Fishing with a float rod from A to Z. Rods for float fishing - choose the right one

Beginnings in any field are not easy; a beginner in every business is faced with a bunch of unfamiliar and unknown things. Fishing is no exception; few people know how to choose a fishing rod for effective fishing. Sometimes only at the cost of their own mistakes do fishermen come to the correct choice of the main weapon.

Before you go to a specialized store, you need to study the topic a little, find out at least superficially what you need for fishing and how to make the right choice among the abundance of different types and models of forms.

Choosing the right fishing rod for fishing is simple at first glance, but when you visit a fishing store, this myth disappears very quickly. A fishing rod for beginners is selected according to the following criteria:

  • First of all, you need to decide on the fishing location; lakes with stagnant water will require the selection of a form according to the same parameters, a fast river will dictate its requirements, a large reservoir will delight you with a catch with completely different gear.
  • The size of the fish also matters; for small, peaceful, light tackle, a plug spinning rod will help attract a predator. A large carp cannot be held with light tackle; it needs a powerful rod.
  • You can choose a fishing rod for summer fishing with the help of a consultant, but before that you need to decide where the fishing will be carried out: the coastline or a boat.

In addition, there are many more nuances, which we will consider in more detail later.


Choosing a good fishing rod for float fishing is the easiest thing to do, but there are many pitfalls here too. Float tackle is considered the most universal; this type of blank can be used to fish in still water, in currents, and in reservoirs. With float tackle, you can fish out a decent option; well-designed equipment will help you avoid losing it. There are rods for long-distance casting and for fishing in the coastal zone. For each of them, the remaining components of the gear are additionally selected.

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The float tackle can be made blind, or it can be sliding, depending on this, choose a form with or without rings.

Regarding the material of the rod, I will also divide it according to different criteria; we will also consider separately the quality indicators of the accessories: reel seat, rings, connector.


Before choosing a fly fishing rod, you need to find out how they differ from other types. This type is considered the best for beginners both when collecting gear and during operation. The fly rod has the following features:

  • this form is used for fishing small areas, mainly from the shore;
  • the rod is much cheaper than analogues with rings;
  • Both carbon and fiberglass rods are lightweight, so they are often used for children;
  • the simplicity of the gear allows you to avoid overlaps on the rings due to their absence;
  • There are different types, but most rods fold compactly, which makes them much easier to transport.

The disadvantage is that such a rod will not allow you to cast the bait far, and it is designed for relatively small fish. Large specimens are not suitable for this type of rod.

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Federation of Fishing Sports of the Moscow Region

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When assembling the tackle of a fly rod, you should not use a thick fishing line and a heavy float; this form is designed for light equipment.


For deep-sea fishing in still water, match type fishing rods are used. Experienced fishermen know how to choose the right fishing rod of this type; it will be difficult for a beginner to decide and buy a form with the necessary parameters. The choice of float will depend on how far you need to cast the bait. Casting is carried out from behind the back, so both the reel and the thickness of the fishing line (braid) will be important. The match rod has the following features:

  • it is used for fishing a reservoir from the shore or boat over long distances;
  • a good quality match form is usually plug-in, that is, it consists of several sections;
  • Carbon fiber would be ideal, but fiberglass is much cheaper.

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Federation of Fishing Sports of the Moscow Region

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When choosing a form of this type, pay attention to the structure and fittings. For long-distance casting, it is better to take rods with a fast action, and the rings should have ceramic or titanium inserts.

Fly fishing

How to choose a fishing rod to catch particularly wary fish species? For this type of fishing, fly fishing rods are used, which are divided into several classes, depending on the weight of the bait used:

  • the first four classes can be compared with ultra-light spinning blanks. They are designed for casting small baits, artificial flies, nymphs, very small silicone on the hook, without additional weight.
  • Rods from classes 5 to 9 are used for fishing larger specimens; for this purpose, heavier baits are used. Blanks with such characteristics are equipped with streamers, large and medium flies.
  • From classes 10 to 14, fly fishing rods are designed for fishing in the sea; fishing gear for this type is used more serious and durable.

In addition to the blank, the rod must be equipped with a reel, which will allow for longer casts.

Fly fishing is not advisable for a novice fisherman as a first experience; here it is necessary to cast accurately, be able to use the bait used, and fish for an already caught trophy.

In addition to those described above, a fishing rod, as a fishing item, can be divided according to other criteria. It is impossible to say unequivocally that one or another type is better or worse; for each equipment it is necessary to choose the most suitable one.

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This type of fishing rod is most common among fishermen, both beginners and experienced. Telescopes are several hollow tubes of different diameters, which are hidden inside each other when assembled.

A form of this type can be with or without rings; most often telescopes are produced:

  • Bolognese rods;
  • flight feathers;
  • spinning rods designed for feeders.

Among telescopes, choosing a fishing rod for float tackle is problematic, because there are many varieties of them. Each angler selects a form according to his or her priorities; for some, the ideal option would be a hard whip and a rod with rings; for others, a light fly rod without all the unnecessary stuff would be ideal.

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Federation of Fishing Sports of the Moscow Region

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It is better to take plug-in rods for feeder fishing and spinning; the telescope will not work normally with the stated test, and will often show idle bites. The same problems will occur with the feeder.


A feeder rod or blank for carp, as experienced fishermen advise, should be plug-in. It is this type of rod that will allow you to catch even very large specimens of peaceful fish without any problems. The plugs differ from other forms in the following ways:

  • the rod consists of two or more parts, the connection of which occurs by introducing one part into the other;
  • blanks are highly durable and are most often used for spinning, feeder fishing, and fly fishing;
  • Depending on their purpose, the plugs may have removable tips.

Plug rods belong to a higher class of rods, so their cost cannot be low.

There is also a mixed type of connection, with a plug as a rule, the butt remains, and the tip is folded into several knees.

Criteria and rules for choosing a fishing rod

Before choosing a float rod or a form for other types of fishing, you need to know all the necessary criteria under which fishing will be enjoyable.

So, choosing a fishing rod for summer fishing, how to make the right choice? There are not many secrets when choosing.

Rod weight

The weight of the blank will help you choose a fly rod for summer fishing, like other types of rods. The smaller it is, the longer the angler can hold it in his hands. This is especially true when choosing either a Bolognese fishing rod or a spinning rod.

Rod length

Before choosing a float rod for summer fishing, pay attention to the length. This indicator depends on the reservoir and where the trophies will be caught. The length of the blank is also important for spinning rods; here the choice is made based on whether you plan to fish from the shore or from a boat.

Material of manufacture

The best material for different types of fishing rods is considered to be carbon or carbon fiber; it is light, durable, but resistant to impacts. Such material cannot be cheap; for those who are looking for cheaper options, fiberglass is offered. It is heavier, and in other respects it will be slightly inferior to carbon, but it is not afraid of impacts.


Rod forms are different:

  • soft;
  • medium hardness;
  • hard.

The choice is made depending on personal preferences and the required structure for the type of fishing. Determining the rigidity is not difficult; the tip of the selected rod rests on the ceiling. If only the tip bends, then the rod is hard, the deflection occurs in the upper half, the form is classified as medium hard. If the stick bends all the way to the butt, you have a soft look.

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Federation of Fishing Sports of the Moscow Region

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Additionally, they check by shaking the rod; it should bend evenly up, down, right and left.

Rod quality

Quality indicators depend on many factors that should not be neglected:

  • choose products from well-known brands that value their reputation;
  • carefully inspect the fittings, they must be of high quality.

Ease of use

This indicator is purely individual, you need to lay out and hold the product in your hand, it is possible to simulate an easy cast. If the rod can “fit” in your hand, then it will be convenient to use.


Everyone will choose a fishing rod for float tackle or another according to their own wallet, but you should not skimp on the form. It is worth understanding that a good fishing rod cannot be cheap. Therefore, first calculate how much money you can realistically allocate for the purchase.

Best fishing rod manufacturers

Many countries are trying to make fishing gear; Japan and Korea remain leaders in this area. Nobody can make original rods, reels, and related materials better than them. The most famous brands producing forms of various types are:

  • Mikado;
  • Siveida;
  • Shimano.

These are the generally recognized top three, but besides them there are many other manufacturers of high-quality fishing rods.

Best fishing rod for a beginner

A novice fisherman who is just beginning to learn all the intricacies of catching aquatic inhabitants should try his hand at simple gear. The best option would be a fly rod, but you need to assemble the tackle yourself. An important point will be how to choose a float for your fishing rod.

You can also try your hand at spinning fishing, but it is important to know how to choose a spinning reel for such purposes.

It is better to leave feeder fishing and fly fishing for later; these types of fishing will require a wider range of knowledge.

Equipment elements

For fishing, one rod blank is not enough; in addition to it, you need to select other elements of no less quality.


Choosing a spinning reel for float tackle is simple; the main indicators are:

  • The size of the spool, the reel for a Bolognese fishing rod can have a size of 1000, this will be quite enough. A feeder fishing rod will require larger sizes, starting from 3000.
  • The number of bearings directly affects the service life; the more, the better.
  • The weight should be minimal so as not to weigh down the form.

Everyone has their own preferences regarding companies; you can ask a consultant for advice.


When choosing a fishing rod with rings, you should pay special attention to them. They should be located on two legs, while the distance to the form should be reduced closer to the whip.

The quality of the inserts in the rings is important; it is better to choose titanium ones, but ceramics are also considered an excellent option.

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Federation of Fishing Sports of the Moscow Region

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Fishing rods for modern amateur or sports summer fishing differ into four main types, depending on the nature of the catching process and equipment:

1. Float rod

In most cases, this is the very first fishing rod of any angler. It consists of a fishing rod of various designs, a fishing line on which a float is attached, a weight and a hook. Equipment can have different options. The hook may not be attached directly to the main line, but through a leash.

If the line is not tied to the end of the rod, but is wound on a reel, then this allows you to make long casts. But this does not stop it from being a float rod, since the float is still an element of the equipment that signals a bite.

The rod can be single-piece or multi-piece. Length from 3 to 16 meters. The connection is either plug-in or telescopic. The equipment is thrown into the pond. The bite is determined by the movement of the float (ascent, going under water, etc.).

2. Fly fishing rod.

It consists of a special rod, an inertial reel, a wound cord, a leash and a tied fly. is an artificial bait that imitates insects. There are other types of fly fishing lures. Professionals can catch absolutely all types of fish with a fly rod.

For fly fishing, you need to learn how to correctly cast the fly to the right place. You feel the bite with your hands, as the fly and line are constantly kept in tension, picking up its slack. Rods can be single-piece or multi-piece. Plug connection.

3. Spinning rod

Designed for active search and catching of predatory fish. It is a plug or telescopic fishing rod with an installed reel. The fishing line is threaded through the rings. A snap or artificial bait is tied to the end of the fishing line. Reels can be inertia-free or multiplier.

Accordingly, fishing rods for reels are divided into spinning and casting. Braided cord is usually used as fishing line. Spinning fishing involves casting bait over a long distance and reeling it in. Various reeling options make the bait play in a unique way, provoking the predator to attack.

4. Bottom rod

Its design resembles a spinning rod. Designed for casting live or plant bait over long distances in order to catch fish in the bottom layer of water. The bait should lie motionless on the bottom, possibly with a feeder for feeding. Rod blanks are much more powerful than spinning rods (casting heavy loads).

The equipment must be sensitive. Carp requires a different approach. Feeders should be large (carp are voracious), and the test form should correspond to the weight of the equipment being thrown. The length must be more than 3.5 meters.

The test reflects the maximum possible weight of the load and equipment that can be cast without problems or consequences for the fishing rod:

  1. Ultra light - test weight does not exceed 30 g.
  2. Light - test weight does not exceed 60 g.
  3. Medium - test by weight from 60 to 80 g.
  4. Medium heavy - test by weight from 80 to 100 g.
  5. Heavy - test by weight from 100 to 120 grams.
  6. Extra heavy – test for weight above 120 g.

Using a heavy feeder that exceeds the tip test increases the load on the tip, leading to breakage. Using tips with dough that significantly exceeds the weight of the feeder reduces the sensitivity of the gear.

The length of the rods depends on the casting distance. The sizes of most rods are in the range from 2 m to 4 m. The longer the rod, the longer the distance you can deliver the bait.

In addition to the rod test, the structure of the rod plays a role in fishing:

  1. Slow build. It bends and works when fishing the form along its entire length. They allow you to absorb sharp blows from the fish, preventing the leash from breaking.
  2. Fast build. Only the upper part of the form bends and works. The work of the blank allows you to completely control the fish, keep it from going into snags, and lift it from the bottom.
  3. Medium scale (progressive). Different sections of the form work depending on the load. With light loads, the upper part of the rod works. If the loads increase, the middle and even the lower part of the form comes into play.

2. Weights

The use of a feeder or sinker depends on the presence of grass, snags at the bottom of the reservoir, and the required casting distance. The feeder can easily get caught on any obstacles on the bottom, which will lead to the breakage of the entire equipment. In these cases, streamlined weights are used.

In this case, feeding the fishing point will have to be done in a different way, and not with a feeder. For muddy bottoms, special feeders are used, sinkers with a flat bottom, which lie on the bottom and, due to the large surface area, do not sink into the silt.

3. Fishing line

There is no particular principle when choosing the main line option: braided cord or monofilament line. The use of braided line is preferable for fishing in rivers with currents, heavy loads and for catching large fish. It is more sensitive, has a higher breaking load with the same diameter, and is more wear-resistant.

The cost is several times higher than the cost of monofilament. The diameter should allow it to withstand the loads when fishing for the intended fish and when casting equipment.

4. Bologna rod

It is a telescopic rod, similar to a fly rod, only on each knee there is a guide ring and a reel seat on the first knee.

Designed for fishing on rivers where a fly rod or plug rod will not reach the desired point and will be useless in the current. This is something between a fly rod and a match rod. The rig is no different from the matcha rig, with the exception of the float. The float has a special shape. You can use any inertia-free reel.

They fish with a Bolognese fishing rod, moving it with the current or by dragging it (in the water horizon), without touching the bottom, above a well-fed place. They catch white fish: bream, roach, etc.
The cost of Bolognese fishing rods starts from 500 rubles to 15 thousand rubles for well-known brands.

The most popular fishing rods are from the companies Cottus, Mikado, Sabaneev.

Important points

  1. When choosing fishing rods for any purpose, you should pay attention to the quality of their manufacture. The rings should have inserts that reduce friction of the main line, smooth without chips or cracks. The places where the rings are attached, filled with varnish, should be free of cracks. There should be no varnish smudges on the forms.
  2. The rings should be located on the same line of the form. It is necessary to look through all the rings of the assembled rod at once. The tulip ring should be visible. This is an indicator that the line does not change its direction when passing through all the rings, which means there are no additional points of friction.
  3. You should check the reel seat its reliability and workmanship to eliminate play between the reel and the rod.
  4. The form must be straight without bending in any direction.
  5. All plug connections should be inspected and checked. They must be strong, have no cracks or backlashes.
  6. All composite fishing rods must be in soft covers. Each part should be in a separate compartment of the case to avoid the parts hitting each other, as this can lead to microcracks and breakage of the rod at a critical moment. It is better to transport fishing rods in special tubes that protect the rods from careless breakage.
  7. Currently, many new brands have emerged. Their quality, as a rule, is at a high level, since they are manufactured in the same factories where famous world brands are made. But the characteristics and design features may differ significantly. Expensive models are made from expensive high-modulus graphite. The quality of finishing is much higher. Since world-famous manufacturers exercise control over the production process and check all batches of products at the exit.
  8. If you are purchasing your first fishing rod, then you should choose a budget fishing rod model. After understanding what you need to get from the gear, a more expensive option is purchased to suit the specific desires of the buyer.

The vast majority of anglers began their acquaintance with fishing from these simple fishing rods. The simplicity and accessibility of the gear, as well as an almost guaranteed catch in any puddle (although, of course, you can’t expect trophies) determine the stable popularity of these simple telescopic forms. Before the massive arrival of rods made of polymer materials on the shelves of fishing stores, fishermen fished well using bamboo, walnut, and even rods made from reeds made on site. A modern fly rod is much more convenient. The use of polymers and composite materials made it possible to achieve excellent strength with low weight, and the telescopic design made it possible to obtain a long, but at the same time convenient for transportation, form.

The relevance of modern polymer materials in the manufacture of fishing gear is undeniable. Lightweight, durable, do not deteriorate when wet and do not require any special drying in case of moisture. The advantages of fly rods made from modern materials are numerous, however, a simple wooden or reed fishing rod also has its advantages. Such rods are free, and if the length of 3 meters is sufficient for fishing, they are quite suitable for fishing for small fish not far from the shore.

Among natural materials, the only worthy competitor to polymer fishing rods is bamboo. Such fishing rods can be either single-piece or telescopic. Bamboo is also a fairly lightweight material; in this respect it can easily compete with fiberglass rods (however, pure graphite models still have less weight). These forms also require drying if they get wet while fishing, and if stored for a long time in low humidity conditions they can dry out.

Material for making a modern fly rod

The choice of a fly rod is significantly influenced by the material from which it is made. The most popular options are:

  • Carbon fiber.
  • Fiberglass.
  • A combination of carbon fiber and fiberglass.

Carbon fiber is the most convenient to use. This material has outstanding characteristics, which determine its popularity in the manufacture of a wide variety of fishing gear. Carbon fiber is characterized by high strength with minimal weight, which makes this material ideal for the manufacture of those fishing rods that are constantly in the hands of the fisherman during the fishing process. In this case, during production, binding resins are used to connect carbon fibers, and the more of them were used, the heavier (and also cheaper) the blank. The most durable and lightweight options, due to the high complexity of manufacturing and the cost of materials, do not differ in budget prices.

Important! When transporting graphite fishing rods, you need to be as careful as possible, since carbon fiber fishing rods are very vulnerable to impacts and often break not on the water, but on the road.

Fiberglass is much heavier compared to carbon fiber. In addition to being larger, such fishing rods have a significant margin of safety and are much less susceptible to impacts. However, fishing with them is somewhat more tiring; a fiberglass blank can be more than twice as heavy as a graphite blank of the same length. However, this material has another undeniable advantage - fishing rods made from it have the lowest cost.

The combination of these two materials is intended, to some extent, to combine the advantages characteristic of them separately in one fishing rod. The use of graphite makes the structure lighter without losing strength, and also provides a slightly faster action. Fiberglass, on the other hand, reduces the overall cost of the rod and also provides slightly greater strength. Actually, both the cost and the main characteristics of composite forms are somewhere in the middle between the indicators of graphite and fiberglass options.

Rod length

Fishing rods of different lengths perform best when fishing in suitable conditions. So, for fishing from a boat, as well as in some small rivers, a length of 3 meters will be sufficient. This form will be as light and convenient as possible during the fishing process. If the rod will work mainly on large rivers or ponds, then it would be quite justified to look for the longest option - if you wish, you can find models with a length of more than 9 meters. Of course, the weight, as well as the price, will be impressive, but in certain fishing conditions such a long blank is simply irreplaceable.

Photo 1. Modern fly rod.

For beginner fishermen, we can recommend universal versions of fly rods with a length of 5-6 meters. Such fishing rods cope well with a variety of fishing conditions, be it on a river, on a pond, with a current, or in calm water. With such a length, even if it is made from not the highest quality and heavy materials, the fishing rod will not be too heavy.

Important! It is better for a novice fisherman to pay attention to rods of universal length - 5-6 meters.


This indicator depends on both the length and the material of manufacture. Using carbon fiber with a small amount of binding resins can provide minimal weight, but the cost will increase accordingly. High-modulus graphite also has one unpleasant feature - it is quite fragile and requires the most careful handling. Fiberglass fishing rods rarely burst, but graphite ones, especially for beginners, break much more often. But since in fly fishing the form is constantly in the fisherman’s hands, and relatively rarely, the less the weight, the more comfortable the fishing. Although the convenience of fishing largely depends on the physical training of the fisherman, trained fishermen can fish all day long without getting tired with a 700 gram fiberglass rod.


Fly fishing rod - how to choose the option with the most suitable action? When choosing, it is worth taking into account such a largely subjective concept as the structure of the rod. Action refers to how the form bends under load. However, the boundaries between, for example, fast and average can be somewhat blurred. It is conventionally accepted that a fast action is when only the tip and the next knee are bent, a slow action is when the whole rod is bent, and in the middle between them is the middle one. Each option is more preferable under its own conditions. Fast forms are well suited for making neat, not too sweeping hooks (after all, most peaceful fish have relatively weak lips, and too sharp a hook cuts through them) and pulling the fish out. Due to the possibility of forced fishing (and a fast rod simply pulls small fish out of the water), fast rods are very popular among athletes participating in competitions.

The slow action is different in that such forms, bending almost along the entire length, absorb the jerks of the fish and quickly tire it. This system allows you to confidently hunt for trophy specimens, be less afraid of gatherings, and also makes it possible to use the thinnest possible leashes and hooks. Slow action rods are also good at casting even the most delicate rigs with the lightest possible float. Among the disadvantages is that even for not the largest fish it is often necessary.

Butt diameter and knee length, rod test

These indicators also matter. From them, even without seeing the price tag, you can indirectly judge the quality of manufacture and cost of the rod. The smaller the diameter of the butt and the longer the legs of the fishing rod, the better quality it is made; most likely, modern materials were used in production. The only inconvenience in this case is the relatively large transport length. The large length of the knees with a telescopic arrangement has a positive effect on the structure.

Photo 2. The fly rod consists of many elbows.

The value of the test for most fly rods determines what weight of equipment will be comfortable to cast. Typically, the most comfortable weight is somewhere in the middle of the test range.

Minor modifications after purchase

For maximum convenience when using fly tackle, it is worth installing a special connector on the tip of the rod. This simple device allows you to quickly change equipment, and also not damage the fishing line during transportation. To install the connector, you need to remove the metal loop from the whip, and then glue the connector to the tip with glue (preferably waterproof).

Photo 3. Connector on the fly rod.

To match the diameters, it is advisable to select a connector while having a fishing rod with you. Compared to other methods of attaching fishing line to a rod, this is the most convenient.

How to choose a fishing rod so that it is not heavy or flimsy, but at the same time is not expensive. After all, the success of the upcoming fishing depends on the right fishing rod. What should you pay attention to: the rod, the thickness of the fishing line or the size of the hook? This is what we will talk about today in our article.

Types of fishing rods

Fishing rods are divided into solid and composite. One-piece fishing rods are convenient to use if you don’t need to take them with you on the road. If you have to go fishing in city or railway transport, then it is more advisable to use composite fishing rods. Composite fishing rods are made up of two, three or four links. Special cases are provided for transporting composite fishing rods.

The most common fishing rod is the float rod. Its popularity lies in the fact that the float rod is simple and easy to use, and is also versatile when fishing. A float rod consists of a rod, reel, line, float, sinker and hook.

Float rods are made from a wide variety of materials: hazel, bamboo, carbon fiber or fiberglass. The reel should come complete with two guide rings at the lower end of the rod so that you can tighten the line when casting.

The advantage of a float fishing rod is the fact that it is suitable for fishing for both beginners and professionals. In addition, almost any fish can be caught with a float rod, and you can fish with it almost all year round.

When choosing a telescopic fishing rod, pay attention to the length of the joint of the conical attachment of the knees. This length can be determined by examining the assembled rod against the light. The ratio of the length of the knee to the length of the grip of a telescopic rod should be equal to 6:1 for the entire length of the rod.

Finnish fishing rods are considered durable and effective due to their “tulip” design on a flexible whip. You can fish with such fishing rods both in summer and winter. In addition, with the help of a Finnish fishing rod you can fish both from land and from a boat.

Spinning is suitable for fishing only for professionals, as it requires certain skills and experience due to the complex fishing technique. The spinning rod consists of a rod, handle, reel, rings, fishing line, sinker and leash.

A bottom fishing rod consists of a rod, line, sinker, leash, hooks, guard and float. This tackle can be thrown quite far. However, a bottom fishing rod does not allow you to catch fish everywhere, which somewhat reduces its effectiveness.

Rod material

The material of the rod determines its flexibility, strength and lightness. Rods are made from carbon fiber, bamboo, reed, hickory and fiberglass. The most common material is carbon fiber. This is explained by its characteristics, which are superior in quality to all other materials.

Fishing rods made of fiberglass have also proven themselves well. Although they are inferior in quality to all other materials, fiberglass fishing rods are waterproof and wear-resistant. In addition, such rods are distinguished by their low cost.

More expensive rod models are made with the addition of graphite. This makes them lighter and more flexible. Rods made with the addition of graphite can be up to 5 meters in length. Moreover, their weight does not exceed the weight of a fiberglass fishing rod of shorter length.

Rod length

Rods come in different lengths up to 6 meters. Moreover, the longer the rod, the more skill it requires. The choice of length largely depends on the fishing location. So, if the fishing spot is surrounded by bushes and tall trees, then you should take a rod up to 4 meters long, and if it’s deserted - from 4.5 meters long.

A four-meter rod is suitable for fishing on lakes. To fish for fish in the current, you should purchase a rod at least 5 meters long. In addition, the rod must be of a rigid action and have a thick tip. To lure fish over long distances, it is recommended to choose a feeder rod that is equipped with flexible tips.

Also, the length of the rod depends on the type and weight of the fish. A rod up to 4 meters long is suitable for fishing for fish weighing up to 700 grams. To catch fish weighing over a kilogram, you should purchase a rod 5 meters long. It is best to buy five-meter fishing rods with a parabolic action so that the rod bends along its entire length.

Guides and reel seat

The correct choice of guide rings reduces friction between them and the fishing line. The distance and accuracy of casting the line depends on the amount of friction. Passage rings are chrome-plated and with inserts.

Chrome rings provide minimal friction, but they have a short service life and require replacement every season. Insert rings offer little friction but are durable.

Also pay attention to the reel seat. It should fit comfortably in your hand. Remember that with the correct placement of the reel seat, the butt of the rod should be located at the end of the elbow, and the reel should be located between the index and ring fingers.

When choosing rings and reel seats, carefully inspect them for chips and scratches. They should also not have any unevenness in the winding or varnish coating. The guide rings and reel seat must be installed level.


The choice of hooks for a fishing rod depends on the type and weight of the fish. Thus, for fishing for bleak, minnows, roach, ruffs, crucian carp, small perch, char and dace, hooks No. 2.5-4 are suitable. Hooks No. 4-6 are suitable for catching roach, silver bream, rudd, bream, podust, crucian carp and perch.

For catching medium-sized fish, such as tench, ide, carp, burbot and carp, hooks No. 6-10 are suitable. And for catching large carp and other fish, it is recommended to choose hooks No. 10-14. For catching pike and pike perch, hooks No. 8-12 are suitable.

Also, the choice of hook for a fishing rod depends on the type of bait. So, if frogs are used as bait for catching large fish, then it is recommended to choose hooks No. 18-20. And if meat or live fish is used as bait, then large hooks are used.

For light baits such as moths, steamed oats, wheat, peas, pearl barley, bread and flour balls, it is recommended to use hooks No. 2.5-4. For bait in the form of insects, hooks No. 5-7 are used. For heavier baits such as beetles and crayfish, use hooks No. 8-12 with a long shank.

Useful tips

When choosing a fishing rod, you need to check not only its quality, but also its convenience. Hold the fishing rod in your hand and check how heavy or light it is. Lay out the rod and see how straight it is. The fishing rod should be level and smooth without scratches or other damage.

The fishing rod should fit comfortably in your hand. It must be strong, flexible and lightweight. To transport the fishing rod, it is recommended to purchase a design with a removable whip. However, do not buy plastic whips, as they cannot withstand frost of more than 30 degrees. Carbon fiber fishing rods with an open reel lock allow you to monitor the serviceability of the structure.

Do not choose fishing rods in which the reel clamp spring is hidden under the reel, as when water gets in there, ice will form and the device will fail. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a fishing rod with a spring located under the lock lever. With this arrangement of the spring, the drum rotates due to balancing gravity.

When choosing a fishing rod, you need to expand and fold the rod to evaluate the rigidity and structure of the blank. Shake the rod to check for vibration at the joints and wedges of the telescope arms. Pay special attention to the joints, as this is where the most defects can be found.

Build fishing rods

A fly rod 5-7 meters long is suitable for catching small fish. Its rod is made of carbon fiber or fiberglass. The fly rod has a fast action, that is, during manipulation it remains straight, and only the tip bends.

To fish for medium and large fish, you need a rod of high strength and slow action. This action, with a smooth bend along the entire length of the rod, compensates for the strong pulls of the fish. Such a fishing rod must be equipped with a reel.

Fishing rod thickness and strength

The thickness and strength of a fishing rod depends on the size and weight of the fish. To catch small and medium-sized fish, you need to choose a rod that is short and light, since it must always be held in your hand. The rod must be flexible so that you can fish for fish using a thin line.

For large fish, you should choose the longest and strongest rod that will not break when fishing for it. The length of such a rod should be at least 4 meters, since the farther the bait is from the fisherman, the more successful the fishing will be.

Fiberglass float rods are suitable for catching medium-sized fish. Bamboo fishing rods are suitable for large fish as they are much stronger. When fishing from a boat, it is more advisable to use short float rods consisting of one link. In order not to clutter up the fishing rod with unnecessary rods, it is recommended to equip the upper link with reels for winding the fishing line when fishing for fish from a boat at great depths.

Tips for storing and caring for your fishing rod

Fishing equipment requires careful care. In return, they are ready to serve you for many years. After each fishing, you must thoroughly rinse the rod with warm water and cleaning products. When washing the rod, plug all the cracks with a sponge or plastic plugs to prevent water from entering them. Do not use soap as the smell will deter the fish.

After washing the rod, wipe it dry with a towel. The handle and whip should also be cleaned and dried. If scratches and cracks form on the fishing rod, they should be covered with nitro varnish. The cork handle must be wiped with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, and then sanded with sandpaper.

The components of the float fishing rod must be tightly tied together when disassembled. Whole fishing rods are stored on nails driven into the wall or suspended under load so that they do not bend. Before each season, it is necessary to coat fishing rods with natural drying oil or nitro varnish.

The fiberglass fishing rod should be disassembled and each link thoroughly washed, then wiped and dried. Only then can the rod be assembled and stored. If moisture remains on the links of the hood, their surface will deteriorate.

After the end of each season, it is necessary to remove the coils and wipe them with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to remove dust, dirt and grease. New and inertia-free reels need to be lubricated after the end of the season, since their elements in contact with each other grind in, and worn parts get into the lubricant.

The reel needs to be lubricated only where indicated in the fishing rod's passport. When assembling the fishing rod, make sure that all parts of the reel are tightened tightly. Before putting the reel away for storage, it is necessary to unload its brake as much as possible.

Carefully inspect the rings and joints of the rod. They need to be washed especially carefully, since if there are particles of dirt left there, then during the storage of the fishing rod, they will dry out and turn into powder, which, when the fishing rod is subsequently used, will fall into its knee. This dirt can be easily removed with a brush.

Fishing rods with guide rings must be carefully inspected from the outside for cracks and scratches. If you find any flaws, repairs will need to be made. The degree of difficulty of repair depends on the depth of scratches and cracks.

It is recommended to remove small scratches with mastic by rubbing it into the damaged areas. For deep scratches, liquid glue is used, which is applied to this place, and the excess is removed with a piece of cloth. If excess glue gets into the place where the knees are fastened, it should be removed by slow and high-quality grinding with a zero.

If large damage is found on the rings that cannot be repaired, they must be replaced with new ones. After the end of the season, it is recommended to throw away the fishing line and not store it until the next season. Also think about whether used hooks, spoons and other gear will be useful to you in the next fishing season, or whether they have already served their purpose.

If your fishing gear has already served its useful life, then you should take care of purchasing new ones in advance. If you are sorry to part with your gear, which still seems quite suitable to you, then wash it thoroughly, dry it and put it away until the next season. If you decide to leave the fishing line until the next season, then after thoroughly cleaning and drying, put it in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer for greater preservation.

When using a fishing rod, you must remember that the rod cannot be left in water, as it can quickly crack, and moisture will get into the cracks, which will render it unusable. To extend the life of a fishing rod, it is necessary to place the rod on a special stand so that it is as high above the water as possible.

We wish you a good choice!