The most favorable days for moving to a new home. Signs

Signs when moving to a new apartment should be taken into account during this important event. Many people don't even remember them. They will not take much time, but their consequences will have a beneficial effect on your new home. Your life will be more comfortable and calmer. We will remind you of these simple steps.

  • It is necessary to properly say goodbye to old housing. It is important to thank him for the years he has lived within its walls and give him due respect. Before you leave it forever, put it in order. Clean floors, windows and everything possible. You need to draw crosses on boxes and other packaging for things. This will serve as protection against loss when moving.
  • You don’t need to take things with you that you think will be superfluous in your new apartment. You need to get rid of them in advance. By doing so, you will ensure that you start a new life. Old and unnecessary things are a symbol of the past, which will no longer be a burden to you.

Ritual of farewell to old housing

On the eve of the move, you need to prepare a pie and eat it all with your household in the old apartment. You cannot take leftovers with you. If life was not easy for you there, make the pie salty. In a good life, it should be sweet.

Signs and rituals for housewarming

  • There is a rule - when moving to a new home, you need to take with you the brownie who has lived with you for many years.
  • There are several options for this. One of them is to do the action with a broom from an old apartment. Just take it with you when you move. Thus, your spirit of the house and its protector will also move to a new home. If there was no broom in the household, proceed in the following way. Take a small box and put some soft things in it, you can fill it with scraps of fabric. Place it at the front door for a while and the brownie will settle in it. Take the box with you and you can be sure that the brownie has also moved.
  • When moving, when entering a new apartment, the cat must be let in first. The place he chooses to stay is the most suitable place for the bed. It is necessary to take into account that the cat meets the requirements of this folk sign. He should be a cat, not a cat. But the fact is that not everyone has cats. In this case, using a dog instead of a cat is not recommended. She serves to protect the home and should not be the first to cross the threshold. The dog should be the last one to enter the new apartment. There is no need for anyone to pass in front of the cat. Wait until he gets comfortable and dares to enter. All the other new residents follow him.
  • After this, immediately “feed” the brownie. You can put a container with milk. This is done so that he does not consider you greedy and does not go to live with other more generous owners. After this, you can begin wet cleaning and disassembling things.
  • Wet cleaning is an important ritual when moving. It must be done in all areas of the apartment. This does not depend on the cleanliness of the home. Even if it is perfectly clean. This rids the home of bad energy. She could get ready in it before you move.
  • When entering a new home, scatter coins on the floor. It would be better if they were made of precious metal. This ritual will attract material well-being to the house.
  • Purchase a new broom, horseshoe and St. John's wort in advance. Place the broom in the corner by the front door, and above it, strengthen the horseshoe with the horns down. Grass in bags can be hung in several secluded places. This kit will help protect your apartment from evil spirits and ill-wishers.
  • It’s good to choose a place where you could place icons, talismans, and amulets.
  • Once you've sorted out the boxes and tidied up your new home, prepare some treats. Now it's time to call friends and neighbors to celebrate a housewarming party.
  • Place banknotes on the table under the tablecloth. This is for the well-being of the family and for attracting new honest friends.
  • If you follow all these rules, you can calm down. At your new place of residence, you will experience family happiness, all life’s difficulties will pass you by.

  1. If you did not take the brownie with you from your old home. As soon as the new moon comes and when the moon is visible to you, you need to call him loudly through the slightly open window: “Brownie, brownie, come home quickly. You will live with us, and we will love you.”
  2. Perform a consecration ceremony in the new apartment. To do this, light a church candle and go around all the rooms and corners, while reading the “Our Father” prayer.
  3. Incense is good at ridding an apartment of negative energy. You can light incense sticks and place them in all rooms. Their smoke will attract positive energy.
  4. It’s a great sign if the move takes place when it’s snowing or raining. This is a sign from above that a happy life awaits you in your new apartment.
  5. When disassembling things in a new apartment, if there are broken or cracked dishes, you need to get rid of them immediately. It can become a source of unhappiness.
  6. For a new home, you must definitely make brand new purchases. This could be something from dishes, towels or curtains. This will bring you good luck.

How to make a successful move to a new apartment - signs immortalized by the people are ready to suggest a way out. For the monastery to become your stepfather's shelter, listen to the wisdom of your ancestors.

Ancient beliefs on the eve of housewarming

Most people have to deal with moving. Ancient superstitions will help make this event pleasant and life in a new apartment happy.

On the eve of your move, don’t forget to clean up the room you’ll soon be leaving. By leaving dirty laundry in the hut, the owners become victims of envious people related to black magic. They can use your things for carrying out rituals for damage.

Throw away the accumulated rubbish and garbage without regret - there will be many more acquisitions in your new life.

When moving out of your old house, move the fire from there to your new home. (candle or lighter from an old apartment). According to signs, flame is a symbol of protecting the house from evil spirits. Together with him you can.

Don’t forget to take a broom with you when leaving the old monastery. Brownies love to hide in its twigs - you want to take a good neighbor with you, right? But if the spirit was negative towards you, leave it.

It will help you to live in abundance. Scatter coins on the territory that was in your possession - you will ensure prosperity for yourself and please the new residents.

Organize a farewell to your neighbors - don’t skimp on the treats, let people remember you with a kind word.

The right to be the first to enter a new house was given to the oldest member of the family. This is how the younger generation showed respect to relatives endowed with wisdom.

However, over the centuries, the sign has acquired a negative interpretation - as if the person who first steps on the threshold of a new monastery will quickly leave it, and not of her own free will (get sick, go to prison or die).

Fortunately, subsequent generations did not listen to such tales, and the terrible omen was replaced by another: when a family moves to a new apartment, the head must first cross the threshold.

If you are still worried that the prediction of your ancestors may come true, send a cat ahead of you into new possessions. Let the animal sniff the room, get comfortable, spend the night, and move in the next day.

Please note for a new apartment:

  • After spending the night, the cat behaves calmly - feel free to settle down in your new home.
  • Look where your pet settled down to sleep. Cats are so sensitive that they choose not just a cozy place to sleep, but an energetically clean place. Where the animal spent the night, arrange a sleeping bed - you will always be rested.

If the property is in the village, use it - lock the rooster in the house. He is excellent at driving away evil spirits.

As soon as you settle in, invite guests to your housewarming party. According to tradition, it is necessary to organize a holiday twice: the first time close relatives gather, the second - friends. The main thing is that they follow the signs when choosing a gift.

Crossing the threshold of the apartment, guests, according to custom, throw a coin on the floor, wishing for prosperity. However, you should not give money, even if the owners of the living space are experiencing financial difficulties. Such a gift will lead them to poverty.

Everyone knows the Slavic proverb “bread is the head of everything.” Thanks to her, the custom was born of presenting a loaf of bread to the owners for housewarming, as a symbol of prosperity, satiety and a full table. The bread was served on a towel embroidered with green and red threads, which prophesies longevity and wealth.

A comfortable existence will be ensured by a donated money tree (crassula) or piggy bank. But don’t give it empty, throw coins of different denominations inside.

According to another sign, when entering a new apartment, the owners can be given a souvenir that has a connection with water - an aquarium, an indoor fountain. With such a gift, guests show their sincere desire for the family to live in harmony and comfort, and for the house to be a full cup. At the same time, water protects against negativity and cleanses the energy of the room.

Do you know why new residents were given a horseshoe? Hanging above the front door from the inside, it is considered a talisman for good luck and a protective amulet against evil spirits.

If you receive a flower vase or dishes as a gift, know that they wish you wealth.

And donated lamps and candles will not only decorate the room, but will protect peace and create a pleasant atmosphere in the house.

To quickly settle in and make your home feel like home, follow the rules reflected in the signs:

  • On the first day, open the windows and doors in the house, wash the floors to get rid of other people's energy.
  • Place church candles in the corners and open the taps - the negative will burn or leak.
  • When moving, they forgot about the brownie - they will have to welcome him. Leave the housewife sweet wine, sweets and cakes at night in a nook. In the morning you discover that food is missing - you succeeded, he accepted the offer to be friends.
  • Do not use mirrors from previous owners. This accessory is a portal for otherworldly entities and a powerful reservoir of human emotions.
  • Do not move into your home until you have completed the finishing work - you risk losing your income, and everything in the house will break down.

Armed with signs, all that remains is to be patient and in a cheerful mood - an optimistic attitude will help you endure the hassle of moving.

In Rus', traditionally, before entering a new home, special rituals were performed to cleanse the energy of the house, summon good forces, protect against negativity, and make the atmosphere in the house warm and favorable. And today these traditions are being revived - let's find out what needs to be done to live happily ever after in your home.

Let's release the animal. Everyone knows that a pet should be the first to be brought into a new home, because animals are very sensitive to both positive and negative energy. If a kitten becomes the “first settler,” he will choose the place with the worst energy and “take” it. The dog, on the contrary, will show you the most favorable place in the house where you can arrange a sleeping area.

We charge the space. To install a shield that will serve as an energetic backdrop for your home, you first need to cleanse and charge the space. Take a dry branch of St. John's wort or a lit wax candle and walk around the entire house in a circle, starting from the front door. First, move counterclockwise, imagining how all the negativity, everything bad and dark that is in the house, is wrapped around a twig of St. John's wort or fire. After walking the circle, leave the candle or St. John's wort outside the threshold, and walk in the opposite direction, but without the branch, putting your hands in front of you and thinking about the positive, imagining your happy life in your new home.

We put up a shield. After finishing your walk around, stand outside facing the front door from the side and imagine in your hands a shield with which you will energetically close your door and protect your home from outside interference. Extend your arms, palms up, and mentally choose the color of this shield. If the color is violet, lilac or gold, your house will be “full cup”; give preference to pink or scarlet - strengthen the bonds of love and family relationships; imagine a silver or white shield - there will always be many true friends in your home; blue or gray will make you successful in business; green, yellow, orange will ensure your family's health. The candle should burn out outside the house; the St. John's wort sprig should be burned in a fire.

We are friends with the brownie. Animals are by no means the only living creatures that should live in your new home. It is good for any home to have a patron in the person of a good brownie! If this was observed in your old home and you are happy with the neighborhood, invite him to move to a new place with you. To do this, you need to address him with a speech, telling him how much you like him and inviting him to move to a new house. For a brownie, the most important item in the house is a broom, so if he moves, he will only do so by grabbing the handle, so do not forget this item under any circumstances.

If things didn’t work out with the old brownie, no one is stopping you from making friends with the new one by arranging a traditional lavish feast in honor of the housewarming. Be sure to make sure that among the various dishes on the table there is a large “housewarming” loaf, which will bring happiness and prosperity to the house.

The best time to celebrate a housewarming is the first weekend after moving, but this does not mean that it is then that you need to organize a “feast for the whole world.” You can first organize a small celebration for those closest to you, and a little later, when you get comfortable and settled in, you can hold a large gala event. But keep in mind that the brownie does not like it when everything is done coolly and leisurely, so hurry up to make the house cozy and beautiful.

We hang a horseshoe. A horseshoe is a traditional symbol of happiness that should be hung inside the house, and not outside, as some people do. You want happiness inside the house, not outside. And it is important to do it correctly: the ends of the horseshoe must be directed upwards or to the side (the letter “C” means happiness), otherwise the horseshoe will not be able to accumulate positive energy.

Vladislava Ladnaya All rights reserved

How to say goodbye to your old home?

The wisdom of past generations often comes to contemporaries encrypted - in the form of superstitions. Many signs are logically justified, some seem completely absurd. For example, according to popular beliefs, houses are inhabited by house spirits, and losing them when moving is considered a big bad luck.

Brownies, despite their name, are not attached to housing, but to human owners, so spirits can be taken to a new home. The most common way is to loudly “invite” the brownie into a box of soft things, placed at the doorstep half an hour before departure.

Rumor has it that brownies love a variety of panicles and even live in them; If there is a broom in the house, be sure to take it to the housewarming party so as not to deprive the house-elf of his home. It is believed that the owners take away the spirits and troubles, and therefore before leaving it is worth cleaning and repairing the remaining household utensils. Leaking faucets and cracked glass in the windows will appear in the new house if you don’t get rid of them in the old one.

Road signs

There are many “travel” superstitions; most are universal and go well with such an unusual trip as moving.

  • If it rains on the road, everything will turn out well. But precautions should not be neglected: you can easily slip on a puddle, injuring yourself and breaking the load you are carrying, no matter how good the day is.
  • Immediately before departure, you need to sit at the door for a minute, preferably on your suitcases. The ritual is useful even without a metaphysical background - they usually squat “on the path” in silence, and this makes it easier to remember an important call, an unturned tap or a forgotten hiding place.
  • If the first person you meet on the road is a beggar, a pregnant woman or a dog, the owners will receive pleasant news soon after moving in. But a collision with a monk, a funeral procession or a young girl is already a warning from higher powers about “bad stars” on the day of moving.
  • The ideal time to leave is considered to be early morning - right at dawn. The sooner the residents leave, the better and richer, according to popular belief, their life will be in the new place. In the evening, leaving and taking something out of the house is considered a bad omen.

There are other travel taboos - for example, on the day of departure you cannot sew, wash or wash your hair.

“Rituals” of new residents

There are other signs: it’s not enough to know how to move into an apartment - you will need some “rituals”. So, the cat should be the first to be let into a new home. You cannot borrow an animal for moving - you need your own pet. It is also forbidden to push him - the cat must enter of his own free will; Superstition, however, does not prohibit throwing tasty bait.

The dog, on the contrary, should be allowed into the apartment only after people - otherwise the brownies will perceive the person who enters as a stranger and will play dirty tricks on him for a long time. Well, according to the “canon”, on the night before transporting things, a live rooster should be allowed into the house to disperse the evil spirits.

In addition to “animal” rituals, a set of actions after moving is also important.

  • Immediately after moving in, carry out a wet cleaning of the apartment - this way you will clear it of foreign energy and prepare it for the new owner.
  • In the following days, if the previous residents left behind broken furniture, plumbing fixtures, etc., start making repairs. As they say, “the tap flows, the money flows out of the wallet.”
  • The same applies to chipped dishes, broken windows and other cracks in glass and ceramics - if possible, you need to get rid of broken things immediately, and all trash found during the moving process must be ruthlessly eliminated.
  • The brownie should be fed after arrival, leaving flour, milk, buckwheat, bread and butter and red wine on the table overnight.

If you do everything correctly, you will make a significant contribution to the well-being of your home. The “bonus” of these rituals is a prophetic dream on the first night in a new place.

"Golden" customs

Most signs are, in one way or another, related to financial well-being. People have many recommendations on how to move to a new apartment correctly so that you can make money. In the context of moving, the following “recipe” is used: on the first day of the housewarming, you need to throw a handful of coins on the floor from behind the threshold. After this, you cannot sweep the house for several days. The subsequently collected coins need to be hidden in all the secluded places of the home - in ancient times they were inserted into the cracks between the floorboards or embedded in pliable clay walls, but in modern houses you can even use the space behind the baseboard.

To attract wealth, they also use jugs filled with money, in which scatterings of coins made of metals of different colors are stored separately. A banknote under the tablecloth of the dining table will also bring wealth to the owners - but removing it from the table is strictly prohibited. Some money will need to be left in the old house; The “boomerang rule” works here - when you give, you receive.

Magic talismans for all occasions

How to move to another apartment while maintaining complete harmony with the laws of the Universe? Our ancestors placed amulets throughout the house, and when moving, they decorated the house with them as early as possible. One of the main protective talismans is traditionally considered to be a horseshoe over the door - always nailed or glued with its “horns” up.

Folk customs, including those that have developed in modern times, provide for many “magical” objects:

  • wreaths made of straw with seeds and beads woven into them, bunches of St. John's wort, willow, juniper, wormwood and thistle in the corners will scare away evil spirits;
  • clay pots with salt and cereals, ears of corn and bunches of peppers and garlic will ensure that the residents of the house will never go hungry;
  • figurines of spirits, homemade ten-handed dolls and a small broom suspended in the corner under the ceiling will appease the brownie;
  • bast shoes and miniature hats hanging in the hallway protect residents from misfortune and guide those who get lost (for example, in a blizzard) home;
  • A knife is placed under the threshold after entry - it is believed that unkind people and evil spirits will not be able to cross it.

In general, you can use any amulets. Feng Shui symbols, incense, Egyptian figurines and Jewish anchovy will bring good luck to those who believe in their power.

The question of how to move correctly begins to worry long before the move. Even being skeptics, people often experience excitement when moving into a new apartment and believe in inexplicable phenomena. Following certain recommendations can significantly reduce the intensity of passions and somewhat calm your state of mind. In addition, peculiar “rites,” which many view with a healthy dose of skepticism, are easy to perform. So why not observe these wonderful traditions, so as not to justify the troubles later.

If you are not the first owners of a new home

Any new home for people is a completely different tangle of energy lines, which conceals, for example, quarrels and disagreements among former residents. We are talking about a house purchased on the secondary market.

As they say, walls store and absorb energy, and if it was negative, the new owners will be faced with a constantly depressed atmosphere, despondency, unfortunate events, and poor health. There is no clear answer to the question of how to move correctly, but doing what you can is simply necessary, if only to fill the new home with positivity.

Why shouldn’t you live in an “unprepared” apartment?

“Houses and walls help” - perhaps everyone has come across such a saying. So, the opposite option would be quite correct. If a person moved into a room in which the family suffered due to disagreements or constant quarrels, then his life will soon change, but, unfortunately, not for the better. The negative aura of objects and even the walls themselves will put pressure, deprive you of the desire for life and activity. From a young, cheerful person you can turn into an old man who himself will seek “recharge” from his relatives and become angry and irritable.

Ultimately, this will result in health problems, since it is impossible to constantly be under psychological pressure without consequences for the body. Among the recommendations on how to properly move to a new apartment, the first one should be cleaning, both energetic and physical.

Cleaning the house

It is necessary to get rid of the belongings of previous residents. If they want, let them take them for themselves, but as soon as possible. The longer the trash is stored in a new apartment, the worse it is; this leads to a layering of impressions, “clutter” in the mind and soul, and spoils the mood. Here are some interesting recommendations regarding items left behind by former owners. We’ll also talk about signs and how to correctly move to a new apartment, following them.

It is necessary to ensure that all old things end up in the trash heap or in the garage of the previous residents. Particular attention should be paid to old photos and personal belongings. Under no circumstances should you use household items, their photo frames, combs, or wear clothes. You should also be wary of mirrors, since, according to signs, they are a door to the other world and store old energy. General cleaning is a key sign regarding how to properly move to another apartment. The first thing to do is general cleaning. It needs to be carried out both at the old place of residence and at the new one.

Need to say goodbye

We continue to figure out how to move correctly. It is extremely important to carry out a farewell ritual. It allows you to somewhat smooth out the remnants of your own energy and not remain dependent on the background at your previous place of residence. General cleaning must be comprehensive. It’s not enough just to sweep the floors, you need to literally clean everything and carefully check it so that not even a couple of personal trinkets are left anywhere. An unkind person can easily use them against you.

In addition, it is important to put your home in order spiritually, for example, using incense and church candles. By cleaning up energy waste, people leave the room clean, while at the same time protecting themselves from outside influence or even direct harm. In this case, the key sign about how to move correctly is the purity of the process itself, when a person is not dragged along by emotional baggage and all sorts of experiences from his previous home.

Last meal and brownie

It is simply necessary to have the last meal at the old place of residence, almost all the signs indicate this. We continue to give advice on how to properly move to a new apartment. So, without old emotional connections with housing, you can do this by simply taking the brownie with you. This good spirit will serve as a protector of the new home, and will also provide a feeling of comfort and security. You can carry out his relocation without unnecessary difficulties. How to do it?

You need to take a broom with you from your old home, after sweeping the floors there. As for the treat, the best option would be pie. Learning to move correctly. This will not only leave you beautiful, but also delicious. If life in the old apartment was bitter, then you need to prepare something salty, whereas if you live well, you need to cook something sweet. The whole family should have dinner when everything has been put away. After this, you need to collect the crumbs, wash and clean the apartment, thereby completing the farewell ritual.

Animal in a new home

It is extremely important, before moving in, to let a cat, kitten or dog into the house. Perhaps everyone has heard that an animal allows you to protect your home from negative energy and make its aura cleaner. Cats are better suited in this case, since they are more attached to their own home, and therefore will protect it more willingly. In addition, many legends endow them with sacred meaning and mystical abilities.

Psychologists also recommend getting an animal in a new place, maybe even a hamster or fish. Having an additional life when a person is at work or gone on business will make the apartment warmer, more comfortable and cozy. When asking the question about how to move to another city correctly, we get the answer: the same. The same traditions must be observed.

A few signs for well-being

Among the recommendations on how to move correctly, there are several tips to ensure well-being in your new place of residence. So, for example, you need to throw a few coins into the house after the animal, which should subsequently be hidden and reliably guarded. They will serve as a guarantee of the well-being and well-being of future residents. In addition, it never hurts to hang a horseshoe over the front door for good luck. If the sign itself is known, then few people pay attention to its features. You can often see it hanging upside down, covered in dust and dirt. This cannot be allowed.

It should be pinned as securely as possible, of course, with the “horns” facing up, and kept clean at all times. Then luck will never forget the way to the house of the new residents and will follow on their heels. It is better to start the moving process itself in the morning; the earlier, the better. It would be a good idea to get up at dawn and finish things before dusk, then everything will literally be in the hands of the residents. The most favorable day for such an event is Saturday; you should not move on Monday, as this could ruin the upcoming work week.

Everything in a new apartment should be updated

Another tip on how to move to a new apartment correctly. It involves careful selection and discarding of everything old and shabby. It’s better to have a few things, but their quality and novelty will ensure the well-being of the family. In addition, it is important to bring something radical, new, and personal into your home. Let it be windows or doors, hanging beautiful wallpaper, furniture. It is not necessary to do all the repairs right away, although this will have a positive effect on the energy of the house, but something simply needs to be done. Otherwise, residents will face constant apathy, laziness, and attachment to old experiences and things, which is not good.

As you can see, there is a lot of advice on how to move correctly, but whether to follow them or not is everyone’s business. But in conclusion, only one thing can be said: do not neglect what is easy to do. After all, in the end, this will exclusively benefit the residents themselves and provide a pleasant family atmosphere in the new home.