Secret world legends game review beginning. Secret World Legends

Each weapon in Secret Wolrd Legends revolves around a unique combat mechanic. True mastery of each weapon is the result of a proper understanding of their specialty and application. And today in our Secret World Legends guide we will talk about the best weapons, focusing on each one separately.

Spirit Blade - smashing swords in SWL

Every time you hit with a sword, you have a 50% chance to generate Chi. When you accumulate 5 Chi, you will have 5 seconds to consume it and you will be able to use the special ability Spirit Blade. It has a very useful effect, giving extra damage based on your Combat Power.

The duration of Spirit Blade's effect can be increased by using Chi repeatedly (1 Chi for 0.5 seconds, 2 Chi for 1 second, 3 for 2 seconds, 4 for 4, and 5 for 6 seconds). If for some reason you are unable to cast Spirit Blade within 5 seconds of gaining 5 Chi, the Chi will begin to be consumed automatically, giving you a heal over time effect that lasts 3 seconds and heals you for 7% of your health points.

The Rage ability is a hammer for real men in Secret World Legends

You can build up rage by attacking with Hammer and taking damage. The Hammer meter can be filled twice. The first time you fill it, it's 50 rage, the second time it's 100. All Hammer Power attacks consume Rage, and give unique attack bonuses that greatly increase damage.

Primal Wrath (Fist Weapon) – attacking melee in Secret World Legends

You can store up to 100 rage when attacking and healing with fist weapons. Each empty bead on the Rage scale represents 100 Rage. 6 Balls on each side of the large central ball - shows filled rage.

Once you have accumulated 60 rage, you can use either of the two abilities of Primal Wrath. Casting these abilities will replace all of your abilities with a new set of them that are more powerful, and you will be able to use the new abilities for as long as the rage is not spent. That is, you can have from 3 to 5 seconds with new abilities, depending on your rage.

Blood Offering (Blood Magic) – is it easy to be a magician in Secret World Legends

Using your abilities in this case moves the Corruption or Martyrdom gauge to the left when you receive Corruption, and to the right when you receive Martyrdom.

While on the Corruption side, you deal increased damage, but also deal it to yourself when attacking. While on Martyrdom's side, you heal your target while also taking damage on yourself. Each side reduces the effectiveness of the opposing style of magic. Both sides of the spectrum have 3 important thresholds - the 1st after 10 points, the 2nd after 60 and the third after 90 points.

The health cost for the cast is dealt as a percentage of your HP, 1.5% above the first threshold, 3 inflicted by the character during the suppression of the second and 6% of the third. Normal blood magic abilities only deal 33% of the damage dealt to self.

0 to 25: Your Blood Magic abilities deal normal damage and healing;

From 25 to 50: Your Blood Magic or Healing damage is increased by 15.6%. Incoming healings are reduced by 20%;

From 50 to 75: Your Blood Magic or Healing damage is increased by 32.7%. Incoming healings are reduced by 50%;

75 to 100: Your Blood Magic or Healing damage is increased by 53.4%. Incoming healing is reduced by 95%.

Chaos Mage in Secret World Legends

Whenever you deal damage with chaos magic, you create 2 to 4 paradoxes. Your affinity with Chaos Theory allows you to gain a 30% chance of dealing damage divided by 8. After generating 8 paradoxes, random powerful events will occur that will cause damage. These can be black holes (they give a positive buff to the enemy, minor, but if you kill him under such a buff, you will receive much more powerful versions of these buffs for you and your team), ruptures (damage and stun of enemies) or the appearance of doubles (your version from other universes, which has 3 abilities with an AOE effect (their damage depends on your Combat Power).

Thermotics (Elementalism) – elementalist in Secret World Legends

When you cast an ability, you add heat to your gauge, which moves to the right. If you cast cold abilities, it moves to the left. A description of cooling or heating is in the description of each ability.

This scale is divided into 100 units and has 3 important thresholds:

0 to 25: Your Elemental abilities deal normal damage;

From 25 to 50: Damage increased by 8.7%;

From 50 to 75: Damage increases by 17.4%;

75 to 100: Cast damage increases by 34.8%.

Ragnar Törnqvist, one of Funcom's key employees and creator of The Secret World, is generally speaking an amazing person. He easily invents fantastic worlds, populates them with unusual and incredibly lively characters, juggles with references to the mythology of Ancient Egypt, the cinema of the seventies and the work of Jules Verne. The dialogues he writes are not always perfect, there are cliches in his stories, but you still listen to them with genuine interest. The Longest Journey, created by him, is rightfully considered a golden classic of computer games; it is an almost perfect quest that has not lost its relevance even today.

According to Ragnar himself, all his life he dreamed of making a grandiose online game in an unusual world where magic and technology, demons, the occult and robots would be intertwined. Within seven years of each other, he had a hand in two MMORPGs, Anarchy Online and Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, original and unusual games that gained moderate popularity and brought something new to the genre. But only now it became clear that they were just a warm-up, a kind of training ground that was necessary for the creation of The Secret World.

Upside down

To understand the final score, it is necessary to clarify an important detail right away. I'm not a fan of online games. I don’t like running around the virtual world in the company of thousands of other players, clearing instances, going to virtual markets and buying/selling junk, fighting with other players in PvP. Yes, many people like all this, but to any MMORPG and online co-op I would prefer a group of old friends who got together in one room to play Crash Bash or LittleBigPlanet.

Rate the interface. The inventory is constantly filled with unnecessary junk, but it is not clear what to do with it. Selling is too unprofitable, and it’s unclear why: there’s nothing special to buy in the game either. It’s impossible to make a weapon yourself, there are too many problems and there’s always something missing.

So, The Secret World is the first MMORPG (and I have read all the major releases, including Star Wars: The Old Republic), which I have been playing with great pleasure for several weeks now and will definitely renew my subscription for at least another six months. Why? It's simple. In fact, it's not really an MMORPG. Instead, Funcom created a unique cross between a quest and a classic role-playing game, which for some reason you can play with other people. But let's take things in order.

Secondary sexual characteristics

Of course, all the formal MMO elements are present here. There is a character who needs to be carefully upgraded, the standard skill panel from World of Warcraft, inventory, crafting system, chat; there are tasks in the spirit of “kill 15 ghouls, tear off a fang from each and take them to Joe Crookednose on Highmountain”; you can gather in groups, fight with other players (separate locations are allocated for PvP), trade - in a word, nothing radically The basic mechanics do not offer anything new.

Pay attention to the character in a moose costume. The possibilities for customization in the game are extensive, there are a lot of clothes and accessories. True, the most beautiful and original clothes are sold only for real money in a virtual store. For example, a regular jacket costs about $2.

Another thing is that Funcom tried to disguise the usual gameplay as much as possible, changing minor details to make the game different from the pillars of the genre. Instead of levels and classes, there is an ability wheel, which is divided into three large sections: firearms (pistols, shotguns and rifles), melee weapons (swords, hammers and native fists) and magic (chaos, blood and elementalism). The beauty is that there are no restrictions, a hero of any race (or, using the terminology of the game, a member of any community - Dragons, Illuminati and Templars) can be developed as you please. If you wish, you can even level up all your active and passive skills (although this will take many months of normal play), and then experiment for a long time with different combinations of abilities, just like in Guild Wars. For those who are not interested, the developers have prepared 30 conditional professions, which, however, do not oblige you to anything.

We have a serious contender for the title of Sexiest Scene of the Year.

This approach resulted in a flexible and simple role-playing system. Tired of shooting monsters with a machine gun? You pick up a sword, “buy” a couple of abilities - and go ahead, hack and slash. Have you encountered a difficult boss that is not easy to get close to? You pump up your magic and start playing catch-up with the ghoul, not forgetting to cast spells. In short, the gameplay in The Secret World is good, but the main merit of the game is its world, story and characters.

Bedtime Stories

After going through the first few locations, you can’t help but think that Ragnar Tornqvist wanted to create the most unusual, most incredible and at the same time believable virtual world in the history of computer games. Here, ancient legends and myths, conspiracy theories, secret organizations, religious communities, otherworldly dimensions, space, a Lovecraftian fishing town with its Cthulhus, zombies from The Walking Dead, demons, flying octopuses with biopsychic abilities, London, Shambhala, Seoul, are amazingly intertwined here. Tokyo, tattooed yakuza with claws, Indians, cowboys, pirates... your head is spinning! And this is only part of the overall picture.

You always have to look carefully where you are going. Such a bunch of zombies will easily kill any newbie. There is no punishment for death, but you have to run kilometers in a “spiritual” mode to reach your own body. However, you can simply respawn in a special place and do other quests.

It would seem that with such diversity (to put it mildly), a coherent world simply cannot be created. But here Tornqvist’s rich experience and his talent for combining incompatible things played a role. Remember Dreamfall, where ancient cities and the latest technologies, magic and little dead girls from horror movies, robots, parallel dimensions and God knows what else coexisted perfectly.

The game is similar to Dreamfall not only in its jumble of images, but also in its approach to storytelling. You perceive the main storyline of The Secret World as a full-fledged quest. There is an appropriate scope, wonderfully drawn characters, and interesting (albeit a little drawn out) dialogues. The story is told through well-choreographed in-engine scenes: some are downright funny, others are sinister, some are even overtly sexual. In technical terms, they are far from perfect, primarily due to the rather weak facial animation, but, like in Dreamfall, thanks to the atmosphere and wonderful voice acting of the dialogues, you stop paying attention to this.

Online quest

As we have already said, there are plenty of straightforward orders in the game in the spirit of “kill-run-fetch”, but in general they are in the minority. In terms of elaboration, even minor quests in The Secret World will give a head start not only to any MMORPG, but to many full-fledged adventure games. These are exciting, multi-turn missions with wonderful puzzles. You have to Google lines from ancient Roman poems (the game has a built-in browser), search for titles of works by classical composers, solve cryptograms, climb fictitious websites of large corporations, arrange surveillance, sneak into guarded bases and even decipher signals transmitted using Morse code! The game constantly surprises. Before you have time to move away from one quest, they give you another, even cooler one (although, it would seem, much cooler).

The developers carefully worked out the little things: notes, drawings, drawings, pages of books and reference books, websites of organizations, signs and various objects - everything looks extremely authentic.

At the same time, The Secret World has a simply fantastic density of the world. Literally at every step there is something interesting. Let's say you're running through the forest, when suddenly you notice the corpse of a man with a package clutched in his hands. Having found out the name of the addressee, you go in search of him. Along the way, you come across a tree house, inside of which are the papers of the secret society of “Monster Hunters”, which consisted exclusively of children. Among other things, you find a sheet of paper describing the entrance tests for recruits: get into the Dead Man's Cave, find a magic flower, kill a monster, spit in a swamp, and so on.

The handwriting of the creators of Dreamfall is hard not to recognize. It's not just a matter of style: the developers inserted a bunch of Easter eggs into the game. Check out the comic book poster. It says "Arcadia/Stark" on the bottom.

On the table in the house there are photos and notes that tell about the lives of these children. It turns out that girls were not accepted into the society, but one still managed to impress the boys (I wonder, with beauty or fearlessness?). While completing this task (again, completely by accident), you come across an authentic skate park with ramps and graffiti. There's a guy named Danny hanging out there with a funny zombie on his T-shirt. Using a radio-controlled airplane with a camera, he monitors the Orochi group in his free time; talking about the events that happened to him, he mentions “Star Wars” and Silent Hill, and also tries to prove that he can easily cope with the living dead: “Damn, I’ve played a hundred hours of Left 4 Dead!” And this, God forbid, is one thousandth of everything that is in The Secret World. The scale of the work Funcom has done is hard to imagine.

Ancestral curses

Just don't think that this is some kind of perfect game. The Secret World, of course, has its drawbacks. We will not lament the topic “Why didn’t we do a normal quest?” It is clear that today online games bring in more money, but since they made an MMO, answer in full.

If you turn off the interface (Alt + Z), you can forget for a second that you are playing an MMORPG.

Firstly, fighting is still a bit boring.

Secondly, the interface is bad. Inconvenient, confusing and ugly. There are few hot keys, elixirs cannot be placed on the control panel, the size of the windows is fixed. Plus, the font in the texts is terribly small, and for some reason you can’t enlarge it; it’s very difficult to play in a resolution of 1920 by 1080 - you’ll break your eyes. But the worst thing is with crafting: while you assemble a pistol from spare parts, you personally curse the close and distant relatives of each developer. Items are created almost like in Minecraft: to get the necessary item, you need to place the spare parts in the cells in a certain order. For crafting, you need a so-called set of tools (toolkit), and a specific one (there are many of them and they serve different purposes), which is not so easy to find. Raw materials are obtained only in one way - by disassembling other items. At the same time, half of the things cannot be broken, and those that can, almost always give the wrong spare parts that do not match the level of the tool set. The most unpleasant thing is that even after going through all the circles of hell, it is very rare to make something worthy.

Thirdly, the game is terribly optimized. Even on a computer that meets the recommended system requirements, it manages to constantly slow down, and this is not at maximum graphics settings.

Despite the shortcomings and MMO pain points, The Secret World succeeds in the main thing - it is seriously addictive, tells a wonderful story and gives new sensations. If we distance ourselves from the genre, the closest associations here are Fallout 3(or New Vegas) and The Longest Journey. From the first in the game - the joy of exploration and a fantastic density of events, from the second - an unusual, multifaceted world, atmosphere and approach to storytelling.

When asked by a fan on Twitter if Funcom would make a Dreamfall sequel if The Secret World was successful, Ragnar Törnqvist responded without hesitation: “Yes, of course!” It is quite possible that this was just a joke, but even if we never find out what really happened to April Ryan, we would like to hope that everything will be fine with Ragnar and he will continue to invent fantasy worlds and stories. Because he's great at it.


Cool story:


Easy to learn:


Sound and music:

Interface and control:

Did you wait?

I don’t want to evaluate The Secret World based on a narrow genre framework. The main thing you need to know is that this is a real ADVENTURE, of which there are few. If you love good stories and are attracted to fantasy worlds, then be sure to play it.


Editor of "Gaming"

Most people who, to their own surprise, became interested in The Secret World say something like “you have to endure the entire tedious MMO part there for the sake of wonderful quests and scenarios.” So, in my opinion, you don’t need to endure anything. Just as you don’t need to learn the most complex ancient Japanese in order to read Basho in the original: the pleasure, of course, is tempting, but it does not justify the effort at all. I am, of course, talking about wonderful tasks like “collect ten stones”, which seem to have come from another game. It’s not that it’s impossible to overcome yourself - I just think that this shouldn’t be done out of pure principle. Funcom are brilliant people who have long been bitten by some kind of MMO fly, although, of course, it is obvious to everyone that they are best at writing stories (to be very precise, stories about the girl April Ryan). Everyone except, it seems, themselves. Ragnar Törnqvist is probably very sad now: specialized MMO publications give The Secret World a good “six” and “seven”, without understanding where World of Warcraft is. What, in general, I fought for, is what I ran into. Next - you'll laugh, a game about LEGO.

Anton Logvinov

Producer of "Videomania"

I was very skeptical about The Secret World and I do not refuse the words spoken in the report: I would like to get a good single-player adventure game from Funcom instead of an MMO, since I no longer have the strength to endure WOW gameplay. I didn’t expect anything else - that when I launched the game, its plot part would drag me down. TSW is the coolest MMO I've ever played. Exclusively due to the setting and atmosphere. In fact, all these years, Ragnar Tornqvist and his team have been deceiving their investors and MMO fans. All this time, under the guise of an online game, they were making a spiritual successor to The Longest Journey and Dreamfall. The signature style of their adventure games is visible from the first seconds, and in terms of plot, this is not a continuation of Dreamfall, it seems, only because of the desire to cram more into the game so that it is enough for an MMO.

The game constantly surprises you. I have never received a more interesting research experience from an MMO. And this is not to mention the characters, dialogues and quests, which are simply amazing and completely in the style of single-player adventure games. Let's say you find a phone, read a message from which you find out that next to the Illuminati church there is a stone, and under the stone there is a safe, and the code for it is the number of the verse from the Bible, which is read first at the service. You go to church, look for the schedule, etc. In short, infinitely cool.

The only sad thing is that you have to play another World of Warcraft. But at least here there is something to play for.

Svetlana Karacharova

Former editor-in-chief of World of Fantasy

In fact, The Secret World is a real setup. If we measure it by the usual MMO line, then this is a poor clone of you-know-what: here is a character, here we dress him, here we upgrade him (so what if the game formally has no experience; but it has ability points). And also, look, we have raids, and PvP is in place, as many as three types. Here's a dungeon for five, but what do you think of a tank in a plaid shirt and jeans? And look, we have seven abilities on the panel... Scratching behind the ear, I want to stick out my lower lip in disgust and say - damn it, guys, this is just regular WoW. Of course, it’s a huge Viva for you that you disguised it so coolly with your Cthulhus, but...

But all this is nonsense, because in reality TSW is a quest! No, not like that: this is a Quest. And even - oh my God! - this is an ONLINE QUEST! A decisively new word in the genre, which should have been said by people who are well versed in it. And they said. Is there at least one other MMORPG in the world where, in order to complete a task, you need to go to Google, look for the page of a fictitious organization, read the archive... search for quotes from the Bible in order to understand strange hints... follow a school of birds to guess where the earth is?.. Yes, there are no more games like this.

That's why TSW is unique. But if you ask the question whether it will become popular and financially successful, the answer to both questions will most likely be negative. God forbid I'm wrong.

Maxim Burak

The main problem with The Secret World is that its creators were unable to decide on their audience in time. The average MMORPG fan will be disappointed in this game one way or another. After all, it does not have the usual pumping system, levels and other important attributes of your favorite genre. A fan of adventure games who buys TSW for the sake of a mystical plot and interesting quests will have to painfully endure the standard MMO husk: kill 50 ghouls and 35 vampires, cut off the ears of a dozen trolls, as well as other tasks in the spirit of run-kill-collect, which are from each other They are not particularly different, but they are trying to uproot interest in the game. As a result, The Secret World fails to function well as either an MMO or an adventure game.

But still, putting up with a huge amount of unnecessary things, you continue to play it.

They made TSW for too long - 7 years, during which it became clear that the paid subscription system in online games almost does not work anymore, and the emphasis on the plot is better done in projects designed for one player - they really value it there. I'm afraid that the game will most likely be remembered as some kind of strange experiment.

Initially, an original game in its genre was created - The Secret World. It was published on July 3, 2012. For its time, the game seemed something new, unlike everything else. At that time, it was distributed through Buy-To-Play (Buy and Play).

At first, there weren’t too many fans of the game, all due to the fact that payment was required to play. In addition, the game had an in-game store where you could buy in-game items, but, as everyone knows, these are just small things for an MMORPG that do not carry much meaning, because they often only sell “clothes” for your “ dolls."

The original The Secret World lasted quite a long time, to be more precise - until June 26, 2017. No, they didn’t have time to close the original game then, the developers simply decided to restart the game so that it would be a plus for everyone. In particular, this was done in order to attract new people to the game, because for 5 years the number of new players in TSW was not too large.

The creators decided to make one critical feature in the relaunch of the game. They have changed the economic model of the game to the core, and now it is distributed under the Free-To-Play system.

It is difficult to assess whether this is better or worse.

Distinctive features of Secret World Legends from the original.

To be honest, in fact, nothing has changed radically from the original in the F2P version of the game.

The graphics in the game were only “improved”, many quests and quest rewards were redone, some content that was in the original was removed, and so on.

About the game Secret World Legends itself.

Surely the question will arise, why is this game more unique than all other MMORPGs, in particular Asian ones?

The answer will be both incredibly simple and with a catch - the main plot, characters, atmosphere are based on the works of Stephen King, Howard Lovecraft, and other classics of this genre.

Because of this style, the always gloomy fear, fear, pain, and war, a double opinion is created. On the one hand, the atmosphere of the game grabs your soul and cannot let go until the last moment, but on the other hand, it may not seem interesting at all. The game itself is not for everyone. Many people may like it for its atmosphere, monsters, magic, and mysteries, while others may not like it because of the same thing.

If we talk about the game world, then three factions reign in it:

Templars. The native British, who are fighting for the title of the strongest faction, forever living in fantasies that they are saving the world from evil, in particular among them there are no believers, and most often they are complete atheists who do not believe in anything.

Illuminati. The second strongest faction, which fights for the place of the strongest faction. Previously, they lived in Europe, but due to problems with the Templars, they had to leave it and move to another country. America, to be more precise - to the city of New York.

Dragons. The quietest, calmest, and peaceful faction among the rest. They don't care about wars or aggression. They believe that the world can be “taken over” by friendliness. Despite their morals, their army consists of strong enough fighters who can stand up for themselves. They themselves come from Korea, the city of Seoul.

Gaming classes.

In this game, there are no game classes as such. Everyone is equal and can choose their own path. There are many separate subclasses in the game:

Fist fighter. Uses brass knuckles. Capable of being both a Damage and Support class fighter.

Sword master. His weapon is a sword. Unlike the Fist Fighter, he can only be a Damage class fighter, with the feature of long-term survivability, but he is still weaker than the Tank character.

Hammer Master. Absolutely similar playstyle as Sword Master, and even similar features.

Pistol master. Specializes in pistols. Capable of being both a “Damage” class fighter and a “Support” class fighter.

Shotgun master. The style of play is similar to that of “pistols”, but the difference is that you need to stand closer to the target than with pistols.

Fighter with a rifle. A mixed class that is very flexible. Depends on how the player himself does it. You can make both a very powerful fighter and a strong “Support” character, with his enormous ability to heal allies.

Master of elementalism. Uses the magic of different elements. Most often used only as a Damage character class.

Master of blood magic. Uses a book of blood magic. A flexible class, just like the rifle fighter. You can do the same as him.

Master of chaos. His main weapon is the chaos of the whole world. Can be either a character of the “Damage” class or a “Tank”.

In general, creating your own unique class is not difficult, because in the game you need to choose two different classes and learn how to combine them.

In conclusion, we can say that the game is quite strongly focused on lovers of Lovecraft and his style, or lovers of the paranormal. It is not very similar to the classic MMORPG, because it has quite a lot of storylines that are really interesting and executed extremely well. Besides this, unfortunately, there is practically no help from other players required here. Yes, you can play together with a friend, it’s even more interesting, but it’s still not necessary. In any case, no matter what we talk about the game, you need to try it yourself from the beginning and form your own opinion.

Re-release of the most unusual online game in the world - about a global conspiracy, the Templars, the Illuminati, Cthulhu and other horrors that happen literally behind the wall

The Secret World- an online role-playing game released in 2012, in which representatives of three secret societies (Templars, Illuminati and Dragons) save the world from terrible evil, not forgetting to constantly put spokes in each other’s wheels. The game attracted an atmosphere in which everyday life coexisted with Lovecraftian horrors and incredible intrigues, and attracted excellent press. However, its further fate turned out to be completely ordinary: a couple of years after its release, only representatives of a small but loyal community of fans remembered TSW.

The usual story, except that unlike many other online games, the popularity of which was entirely the work of the marketing department, The Secret World attracted truly cool ideas. It was painful to see how there were fewer and fewer people on the servers every month, it was a shame to understand that a grandiose idea had become hostage to several unsuccessful decisions that simply did not allow one to enjoy the game.

The main thing among these solutions is that it is extremely difficult to master. Even a person who had ten years of experience in the online genre had a hard time understanding what and how to do in The Secret World. The worst thing was what is considered the skeleton of any MMO - the leveling system. TSW did not have the usual levels (according to the developers, the number above the portrait would prevent you from completely immersing yourself in the atmosphere), but there was a so-called “skill wheel”, on which more than 600 different abilities of the hero were located in a clever sequence. A great idea: any player could spend days delving into these endless deposits, building his own, unique and inimitable build. And how long it took to upgrade all these abilities! TSW was supposed to be a game to last for years.

Unfortunately, Funcom didn't have the talent to implement this idea. Already during testing of TSW, it became clear that the “wheel” caused nothing but horror in players: it was inconvenient to use, the skill icons were too similar, and the connections between them were not obvious. In a good way, the leveling system should have been rebuilt from scratch, but instead, the developers... attached a special in-game training video to the “wheel”. Of course, it didn't save the situation. The players looked with square eyes at first at the gobbledygook inside the “wheel”, then at the video, estimated how much time and effort it would take them to try to master all this at least at a basic level, and closed the game. Forever.

Five years later, Funcom finally found the strength to admit old mistakes and restart the project from scratch, slightly changing the name. So Secret World: Legends is a simplified, lighter, more cheerful and understandable version of the old game from 2012. The idiotic “wheel” was replaced with clear branches for leveling up nine possible weapon options: three melee weapons, three firearms, and three types of magic. The idea remains the same - you can still make whatever you want out of the hero, but now the skills (which, by the way, have become much less than 600) can be understood without training videos.

In addition, the character now has a level. It doesn’t spoil the atmosphere one bit, but the previously tormenting questions like “is it normal that every skeleton I meet kills me, or am I just not well-leveled enough for this quest?” The combat system has also changed: now it does not have a designated target, so fighting has become more fun. True, SW:L still loses to modern online role-playing games (like Revelation), where the player can choose one of several combat systems at any time.

While the game overall has become much more welcoming, some things still irritate me. For example, crafting - classic schemes have been removed from the game, you no longer need to look for drawings and resources, but equipping a character is still wildly difficult. The problem is that you always only get entry-level clothes and weapons, the only way to make equipment more powerful is to merge a bunch of the same things into one better one. But even here there are difficulties. For example, you can’t just take and make one purple level 50 belt out of hundreds of identical white belts - you must first make several intermediate things, and then turn them into a top item. As a result, the player constantly has a bunch of all sorts of rubbish stored in his inventory - and such a system causes nothing but irritation.

Plus, in a game where you constantly have to kill - zombies, wendigos, vampires, ghosts, crazy cannibal clowns and all sorts of Cthulhu-like creatures wait at every turn - these kills are rewarded with a ridiculous amount of experience. Loot does not drop from regular monsters at all. The only reliable way to not only level up your character, but also to collect all these hundreds of primitive shotguns to make one powerful one is to complete quests.

Luckily, it's the quests that are really good in SW:L. Honestly, this is the only thing worth enduring all the troubles of Funcom's brainchild. Many quest chains would do credit to an ordinary role-playing game - sometimes you have to re-read all the documents collected in the diary and crawl around half the city to finally figure out the code to the safe. Dozens of story scenes, in-engine videos, professional voice acting and a schizophrenic plot in a good way, in which the player constantly feels as if he is in the pages of Stephen King's best books - for about 100 hours your head will be filled not with problems with finding suitable equipment, but with complex intrigue and trying to figure out what the hell is going on?

Basically, it's the story that gives SW:L a chance that you won't demolish it immediately after installation, because all the other activities in it, even after restarting, are not worth much attention. There is not a lot of top content in the game: having reached the maximum level 50, you will get access to complicated versions of a dozen dungeons and one battlefield - compare with giants like World of Warcraft, where more activities are added in any addon. Having finished the story campaign, you should replay the game again, as a character from a different faction, and then all that remains is to slowly discover more and more ways to wield weapons and combine them in the most unimaginable ways, earn achievements and replay dungeons at the maximum difficulty level.

A huge plus of SW:L is that you can do all this completely free of charge. All one hundred hours of the plot can be easily completed without investing a single ruble. Upgrade all your abilities, unlock all achievements, collect the most powerful equipment - everything can be done for free. True, for money the same thing can be done much faster. In addition, you will need money if you want to have an additional character or buy him some nice new clothes in the store. But overall, monetization is much more gentle than some competitors.

Another strong point of the game is that over the years a very friendly community has developed around it. There is no shame in admitting in the chat that this is your first time in the dungeon - they will immediately explain the tactics and make sure that you understood everything correctly. If the group still failed to kill the boss, no one yells, leaves, spitting in their hearts, and does not try to blame everyone around. In SW:L there are many players from TSW - they were not allowed to transfer ready-made characters, so everyone is downloading again - and in any location, in any situation, you can find help. Of course, with one important condition: you must be able to speak English. If you have trouble with English, it’s better not to meddle in SW:L at all.

One hundred hours of story, which can now be completed for free and without much digging into confusing interfaces - this is the main thing you need to understand about SW:L. One hundred hours during which you will be immersed in the realities of a world much more interesting than the one around you. Abandoned castles with strange broken mirrors, mysterious houses with bathtubs full of blood, universities with builders' bones embedded in their walls, and other mysteries that will make your heart beat faster await you. As a classic online game, SW:L, despite all the improvements, is still helpless (what are ten dungeons?), but if you're interested in the story, then it's a good choice.

Game The Secret World from the company Funcom with the release of the add-on, Legends will receive its rebirth. One of the main differences from The Secret World is that the game is now available to everyone as Free-to-Play. Just as importantly, Secret World Legends has updates to match a modern RPG. The updates include a redesigned combat system, more intuitive systems for interaction, improved visuals, improved quests, and an improved early game structure for new players. The official launch of the game is scheduled for June 26, and launch on Steam on July 31, 2017.

The developers are trying their best to bring back the world of mystery and enigma. For example, for the launch of the game, a mini-game from Funcom and Alice & Smith called “Kiss of Revenant” was launched. An elusive storyteller invites players into a tragic love story on the Savage Coast. Players were asked to decipher the story, and upon completing and solving all the riddles, they could earn an exclusive set of weapons for use in Secret World Legends.

The first thing you need to do to start the game is to choose a faction among the three available: Illuminati, Templars and Dragon. Each faction has its own unique missions and rewards. The Illuminati and Templars are two warring factions, and Dragon is a kind of “middle” faction.

Factions in Secret World Legends:

  • Illuminati (Illuminati) based in New York. They prefer money and power, and love the color blue.
  • Templars located in London and strive to maintain order and tradition. Their faction color is red.
  • Dragon chose the alleys of Seoul. They wear green.
Once a faction has been selected, you can begin creating your character. Secret World Legends has good character customization. You can choose your gender, customize characteristics, clothes and many other parameters. Next, you need to select a starting character class. But first we need to talk about the types of weapons in the game.

The game features nine types of weapons, divided into three categories: melee, firearms and magic. Each weapon has unique combat mechanics and encourages a unique playstyle.

Types of weapons in the game Secret World Legends:

  • Dual Pistols is a firearm designed for group support, including buffs, debuffs and other effects. The Chamber Roulette system gives you a chance to gain more power while using your abilities.
  • Shotguns is a firearm suitable for tanking and defensive support. Shotguns must be reloaded every 6 shots. You can choose from a variety of ammo types using the Heavy Munitions mechanic. These types of ammo provide a variety of effects, ranging from over-damage to self-healing.
  • Assault Rifles– a long-range weapon designed for ranged damage and healing. It is possible to load grenades, which will bring additional damage.

  • Blades is a melee weapon centered around balancing damage and self-preservation. Blade's attacks have a chance to generate Chi, which fuels the "Spirit Blade" mechanic. Once 5 Chi points are saved, Spirit Blade can be activated. This greatly increases the damage dealt. If it is not activated within a few seconds, then the Chi is consumed to heal itself.
  • Fist Weapons- These are melee weapons (such as brass knuckles) that spin around and provide damage or healing effects over time. You can build up your "Primal Fury" by using either damaging or healing attacks, and then activate new abilities when you have enough Fury.
  • Hammers- This is a melee weapon designed for tanking and defense systems. Hammers are fueled by Rage, which accumulates during combat.

  • Elementalism- a magical weapon that allows you to use the powers of ice, fire and lightning. When using only fire and lightning abilities, it can get very hot, resulting in a lot of damage. If the Thermotics meter is illuminated, fire and lightning attacks are temporarily disabled. You must use your ice abilities to cool down.
  • Chaos Magic is a magical weapon that focuses on tanking, evasion, and the element of Randomness. As you deal damage, Paradoxes accumulate, which provide powerful random bonuses. These bonuses range from character clones, group buffs, and explosions.
  • Blood Magic- This is a magical style that allows you to either harm or heal. You can deal damage or heal even more damage using your own health points.

Starter classes are simply presets that include two predefined weapon types.

Starting classes in the game:

Ravager– combines rage with real power and spends its mystical energy on protection and healing.

  • First weapon: Fist Weapons.
  • Second weapon: Blood Magic.
  • Main role: Healer.
Assassin– melee and ranged damage focused on enemies.
  • First weapon: Blades.
  • Second weapon: Elementalism.
  • Main role: Damage.
  • First weapon: Assault Rifles.
  • Second Weapon: Fist Weapons.
  • Main role: Healer.
  • First weapon: Shotguns.
  • Second weapon: Hammers.
Warclock– Warlock combines the art of magic and modern weapons.
  • First weapon: Blood Magic.
  • Second weapon: Assault Rifles.
  • Main role: Healer.
Gunslinger- This is a master of firearms.
  • First weapon: Dual Pistols.
  • Second weapon: Shotguns.
  • Main role: Damage
Magus– a combination of elemental and chaotic magic.
  • First weapon: Elementalism.
  • Second weapon: Chaos Magic.
  • Main role: Damage.
demolisher– this class prefers melee weapons and destroys everything in its path.
  • First weapon: Hammers.
  • Second weapon: Blades.
  • Main role: Survivability.
  • First weapon: Chaos Magic.
  • Second weapon: Dual Pistols.
  • Main role: Survivability.
Once a starting class is chosen and a character is created, the story begins. At the beginning, the character will be shown in several cutscenes that explain his history, although cryptically and vaguely. A character swallows a bee, gains supernatural powers that he cannot control, and those powers end up destroying his apartment.

Secret World Legends has three main types of missions: Action, Sabotage and Investigation.

  • Action missions usually involve eliminating enemies and direct combat.
  • Sabotage missions usually involve stealth and avoiding enemies.
  • Investigation or Investigation Missions, the pride of Secret World Legends, is puzzle-based. During the investigation, it will be possible to try to decipher Morse code, understand classical music, etc.
As soon as the training ends, an agent of the faction that was selected earlier will contact the character. After this, the character begins his first missions as an agent of his chosen faction. The game will visit places such as London, Seoul, New York, the dark forests of Transylvania, the scorched deserts of Egypt and a small coastal town in New England, filled with horror and mystery. Over 100 hours of storytelling and gameplay. You can play either alone or with friends.

The graphics in the game are not stunning, but not disgusting either. Yes, it may not be as cool as current AAA projects, but this does not interfere with the atmosphere of the game. There is also a very mystical soundtrack. Some may be put off by the lack of localization, but English is available. There are three languages ​​in the game: English, German and French.

Reality and a fantastic, gloomy world are mixed. The action here is intertwined with solving riddles and tasks necessary for further advancement. Of course, The Secret World Legends game with its unique atmosphere will occupy its own niche.

System requirements for the game Secret World Legends:


  • OS: Windows XP (SP 1)/Vista (SP 1)/Windows 7 (SP 1).
  • Processor: 2.6 GHz Intel Core 2 DUO or equivalent AMD processor.
  • Memory: at least 2 GB of RAM.
  • Video card: Nvidia 8800 series 512 VRAM or better/Radeon HD3850 512 MB or better.
  • DirectX®: 9.0.
  • Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card.
  • OS: Windows 7 64 bit.
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 3.0 GHz or equivalent.
  • Memory: 6 GB.
  • Hard disk space: at least 30 GB of free space.
  • Video card: Nvidia GTX 560 Ti 1GB.
  • DirectX®: 11.0.
  • Sound: DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card.