Rosselkhoznadzor Mercury is a state information system in the field of veterinary medicine. Federal state system "Mercury" from Rosselkhoznadzor

From July 2018, veterinary documentation for products subject to veterinary control will be issued only in electronic form using the federal state information system "Mercury".

This means that companies and entrepreneurs that produce or sell products of animal origin must register in the system and learn how to work in it before the beginning of July. Our article will help you understand what Mercury is, how to apply for connection and how to make working in the system easier.

Who should connect to Mercury?

In general, as of July 1, 2018, everyone who produces and sells products controlled by State Veterinary Control must be connected to the Mercury system. The fact is that these products require the execution of veterinary accompanying documents (VSD): veterinary certificates, certificates and certificates (Article 2.3 of the Law of May 14, 1993 No. 4979-1 “On Veterinary Medicine”). Until July of this year, it is permissible to generate these documents both electronically and in paper form.

But from July there will be only one permitted way to create VSD - electronically through the Mercury system. This follows from the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 243-FZ, which amended the Law on Veterinary Medicine. Consequently, everyone who is required to prepare veterinary documentation will have to work at Mercury.

The list of goods controlled by Gosvetkontrol was approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 18, 2015 No. 648. It includes, among other things, meat and fish products, dairy products, and poultry products. Thus, the turnover of these goods entails the obligation to register VSD and, as a result, to connect to the Mercury system.

In what cases can Mercury not be used?

There are exceptions to the above rules, which are listed in article of Law No. 243-FZ. Thus, after July 1, 2018, it will be possible to issue VSD on paper in three situations.

Firstly, in case of accidents, natural disasters, catastrophes and emergencies, due to which it became impossible to use Mercury.
Secondly, in the absence of access to the Internet. This “benefit” can only be used in those settlements that are included in special lists approved by regional authorities. If there is a temporary interruption in the Internet, then the obligation to electronically register the VSD remains. Under such circumstances, you can work with electronic veterinary documents remotely.

Thirdly, in a situation where veterinary accompanying documents contain information constituting a state or official secret.

In addition, the Rosselkhoznadzor website lists cases when issuing veterinary certificates (and therefore connecting to Mercury) is not required. This is the sale of products to the final buyer for personal consumption, the movement of products within one enterprise as a property complex, the transportation of pets, etc.

What is the Mercury system?

The system owes its name to the ancient Roman god who patronized trade. The main goal of creating the Mercury system is to enable regulatory authorities and consumers to obtain complete and reliable information about the origin of meat, milk and other products.

With the help of Mercury, electronic veterinary accompanying documents of two types are created: transport and production. Transport VSD records the facts of movement of goods. The sender (for example, a meat processing plant) must create a transport VSD in the system, and the recipient (for example, a retail store) must cancel this document, that is, make a special mark in Mercury. If an electronic VSD is not issued for a product subject to veterinary control, then the store must refuse to accept such a product and inform the sender about the absence of this document.

Even if the products are delivered to an intermediate recipient (for example, to a wholesale warehouse), he is still obliged to pay off the transport VSD, and when sending the goods further, he must create a new document.

Production VSD reflects information about what raw materials a particular product is made from. There is no need to cancel such documents.

Let us add that the electronic VSD is not compiled for the entire batch of goods, but for each item separately. Moreover, each electronic VSD has a unique UUID identifier, which is its main requisite. The electronic veterinary document is stored in the system for three years, but not less than the shelf life of the product.

How to register in the system

The rules for working with Mercury, including the rules for registering in this system, are regulated by Order No. 589 of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 27, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 589). According to this document, in order to connect to Mercury, companies and individual entrepreneurs must submit an application to Rosselkhoznadzor. The application template can be downloaded from the website of the Federal State Veterinary Information System.

Organizations can apply in one of two ways. The first way is to fill out an application on company letterhead and take it to the territorial office of Rosselkhoznadzor. The second way is to create an application in the form of an electronic document, certify it with an enhanced qualified electronic signature (CES) and send it to the address [email protected].

The organization must indicate in the application its authorized employees who will work with Mercury. Such employees can be given different rights: to make applications for VSD, create them, cancel them, or perform all of the above actions.

Within five working days after submitting the application, the organization or individual entrepreneur must be registered in the Mercury system.

Certification of employees and entrepreneurs

Authorized employees of the organization, as well as individual entrepreneurs or their authorized employees who will generate electronic VSD in the Mercury system must undergo certification. The decision on certification is made by a commission created by the regional veterinary department. Meetings of the certification commission are held monthly (specific dates can be found on the official websites of the authorized bodies). All certified specialists are entered into the register.

Please note: if an authorized employee or entrepreneur only has to extinguish VSD (but not create new ones), then certification is not needed.

How to integrate Mercury with your accounting system

Generating and canceling electronic VSD manually is not a quick task, because each document sometimes takes several minutes. This time is multiplied by the number of commodity items in the invoice, since, as mentioned above, one IRR is created not for delivery, but for each commodity item. This time is then multiplied by the number of invoices received and issued during the day. Here you need to add the additional time required to correct errors that arose during manual data entry.

To significantly facilitate and speed up the process of registering electronic VSD, the Mercury system can be integrated with an accounting system, for example, 1C. There are various integration solutions, in particular, the “Contour.Mercury” module. It is suitable for any 1C configuration: 7.7, 8.X, for regular and managed forms. This module will allow you to work in single window mode directly in your 1C database, without transitions from 1C to Mercury and back. The possibility of errors and loss of documents is excluded, since “Kontur.Mercury” uses data already entered into 1C.

What threatens violators?

Currently, for violation of the rules for processing, storing and selling livestock products, an administrative fine is provided: for officials and individual entrepreneurs - from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles, for organizations - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles (Article 10.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

However, a draft amendment to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation has already been developed. If the amendments are adopted, then the amount of fines for the transportation or transfer of ownership of goods of animal origin, accompanied by incorrectly executed VSD or without them at all, will increase significantly and for organizations will amount to:

  • up to 100 thousand rubles for transportation or transfer of ownership of animals;
  • up to 20 thousand rubles for transportation or transfer of ownership rights to fish and products from aquatic biological resources;
  • up to 10 thousand rubles for transportation or transfer of ownership rights to raw milk and raw cream;
  • up to 5 thousand rubles for production, transportation or transfer of ownership rights to heat-treated products;
  • up to 50 thousand rubles for production, transportation or transfer of ownership rights to all other goods, if they are subject to mandatory certification.

Repeated violation of the rules, according to the draft amendments, faces a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles.

Submit your application

How can a retail store start working in the Mercury system.

After you have received Initiator login- this is your login from the site and looks like “ivanon_ii_161211”. There are several interaction options:

Mercury Retail Program

2. Extinguish yourself, through our cloud service "TriAR-Mercury" ( First quarter free, then 1800 rubles per year

To work through the site you must go through registration
In the settings, enter data from Mercury, namely:

To work through the Mercury program, you also need to provide the above data.

The automated Mercury system was developed to create a holistic information environment for veterinary medicine on the territory of the Russian Federation. Makes it possible to carry out electronic certification of goods supervised by Rosvetnadzor, tracking their transportation throughout the country, taking into account the shipment of consignments of goods. The Mercury program significantly simplifies the procedure for registering VSD and increases the biological safety of veterinary medicine.

Working with FSIS Mercury will allow you to:

  • Fully automate the accounting of received and sent products.
  • Reduce labor costs and time for preparing accompanying documentation.
  • Reduce the number of errors made by employees, since the data is entered into ready-made forms, the Mercury program checks all information and generates reports.
  • Quickly find the necessary information for any period, make an analytical or statistical report, build charts and graphs.
  • Save all data on samples and product tests carried out.
  • Track the entire route of cargo, right up to its crushing in warehouses and companies.

Who will it be useful for?

The system has been developed for many departments of Rosselkhoznadzor. It will be useful to business entities, warehouses, veterinary departments, customs zones, and stations for combating veterinary diseases. Our program supports working with the Mercury system. Its use will allow you to keep clear records of veterinary products, monitor the quantity of goods in warehouses, control expiration dates and examination. To view information about the batch of goods received, you do not need to look for invoices from a month ago. All information is stored on the computer and becomes accessible in literally two clicks of the mouse.

It will be easier for the central office of Rosselkhoznadzor to regulate the activities of territorial departments, control the availability of products and the need for new revenues. All data is automatically entered into an electronic reserve, which makes it impossible to completely lose it.

Mercury is a veterinary program that will make the certification procedure for supervised cargo simple and transparent. This is a modern way to control veterinary cargo and guarantee their safety. Our organization provides a licensed program for Mercury. This is a web application that provides access to shared data storage. To work, you only need a computer and the Internet.

Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor is an automated system designed for electronic certification of goods supervised by the state veterinary supervision, tracking the path of their movement across the territory of the Russian Federation in order to create a unified information environment for veterinary medicine, increasing biological and food safety.

The Mercury system includes a number of subsystems. These include a temporary storage warehouse, state veterinary examination, subsystems of an economic entity, territorial management, notifications, verification of the authenticity of issued VSD, as well as a universal gateway (Vetis.API).

Each of the subsystems is designed to perform certain tasks, and also carries out a number of functions assigned to it. In order to start working with Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor, you will need to log into your personal account.

However, before this, it is necessary to gain access to the system, provided both to employees of the veterinary service and employees of Rosselkhoznadzor, and to business entities (organizations and individual entrepreneurs).

Thus, to gain access to a service such as the Mercury personal account, veterinary service employees and Rosselkhoznadzor employees will need to send an electronic application for the provision of the corresponding service. Such an application is submitted using the Vetis.Passport system.

Registration of business entities is carried out in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2016 No. 589. In this case, authorized persons of organizations must send an application either in writing on the organization’s letterhead signed by its head (deputy head) to the FSIS operator or to its territorial department or in electronic form a document signed by the electronic signature of the head (deputy head) of the organization, sent by e-mail specified on the official website of Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor.

To gain access to their personal account, individual entrepreneurs will also need to register by sending an application either in writing by mail to one of the territorial departments of the FSIS operator or submitting an application in person to one of the territorial departments of the FSIS operator or in electronic form to the email address indicated on the Mercury system web resource.

After you have been granted access, you will be able to enter Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor into your personal account. In this case, you will need to provide a username and password, and then click on the “Login” button. If necessary, you can also check the “Do not remember username” option.

If, when trying to log into your personal account, it turns out that you do not remember your password, you must use the “Forgot your password?” link. After this, you will be asked to enter your login or personal e-mail that was specified in your profile. Please note that recovery can only be carried out if the email address has been verified. After specifying the necessary data, click on the “Restore” button.

You can also log into your Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor personal account through the State Services portal. In this case, you will need to have an account in Vetis, in the account profile in the Vetis.Passport system the SNILS (Individual Personal Account Insurance Number) field must be filled in, and an account on the EPGU portal (Unified Portal of Public Services), which must be of the third level , that is, a verified account.

Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor - Login to your personal account through State Services

When logging in through State Services, you will need to provide a phone number or email address and password. You can also log in using SNILS and a password or using an electronic signature. If necessary, the “Someone else’s computer” option can be checked. It is also possible to recover your password if it is lost.

If you have any questions when logging into your personal account, you can contact the email address indicated on the Mercury Rosselkhoznadzor website. You can contact this address in case of technical questions or to express suggestions and wishes for the development of the automated Mercury system.

What is FSIS "Mercury"?

FSIS "Mercury" is a federal state information system for electronic veterinary certification of goods controlled by Rosselkhoznadzor and tracking their movements on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is a subsystem of the GIS "VetIS" - a state system in the field of veterinary medicine.

What companies should register in the Mercury system?

Organizations (manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers) that participate in the circulation of regulated goods of animal and plant origin, subject to accompanying veterinary accompanying documents, are connected to the FSIS "Mercury". The list of regulated goods is contained in Order of the Ministry of Agriculture No. 251 dated June 27, 2018 “On amendments to the list of regulated goods subject to accompanying veterinary documents, approved by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 18, 2015 No. 648.”

Do you need to register and cancel VSD for ice cream and dairy products?

Thus, ice cream and all products made from pasteurized milk and products containing less than 50% of regulated products were excluded from the list of products that must be processed through the FSIS "Mercury".

How to register in the system?

To register in the FSIS "Mercury" system, you must submit an application to the territorial department of Rosselkhoznadzor. You can submit an application in two ways: by mail on paper or electronically with the signature of the manager to the service’s email address (for individual entrepreneurs - info @svfk .mcx .ru, for Organizations - [email protected]). Application templates are available here.

Application processing takes approximately five business days. After processing the application, a login and password will be sent to the specified email. to enter Rosselkhoznadzor services (Vetis.Passport, Cerberus.HS and Mercury.HS).

Where can I find contact information about territorial departments of Rosselkhoznadzor?

You can view contact information about territorial departments on the Rosselkhoznadzor website in the Structure section.

When is it necessary to connect to the Mercury system?

From July 1, 2018, all retail stores and public catering establishments will need to accept and confirm veterinary accompanying documents for products of animal origin controlled by Rosselkhoznadzor in electronic form.

What if we don't have internet? Is it possible to continue working with paper VSDs?

In such a situation, there are two options:

If your site is not connected to the Internet, then you cannot use paper VSDs. You can provide access to the system to your authorized representative, who will extinguish VSD and make returns. The law does not require extinguishing VSD on the site.

If you work in an area where there is no access to communications, you can continue to work with paper VSDs. The list of areas not connected to the Internet is approved by the constituent entities of the federation.

What should a retail store or catering establishment do in the system?

Catering enterprises and institutions that sell regulated products are required to cancel incoming electronic VSD, issue VSD for return to the supplier, and issue VSD for movement between sites.

How long does it take to extinguish VSD?

VSD cancellation is carried out within 1 business day after delivery and acceptance of the goods.

What to do if the goods have not arrived at the enterprise, but there is VSD in the Mercury system?

The user who issued the VSD must cancel this VSD.

What to do if you receive only one VSD for a product in the assortment?

Do not extinguish the incoming VSD. Ask the sender to correctly fill out the VSD - each product name must have its own VSD.

There is no "Redeem" button in VSD. Why and what to do?

The invoice may not have a “Redeem” button for two reasons:

If on the page for viewing incoming VSD, the system displays the message “It is impossible to redeem VSD, since the input was not made under a specific platform, but under all.”, then this means that you did not log in to the specific serviced enterprise where the goods were received. Follow these steps: go to the “Change enterprise” link in the upper right corner and select the desired site from the list. If there is no such list, contact the Territorial Administration of Rosselkhoznadzor or the Veterinary Administration for the subject. Employees of the institution must register the enterprise in the register of supervised facilities, if it is not already in the register, and associate it with the household. subject.

If on the page for viewing incoming VSD, the system displays the message “It is impossible to extinguish VSD, since the current user does not have a role for extinguishing.”, then this means that you do not have the “Extinguish VSD” access right. Follow these steps: log into the Vetis.Passport system. Go to the Administrator.XC profile, go to the list of users and assign rights to extinguish VSD.

How is the remnant of goods sold at retail without registration of veterinary documents and not written off carried out in Mercury XC?

How to properly draw up an “Authorized Cancellation?

How to ship goods to an individual in the system?

Shipments to individuals are not recorded in the system. The resulting balance of products can be written off using inventory.

We are catering. We buy groceries in the store. Should you get VSD?

If the purchase of controlled goods is made by a legal entity/individual entrepreneur, then the store must issue a VSD to your address.

The warehouse receives goods and distributes them to stores. When distributing goods from a warehouse, is it necessary to register a VSD?

In case of moving from a warehouse to another site, it is necessary to issue a transport VSD. Instructions for registering VSD can be found in the VetIS Knowledge Base at this link.

How to obtain/find out the GUID of an Economic Entity (Organization, Individual Entrepreneur, Individual Entrepreneur, registered on the portal according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities) and Site (structure, building, site, hunting area, farm, plant, etc.)?

To obtain the GUID (identifier) ​​of an organization, you need to go to the Cerberus.XC subsystem. After logging into your Cerberus.HS personal account and selecting the business entity to be served, you will see a page with information about the business entity you have selected. The GUID of the business entity can be seen in the "Service Information" block. To obtain the GUID of a site (enterprise), you need to go to the site register. To go to the register of sites, click “Sites” in the upper left corner of the page or on the information page about the business entity in the block "Free information" click the button "Venues". After going to the register of sites, you will see a list of all sites (enterprises) with which the selected business entity has a connection (carries out controlled activities) or is the owner. To obtain the site GUID, you must go to the site information viewing page by clicking on the site number or on the “View” icon. After going to the page with information about the site (enterprise), the GUID can be seen in the “Service Information” block.

The list of serviced businesses shows businesses that are not related to my company. What to do?

Most likely, connections between the MS and the enterprise were mistakenly established; in this case, the connections need to be deleted in the Cerberus system. To do this, contact the Office of Rosselkhoznadzor or the Veterinary Service of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Contacts of departments are published on the official website of Rosselkhoznadzor at the link.

The address listed for the serviced business is incorrect. What to do?

in your Cerberus personal account, create and submit an application to make changes to information about the company according to the instructions.

The username and password for logging into your Cerberus personal account are the same as for logging into the Mercury.XC portal.


A duplicate serviced enterprise was found in the list. What to do?

To quickly resolve the issue, you can create and submit an application to merge enterprises (sites) in your Cerberus personal account according to the instructions.

The username and password for logging into your Cerberus personal account are the same as for logging into the Mercury.XC portal.

Or, if it is impossible to gain access to LC Cerberus, contact the Office of Rosselkhoznadzor or the Veterinary Service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Contacts of departments are published on the official website of Rosselkhoznadzor at the link.

We have several sites. Is it possible to make it so that the store enters only its own site and does not see the rest of the company’s sites?

At the moment, you see all the sites of your legal entity/individual entrepreneur. The system will be further developed, and perhaps similar functionality will appear in the future.

Will there be fines?

The fine for non-compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law dated July 13, 2015 No. 243 is provided for in Art. 10.8 Code of Administrative Offences. A fine of up to 700,000 rubles per legal entity or suspension of activities for up to 90 days is possible.

Talked about upcoming changes in preparation of veterinary documentsfor companies working with food products. From 2016, it is planned to switch to electronic veterinary certificates. Changes in legislation provide for the introduction of batch accounting of the movement of raw materials and products within Russia. In this regard, in accounting for the movement of goods in 1C, it is necessary to additionally track a new dimension - the Veterinary Accompanying Document (VSD).

Purpose of the Mercury system: to ensure end-to-end accounting of the movement of raw materials and products by batch (in terms of Mercury in terms of VSD and Manufacturing Dates) between all entities on the territory of Russia and the Unified Customs Union (UTS).

Systems are used to process all necessary transactions for businesses Argus, Mercury And Vesta. When conducting inspections and monitoring the work of enterprises, systems are used Cerberus And Cyrano. The system is indirectly involved Icarus(company directory).

All systems are built on a process approach - information entered once in one system is then used in another system. Duplication of information input is excluded.

Now we will consider only the operation of the Mercury system, which is divided into several parts. Veterinarians work with the Mercury.GVE system. Enterprises operate in the Mercury.XC system. If the enterprise independently prepares Veterinary Accompanying Documents (VSD), then RosSelkhozNadzor will provide access to the Mercury.GVE system to the enterprise’s employees.

Difference Mercury.GVE (State Veterinary Expertise) fromMercury.HS (Economy Entity):

    V Mercury.GVE is possible to redeem (receive) veterinary certificates and Incoming VSD

  • sending information about Outgoing VSD to Mercury.

Mercury.HS is needed only for viewing data; active operations with Incoming and Outgoing VSD (except for internal operations) are impossible.

Certified specialists can work in the Mercury.GVE system at production enterprises; they can either be hired on staff or use the services of a third-party company.

It should also be emphasized that the Mercury system ensures the maintenance of balances in terms of measurements:

  1. Products (corresponds to the entry from the HS code classifier),
  2. Date of manufacture (represented as a specific date; interval; period description string)
  3. VSD (link to veterinary document)

Principles of accounting in Mercury:

  1. You cannot enter only some of the measurements
  2. Minus shipping is not allowed

Scheme of operation of a plant and trading company in the Mercury system

Working with the Mercury system in production

List of operations:

1. Receipt of raw materials

Mercury displays purchases of only veterinary-controlled raw materials.

Import clearance

1. Open the list of veterinary certificates

2. Find a veterinary certificate

3. Cancellation of the veterinary certificate

The cancellation procedure essentially means the arrival of the goods. If discrepancies are detected in the veterinary certificate and actual acceptance, it is possible to correct the production date, expiration dates, and quantity.

Purchase of raw materials on the territory of the ETS

The purchase operation is carried out through Transactions.

Laboratory research

Incoming raw materials to the plant must undergo laboratory tests. Based on the results of the study, a decision will be made on whether to use raw materials for production or return them to the supplier.

After taking samples for laboratory tests, if the raw materials are not returned to the warehouse or are not put into production, they must be written off. For this purpose, the capitalized amount of raw materials is adjusted using Inventory.

The system provides the ability to combine several parishes into one batch. This may be necessary to simplify the write-off of raw materials for production. For example, it is possible to combine several goods receipts into one batch. As a result, in accounting, several Incoming IRRs will be combined into one IRR, the name of which will list all IRRs in the form of a line. This operation is irreversible. It is already possible to operate with only one batch.

2. Product manufacturing

As a result of cancellation of veterinary certificates and incoming VSD raw materials Input products.

After the production operation is completed, all produced products will accumulate in the log Manufactured products.

As a result, a situation may arise when 20 tons of controlled products are produced from 5 tons of controlled raw materials.

To register a product release, you need to create a new Transaction.

The manufacturer is indicated in the Transaction header.

The Transaction Entry lists a detailed list of raw materials indicating the quantities that went into producing a specific quantity of product.

My opinion. Factories may have questions:

  • compliance with trade secrets, because in fact, the recipe for production of products will be indicated in Mercury
  • determining the costs of raw materials immediately after production, because in some cases, raw materials can be distributed after production in a few days
  • the problem of correctly determining the write-off batch before the sequence is restored.

3. Product shipment

The shipment operation is completed using Transactions.