The saltiest body of water in the world. Salt Lakes, Sol-Iletsk, Russia: description, photo, where it is on the map, how to get there

The Dead Sea is famous for its unusually high salt content, although in fact this body of water ranks only as the fourth saltiest sea and lake in the world.

Seas and oceans are traditionally considered to be the saltiest bodies of water. And this is mostly true. Water covers more than two-thirds of our planet's surface, and 96% of it is in the oceans. Ocean waters contain thousands of billions of tons of dissolved salt.

The salinity of water varies at different points in the oceans. Around the poles, the constant presence of snow and ice reduces salt levels, while closer to the equator more water evaporates from the surface of the seas, meaning higher salt levels in the water.

But there are bodies of water on our planet where there is much more salt than in the seas and oceans.

Dead Sea

The most famous such body of water is the Dead Sea, located on the border of Jordan and Israel. The water here is 10 times saltier than the average sea water. However, the Dead Sea is far from the saltiest sea. It ranks only fifth among the saltiest bodies of water on Earth.

In addition, the Dead Sea is not a sea at all. Although the term "sea" is used quite loosely, it essentially refers to a large body of salt water that is partially surrounded by land. The Dead Sea is completely surrounded by land and has no access to the ocean or open sea. In fact, it is a lake, but it is large and salty, which causes confusion.

The shore rocks of the lake sparkle with crystallized table salt in places where the sun causes the water to quickly evaporate. In addition, the Dead Sea is the deepest hypersaline body of water in the world. Its depth reaches 330 meters.

In recent years, this body of water has rapidly decreased in size, to the point that rumors arose about its complete disappearance. However, Israeli geologists now claim that it will stabilize at current levels in the near future.

Lake Don Juan

Despite its celebrity status, the Dead Sea cannot take away the laurels of the saltiest body of water from a tiny lake called Don Juan. This baby does not exceed 300 meters in length and 100 meters in width, and its depth is 10 centimeters. However, the percentage of salt content in the lake is 44%, which is 10% more than in the Dead Sea and 40% more than in the ocean.

The lake is located in Antarctica, in the McMurdo Dry Valley, famous for being the driest place on the planet - there is no precipitation, and strong winds prevent glaciers from forming on the interior of the mountains surrounding the valley.

Source of salt

Scientists do not know the exact reason for such a high salt content in the lake water. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is completely cut off from other bodies of water and is not diluted by fresh water coming from precipitation and thanks to the melting of glaciers. All the salt contained in the waters of Don Juan cannot leave them. All she can do is freeze or evaporate.

With such a high percentage of salinity, the lake almost never freezes - this requires a temperature below -53 degrees Celsius. All that remains is evaporation. The water evaporates, resulting in an even higher percentage of salinity.

While other saltwater bodies of Antarctica obtain fresh water from snow and ice, Don Juan always remains undiluted. Scientists are still trying to find the source of salt in the waters of the lake.

Salt on land

It is noteworthy that reservoirs are far from the saltiest places on the planet. Record accumulations of this mineral are found on land.

The Uyuni Salar is the largest in the world, its area exceeds ten thousand square kilometers. It is located in Bolivia and is actually the bottom of a dry prehistoric salt lake.

The basin of this lake is unusually flat; geologists noticed a difference in height of only one meter. Today this huge flat valley is covered in sparkling salt crystals.

During the rainy season, tourists flock to Uyuni to see the world's largest mirror surface, and flamingos come here to lay eggs, perching on large salt marshes.

Salt has been mined in the vast expanses of Uyuni for several centuries, but there is still so much of it that it will last for a long time.

Underground springs

Although the largest deposit of salt is in Bolivia, the largest exporters of this mineral are Australia and China. The most productive salt mines are located there.

However, the largest salt mine is located in Canada. Its depth reaches 550 meters, and its area is seven square kilometers. Seven million tons of salt are extracted from the mine every year. This place is near the Great Lakes, and geologists assume that the salt deposits there are very rich and lie at comparatively great depths, covering a huge area. This wealth is left over from a prehistoric sea that dried up about 420 million years ago.

The fact that it is difficult for scientists to name the single saltiest place on Earth tells us that much of the history and interior of our amazing planet has not been studied and is kept secret. It is quite possible that there is another body of water in the wilds of the Siberian forests, which will be saltier than Lake Don Juan.

There are several contenders for the title of the saltiest sea in the world. The fact is that the salinity level of each reservoir varies from year to year depending on precipitation and other climatic features. In this article we will talk about the saltiest lakes in the world.

Dead Sea

Despite the name, it is a lake because no other bodies of water flow into it. It is located on the border of Jordan and Israel. Its area is small, only 810 square kilometers.

This is the most amazing waterfall in the world, making an indelible impression on tourists. This is a popular resort and hospital. The water is so salty that it is impossible to drown in it even if you cannot swim.

The concentration of salts in the Dead Sea is 30-40% (depending on the time of year and geographical region), and in the Mediterranean Sea it is 3-4%.

The waters of the Dead Sea have a beneficial effect on human health. For nature, lake waters are truly “dead”: there are no fish here, no algae or phytoplankton grow.

Located in the center of Djibouti and is the lowest point in Africa. In terms of salinity, Assal is not inferior to the Dead Sea, but tourists are not so familiar with it.

Its coastline is surrounded by highly saline soil, from which salt is then extracted.

Lake Elton

The saltiest lake in Russia is located in the Volgograd region near the border with Kazakhstan. The unusual name of the lake comes from the Mongolian “Altyn-nor”, ​​translated as “golden bottom”. Salinity level - 20-50%. This is the saltiest and largest lake in Europe.

Its depth in summer is only 7 cm in summer and one and a half meters in spring.

Until the end of the century before last, salt was mined in its waters. At the beginning of the 20th century, a sanatorium and balneological resort of the same name was opened.

Lake Don Juan

Located in Antarctica on Victoria Land in the Wright Valley. Its salinity is 40%. This is what claims to be the saltiest lake on Earth.

The lake is named after the helicopter pilots who discovered it: Don Ro and John Hickey, and not after the great seducer. The reason for its incredible salinity lies in the high salt content in the sedimentary rocks and glaciers that feed the lake. Because of this, Lake Don Juan does not freeze even in winter.

In this article we will tell you about the seven largest salty seas and lakes on the entire planet.

More precisely, it would be more correct to call salt lakes mineral, since the mineralization in such lakes is more than 1 ppm. Often, salt lakes are endorheic reservoirs located in arid zones. So, let's begin!

Caspian Sea

In size, this endorheic salt lake is really more like a sea - 371 thousand square kilometers! It is considered the largest lake on the planet. The Caspian coast with its healing mud, sandy beaches, and mineral springs is an excellent tourist destination for treatment and relaxation. But due to some difficulties in interstate relations between the Caspian countries - Kazakhstan, Iran, Russia and Turkmenistan, tourism in the Caspian Sea is very poorly developed.

Aral Sea

On the border of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan there is a former salt lake, the second largest in the world. And it was former, because in the early sixties, the lake began to shallow very quickly, due to the increased intake of water for irrigation of cotton fields from the rivers flowing into the Aral Sea - the Amu Darya and Syr Darya. Today it has split into 2 small lakes - the Southern and Northern Aral.

Dead Sea

On the border of Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and Israel is the lowest landmass on the planet - the Dead Sea coast. The water in it is highly mineralized, due to which the lake has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times, and today attracts many tourists.

Great Salt Lake

And in the Western Hemisphere, the largest is considered to be Great Salt Lake - a lake of 5 thousand square kilometers. It is located in the desert region of the southwestern United States. On the coast, table salt is actively mined, as well as Glauber's salt - a rather valuable medicinal drug and chemical reagent.


One of the largest European salt lakes, and one of the most mineralized on the planet. Located on the territory of the Russian Federation in the Volgograd region, near the border of Kazakhstan. Industrial salt production continued until the end of the 19th century, after which it ceased. Today, a mud and balneological resort has been organized on Lake Elton.


The main “salt mill” of Russia - approximately 80 percent of the country's table salt is mined here. It is located in the Astrakhan region in the Caspian lowland. Thanks to the deposits of medicinal clay on the coast of the lake, mud tourism is developed here. Travelers are also attracted by the opportunity to visit the only and very picturesque Mount Bogdo in the Caspian region, which, like Lake Baskunchak, is a protected area.

Underwater salt lakes

The facilities are located in the Arctic in the Gulf of Mexico, and some other places in the Pacific Ocean. Due to the difference in water density, the flows of ocean waters do not mix, forming a clear boundary and forming “shores” of underwater salt reservoirs.

Salt lakes are found throughout Russia. They are predominantly drainless, which means minerals and salts are not washed out. Over time, the proportions of substances may change under the influence of various factors. According to the degree of mineralization, lakes are divided into brackish, saline and saline.

Salt lakes are formed in different ways, for example, some in the past were sea bays or salt quarries. Sometimes they dry out, leaving islands of sediment on the surface, but in a favorable season they are filled with water again. The depth is also rarely great, although there are exceptions.

The advantage of such lakes for tourists is their therapeutic and cosmetic mud. In most cases, you can use mud without a doctor’s prescription, but it is better to consult a specialist. It is not surprising that sanatoriums and recreation centers have been built on the coasts of many lakes.

Salt lakes are analogues of the Dead Sea in Russia!

The largest, most beautiful and popular for recreation and treatment among tourists. List with names and brief descriptions.


Salt lake in the Astrakhan region. Area – 106 km², maximum depth – 3 m. Territorially included in the Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky Nature Reserve. There are deposits of healing clays and mud. Rapa is used for bathing. Salt deposits are visible to the naked eye. A sanatorium-preventorium of the same name was built on the coast. The best time to visit is summer. There are two tourist routes going around the lake.


It is located in the Volgograd region near the border with Kazakhstan. Area – 152 km². This is the largest salt lake in Russia. The depth varies significantly depending on the season, but does not exceed a limit of one and a half meters. The concentration of salts is so high that they precipitate. Mineralization is one of the highest in the world. There is a balneological resort on the shore that uses local mud, and in the village nearby there is the Elton sanatorium.


Lake on the southern coast of the Kerch Peninsula. The area is a little more than 5 km², the average depth is less than a meter. Koyashskoe is separated from the Black Sea by a narrow isthmus. Salt water has a pink color that changes colors throughout the year. The phenomenon is explained by the presence of brine and aquatic vegetation. Salt deposits are clearly visible on the stones. It is part of the Opuksky Nature Reserve. These places are most picturesque in May.


The lake arose in the Orenburg region as a result of the flooding of a salt quarry. The modest area of ​​6.8 hectares is complemented by an impressive maximum depth of 22 m. The water is considered medicinal, especially useful for people with skin problems. The salt concentration is comparable to the Dead Sea. This prevents the formation of a crust of ice even in severe frosts. In the past, Razval had the status of a natural monument.

Bolshoye Yarovoye

Located in the west of the Altai Territory. Area – up to 70 km², maximum depth – up to 8 m. Since it is fed by snow, the dimensions change at different times of the year. The salinity of water decreases over the years. However, the chemical composition is still comparable to the Dead Sea. Since 1972, a sanatorium has been operating near the coast, using silt mud and brine for therapeutic procedures.


The largest lake in Western Siberia belongs to the Novosibirsk region. Area - up to 2269 km², maximum depth - 10 m. Chany - a system of reaches that are connected by shallow areas and channels. There are about 70 islands. In terms of tourism, it is popular as a place for fishing and waterfowl hunting. There are recreation centers on the shore. In the north of the lake, the Kirzinsky nature reserve was created.


The largest lake in Crimea. Area – exceeds 73 km², maximum depth – 1.2 m. Separated from the sea by an isthmus. Salt and sea sand are mined from this strip of land. The color of the water is pink, in some seasons it becomes even more saturated, turning into red. Seething on the surface - emissions of salt water. Mud is used for therapeutic procedures, and algae is used in cosmetology.

Bolshoye Yashaltinskoye

Located in the Republic of Kalmykia. Area – 40 km², average depth – half a meter. The lake can be called shallow, which is explained by the structure of its almost flat bowl. Belongs to the Manych lake group. In the summer months there are many holidaymakers, but mostly locals. Healing mud and well-warmed water potentially give hope for the development of the tourism industry here.


One of the most popular lakes in Crimea. Area – 9.7 km², average depth – a little more than half a meter. It is separated from the Black Sea by a strip of land. The western part is a raw material base, the eastern part is recreational. Local black mud is used to treat hormonal problems, skin infections and other ailments. 15 sanatoriums have been built in the district. The most famous ones are named after Budenko and named after Pirogov.

Dus-Khol (Svatikovo)

Located in the central part of Tyva. The translation of the name is “salt lake”. Area – 55 hectares, average depth – 2 m. The coast is actively used for recreation in the warm season. There are a lot of visitors, so the infrastructure is gradually developing. A cafe was built in the form of a yurt with appropriate decoration. There are sanatoriums, camping, and places to pitch tents. Brine and mud are used for all kinds of procedures.

Solenoye (Zavyalovskie lakes)

There are 330 lakes on an area of ​​220 thousand hectares in the Altai Territory. Among them, Solenoye stands out, rich in mud deposits and mineral waters. Silt deposits have different colors and properties. Entry into the water is not always convenient, as tourists dig holes near the shore to extract mud. There is a recreation center called “Salt Lake”. There is parking, places for tents, small shops, and cabin rentals.


Belongs to the territory of Tyva. The translation of the name is “marsh lake”. Area – 2.2 km², maximum depth – a little more than half a meter. You won't be able to swim here - the water is shallow. But tourists come for mud therapy, smearing themselves with mud right on the shore of the reservoir. There is little vegetation around, salt marshes, salt deposits and small swamps. A nearby attraction is Lake Dus-Khol.


It is located in Buryatia and has a more common name - “Salty”. Area – 0.4 km², maximum depth – meter. Not only does the volume of water vary from month to month, heavy rain can significantly affect the surface area. Exploration of the lake began back in 1700. Now the most popular establishment here is the Kiran mud bath. In 1980, it received the status of a natural monument.


Salt lake in Tyva. The name translates as “birch”. Area – 2.3 thousand hectares, average depth – 2 m. The river of the same name flows into it. The shores are dark with clearly visible white stripes – salt deposits. Due to the mineral composition of the water, there are no fish here, and there are also few insects and birds. Mud and water can be used to treat and prevent diseases, but tourism is still poorly developed.


The largest salt lake in the Omsk region. Area - up to 11 thousand hectares, maximum depth - 2 m. Dimensions are variable, depending on precipitation and time of year. Despite the high mineralization and large deposits of medicinal mud, there are no hospitals or recreation centers here. Tourism is wild, there are not many visitors. There is a constant collection of crustacean cysts. Since 1979, the reservoir has been declared a natural monument.


Located in the Krasnodar region, near the village of Veselovka. Until the 50s of the last century, salt was mined here. The mud lies in layers at the bottom, you can easily fall ankle-deep. Procedures should not last longer than 15 minutes. Tourists usually wash off the dried crust into the sea, since the beach is within walking distance. The mud volcanoes Hephaestus and Tizdar are located nearby.


The largest lake in the Altai Territory. Area – 728 km², maximum depth 4 m. The banks are relatively smooth and flat, with the exception of the eastern part. There are many islands, bays, and jagged lines. On the eastern side there are many comfortable sandy areas for recreation. Residual reservoir - formed after the shallowing of a large lake basin.


Located in the Volgograd region. The translation of the name is “spring”, also called Bitter-Salty. Area – 77 km². The shores are indented, partially swampy, and there is a layer of Glauber's salt. The muddy bottom is uneven and you can fall through. Of the islands, the largest was named Small. There are rare species in the area, such as the imperial eagle. Nearby attraction: Lake Elton.


It is part of two constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Stavropol Territory and Kabardino-Balkaria. Pyatigorsk is only 9 km away. Area - 170 hectares, average depth - 2 m. The composition of the mud is comparable to the sediments of the Dead Sea. You cannot drink the water, it will cause health problems, but you are allowed to swim, just for a short time. There are no fish and no nesting birds. Tourists are put off by the unpleasant smell emanating from Tambukan.


Located in the Altai Territory. Area – 11.4 km². A tourist base has been built on the coast. Since 2013, the reservoir has been included in the “Great Tourist Golden Ring of the Altai Territory” - a popular tourist route. Deposits of medicinal mud attract those wishing to undergo health-improving procedures. Temperature changes happen all the time; this must be taken into account when planning your trip.


Belongs to the Kurgan region. Area – 61.3 km², maximum depth – 1.2 m. Increased salinity and mineralization of water caused the absence of fish and aquatic vegetation. The lake is divided into Big and Small by six islands. A resort of the same name was built on the coast. Mud is used for treatment, as a preventive measure and to improve the overall tone of the body.


Salt lake in Krasnodar region. The area is 86 km², the maximum depth does not reach even a couple of meters. In the past, the reservoir was a bay of the Azov Sea. Periodically it dries out, exposing salt crusts. Due to the healing properties of the mud, it is under protection. Sanatoriums in the city of Yeysk use local silt deposits in a wide range of procedures. Since 1988 it has the status of a natural monument.


Bitter-salty lake of Khakassia. Area – 2.6 km², maximum depth – 2 m. The reservoir is gradually being desalinated. Salt does not completely dissolve in water, which causes a crust-like sediment to form at the bottom. There are tourist centers, including Voskhod. The area is considered a resort of regional importance. A nearby attraction is the cultural heritage site “Tus Burial Ground”.


Located in the Novosibirsk region near the village of Novoklyuchi. Area – just under 7 km². The northern coast is more suitable for recreation. Mud deposits have high characteristics in terms of mineral composition. They are black, oily with a distinct smell of hydrogen sulfide. Skin diseases, nervous system, respiratory organs, etc. are treated here. There is a health complex of the same name.


Located in the southeast of the Omsk region. Area – 14.5 km², maximum depth – 1.3 m. The northern shore is “multi-layered”, the terraces overhang each other. From other sides, entry into the water is more convenient. The thickness of the layer of local mud deposits exceeds half a meter. They are useful in the treatment of many diseases. They are used, among other things, at the Omsky Rehabilitation Center. In 1978, it received the status of a natural monument.


Salt lake a few kilometers from Astrakhan. The name comes from the silt deposits, which are called mud in the area. The pink color of the water is due to the presence of magnesium salts. The area is small, the depth in summer is no more than a meter. A mud resort was built on the shore, and a rehabilitation center of the same name also operates. People come here not only for treatment, but also for cosmetic procedures.


Located on the border between Russia and Kazakhstan. Area – up to 70 km². The reservoir is shallow and periodically dries out. Salt deposits and areas with mud deposits are clearly visible on the surface. There is a persistent smell of hydrogen sulfide in the area, and the area is covered with salt marshes. There are prospects for the development of several areas of tourism, but so far the potential has not been realized.


Crimean salt lake near the village of Kurortnoye. The translation of the name is “spring”. Area – 8.5 km², average depth – less than a meter. It is separated from the Sea of ​​Azov by an embankment. The water is pink in color and its saturation varies. Sediments and a miniature crustacean gave this shade. Mud is used in cosmetology and treatment. The composition of the water is close to that of the Dead Sea. The lake is part of the reserve.


Salt lake in the Yegoryevsky district of the Altai Territory. The area is slightly less than 42 km², the average depth is 3.5 m. The banks are low with convenient entry into the water, with the exception of the northern side, where a swamp has formed. The channel connects the reservoir with Lake Gorky-Peresheichnoye. For a hundred years now, the Lebyazhye sanatorium has been operating on its banks, using local mud and mineral waters for procedural treatment. The composition of the water is comparable to Essentuki 17.


Crimean Lake, located in the west of Evpatoria. Area – 1.76 km², maximum depth – less than a meter. The territory is considered a resort in every sense. There are convenient beaches on the eastern shore. Silty deposits and dirt are used for cosmetology and treatment. Water contains useful minerals. There are several sanatoriums, the most popular is the Moynakskoe mud bath.

There are several salt lakes in the world. Each of the contenders for the title of “the saltiest lake in the world” is special in its own way, one stands out from the other. Undoubtedly, the salt lake itself is an incredible natural phenomenon. You can find salty bodies of water anywhere in the world. There are especially many such phenomena in America and Russia. It is impossible to say with certainty which lake is the saltiest of all. The concentration of salt and minerals may change, for example, with the changing seasons. In the article we will highlight several of the saltiest lakes in the world, some of them have approximately equal amounts of salt in the water.

Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is recognized as the saltiest of all lakes; it is located in the Middle East. The water level is several hundred meters lower than sea level and continues to fall by 1 meter per year. The shore of the Dead Sea is the lowest surface area on our earth.

The salinity is 300%, this figure is higher than many other lakes. By comparison, the salinity in the Black Sea is 20%. For a long time it was believed that this level of salinity excludes the presence of living organisms in the water, but this is not entirely true. Some types of bacteria and fungi live here. But there are no fish or algae on the territory of the lake, and the shore is also lifeless.

The size of the lake and its depth are decreasing, this is due to several factors:

  • Changing of the climate.
  • Reduction of groundwater due to industrial development.

Many people come to the sea for treatment; not only water, but also mud has beneficial properties. By swimming in this salty water, you can get rid of many skin diseases, but the process of bathing itself is not pleasant, the water is so salty that it can corrode the skin, so you should only swim in the sea on the recommendation of a doctor.

Water with a high salt content has many beneficial properties, especially medicinal ones.

Uyuni is the largest salt lake in the world. At the bottom there is a thick layer of salt, about 8 meters. Replenishment of water occurs only during the rainy season. However, there is very little water here, and the surface resembles a huge mirror; you get the feeling that there is no boundary between earth and sky. And during the period when there is critically little water in the lake, it looks like a salty desert. Local residents even build their homes from salt.

The landscape of the territory is unique: huge layers of salt and volcanoes.

The only plants and animals that can be found here are giant cacti that break through layers of salt; they grow up to 12 meters in height; the only animal life inhabited by them is flocks of rodents.

At the end of the year, pink flamingos arrive, a simply stunning sight, these majestic birds strut across the snow-white surface.

Previously, real salt hotels were built on the coastal area; tourists were invited to stay and relax there. This could not be found anywhere else on our planet. However, the unusual houses were demolished due to poor hygiene conditions.

The salt reserves on the territory of Uyuni will last for millions of years.

Don Juan

Lake Don Juan is the coldest salt lake located in Antarctica. Its dimensions are small, the depth does not reach 100 meters, and the length is only 1 kilometer. The size is gradually decreasing due to the fact that it is fed only by underground groundwater and the water quickly evaporates.

Scientists have discovered that when air humidity rises, the salt around the water begins to absorb moisture. Salt water passes through the soil until it reaches the permafrost layer. This is a very serious and important discovery, since similar water can form on Mars. The water trail landscapes on Don Juan are similar to those on Mars, appearing at the same times of year. There are scientists who think that these streaks are the result of water flows, and this is proof that there is water on Mars.

Lake Don Juan is the best place to simulate life conditions on Mars very well

Salt lakes of Russia

One of the natural resources of our country is its many salt water bodies. This attraction is popular among tourists. It is difficult to say which lake in Russia is the saltiest. We will look at several reservoirs located throughout our vast country.


Lake Elton is located in Russia, towards Volgograd; salt was once extracted from this reservoir. The surface of the water is golden, with a pink tint. The water acquired this color due to bacteria living there. The salt water of Lake Elton, as well as the mud, are good for health. There are several sanatoriums nearby. Elton is a real miracle, the largest lake with mineral waters in all of Europe. In shape it resembles a circle located in the lowlands between the salt hills. The reservoir has no drainage. In hot summers, the lake tends to almost dry up, and the depth becomes less than 10 centimeters. In the cold season, the depth averages 1.5 meters.

The salt concentration in Elton is 1.5 times greater than in the Dead Sea


Lake Razval is located in the Orenburg region in the city of Sol-Iletsk. At the moment, it is a famous resort where people come from all over the world; the water here is also considered medicinal. As in any salt lake, it is difficult to swim there; the water simply keeps a person on the surface due to the very high concentration of salt. The depth of the Collapse reaches 18 meters.

The reservoir appeared on the site where salt mining used to take place

A pond located on top of a salt mountain. Baskunchak is the largest in Russia and one of the largest salt lakes in the world. It is located in the Astrakhan region. Rapa and clay here have healing properties. Sulfide mud, like Dead Sea mud, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The air here is healthy; it contains a lot of bromine and phytoncides. Therefore, those who want to improve their health come here.

Salt extracted from Lake Baskunchak is the purest


This reservoir is located in Altai. Like other lakes, it has no drainage; in this region it is one of the deepest. The main value of Yarovoye is brine, which contains a huge amount of mineral salts. Silty mud from the bottom of the reservoir, salt water itself and clean air also have beneficial properties. Research by scientists has confirmed that the content of useful substances is not inferior to their content in the Dead Sea, so the healing effect on Lake Yarovoye will be no worse than the Israeli one. More and more doctors began to recommend this place for visiting for medicinal purposes.

You won’t be able to plunge headlong into the lake water; the high salt content will not allow you to do this

Raspberry Lake

Altai, Astrakhan region, is rich in salt water bodies. Another equally famous one is Lake Raspberry. In the early morning in spring, the surface of the water turns crimson, which is why it got its name. At other times of the year the color is brown. Water is also considered very beneficial for the skin.


Bitterly salty Bulukhta has fewer beneficial properties than Elton, but tourists also like to come here. However, this picturesque place is located in the wild, and it is extremely difficult to get there. The number of tourists here is smaller, mainly extreme sports and wildlife lovers. The lake is not very deep, the water contains minerals and healthy salts.

The area around the reservoir is swampy

Our planet Earth is rich in many incredible natural phenomena. These include salt lakes. They are scattered throughout the territory, thanks to which people from all over the world can see this phenomenon live, improve their health by swimming in healing water, carry out therapeutic procedures using mud and simply breathe clean, healing air.