Service med coordination center for language treatment in Israel. About ServiceMed Israel

ServiceMed Company is one of the most effective and reliable providers of diagnostic and treatment services on the Israeli market. More than 10 years of providing medical care to patients from different countries have formed a high reputation and status in professional circles. Company's mission - activities for clients and only in the interests of clients.

ServiceMed Company is an official licensed representative of large state clinics in the country - Ikhilov and MC named after. Rabin. The organization also cooperates with the best specialists from the medical centers Sheba, Rambam, Asaf HaRofeh, Hadassah, Shaare Zedek, Soroka, Atidim, Assuta, Herzliya, NARA, Ramat Aviv.

The most powerful arguments are numbers

  • 300 satisfied clients per year
  • 276 consultations per year under the “Second Opinion” program
  • 150 checks under the Check-Up program
  • 65 genetic studies
  • 4320 patients on remote health monitoring
  • 824 organized operations

Key benefit – specialized treatment

Today, the world's leading medical centers are increasingly introducing personalized medicine. An individual diagnostic and treatment program is developed for each patient, which allows achieving the most successful results. This approach can only be implemented on the basis of specialized clinics. However, most medical providers in Israel cooperate with only one medical center.

ServiceMed has partnerships with 13 medical institutions in the country with different specializations. This allows you to select the most affordable treatment regimen in accordance with the diagnosis. The diagnostic and treatment program can be implemented in several institutions. Wherein We always and in all situations select the option that is best for the client. Our activities are not related to representing the interests of any specific clinic(s).

Meet our partner clinics

Year of foundation: 1961

Staff: more than 100 professors, 15 academicians, about 1250 doctors, 1050 nurses

Directions of treatment: general and oncological surgery, traumatology, prosthetics, gastroenterology, orthopedics, otolaryngology and ENT surgery, neurosurgery, cardiology, neurology, dermatology, ophthalmology, plastic surgery and microsurgery, genetics, nuclear medicine.

Year of foundation: 1996

Number of hospital beds: 1300

Staff: 4,500 employees, including 1,000 doctors, among whom are internationally recognized specialists

Directions of treatment: oncology, gynecology, organ transplantation, cardiothoracic surgery, sports medicine, rehabilitation, laser therapy, urology, genetics, nuclear medicine, pediatrics, general therapy, cardiology and catheterization, IVF.


Year of foundation: 1934

Number of hospital beds: 250

Staff: there is no permanent staff - all doctors work under contract, which allows us to attract the best specialists in the country

Directions of treatment: oncology, general surgery, gastroenterology, IVF, cardiac surgery, orthopedics, neurosurgery, tomography, dialysis, plastic surgery, phlebology, pulmonology, laser ophthalmology.

Sheba MC

Year of foundation: 1948

Number of hospital beds: 1990

Staff: 7,500 specialists, including 1,400 doctors, 2,600 other health workers

Directions of treatment: cardiology, genetics, artificial insemination, pediatrics, maxillofacial surgery, hematology, radiology and radiosurgery, rehabilitation, bone marrow transplantation, oncology, burn treatment, general therapy, obstetrics and gynecology.

Asaf HaRofeh

Year of foundation: 1948

Number of hospital beds: 928

Staff: 3,400 doctors, complementary medicine specialists, laboratory technicians, nurses, orderlies, housekeepers. employees

Directions of treatment: orthopedics, gynecology, IVF, plastic surgery, urology, general surgery, gynecology, otolaryngology and ENT surgery, ophthalmology, intensive care, pulmonology, nuclear medicine, dentistry, neurology, cardiology.


Year of foundation: 1938

Number of hospital beds: 1000

Staff: 4,000 specialists, 715 doctors and 1,407 mid-level medical workers

Directions of treatment: oncology, cardiac surgery, surgery, orthopedics, emergency medical care, traumatology, pediatrics, hematology, urology, otolaryngology, gastroenterology, gynecology, neurosurgery, pulmonology, nephrology, endocrinology, ophthalmology, plastic surgery.


Year of foundation: 1912

Number of hospital beds: 1100

Staff: 5,000 healthcare professionals

Directions of treatment: oncology, cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery, neurology, neurosurgery, gastroenterology, gynecology, obstetrics, artificial insemination, intensive care, hematology, genetics, geriatrics, dermatology, venereology, rehabilitation.


Year of foundation: 1960

Number of hospital beds: 1000

Staff: 4,500 employees, including doctors with diplomas from the world's best medical universities

Directions of treatment: oncology, pediatric oncology, hematology, surgery, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, mammology, plastic surgery, cardiology, gastroenterology, IVF, ophthalmology, orthopedics.

Shaare Zedek

Year of foundation: 1902

Number of hospital beds: 500

Staff: 350 doctors, 200 paramedics, 800 nurses, 500 other workers

Directions of treatment: cardiology and cardiac surgery, oncology, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, ENT surgery, orthopedics, pain treatment, genetics, laparoscopic surgery, urology, gastroenterology, nephrology, plastic surgery, ophthalmology.


Year of foundation: 1997

Number of hospital beds:

Staff: there is no permanent staff - all doctors work under contract

Directions of treatment: ophthalmology, ophthalmic surgery, cataract removal, gynecology, abortion, plastic surgery, dentistry, oral surgery, general surgery, proctology, otolaryngology, orthopedics.


Year of foundation: 1981

Number of hospital beds: 85

Staff: about 350 advanced specialists, 120 nurses

Directions of treatment: neurosurgery, orthopedics, joint replacement, urology, oncology, gynecology, IVF, plastic surgery, ophthalmology, thoracic surgery, ENT surgery, bariatrics, gastroenterology, otolaryngology, cardiology and cardiac surgery.


Year of foundation: 2007

Number of hospital beds:

Staff: Most specialists work under contract

Directions of treatment: vascular surgery, phlebology, orthopedics, spine treatment, joint replacement, ophthalmology, hepatology, gynecology, IVF, plastic surgery, otolaryngology and ENT surgery, gastroenterology, oncology, dermatology and micrographic surgery.

Ramat Aviv

Year of foundation: 1999

Number of hospital beds:

Staff: 120 employees, of which 65 are medical specialists

Directions of treatment: otolaryngology, plastic surgery, urology, gynecology, ophthalmology, aesthetic surgery, orthopedics, cardiology, nuclear medicine, diabetes treatment, gastroenterology, spinal surgery, oncology, pain treatment, ENT surgery, pulmonology.

It's always profitable with ServiceMed

ServiceMed has partnership agreements with 13 of the best medical institutions in Israel. We work according to hospital prices without additional markups. And most importantly, we have the opportunity to choose the medical institution whose specialization will best match the needs of the client.

The patient receives in the complex the best doctor, the best cost, plus protection of rights by ServiceMed employees.

Our offer is comprehensive services

  • Development of a diagnostic and treatment program indicating the cost of procedures based on the client’s preliminary diagnostic data
  • Providing remote consultations best Israeli specialists within the framework of the “Second Opinion” program, review of the diagnosis, treatment plan, need for surgery
  • Genetic research as part of the most effective treatment of cancer using innovative biological drugs
  • 24/7 customer support qualified consultants of the company's call center
  • Remote health monitoring after treatment in Israel, the opportunity to contact your doctor
  • Assistance in preparing documents before treatment, as well as translation of reports and other documentation before the client returns home
  • Help communicating with doctors, translation and explanation of medical terms, ensuring an adequate understanding of your diagnosis and treatment options
  • Organization of transfers around the country, meeting at the airport, escort to the clinic
  • Search for accommodation at the patient's choice
  • Organization of recreation, excursions, shopping tours during your stay in Israel

ServiceMed is your personal representative in medical institutions in Israel!

Dear visitors!

This section will help you navigate the cost of some popular diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in Israel. Prices for services are taken from the price lists of partner clinics of the ServiceMed center. However, they may vary to a certain extent due to fluctuations in the exchange rate of the US dollar, as well as depending on other factors. In any case, in Israel, prices for medical services are consistent with the directives of the Ministry of Health and do not exceed acceptable limits.

For each client, ServiceMed specialists create a personal therapeutic program. Its cost depends on the set of options that will be recommended by an Israeli doctor based on your medical history and diagnostic data sent by you by email.

You may not find the procedure you are interested in in our list of prices. We considered it inappropriate to overload the attention of visitors with an excessively long list of medical procedures. , and a Russian-speaking consultant will announce the price of the procedure that is relevant to you.

Is it profitable to undergo treatment in Israel?

We give you the opportunity to compare the cost of medical services in Israel and Germany. Draw your own conclusions!

Procedure Cost in Israel Cost in Germany
Breast tumor surgery $15000-22000 $25000-30600
Prostate cancer removal $23500-37000 $39500-42000
Lung cancer removal $19000-23500 $27000-30100
Treatment of melanoma $14000-33000 $41500
Surgeries on the pancreas $31000-38000 $38000-43500
Operations on the gastrointestinal tract $30000-35000 $38000-44200
Removal of kidney cancer $30000-39000 $56000
Stomach cancer surgery $28000-32000 $37000-42500
Therapeutic hysteroscopy $3500 $6500
Diagnostic hysteroscopy $900 $1200
Natural childbirth $9000 $11900
C-section $13000-16500 $20400
Artificial insemination $7500-10500 $13000-15000
Valgus deformity $6000 $8000
Removal of intervertebral hernia with fixation (cervical spine) $28000-35000 $35000-42000
Hydrodiscectomy $7500 $10450
Scoliosis correction $40000-55000 $40000-55000
Knee/Hip Replacement $19500-25000 $28000-35000
Coronary artery bypass grafting $25000 $30000-37000
ECG monitoring, samples and tests $5000 $7000-11000
Angiography of coronary vessels $6500-7500 $11500
Installation of stents in coronary vessels $12000 $14300-17000
Chip transplant operations $17000 $22500
Correction of heart valve disease $17000 $23000
Valve replacement $38391 $41000
Donor bone marrow transplant $210,000 +17,000 donor search $425 000
Related bone marrow transplant $155,000+17,000 compatibility tests $340 000
Own (autologous) bone marrow transplant $105,000 + 26,000 medicines $225 000
Other medical services
Specialist consultation $390-500 $650-750
MRI of one part of the spine $1300-1500 $1800
Ultrasound $250 $300
PET CT $1300-2100 $2550

Every year, residents from different countries of the world come to Israel to restore their health. Their choice is completely justified, because Israeli medicine is one of the most progressive.

ServiceMed is successfully organizing treatment in Israel. She cooperates with the most reliable private clinics and public hospitals and is ready not only to provide the patient with complete information about Israeli centers, but also to help in drawing up an individual treatment program. Issues of obtaining a visa, providing housing, purchasing tickets and accompanying you throughout your stay in Israel are also taken care of by ServiceMed specialists.

Depending on the specifics of the disease, they find the best highly specialized specialists. Cardiologists, orthopedists, oncologists and other doctors have many years of experience, and their qualifications are confirmed by international certificates.

Israeli doctors effectively use the rich technical potential of their clinics, giving preference to gentle, minimally invasive procedures and organ-preserving operations. Thus, when performing surgical operations, preference is given to the laparoscopic method. It eliminates the need for the surgeon to make a large incision, and the operation is performed with miniature instruments through several small holes.

In Israeli clinics, a number of medical manipulations and diagnostic procedures are carried out using high-tech medical equipment and robotics. However, their use does not lead to a significant increase in the cost of treatment, because the price of such procedures in Israeli centers is much lower than in other advanced countries of the world.

Coming for treatment to Israel with the company ServiceMed, medical tourists can improve their health or restore it after surgery at the balneological resorts of the Dead Sea. Healing mud and water are important components of complex treatment for patients with skin diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, endocrine pathology, ENT diseases, and neurological disorders.

Partner news

Over all the years of work, ServiceMed has accumulated a wealth of experience in effective treatment in Israel. Evidence of this is the grateful reviews from patients who have used his services.

Medical tourism company Med Service Israel founded in 2010. Since the beginning of its activities, it has continued to actively develop unique types of medical services of the highest quality not only in Israel, but also abroad. It is the official representative of almost all of the largest Israeli medical institutions.

The company is also the exclusive representative and partner of the International Innovative Medical Center for Cancer Immunotherapy and Cell Therapy “Biotherapy” in Tel Aviv.

Med Service Israel provides full assistance in organizing and undergoing such cutting-edge treatment methods as:

  • Cell therapy - treatment with mesenchymal-stromal cells (stem cells)
  • Immunotherapy
  • Metronomic therapy
  • Treatment with oncolytic viruses
  • Anti-cancer vaccine and killer T cell technologies
  • GcMAF vaccine
  • Biotherapy
  • Gene therapy
  • Anti-aging medicine
  • Regenerative (restorative) medicine
  • The latest developments in the field of IVF (selecting the sex of the child, etc.)

The company offers foreign patients a full range of medical services, treatment and rehabilitation in the best Israeli clinics, each of which is equipped with the latest medical technology. When contacting Med Service Israel The patient is provided with full assistance and support during the treatment process, obtaining advice from doctors, and purchasing medical care. drugs.

Together with research corporations from the USA, Canada and Israel: Oncolytics Biotech, Inc. Okyanos Cell Therapy and others, we take part in scientific and clinical studies of new medications aimed at treating cancer, neurological diseases and autoimmune disorders.

Organization of organ transplantation regardless of the presence of a related donor

The company guarantees organization and support of the entire process of surgical intervention and donor selection in just 30 days!

Storage of umbilical cord tissue and placenta in a cryobank

Med Service Israel the only participant in the project for storing umbilical cord tissue and placenta! Cryopreservation and storage are carried out in a special cryobank in Israel, regardless of the client’s country of residence.

Med Service Israel conducts successful cooperation with the best medical specialists in Israel, including professors and candidates of science, heads of departments, authors of scientific papers and innovative discoveries in the field of medicine. Many of the doctors have received full recognition not only in Israel, but also in the world.

Unlike other companies providing medical tourism services in Israel, the activities Med Service Israel is not tied to cooperation with only one clinic or medical center. The company is independent in choosing medical institutions and doctors for clients who seek help.