The rarest blood group. Which blood type and Rh factor are the rarest in the world? Blood types are rare and not

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Blood type is one of the individual genetically determined characteristics of the human body. It is determined at birth and does not change. The generally accepted systems are ABO and Rh (Rhesus). The most common blood type makes life easier for its owner. The more rare it is, the more difficult it is to find a donor and the longer this process takes; even with the development of transfusion services, this problem is still acute.

What is the most common blood type?

The ABO system is a system of antigens (agglutinogens) and antibodies to them (agglutinins). Agglutinogens are A and B antigens located on the outer surface of the erythrocyte membrane. They are encoded by genes A (encodes antigen A), B (encodes antigen B), O (encodes the absence of antigen).

Agglutinins are antibodies a, b that are found in plasma. In structure, they are proteins and belong to the class of immunoglobulins, representing a component of the immune system. In children of the first months of life, due to the immaturity of the immune system, they are absent. They are produced gradually during the growth and development of the child, reaching adult levels by 10-15 years.
When antigen A binds to agglutinin a, agglutination occurs—precipitation of red blood cells. Similarly for the interaction of B and b. Therefore, the human blood group contains opposite agglutinogens and agglutinins.

The AVO system is represented by 4 groups:

  • The first one does not contain antigens, but both types of antibodies are present - a and b.
  • The second - can be encoded by the AA genes and the AO genes, contains antigen A on erythrocytes and agglutinin b in plasma.
  • The third - can be encoded by the BB and B0 genes, contains the B antigen on erythrocytes and agglutinin a in the plasma.
  • The fourth is encoded by genes A and B, contains antigens A and B, and does not contain agglutinins.

Previously, there were transfusion schemes between groups. In peacetime, only blood of the same type is transfused; the concepts of universal donors and recipients are outdated. Whole heme is transfused only in one situation - in case of Rh conflict, or using one’s own whole blood taken from cavities during operations or obtained and prepared by dilution.

How often do you get your blood tested?

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    Only as prescribed by the attending physician 30%, 949 votes

    Once a year and I think that’s enough 18%, 554 vote

    At least twice a year 15%, 460 votes

    More than twice a year but less than six times 11%, 344 vote

    I take care of my health and donate once a month 6%, 197 votes

    I'm afraid of this procedure and try not to pass 4%, 135 votes


But there are exceptions - people with blood group I can become universal red blood cell donors (their red blood cells do not contain antigens on their membrane), and people with group IV are universal plasma donors, since their plasma does not contain anti-A and anti-B antibodies (provided that the donor is also Rh negative).

The prevalence of blood groups corresponds to their numbers. The distribution of blood in the world is not equal. Each territory has its own genotype predominant. The most popular all over the planet is group I - its owners make up approximately 55% of the population. The next most common is II, then III, the rarest is IV. According to the latest data, group 2 is the most common in Russia.

It is believed that people with group I have the highest resistance to physical activity and a strong immune system; the downside is that they are often diagnosed with atopic (allergic) diseases - dermatitis, asthma, etc. These people are also susceptible to diseases of the digestive system - gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis.

People with heme group II are more likely to have coronary heart disease, joint diseases, tumors, and diabetes mellitus. Persons with positive groups I and II have fewer problems when transfusions are required—Blood Centers have large reserves of this group.

The most common blood types are I and II positive, and the rarest is IV negative. People with this genotype, in the absence of pathologies and infections, are valued as donors.

Important information: How to find out your blood type and determine the Rh factor without tests at home

Which Rh factor is more common?

The Rh blood system is one of the groups represented by the Rh antigen and antibodies to it. The Rh protein is found on the surface of red blood cells in Rh-positive individuals; those who lack it are considered Rh-negative. Normally, there are no antibodies to the Rh protein, but if an Rh-negative person is given a transfusion of Rh-positive blood or red blood cell mass (erythrocyte concentrate), his immune system will react and anti-Rh antibodies will be synthesized. If Rh-positive blood is retransfused, agglutination (clotting) will occur.

Inheritance of the Rh antigen is recessive-dominant - positive Rh is dominant (suppresses), negative is recessive.

The Rh antigen can be represented by genes C, D, E (dominant) and c, d, e - recessive. The presence of at least one dominant gene (CDE, CDe, Cde, cDE, cdE, cDe) means the presence of Rh protein on the erythrocyte membrane, i.e. Rh+. The Rh negative factor occurs only in individuals with the recessive genotype - cde, which explains such a low prevalence.

More than 80% of people in the world have Rh-positive blood. Rhesus status is especially important for women - this matters not only during transfusion, but also for planning pregnancy. If a woman with Rh- blood is pregnant with an Rh+ fetus, during childbirth (or miscarriage, abortion), immunization occurs, and her immune system produces anti-Rh agglutinins. Thus, if in the next pregnancy the fetus is also Rh+, the mother’s body will reject it. To prevent Rh conflict, the mother is given anti-Rh serum during the first pregnancy.

Important information: Which blood group is suitable for all people (recipients) for transfusion and is there a universal one?

Knowledge of statistics on blood groups is necessary for donor services and obstetric care. Also, using these data, one can indirectly judge the structure of morbidity in the country and develop measures to prevent non-infectious pathologies, such as coronary heart disease, diseases of the digestive system, and oncology.

Each of them can be Rh positive or Rh negative, which means there are 8 types of blood. The question may arise as to which one is the best. Some blood can be considered better than others only if its owner can always quickly find a donor in case of significant blood loss. Thus, we can conclude that the best group is the most common.

According to statistics, about half of all inhabitants of the planet have blood of the first group, about 40% are carriers of the second, approximately 8% of the population have the third group, and only 2% of people have the fourth. The vast majority (85%) are owners of Rh-positive blood, and only 15% do not have a specific protein on the surface of red cells - the Rh factor. From this we can conclude that the best group is I positive, and this means that such blood can always be found, unlike the fourth negative.

The best one is universal?

Group 0 (first) blood is called universal because it is believed that it can be transfused to everyone. The fact is that it does not have antigens A and B on red blood cells, which means that the recipient’s body will not begin to produce antibodies against them. Thus, the first group can be considered the best, since its carrier can save any person in case of blood loss.

On the other hand, AB can be transfused only to owners of the same one, and to no one else. At the same time, anyone can become a donor for a person with IV, since AB blood plasma does not contain antibodies to antigens A and B.

Blood type and predisposition to disease

There is an assumption that, depending on the blood, people are prone to certain diseases, but this has no scientific basis.

These people are considered to be mentally stable. As for diseases, they are predisposed to arterial hypertension and diseases of the digestive system. Due to the increased acidity of gastric juice, they may develop gastritis, peptic ulcers, and colitis. They suffer from influenza and ARVI more often than others, they have a tendency to form stones in the urinary system, and have poor blood clotting. With negative Rh, skin pathologies may be observed.

These people are not very resistant to stress. Their weak point is the thyroid gland (insufficient production of hormones). They are prone to dental diseases. In addition, they are advised to be more careful about their heart: diseases such as ischemic heart disease, hypertension, and heart attack cannot be ruled out. They are susceptible to gastritis with secretory insufficiency, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, osteoporosis, and diabetes mellitus. It is recommended to monitor your weight and keep it normal, quit smoking and lead an active lifestyle.

Blood type may indicate predisposition to certain diseases


Among the carriers of this group, neurasthenics and people prone to psychosis are most often found. There is a high risk of developing hypertension, pancreatitis, rheumatism, and Parkinson's disease. Women are especially susceptible to genitourinary infectious diseases. It is believed that people with group 3 are less likely than others to have a heart attack. They are advised to give up bad habits, move more, and eliminate fatty foods.


Those with this blood are resistant to ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, and pneumonia. They do not have skin problems, they can boast of healthy teeth, and kidney pathologies are rarely observed. There is a tendency to hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity, hepatitis, and anemia. These people's blood clots quickly, hence thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.


In fact, there is no better or worse blood, and many more factors influence the development of pathologies or, conversely, good health. Even if the tendency to illness depends on it, then, as a rule, while there are strengths, there are also weaknesses. Thus, if we consider that there is a best group, then this is the most common.

Which blood type is considered the best?

Today, in the world, human blood is classified according to the ABO system, as well as the Rh factor. According to this classification, a person can have one of four groups:

  • the first is designated by the number 0;
  • the second letter A;
  • the third letter B;
  • the fourth is a combination of their AB.

Moreover, each can have a positive or negative Rh factor. Accordingly, human blood can be divided into four groups or eight types. In this regard, the question often arises, which is the best.

Most often, the question of which blood is the best arises when it comes to donation. That is, it is assumed that it is best to have the type that occurs most often. That is, the most common blood should be the best, but is this really so?

Prevalence and versatility

The most common all over the world, according to research, is the first. About half of the world's inhabitants have this type. In second place is the second one. About forty percent of people have it. The fourth is the smallest. Only two percent of people have it, and the remaining eight come from a third. Thus, the most common option is the first or second group.

However, it is necessary to take into account not only the group, but also the Rh factor. For most people, about 85 percent, it is positive. By and large, this means that the Rh factor is present in the blood. The remaining 15 percent do not have it, that is, we are talking about the Rh factor being negative. From this, many conclude that the best blood is the first positive, since it is easiest to find, and the worst is the fourth negative.

The first group can also be classified as universal. It is believed that it can be used for donation for any person, since it does not have antigens A and B. Accordingly, the recipient’s body will not perceive the blood as something foreign. Therefore, the first group is considered one of the best for donation. Since it can be transfused to anyone, it means that almost anyone can be saved by it.

But, despite the fact that this group is very popular, its owners can only be transfused with the same first group. At the same time, the fourth group, which is not the most popular, is capable of accepting any type, due to the absence of antibodies to antigens A and B in the plasma.

Transfusion Basics

You need to understand that in the modern medical world it is forbidden to transfuse, unless absolutely necessary, blood that differs from the recipient’s group. Blood transfusions with an excellent Rh factor are completely prohibited. Ideally, the transfusion should be the same type as the recipient.

The Rh factor in donation is an important indicator that is passed on to children by inheritance. It is located in blood components, various organs, and amniotic fluid. When a person who has a negative Rh factor is transfused with a positive type, the body begins to produce specific antibodies. We can say that the body is protecting itself from something foreign.

Often, different Rh factors of parents become a problem for bearing a child. Therefore, pregnant women with negative Rh, if their husband has a positive one, are examined more thoroughly.

You can be sure that if not the first, then the second transfusion can be fatal for a person with a different Rhesus blood from the blood being transfused. It is also worth emphasizing that in people with positive Rh, it can be of several types or one. That is, you can see a combination of different types, which is also important to consider when transfusion. Therefore, it is important to determine what kind of blood the recipient has and what kind of blood the person who donated the material has.

In most cases, modern doctors identify six antigens in the Rh factors of two systems. In humans, the presence of both systems or only one can be distinguished.

At the moment, almost three dozen combinations have been identified in laboratory studies. Before performing a transfusion, the presence of Rh is determined, as well as an analysis for Rh compatibility. Returning to the question of the best type, doctors note that, by and large, this type does not exist. The fact is that rare phenotypes do not indicate that they are particularly in demand, because if a phenotype is rare, we can say that it will be useful to fewer people.

Experts involved in transfusion issues are confident that it is wrong to consider rare groups as bad. Every day, the clinics’ need for certain components and blood of a specific group changes. Therefore, a situation often occurs in which the rarest thing on that day turns out to be the most common. This is why doctors encourage all healthy people to donate, regardless of their group or Rh status.

What is the rarest blood type?

Blood transfusions often save a person's life. But for the procedure to really help and not harm, it is necessary to match the blood type and Rh factor of the recipient and the donor.

There are four types of this biological fluid. Among them there is both the rarest blood group in humans and the most common.

How to determine group and rhesus

At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists developed a conditional classification into groups from 1 to 4, each of which is divided into two subtypes - negative or positive - depending on the Rh factor.

The difference lies in the content of specific proteins on the surface of red blood cells - agglutinogens A and B, whose presence affects the belonging of a particular person’s plasma to a certain group.

If antigen D is present, then Rh is positive (Rh+); if antigen D is absent, it is negative (Rh-). This separation made it possible to perform a safe transfusion, but previously the procedure often ended in death due to the patient’s body’s refusal to accept the donor material.

Factors defining the group

In Russia the following designation applies:

  • the first – 0 (zero), or I, no antigen;
  • the second - A, or II, contains only antigen A;
  • the third - B, or II, there is only antigen B;
  • the fourth is AB, or IV, both antigens A and B are present.

The blood type is determined at the genetic level by passing on antigens A and B to offspring.

Principle of classification

Over many centuries of history, the type of plasma was formed as a result of natural selection, when people had to survive in different climatic conditions. According to scientists, initially there was only 1 group, which became the ancestor of the rest.

  1. 0 (or I) - the most common, was present in all primitive people, when the ancestors ate what nature gave and managed to obtain - insects, wild plants, parts of animal food left after the meal of large predators. Having learned to hunt and destroyed most of the animals, people began to move from Africa to Asia and Europe, in search of better places to live and eat.
  2. A (or II) arose as a result of forced migrations of peoples, the emergence of a need to change their way of existence, the need to learn to adapt to living in a society of their own kind. People were able to tame wild animals, took up farming and stopped eating raw meat. Currently, most of its owners live in Japan and Western Europe.
  3. B (or III) was formed in the process of merging populations, adapting to changing climatic conditions. It first appeared among the Mongoloid race, who gradually moved to Europe, entering into mixed marriages with Indo-Europeans. Most often, its carriers are found in Eastern Europe.
  4. AB (or IV) is the youngest, which arose about 1000 years ago not as a result of climate change and living conditions, but due to the mixing of the Mongoloid (carriers of type 3) and Indo-European (carriers of type 1) races. It turned out as a result of the merger of two different species - A and B.

The blood type is inherited, although the descendants do not always match the parent’s. It remains unchanged throughout life; even a transfusion or bone marrow transplant cannot change its appearance.

Rare and common blood

The most common people in any country are people with types 1 and 2, they account for 80–85% of the population, the rest have groups 3 or 4. Species differ from one another in biological characteristics, the presence of a negative or positive Rh factor.

Nationality and race determine the presence of a certain type of plasma.

Among Europeans and residents of Russia, the 2nd positive one predominates, in the East – the third one, among representatives of the Negroid race the first one dominates. But in the world, IV is considered the rarest; in isolated cases, the fourth negative is found.

The majority of the planet's inhabitants are Rh positive (almost 85% of the European population), and 15% are Rh negative. As a percentage, among residents of Asian countries, Rh “Rh+” occurs in 99 cases out of 100, in 1% it is negative, in Africans – 93% and 7%, respectively.

The rarest blood

Many people are interested in whether their group is rare or not. You can find out this from the table below by comparing your own data with statistical data:

Which blood group can be considered the most popular in donation?

Blood transfusion is a common and effective treatment method. If there is not enough of this biological fluid in the body, or it has acquired pathological properties, death may occur. Therefore, donors are needed to save lives and fight serious diseases. Thanks to blood transfusions, doctors have successfully saved the lives of thousands of people. Blood transfusion has been used since the middle of the last century.

Blood transfusion is a procedure for which doctors must carefully prepare so as not to harm the patient. If the blood of the donor and recipient are incompatible, it will lead to serious problems and even death.

If you mix different groups, an agglutination reaction occurs, when red blood cells stick together and no longer perform their functions, or antibodies are released in the recipient’s body and destroy foreign cells.

To classify blood, the AB0 system is used (by groups). According to it, there are only four groups: the first is 0, the second is designated by the Latin letter A, the third is B and the fourth is marked by two letters - AB.

There are only two types of Rh factor: positive and negative. Based on this, 8 combinations of blood types are distinguished. The question often arises, which blood group is the most popular for donation?

It’s worth clarifying right away that there is universal blood that suits everyone; it is safe to transfuse to any person. It is common, so it is not considered the most popular in donation. And there is blood, the carriers of which are very few on Earth; it is considered rare.

Blood type and Rh factor, let's take a closer look

The combination of antigens in red blood cells and blood plasma determines the group. It never changes in humans, since the set of proteins in cells is always the same.

Scientists have compiled several classifications of blood; they appeared because there are many antigens on the cells that form antigen systems. In practice, only one AB0 classification is used.

There are three types of antigens on human red blood cells: H - inactive, A, B and AB - active. These Latin letters encrypt groups. Only instead of the letter H they write the number 0 for convenience, which means that there are no antigens. Next to the letter designation they write I, II, III or IV. Using these Latin numbers, people can understand what blood type is encrypted.

In addition, there is a special protein in the blood called agglutinin. It is denoted by two Greek letters - beta and alpha. It is this that leads to the destruction of red blood cells if they carry a mismatched set of proteins. This happens when a blood type that is different from the recipient’s enters the body.

Based on this, it is clear that there is a specific combination of antigens and agglutinins, by which the blood type is determined. The second group contains antigen A and agglutinin beta. In the third, on the contrary, B and alpha. In the first group there are both agglutinins, since there are no antigens. Plasma of the fourth group contains A and B antigens, so there are no agglutinins.

Human blood has a constant Rh factor, it is written as Rh, + or - depending on whether it is positive or negative. The Rh factor is also determined by the presence of antigens on the surface of red blood cells. There are 6 proteins that encode the Rh factor. If the cells have protein D, or C+E, then the blood is Rh+. If these antigens are not present – ​​Rh-.

This indicator is also used to determine whether it is safe to do a transfusion or not. But if the situation is critical, it is permissible to mix positive and negative Rhesus.

Which group is the most common?

Which blood is most in demand in medicine for donation, rare or common? let's figure it out.

Based on statistics, we note that the first group is most common. Approximately half of the entire population of the planet is its carrier. C II (A) – 40% of the population. Only 9% of people are in the third group, and 4% are in the fourth. The vast majority (85%) have Rh+. And only 15% have a Rh negative factor.

We conclude that there are more people with I(0) Rh+ blood, which is why it is the most common. IV (AB) Rh- is considered the rarest. Sometimes it is very necessary, so it is collected and stored in special jars where it can be purchased. You can find out how much blood type 4 costs at a bank or from a doctor.

Does universal mean the best?

There are universal donors - these are people with the first group. This is because there are no antigen proteins on their red blood cells, so the recipient’s body does not perceive it as foreign and does not produce antibodies that destroy the infused cells. Due to its versatility, the first group is considered the best.

And blood types with A and B proteins can only be infused into people with the same set. There is also a universal recipient - a person with the fourth group. His body will accept any set of antigens.

However, the above rules do not apply in practical medicine. Today it is forbidden to mix different groups and Rh factors. Therefore, both the donor and the recipient must have the same set of proteins. Exceptions are made only in emergency cases.

And yet, which group is the most popular?

Based on the information provided, two conclusions arise:

  1. The most in demand blood group is I (0) Rh+, since the vast majority of people have this group.
  2. There are much fewer IV (AB) Rh positive and negative ones, which is why it is more difficult to find. This is because there are very few people with such blood flowing in their veins. And if the patient has to undergo a transfusion, it will be difficult to find a donor.

In what cases is blood transfusion required?

Transfusion is done due to severe blood loss. If the patient loses about 30% of blood within a few hours, then this procedure should be performed. It is also done urgently if a person is in shock after surgical treatment.

Transfusions are often prescribed to patients who have been diagnosed with anemia, serious blood diseases, inflammatory processes in the body and purulent-septic diseases, strong and severe intoxications of the body.

The procedure is prescribed to people with the following diseases:

  • leukopenia – a sharp decrease in the level of leukocytes;
  • hypoproteinemia – low level of protein in the blood;
  • sepsis – blood infection by microbes;
  • violation of ESR.

For transfusion, blood with all its components, drugs and blood substitutes are mixed. Medicines are added to the donor’s normal blood to increase the therapeutic effect, while reducing the risk of complications after the procedure.

Red blood cells are often injected into the patient's body. To do this, the red blood cells are first separated from the frozen plasma. After this, a liquid with a high concentration of red cells is poured into the recipient’s body. This method is used for anemia, acute blood loss, with the development of malignant tumors, after tissue and organ transplantation.

A mass of leukocytes is infused for agranulocytosis, when the level of these cells rapidly decreases, and for the treatment of severe complications of diseases of an infectious nature. After the procedure, the level of white cells in the blood increases, which has a beneficial effect on the course of recovery.

When to use fresh frozen plasma:

  • severe blood loss;
  • DIC syndrome;
  • hemorrhages - blood leaks through damaged vessel walls;
  • overdose of coagulants;
  • diseases of an infectious nature.

Patients with blood diseases especially need transfusions. Some patients have to do this procedure once a week, or even more often.

Transfusions are also given to people after chemotherapy. If the tumor has affected the bone marrow, after therapy not only malignant cells stop growing, but also healthy ones.

Women often need transfusions after a difficult birth during which they lost a lot of blood. Sometimes doctors do not recommend using a man's blood for this. Women's is considered safer, and for a young mother this is especially important.


This is a complex and risky procedure. In case of failure, a number of violations of vital processes in the body will occur. Therefore, doctors always take this issue seriously. They examine diseases and information about transfusions that have already been given to the patient.

The procedure is contraindicated in patients with defects and other serious heart diseases. For disorders of blood flow in the vessels of the brain and protein metabolism in the body, for allergies.

Often, even in the presence of contraindications and serious diseases that require a transfusion, doctors perform this procedure. But at the same time, they prescribe drugs to the patient to prevent diseases that may appear after it.

Therefore, to the question of which blood group is most in demand in modern donation, the answer is ambiguous. Since only the native group is transfused to the recipient, and there are more people with I (0) Rh+, and transfusions are given to them more often, it is in demand. And there are much fewer people with IV (AV) Rh+ or -, but if a person with such a group needs a transfusion, finding a donor will be problematic.

Which blood type is the most expensive and why?

The most expensive blood type is the first (with both positive and negative Rh factor). Because it is universal and suitable for transfusion to people with all other blood groups.

The majority of the population of our country has the second blood group.

Usually they pay the same amount for donating blood of any group, but since the fourth blood group, especially with negative Rhesus, is the rarest, then on the black market or in any private organizations they will not pay clearly more than for the rest.

The fourth is only suitable for the fourth, the first is not suitable for the fourth, it’s good to write nonsense

Officially, government institutions and hospitals pay the same for any blood type. But in some private clinics or illegally, the largest amount is most likely paid for blood type 4 with negative Rhesus, since there are not very many people with such a combination, and they have more opportunities to dictate their terms and prices.

There are four main, most common blood groups:

The popularity of the group decreases from first to fourth:

Moreover, the fourth positive is more common than the fourth negative.

If a donor donates blood, then the price for all types is the same, as far as I know. There is simply more valuable blood compared to others in terms of the possibility of getting anything.

And I have the rarest blood group - fourth negative. So if anything, it will be difficult for me to find a donor.

What is the rarest blood type in the world and why

There are many classifications that divide blood into groups. All are designed to target different antigens and antibodies—small particles that are either attached to the red blood cell membrane or float freely in the plasma.

The first experiments with blood transfusion most often ended in the death of the patient. The thing is that then people did not have the slightest idea about blood groups. Today, the most common classifications are the AB0 system and the Rh factor system.

According to the ABO system, blood is classified as follows:

What determines the rarity of a blood group?

The rarity of blood groups, like many other features of our body, depends on natural selection. The fact is that throughout the entire two-million-year history of mankind, people have had to adapt to new conditions of existence.

The climate changed, new diseases appeared, and our blood developed with them. The oldest and most common group is the first. Scientists believe that it was she who was the original, and all the groups known today came from her.

Rare groups appeared much later, so they are not so common in the population.

Which group is the least common?

In the world, the leader in rarity is 4 negative blood group. Despite popular belief, 4 positive is approximately 3 times more common. There are more people with it than people with negative blood type 3.

Why is group 4 the least common?

The fact is that its very appearance can be considered a peculiar phenomenon. It combines the properties of two opposing blood types - A and B.

People with blood type 4 have a strong immune system that easily adapts to environmental conditions. By biological standards, this group is the most complex.

This type of blood appeared only a couple of thousand years ago. At the moment, it is the most in demand at any blood transfusion station, since there are still not many carriers of it.

The youngest and rarest group is the fourth to contain

What blood is most common?

The most common blood is the first group (or zero according to the AB0 classification). The second is a little less common.

The third and fourth are considered rare. The total percentage of their carriers in the world does not exceed 13–15.

The most common types (1 and 2) arose at the dawn of mankind. Their carriers are considered the most susceptible to allergies of various origins, autoimmune processes and other diseases. Blood of this type has changed little over hundreds of thousands of years, so it is considered the least adapted to modern conditions.

The percentage of blood types is also determined by the Rh factor. Positive is much more common than negative. Even 1 negative group, which is the leader among negative blood types, occurs in 7% of people.

The distribution of blood groups also depends on race. A person of the Mongoloid race will have Rh positive blood in 99% of cases, while for Europeans, Rh positive is about 85%.

Europeans are the most common carriers of group 1, Africans are carriers of group 2, and group 3 is the most common among Asians.

Blood types: percentage prevalence

As statistics show, different types of blood vary greatly in prevalence in the world. People with type 0 can be found without much difficulty, and type AB blood is unique in its own way.

The following table will help you finally understand which groups are the most common and which are much less common:

Which blood type is the most expensive and why?

Donation is assessed the same regardless of what blood type you have. But the rarest and scarcest group is 4 with ANY rhesus.

There are four main most common blood groups:

The popularity of the group decreases from first to fourth:

Moreover, the fourth positive is more common than the fourth negative.

Most often, if a person is a carrier of a rare blood type, then he may be rewarded more than others for taking tests. The increased reward is aimed at compensating for the deficiency of the required blood type. You can read more about paying donors here.

The fourth with negative Rh is the rarest, as far as I understand). As for “dear” - it’s not clear how to evaluate it? By the way, I recently asked at a transfusion station in our city whether donation is paid or free? And it turned out that it was completely free).

If a donor donates blood, then the price for all types is the same, as far as I know. There is simply more valuable blood compared to others in terms of the possibility of obtaining it.

And I have the rarest blood group - fourth negative. So if anything, it will be difficult for me to find a donor.

The rarest blood type is fourth negative; in my opinion, about 4% of the world's population have it. But I can’t say how expensive it is; I don’t know how donor blood is valued. When donating to a donor, if a reward is paid, it does not depend on the blood type.

The fourth blood group is considered the most expensive - this is because it is the least common in people, there is very little of it. Also relatively expensive is the first blood group - since it suits all blood groups.

The less supply of something on the market, the higher the price at a certain level of demand. The fourth blood group with a negative Rh factor is the least common. Basically, especially abroad, money for donating blood is not paid. This is done so that drug addicts and other, possibly infected people do not perceive blood donation as income. Even now, not all viruses can be detected in a timely manner and the risk of infection remains during blood transfusion.

What blood type is most in demand for donation?

There are different ways to answer this question. Many people who are not involved in medicine have an established opinion that the most universal, and therefore in demand, is the first, Rh negative group 0(I)Rh(-). Yes, it is universal, but there is a law according to which during blood transfusion only blood or blood components corresponding to the recipient’s blood are used. Those. If a person has a second Rh positive group, then he can ONLY be given a second Rh positive transfusion.

Therefore, it is difficult to say what kind of blood is in demand. There are statistics:

80% of people around the world have Rh positive blood

Blood type 0(I) is the most common on the planet - it flows in the veins of 45% of humanity.

A(II) blood type predominates among Europeans - approximately 35% of people are its carriers.

B(III) blood group is less numerous - it can be found in only 13% of us.

AB(IV) blood type is the rarest on Earth, found in only 7% of people.

Based on the statistics, several conclusions can be drawn: 1) most likely, blood of the first group, Rh positive, is most often needed, because it occurs most often and there should be more people who need it;

2) on the other hand, blood of the fourth group, and even Rh negative, is much more difficult to find, if only because there are extremely few people on earth with this group and Rh negative! If a person with fourth negative blood needs a transfusion, then a second person with identical blood will be extremely difficult to find.

There is another point, the most popular blood type is the one that has the least amount in the donor center’s storage)

Is there a better blood type?

Everyone knows that in the medical community there is a traditional typology of blood groups - AB0, as well as an indicator of the Rh factor, but which blood group is considered the best. Based on this, there are the following types of blood groups:

Rh factor

There is also a negative and positive Rh factor. Such characteristics are bestowed upon us by nature itself and are influenced to a greater extent by biological parents. And it depends on what groups the father and mother have. And many are interested in which blood type is the best for a person. Of course, this question arises when blood is needed for donation.

Blood Rh factor table

The conclusion suggests itself that the best blood group is the one most common among the population and the most accessible to doctors.


According to the data, the most common is blood group 1. According to statistics, its owners are one second of the population of planet Earth. And it is more common in medical practice.

But its positive qualities, in principle, are limited by its prevalence, and it is suitable for transfusion. In previous times, people did not take into account the plasma group factor, which was a mistake. Science does not know the reason for the quantitative superiority of a certain group.

Regarding the topic of Rh factor, it is necessary to mention that only approximately 15 percent are Rh negative. The red cells of these people are deprived of such a protein as the Rh factor.

Approximately forty percent have blood group 2. The third type of plasma is found in about 8 percent. The rarest is blood group 4; about 1.5-2 percent of the population have it. Let's try to determine whether there is a best blood type for a person.

Features of blood groups

Blood of the first group is considered, as mentioned above, to be the most common and it is suitable for all other blood types. Her secret is that her red blood cells do not possess such substances as antigens (A) and also (B). For this reason, the body of the person to whom it is transfused will not create antibodies against them. It can be awarded the title of the most functional. The owner of the fourth blood group can accept any blood type.

For pregnancy, the matching of the plasma types of the father and mother is also important. The reason for this is the absence of antibodies to the above-mentioned antigens in type AB blood plasma. A, also B.

But this type can only be given to people of the same group.

But this is only theoretical information. At the moment, donation is prohibited if the recipient and donor groups belong to different types and have different Rh factors.

Blood group compatibility table for transfusion

Predisposition to diseases

Of course, there are opinions that one can predict diseases and certain characteristics of a person based on blood type.

For example, people with the first blood type are the most resistant to stress and their psyche is able to withstand various stressful incidents quite well. High blood pressure is their frequent companion.

But they are prone to suffer from various diseases of the digestive system.

For example, they also have poor blood clotting. They may suffer from ailments associated with a variety of skin problems. But they have a high life expectancy, as the apologists of this theory believe. May also be at risk for hemophilia.

Owners of the second (2) group are less psychologically stable. There is an assumption that they are prone to problems with the thyroid gland. Thus, there are problems with the production of hormones. They are also susceptible to dental diseases. Tendency to stomach cancer.

People of the third type of plasma are susceptible to psychological instability. They are also more likely to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. Heart attacks are avoided by people with blood group 3. Tendency to colon cancer. In general, they are distinguished by a tendency to acutely experience stressful situations.

People with blood group IV are more likely to develop hematological diseases. But dermatological diseases bypass them, as well as those associated with the genitourinary system.

Of course, these data are not confirmed by science. But, however, these facts should be approached thoughtfully. And you can listen to these health tips. We hope you have now learned which blood type is best for human health and for pregnancy in women.

The rarest blood type

When can a child with fourth blood type IV be born? A child with the fourth blood group, or the rarest blood group, can be born in the following cases:

1. If one of the parents was a carrier of the second group II, and the other third III, then the chance that a child will be born with the fourth blood group IV is 25%.

2. If one of the parents is a carrier of the fourth blood group IV, and the second parent is with the second II or with the third blood group III, then the chance that a child will be born with the fourth blood group IV is 50%.

3. And the rarest option is when both parents are happy owners of the fourth blood group, which is incredibly rare.

Carriers of the fourth blood group are considered universal recipients. Surprisingly, the rarest blood type is unique and convenient in its own way - it is the ideal blood type. People who are carriers of the fourth group can be transfused with blood of any other group, from the first to the fourth. That is, if the owner of the fourth blood group needs a transfusion, he does not need to look for a donor of the rare, fourth group - any blood will do, but doctors will have to deal with the Rh factor.

But blood of the fourth group can only be transfused to people with the fourth group; this blood is not suitable for people with the first blood group, or the second, or the third blood group.

Rh factor of the rarest blood group

But everything is not so simple, the rarest blood group is divided into Rh positive and Rh negative. A Rh negative blood group can be transfused into a Rh positive blood group, but a Rh positive blood group cannot be transfused into a Rh negative group.

The most common type of blood among people is Rh positive blood group. The rarest blood type is Rh positive fourth, most often found in Turkey - 7% of the population, followed by countries such as China, Israel, Poland and Finland - 7%, and in the world about 5% of the population can boast of the rarest blood type with positive Rhesus

The fourth blood group with negative Rh is even less common, in the world it is 0.40% of the population, while in China it is the least common - 0.05%. In other countries it does not exceed 1%.

And most often on our planet there are carriers of the first positive blood group - almost 37%.

Determination of blood groups using the avo system, and if avo is correct.

This is when the analyzed blood is added to special sera of the four blood groups, and they look at the glass where coagulation occurs. Coagulation occurs with incompatible blood groups, which is how the blood type is determined. Blood type should only be determined by a doctor. It happens that blood group and Rh factor are determined incorrectly. It is very important to know not only your blood type, but also your Rh factor, since in an emergency this can save your life. Of course, you need to know your children's blood type.

The article talks about which blood type is the rarest in people. You will also learn what blood types are and what are the best for health.

To determine the Rh group, blood flow should be tested. The laboratory will do a test to identify the antigen, in other words, the Rh factor Rh. The antigen is usually located in the area of ​​​​blood cells - erythrocytes. The majority of patients have an identical component, therefore they are classified as individuals with a positive blood group. Other individuals do not have this particle, so they have Rh (-) (negative Rh factor). But this is not what we will talk about next; you will find out which group and Rh factor are the most unique and why.

What is the rarest blood type and why?

Back in the last century, a conditional classification of patients by blood group was developed. It turned out that there are four such groups in total: first, second, third, fourth. Each main type also has a subgroup: negative (-), positive (+). Basically, the blood flow varies in its structure, in the presence of agglutinogens A, B (proteins) in the area of ​​red blood substances. It is these components that determine what type a person’s blood belongs to and establish its Rh factor. As already mentioned, there are two Rh + (plus) and - (minus).

Determination of blood flow type

According to scientific research, the rarest blood is fourth group. Persons with such blood throughout the planet - seven percent. It is interesting that the first blood group is often present in patients, but with positive Rhesus, but with negative the same group is rare.

Why is the fourth group rare among the world's population, because it appeared, unlike the others, only two thousand years ago. And this is phenomenal, because it combines two opposing main types of blood - A, B. According to the facts, patients who are its carriers have a good immune system that is able to adapt to even the harshest climatic conditions. Biologists say that the 4th group is one of the most complex in structure. And who knows whether the patient was lucky or not to be born with such blood, because in case of transfusion it is difficult to find at stations where this procedure is performed.

If you look at the talents of such individuals, then people with the 4th group are always creative and active people. They have great imagination, are very emotional, they have a developed love for the beautiful manifestations of the Universe and they boast ideal taste and appreciate art.

The advantages of such individuals in psychological terms, it is the ability to show characteristics such as empathy, kindness, altruism and selflessly help others. People are very sensitive to other people's troubles. However, this quality is sometimes necessary, but within reasonable limits. If it has too large boundaries, then a person can fall from one extreme to another. Instead of help, they may provide a disservice.

Their fanaticism knows no bounds. Sometimes you might think that such people are not very adapted to living conditions on Earth. In moments of despair, they lose practicality, are not particularly focused and are very offended by loved ones for sometimes not understanding them. They also understand their belonging to beauty differently. Some are able to create entire works that will take leadership positions in this market, others become psychologically dependent and this can even lead to vices.

What are the types of blood: classification of blood group by rarity

As already mentioned, there are currently only four types of blood flow. They all have certain differences in their biochemical composition. This was proven a thousand years ago. The main types of blood flow are designated by letters and Roman numerals. It looks like this: I (0), II (A), III (B), IV (AB).

Rare type of blood flow

The most popular and numerous blood carriers are people with I-out (+) type of blood flow. There are only 46 percent of them on earth. Less numerous is second (+). In total, there are about 34 percent of such carriers, mostly Europeans. Third (+) Happens to only 13 percent of people on earth.

Which Rh factor is rare?

From what is written above we can already conclude that it is less common in patients Rh(-). Many people, about 86 percent, have Rh(+). And only 14 percent are patients with negative Rh. So in Africa, almost 92 percent of the population lives with positive Rh and 8 percent with negative Rh. In Asia, only one percent of local residents have Rh(-).

IMPORTANT: That a positive type of blood cannot be transfused into patients with a negative blood type, but a negative blood type can be transfused into a positive patient, and no problems will arise.

Patient blood test

When transfusing blood from patient to patient, the group and Rh factor are always taken into account. The process is carried out observing the following rules:

  • Positive blood first groups are allowed to be infused with all other types of blood, but it cannot be done otherwise. Only the first person will go with the first group.
  • Patients with second positive can share blood with patients not only the second (+), but also the fourth (+). But again, only the second and first will suit them.
  • Third (+) will go to patients with the third (+), fourth (+) group. And people with the third need only groups I and III.
  • Patients fourth group can give blood to people with the same blood type, and they are given blood from donors with groups I, II, III.

Which blood type is the most common and best for health?

Based on established statistical data, the most common type of blood flow in people on the globe is first (+). And it is practically universal - suitable for all other types of blood flow. If we judge how the type and rhesus influence the health of people, then there is no scientifically proven data yet, there are only observations.

Thus, women with negative Rh are more likely to fail to preserve their fetus during pregnancy than women with positive Rh. These expectant mothers should under no circumstances have an abortion during their first pregnancy, otherwise you may later lose the opportunity to have a baby forever.

Many people are interested in what blood is the best for health? Medical experts believe that I (+) has advantages over other types of blood flow in humans in all its qualities. After all, it has universal characteristics and is ideal for almost all other patients with Rh (+). Other descriptions of other types of blood flow are just facts and observations without any confirmation from scientists.

  • People with group I have pronounced characteristics of leaders, they have excellent health, they very rarely suffer from colds. However, they are characterized by pathologies such as gastritis and ulcers. And despite the activity of people with such blood flow, they react poorly to moving and changing climatic conditions.
  • Holders Group II less active, but do not get lost when the situation changes. Among these individuals there are often talents with leadership qualities. They are characterized by thyroid diseases, cholecystitis, gastritis and colds.
  • Population with III group- lovers of home comfort, do not like fuss at all. Always choose a profession with calm working conditions. They are characterized by neurosis, because they often lose their balance in stressful situations. Already at a young age, patients are prone to hypertension, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Persons with IV type blood flow have sociable qualities, they easily get used to a new place. Diseases inherent in them are diseases of the cardiac system, thromboembolism, etc.

Video: Which blood type is less common in people?

In the modern world, we often hear the phrases “blood groups” and “Rh factor”; more and more people on the planet are becoming donors, and some, by the will of fate, are receiving blood transfusions.

Therefore, we propose to understand these concepts and find out what is the frequency of different groups among the population of the Earth and in our country, which of them is the rarest, and which is the most common and why.

So, a blood group is a unique combination of protein-antigens on the outer surface of red blood cells and in the blood serum. The first of them are called agglutinogens, and the second are called agglutinins.

Group antigens are synthesized on the outer surface of the erythrocyte membrane and are inherited traits, that is, they are inherited from mother and father and do not change during our lives(but there are some pathological conditions that can change the structure of agglutinogens).

Modern medical science knows about 270 erythrocyte proteins, which in turn form 26 blood group systems. The proteins that are most likely to cause complications after transfusions are of greatest importance, primarily the antigens of the AB0 and Rh (Rhesus) systems.

However, human blood is not limited only to proteins of the ABO system, but contains antigens of other systems, which are also located on the surface of red blood cells. This combination is unique to each person.

Attention! That is why, before transfusions, it is imperative to check group compatibility for all known blood group systems. For this purpose, methods have been developed for determining specific groups of carbohydrates and proteins synthesized on the erythrocyte membrane.

Unlike many other blood group systems, AB0 and Rh systems are recognized by transfusiologists all over the world, therefore, they are used in determining a person’s blood group, in donation and during transfusion of whole blood or its components.

Each person has his own set of agglutinogens and agglutinins. Let's find out which of the existing groups is the rarest and which is the most common.

What is a blood type and how they differ is explained in the video:

The rarest in the world

Which blood type is the rarest - 1, 2, 3 or 4?

The occurrence of individual blood groups is somewhat different and depends on the nationality of the person:

  • the second group (A) is the most common among people living in Asian countries, in contrast to representatives of the Caucasian race,
  • people with the first blood group (0) can most often be found among the population of Latin America.

Of course, these calculations are not exact, but most experts say that people with group IV (AB) and a negative Rh factor are the least common on all continents, regardless of nationality.

Children with the described blood group can appear in a family where agglutinogens A and B are present at the same time. Based on the population of our planet, the likelihood of a person being born with the fourth group and even with Rh- is extremely low.

Moreover, it was previously believed that people with group 4 could be universal recipients, that is, they could be transfused with blood of any group, and people with group 1 could be universal donors.

Reference! Today, in medical practice, this rule has not been used for a long time, because in addition to the AB0 system, there are other blood systems, the compatibility of which must also be checked without fail, so now only components of the same type of blood are transfused.

What is the rarest blood type in the world and why is it explained in the video:

Which Rh factor is the least common?

Rh factor, or Rhesus, Rh is a protein contained in plasma and determines the compatibility of mother and fetus, as well as donor and recipient.

Reference! The name of this protein comes from the name of the rhesus macaque, since this antigen was first found in the blood of this particular representative of the animal world.

Rh factor system is one of 36 blood group systems recognized by the International Society of Transfusiologists (ISBT).

The Rh factor system is currently in second place in clinical importance after the ABO system, and is used in practice in all countries.

Depending on genetic predisposition, a person's serum may or may not contain this protein. 85% of all people belonging to the Caucasian race are carriers of the Rh factor, that is, they are called Rh positive, while only 15% of people of this race are Rh negative.

The least likely people in the world are born with blood group IV and a negative Rh factor. Its owners make up 0.40% of the total population of the Earth.

In the year 52 of the 20th century, researchers discovered an unusual phenomenon, which they later called "Bombay Phenomenon":

  • While studying the next malaria epidemic, researchers were unable to determine the group affiliation of 3 subjects, since their blood simply did not have the necessary proteins. Later it turned out that agglutinogens A and B are not formed on the surface of their red blood cells.
  • Carriers of such blood can be universal donors, since the recipient’s body will not reject plasma without foreign components. But they cannot be universal recipients, in which case it will be more difficult for them - they can only be transfused with exactly the same blood - without antigens.

Reference! The Bombay phenomenon is extremely rare: the number of such people in relation to the total population of the planet is 1 in 250,000.

Their greatest consistency was found in India, since there are a lot of closely related marriages there. In this country, the ratio of people without blood type to the total population of India is 1 to 7600.

What is special about people with a negative Rh factor is described in the video:

Distribution table in Russia

The distribution and occurrence of various groups of the AB0 system varies among individual peoples, and this is influenced by the frequency of occurrence of phenotypes.

In the Central European population, blood groups were distributed as follows:

  • 0 (first) - 43%,
  • A (second) - 42%,
  • B (third) - 11%,
  • AB (fourth) - 4%.

Thus, we can conclude that in Europe the most common is the first group, and the least common are people with the fourth group.

If you move geographically towards eastern countries, you will notice a pattern - agglutinogen A will be found less and less often, but agglutinogen B will become more and more common.

In Russian federation The prevalence of blood groups according to the ABO system can be presented in table form (in percentage):

First (0) Second (A) Third (B) Fourth (AB)
33% 38% 21% 8%

That is, in Russia, the majority of citizens are carriers of the second group, but the fourth group still remains the rarest.

What blood is most common?

A large proportion of the population of planet Earth are carriers of blood with a positive Rh factor - this is 85% of all people. And in the blood of the remaining 15% there is no Rh factor, which gives the right to call their blood negative.

Blood group statistics around the world are distributed as follows:

  1. The first is 45%.
  2. The second is 35%.
  3. Third – 13%.
  4. Fourth – 7%


The word “donation” came to us from the Latin language and translated into Russian means “to give.”

Therefore, donation is the collection of blood and/or its components solely on a voluntary basis.

A person who donates blood is called donor, and the person to whom donor blood is transfused - recipient. Donor blood has a wide range of purposes - it is used in scientific research, education, the manufacture of individual blood components, medicines and medical devices.

Attention! The most important goal that donors pursue is helping patients in need.

There are also artificially synthesized analogues of blood, but they cause complications, are very toxic, are not cheap and cannot completely replace all components and perform all the functions of blood in the body, therefore donor blood is widely used for transfusions in traumatology, surgery and obstetrics.

In addition, patients with hematological and oncological diseases cannot do without the help of donors.

There are several types of donation, these are:

  • Autodonation- drawing your blood before a planned operation. Transfusion of one's own blood can reduce possible complications after transfusion to zero.
  • Whole blood donation- collection of blood, which is subsequently divided into individual components, transfused or processed.
  • Donor plasmapheresis- blood plasma donation. Donor plasma is widely used in burn departments and for long-term compression syndrome (debris after earthquakes, explosions, man-made disasters).
  • Donor plateletpheresis— platelet mass is used in the treatment of diseases with a low platelet count in the blood.
  • Donor granulocytapheresis (leukocytapheresis)- used to treat patients with severe complications after infectious diseases.
  • Immune plasma donation— before blood collection, the donor is given a vaccine with a safe strain of some infectious agent. Such plasma contains immune cells to the introduced pathogen; it is used in the production of medicines. Sometimes it is poured in an unprocessed form.
  • Donor erythrocytepheresis— red blood cells are administered to patients with anemia and other diseases that are accompanied by low blood formation and low hemoglobin levels.

The benefits and harms of blood donation are explained in the video:

So, in the world there are 4 blood groups and the Rh factor.

The most common of them is the first group with a positive Rh factor, and the rarest is the fourth group with a negative Rh factor.

Donor blood is used to treat various blood diseases and other blood formation disorders accompanied by symptoms. In addition, it is used in the production of medicines, medical devices, the preparation of individual components, as well as in scientific research and for educational purposes.

Such a phrase as blood type began to be used only in the twentieth century. This discovery was made by the Austrian physician, chemist and immunologist K. Landsteiner. He made a great discovery - he discovered three - A, B, 0. And a couple of years later, Karl's students discovered the existence of another group - the fourth, which is considered the rarest blood group at present - AB.

Blood is a special type of liquid connective tissue. It consists of cells - formed elements located far from each other and an intercellular substance called plasma.

Its other name is zero, which dates back to the most ancient times. It is believed that she appeared the very first. About 50,000 years ago, 100% of the planet's population were carriers of this blood type. They consisted exclusively of the meat they obtained. That is, these people are hunters, people are predators.

After about 10 thousand years, people, in search of new lands for hunting, moved to new places. But these places turned out to be poorer, there was not enough food and they had to look for new sources of food. To feed his tribe, man began to develop the land, grow edible plants and prepare food from them. Thus, A was formed. It is believed that it originated in the Middle East and Asia, it has stronger immunity, and it rapidly spread to the territory of Future Europe.

After another 10 thousand years, V was born. This group belonged to nomadic herders who lived in a harsh climate and had a monotonous diet. The diet of this group contained only fermented milk products. Nomads spent a lot of time on the road, overcoming hunger and the vagaries of nature. Only the most resilient, with the strongest immunity, survived.

Scientists consider the fourth blood group, AB, to be the youngest and rarest blood group. The uniqueness of this is that it retained the features of both the second and third groups.

It is assumed that it appeared when people with the second blood group from Central and Eastern Europe began to create families with the third blood group from Asia.

Today, only 5% of people are carriers of the AB blood group. These are people with a positive Rh factor. The number of people with the rarest blood group and negative Rh factor is only 0.3%.

is a special protein located in the membranes of red blood cells. Those who have the protein present are Rh positive. Those who lack it are Rh negative.

AB blood is rightly considered to be the rarest blood group in the world. It is inherited by the future child from his parents. The fourth blood group is inherited in 50%, provided that both parents have the fourth blood group, in 25% of parents with the third and fourth, second and fourth, and second and third blood groups. It turns out that out of ten options, only four can give the rarest blood type. Despite the fact that you can get the second and third in seven cases out of ten.

The presence of antigens A and B indicates that organisms have adapted and developed a certain resistance to environmental influences.

The fourth group is a universal recipient, that is, but the fourth group itself is suitable only for itself. The first blood group, on the contrary, is a universal donor; it can be transfused to any other groups, but only the first is suitable for the first one. So, after all, what is the rarest blood group today, first or fourth, if they are so oppositely similar?

As mentioned above, it appeared more than 50,000 years ago - it is the very first group that appeared on the planet and therefore cannot be the rarest.

Possible diseases

Scientists have discovered. Those born with the fourth group are prone to heart disease, problems with blood vessels and the digestive tract. This does not mean that the disease will definitely occur, but only about its possibility. But there is an opinion that the fourth group is the least susceptible to allergic reactions and problems with the immune system.

Personal qualities

Among psychologists there is also an opinion about the relationship. The Japanese have long learned to determine a person’s temperament by blood type. Some companies select candidates based on blood types.

Proponents of such theories are of the opinion that people with the rare fourth blood group have a gentle character. They are not conflicting and always make compromises. These are very versatile and talented individuals with a delicate taste and wild imagination.

They make good scientists, musicians, artists, artists.

It is believed that the rarest blood group in Russia occurs in 7-10%. Thus, Russia has the largest number of people with the fourth blood group.