorption of hematomas. Prominent capillaries indicate their increased sensitivity and fragility of their walls. To prevent the appearance of a capillary network, a doctor may recommend taking medications that increase the degree of elasticity of the capillary walls and their faster recovery.
  • . Tissue swelling after rhinoplasty should be considered a normal reaction of the body. Injured tissues react in this way to mechanical influences, in the form of which rhinoplasty manifests itself. Typically, swelling is mostly located in the eye area and near the nose. Their decrease during the normal course of the recovery process is noted after 5-7 days.
  • Hematomas, being particularly large bruises, often occur during rhinoplasty. They go away on their own, but the time frame for their disappearance can be significantly reduced when using drugs that promote the resorption of bruises and hematomas.
  • often occurs after rhinoplasty; this is due to multiple mechanical damage to the bone and cartilage tissue of the nose. Pain is eliminated with the help of painkillers, which can be prescribed by a surgeon. Drawing up a rehabilitation plan and strictly following it will speed up the healing of injured tissues.

In addition to the listed negative consequences of rhinoplasty, organic changes may occur that negatively affect the further recovery process and the patient’s well-being. These include:

  • deterioration or loss of smell due to mechanical damage to the tissues of the nose;
  • deterioration of the shape of the nose - acquisition of a saddle shape;
  • inflammatory process of the periosteum;
  • tissue infection during surgery;
  • development of bulky bone callus at the intervention site;
  • heavy bleeding during surgery.

Restoration of nasal tissue takes place within 1.5-3 months from the date of rhinoplasty.

The rehabilitation process is conventionally divided into four periods, each of which differs in duration and effectiveness.

Photos of rhinoplasty during the rehabilitation period

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty

The course of the recovery process most often goes smoothly; the very next day after the intervention, you can wash yourself and wash your hair with outside help, making sure that the bandage on your face does not get wet. A hospital stay after rhinoplasty is not required. Recovery is carried out at home.

1-7 days

The recovery process lasts up to 7 days, which most patients who have undergone rhinoplasty consider the most unpleasant. Swelling of damaged tissues, bruises, multiple hematomas - all these manifestations worsen the general condition. In this case, swelling can spread over the entire surface of the face and “spread.” Therefore, it is at the first stage after rhinoplasty that the most severe condition is observed; pain is noted even in the absence of impact on the nose and areas adjacent to the nose.

Removing nasal discharge, regardless of the use of tampons, is a prerequisite for a speedy recovery. The use of disinfectants also prevents the likelihood of developing inflammatory reactions.

The rehabilitation diary after rhinoplasty (day 1) is shown in this video:

7-12 days

During the second recovery period, the bandage is removed, but the shape of the nose may still be changed. Careful handling of damaged tissues and the use of all medications can speed up recovery and healing.

During this period, bruises still remain, which gradually acquire a yellowish tint and their size decreases. The pain is still significant; any mechanical impact causes pain and discomfort.

Third stage

Over the next 2-3 weeks, there is a significant improvement in the general condition of the nose: the skin acquires a healthier shade, its increased sensitivity decreases, bruises and hematomas resolve. The locations of the sutures gradually become less noticeable; if a non-absorbable material is used, the area of ​​treatment acquires an increasingly healthy appearance.

However, even during this period you should be extremely careful with your nose and prevent any mechanical stress on it.

Stages of rehabilitation after rhinoplasty

Fourth stage

During the last, fourth stage of recovery, which lasts from 3 to 5 weeks after the intervention, the last negative manifestations are eliminated: bruises disappear, hematomas remain only in the form of minor changes in skin color, pain is felt to a lesser extent.

At the final stage of the recovery period, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician; identifying any deviations from the expected result will allow timely detection of indications for. The most common indication for this is asymmetry that appears at the fourth stage of rehabilitation.

Nasal care after

At the end of the rehabilitation period, you must adhere to certain conditions prescribed by the doctor. These include the following recommendations:

  • do not stay under for a long time;
  • do not visit the solarium;
  • do not steam in the steam room or sauna;
  • take hot and cold baths;
  • give up contact sports;
  • lifting heavy objects is not recommended for six months after rhinoplasty;
  • You should not swim in rivers and open bodies of water.

By strictly following these simple rules, you can prevent the risk of negative consequences for your overall health and the condition of your nose.