Cleanliness and sanitation are the key to health. Is cleanliness the key to health? Exactly the opposite! The disease makes you stronger

Not every person cares about cleanliness and order at home and at work. Some people take these issues lightly and clean occasionally, while others constantly dust their homes, endlessly wash dishes, wipe the table as soon as even a drop of water gets there. Where does this desire for purity come from? And why are such people sometimes annoying? For whom is the concept of cleanliness closely related to health? Let's try to answer these questions.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains the characteristics of the psyche of each person on the basis of eight vectors - groups of innate, naturally given desires that determine a person’s behavior and his life scenario in general. Thus, the desire for cleanliness not only in everyday life, but also in relationships with people, in one’s thoughts, is characteristic of the owner of one of the eight vectors. These are diligent, straightforward, diligent people, inclined to do work carefully and thoughtfully, bringing any task to perfection - people with an anal vector.

Any dirt, physical or some kind of unpleasant situation in relationships with other people, causes them discomfort and a desire to restore purity and justice. A person with an anal vector always cleans his apartment thoroughly. This activity can last the whole day, because he will never miss a single shelf, not a single corner - he will sweep away every speck of dust, wipe every vase. Often he pays special attention to things that are dear to him as a memory of close or important events in his life. She can start cleaning in a small corner and sit there all day, sorting and sorting things. Tends to pay great attention to detail.

For a person with an anal vector, order is very important. Things must stay in their place. When he does not find his slippers or his spoon in its place, he experiences tension. He knows exactly where the spare tube of toothpaste is and where the light bulbs are.

And in relationships with other people, a person with an anal vector is just as attentive. He worries if he accidentally hurt or offended someone. Asks for forgiveness when he thinks he is wrong. Such a person is distinguished by cleanliness in everyday life and decency in relationships.

Speed ​​or quality?

The movements of a person with an anal vector are often slow and unhurried. And when he talks about something, his words sound weighty.

Such slowness irritates people with a different mentality - with a skin vector. Leather workers are always in a hurry to get somewhere. Their main value in life is time. They strive to do as many things as possible per unit of time. Inaction and forced stops irritate them. It’s annoying to stand in lines when there are so many other things you could do during this time. It's annoying when the bus gets stuck in traffic. It’s annoying when an anal person spends a long time and methodically cleaning up.

Saving their time, leather workers always move quickly and prefer to do things the same way. True, sometimes such speed affects the quality of their work. A leather worker can wash dishes so that they remain greasy. This, in turn, causes strong antipathy in people with the anal vector, because they do everything diligently and thoughtfully, and therefore with high quality. The pursuit of ideals and the quality of work performed is their life credo.

People with the skin vector take care of their health. For leather workers, the desire for cleanliness is based purely on practical considerations. Fearful of contracting some disease through the skin, they strive to keep things they come into contact with clean. At the same time, cleaning itself disgusts them. However, internal discipline forces them to clean regularly, and sometimes at a clearly established time, strictly according to their personal schedule.

When a leather worker is in a hurry somewhere, he can scatter his things, turning everything upside down in search of what he needs. He can make a lot of unnecessary movements, showing fussiness and flickering. He can restore order so that only in a visible place everything is clean, and if you look into such a person’s closet, piles of randomly folded clothes will fall out.

If people with the anal vector are clean, then people with skin are characterized by disgust. They are the ones who wash their hands often. This behavior is based on the same fear of infection. And this fear can be especially inflated in skin people with a visual vector - impressionable and emotional.

If for every skin person the skin is a very sensitive place, then skin-visual people are people with even “thinner skin”. Visual emotionality makes them experience every sensation with greater intensity. If a skin person is simply unpleasant when something dirty touches his body, then for a skin person with visual impairment, this unpleasant sensation reaches the point of disgust.

Spectators love to create an environment around them that is pleasing to the eye; they prefer everything that is beautiful and smells good. This is not so much a desire for cleanliness as a desire to obtain aesthetic pleasure from the environment.

As we see, the desire for cleanliness and order can externally manifest itself in the same way, but the internal motives for realizing this need are completely different. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan allows you to easily explain the actions and way of thinking of any person, see him from the inside - his value system, his desires, as well as reveal his own potential and realize himself. If you are interested in understanding yourself, the internal motives of your actions and the actions of other people, sign up for free online lectures on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan.

The article was written using training materials on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

Alekseevskaya comprehensive boarding school

Educational lesson in 3rd grade

“Where there is cleanliness, there is health”

Educator: Veretennikova M.S.


Educational lesson in 3rd grade

Compiled by M.S. Veretennikova.

Topic: “Where there is cleanliness, there is health”

Purpose: to give the concept of the words: hygiene, germs. Convince the children of the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene, cleanliness in the house, on the street, in nature; to promote in children the habits and then the needs for a healthy lifestyle; continue to develop in children a conscious desire for cleanliness and order.

Equipment: Hygiene items, cards with text and poems for the children, color illustrations, envelopes with riddles and a letter for the children, demonstration cards with the words: hygiene, germs, pores, memos “personal hygiene rules” (for each student), layout “ teeth”, magnifying glass, books: “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino’s grief”.

Progress of the lesson

    Org moment.

    Teacher's opening remarks:

Today we have an unusual lesson, guests have come to us, so we will doubly try to work well, be attentive, answer quickly and correctly.

You will learn what we will talk about in class today from S. Taratut’s poem “Hygiene”:

What is hygiene,

Cats and hyenas know

Brown bear, white bear,

Hedgehog, dog and bee,

That it’s always not a sin to wash yourself,

Wash paws and hooves

Well, after that you can safely

Get down to business!

And the bee will not be allowed into the hive,

If she turned out to be dirtier,

And all they will find out

Five specks of dust among the pollen.

And the bird will always find

Half a minute to wash your face

And hurries to go down to the puddle,

Even if there are chicks!

How not to remember the raccoon here:

For him, washing is a job.

For him the basics are the basis -

First mine, then gnaw.

And every little pig

He wants to be clean from the cradle,

And the poor guy is not guilty,

What's in the dirt?

What are we going to talk about today?

(about cleanliness)

Hygiene is the influence of the external environment on the human body, the influence of living conditions on human health.

And the poet Y. Tuvim wrote the poem “A Letter to All Children on One Very Important Matter”:

“My dear children! I am writing you a letter:

I ask you to wash your hands and face often.

It doesn’t matter what kind of water: boiled, spring,

From a river, or from a well, or just rain!

You must wash yourself in the morning, evening and afternoon -

Before every meal, after sleep and before bedtime

Rub with a sponge and washcloth! Be patient - no problem!

Both ink and jam will be washed away by soap and water.

My dear children! I really, really ask you:

Wash more often, wash more often - I can’t stand dirty things.

I won’t shake hands with dirty people, I won’t go visit them!

I wash myself very often, goodbye!

Your Tuwim.

The letter talks about cleanliness of the body, and we will also add cleanliness in the house, in nature, because cleanliness strengthens and preserves health.

What proverbs do you know about cleanliness and health?


Cleanliness is the key to health.

Clean water is bad for illness.

Cleanliness and health are sisters.

Children, let's see if all the children in the class are clean, do we have any dirty ones or slobs?

We have Sidorov Pashka - a terrible mess.

Sketch “About Sidorov Pashka - a terrible mess”

Soap: Once upon a time there lived a boy Pashka.

Well, he was such a slob!

Usha might not have been there for years

Didn't let my mom clean them

He didn't take soap in his hands

Oh, how dirty it has become!

Brush your teeth every day

He's lazy, you see!


How lazy am I to wake up?

Brush your teeth, wash your face,

Get dressed, clean up

And make the bed...

Stop!... Why refuel?

If in the evening again

Will I go to bed?

I'd rather kick the ball

Or I'll watch TV.

Guys! Never wash your hands

Neck, ears and face

This is a stupid thing to do

Doesn't lead to anything

Your hands will get dirty again

Neck, arms and face;

So why waste energy?

Wasting time?

It's also useless to get a haircut,

There's no point

By old age by itself

Your head will go bald

Soap, toothpaste, brush(together)

Sidorov Pashka is a disgusting slob.

Educator: Guys, what do you tell Pashka:

Who doesn't brush their teeth

Can't wash with soap

He can grow up

Sick, frail

Friends with dirty guys

They just got dirty

Who themselves drowned in the mud

They're afraid of being dirty

Water and colds

And sometimes they don’t grow at all.

You definitely need to wash

Morning, evening and afternoon

Before every meal

After sleep and before bed.

Dirty hands threaten disaster

And so that illness does not break you

Before eating, be sure to wash your hands with soap.

Educator: What kind of trouble does dirty hands threaten, why do dirty hands often get sick?

A Tale of Microbes.

Once upon a time there were microbes who carried various diseases. More than anything else, they loved dirt. The dirtier it was, the more pleasant it was for them and the more of them there became. Someone wiped the table poorly and left crumbs. It's like a fly here. And there are hundreds of microbes on her paws, especially if she came from the trash heap. The fly flew away, and the germs remained on the dirty table, dirty hands, unwashed fruits and vegetables. So they think: “It’s good that there are dirty people and flies in the world.”

And there was freedom for microbes. You can get it from your hands into a person’s mouth. And there, even to the point of illness, he gave in to his hand. A sick person then becomes a carrier of germs. When a sick person breathes, sneezes, or coughs, germs enter the air and infect other people. Therefore, the patient must be isolated.

Who else carries germs? (cats, dogs)

Educator: “What are microbes?”

Microbes are very small creatures invisible to the human eye. Some of them cause diseases and strive to get inside our body, settle there and live peacefully. But we will feel very bad: our stomach and head will hurt. The temperature may rise.

A microbe is a terribly harmful animal;

Insidious and, most importantly, ticklish;

Such an animal in the stomach

He climbs in and lives there peacefully.

He’ll climb in, he’s a naughty boy, and wherever he wants.

Walks around the patient and tickles him

He's proud that he's causing so much trouble

And runny nose, and sneezing, and sweat

Pashka, did you wash your hands before dinner?

Oh brother, you look like you have a cold

Wait a minute, your forehead is hot

There must be a microbe inside you.

Educator: continue my sentence: “We are not afraid of germs if...”

How to wash your hands correctly (poster)

Get your hands very wet

Lather your hands on both sides

Lather your hands between your fingers

Rinse your hands with clean water

Dry your hands with a towel.

When is it necessary to wash your hands? (Pull up the flag if I say it right)

Before the walk

After visiting the toilet

Before eating

After work

After meal

After the walk.

Complete the sentences:

To wash your hands you need to have: (choose) a mirror, a washcloth, a towel, soap.

Physical exercise “Wash basin”.

We need, we need to wash ourselves (clap hands)

Where is the clean water (show hands, palms up, then down)

Let's open the faucet shhhh (rotate with the brushes)

Wash your hands sh-sh-sh (rub your palms together)

We will rub our cheeks and necks (they stroke our cheeks and neck)

And pour some water on it (gently stroke your face with your palms from forehead to chin).

Why you need to wash your face

No one likes dirty people, no one likes them, no one wants to be friends with them. Being dirty is shameful and ugly. Even animals wash themselves. The cat diligently licks itself, the parrot carefully cleans its feathers. And a person who knows how to think must certainly be friends with water and soap.

Educator: Why does a person need skin?

    For beauty

    For warmth

    It protects internal organs from damage and reports what is happening around - hot or cold, where something is bothering the body or burning.

Why is leather needed?

The skin covers the heart and lungs. The stomach and other organs are protected from dust, dirt, and various microbes. Our skin has small holes called pores. In hot weather, sweat is released through them to prevent our organs from overheating. And when it’s cold, the pores close, which helps the skin retain heat. Dust and sweat clog the smallest pores of our skin, causing irritation on the skin. She needs care, you need to wash well in a bathhouse with soap and a washcloth. The skin is soft and thin. It can be easily injured, and germs can get into the wound. Therefore, the wound should be lubricated with brilliant green or iodine. If your skin becomes irritated. Don't scratch this area. Don't try to squeeze pimples. You can introduce an infection into the wound, and it will be even worse.

Game "Can or can't"

(raise the flag if I say it correctly)

Take a steam bath.

Lick the wound.

Comb the inflamed area.

Wash with warm water and soap.

Wear someone else's clothes and shoes.

Apply a plantain leaf to the bruised area.

Seek medical attention in case of skin injury.

Use special ointments and solutions (iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide).

Skin care rules.

    1. You need to keep your skin clean, then there will be no germs on it and you won’t get sick.

      Wash every day with warm water and toilet soap. Remember: if your skin is dirty, acne will appear.

      Dry your skin well with a towel.

      Never squeeze pimples or try to open an abscess yourself.

      Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink milk. Your skin will be clean and smooth.

      Do not lick your lips if you are full or have a crack near your mouth. If you lick them, they will take longer to heal.


Nails protect your fingertips from injury. But they can also become harmful to humans if they are grown and not kept clean. Then a large number of pathogenic microbes can accumulate under the nails. Nails should be trimmed regularly. On the arms once a week, on the legs once every 2-3 weeks (they grow more slowly). Before the procedure, it is recommended to soak your hands and feet in warm soapy water. Nails soften. The nail cut should be semicircular. If nails are trimmed incorrectly, the sharp edges can grow into the skin and cause pain and inflammation.

Riddle: I've been wearing them for many years.

I don't know the count.

I don’t sow, I don’t plant,

They grow up on their own. (Hair)

Hair should be fine too. Scientists have determined that hair lives up to four years. In a year they manage to grow 12-15 centimeters. To keep your hair healthy and thick, you need to take care of it, and above all, comb it daily. When combing, the hair is cleaned of dust and dirt. Once a week, you should wash your hair with hot water and shampoo. Hair should be trimmed regularly.

Riddle: 32 dogs are sitting in caves

Whoever comes in will be eaten (with teeth).

What are they for? teeth?

    To make your face beautiful

    Teeth help you pronounce correctly

    So that a person does not get sick

    To chew food

    To keep your mouth full

    To bite

A person has 32 teeth in total. During our life, our teeth grow twice. The first baby teeth begin to appear in infants at the age of 6-7 months, and by the end of the third year of life there are 20 of them. After 6 years, baby teeth are replaced by permanent ones. So that permanent teeth grow healthy. You need to carefully care for your temporary baby teeth.

Why should you brush your teeth?

It is better to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth once again. Why suffer from toothache later? The first teeth appear in the first year of life. These are temporary teeth, called baby teeth. And at the age of 6-7 years, baby teeth begin to fall out one after another, and permanent teeth grow in their place. This usually lasts 13-14 years. Our teeth are covered with enamel. It is a very hard and durable substance. But you still shouldn’t bite nuts with your teeth. If a small crack appears on the enamel, the tooth will begin to decay. To keep your teeth beautiful and healthy, you must brush them morning and evening, and rinse your mouth after eating. After all, small particles of food sometimes get stuck between the teeth, and microbes can settle there.

Poem by S. Mikhalkov “Like our Lyuba..”

Like our Lyuba

Teeth hurt:

Weak, fragile -

Children's, dairy...

The poor thing moans all day long,

He drives his girlfriends away:

I have no time for you today!

Mom feels sorry for the girl

Rinsing in a cup warms,

He doesn't take his eyes off his daughter.

Papa feels sorry for Lyubochka

He glues a doll out of paper,

What to do with my daughter?

To relieve toothache?

      1. Why did Lyuba’s teeth hurt? (the tooth is damaged, there is a hole in it)

        Why did the damage occur? (I didn’t care for my teeth properly or didn’t eat properly, a hole appeared - caries)

        What should you do if pain occurs? (visit a doctor)

        What should you do to keep your teeth healthy?

    Rinse your mouth after eating

    Brush your teeth morning and evening

    Visit the dentist 2 times a year

    Avoid eating very hot and very cold foods

    Do not chew on very hard objects.

Tips for caring for your teeth:

    Each person should have their own toothbrush, which must be changed every 3 months.

    Brush your teeth 2 times a day: morning and evening. After each meal you should rinse your mouth with water.

    After brushing your teeth, lather the brush and leave it like that until the next time you brush your teeth. Before brushing your teeth, the brush should be rinsed with tap water.

    Never use someone else's toothbrush.

    Brush your teeth for 1.5-3 minutes. The number of movements with a toothbrush is 150-300.

    Visit your dentist once a year.

    Do not pick your teeth with a pin or needle.

    Don't bite nuts with your teeth.

    Don't eat a lot of sweets, but eat more raw vegetables and fruits. They strengthen the gums well.

I want to give you advice, you decide where it is and where it is no.

If my advice is good, you clap your hands.

To incorrect advice, say in unison: no.

Constantly need to eat for your teeth

Fruits, vegetables, omelet, cottage cheese, yogurt.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

Don't bite the cabbage leaf

It's not tasty at all,

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

Is this the right advice? No!

Lyuba told her mother:

I won't brush my teeth.

And now our Lyuba

A hole in every, every tooth.

What will be your answer?

Well done Lyuba? No!

To give shine to teeth,

You need to take shoe polish.

Squeeze out half a tube

And brush your teeth.

Is this the right advice? No!

Oh, awkward Lyudmila,

She dropped the brush on the floor.

He picks up a brush from the floor,

He continues to brush his teeth.

Who will give the right advice?

Well done Lyuba? No!

Remember forever, dear friends,

Without brushing my teeth

You can't go to sleep.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

Have you brushed your teeth?

And go to bed

Grab a bun

Sweets for bed.

Is this the right advice? No!

Remember this useful advice:

You can't gnaw on an iron object,

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

To strengthen teeth,

It's good to chew nails.

Is this the right advice? No!

Well done, you didn't make a mistake,

The advice given was correct.

You need to remember for 100 years,

What is good for teeth and what is not.

Educator: You need to take care of your teeth, know how to brush them properly.

Poem “How to brush your teeth correctly?”

Did you have a delicious breakfast?

You need to brush your teeth.

Let's take a brush in our hand,

Apply toothpaste.

And they got down to business boldly,

We brush your teeth skillfully:

Top to bottom and right to left.

From below - up and left again.

Them outside, inside

Rub it carefully.

So as not to suffer with teeth,

We move the brush in circles.

We brush our teeth carefully

After all, you can hurt your gums...

Practical lesson: “How to brush your teeth correctly?” (visual layout of teeth)

How to brush your teeth correctly:

    It is necessary to brush your teeth with open dentition. Repeat each movement 6-8 times.

    The outer surface of the teeth should be brushed from top to bottom, the lower surface - from bottom to top.

    When cleaning chewing surfaces, you need to perform 10-15 movements on each side - outward.

    When brushing the front teeth, the brush should be held perpendicular to the dentition.

    You need to clean your tongue.

    Teeth are brushed 2 times a day - morning and evening.

Which girls take good care of their teeth?

    Dasha brushes her teeth once in the morning.

    Anya brushes her teeth in the morning and evening, and after eating she rinses her mouth with boiled water.

    Marina doesn't brush her teeth at all. She thinks that her teeth are already clean.

    Tanya brushes her teeth once in the evening.

Which picture shows foods that are good for teeth?

Finishing the conversation about teeth, I would like to once again give good advice:

Nibble on an apple. Any hard vegetables and fruits slow down the process of tooth decay.

Eat more yogurt. Low-fat natural yogurt is an excellent source of calcium. Which promotes the formation of healthy teeth, strengthens bones and maintains white teeth.

Be careful with food that sticks to your teeth. Bananas and raisins are good for the body, but harmful to the teeth.

About the benefits of chewing gum. The best dessert for teeth is sugar-free chewing gum. Chewing gum for 20 minutes after eating reduces the risk of tooth decay.

Once you've eaten, brush your teeth.

Do this twice a day.

Prefer fruit to candy

Very important products.

So that the tooth does not bother you,

Remember this rule:

Let's go to the dentist

Visit twice a year.

We have developed personal hygiene rules

Personal hygiene rules

    Wash your hands, face and neck every morning and evening.

    Wash your feet every day before going to bed.

    Brush your teeth morning and evening.

    Go to the bathhouse at least once a week (hot water removes dust and sweat from the pores through which our skin breathes).

    Before eating, after visiting the toilet, after a walk, be sure to wash your hands.

    Learn to take care of your nails and cut them.

Pashka, what do you want to tell us?

Guys, you told me a lot of useful, necessary, good things. Thank you. I want to follow your advice. I'll go and get myself in order. I realized how to take care of my beauty! It's useful and beautiful.

And at this time we will solve the crossword puzzle.


2. Smooth, fragrant, washes clean,

Everyone needs to have (soap).

    Toothy, but doesn't bite

What is it called (comb)

    Bone back,

There are bristles on the abdomen,

Jumped along the picket fence

All the dirt was removed (brush).


    Soft, fluffy, something you wipe with,

What do you think it's called (towel).

    Hands, nights, back rubbing

What is her name? (washcloth).


    What mom can't live without

No cooking, no washing?

So that there is no trouble,

We cannot live without... (water)

    To be healthy, strong

Wash your face and hands with.. (soap).

    Hot and cold

You always need me

Call me and I'll run

I protect against diseases (water).

Educator: Cleanliness should be not only on a person’s body, but also on a person’s clothes.

    Listen to the story “Two Sluts” and answer the questions.

"Two Sluts"

Lena is walking down the street, and everyone is looking at her and wondering: is it a girl or a vacuum cleaner brush? There are all sorts of threads hanging on Lena’s dress, and there are feathers stuck in her hair, scraps of paper, her cheeks are all covered in dust, her arms and legs too. No, the brush is cleaner than Lena even after a big cleaning.

One old man in a neat summer suit had his glasses sliding down to the tip of his nose from this rare sight.

Girl,” he said, “why are you so dirty?”

Lena looked around herself:

I... it's... because... that's all she could mutter. She had no words to answer.

Where have you been? - asked the old man.


And did you wipe away the dust of faith with your dress, and sweep away the cobwebs with your braids?

No, Lena’s cheeks were on fire - we were playing hide and seek with her. They crawled under the bed and table, but did nothing else!?

Hm... the old man coughed.

And Lena quickly began to put herself in order, she was ashamed to look into the eyes of the old man.

And who else should be ashamed? Who do you think?

Yes, Vera. The same one with whom Lena was visiting, playing hide and seek.

Why should the house be clean? (so that it is cozy, neat, there are no germs, because cleanliness is the key to health).

Can you tell by their clothes whether the person in front of you is neat or sloppy? To answer this question, we will now play a game.

Didactic game: “Find the differences between the girls”

Two pictures show children cleanly dressed and not.

Educator: A neat and polite person always wins people over and always achieves success in business.

If you see any shortcomings in another person's appearance, you need to tell him

About the shortcoming very gently, without offending him.

Children, we must not forget about cleanliness and order in the rooms where we are (home, classroom, dining room, school...)

Remember the fairy tale in which the housewife did not clean her house (Fedorino's grief).

Remember the passage.

Imagine that guests come to us, and our place is not cleaned (shoes, toys, pieces of paper are lying around). How will you feel?

You will be uncomfortable, the guests would think that you are slobs, and someone could accidentally step on the scattered things and fall. To keep the classroom clean, we do a general cleaning; technical assistants and high school students clean the bedrooms, corridors, and dining room. Cleanliness should be on the street, in nature. It is necessary that many trees be planted, they clean the air we breathe, so that cars and factories do not emit harmful gases into the air, so that people do not litter the earth, so that fires do not burn. And all this together, cleanliness: bodies, clothes, premises, streets, parks, land, air strengthen our health.

And I would like to end our lesson with L. Kukso’s poem “On the Street.”


At school, in the theater, in the garden,

In the subway and on the street -

You must keep clean everywhere

Like in your own lice-infested apartment.

After all, the asphalt streets are dark

And green groves of parks, -

All this is our city, or rather,

Our living space is huge.

And this is not an empty phrase. There should be order in everything and everywhere, and this is extremely important for every self-respecting person. When you are surrounded by cleanliness and order, all your thoughts are immediately organized and your mood rises. Accordingly, this leads to a high level of performance, which helps to improve the standard of living. But does everyone always have enough time and energy to put their home in order? The answer is obvious - not always and not for everyone. In our hectic times, the realities are such that among the population, even if cleaning is professional, life remains unattended.

Of course, you can hire a non-professional on a one-time basis, relying on integrity and certain skills, but does this approach always bring the desired result? Unfortunately, such a decision is often fraught with deep disappointment. A non-professional performer can damage household appliances, interior items and even harm your health. Sometimes this happens due to ignorance, and sometimes due to the carelessness and irresponsibility of the performer. But there is always a way out. Demand creates supply. To ensure comfort and get rid of unnecessary hassle of cleaning apartments professionally, cleaning companies have been specially created that take full responsibility in recruiting personnel. When hiring workers, such companies focus not only on standard skills - they provide special training to their staff. And this is a completely justified approach. Not every ordinary citizen of our country has complete information about proper handling, and in general, what professional chemicals for cleaning premises are, or, let’s say, what professional cleaning equipment not everyone is fully aware. And this is extremely important.

A properly trained specialist will never approach your computer monitor with a rough cloth soaked in an abrasive solution or use a solvent to remove stains from copper plumbing in your home. Because he knows exactly what rag and what item should be used to tidy up and what special equipment should be used for this purpose. When a professional enters the room, he immediately determines the scope of work, and does not just wait for your instructions. He knows that his concern is absolute order in the room and surrounding area and understands the importance of his work. He will not ignore either dirty windows or dusty surfaces, no matter how inaccessible they are. For a trained specialist, there are no small details. In addition, knowledge of languages ​​is also an important aspect, since everything professional cleaning products, supplied with instructions for use, usually in English or German.

Such companies guarantee cleaning of apartments at a professional level. This may be a one-time order, suddenly you have a need for this kind of service due to a large party, or the arrival of important guests for you, or even in case of serious repair and construction work in your home. Cleaning companies will always come to the rescue and fix everything in the shortest possible time and put any room in perfect order at a high professional level. And when concluding an agreement, the company can provide the service for a certain period. But professional cleaning of residential premises is not everything; such companies are not limited to narrow specialization. They have a multifunctional focus. Because they understand perfectly well that if a mess in a home can cause discomfort to only one person or family, then a mess in an office or an enterprise can ruin the reputation of an entire company. For example, shoppers will refuse to come to a shopping center to shop if they find signs of unsanitary conditions. And this will lead to partial or complete loss of customers with the subsequent closure of the trading enterprise. And such cases are widely known. Last year there was a high-profile closure of one such shopping center in Moscow. Or potential partners will not be inclined to enter into an agreement or a profitable contract if they notice a lack of order. After all, this provokes thoughts about the lack of purity of thoughts of the business partner. This, too, can gradually lead to loss of business. And, unfortunately, such cases do occur. Thus, in one company, management did not pay enough attention to cleanliness in the office, considering it a trifle unworthy of attention, and for a long time could not understand why competitors were doing much better and clients came to them with great pleasure. And this despite the fact that their prices are much higher. The company lost more than a dozen partners before realizing the true reason for its failures.

It must be said that they learned about the source of their troubles completely by accident. At one of the receptions, one of the clients who had already been for this company by that time admitted that despite the fact that competitors have higher prices, he feels more comfortable with them, since their office premises are always in perfect order. Even when they carried out repair and construction work, the competitors of this company always had cleanliness and order, they did not skimp on professional cleaners, and this gave this client confidence in the stability of the competitor company. After thinking for some time, the manager drew conclusions for himself and hired a cleaning company to clean up the mess and gradually regained customer confidence. After all, reputation is difficult to earn, easy to lose and extremely difficult to restore.

Everything ended well for this company: having realized their mistakes in time, they promptly eliminated the shortcomings and, over time, restored customer trust. We don’t name names for obvious reasons, let’s just say that this company was engaged in the wholesale sale of children’s toys in one small Russian town. And it took them quite a long time to restore their reputation. This is how a seemingly trifle almost led to the ruin of the company. Unfortunately, there are many such examples. And a lesson should be learned from them - do not underestimate the importance of cleanliness and order, because this not only raises the rating of your company or enterprise.

Cleanliness can transform your life and make it more fulfilling. But life is short, and is it worth spending it on an activity like cleaning? Contact professionals, they will help you create perfect order in any room at a high professional level! Professional cleaning of premises should be carried out by specialists in this field.

Lesson about the environment “Cleanliness is the key to health”

Presentation for the lesson

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Lesson objectives: To awaken students to care about their health; give them the opportunity to realize the importance of all ways to maintain and develop health: personal hygiene, timely treatment of diseases, physical education and mobility, hardening, nutritional culture and adherence to the regime; development of memory, imagination, observation.

Equipment: Multimedia equipment, presentation for the lesson, textbook “The world around us” by O.T. Poglazov, workbook, cards for group work, tasks for working in pairs.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Checking homework. (Slide 1)

A barrel on two legs,
There is a bump on the barrel,
And on the hummock there is a forest.

– Over the course of several lessons, we have talked about the fact that man is a complex organism and a rational being. Therefore, he must take care of his health. What helps him with this?

Our helpers in maintaining health (slide 2)

– Why do some people get sick often, while others don’t? (slide 3)

– Tell us how to take care of your eyes, skin, digestion, and ears.

(4 children receive task cards)

– At home, you prepared reminders “How to live to be 100 years old healthy?” Share your health secrets.

3. Physical exercise. (slide 4)

4. Work on a new topic.

A) Flash questions (work in pairs) (slide 5)

– In order to move on to a new topic, I invite the guys to work in pairs and answer the questions:

– Why is it bad to be “dirty”?

– How often should you wash your eyes, ears, hair?

– Where does dirt accumulate most on the human body? When necessary

Is it necessary to wash your hands?

– Why does the surgeon clean his hands so thoroughly before surgery?

– Let’s sum up everything that has been said by reading the proverb enchanted by Zlyuchka – Dirty:

Yavorodz golaz – atotsich. (Slide 6-7)

– To check our conclusions, read the text in the textbook p. 36.

IN) And now a question for your attention: what tips are hidden in these drawings? (on the screen) (slide 8)

What is hygiene?
Cats and hyenas know
Brown bear, white bear,
Hedgehog, dog and bee.
That it’s always not a sin to wash yourself,
Wash paws and hooves.
Well, after that you can safely
Get down to business!

D) Game “On the road”

– What personal hygiene items should you take on the road?

(rolling pin, toothbrush, paste, soap, lipstick, perfume, spoon, clothespins)

E) Harmful advice from Zlyuchka – Gryaznyuchka:

If my advice is good,
You clap your hands.
Constantly need to eat
For your teeth
Fruits, vegetables, omelette,
Cottage cheese, yogurt.
Don't bite the cabbage leaf
It's not tasty at all.
Better eat chocolate
Waffles, sugar, marmalade.
Is this the right advice? No.
You brushed your teeth and went to bed
Take a sweet bun to bed.
Is this the right advice? No.
Remember this useful advice:
You can't gnaw on an iron object,
To strengthen teeth,
It's good to chew nails.
Well done, you didn't make a mistake,
They gave the right advice!

5. Lesson summary.

– Folk wisdom will help us sum up the lesson.

Game “Living Proverbs” (work in groups) (slide 10)

The disease will not catch up with the quick and clever.
You can't buy health - your mind gives it.
If you are healthy, you will get everything.

– And I would like to end our lesson with L. Kukso’s poem “On the Street” (slide 11)

At school, in the theater, in the garden,
In the subway in the subway and on the street
You must keep clean everywhere
Just like in your own apartment.
After all, the asphalt streets are dark
And green groves of parks -
All this is our city, or rather,
Our living space is huge.

6. Homework.

– Try to compose a fairy tale about how to defeat the Mean One – the Dirty One.



Every modern person knows about the need to comply with daily personal hygiene standards.

Parents instill its rules in their children literally from infancy.

Swimming, taking a shower, washing your hands with soap, brushing your teeth and ears, rinsing your mouth after eating - this is a standard set of procedures to which each of us is accustomed. And this is not just a ritual! This is a set of measures aimed at maintaining the cleanliness of the human body, and cleanliness, as we know, is the key to health.

Water, toothpaste, soap and other detergents help cleanse a person’s outer skin of dirt, dust, sweat, gland secretions, food debris, as well as various microbes - bacteria and viruses, some of which can cause various diseases. That is why daily hygiene is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle and preventive measures aimed at maintaining human health. And besides, it is a charge of vivacity, energy and vitality.

But in the daily ritual of self-care, many people completely forget that the nasal mucosa also needs daily hygiene. Being the gateway to the respiratory system of the human body, our nose passes through tens of thousands of liters of inhaled air every day. In addition to warming and humidifying the incoming air, the nasal mucosa acts as a primary filter, preventing the entry of various microparticles, dust, allergens, bacteria and viruses into the respiratory tract. Day after day, they settle on the surface of the nasal mucosa, and when they accumulate in large quantities, they can have a damaging effect, thereby creating the preconditions for the development of allergic or colds.

Therefore, to maintain normal functioning of the mucous membrane and perform its protective functions, the nasal cavity and nasal passages require daily care, cleansing and moisturizing. Products based on natural sea water in the form of sprays are used specifically for these purposes. One of these products that has recently appeared on the market is the RINOSTOP® AQUA series of products. For their production, sea water from the environmentally friendly Gulf of Saint-Malo, located on the southern coast of France, is used. The water from this water area is distinguished by its rich composition of microelements and minerals, each of which has its own beneficial properties. In the process of preparing water for bottling, preservatives, stabilizers and other substances that can irritate the mucous membranes are not used. Water purification is achieved through a multi-stage ultrafiltration process. This preserves the natural properties of natural sea water.

For daily preventive use, daily hygiene and cleansing of the nasal mucosa, RINOSTOP® AQUA SOFT is optimal. When you press the spray nozzle, a stream of sea water is supplied continuously, allowing you to thoroughly rinse the nasal passages, mechanically removing dust particles, allergens, microorganisms, crusts and mucus from the surface of the mucous membrane. Spraying water in the form of a shower ensures uniform irrigation of the entire surface of the mucous membrane and gentle gentle care. The isotonic salt concentration creates a comfortable, favorable environment for mucosal cells. The special design of the bottle and the mounting features of the spray nozzle allow you to use the product in any convenient position, rotating the bottle 360°. The natural composition and excellent safety profile allow us to recommend the use of RINOSTOP® AQUA SOFT in children from 6 months and adults, including pregnant women.

For preventive purposes, RINOSTOP® AQUA SOFT spray is recommended to be used twice a day - morning and evening. Its daily use provides:

  • mechanical cleansing of the nasal mucosa
  • maintaining the normal physiological state of the mucous membrane
  • stimulation of the protective function of the epithelium,
  • maintaining the normal physiological state of the mucous membrane
  • increasing local immunity and stimulating the protective function of the epithelium.

In pharmacies, RINOSTOP® AQUA SOFT can be purchased in two volumes: a 50 ml “pocket” package is convenient to take with you on the road, and a 125 ml package is optimal for daily use at home.

It’s very easy to start a healthy habit of caring for your nasal mucosa!

It is enough to place a can of RINOSTOP® AQUA SOFT in the bathroom next to a soap dish or a glass with a toothbrush.

With RINOSTOP® AQUA, your nose is clean every day, your breathing is free and comfortable.

“Cleanliness is the key to health! Order comes first!”

Remember these famous phrases from Soviet cartoons? They were constantly repeated by a little penguin who was struggling with the disorder on his ice floe. But he was right.

Not only a person’s health, but also his performance, inspiration and emotional state depend on cleanliness.

The importance of cleaning your workspace

It has been experimentally proven that order in the office and workplace has a positive effect on productivity and labor efficiency. Cleanliness around helps organize chaotic thoughts in your head and improve the efficiency of your work process. Also, order helps to better concentrate and not be distracted from the task.

Often, immaculate cleanliness and order in the office is not only a guarantee of efficient work, but also a positive impression on the clients who visit it. After all, most people are accustomed to evaluating and judging everything by its “cover.” And an untidy office for them will be associated exclusively with irresponsibility and sloppiness of employees. Therefore, the cleanliness of the workspace is not a whim at all, it is a very important point that must be taken into account.

Only professional chemistry

In order to maintain cleanliness in the office, it is necessary to have all modern cleaning products in your arsenal. So on the website you can order and purchase all the necessary goods without spending a lot of time and effort searching for the best options. Agree, it is very convenient that everything you need, from rags and detergents to stain-resistant coatings and deicing agents, can be found and purchased in one place, without leaving your home or office.

When choosing cleaning products, it is important to give preference to professional detergents. They have a more concentrated composition, which means they deal with pollution much more efficiently and effectively, despite the fact that their consumption, as a rule, will be much more economical.

In addition, high-quality professional detergents for cleaning premises have a safe composition, and all chemical products are biodegradable. The components that are included in the composition effectively cope with pollution, but at the same time do not harm human health.

Professional chemicals should be hypoallergenic and not have a strong aroma. Such detergents for cleaning premises, as a rule, combine high quality and reasonable cost. Plus, a number of advantageous offers, bonus promotions and significant discounts are often provided for wholesale buyers.

Order and cleanliness are the key to health

The end of winter is usually the saddest time - an abandoned house, vitamin deficiency, depression, colds, flu, laziness, a tired sofa, frost, snotty children, tired cartoons. Stop. Let's interrupt the series of sad associations. The end of winter is almost the beginning of spring. It’s almost a time of rebirth, it’s almost a blue sky, with running white clouds, it’s a bright sun at -30, it’s time to finish eating sauerkraut and put things in order in life before a new round, or a breakthrough, as you like.

To bring order to the whole world, we need to start with ourselves and with the space around us, with our home. Today we will talk about the most popular and effective cleaning systems invented by different people at different times and in different conditions, and how we can change our lives by applying each of them.

Why is the system needed at all? Many women before us asked this question, some even tried to combine all systems into one, or use a new one every day of the week. However, most of them came to the conclusion that if we mix everything, we will get something incomprehensible and will not be able to follow our idea for a long time. What does the system provide:

The system gives simple and clear rules

The system gives time frames

The system provides action patterns in different situations

The system sets the idea and motivation

Even if you like several systems at once, and you are a supporter of experiments, write your own. Only required write.

So, what interesting things have people already come up with to live in cleanliness and comfort?

  1. Fly Lady system. This is one of the most popular cleaning systems in the world, founded by American Marla Seelly. In 1999, she started a blog where she talked about her ideas. The main thing that Marla suggested and the world liked was that cleaning in each zone lasts no more than 15 minutes. With Flylady, everything is simple - almost “wake and shine.” Just don’t sing, but first make the bed and tidy up your beloved. Let this become your ritual. Personally, I would add ventilation of the bedroom or the whole house here. Then you need to clean the kitchen sink. The sink is the center of everything; if there is always order there, then there will be order everywhere. For some, due to the presence of, for example, a dishwasher, the sink will not be the basis of cleanliness. Find your “place of power” in your home and keep it clean. Clean up there at the beginning of each day. Next, we once and for a long time divide our house into zones. For example: kitchen (surfaces), kitchen (appliances), living room, desk, bedroom, children's room, hallway, bathroom + toilet. It is recommended to spend no more than 15 minutes cleaning each of these areas. Those. you don’t do EVERYTHING in the zone, you choose something to do there for 15 minutes and do it. Tomorrow you will do something different there. You clean no more than an hour a day - if you have a large house and many different areas. In general, don’t overdo it, take care of yourself!

2. “Anonymous Lazy People” also comes from America. The founder of this system, Sandra Felton, once lost her dissertation in her own home, decided to put an end to the mess once and for all. She stated that clean floors are nothing compared to tidy floors. The main idea of ​​"Lazy Women Anonymous" is every thing has its place!

At the first stage of implementing this system, you will still have to turn the house upside down and determine its place for each thing.

Then you look with love and tenderness at everyone who lives with you and... Hand out instructions carefully. attract your household members to your idea as much as possible. You entrust the children with maintaining order in their territory, the husband with cleaning the pantry, loggia, computer desk, etc. Everyone in your home should stick to the same idea and have the same idea about the place of a particular thing.

In the third stage, you find three bags or boxes. The first is for garbage, the second is for things that can be given away or sold (if you are auditing your wardrobe, for example), the third is for lost items from other rooms and everything that needs to be put away in bags. This idea is good because three bags in a room are much nicer than a mountain of junk.

3. Ideal Germans came up with a system "Ideal Home". It is also called “Shining House”, but in Russia the name “Destroy the Evidence” has taken more root. The idea is to immediately put back what you just used. If you drink coffee, wash the cup, cut off the tag, put the scissors back, and so on. Just like in the FlyLady system, you must divide the house into zones. But 15 minutes in this system is too little, we clean up to the bitter end so that the room is in perfect order. When we enter a new area, the first thing we do is open the window. While the room is being ventilated, we collect all the scattered things and put them in their places. And then it’s a matter of a wet rag and another hour J Another useful idea for a “sparkling house” - write lists. And lists of what needs to be removed and in what order, to-do lists, shopping lists - all this will increase your personal efficiency as well.

4. Kaizen or 5S system

How are we on such an important topic without the Japanese, right? The Kaizen system was developed for Toyota factories and is the embodiment of 5 basic principles:

  • Sorting
  • Systematization
  • Keeping it clean
  • Standardization
  • Improvement

Let's start with sorting. The Japanese system offers to sort all things in a very interesting way. We stock up on colorful stickers, go into the room and select “work zones.” We occupy our own working position in each work area. Those. if it's a kitchen, then stand at the stove, then at the sink, where you set the table, etc. If this is a wardrobe, stand in front of the mirror. If it’s a workplace, sit on a chair or armchair. Now from this place we take things and answer the following questions:

How much do I need this item?

Is this item needed here?

How often do I use it?

When was the last time I picked it up?

If an item is needed in this place, is often used and should be at arm's length, then mark it with a green sticker. Mark necessary items that are rarely used in yellow. If an item is not needed in that place, move it to where it should be. If you don't know where to send it right now, stick it on orange and put it in the middle of the room. If you have not handled an item for more than six months, it will receive a red mark and must be disposed of.

Systematization This is also a very important task. Erase your patterns. It is not necessary to store spoons where your grandmother kept them, and display the crystal set in a prominent place. Make it comfortable and ergonomic. What is used frequently should be within arm's length, what is rarely used should be further away. Store items that are used together in the same container. Don't be lazy to label drawers, boxes, bags and folders. Look at your home from the perspective of effective organization and write a plan for change. You may not be able to replace all your furniture in a year, but over the course of a few years it's entirely possible. Or maybe it will be enough to just make a rearrangement.

Keep the house clean, regularly performing simple actions is much easier than spending 12 hours cleaning once a week and being left without energy and a day off. Evaluate your apartment from the point of view of areas where garbage accumulates - place special containers there, and before going to bed, collect accumulated garbage from them. Identify the main source of pollution. Usually this is the hallway and kitchen. On one side comes street dirt, on the other comes crumbs. Place a rug on the threshold, and have a rag, broom or mop in the kitchen, which will help you quickly clean up without running to the farthest corner for equipment.

Standardization will allow you to define general rules and responsibilities for the whole family. Use children's imagination as a source of ideas for optimizing space and cleaning processes.

The last fifth principle says - do not forget improve. You can't change your home in one day. Be patient and do not stop in your development.

5. Konmari- another Japanese system that has become a worldwide hit. Marie Kondo is a best-selling author and cleaning consultant with a months-long waiting list. What is her secret? A 30-year-old Japanese woman proposes a system that completely rejects “gradual cleaning” every day for 15-30 minutes. She believes that a person never sees a special result of his labors. But if you clean up once and for all, you will change not only the external and internal appearance of your home, but also greatly reconsider your life. You just need to make up your mind.

Kon Mari divides cleaning into two parts: throwing away everything you don't need and designating a place for everything you need. The only criterion for the necessity of a thing is the question “does this thing make me happy?” After all, everything that we buy and store should ultimately make us happy, the author believes. A special role in the Konmari system is given to storage locations. They should not spread throughout the house, otherwise it interferes with the main rule - all similar things are stored together. “Very often people don’t even know how many similar things they have. “- declares Marie. Another feature of the Konmari method is vertical storage. Its purpose is to carefully roll up all things and place them on their edges in the chest of drawers.

The basic rules for storing clothes are as follows:

  • Store clothes of the same category next to each other (pants, dresses, shirts).
  • Hang heavier items (long ones, thicker materials, and darker fabrics) on the left and lighter items on the right (as you move toward the right side of the hanging space, the length of the clothing decreases, the material becomes thinner, and the color is lighter).
  • Store bags in other bags, grouping them by color, purpose, material, etc. (be sure to empty everything from the bag every evening! You will be surprised how much unnecessary stuff accumulates in a bag if it is not emptied for several days).

The author of this technique pays great attention not so much to the technique of putting things in order, but to the internal state of a person. After all, cleaning the house means putting your life in order. Therefore, the Konmari method can be called a kind of philosophy.

And by the way, if you still haven’t run off to put your books back in their places or wash the sink, sit at the computer a little more and watch a wonderful movie!

Natalya Telepkalieva
Abstract of the GCD “Cleanliness is the key to health”

Subject: « Cleanliness is the key to health

Integration of areas: Physical development, Socio-communicative development, Cognitive development.

Target: To form children’s ideas about knowledge of sanitary and hygienic measures affecting human health.



To form children’s understanding of knowledge of sanitary and hygienic measures affecting human health.

Form in children healthy lifestyle.


Develop speech and logical thinking.


Cultivate love and respect for your body.

Promote the formation of correct posture and maintenance

motor activity.

Previous work:

Reading a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "My dodyr".

Poem by A. Barto "Greasy girl".

Looking at illustrations "Me and my body", "My body".

Guessing riddles about personal hygiene items.

Looking at the illustrations in the album "Vitamins are our friends".

Systematic implementation of cultural and hygienic skills in sensitive moments.

Material and equipment:

- Box: comb, soap, washcloth, shampoo, towel, and other toys.

Scarf for the game.

- For washing girls: 2 towels, soap with soap dish, basin of water, watering can, mirror.

Music center, musical accompaniment, task cards "Find the items you need", pencils according to the number of children, a letter from Aibolit, vitamins, cards for educational games "Connect the objects".

Activities: motor, communicative, playful, cognitive.

Form of organization: frontal.

Form of implementation of the main types activities: physical training, conversation, situational conversation, creating a game situation, didactic games.

GCD move:

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs.

(The teacher reminds about posture).

To start the lesson health,

We need to create conditions

Make a mental attitude

I invite everyone to come with me.

I met a crying girl on the street and invited her to visit us.

(crying girl enters).

Girl: Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

Educator: Girl, what's your name? What happened to you? You are all dirty, unwashed, and why are you crying?

Girl: My name is Anyuta, Moidodyr called me, he wants to visit me.

Educator: So that's good.

Girl: Yes, but he asked when I last washed my face and washed my hands. I answered, I don’t remember, and he got angry with me.


What kind of children does Moidodyr like? (neat, clean, neat, combed).

Which ones does he not like? (dirty, unwashed, shaggy).

Are there no such people among us?

All clean and tidy?

Now we will check it!

We invite Anyuta to play a game.

A game “Useful - not useful”.

Educator: I suggest you play a game, what is useful and not useful for health.

Game condition: You have to clap your hands if I say what is good for health, if it is not useful, remain silent.

Is it useful to wash your face? (Fight, do exercises in the morning, walk in dirty clothes, wash your hands before eating, cut your nails, take a shower, wipe off dust, wash your ears, vacuum, breathe fresh air, eat with dirty hands.)

(If the children made a mistake, analyze the situation and why they think so).

Girl: Guys, I’m so sloppy, I put everything that I could get my hands on in a box. Help me take it apart, did I do everything right?

Game condition: Blindfolded, touch and reach those items that are needed for personal hygiene.

(Getting out to the music, the music has stopped, let's untie our eyes). Children explain what the item is for and what to do with it.

(2 children playing).

Educator: Now Anyuta knows what the items are for. And the guys will show you how to use them, and they will put you in order.

(Children wash the girl to the music, wash their hands with soap, wipe them dry with a towel, and straighten the bow).

Educator: Well, look at yourself in the mirror, how beautiful you have become, have you remembered what you need?

Girl: Yes, I remember.

Educator: Guys, let’s invite the girl to stay a little longer so she can learn something else. For us to be healthy A physical minute will help us.

Physical exercise.

I invite the children to take their places at the tables.

Educator: You have cards on the tables. It is necessary to fill in a circle with a pencil on the objects that are needed for washing and personal hygiene.

The teacher checks the assignments and asks 2-3 children.

Educator: And now Anyuta, the guys will give you useful advice (children turn to the girl).

1 child: So that May you be healthy,

You need to wash your hands with soap!

2 child: Not washed carrots

Don't rush to put it in your mouth.

3 child: After all, microbes live in dirt,

To remove germs,

You need to wash your hands with soap!

4 Child: We will wash away the germs with water.

Let's wash our hands and vegetables

And only clean carrots

We will send it straight to your mouth.

Educator: But unwashed hands and dirt can cause many dangerous infectious diseases. The nurse will tell us about this.

Nurse speaking (1 minute).

After the performance. Gives a letter from an unknown person and vitamins.

Educator: To find out who it is from, you need to guess the riddle.

“He’s kinder than everyone else in the world.”

He heals sick animals

And one day from the swamp

He pulled out the hippopotamus

Oh famous, famous

This is the doctor. Aibolit."

The teacher takes a letter out of the envelope and is reading:

“Dear children! How's yours? health? Do you maintain personal hygiene? After all, anyone who cares about hygiene and water doesn’t need a doctor. I'm sending you the game. And it's called “Find and connect personal care items”. Wish good health to you. Dr. Aibolit".

A game "Connect the objects"

Well done guys, you did a good job.

What is shown here?

That's right, these are personal hygiene items that we should use.

Well, Girl, everything has become clear to you.


Yes, now I will always wash my face and comb my hair.

Educator: Well, Girl, aren’t you afraid to meet Moi-dodyr now?

Girl: No, I'm not afraid, now I will always walk clean and tidy, do exercises and change dirty clothes to clean.

It's time for me to say goodbye, Moidodyr is waiting for me.

(Children say goodbye to the Girl).

Well guys, let's follow the rules of hygiene and keep an eye on cleanliness, to be strong, to be strong, to be tempered?


Let's not forget the smart rules,

Respect we'll be healthy! together.

Summary of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to play. Synopsis of sports entertainment for Health Day for the second junior group “Cleanliness is the key to health” Goal: to develop primary skills for a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: Educational: Consolidation of knowledge about the purpose of hygiene items:.

Lesson summary for the second junior group “Cleanliness is the key to health” Topic: “Cleanliness is the key to health” Program content: - teach children the rules of personal hygiene; - form an idea of ​​healthy lifestyle; - bring up.

Outline of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world “Cleanliness is the key to health” in the senior group Lesson outline (world around us, senior group)

30. 08.2016

Catherine's blog

Hello, dear readers! I once asked my eight-year-old nephew: “What do you think hygiene is?” He replied: “Well, probably it’s washing your hands before eating, brushing your teeth twice a day, and taking a shower.” The answer is quite logical, especially considering the age of the respondent. The most interesting thing is that the ideas of many adults are at approximately the same level. What is hygienic education of children, and what is it needed for?

The dynamic life of modern society requires knowledge and application of a set of basic hygiene skills “by default.” Of course, without observing sanitary standards, humanity faces dangerous diseases.

The concept of “hygiene” is not limited to a set of certain “routine moments”, such as washing or going to the toilet. This includes maintaining the cleanliness of the home and public places, and mental hygiene (maintaining a comfortable and friendly emotional background), and much more, including compliance with safety precautions and rules of behavior.

The foundations of hygienic education are laid in early preschool age. Much depends on the parents and their positive or negative example. Much attention is paid to this aspect in preschool institutions; many of their techniques can be taken into account and used in the family.

During the day, we all devote time to water procedures, clean up the house, and ventilate the room. Hygiene skills are necessary, but they do not appear on their own. Useful habits can and should be developed. This can be done from one and a half years old.

Make friends with Moidodyr

It is advisable to start teaching hygiene skills with such an important “ritual” as washing. It begins and ends the day in combination with hand washing before eating and after going outside. This is the best protection against adverse environmental influences, and, moreover, the simplest and most affordable.

The process should not cause negative emotions in the child, otherwise the negative will take hold in the mind and significantly complicate further educational actions. A child may be afraid of water, so it’s worth introducing him to it and letting him play with trickles and droplets.

Nursery rhymes, sayings, jokes, rhythmic poems (possibly even your own composition, the “beauty of the syllable” is not important here) about “crystal water” that “will wash your face” and the bunny that “is washing, apparently, is going to visit” will help.

It’s good if mom or dad also show how they know how to wash themselves, and then the baby wipes himself with his own towel with a bright, beautiful picture.

We brush our teeth every day, we are not too lazy to do this

Hygiene for children and adolescents includes regular brushing of teeth and rinsing of the mouth. This creates a reliable barrier to pathogenic microbes.

The process of caring for your teeth should also take place without “stress” and with pleasure. Fortunately, all the conditions for this now exist. Special children's toothpastes with fruit or chocolate flavors, brushes in the form of various animals, special educational cartoons will facilitate the learning process and add positivity to it.

You can come up with (or find on the Internet) and tell your child a fairy tale about the Tooth Fairy, who defeats insidious caries. It is better to practice brushing your teeth in a playful way. Let the baby play with the brush and even try it out.

“Let’s wash and splash”

From birth, the child is bathed regularly. This good tradition should be continued at an older age. In accordance with hygienic standards, full washing should be carried out every two days, and even more often in the summer.

If your child has a fear of water, you need to help overcome it. Playing with water is useful. Let the child take with him his faithful friends - plastic ducks, rubber tiger cubs and frogs, launch boats in the bathtub, and “catch fish”. All this contributes to making bathing a pleasure. It is worth offering the baby to “wash himself”, and then praise him.

Let's do the big wash

Hygienic education is impossible without maintaining a neat appearance. It is worth calmly and kindly focusing on the fact that the clothes are dirty and need to be changed. Let the child “fill” the washing machine himself or help rinse the laundry if it is hand washing, and then hang it up.

This teaches independence and instills personal hygiene skills firmly and unobtrusively. The whole process can be turned into an exciting game. Use your imagination.

Don’t forget to verbalize your actions to reinforce the skill and at the same time expand your baby’s vocabulary. Of course, you shouldn’t raise your voice or scold him for being careless. Negative emotions do not contribute to education, and there is no need to waste “nerves” again.

"Calm, just calm"

Mental hygiene is very important. The child must learn to avoid conflicts and solve all problems constructively, “peacefully.” Of course, adults need to set a good example of this. This is true for all age groups, “from pioneers to pensioners,” many commit violations.

It is worth teaching a child that life requires compromises, mutual concessions, and not a constant “struggle for power.” Harmony is always better than “explosions”; there is already enough negativity in our lives.

You can use modern information technologies as assistants and take advantage of the training “Development at home. We ensure the harmonious development of the baby on our own,” when learning is carried out with passion, things move faster.

Learning hygiene skills is a labor-intensive and lengthy process, but the efforts are worth it, because the foundations of sanitary standards are laid for life. For today, all my dear friends. Until next time. Bye, bye everyone.

Sincerely, Ekaterina Bogdanova