Scenario of the fairy tale The Snow Queen. Scenario for the New Year's party "Snow Queen"

Scenario for New Year's party in kindergarten

A fairytale journey to the Snow Queen

Author: Nina Gennadievna Chakubash, music director
place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 32 "Rosinka" of a general developmental type, Shchelkovo

Music sounds, children enter the hall, perform certain movements, line up in a semicircle

1. Our dear guests! We hasten to congratulate everyone!
May good luck and success come to you in the coming year.

2. Let all good people who are not afraid of worries
It will be not just a new year, but a happy new year!

3. The New Year is knocking on the door with a song, a fairy tale, and goodness.
Everyone now believes in miracles, every home is waiting for gifts.

4. Today’s wonderful day will not melt away without a trace.
We will never forget this joyful holiday.

5. Get into a circle quickly, hold hands tightly!
Anyone who wants a happy New Year -
Let him sing a sonorous song with us today!


After the song, the children stand in a semicircle

Child: There is a scattering of brilliant stars in the sky, a fairy tale is coming to visit the children.
In her hand is a twisted thin gilded twig,
And under it there is a clear month... A fairy tale is traveling, traveling to the children.

Song_ “Fairy tales walk around the world”_
(before or after the song Kai and Gerda go behind the curtain)
Child. Let's begin, let's begin our show. We will play all the roles in it and dance and sing!
Child: And the one who is friendly with us, and the one who is waiting for a fairy tale,
The round dance will definitely make our fairy tales swirl!
Everyone sits down, calm music sounds, Kai and Gerda come out. They sit down near the Christmas tree. A girl builds a house from blocks, a boy plays with soldiers.
Gerda. I play with cubes
Kai. I consider soldiers. One two three four five -
They go into battle again.
Gerda. My dear brother Kai, play together with Gerda!
We will build a big house with a window and a chimney.
We'll put a squirrel, a bear and a sneaky mouse in it.

Music plays, the Snow Queen appears with Snowflakes
Dance of the Snow Queen and Snowflakes
after the dance, the Snowflakes sit around Kai and Gerda.

S.K. I am Snow, I am Queen, Snowflakes on both the right and the left...
I don’t melt, I fly around the world... I bring coldness to hearts, I can’t stand the fire of the soul!
Hello, Kai, come with me, with the proud ice maiden, don’t rush to your Gerda, cool the fire of your soul! Look at me, tell me, am I beautiful?!

Kai. Yes! But you're too cold, that's why you're always alone. I’m chilled standing with you, I can’t stop the chill.
S.K. Don’t worry, dear Kai, let me kiss your forehead.

Disturbing music by Snowflake and S.K. They carry Kai along and take him away.

Gerda. Poor Kai! After all, this maiden was the Snow Queen. I will follow them, I will go around all the forests and fields, I will find the ice palace, I will return my Kai!

The lights in the hall dim and a projector with special effects turns on.

Gerda. The forest is dense, dark, the moon is shining in the sky. A snowball is quietly falling on a clearing and meadow. At this hour on New Year's Eve they dance in a circle. So I’ll ask them how to find the entrance to the ice palace.
Christmas tree dance
Gerda. Dear Christmas trees, do you know where the kingdom of the Snow Queen is?
Christmas trees. No. 1st Christmas tree. Just ask the stars! 2nd Christmas tree. They fly high, they know everything in the world!
The Christmas trees are leaving, the music is playing
Dance of the Moon and Stars
Gerda. Stars, moon, help me, tell me the way to Kai!
Month. Sorry, my soul. We fly all over the earth, but we don’t know the road!
The Moon and the Stars are leaving, sad music sounds.
Gerda. I walked a lot of roads, but I couldn’t find any traces of Kai. Who will come to my aid? Who will show me the way? Kai, I’m here, hear me, I’m tired of looking for you.
Music sounds, Emelya enters, carrying a stove behind him.
Dance of Emelya with Buckets
Gerda. Hello. Who are you?
Emelya. I am Emelya the merry fellow, an expert at telling fairy tales.
I’m not too lazy to drive around the world on a stove all day.
Gerda. Dear Emelya, the Snow Queen stole my brother Kai, do you happen to know how to find the way to her kingdom?
Emelya. Yes, I have no time. I'm going to the palace, by the way. I want to marry the princess! They say the princess is beautiful,
A good bride, they say! In general, I’m going to get married!
Ask someone else who has nothing to do!

Emelya takes away the stove and leaves to the music along with the buckets. Music sounds, Gerda hides behind the Christmas tree. The robbers and the robber girl enter.
Bandit Dance
Robber 1. Oh, how we love to rob, how we love to fry everyone.
And we love children, every one of us is happy to get some spoils.
Robber 2. We are dashing robbers, we are daring guys.
They got used to robbing everyone. Everyone here is happy with their spoils.
All. E-ho-ho! E-ho-ho! All for one!
Robber. And who is sitting under the Christmas tree, looking so scared?
1st robber(pulls Gerda towards him). This is my prey!
2nd robber(pulls Gerda towards him). No, mine!
1st robber. Let me!
Robber. Get out! What's up? The girl was just scared...
The poor thing is barely alive, standing like an aspen leaf, trembling.
(Addressing Gerda.)
Where are you going?.. all frozen...
Gerda. I’ve been looking for a way for a long time... I’m in a hurry to follow Kai,
I won’t return home without Kai. The Snow Queen has my brother.
Robber. The path to the Queen is not easy. But I liked you
I will help your trouble. I know that road
We will go there (Addressing the robbers.)
Are you slackers with me?
Robbers. To the ends of the world follow you!
3 robber. We went to kindergarten now, they are having a ball there today, everyone came to the carnival.
4 robber. Will you go to kindergarten with us? Maybe you'll find your brother there!
Gerda. Well, of course, let's hurry! Let's quickly go to kindergarten!
The lights go out, the robbers sit down in the hall, Gerda remains
Gerda. Hello guys! Happy New Year! Have you seen my brother Kai?
Presenter. No, Gerda, we haven’t seen it, but Santa Claus will come to us any minute, you’ll definitely need him will help. Guys, let's call D.M.!
Music sounds, Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter

Father Frost. There are so many people in the hall! A glorious holiday will be here.
So, they told me correctly that the guys were waiting for me.
I went through all the obstacles, the snow covered me.
I knew that I would be welcome here, so I hurried here.
I came from a good fairy tale, there will be games, there will be dancing.
In the meantime, I'll brown everyone's noses for beauty.
Santa Claus loves to pinch children's noses.
(Addresses the children.) Do you want me to pinch your nose?
It will be beautiful: blue or red...
(Tries to “pinch” the children’s nose.) In the summer, he lay down on his sides,
Shouldn't we dance the hopaka?
Santa Claus dances to a folk melody.
Father Frost. Do you guys know who brought you the Christmas tree? Not bunnies, not squirrels, but, of course, Santa Claus! They decorated the Christmas tree themselves, I know, I know, kids. But you couldn’t light it with lights without me. Together, let's all say: “Come on, Christmas tree, burn!” and multi-colored lights will light up on the tree. Let's say together: “One, two, three, come on, Christmas tree, burn!” Come on guys, get into a round dance, we’ll celebrate the New Year with song, dance and fun!
Round dance__________________________________________________________________________

Father Frost. Oh, I’m tired, I’ll sit and look at the kids. Is everything okay here today? I don’t skimp on promises on this festive night, do you have any requests or wishes? Well, be brave, I can help!
Gerda. Santa Claus, help me, Kaya, give me back my brother! And so that my brother, as before, becomes responsive and gentle.
Father Frost. To see you, friends, when I was walking, I entered the ice palace. I looked there on business, into the kingdom of the Snow Queen. Knowing what happened to you, I took Kai with me. But it was beyond me to disenchant him. To break the spell, you need to dance together!
General dance “New Year’s toys”__
After the dance, the children sit down, Kai approaches Gerda and takes her hand.
Kai. Oh, how my heart suddenly sank... Gerda, you brought me back to the real world! Look, there are bright lights everywhere, the Christmas tree is covered in different toys! There are so many of them, and they are all beautiful!
Gerda. Thank you, grandfather, for helping my brother!
Kai and Gerda sit down.
Snow Maiden. Well, guys, in the New Year, whatever you wish will always happen. Everything always comes true! Why don't I hear poetry? Who's ready to read poetry?
Children read poems to Santa Claus.
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, the guys made you happy, but you didn’t treat them to anything.
Father Frost: Santa Claus didn’t forget to bring you a cartload of gifts!
(takes out 2-3 bags, hands them over to the presenter. The leader notices that the bags contain candy wrappers, orange peels, etc.)
Ved: Grandfather Frost, look, someone ate our gifts!
Father Frost: How did you eat it? (looks) Indeed. How can this be? Who was it that did such a mischief? I’ll have to take out my magic mirror and look into it.
(looks in the mirror) That's right! That's what I thought! Look, granddaughter. Do you recognize the ugly guy?
Snow Maiden: Oh, Grandfather, this is Chicken - the son of Baba Yaga!
Father Frost(gives the presenter a look): Do you see? This is who is sitting, eating your gifts. Well, now I'll talk to him!
Father Frost: Come on, spin your staff around, Chick, show yourself to the children!
(Tsypa runs, eats candy as he goes, throws candy wrappers or an orange, throws away the peel, sits down under the tree with all his might and begins to eat with appetite, not paying attention to anyone)
Father Frost(indignantly): No, just look at him - he’s eating his children’s gifts as if nothing had happened!
(Chicky turns in the opposite direction and continues to chew)
Father Frost: And aren't you ashamed? So many children are left without gifts, but at least he has something!
(Chicky turns away again)
Father Frost: You don't hear, do you? Who am I telling?
Tsypa (he finished everything, suddenly grimaced and started screaming): Mamanya! They offend!
Baba Yaga(flies on a broom, covers Tsypa’s mouth with a pacifier, he abruptly stops screaming): Who is offending you, my sweetie? Who doesn’t let you eat in peace, my skinny one? But who spoiled your appetite, my pale one?
(Chicky loudly sucks on a pacifier, pointing his finger in turn at the presenter, then at Santa Claus, then at the children)
Father Frost: Skinny, you say? Pale, you say? Lost your appetite? Do you know that your sweetie ate all the children’s gifts?
Baba Yaga(pats Tsypa on the head, kisses the top of his head): Cheers, honey!
(To Santa Claus): My son ate 1, 3, 7, 15 gifts. So what? I gave them to him!
Father Frost. I thought about my son, but left so many children without gifts on New Year’s Day? And aren't you ashamed?
Baba Yaga: Am I ashamed? Tell me, Santa Claus, without hiding, in front of everyone, do you bring gifts to the children every year?
Father Frost: Yes.
Baba Yaga: Have you ever brought it to my son?
Father Frost(discouraged): No.
Baba Yaga: You see, but you say “ashamed.” Who should be ashamed of this? Do you think I'm not a mother? Do you think I have no heart? Eat! Big and hot!
(takes out the “heart” pulsating in her hand, discreetly presses, the heart says: “I love you”).
Father Frost: Miracles! What does it say?
Baba Yaga: Yes says: “I love you!”
Father Frost(confused): I don’t know what to do! Guys, maybe we really should give Tsypa a gift and then Baba Yaga will never take strangers’ money again? She has such a good heart, it turns out.

(Santa Claus gives Chicken a gift)

Baba Yaga: If you treat me in an amicable way, then I’m good! There are still gifts left, Grandfather Frost, enough for all the kids!

(gift distribution)
Snow Maiden: It's time, friends, we need to say goodbye, we congratulate everyone from the bottom of our hearts! Let both adults and children celebrate the New Year together.
D.M.: So be healthy! Goodbye guys, Bearded Frost wishes you happiness!
Leading: With this our holiday is over, once again we congratulate everyone on the upcoming holiday, happiness to everyone, success!
Children leave the hall to the music

New Year's party preparation gr (the tree is on fire, presenter and child enter the hall) 2013-2014
Ved.: Happy New Year! And the owners of the guests, We wish everyone happiness and good luck And nice, clear days.
Reb.: Let the music play loudly, Hurry to our elegant hall. Here we go guys Our New Year's carnival!
(children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle)
Reb.: Multi-colored carousel The carnival is spinning All friends and all acquaintances He invited us to a holiday. Sing, play, dance, joke, Rash of colored confetti, There's no better carnival You won't find a more beautiful Christmas tree!
Round dance.
(children stand in their chairs, children come out one by one)
1st child: Hello, Christmas tree, how glad we are Why did you come to us again And in green needles Brought the freshness of the forest! Your toys are on the branches And the lanterns are burning, Multi-colored firecrackers, Different beads sparkle! 1

2nd child: You are the freshness of the forest at dawn She brought light into our room, Straightened the resinous needles Lit up with sparkling lights!
3 children: Frequent forest, blizzard field The winter holiday is coming to us. So let's say it together:
All: Hello, Hello, New Year!
4 children: Winter brought us a joyful holiday, The green tree came to visit us, The branches are strewn with fluffy snow... Let's sing a song about winter!
A song about winter.
(children sit down in their seats)

Scene "The Snow Queen"

1 child: White trees, White houses, Along the white paths Winter has come to us.
2nd child: I’m not afraid of frost I'll just make friends with him. I'll get dressed and go Both on snow and ice. The frost will come to me, He touches his hands, touches his nose. So you shouldn't yawn, Run, jump and play.
(the lights go out. The Snow Queen flies into the hall to the sound of the wind)
The Snow Queen: In the loose snow,In the prickly ice,In the ice palaceIn a blue crown,I live, maiden,The Snow Queen.So, you're not afraid of frost? Are you having fun? I will remind you of myself!I'll bring in the cold, a blizzard and a blizzard! Then you will feel what real cold is. And you won't have a holiday. I hid your kind, old Santa Claus in my ice palace. You won't have a New Year without it! Ha ha ha!
(flies away as the wind whistles)
Ved.: Guys, what should we do? Who should I call for help? Probably Kaya and Gerda. They already know how to overcome her spell. Kai! Gerda! Where are you?
Kai and Gerda: We are here!
(go to the middle of the hall) 3

Gerda: Let's go to the far North,To find my grandfather.
Kai: Just don't get lost And we should not go astray. (Kai and Gerda leave. The Christmas tree girls come out)
1 Christmas tree: Green Christmas tree corners,Resin has a familiar smell.Christmas trees played snowballs -There is snow left on the paws.
2 Christmas trees: Ah, Christmas tree-needle,Snow scarf.Ah, Christmas tree-needle,Two inches of hair. Christmas tree dance
(Christmas trees run back to their places, go to the center Kai and Gerda)
Kai: Where have we gone? Looks like we've lost our way. Gerda: Kai, can you hear the music playing? The forest people are hurrying here!

(animals with musical instruments stand in front of the Christmas tree) 4

Fox: Here we have a forest school, Bear cubs are brought to us, Squirrels, happy bunnies, Little red foxes. Our teacher is a gray wolf. He knows a lot about music.

Wolf: We do not immediately and not suddenly We develop children's hearing! (raises the conductor's baton) Orchestra of the teacher's choice. (Kai and Gerda come out) Gerda: Hey, forest animals, help! Show us the way! Bunny: Even though I'm small But he is remote. I'll show you the way, I will accompany you to the North. (bunny, Kai and Gerda walk around the hall, the animals wave to them and return to their places) Gerda: It's snowy and cold here, look. How to find a way in the white tundra? Kai: I see the sledges flying towards us. Their reindeer are racing across the tundra. 5 Dance “I’ll take you to the tundra” Nenets: Deer will take you north! Sit down, children, quickly! (Kai and Gerda ride off on reindeer) Deer: This is the Queen's domain! Gerda: Thank you, dear deer! (the deer run away. The Snow Queen flies into the hall to the sound of the wind) The Snow Queen: How dare you appear here? I will freeze you with my cold. Only the most ardent friendship can defeat me, and your guys quarrel very often. Kai and Gerda: Not true! The Snow Queen: But now I’ll take a look. (invites two teams (two people each) to collect a snowflake or several children to collect a snow pattern) Game “Collect a snow pattern” (puzzles) The Snow Queen: I see that you know how to do everything quickly and deftly. But you can't defeat me. (waves his magic wand) Hey, ice flakes - snowflakes, Fly, circle, mark a lot of snow! Snowflakes fly out and swirl. The Snow Queen: Now try to get to Santa Claus. Look how much snow there is. Kai: And we’ll call the gnomes for help. 6 Song of gnomes with shovels Gerda: And now we will show Guys, we're friends. Get up on your feet Start the song! General song about friendship The Snow Queen: Ah, these friendly guys defeated me again. I'm melting!..I'm melting!.. (The Snow Queen “melts”, the light begins to flash, goes out, the Snow Queen leaves the hall) (Solemn music sounds. Kai and Gerda bring out Santa Claus) Father Frost: Hello children! Hello, guests! Thank you for freeing me And the Evil Queen was defeated! Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy. Join the round dance! Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Round dance.
Father Frost: Guys, has my granddaughter Snegurochka visited you yet? Somewhere in the forest, she probably got lost. I have a magic bell, it will tell her the way to our holiday. (ringing) 7 (Snow Maiden enters)

The Snow Maiden dances or sings

Snow Maiden: Hello, guys! You recognized me? I came to you from a winter fairy tale. I'm all snow and silver. My friends - blizzard and blizzard I love everyone, I am kind to everyone. It's good for you, but only The lights on the Christmas tree are not on. Father Frost: Let's ask for a Christmas tree. (clap their hands, stomp, blow on the tree - the tree does not light up) Let's say together: “One, two, three! Our Christmas tree is on fire! (children repeat, the Christmas tree lights up)

Father Frost: I love listening to poetry I've already prepared my ears. Granddaughter, go quickly, It's more fun to listen together! 8 Poems for Santa Claus

Father Frost: Tell me, guys, do you have fun in winter? Reb.: (verse, invites to dance) General dance (Santa Claus offers to play) Game "Catch a Snowball" (2 teams of three people. Each takes turns throwing a snowball into the bucket of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. The team that throws the most snowballs wins) Father Frost: Now stand in a circle, I’ll play with you and look for the kids. Musical game “Look”

Father Frost: Oh, I'm tired, it's time to go, Goodbye, kids. I feel very hot here. Snow Maiden: Grandfather, where are the gifts? Father Frost: Now I'll take my magic staff. One, two, three, come running with a bag of gifts! (a bag comes running, Baba Yaga comes out of it, she ate all the candies, only candy wrappers remained) Father Frost: I'm back to my old ways again. You just do evil things. Now I'll freeze you! (knocks three times with a staff) Baba Yaga (shouting): Oh, no need. Oh, I don't want to... (freezes in a funny pose) 9

Ved.: Santa Claus, maybe we’ll take pity on Baba Yaga and believe her. Father Frost: Well, guys, how can we feel sorry for Baba Yaga? Children: Yes! Father Frost: Okay, I’ll defrost Baba Yaga and trust her for the last time. One, two, three, die! Baba Yaga: Oh, what happened to me? I seem to have become kinder and want to do only good deeds.

(Baba Yaga decides to give gifts to the children, saying that she has reformed and wants to prove it. She brings a suitcase with various rags and begins to offer gifts to the children: 1. A self-assembled tablecloth, although it has holes, but sometimes useful. 2. Her own skirt, unfashionable, but fabulous. 3. A frying pan to use as a mirror. 4. Fly agaric jam, etc.. Santa Claus criticized all the gifts, forced him to close the suitcase and began to conjure: “Snow, snow, snow. Ice, ice, ice. Miracles for the New Year" My staff help me, Turn everything into gifts! Finally, a gift, hidden in advance, appears in the suitcase. Baba Yaga doesn’t want to give it up, but nothing can be done. Santa Claus gives this gift and the presenters bring in the bag and give gifts to the other children) Distribution of gifts. (Santa Claus says goodbye, the presenter invites everyone to dance) 10

Attention! The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Annotation. Scenario for holding a New Year's holiday in the preparatory group of a kindergarten. The group is attended by children with disabilities; children with severe speech impairments.

Scenario "The Snow Queen"(based on the work of the same name by H.H. Andersen). The characters are both children, namely: The Snow Queen, Kai, Gerda, Old Lady, Troll, Crow, First Dove, Second Dove, Little Robber, and adults: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Presenter. Children participate in dance performances.

Purpose of the event: creating conditions for creative self-expression of students by including them in theater and dance activities.

Objectives of the event:

  • develop intonation expressiveness in children through the performance of roles;
  • cultivate correct, loud, expressive, clear speech through participation in theatrical productions, learning poetic texts;
  • develop the ability to express your feelings and emotions through dialogic speech, the ability to listen to your interlocutor;
  • develop coordination, auditory perception, smooth, expressive movements through the participation of students in dance performances.

Forms of organizing children's activities: motor (dance), speech, music.

Progress of the event

Guests meets Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: Hello!

I've been dreaming for a whole year
When the New Year comes,
And around the decorated Christmas tree
We'll start a round dance.

Leading. Snow Maiden, why are you alone? Where is Grandfather Frost? The children prepared a fairy tale for him.

Snow Maiden. Santa Claus is late. He has a cartload of gifts. Let’s all call him together, “Where are you, Grandfather Frost?”

(Children repeat in chorus.)

Father Frost.(Enters, out of breath.) Yes, I'm coming, I'm coming, guys. I met some animals and I had to treat them.

He looks at the tree, its lights are extinguished.

Father Frost. We need to light the tree. Come on together, come on together, one, two, three, light up the Christmas tree. (The tree begins to sparkle with multi-colored lights).

Leading. Grandfather Frost, sit comfortably on your ice throne. Our guys will show you the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” by Hans Christian Andersen. Do you know who the Snow Queen is?

Father Frost. I heard about this one.

Where there are eternal ice floes and cold all around
The queen lives in a complex palace.
Whoever she likes is in her palace,
Forgetting about everything, he lives with her.

Mysterious music sounds.


You and I are in a fairy tale
So the wind began to hum,
The blizzard began to play.
Kai and Gerda are around here somewhere
What kind of fairy tale did you recognize?

Children."The Snow Queen".

Leading. Let's see what happened in our fairy tale.

Kai and Gerda come out.

Where is my sled, Gerda?
I'm going for a walk.

Gerda. Don't go far. Ride only where we always go.

They go behind the tree.

Troll. My wonderful mirror, what will you show me? Yes, this boy Kai, who always listens to his sworn sister. Why are you alone? ( Pondering). Now I’ll break my mirror, let the fragments fly in the wind. ( Gloating. Breaks the mirror, saying).

Fly with the wind, let the blizzard carry you away.
I want you to scatter in a circle.
That stupid boy named Kai
Left the named sister, now get it.

Kai appears, covers one eye with his palm and screams.

Kai. Oops, something got in my eye. Where I am?

He looks around, trying to figure out where he is.

Dance of the Blizzard with Snowflakes.

The Snow Queen sits on the throne, with Kai playing next to her.

The Snow Queen. Now the boy will live with me, I think he will like it. ( They go behind the tree).

Gerda. Has Kai been gone for a long time? Where is he? I'll go look. ( Leaves).

Dance of flowers. Their owner comes out.

Old lady.

My flowers are beautiful
Everything makes me happy
And my days are happy
It's not in vain.


Where am I?
There is such beauty all around.
I wonder if this is where Kai is hiding?

Old lady. What lovely creature visited me?

Gerda. I'm looking for my adopted brother, Kai. Have you by any chance seen him?

Old lady. Stay with me, and you and I will definitely find your brother. (Combs her hair with a magic comb.)

Gerda falls asleep and wakes up to see flowers near her, depicted by other children. He begins to look at them.

Gerda. It's strange, there's a flower missing here.

He sees an old lady's hat, examines it, finds a rose.

Gerda. What am I doing here? I need to look for my sworn brother. ( Runs away).

Gerda encounters a raven.

Crow. Who you are?

Gerda. Hello, I'm looking for my sworn brother Kai. Have you by any chance seen him?

Crow. What does he look like?

Gerda. A blond boy with a sled over his shoulders.

Crow. Maybe he does, then he lives in a palace with a princess and he is now a prince.

Gerda. What about the princess?

Crow. The princess got tired of being alone, and she took your brother as her husband. I will take you to the palace and you will see whether it is him or not.

Gerda and the raven leave.

Gerda. Yes, this is not my Kai. We need to go further in search of him.

Dance of the robbers and the little robber.

Gerda and the little robber meet.

Little robber. What a girl! I like her and will play with me! ( Pinches her and touches her hair).

Gerda. I'm looking for my sworn brother Kai. Have you by any chance seen him?

Little robber. Let's go to my house, I'll show you my deer and pigeons, maybe they know something.

The little robber and Gerda enter the house.

The first dove. The news came to us from afar. What are you looking for, right?

Gerda. Yes, yes.

Second dove. He is in a carriage sitting next to the Snow Queen

He quickly rushed off into the distance.
Where is he now? That's sadness.

The first dove.

Don't be sad, we know
Where to look for it
But you, get ready for a long journey.
Lapland is a cold and distant country.
Under eternal ice and snow she
Gloomy, majestic and very snowy.

Little robber.

Take my deer
Let him die quickly.
You'll get there on it
To the kingdom of the Snow Queen.
But in return, leave me the muff.
I'll give you some mittens, warm up, and hit the road.
Don't freeze, be brave!

Gerda finds herself in the Snow Queen's palace, pretending to be very cold, barefoot and without gloves. She sees Kai sitting and playing.

Gerda. Kai! My dear Kai! Finally I found you!

Kai sits with a calm look and looks around. Gerda hugs her adopted brother. Kai shudders and clutches his heart.

Gerda! My darling!
Where have you been?
Where have I been? ( He looks around in surprise).
Who bewitched me? ( He hugs Gerda tightly. They, holding hands, leave the icy palaces. A little robber comes out to meet you.)

Little robber.

Oh you tramp!
How so
Neither a dream nor a spirit can describe it,
Rushed to the ends of the world?
Suddenly Gerda set out on the road after you.
Love and kindness are with her here.
Appreciate her, don’t forget and know
Always help as much as you can.
It's time for me, friends!
And we’ll go our separate ways, and that fairy tale will end.
Well done to those who listened!

The little robber, Kai and Gerda bow and go behind the tree.


After all, this is a fairy tale, there is a hint in it,
Friends are nearby
You are not alone.
Trouble will pass us by
When friends are always with you.
Love and kindness are stronger
Any evil force.

Music from the movie “My Affectionate and Tender Beast” plays, the children get into pairs and dance the waltz.

Father Frost.

Well, friends, it’s time for me,
It was not in vain that I stayed here for a long time.
Of course, they showed me a good fairy tale.
Having cried, I set off again on the road.
To the country where all the snowstorms and terrible colds flew.
The snow always lies...
Where is my Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden.

Here I am, Grandfather Frost.
You have a lot of gifts.
You forgot about the gifts.
Why didn’t you treat the guys?

Father Frost.

Oh, and really, I, friends,
He came to you with gifts and shed a little tears.
The fairy tale is painfully good,
Gerda is a glorious soul.
Didn't give it to my brother
Kai will be left alone.
Goodbye, kids,
Happy New Year, everyone, friends!

Santa Claus treats everyone with his gifts, bows, and leaves.

One of the most suitable stories for use in children's theatrical performances for the New Year and Christmas is, of course, “The Snow Queen.” And, if the plot of the fairy tale may seem somewhat outdated, then there are a large number of variations on the theme of this magical story at your service!

On the pages of this section you can find ready-made scripts for matinees, children's performances, Winter Balls, musical performances and small skits based on The Snow Queen. There are also detailed recommendations for making appropriate costumes.

Let's plunge back into the whirlpool of winter adventures with Kai and Gerda!

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 358.
All sections | "The Snow Queen". Holiday scenarios based on the fairy tale by H.H. Andersen

Scenario of a theatrical New Year's performance for kindergarten children “Visiting the Snow Queen” Scenario theatrical New Year's performance for kindergarten children "Visiting Snow Queen» (Music sounds. Appears The Snow Queen) The Snow Queen : You entered the kingdom of winter today, - B holiday wonderful and New Year's. In my kingdom there are no treacherous heroes, -...

New Year's party of the middle group "In the kingdom of the Snow Queen" New Year's party groups: "Stars" "In the kingdom Snow Queen» Goals and tasks: 1. Create a joyful mood in the child. Cause an emotional uplift. 2. Development of the child’s singing and rhythmic abilities. 3. Development of communication skills. 4. Charge...

"The Snow Queen". Holiday scenarios based on the fairy tale by H.H. Andersen - Scenario for the New Year's quest for grades 2–4 “Letters from the Snow Queen”

Publication “Scenario of the New Year’s quest for grades 2–4 “Letters from Snezhnaya...” Municipal government institution "Centralized Library System" Library-branch No. 19 Author-compiler: Yulia Vladimirovna Lesnikova, Librarian of the first category "Letters from the Snow Queen" (New Year's quest for grades 2-4) Miass, 2019. Presenter. Hello guys!...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Birthday scenario “Kingdom of the Snow Queen” Senior and preparatory group Attributes: a letter from the Queen, a white ball with snowflakes-tasks, a chest with a gift, 2-3 snowflakes from ceiling tiles, paper icicles according to the number of children, 2 arcs, 2 hoops, 8 pins, 2 baskets , hanging snowflake, snowballs by number...

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 7" New Year's performance in a preparatory school group based on the fairy tale by G.H. Andersen "THE SNOW QUEEN" Developed by: teacher of the 1st qualification category Tikhonova O.V. Nikolsk Description of work: This material will be useful for work as...

Scenario of the New Year's party "At the Snow Queen's ball" The hall is decorated like the Ice Palace of the Snow Queen, the Queen's throne. Fanfare sounds. The presenters enter. 1st Lead: Attention! Attention! 2nd Lead: Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! Together: Listen to the announcement! 1Ved.: By the highest command, everyone is invited to the ball, to the royal carnival. 2nd Lead: A cheerful ball...

"The Snow Queen". Holiday scenarios based on the fairy tale by H.H. Andersen - Scenario for the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”

The Snow Queen Track 1 Children enter the hall holding hands like a snake (Kai and Gerda) go backstage, grandmother sits in a chair. Storyteller: Good afternoon everyone, I know a lot of fairy tales! About evil wolves, About cross-eyed hares, About a good fairy and an overseas maiden, Today is my story About the snowy...

Scenario for the New Year's holiday in the preparatory group based on the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" New Year's party based on the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” for children of the preparatory group. (To the music, children enter the hall and stand in a festive formation) Presenter: Happy New Year! With new happiness! We hasten to congratulate everyone! Let bad weather pass you by, Let it sound cheerful...


The Snow Queen
Father Frost

Ole Lukoje
Christmas trees

It's so nice when guests come,
Music and laughter are heard everywhere.
We are opening the New Year holiday,
We invite everyone, everyone, everyone to the Christmas tree.

Children run into the hall and stop around the Christmas tree.

1st child:
Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the brilliance of radiant lights!
She seems more beautiful than everyone else
Everything is greener and lush.

Children walk in a circle, looking at the Christmas tree.

2nd child:
A fairy tale hides in the greenery:
The white swan is swimming
The bunny slides on a sled
The squirrel gnaws nuts.

Only the Christmas tree stands
There are no lights.
Clap, clap, say:
“Our Christmas tree, burn!”

Children repeat the words three times. The lights on the Christmas tree light up.

3rd child:
Christmas tree in festive attire
She invited us to visit,
You can't stand still
Next to her at this hour.

4th child:
We are not afraid of bad weather,
The cold of mother winter.
A blizzard will howl outside the window,
But we won't be bored!

5th child:
Let the poems and songs sound,
Let children's laughter ring.
And adults too with us
It's not a sin to have fun.

6th child:
Today is a wonderful day
It won't melt away without a trace.
We are happy this holiday
We will never forget!

7th child:
We have gathered here today,
We stood together in a round dance.
Brings a lot of joy
Every time we have a New Year!

A round dance song is performed at the choice of the music director.

Children sit on chairs. Decorations for a fairy tale are placed in front of the Christmas tree: chairs, rolls, a book. Music is playing. Ole Lukoje appears with an umbrella in his hands.

Ole Lukoje:
I am Ole Lukoje. I watched the guys for a whole year, saw how they worked and prepared for the holiday. And today I took the most beautiful fairy-tale umbrella.

Spins the umbrella.

Umbrella, umbrella, turn around,
Good fairy tale, begin.

"Magic" music sounds.

Ole Lukoje:
New Year's Eve comes to us
A whole world of mysterious wonders.
He takes us into a fairy tale,
To the distant kingdom and to the forest.

Only New Year's Eve can be celebrated
Talking fairy-tale animals
Notice the gnomes and wizards,
Meet goblin and good fairies.
It's already on our doorstep
The wizard has arrived - New Year!
Do you hear?! On an unknown road
The fairy tale moves with easy steps.

Scene one

Gerba and Kai are sitting by the Christmas tree, looking at a book. There are two roses in a pot. The Snow Queen runs in, spins around the hall and knocks over the roses.

Kai(grabs his heart):
Oh, how it stings here in my chest,
Gerda, Gerda, help.

I will save you, dear.

My dear Kai is sick,
I'm not crying, ah-ah-ah.

A boy appears in a hat and scarf. The boy turns to Kai and Gerda.

We made the slide yesterday
The snow is spinning above her.
Come here quickly, kids,
Who wants to go for a ride?

Hurry up, Gerda, let's hurry,
We'll fly down the hill on a sled.

Kai and Gerda put on hats and scarves.
The song "Sleigh" is performed. At the final loss, the Snow Queen appears with a “troika” of snowflakes imitating sleigh rides.

Kai and Gerda(together):
Well, a sleigh, that's a sleigh,
What a miracle - they rush on their own.

The Snow Queen(addresses Kai):
Well, be brave, Kai, sit down,
Take a ride in my sled.

Kai leaves with the Snow Queen in her sleigh.

Kai, where are you going, come back?
My dear friend, respond!

Gerda runs behind the Christmas tree.

Scene two

How beautiful the winter forest is,
Full of mysteries and miracles!
There are Christmas trees all around
The outfit is dressed in snow.

The Christmas tree dance is performed. After the dance, the girls stop in formation in front of the Christmas tree.

Gerda appears.

Oh, how cold it is in the forest,
Well, where will I go?
Here's a little stump, I'll rest
And I'll take a little nap.

Gerda sits down on a tree stump and “falls asleep.” The Christmas trees go to the chairs. A Raven comes out from behind the tree.

Girl, who are you, tell me!
Don't cry and don't tremble.
Dance with me
And then tell me everything.

The dance of Gerda and the Raven is performed.

Thank you, kind Raven, for your affection and kindness.
Now listen to my misfortune.
Queen Snow, angry and cold,
She managed to take Kai away.
Friend this New Year's night
I definitely have to find it.
Have you seen Kai where?

I know where to look for him...
Recently a boy appeared in the kingdom
And he became very friendly with our princess.
He was resourceful, cheerful,
The boy knew everything in the world.
He is not only a good friend,
But he also became our prince.
Don't waste your time in vain
Go to the palace quickly.
Everything will become clear to you there.
Maybe this boy is Kai?

You said he was funny
You said he was smart
He was the same at school
Yes, of course, it's him!

Crow appears and bows to Gerda.

Crow(introduces Crow to Gerda):
My bride, court Crow Clara!
She will help us get into the palace
And at the start of the festive ball
You will finally see your dear Friend.

Raven, Crow and Gerda go behind the Christmas tree. Fanfare sounds. The Prince and Princess come out.

Dear guests! The Princess and I
We invite everyone to the New Year's ball.
Enough joy and light for everyone,
After all, a joyful holiday has brought us together.

You came to the holiday from different fairy tales
They brought fun, laughter and jokes with them.

Let the Christmas trees light up
For everyone in this world,
Let them be very happy
Both adults and children.

The courtiers perform a minuet. At the end of the dance, everyone sits on chairs, except for the Prince, Princess, Raven, Crow and Gerda.

Sorry for not having permission
We came to this ball,
But doubts must be resolved
So that our prince can see Gerda.

Gerda is looking for his friend,
But he can’t find him anywhere.

I'm so cold, so tired
There is trembling in my bare, cold feet.
But I didn’t find Kai,
After all, the Prince is not like Kai.

Prince and Princess(together):
Oh, poor thing, oh, baby!
We'll help her a little.

Bring a muff, boots and a warm fur coat.

Harness the horses to the gilded carriage.

Thank you, dear friends, for your shelter,
I won't waste time - it's time for me to hit the road.

The Prince and Princess see off Gerda.

Scene three

The Robbers of the Chieftains appear in front of the tree whistling. The song and dance of the Robbers is performed.

Wow, oh you,
How the earth shakes
Gilded carriage
It's heading straight towards us.

The robbers run behind the tree and bring Gerda.

Give me the girl
I'll play with her.
Don't you dare
To pester her more.
Addresses Gerda.
Don't be afraid, don't tremble,
Come on, be friends with me.
I have a menagerie
Here is the Deer, there are countless rabbits.

Release your bunnies
They want to visit their mothers in the forest.

No!!! Okay, I'll let you go
I don’t want to listen to your cry!

Thank you, Gerda, you helped us out
We will dance for this now.

The Zaitsev dance is performed.

I still have a prisoner
He is my favorite!
Here he is, wow, he's a slacker,
Let him go with you.

I was born in Lapland,
I know all the ways there,
Snow Queen Castle
I'll help you find it.

Gerda and Deer go behind the tree.
The scenery of the Snow Queen's castle and throne are pulled out, and a mosaic of pieces of ice is laid out on the floor.

Scene four

To the music of the blizzard, the Snow Queen appears, circles around the hall, and stops at the Christmas tree.

The Snow Queen:
The blizzards are violent and angry,
Block Gerda's path!
Storms, icy winds,
Make them turn.

Dance of snowflakes.

Kai sits under the tree, putting together a mosaic from pieces of ice. Gerda appears.

Kai, my dear, what's wrong with you?
I found you, dear.

Gerda kisses Kai - his heart “thaws”.

Gerda(addresses the Snow Queen):
I'll melt your icy heart
And I will teach you to love people.
You will not, Queen, be angry anymore.
You will be very kind, that's what!

Gerda kisses the Snow Queen, who "thaws out".

Look! The magic is gone
And the New Year's miracle happened,
Love and friendship have conquered evil,
The evil witch turned into a fairy.

The Snow Queen:
Still managed, Gerda,
You can defeat me.
Has managed in my heart
Melt all the ice.
Well, well, the snow and ice in the kingdom have melted.
It was my turn to surprise everyone.
I have become kind! And now
I want to give you a gift.
Hey, hurry up and open the door!
Long-awaited guest, come to us!

Exit and program of Santa Claus.