Sexual massage for men and women. Erotic massage for men

Women are women, and men are men - they, as they say, have a center of gravity in different places. The stage of arousal differs for men and women.
During the arousal stage, we begin to stimulate the erogenous zones, concentrating on the genitals, but from time to time “distracting” to other parts of the body in order to distribute and balance the sensations. Over time, you will learn to track your partner's levels of "ascension" and make the transition from a relaxing to a stimulating massage smooth and gradual.
There are countless massage movements for the male genitals, not including those you have come up with. Here are three commonly used ones:
1. The penis rests on the stomach. The brush is folded into a cup into which the male testicles are placed. The palm of the other hand slides up and down the entire length of the penis from the head to the base.
2. One hand squeezes the penis, moving from the head to the base. Having reached it, she withdraws, but at this time the other hand is already squeezing the head and repeating the entire path, creating a sequence.
3. For ten seconds, you lightly and gently caress the penis, then quickly “tug” it. After this, a gentle ten-second caress is repeated, followed by two quick “jerks.” Then three, and so on. Continue until ejaculation becomes inevitable.
Note: an erection is not a necessary and sufficient sign of a man’s pleasure during a massage. Some massage movements are more pleasurable when the penis is not erect.

If you use only one hand to massage the male penis, massage the legs or chest or nipples with the other at this time. By the way, if you create a “conditional connection” between stimulation of the genitals and massage of any other part of the body, you can subsequently use it as an “artificial” erogenous zone.

The main rule of erotic massage of male genitals is to stop stimulation a few moments before ejaculation becomes inevitable. It is best if the man himself gives a signal when he feels that this point has been reached - in a word, with a gesture, with a movement. This needs to be agreed upon in advance.

Repeated “peaks” will allow a man to repeatedly ascend to the pinnacle of bliss. One of them can be a completely logical conclusion to the massage. The finish, of course, may be ejaculation, but after that the man is unlikely to be inspired to return the massage. If you still want to end the massage with an orgasm, either refuse a return session, or let the woman undergo the procedure first.

An effective aphrodisiac for a man can be a “hot conversation” during a massage, for example, dressing up with a verbal form of his sexual fantasies. Let him feel that you are enjoying his pleasure.
Whether you decide to end the massage with ejaculation or not is your personal choice. But, in any case, after the massage, cover your partner with a sheet and/or blanket to maintain warmth and peace for a while.

Some couples prefer to end an erotic massage with intercourse. There are no contraindications here except that if you massage on a special massage table, it may not withstand double weight. It is believed that an orgasm after a massage can be very strong, extraordinary, permeating the entire body.

A couple more tips:
1. Breathing is an important element of proper massage. Let the person being massaged breathe rhythmically, slowly and deeply. And you try to adapt to his breathing. There have been cases when synchronizing the breathing of partners during a massage led to incredible sensations and very strong excitement.
2. After the massage, drink something refreshing, at least water.

Masculine massage. Massage is most effective when lubricant is used. Sliding hand movements provide truly masterful stimulation of the penis, and not only a special lubricant cream can be used as a lubricant, but also, for example, coconut, peanut or olive oil. Ordinary body creams and lotions are not suitable for a long erotic massage, since they tend to be absorbed too quickly.

In general, there are a great many options for massaging a man’s penis. Each couple can choose the most pleasant movements for themselves. By the way, the position of a woman and a man during a massage also plays a certain role, since in different poses a woman’s fingers are positioned differently on the penis.

A man can receive great pleasure from an erotic massage, even if the penis is not fully erect. Some men believe that the strongest sensations from an erotic massage can be experienced when the penis is in a semi-erect state (or a little more). It is not at all necessary to stimulate and massage a man’s penis only when he is lying down.

This can also be done while standing, when he or you are taking a shower together, or when your partner is sitting, for example, in a chair or on the sofa. During the massage, you can vary the pressure, stimulating the penis more or less. If you increase the pressure, then do not worry, there is no risk of suffocation of the penis, although it would still be nice to be interested in the sensations of your partner at the moment (if, of course, he is able to answer you).

Many men whose penis has not been circumcised experience great pleasure from the stretching of the foreskin of the penis. This will be felt best if you use a lubricant (cream or oil) during stimulation.

Penis massage options

When the man is in a lying position, place your outstretched palm on his penis and upward movements, pressing on it, “push” towards the man’s chest as if you are trying to squeeze out all the best sensations from him. With this massage of the penis, you can develop your own style by changing the angle of movement, the pressure force, and between each subsequent movement, lightly stroke the penis. In addition, this can be done with the right and left hands alternately. Use your imagination. And don't be shy under any circumstances.

Grasp the man's penis so that it points straight up (if the man is lying on his back). Straighten the palm of your other hand and stimulate the head of the penis in a circular motion, lightly touching it with the surface of your palm. If your partner enjoys this, then the pressure of the palm of the hand on the head of the penis can be increased a little, but do not forget that the palm should be well lubricated with lubricant.

Grasp the man's penis so that one hand is at the base of the penis and the other hand is grasping the top of the shaft. Turn your hands towards each other as if you were twisting a wet towel (but, of course, with less force).

Wrap your hand around the shaft of the penis so that it is at the very base. Hold the head of your penis between your thumb and index finger, or index and middle finger, and use your thumb or index finger to move it as if you were opening a bottle. In this case, it is most effective to stimulate precisely in the place where the head of the penis is adjacent to the shaft.

Grasp the penis with your hand at its base and, squeezing slightly, move upward, towards the head and above it. When your hand is already at the top, the second hand repeats this movement. Thus, alternate intercepting movements with your right and left hand. By touching the head of the penis with your hand, you can increase the pressure quite a bit. Such stimulation causes very pleasant sensations in a man and even orgasm. If the ultimate goal of such a massage is not a quick orgasm for a man, then seeing how his body tenses, pause your movements, alternating such stimulation with stroking the abdomen or testicles.

Massage the male penis with two hands

Hold the man's penis at the base with one hand, and place the other palm on the head of the penis and squeeze it with your fingertips around the place where the head of the penis meets the shaft. Massage this part of the penis, alternately moving your fingers. This will give a man a delightful sensation as it is a very sensitive part of the penis. Move up and down the shaft of the penis, stimulating it with your fingers from all sides. Sometimes you can use turning movements, first in one direction, then in the other direction.

Point massage

Some men experience great pleasure when a woman massages the so-called “invisible points” of the male genital organs. This “invisible point” is located in the part of the penis that is located under the scrotum. Touch the space between the testicles with your fingertips and gently massage the surface hiding there. This place is best massaged towards the anus. Muscle tissue, ligaments and nerve endings are concentrated in this part of the penis. Massage of this place leads to the fact that gentle, sweet sensations (as the men themselves say) permeate the entire shaft of the penis - from the head to the base of the pelvis, and the same pleasant waves roll throughout the man’s body.

Lubricate your partner's penis with enough lubricant or so that your next movements do not cause him an irritating and unpleasant sensation. Grasp the well-lubricated penis with your hand and, squeezing it, point it upward, while making turning movements. After changing hands, you can repeat this in the opposite direction.

Try massaging the head of your penis as if you were unscrewing a plug. Just do not forget that all your actions should be soft and in no case rude or harsh. Do not twist the head of the penis like a cap that cannot be unscrewed. The pressure of the fingers can be changed, but the turning movements should be very soft and gentle.

Grab your partner's well-lubricated penis with both hands, placing one at the base of the penis and the other hand on top of it. Make “pulling” movements with one hand up and the other down. You can vary the degree of pressure, and the “pulling” movements should be very soft.

Male massage

Grasp the man's penis with both hands so that your thumbs touch the frenulum. Gentle circular movements of the tips of your thumbs in this place will give your partner a delightful sensation. At the same time, with your other fingers you can press on the shaft of the penis and massage it in this way, loosening and reinforcing the pressure.

Massage your partner's penis and testicles with gentle, tapping movements with your fingertips for 15 to 20 seconds, and then make one quick stroke up and down the shaft of the penis. Then caress the penis and testicles again for a few seconds and again make two or three of the same quick movements up and down the shaft of the penis. Repeat these steps several times, each time increasing the movement up and down the shaft of the penis. Such variations will bring a pleasant variety to manual stimulation of the penis and will be a wonderful element of erotic massage.

Use lubricant

Wrap the man's penis well lubricated with lubricant with two fingers - thumb and index, or thumb and middle, forming a ring. Move down from the head of the penis to its base slowly, squeezing and unclenching the ring of fingers, or rather, changing the pressure. Repeat the same movement, but moving upward - from the base of the penis to its head. However, this massage option is only suitable for those cases when the man’s penis is in an erect state.

Pull the skin over the man's penis and grasp his shaft at the bottom, at the base. Having connected two fingers - the thumb and the middle one - around the shaft of the penis, move up and down in the place where the head of the penis is adjacent to the shaft, but at the same time vary the pressure, sometimes increasing it, and sometimes opening the ring of fingers so that they barely touch head comb, as if accidentally touching it. This stimulation will be most effective when the man's penis, and especially this area, is generously lubricated with lubricant cream or oil.

Hold your partner’s penis in both palms and with soft rubbing movements of your hands, slide down to the base of the penis, and then slowly rise up to the head in the same way. The movements of the hands are as if the palms are rubbing against each other. With this massage, you can increase the pressure without fear. For variety, it can be changed from very light to strong from time to time. But to prevent friction from causing unpleasant and painful sensations in a man, do not forget to lubricate his penis and your hands well with lubricant or oil, whatever you use for massage.

Erotic penis massage

In general, there are many options for erotic massage and penis stimulation, and it is simply impossible to list or describe them all. If only because women’s imagination suggests to each woman her own “individual” options for penis massage. And options for stimulating your beloved man and how to give him unforgettable pleasure.

Erotic penis massage is a kind of game in which you can experiment, come up with something new and unusual without any embarrassment. It is entertaining, interesting and gives great pleasure to both partners - both men and women. In addition, men are greatly impressed when a woman shows imagination and ingenuity in intimate moments. Especially if he experiences completely new feelings that he has not experienced before.

By the way, if women think that sex and a man’s feelings during sex are always the same, they are deeply mistaken. Some types of caresses and stimulation cause truly unfamiliar sensations in men. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say what kind of caresses and stimulation can cause these feelings, since the body of each man, like that of a woman, is completely individual. And the flight of fancy varies from woman to woman. Don't be afraid to experiment, and you will definitely find that very special way to drive your partner crazy. And make him drown in the delicious bliss that he experienced thanks to you, your imagination and the ability of your hands to bring him to.

The physical impact of massage on the body’s condition has long proven its feasibility. How to massage the penis? Thanks to pressing on certain points and pressure with warm hands, problem areas are “warmed up” and intense blood flow in stagnant vessels occurs. This is especially true for capillaries, in which “stagnation” often occurs, which leads to certain dysfunctions. But for some men genital massage associated with so-called “masturbation”. However, these are, as they say, “two big differences.” You should not do everything to get pleasure and lead to the release of seminal fluid. When massaging the organ, it is necessary to reach only the penultimate point, that is, not to lead to ejaculation. Doctors recommend carrying out this procedure daily, with the same frequency as the necessary gymnastics for recovery. The result of “simple” efforts will be the elimination of problems associated with male sexual performance.

Before starting massage treatments, you must adhere to some recommendations from specialists, this will increase the effect of the procedures. The massage should be carried out at least an hour after eating, and should not be constrained by clothing. The procedures are carried out with passing breathing through the nose. Massage manipulations can be performed in any position: standing, sitting, lying down. In the last pose, you should remove all interfering objects from under the body and do not place soft pillows, blankets, etc. for comfort. A more relaxed feeling will be obtained if you take water procedures before starting the massage: shower, bath. Your hands should be warmed; to do this, you can lubricate your hands with healing oil and rub your palms vigorously.

Massage of the pelvic area for impotence

There are points that are useful for any type of dysfunction. Massaging the point located between the coccyx and the anus in a circular motion, clockwise and back, affects the small capillaries and vessels in the pelvic area. Doctors recommend this exercise for sexual impotence. Such massage of the pelvic area for impotence in compliance with all the advice of doctors, will bring significant results.

Pubic bone massage

For problems with ejaculation, very useful pubic bone massage.By massaging the pubic bone, after the first days of the procedure, the man will feel sexual desire, as the erogenous zones that secrete seminal fluid are activated. These procedures include several exercises.

While standing, place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly.

  1. With your right hand, gently grasp the testicles and pull them down a little. Don't squeeze too hard. Repeat several. Using the palm of your left hand, begin intensively massaging the pubic area, applying slight pressure. Repeat 36 times, moving the circle counterclockwise. Then relax and lower your arms. Repeat the same thing, just change the position of your hands. Perform movements in the pubic area clockwise the same amount, 36 times.
  2. The second type of exercise involves direct contact with the external genitalia. Take one testicle with your hands, which should be in the position between your thumb and middle finger. For 2 minutes, you need to intensively but gently massage the organ with your fingers.

How to properly massage the penis?

In this section, we want to suggest how to properly massage the penis. The main rule is that the genital organ should be in a relaxed state..

So, let's begin.

We have suggested several types of massages for the treatment of male impotence. In addition to direct physical effects, men's health is also affected by diet, smoking, and alcohol. Food must contain vitamins, trace elements and minerals. Also for the greatest effectiveness, it is recommended to take the drug Eromax, which contains many herbs (ginseng root, leuzea, drone brood, etc.) that have a positive effect on libido in both men and women. Particular attention should be paid to excess weight, which is often an important factor in erectile dysfunction. Sports activities, hardening and constant walks in the fresh air will be a wonderful addition to healing. Try to avoid stressful situations and physical activity. And don’t forget that the best tool for restoring men’s health is women’s hands. Thanks to them, not only a high-quality massage occurs, but also a feeling of pleasure relieves tension and increases the effect of the massage significantly.

Why massage your testicles? The male genital organs are a rather vulnerable part of the body, subject to various aggressive influences and dysfunctions. There are very serious problems associated with them that should be given the closest attention.

When is a massage necessary?

The testicles play a very important role. They produce the hormone testosterone necessary for the body and are responsible for its uninterrupted and complete production. The presence of testosterone directly depends on the health of men's testicles. If there is something wrong with them, then serious complications will begin with the functioning of the male reproductive system, which cannot please anyone and creates new problems, even the appearance of tumors.

The genital organs may be subject to destructive congestion, that is, the normal productive functioning of this organ slows down. First of all, the production of testosterone becomes less and less. This is the most important consequence of a defect in the testicular area.

What does this mean for men's health? Among the consequences, the following pathological phenomena mainly appear:

  • erection sharply decreases or stops completely, ejaculation becomes extremely weak, sexual dysfunction develops;
  • Decreased sperm production can lead to infertility.

On the contrary, if production increases, it will increase the body’s ability to perform its sexual function and the risk of infertility will sharply decrease.

To avoid problems with the functioning of the reproductive system, you need to carry out a procedure called testicular massage. With it, the ovarian area is massaged with certain movements, and the penis organ is also affected. This should be done periodically by almost all men, since sexual dysfunction has become very common nowadays.

There are many reasons for carrying out this procedure:

  • disruption of normal erection;
  • sexual weakness;
  • with low libido;
  • nervousness, depression, other irritants;
  • a person’s lifestyle, for example, addiction to bad habits.

First of all, massage is prescribed for men who suffer from impotence itself or with emerging infertility. If these two ailments haunt you, then massage is simply a must, and massage sessions should be regular. This is a kind of standard therapeutic course.

But not only people already suffering from ailments in the reproductive system can use this technique; it is advisable for healthy men to do it as well. In fact, massage is not only a means of therapy, but also a very good preventive technique. Regular massaging of the reproductive organs will help in the future to avoid many problems that will ruin a person’s life.

Benefits of massage

Massage of the testicles is not some kind of innovation; this procedure was performed in ancient times, because problems with the sexual component haunted people even then. Current testicular massage is essentially a technique from an old Chinese technique called shiatsu. It was this that became the basis of the modern procedure, which exists as detailed instructions. This method is used to massage the organs of the penis and testicles. The technique is in great demand due to its effectiveness.

This massage of the testicles leads to the following results:


  • Massage procedures help solve problems directly related to defects in the reproductive system, without resorting to the use of expensive medications or the services of specialists.
  • You can do this procedure yourself and at home.

These are the tangible benefits that massage of the testicles brings.

How to massage the testicles correctly?

A massage procedure based on the old, proven Shiatsu technique is simple enough that anyone can perform it at home, either independently or with the involvement of a partner. The procedure is performed with the fingers and palms. Preparation for a massage should include the following steps:

  • the body, in particular the ovaries, should be as relaxed as possible, the success of therapy largely depends on this;
  • hands performing the massage should be thoroughly washed and warm;
  • the scrotum hangs down, so you need to put something soft and warm under it.

The procedure itself consists of the following steps:

  1. You need to wrap a clean towel around the testicles and keep it there for several minutes. This will allow the body to further relax.
  2. You need to carefully pull back the skin that is located near the testicles. With two fingers you need to grasp the base, located near the scrotum, below the penis itself. Then you just need to pull down and carefully squeeze until the testicles themselves are clamped quite tightly, at the bottom of the scrotum. This action actually isolates the testicles, and they will not twist when subsequently massaged. This can cause very unpleasant sensations, but you need to be patient.
  3. Using the palm of your hand from the opposite side, you need to carefully apply gentle compression to the upper part of the massaged testicles. The further process takes place in circular movements. At the same time, you need to pull down your ovaries and scrotum, but you just need to do this carefully. This can cause severe pain, if you feel it, immediately relieve the pressure on your testicles. Avoid sudden and strong movements during the procedure.

This massage procedure lasts about three or five minutes. After the process is completed, the testicles, with the right approach, should be elongated and may even look larger than before the massage procedure. These phenomena occur because during massaging they become very swollen, which is explained, first of all, by a sharp increase in the circulation of blood masses in the reproductive system.

But in fact, this is a positive sign that indicates that the ultimate goal of the massage has been achieved. These changes occur because the testicles are slightly swollen due to increased blood flow. But there is no need to worry, since the purpose of the procedure was to achieve improved blood flow in the organs. The described phenomena that are observed after the massage mean that you have achieved the goal of the testicular massage.

The whole process must be done very carefully. You need to be especially careful with such a delicate organ as the testicles.

How often should you massage your testicles?

A healthy person with no serious sexual health problems can massage the penis and testicles approximately three or four times a week, usually before bed. More often than not, it’s not worth it, there’s no need for it and it won’t bring much benefit.

Another thing is for men suffering from physical complications, the struggle with which is very serious. In this case, the massage must be performed every day, without breaks. Problems such as infertility or inability to have normal sexual intercourse are treated through long-term massage therapy.

For the therapy to be effective, it is necessary to perform this massage three or at least twice in one day - morning and evening. Only a thorough massage will help.


Massage is widely recommended by specialists and doctors working in the field. This method of therapy and prevention is very popular today, even because of the simplicity of this procedure. However, it is worth noting that such a massage is not suitable for everyone, since it has its own contraindications. Massaging male testicles cannot be performed under the following circumstances:

  1. At an extremely acute stage of the disease in the male genital area. For example, with acute inflammation of the urethra, the testicles themselves or the prostate.
  2. In the presence of acute cystitis.
  3. For physiological injuries.
  4. For diseases affecting the rectum, for example, hemorrhoids or proctitis.
  5. In the presence of epididymitis.
  6. When the male genital organs are affected by tuberculosis infection.

If a man has any of the above, then no massage is acceptable, otherwise it can lead to complications of already serious health problems.

Professional massage of a man’s penis is effective not only for treating a large number of diseases of the male genital area, but also for restoring sexual activity and increasing potency. Professional and medical massage of the penis is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor and requires high qualifications. When carrying out the procedure yourself, a consultation with a specialist is required, who will explain in detail how to do everything correctly, since the correct technique of massaging the penis is most important for the effectiveness of treatment. There is also therapeutic female massage that can solve a large number of gynecological problems.

Main types and techniques

There are several techniques and types of massage. How to do a massage correctly? Depending on the purpose, primarily therapeutic and intimate massage techniques are distinguished, and these techniques differ significantly:

  • Therapeutic urethral massage

Before the procedure begins, the client's urethra is treated and the bladder is filled with a solution of mercuric oxycyanide. All devices should be at hand by the doctor and are most often stored under the table. Next, the rod is inserted and fixed in the anterior urethra of the penis. It is carried out from the base of the male penis towards the tip.

  • Therapeutic medical massage of the prostate gland

It is carried out by penetrating the patient's rectum. During prostate massage, the patient lies on his right side, with his knees pressed to his stomach. For the first 2 sessions, the prostate is massaged with sliding movements to avoid pain. Next, light pressure is applied. For inflammation of the seminal vesicles, the treatment technique is similar; the specialist begins the procedure from below and, massaging the vas deferens, gradually moves higher to the seminal vesicles.

Therapeutic massage of the Cooper glands is prescribed only after the inflammatory process has been eliminated. The patient lies on his back, raises his legs, and after spreading the buttocks, the doctor inserts a finger into the rectum and massages the glands.

  • Therapeutic testicular stimulation

As a rule, it is prescribed for stagnation, decreased vascular tone of the seminal canal and muscle contractile function. Massaging the testicles must be done with extreme caution, as this organ is highly sensitive. The specialist should stand behind, holding the damaged organ with one hand. The manipulation is carried out by alternating therapeutic stroking and rubbing of the diseased testicle or spermatic cord.

When massaging the testicles, you need to be extremely careful, the organ is very sensitive.

  • Medical treatment of the penis for phimosis

One of the non-surgical methods of treating this pathology is professional therapeutic massage of the head of the penis. First of all, it is recommended to take a hot water bath or warm shower to soften the skin. And after this, stretch the foreskin of the penis until the first pain is felt, repeat 10-15 times. The child should be stretched with extreme caution.

Medical therapeutic massage of the male penis is effective and, done by a qualified specialist, significantly reduces the likelihood of developing serious complications in the genitourinary system.

Erotic massage techniques

A professional intimate penis massage allows you to relax, improve potency and enhance sexual sensations. Basically, stimulation of the penis is done with the hands, but vacuum massage of the penis is often used, or perhaps medical use of a shuboshi device, which can be used unnoticed by others under the table. This equipment does not require special knowledge and is easy to use when stimulating the penis at home. Another option is to use female breasts, primarily in Thai methods.

The most popular: Thai, Taoist and Japanese massage. Known since ancient times and came to us from the East. They all involve the use of a woman's bare breasts.

Intimate methods of stimulation:

  • Thai

The most famous and popular is the intimate Thai penis massage. A very intimate and exciting process. Thai craftsmanship helps to diversify your sex life and brings pleasure to both partners.

Thai penile massage is performed exclusively with the breasts.

The Thai version of massaging involves touching only the breasts, without touching the penis with your hands. Thai stimulation is done at home, as there are now a large number of photos with step-by-step instructions for implementation. The woman bares her breasts and begins to stroke the man’s erogenous zones, having previously lubricated the skin in these areas with massage oil. It is possible to go to a professional Thai salon, but it is better when a wife massages her husband’s penis at home.

  • Japanese massage

Japanese massage is known for the “Cherry Branch” technique. It is done with an ice cube that is placed on the client's chest and the woman rolls it over the body using her lips. Under the influence of breathing, the ice melts, the chest becomes covered with drops, and the woman licks the melted liquid with her tongue. It does not imply continuation and aims to relax from everyday stress.

Professional Japanese massage is reminiscent of Indian and Thai. Helps to relax, enhance energy metabolism and achieve harmony in intimate relationships.

  • Taoist genital massage for men

It involves improving the functioning of the entire body by stimulating the reflexogenic zones of the penis. If the penis is not circumcised, then it is necessary to move the foreskin. Next, the entire penis is stimulated from base to tip. To soften the hands and increase gliding during friction, a moisturizer is used. Like Thai or Japanese penile massage, it implies improved energy metabolism and complete relaxation. For a more detailed introduction to this technique, you can watch the video tutorial.

  • Massage of the head of the penis

According to some reviews, it guarantees an increase in penis growth and size. In order to learn how to do a professional massage of the head of the penis with your hands, just watch any video tutorials.

Massaging the head of the penis stimulates its growth.

A professional head massage is performed with clean and warm hands. This is very important, since any sugar daddy who comes to a session is very picky, especially about the hands of the master. There are even detailed instructions on how a specialist should prepare. You should also pay attention to the fact that if a man has a short frenulum, then all manipulations must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage it. Although there is an opinion that medical massage of the glans can solve any problems with the penis, a short frenulum can only be eliminated surgically, and no other methods, such as massage of the frenulum, will help.

Often an intimate massage, such as Thai, turns into a sex massage with penetration. In general, any intimate process can be started anywhere; light stroking of the penis under the table, invisible to surrounding eyes, has a very stimulating effect.

Professional massaging of the penis is both beneficial and harmful, and this depends primarily on the skill of the specialist. By treating the penis carefully and following all the rules, a man can not only improve the quality of his intimate life, but also cure serious diseases.