Runes to meet your love. The magic of runic formulas for humans: attracting desires and love

Runic magic is a system of predictions and actions that is based on the application of ancient knowledge of runes. In magic, both individual runes and their combinations - staves - are used. With the help of such connections, you can easily arouse attraction in the opposite sex and create a strong family with the desired man or woman.

How to use runes correctly

Any rune is not just an ordinary symbol; it is a strong and powerful sign that can influence a person’s fate and actions. Runes to attract love and marriage have been used by many peoples since ancient times. After all, every person wants to find personal happiness.

But in order for the symbols to begin to act, you need to choose the right runic symbol, apply it to a certain material and activate it correctly.

Today there are several ways to use runic script:

Each rune has its own separate meaning, which you need to know before applying it to the body or amulets.

The rune is most often used for love and love affairs. There are several such runes, and each of them has its own purpose.

In most cases, the following runes are used:

It is recommended to put all these symbols on paper or a wooden plank and carry it with you at all times. But in order for the connection or the rune has begun to act, you should constantly think about the object of your desire while creating a talisman.

Special rates and formulas

In magic there are runes for attracting the love of a specific person, which act in a directed and precise manner. In order to achieve reciprocity, the following connectives should be used:

Such symbols perfectly help restore relationships in the personal life of each couple. After all, the everyday sphere can often destroy romance. And magical connections will help restore passion and attraction.

All actions with magic symbols should be carried out in several stages:

When resorting to rune magic, you need to be extremely careful and not use unfamiliar symbols. The correctness of the inscriptions should be checked before they are applied to the fabric or your own skin. Otherwise, instead of attracting love and marriage, you can reward the object of desire with heart disease.

The optimal formula for love

Runes are often used to attract women and men, because absolutely everyone needs love. To kindle feelings, you should use the Soulu and Kano runes. The best option would be such a connection as Kano-Laguz or Inguz-Soulo.

If a man wants to develop attractiveness in oneself and to become desirable for a girl who feels absolutely nothing for him, you should use the Ansuz rune. This symbol is responsible for wisdom and conviction. If you combine it with Gebo, you will end up in a long-term relationship. This connection will be based not only on love, but also on intellectual attachment. Ansuz - Gebo - Yera will allow you to present yourself in a more attractive way.

To return a man to his family you should use the Ewise rune. She is responsible for the return of feelings and attraction. It should be combined with the Gebo symbol. And to speed up the process, you can add the sign Turisaz and Vunyo to this ligature.

Runic symbols can attract love to a person in almost any case. With a lot of practice, you can independently learn to create staves that can bring passion and love spells into a person’s life. Symbols can be extremely directional. After all, ancient magic is strong, despite the passing of millennia.

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Our world consists of matter, which is thinking energy. This is what the magical picture of the world looks like. If any energy is missing, it can be attracted using magical rune formulas. Betting on sex is precisely designed to make up for the lack of love energy in your life. How to apply magic formulas, what runes should they be composed of?

Previously, there was an alphabet with which information was written down. Subsequently, the runic alphabet lost its purpose, and runes began to be used to compile magical formulas. Each symbol has its own meaning and represents a certain energy flow. If you connect the corresponding energy flows together (make a ligature), they can change circumstances and direct the flow of life in the right direction.

The runic formula (ligature) for sex consists of a combination of runes that are responsible for the necessary flows of energy. By joining together, rune symbols strengthen and complement each other, gaining power over the situation. To choose the right runes, it is necessary to take into account their direct impact on a given situation. For example, you cannot use rune signs with opposite meanings in the same script.

Love Formula

What runes are used to compose love formulas? It depends on the specific situation that needs to be addressed.

a) Formula that enhances mutual understanding:

b) To attract love:

c) Formula for sexual contact:

  • - - or - -

d) Formula of love enslavement:

  • — — — —

d) Magical love connection:

f) The following ligature is suitable for inciting passion:

Important! To seal the runic love letter, use the seal of the goddess of love Freya: -Ingvaz.

Where to draw them?

So, the formula of love has been found - now you need to draw it somewhere. Where? There are several options for this:

  • on your body;
  • in your photograph;
  • there are men in the photograph;
  • in a photo of you together;
  • on a sheet of paper with the man's first and last name.

The algorithm of actions should be aimed at results. If you need to enhance your attractiveness, we draw runes on your body or your photograph. If you need to influence a man, we draw runes on his photograph. If it is necessary to achieve reciprocity, we draw runes on a joint photo. If there is no photograph, we put the script on a sheet of paper with the initials written down.

How to activate ligature?

In order for the runic formula to begin to work to change the situation, it is necessary to breathe life into it. Activation of ligature (stava) is the expression of your intention in words. That is, you give the direction of movement to each rune. Your actions:

  • we write standing, thinking about the man all the time;
  • while writing the sign, we sing it out loud (sing: Isa);
  • before starting the ritual, light a red candle;
  • Once again we pronounce the names of the runes out loud, then make up a spell (slip).

What is a reservation? This is the task for the staff that he must solve. The clause can be drawn up in poetic form (visa) or in simple words. For example, a love connection - -Feu:

“I direct the energy of the Isa rune so that it freezes the will of Andrei (Igor/Dima). Let the Isa rune stop his self-will so that he submits to my will. I direct the energy of the Naut rune to break all past relationships of Andrey (Igor/Dima), so that he does not remember them. I direct the energy of the Fegu rune to strengthen our connection. Let it be so!"

You can come up with your own clause for this stav, suitable for your situation. After this, you should blow on it three times: breathing revives the action of the runes. Some active girls draw signs with their own blood, but this is not necessary.

What to do next?

What to do with the rune stave when the wish comes true? An indispensable condition: the formula must be destroyed so that the opposite effect does not occur. When the goal is successful, erase the written marks. If it is not possible to erase, you should burn the paper (photo) with the rune stav. In this case, you should thank the runes from the heart for their help.

Why can't you just forget about the formula and leave it in the photo? Because the movement of energy will go in the opposite direction, towards destruction. You must accurately indicate the period for the implementation of the bet, after which its validity ceases.

What to do if it is created for long-term action? Then you should periodically “revive” the formula with your breath and trace the written signs with your finger. How long does it take to update the status? Approximately every two months. After long-term use, it is better to burn it on wood or stone, but it is not necessary.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Unfortunately, in love affairs, many of us are faced with an obstacle in the form of a lack of mutual feelings on the part of our chosen one or other circumstances that make uniting hearts a difficult task.

In such cases, rune magic, which is based on ancient knowledge, can come to the rescue. And in this article we will tell you how runes are used for love and which one will remove barriers and reunite hearts.

Its use does not appeal to the forces of evil, so anyone can try this method. But you need to follow the scheme for applying runes and some other rules.

One of the most powerful types of such magic is stave, consisting of several runes connected in a special way. Each of them plays its own special role, making this combination highly effective.

In the presented diagram you can see an example of a stave that has the effect of a love spell and removes obstacles to the reunification of hearts. The author is an expert in rune magic, known on the Internet under the name Sam.

Stone runes with instructions in a red bag

The mechanism of its operation is determined by the action of three runes:

  • Tours (red line),
  • Kano (green),
  • Soulo (respectively, blue).

Tours is a kind of battering ram, with the help of which all obstacles in a relationship with a loved one will be eliminated.

Kano here symbolizes love and other warm feelings.

A Soulo- this is a sign that contains power that increases the effect of the two previous runes.

How to apply

Traditionally, runes are applied by carving into wood. But you can also use more affordable means. For example, the ideal option would be to apply a love phrase to a photograph of the object of adoration, and in this case there will even be no need to pronounce a disclaimer.

If this is not possible, the drawing can be drawn on paper, on the back of which the name of the lover or beloved will be written, as well as important information about who needs to kindle the flame of love.

The traditional color of love magic is red. These are the inks you will need to choose to achieve maximum effect.


In order to strengthen and bring the result closer, you can pronounce a verbal formula. The following phrase is suitable for this clause:

By sweeping away all obstacles on the way and igniting the fire of passion in (Name), love for me is born!

You need to put all your feelings into these words, while visualizing your future ideal relationship.

If everything is done correctly, the result will not take long to arrive!


You can master runic magic on your own. To do this, you will need relevant literature and the runes themselves. All material is easy to pick up in our two favorite stores:

We wish you happiness and prosperity. Let the runes for love help you make your wish come true.

In runic practice, in order to attract love and improve love relationships, 5 Runes are mainly used, such as Gebo, Laguz, Evaz, Otal, Inguz. To solve problems in your personal life most effectively, it is worth using combinations of several runic signs. You can make a talisman with combinations of Runes yourself. To do this, draw a picture with an image of Runes and carry it with you, or embroider an image of runes, for example, on a handkerchief and always carry it with you, etc. In general, make your own talisman as your heart and intuition tells you.

Runes for change
in personal life

If you want to dramatically change your personal life, use Rune Inguz, which encourages a person to act in accordance with his true desires. But remember, unlike the gradual movement of Evaz, Inguz is talking about a radical revolution. For example, you are tired of your partner’s omissions, avoiding conversations about marriage, which you are firmly committed to. Use the Inguz rune to clarify the situation: break up with this person or receive an unexpected marriage proposal from him.

Runes to acquire
mutual understanding

So that there is more mutual understanding and common interests in your relationship. Use a single Gebo rune, which speaks of an equal partnership, a couple where each is ready not only to accept the other’s attentions, but also to generously give him gifts in return.

Runes to acquire
passionate and bright love

To meet your loved one as quickly as possible or to improve the feeling of love in your relationship and enhance emotions. Use a combination of Gebo, Laguz and Vunyo runes. By doing this, you will attract bright feelings of love, joy and positive emotions into your life.

Runes for quick marriage

Women who want to quickly marry their loved one. And also for those who want to quickly experience motherhood, the combination of Rune Inguz and Berkana is suitable. Moreover, Berkana has a beneficial effect on a woman’s health, signifies female maturity, readiness to become a wife and mother.

Runes to improve your intimate life

To improve sexual relationships and increase your partner’s sexual desire, use a combination of the Berkana (feminine energy), Uruz (male strength, desire) and Inguz runes, which is in between. In addition to improving intimate relationships, this combination helps to conceive a child, if this is in your plans.

Runes for finding a life partner

To quickly meet your soul mate, use a combination of the Gebo and Otal runes to create a happy and strong family. They will help you meet a reliable person as quickly as possible.

Runes to strengthen relationships

For those who are looking for love, first of all, the opportunity to find traditional and strong family relationships. And also for people who are looking for deep unity of partners in relationships, their tireless movement forward hand in hand. A combination of Rune Evaz and Otal is suitable. The combination of these runes will strengthen even those relationships that are in the cooling stage. It is also suitable for those who are already married and want to save the relationship from disintegration, return their spouse to the family, etc.

Runes to attract attention
beloved man

In order for your beloved man to pay more attention to you and listen to your opinion, use a combination of several Laguz runes written in a row.

Other materials:

"RUNES - Detailed description and origin of each rune"
you can read

One of the most powerful feelings a person can experience is love. This has been the case at all times, so it is not surprising that many old rituals are associated with it. After all, a person in love is ready to do anything to ensure that his feeling is mutual. Everyone on a subconscious level feels the need for love. And those who have already experienced it are unlikely to give up the experience, no matter how good or bad the end of the relationship was. This feeling finds its echo and there are entire formulas aimed at love relationships.

Magic rune Vunyo

Vunyo is the rune of love, its all-encompassing power that can bring joy and prosperity to a person. It identifies a personal power that can bring delight and motivate a person to strive for perfection. With its help you can experience the purest emotions of joy, as it is the personification of the harmony of life.

Translated from the Old Norse, the rune of love means perfection, the culmination of unconditional, impeccable love, which is capable of giving everything, without the desire to receive anything in return. She personifies the ideal to which a person should strive, because everything in the world is worthy of love. To use its power, you need to be confident, and feelings such as pride and complacency will not bear fruit.

Due to the fact that this rune contains the power of realization, runic shamans call it the fulfiller of desires. It awakens joy in a person's heart. In addition, it helps to see the inner kinship between people and find the right person to build harmonious relationships. With its help you can find true happiness, it will have a positive effect on self-esteem. It is used to heal cracks in relationships, as well as in the struggle for perfection.

Magic rune Gebo

Gebo is the rune of love, attracting love. She is the personification of a vital, divine gift. It embodies the unity of opposites, the relationship between partners. Using it, you should be attentive to the unity and struggle of opposites, that is, to combine incompatible things, for example, partnership and freedom. After all, for a sincere and fruitful union it is necessary that both of its members be free. Therefore, bonds built on equality are always more reliable than those based on tyranny. But tug-of-war will not create freedom.

Gebo in love

The main purpose of this rune is to help you learn how to share your time and energy. She is able to show who will make a good partner, open her eyes to a person, and set her on the path to meeting. Using it, you can maintain relationships and find mutual understanding with your loved one. The rune of love Gebo is an identification of time, and it is our life. Therefore, dedicating it to someone, we put a piece of our soul into this person. The rune teaches us to do the right energy exchange, because when we receive, we must also give.

Working with this rune, a person tells the Universe about the desire for renewal, informing it of the need for intervention from above in order to save him from stagnation and give him strength to fight for a better, active life. Gebo allows you to find true, honest and selfless love. It destroys dullness and gives you a chance to enjoy sincere emotions.

Rune of love Yera

In many love rituals, it is used which can assist in the implementation of events and give hope for success in completing the matter. Using it, a person will help events turn out ideally for a meeting with his soulmate. If you add it to any runic script for love or marriage, the formula will become working and successful. In addition, the rune of love and love affairs can help in conceiving a child if there are problems with this.

But it is worth considering that events may develop more slowly than a person expects. The main thing is patience, the success of using this rune is guaranteed. It influences gently, without sharp turns and jerks. With the help of Yera, you can achieve the implementation of all plans, become more persistent and patient, enjoy life and find harmony with your natural beginning.

Magic rune Ansuz

The main purpose of this rune is to guide a person on his spiritual path, improving his connection with higher powers. The worldly meaning is to gain inspiration, experience, make connections and convey important messages. With its help, you can overcome lies and cunning; it will also help you receive the unmodeled energy of poetry to create strong connections. This rune allows you to establish a connection with the subconscious and receive information from parallel worlds. That is why it is also called the rune of love, because it can help in finding it. A person transmits information to the Universe about what he is looking for, and through energy flows, someone who will become the other half of the seeker may appear in his life. Ansuz is able to help establish the necessary connections and contacts, which is why she becomes indispensable in love affairs. Using its ability to unite the subconscious and consciousness, it is easier to understand what a person really wants and who he needs.

Ansuz as a sign of love

Many people use this ancient symbol to create runic amulets for love affairs. A person wearing such a talisman will have the strength and courage to admit his feelings. But it is very important to use it only when there is a full understanding of its strengths and capabilities, because runes are a very capricious instrument and require special attention and approach.

In addition, Ansuz can bring joy and happiness in love, help establish connection and communication with your loved one after a disagreement. The rune of happiness and love influences the increase in the potential of vital energy, making a person more attractive and discovering new positive character traits. With its help, a person can strive for the ideal, because it removes all obstacles on this path. Ansuz is aimed at partnerships, she influences the interests of several people, not just one, so she will help you understand your soulmate and awaken attentiveness towards your partner. She is able to revive even old relationships, add colors and emotions to them. Using Ansuz, you can get rid of shyness, strengthen relationships, normalize the process of energy flow in the body, find inspiration and even start a new life.

Rune Soulu

This rune can also be classified as a love rune, since it represents victory, without which there is nowhere in love affairs. In addition, she is a symbol of change, so she can change a person’s life so much that he gets what he wants and even his most unrealizable dream comes true. Even the most modest and shy person can gain confidence in their own abilities. The rune of love, the photo of which is located below, will help him with this. In addition, the rune rejuvenates the body, gives tone and, accordingly, improves appearance, which makes a person even more attractive and desirable for his other half. If a person is in search, then this rune will help make him noticeable, so fate simply cannot pass by. The rune of love and marriage will affect not only its owner, but also those around him; next to the person, everyone will feel happier and more satisfied with life. With the help of Soulu, you can not only accomplish the impossible, but also rejuvenate the body, become more attractive, and increase energy potential. But that's not all, it also opens your eyes to the truth and allows you to see things and intentions as they are.

Slavic rune of love Lelya

There is also a rune in the series whose meaning is love. It contains all those emotions and spiritual connections that are so important in relationships between partners. In fortune telling, it means attraction, connection, unity and reciprocity of feelings. The energy of the rune is light and soft. She personifies the flow of change, but all these events are united and lead to a specific conclusion. It is believed that Lelya retains bright youthful feelings and brings happiness, but it does not lead to constancy. After all, in any culture it is equated with stagnation. Therefore, she not only preserves young feelings, but strengthens them, transfers them to a new, more powerful and serious level. The rune of mutual love can teach a person to receive knowledge from the outside, choose the right path and make the right decisions. It awakens in a person a desire, a desire for development and improvement.

Runes in love relationships

In the runic ranks, regardless of culture and people, whose knowledge has been preserved to this day, there are runes of love. Each of them carries certain skills, knowledge, actions and influence on a person. And if you combine them into formulas, you can achieve even greater results. Love is the same for all peoples, so it is not surprising that the runes carry part of it. If a person wants to find his soulmate or gain mutual understanding with a partner, runes can help him. In addition, with their help you can revive old emotions and add vivid impressions to old relationships. Only one of them cannot be called the rune of love and love affairs, because many carry this concept within themselves. And in order to find your happiness, to enter into a harmonious, happy marriage, you will need to combine several runes with each other. By exploring the world of magical instruments, a person will be able to achieve his goals in harmony with the laws of the Universe.