Rotavirus infection. Insidious rotavirus: where does intestinal flu come from? Treatment of rotavirus infection in children

Rotavirus infection is recognized as one of the most common in children. According to various sources, it is she who is “to blame” for 20–75 % of all cases of acute diarrhea in children. Cases of the disease are recorded throughout the year, but their greatest number occurs from December to March. And in order to prepare for this dangerous period, we need to think about vaccination now.

Rotavirus: where to expect?

Human rotavirus belongs to the genus Rotavirus of the Reoviridae family. The name comes from the Latin word rota - “wheel”, which is what the virus particle resembles in electron microscopic examination. The enemy is very resistant: it feels normal in drinking water and open reservoirs, lives in sewage for several months, on leaves and grass - up to one, is resistant to freezing and the action of disinfectants, but dies when boiled.

For your information. There are also no drugs that kill it. Therefore, it is impossible to resist rotavirus infection with frequent hand washing, wet cleaning, regular ventilation and medicinal medications.

You have become infected with rotavirus: who is to blame?

People of any age can become infected, but children between 6 months and three years old are most often affected. The spread of the virus occurs primarily through the fecal-oral and airborne routes, as well as through dirty hands, toys, poorly washed food, and through water (river, well, tap).

Sources of rotavirus infection are patients and virus carriers. Rotavirus is very easily transmitted from person to person. The patient releases it into the environment from the first to the seventh day of illness. For some children, this process takes up to 1 month or more. The main mechanism of transmission is through water, cough, food, dirty hands and household items. Children often become infected from their mothers or peers.

For your information. It is believed that any child in the world under the age of five experiences at least two episodes of rotavirus gastroenteritis. After recovery, short-term immunity is developed.

What happens when infected with rotavirus?

The incubation period for rotavirus infection ranges from 15 hours to 3–5 days, on average from a day to one and a half. Nausea, severe and frequent vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose, intoxication, high temperature - all this may indicate that the baby has a rotavirus infection. But the very first and main symptom of intestinal flu is diarrhea, or, as experts say, diarrhea. Rotaviruses directly infect the layer of epithelium lining the intestines and penetrate the villi growing on its surface. As a result, enzymes that break down carbohydrates, and primarily lactose, cease to function, which leads to a condition similar to lactase deficiency, namely diarrhea. The accumulation of undigested products leads to increased pressure in the colon and impaired water absorption. The body becomes dehydrated, and the baby is in danger.

For your information. With rotavirus infection, the baby has loose stools, yellow or yellow-green in color, 4-8 times a day, sometimes with a small admixture of mucus. On the second or third day, the feces become gray-yellow.

There are options

The disease has two origins:

  • acute, when all symptoms appear on the first day of illness;
  • subacute, the symptoms do not appear immediately: first there are fever and diarrhea, or vomiting and diarrhea, the rest appear on the 2nd–3rd days.

In the majority of young patients, in the initial period of the disease, symptoms of respiratory tract damage are determined - moderate swelling of the throat, nasal congestion. Symptoms of intoxication are moderate and manifest themselves in the form of lethargy, weakness, loss of appetite, and pallor. Body temperature, as a rule, does not exceed 38.5 °C. Vomiting lasts 1–2 days, diarrhea does not exceed 5–7 days. There may be spontaneous, moderately severe, cramping abdominal pain without clear localization and rumbling in the colon. Flatulence is rare.

For your information. Of course, it is impossible to predict in advance which of the children will have a severe rotavirus infection, and which will be luckier and manage to avoid the consequences. A typical complication of rotavirus infection is lactase deficiency and partial or complete intolerance to milk sugar. For rotavirus infection, whole milk is contraindicated.

How and where to treat if infected with rotavirus?

If there are no complications, go home. Although immediate efforts must be made to protect other family members from the disease. Some adults suffer from this disease very seriously; not everyone has protective antibodies to rotavirus. The main thing is to stop diarrhea, which leads to dehydration, which, in turn, threatens the baby’s life. To replenish lost fluid, it is necessary to drink acid-base drinks in small doses. Warm baths are also recommended, because water is well absorbed through the skin. In case of severe vomiting and diarrhea, it is recommended to put the child in the bath for 15-20 minutes at least three times a day. If your baby doesn't have the strength to take a bath, then at least shower him with water. When a toddler is dehydrated, his skin will become dry and inelastic; the eyes will sink, the facial features will sharpen. Dizziness, thirst, and dry mouth will appear. Treatment of rotavirus is always accompanied by a strict diet, the basis of which is fermented milk products, liquid cereals with water, white crackers and strong unsweetened tea. But you will have to give up whole milk completely: it is contraindicated for rotavirus infection.

For your information. Treatment for stomach flu and other intestinal infections of bacterial origin (dysentery, salmonellosis) or poisoning differ from each other. Therefore, there is no way to do without an experienced doctor.

The best defense is offense

The most effective way to combat rotavirus is vaccination. Since 2006, it has been made in many countries around the world. In October 2012, the vaccine was registered in our country, and its inclusion in the National Vaccination Calendar is now being discussed. Until this happens, you can carry out the procedure for a fee.

For the full course, you need to give the baby three doses at intervals of a month and a half. The drug is administered orally (through the mouth) from a special dispenser. According to various medical studies, 4-5 children out of 100 who received vaccinations may develop general post-vaccination reactions in the form of fever up to 38 ° C and malaise.

For your information. According to statistics, 90% of children vaccinated against rotavirus quickly develop a protective reaction and the incidence of the disease is significantly reduced.

  • Do not give your child enzymes that improve digestion, they will only make diarrhea worse.
  • Anti-diarrhea medications are strictly prohibited. If they enter the body, the toxins accumulated in the feces will no longer be excreted from the body.
  • If vomiting is severe, do not give too much liquid at once (more than 10 ml for children under 1 year old, more than 40-50 ml for older babies), even if the baby is very thirsty. This may cause another bout of vomiting and lead to further dehydration.
  • Do not give a sick child juices and compotes, only water or tea.

It is a fact

There is a fairly quick way of diagnosis - this is a rapid test. It can be bought at the pharmacy, is inexpensive and easy to use, just read the instructions and follow them. Other methods for diagnosing intestinal flu are much more complicated. The most reliable method is considered to be electron microscopy, counter immunoelectrophoresis, and PCR. They are used only in specialized clinics.

The seriousness of intestinal disorders as a medical problem has long been proven. But many patients, even today, are inclined to believe that if they are poisoned, everything will go away in a couple of days; they should lie down at home, rinse their stomach and take medicine for diarrhea, and are in no hurry to go to the doctor. Yes, mild poisoning goes away within three days. But the cause of symptoms that are taken as signs of an intestinal disorder may not be poisoning, but rotavirus. And this happens much more often than one might imagine, leading to truly tragic consequences.

Before you understand how to distinguish household poisoning from infectious rotavirus, you need to find out why they are distinguished at all. With fairly similar symptoms, the difference is colossal.

Important! Poisoning, in most cases, does not have serious consequences for human health. After the release of toxins, the body returns to normal and continues to function normally. With rotavirus, if adequate therapy is not started in time, the development of the disease can lead to death.

Theoretical basis

Poisoning is a process in which a malfunction of organs or systems occurs, caused by exposure to toxic or bacterial substances (or intoxication from their metabolic products). All this is bad for the body as a whole, the gastrointestinal tract and the immune system.

Rotavirus infection is an intestinal disease that is caused directly by rotavirus and inevitably occurs in an acute form. Once in the intestines, the pathogenic virus reproduces so actively (in an environment conducive to this) that the functioning of the organ is disrupted very quickly. Dehydration begins, accompanied by other symptoms of intestinal poisoning. But the difference is that with poisoning a person is not a carrier of a dangerous infection, but with rotavirus - yes.

Important! You can become infected with rotavirus orally, through feces, or through household contact. If the carrier does not wash his hands after using the toilet, drinks water from the same glass, or wipes himself with a common towel, the entire family (or work team or other group of people) will inevitably end up sick.

You can become infected with rotavirus gastroenteritis either from a patient (with severe symptoms) or from an apparently healthy person. Since the virus multiplies quickly, it begins to come out just as quickly. Together with feces, bacteria enter the external environment literally from the first day of infection, when a person may not even suspect that he has become a carrier of a bacterial infection. A slight decrease in appetite and a one-time stool disorder are often the only primary signs of an infectious lesion.

The causes of poisoning are always obvious. These are either bacteria, already formed living microorganisms present in a product that was consumed without proper culinary or sanitary treatment (a poorly washed apple can cause poisoning equal to a poorly fried piece of meat or moldy yogurt), or toxins released by these bacteria when getting them into the stomach.

How does intestinal poisoning occur?

  1. Toxins or bacteria have entered the intestines.
  2. This can happen when consuming a low-quality food product or directly after consuming toxic substances.
  3. The poison will be absorbed into the blood, saturating the intestinal walls.
  4. Spreading through the bloodstream throughout all systems and organs, poisoning will cause intoxication and corresponding symptoms.

How does rotavirus gastroenteritis begin?

  1. Upon contact with a carrier, rotavirus is transmitted from him to a healthy person.
  2. The target of the virus is the small intestine.
  3. There it multiplies at a serious speed, destroying the villi on the walls.
  4. This causes disruption in the process of digestion and absorption of food.
  5. Dehydration occurs quickly.

Important! The immune system, as in the case of poisoning, does not suffer and remains intact. Why is rotavirus considered more dangerous? This applies especially to children - the problem is rapid dehydration and the severity of the disease. Often the child simply does not have time to save, which ends in death.


Despite the similarity of symptoms, the diseases have differences that allow them to be differentiated. The main task of people who find themselves close to a person either infected with rotavirus or suffering from poisoning is to understand in time what kind of problem they will have to deal with.

Table. Comparison of symptoms of rotavirus and poisoning.


· drying out of the mucous membranes excessively and in a short period of time;

· noticeable daily weight loss;

· temperature above 38 degrees for two days or more;

· feeling of weakness;

· constant drowsiness;

· sunken eye sockets (eyes seem to be sunken, darkening around them);

tearfulness of the eyes;

· darkening urine;

signs of blood in the urine;

· constant gurgling in the stomach;

· sharp stomach and intestinal pains;

· tongue with a matte white coating (all coated);

· reluctance to eat;

· vomiting;

· loose stools up to twenty times a day;

· stool consistency is cheesy, smells sour;

· on the first and second days, yellowish stools with greens;

· in the following days – gray, clay-like consistency;

· sore throat, throat cough, runny nose.

· mucous membranes dry out, but not excessively;

· weight loss is possible, but at a slower pace, it will take at least two days for it to become noticeable;

· there may be no temperature;

· there is a feeling of weakness;

· all gastrointestinal signs are present - seething in the stomach, accumulation of gas, bloating;

· the stomach and intestines may hurt, but not too much;

joint pain may be present;

· appetite may disappear, but not necessarily;

· everything can be limited to nausea, without vomiting;

· the stool is liquefied, but bowel movements may not be frequent;

· watery eyes, sore throat, runny nose and cough are not observed;

· may have a sore throat due to damage to the mucous membrane by vomit;

· visual pathologies and dysfunctions of the nervous system;

· muscle pain and headaches;

· drooling.

Important! Both with rotavirus and poisoning, dehydration occurs. But gastroenteritis causes dehydration too quickly, in the absence of pronounced other symptoms. That is why, if both are suspected, if it is impossible to understand what it is, it is necessary to equally provide the patient with a sufficient amount of fluid to restore balance.

Additional Differences

A few additional differences will help you navigate better.

  1. Due to dehydration, weakness will occur, cold sweats will appear, blood pressure will decrease and tachycardia may begin, urination will become rare, and weight will decrease. Since the process is accelerated with rotavirus, these signs (including some) can be observed already on the first day of infection.
  2. In case of poisoning, the abdominal pain is often not so severe, and it subsides after vomiting. If it is rotavirus and the patient vomits, the pain continues.
  3. Rotavirus can manifest itself gradually (except for the rapid onset of dehydration, which may go unnoticed) - within three to five days. This is its incubation period, during which the carrier is contagious and affects others. Poisoning begins two hours after eating spoiled foods (the maximum appears within 24 hours).
  4. After two to three days, the mild form of poisoning goes away on its own. The symptoms of rotavirus will not go away without treatment.


    In addition to differences in the causes and symptoms, there are differences in the treatment of these two pathologies. Although, there are still some similarities in treatment.

    Gastric lavage

    If intoxication occurs due to poisoning, the stomach is washed. It is cleaned of bacteria that have got there or formed in it after the penetration of spoiled products. Cleansing is carried out by drinking copious amounts of fluid and inducing vomiting.

    All these manipulations are useless with rotavirus, which “settles” in the small intestine. Cleansing the stomach will not help; the virus will continue to destroy the villi, destroying the digestive process.

    Important! In children under two years of age, who may equally be sick with rotavirus or become intoxicated, vomiting cannot be artificially induced. You should also not wash your children’s stomachs at home.


    After gastric lavage, when the vomit comes out clean, in case of poisoning, it is time for sorbents. They are needed to remove toxins that have entered the blood. Medicines to stop diarrhea are also started.

    With rotavirus gastroenteritis, diarrhea is stopped only as a last resort, since it is with the stool, even if liquefied, that bacteria are removed from the body.


    Chills and fever as signs of poisoning create additional inconvenience for already exhausted patients. Therefore, if the temperature reaches 38 degrees, especially in young children, it is brought down during intoxication.

    At high temperatures accompanying other symptoms of intoxication, take an antipyretic

    Gastroenteritis viruses begin to die at 38.5 degrees. Therefore, they try to keep the temperature high, up to 39 degrees inclusive, without knocking it down.

    Important! The exception is young children who are intolerant to hyperthermia. Their temperature begins to drop at 38.5 degrees and even earlier.


    In case of poisoning, relieve abdominal pain with medications. Gastroenteritis is not a reason to take painkillers, although gastrointestinal pain can be severe. You must first obtain confirmation from a doctor.

    As for antibiotics, they are under no circumstances given when infected with a virus. In case of rotavirus infection, antibiotic drugs will not only be useless, but will also cause harm, causing serious consequences and side effects.

    Important! Rotavirus gastroenteritis, or more precisely, its causative agent is destroyed by antiviral drugs and nothing more. They should be prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis.

    Therapeutic Similarities

    The most powerful unifying point is dehydration. The loss of fluid must be replenished in both cases, so the following will be needed.

    Advice. In children, dehydration is treated in a special way. Children under two years of age are given a spoonful of water every five minutes, even (especially) if they are vomiting severely.

    After the cessation of poisoning of the body by both viruses and bacteria, restoration of the intestinal microflora is necessary. For this purpose, in both cases, drugs are prescribed: “Linex”, “Bifidumbacterin” and others.


    Since the symptoms are largely similar, and poisoning, especially food poisoning, is not considered a serious illness among the population, and does not always result in a visit to a doctor (most patients prefer to be treated on their own), the diagnosis of rotavirus also does not really frighten patients. But it is necessary to understand that the pathology is contagious, and it is especially scary that children are susceptible to infection.

    The statistics are inexorable - due to late visits to the doctor, mainly from dehydration, three million people die from rotavirus infection every year in the world, most of whom are children. Therefore, it is worth carefully analyzing the symptoms, and at the first suspicion of rotavirus gastroenteritis, consult a doctor. you will find the answer in the link.

    Video - Rotavirus: Dr. Komarovsky’s school

Where does the infection come from?

The source of infection is a sick person or a healthy virus carrier. Rotavirus lives in the human intestine, multiplies in the cells of the gastrointestinal mucosa and is released into the external environment with feces from the very first days of the disease. Therefore, we can distinguish two main routes of transmission of infection - fecal-oral and food, when the pathogen enters the human body with food.

How does the infection manifest?

The incubation period, that is, the time from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease, ranges from 1 to 5 days.

Rotavirus infection is characterized by a combination of intestinal symptoms with catarrhal symptoms. The disease begins acutely with repeated diarrhea and vomiting, which in a short time lead to severe dehydration of the body. Diarrhea is profuse, foamy, and sour. Vomiting can be one-time, usually profuse, “fountain”, sometimes during night sleep. The child may complain of cramping abdominal pain and headache.

Rotavirus infection occurs against the background of a significant deterioration in health and an increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees. A characteristic feature of the disease is the resistance of the temperature reaction to the effects of antipyretics.

In the first days of the disease, children are weak, drowsy, and refuse to eat or play. Noteworthy is the redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes, the mucous membrane of the pharynx and palatine arches, which indicates inflammation of the throat.

As for adults, most often they suffer the infection “on their feet”, not realizing that the disease is already progressing and they are contagious. In such cases, rotavirus infection occurs with loss of appetite, mild nausea, slight deterioration in health and one-time diarrhea. However, despite the blurred clinical picture, a person is contagious during this period.

The main danger of rotavirus infection is dehydration due to severe diarrhea, so it is very important to provide the child with timely medical assistance.

How is rotavirus infection diagnosed?

As a rule, the diagnosis is made on the basis of complaints and examination data, as well as the epidemiological situation. Outbreaks of rotavirus infection with a large number of sick people are usually observed.

How to treat rotavirus?

Several areas can be distinguished in the treatment of rotavirus infection.

Fighting the pathogen

Antimicrobial agents with tropism for pathogens living in the intestines are prescribed. Such drugs act exclusively on pathogenic flora without disturbing the intestinal biocenosis.

At the beginning of the disease, it makes sense to give the child enterosorbents. These drugs bind toxins and waste products of rotavirus and remove them from the body, which helps reduce intoxication.


The child needs to replenish the volume of lost fluid and salts. Therefore, soldering with saline solutions is recommended. It is very important to give your baby liquid gradually, in small portions. Otherwise, the drink will provoke and worsen dehydration. Infants are given a dose of 1 teaspoon of liquid every 5 minutes; for older children, the dosage can be increased to 2-3 tablespoons.

Antipyretic therapy

Rotavirus infection is characterized by a persistent increase in body temperature to high numbers. It is difficult to respond to antipyretic drugs and can last up to 5 days.

To reduce the temperature, combined actions are recommended. The child is prescribed antipyretics in the form of syrup or rectal suppositories. In parallel, physical cooling methods are used ndash; wrapping the legs in diapers soaked in cool water, cooling bandage on the forehead. It is recommended to undress the child to maximize heat transfer.

Speaking about rotavirus, the treatment of which consists of maintenance therapy, it is worth mentioning that the disease predominantly affects children aged 6 months to 3 years. At the same time, the child’s immunity is not resistant to the effects of infection toxins, which has serious consequences. According to official statistics, rotavirus occurs in adults in 1 case out of 100,000. Among children, the proportion is 1:125. After recovery from a disease, antibodies remain in the body that can completely suppress its subsequent manifestation. However, the risk of relapse still exists mainly in patients with weak immunity or suppressed after certain medical procedures (chemotherapy).

Rotavirus is often called “stomach flu,” which is not entirely correct. The fact is that this infection is in no way associated with an effect on the mucous membrane, and even more so with damage to the respiratory tract. However, many of the symptoms may appear similar. For example, the temperature rises sharply (up to 39-40 degrees), and a general feeling of malaise is felt. The main symptom is watery diarrhea, but without bloody or purulent spots (at the initial stage of development).

The infection, entering the body, receives a positive environment for subsequent reproduction. The virus feeds primarily on partially digested food and epithelium, releasing a harmful toxin into the blood, stomach and intestines. It is this substance that causes signs of poisoning. But the worst thing is the consequences of poisoning, in which the body quickly wears out and becomes dehydrated. At the same time, there is a breakdown of vitamins A and C, which are responsible for immunity. In many cases, in the absence of proper treatment, the result of rotavirus infection is death.

In the United States alone, up to 10 thousand babies die from this disease every year. In countries where medicine is poorly developed (Africa), the number of deaths is significantly higher. According to official statistics, up to 250 thousand children die from “intestinal flu” every year in the world.

Among adults, the mortality rate is much lower, since their immunity, even without drug support, is able to suppress rotavirus genes and get rid of the toxin without consequences.

How does rotavirus enter the body?

There is a well-established opinion among doctors that rotavirus is an infection of dirty hands. It enters the body through the mucous membrane of the mouth or nose through contact with carriers of the disease, food, and household items. It occurs in children for the same reason. When parents, for example, forget to wash their hands after coming home from the street or after using the toilet. The incubation period of rotavirus is from 3 to 7 days, after which a sharp deterioration in health and diarrhea occurs. The first signs of the disease are a feeling of general malaise, weakness, low temperature (up to 37.5). At the same time, nausea and an attack of vomiting are felt (without the process of cleansing the stomach itself). It should also be noted that in a child the symptoms are more pronounced and become noticeable already in the first days after infection.

Treatment of rotavirus infection

Rotavirus has a viral structure, that is, before entering the human body it is in a dormant state. But as soon as its shell gets into contact with the epithelium of the esophageal mucosa, the active process of cell division begins. During this period, suppressing the disease is quite simple, but without visible symptoms, a person does not even realize that his body is receiving a huge dose of toxins.

Treatment of rotavirus infection in children can be carried out in a forced form, since the child does not always agree to voluntarily drink large amounts of liquid. But it is dehydration that is the most dangerous. Along with frequent diarrhea, the body spends most of its water reserves, and salt and acid balances are disturbed.

The best option in this situation is to prescribe the consumption of special saline solutions.

Next, it is necessary to remove all toxins produced during the incubation period by rotavirus from the body. To do this, you can use Enterosgel or drugs with similar effects. And the sooner treatment for rotavirus infection is prescribed, the higher the chance of a speedy recovery. In advanced cases, the consequences of infection will have to be eliminated within 1-2 months, provided that other organs have not been damaged by toxicity (the liver and kidneys may become inflamed).

The infection cannot be treated with antibiotics or antiviral drugs. Previously, vaccinations could be used as a preventative measure, but they reduced the likelihood of infection by 10-20%, so subsequently it was decided to abandon them.

The manifestation of rotavirus infection in adults can vary somewhat. But similar symptoms are:

  • decreased muscle tone;
  • general weakness;
  • temporary cessation of urine production (rare urination, while the liquid has a dark color and an unpleasant odor);
  • temperature increase to 37.9 degrees;
  • slight swelling of the throat;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • sensation of acetone taste in the mouth.

Treatment for rotavirus infection is symptomatic. The infection can cause complications in the form of damage to the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, pharyngitis), but this is an allergic reaction, so the use of antibiotics in this case is unacceptable. The best option is the use of local anesthetics and complex vitamin preparations. But all this must be done under the strict supervision of a doctor. It is unacceptable to treat on your own, since symptoms may indicate the presence of completely different diseases.

How to determine illness in a child?

After infection with rotavirus, a child wakes up lethargic and may refuse to eat (including breast milk). Drinks less water, diarrhea is noticeable. Diarrhea does not appear immediately, but several hours after a sharp rise in temperature. A clear sign of rotavirus infection is a decreased frequency of urination, lack of sweat, and lack of tears while crying. These are primary signs of dehydration and acid-base imbalance.

The first thing you need to do is make sure there is enough fluid in the body by giving your child plenty to drink. The best option is Regidron. This is a medical product that is sold in powder form. It contains components that promote the rapid removal of toxins from the body and restore the acid-base balance in the gastrointestinal tract. If a child completely refuses to drink water, you should immediately seek medical help (call an ambulance) - intravenous administration of saline solutions will be prescribed, which will prevent symptoms of dehydration and weakened immunity.

During the treatment of rotavirus in children, it is necessary to follow a strict diet. It is better to give only rice porridge with water, chicken broth, and fruit jelly. You just need to make sure that the jelly does not cause hives or an allergic reaction. There is no need to lower the temperature if it does not rise above 38 degrees. If higher, then suppositories Tsefekon, Ibuklin, Panadol, etc. will help. As a rule, after taking an antipyretic drug, the temperature stabilizes at 37.5 and after that it does not rise.

Traditional No-shpa will help you get rid of pain in the abdominal area. But it should be given only if the rotavirus has been confirmed by laboratory tests. Otherwise, the drug may worsen the situation and increase diarrhea.

Symptoms of the disease in children can be observed for a long time. As a rule, vomiting persists for 3-5 days, and diarrhea can last for a week. This is a gradual elimination of toxins and cleansing of the body.

If you suspect rotavirus, you should not self-diagnose. First of all, call a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

This fairly common ailment is nothing more than an intestinal infection, manifested mainly by severe diarrhea. Anyone can get rotavirus infection. But most often it affects children, who suffer from the disease quite seriously. Adults get sick less often and tolerate it much easier. It should be noted that almost all children under 5 years old get it one or more times. Moreover, most babies, about 80%, get sick in the first six months of life.

Today our focus is on rotavirus infection in children, treatment of its manifestations, finding out how it manifests itself and where it comes from. I will tell you about all this today.

Where does rotavirus infection come from in children (causes of the disease)?

Usually the source of infection is an already sick person, a carrier of the infection, sometimes with an asymptomatic form of this disease. The pathogen also enters the body through dirty hands, unwashed vegetables and fruits. You can often “catch” a rotavirus infection through unheated dairy products, tap water, toys, etc.

How does rotavirus infection manifest itself (symptoms)?

Almost always, the disease makes itself felt unexpectedly and suddenly. The child behaves as usual, as if everything is in order with his health. And so, literally within a couple of hours, or even faster, a dramatic change occurs in the state of health. The main signs of the disease begin to appear: the temperature rises sharply to 38-39 degrees. Sometimes the temperature is accompanied by symptoms similar to acute respiratory infections - sore throat and runny nose. These symptoms sometimes make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

Then abdominal pain, vomiting begins, and the number of urinations decreases. The main symptom of the disease is frequent, loose stools with a characteristic pungent, unpleasant odor. The onset of diarrhea has a frequency of up to twenty times a day, and therefore causes severe dehydration of the child’s body.

Treatment of rotavirus infection in children

Those children who have a severe or moderate form of the infection are usually subject to hospitalization. In any case, this issue should be resolved by a pediatrician called to the house.

Treatment is pathogenetic. All therapy is aimed at eliminating dehydration, eliminating dysfunction of the cardiovascular and urinary systems. They also restore normal digestion and eliminate diarrhea. Remove accumulated toxins from the body. For this purpose, medications such as -, bacterin, atoxil are prescribed.

In case of dehydration, the patient is prescribed rehydration therapy:

For grades I-II, oral medications are prescribed: rehydron, glucosolan.
In grade III, aqueous solutions are also taken orally: Trisol, Acesol.

To detoxify the body, to improve and restore hemodynamics, drugs are prescribed - hemodez, polyglucin.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe antipyretic drugs and antispasmodics.
During therapy, enterosorbents, probiotics, and prebiotics are prescribed. According to indications, antiviral drugs are prescribed, for example, aflubin, interferon.

Nutrition and rotavirus infection in children (diet)

The patient is advised to drink plenty of fluids frequently, as well as a special therapeutic diet. It is developed individually, depending on the severity of the disease, as well as the age of the little patient. In particular, during the acute period, you should not give your child milk, any dairy, or even fermented milk products. You need to limit carbohydrate foods.

What you can't eat:

At first, the patient should not consume whole milk, kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt and cottage cheese. The environment in these products is most favorable for the development, reproduction and vital activity of numerous types of bacteria and microbes.

You should also not give the patient fresh, unheated vegetables and fruits. Rye, brown bread, sugar, as well as meat products that are difficult to digest are contraindicated.
If the child wants to eat, they prepare him mainly liquid porridges cooked in water (without sugar). It is best to cook liquid rice and buckwheat. You can prepare rice water for drinking. You can add crackers made from white wheat bread to your porridge.

Give your child pure mineral water without gas as often as possible. Make homemade compote from dried fruits, jelly, give weak fresh tea without adding sugar. Give drinks often, only in small portions, so as not to cause vomiting. Otherwise, the incoming fluid will be removed from the body again, and this is unnecessary when the child’s body is already dehydrated.

What you can do:

After the end of the acute phase, you can give your child well-baked or boiled foods. You can steam omelettes, give homemade cottage cheese (non-sour). A steamed fish cutlet is quite suitable for a sick person’s breakfast. For dinner, give well-cooked buckwheat porridge with carrot puree.

You can cook chicken, vegetable broths, or light cereal and vegetable soups in low-fat beef broth. Prepare steamed meatballs from beef and veal, or from lean fish. Be sure to give the patient a decoction of rose hips to drink. Baked apples are perfect for snacking. Be healthy!