Shumilov Mikhail Stepanovich and Paulus. Biography

Tombstone (view 1)
Tombstone (view 2)
Memorial plaque in Moscow
Monument in Kurgan
Bust in Kharkov
Annotation board in Kharkov
Bust in Volgograd
Memorial plaque in Voronezh

Shumilov Mikhail Stepanovich - commander of the 7th Guards Army of the Steppe Front, guard colonel general.

Born on November 5 (17), 1895 in the village of Verkhnyaya Techa, Shadrinsky district, Perm province, now part of the Kataysky district of the Kurgan region. Russian. He graduated from the zemstvo rural school and studied at the teachers' seminary in Chelyabinsk.

In the Russian Imperial Army since 1916. In 1916 he graduated from the Chuguev Military School. Participant of the First World War as a junior officer in the Kremenchug Infantry Regiment, warrant officer. In 1917, he was a member of the Red Guard detachment at the front, a participant in revolutionary events. At the end of 1917 he was demobilized, returned to his native village, and took part in the establishment of Soviet power.

In April 1918, he volunteered to join the Red Army. Participant in the Civil War. The commander of a volunteer detachment, in May 1918 he joined the 4th Ural Rifle Regiment, formed in the city of Shadrinsk. He commanded a company in the regiment, and then became regiment commander. He fought on the Eastern and Southern fronts. In 1919, he was appointed commander of the 85th Special Rifle Brigade. Together with her, they crossed the Sivash and stormed Perekop, and fought against Makhno in Ukraine.

After the war he remained in the Red Army. From July 1921, he commanded a battalion and the 20th Infantry Regiment in the 7th Infantry Division of the Kharkov Military District. In 1924, he graduated from the Kharkov refresher courses for senior and senior command and political personnel, after which he was appointed chief of staff of a rifle regiment. In 1929 he graduated from the Comintern rifle-tactical advanced training course for the command staff of the Red Army "Vystrel". Since November 1929 - commander and military commissar of the 21st Infantry Regiment of the 7th Infantry Division of the Ukrainian Military District. From December 1933 - chief of staff of the 96th Infantry Division of that district, then - assistant commander of the 87th Infantry Division. Since June 1937 - commander of the 7th Infantry Division of the Kyiv Military District.

In February 1938 - March 1939, he took part in hostilities in Spain as an adviser to the commander of the Army Group of the Central-South Zone.

Since April 1939 - commander of the 11th Rifle Corps in the Belarusian Special Military District. At the head of the corps, he participated in the liberation campaign in Western Belarus in September 1939 and in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940. Since July 1940, the corps was stationed in the Baltic Special Military District.

On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War from June 1941 as commander of the 11th Rifle Corps of the 8th Army of the North-Western Front; participated in an unsuccessful defensive battle in the Baltic states, with great difficulty brought parts of the corps out of encirclement at the end of July near Lake Peipsi. Since August 1941 - deputy commander of the 55th Army of the Leningrad Front, participated in the defense of Leningrad. In November 1941 he was recalled to Moscow.

From January 1942 - deputy commander of the 21st Army on the Southwestern Front, participated in the tragic battles of the summer of 1942 in the Kharkov direction and on the Don.

From August 1942 until the end of the war - commander of the 64th Army (from April 16, 1943, transformed into the 7th Guards Army). 64th Army under the command of Lieutenant General Shumilov M.S. for almost a month it held back the 4th Panzer Army of Hoth on the distant approaches to Stalingrad. Thanks to the tenacity of soldiers and officers, as well as the thoughtful and courageous actions of the army commander, industrial enterprises continued to operate in the south of Stalingrad (now the Kirov and Krasnoarmeysky districts of the hero city of Volgograd). Then, for almost six months, parts of the army held the defense in city neighborhoods to the death.

Subsequently, units of the army under the command of M.S. Shumilov participated in the Battle of Kursk, the crossing of the Dnieper, the Kirovograd, Uman-Botoshan, Iasi-Chisinau, Debrecen, Budapest, Bratislava-Brnov, Prague operations, liberated Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia. The army fought as part of the Stalingrad, Don, Voronezh, Steppe, and 2nd Ukrainian fronts.

By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 26, 1943, for the successful crossing of the Dnieper River, the strong consolidation and expansion of the bridgehead on the western bank of the Dnieper River and the courage and heroism of the Guard Colonel General Shumilov Mikhail Stepanovich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

After the Victory in 1945-1947, he continued to command the 64th Army. In 1948 he graduated from the Higher Academic Courses at the Higher Military Academy named after K.E. Voroshilov. He commanded the troops of the White Sea (1948-1949) and Voronezh (from May 1949) military districts. Since October 1955 - at the disposal of the USSR Minister of Defense. Since January 1956, Colonel General Shumilov M.S. - retired due to illness. In April 1958, he was returned to the Armed Forces and appointed military consultant to the Group of Inspectors General of the USSR Ministry of Defense. He was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 3rd and 4th convocations (1950-1958).

Lived in the hero city of Moscow. Died June 28, 1975. He was buried in the hero city of Volgograd, on Mamayev Kurgan.

Military ranks:
Colonel (November 1935),
brigade commander (06/15/1937),
division commander (11/4/1939),
Major General (06/04/1940),
Lieutenant General (December 31, 1942),
Colonel General (10/20/1943).

Awarded 3 Orders of Lenin, 4 Orders of the Red Banner, 2 Orders of Suvorov 1st degree, Orders of Kutuzov 1st degree, Red Star, "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree, medals, 12 foreign awards, among which are two Orders of the British Empire, the Grand Cross of the Order of the Renaissance of Poland.

Honorary citizen of the cities of Volgograd (May 4, 1970), Bratislava (Slovakia), Belgorod (1963), Beltsov (1966). Shebekino, Verkhnyaya Techa village.

Monuments to the general were erected in the hero city of Volgograd and in the city of Kurgan (in May 2010). In the name of Hero of the Soviet Union M.S. Shumilov named streets in Moscow, Volgograd, Belgorod, Cheboksary, Shadrinsk, Kataysk, Kirovograd (Ukraine). Memorial plaques were installed on the houses where he lived in Moscow, Shadrinsk, Voronezh, as well as Kirovograd, Kataysk and Shadrinsk, on the building of the Verkhnetechenskaya secondary school in his native village. The name of M.S. Shumilov was given to SPTU No. 18 in the city of Kharkov, a bust was installed on the territory of the school, and an annotation board was installed on the facade of the building.

Durability 64th. – In the book: The Battle of Stalingrad. 4th ed. Volgograd, 1973;
The 7th Guards is coming. – In the book: Ahead – Kharkov. Kharkov, 1975.

Shumilov Mikhail Stepanovich, Colonel General (1943). Hero of the Soviet Union (10/26/1943). Born on November 5 (17), 1895, in the village of Verkhnetechenskoye, Shadrinsky district, Perm province.

Born into a peasant family. He graduated with honors from a rural school in 1911 and entered a teachers' seminary in the city of Chelyabinsk, where he studied until July 1916. Then he was mobilized for military service and sent to the Chuguev Military School, after which he was appointed a junior officer in the 109th reserve regiment in the city of Chelyabinsk.

Shumilov Mikhail Stepanovich

In March 1917, he left this regiment for the Western Front, where he fought as part of the 32nd Kremenchug Regiment as a junior officer of a company. In December of the same year, he was demobilized as a teacher. From January 1918 he worked as a rural teacher, and in March he was appointed volost military commissar, while simultaneously studying surveying courses. In the Red Guard since April 1918; participated in the suppression of the rebellion of the Czechoslovak Corps.

In the Red Army since May 1918: he was a platoon and company commander and assistant commander of the 4th Ural Regiment of the 29th Infantry Division. In 1919, he was appointed commander of the 85th Special Rifle Brigade, which later crossed the Sivash and stormed Perekop. Later he fought with the armed forces of Ataman N.I. Makhno in the Gulyai-Polye region. Since July 1921, Mikhail Stepanovich Shumilov commanded a battalion as part of the 58th Infantry Regiment of the 7th Infantry Division of the Kharkov Military District, and later commanded a battalion and a regiment in the 20th Infantry Regiment of the same division.

After graduating from the higher Kharkov repeated courses for command and political personnel in June 1924, he served in senior positions in the regimental level of the same division. After graduating in November 1929 from the Comintern Rifle-Tactical Improvement Course for the command staff of the Red Army "Vystrel", he was appointed commander and military commissar of the 21st Infantry Regiment of the 7th Infantry Division of the Ukrainian Military District (UVO). In December 1933 M.S. Shumilov was appointed chief of staff of the 96th Infantry Division of the UVO, then assistant commander of the 87th Infantry Division. In November 1935, he was awarded the military rank of colonel.

In June 1937 M.S. Shumilov was awarded the military rank of brigade commander, and he was appointed commander of the 7th Infantry Division of the Kyiv Military District. In the period from February 1938 to May 1939, as an adviser to the commander of the Republican Army Group of the Central-Southern Zone, he volunteered to participate in the Spanish Civil War. Upon returning to his homeland, he was appointed commander of the 11th Rifle Corps of the Belarusian Special Military District. Participant of the Red Army's campaign in Western Belarus in 1939. In January-March, commanding the 11th Corps, he participated in the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940. In June 1940, he was awarded the military rank of major general. Since July 1940, the corps under his command became part of the 8th Army of the Baltic Special Military District.

He met the Great Patriotic War in the same position. The corps under his command as part of the 8th Army of the North-Western Front fought defensive battles on the territory of Latvia. Subsequently, the corps fought back in the direction of Riga and further to Tartu, and later fought heavy defensive battles in Estonia at the border of Pärnu and Tartu. Since August 1941, Major General M.S. Shumilov became deputy commander of the 55th Army of the Leningrad Front, which defended the southern approaches to Leningrad, and in December he was appointed commander of the emerging 1st Special Rifle Corps, but did not actually command it.

In January 1942 M.S. Shumilov is appointed deputy commander of the 21st Army as part of the Southwestern Front. In this position, in May he participated in the Battle of Kharkov 1942.

Since August 1942, M.S. Shumilov took command of the 64th Army, which had been defending the southwestern outskirts and southern part of Stalingrad since September. After the enemy broke through the front defense at the junction with the 62nd Army and his troops reached the Volga in the Kuporosnoye area, the main forces of the army defended the area south and southwest of Stalingrad, repeatedly launching counterattacks on the flank of the enemy group trying to capture the city. When launching a counteroffensive, the army acted as part of the main strike group of the Stalingrad Front. In December 1942, Shumilov M.S. was awarded the military rank of lieutenant general. In January 1943, the army became part of the Don Front and participated in the liquidation of the encircled group of Nazi troops near Stalingrad. After the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, the army was transferred to the Voronezh Front and fought defensive battles on the Seversky Donets River in the Belgorod region. By a directive of the Supreme High Command Headquarters of April 16, 1943, for its distinction in the battles of Stalingrad, it was transformed into the 7th Guards Army.

In October 1943, Shumilov M.S. awarded the rank of Colonel General. Subsequently, General M.S. Shumilov skillfully commanded the army during the Battle of Kursk, the Battle of the Dnieper, Kirovograd, Uman-Botoshan, Yassy-Kishinev, Debrecen, Budapest, Bratislava-Brnov and Prague offensive operations. At the final stage of the war, considerable credit belongs to General M.S. Shumilov in creating units of the new Romanian army, in establishing friendly relations and fraternal solidarity between Romanian and Soviet soldiers and officers.

After the war, Colonel General M.S. Shumilov continued to command the 64th Army. In February 1946, he was appointed commander of the 52nd Army as part of the Lvov Military District. Since June of the same year, he commanded the 13th Army as part of the Carpathian Military District. After graduating in 1948 from the Higher Attestation Commission at the Higher Military Academy named after. K.E. Voroshilov was appointed commander of the White Sea Military District. In May 1949, he was transferred to the post of commander of the Voronezh Military District. From October 1955 to January 1956 he was at the disposal of the USSR Minister of Defense, then in January 1956 he was dismissed for health reasons. By resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated April 24, 1958, M.S. Shumilov was again returned to the ranks of the Soviet Army and appointed military consultant to the Group of Inspectors General of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Died June 28, 1975. He was buried on Mamayev Kurgan in the city of Volgograd.

Awarded: 3 Orders of Lenin, 4 Orders of the Red Banner, 2 Orders of Suvorov 1st degree, Orders of Kutuzov 1st degree, Red Star, “For service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR” 3rd degree; foreign orders, including: Great Britain - Military Order of the Empire twice; Polish People's Republic - "Renaissance of Poland" 1st degree, as well as many Soviet and foreign medals.

(17. 11. 1895 - 28. 6. 1975)

Sh Umilov Michael Stepanovich- Commander of the 7th Guards Army, Lieutenant General. Born on November 17, 1895 in the village of Verkhnyaya Techa, now Kataysky district, Kurgan region. Graduated from a teacher's seminary.

In the army since 1916. In 1916 he graduated from the Chuguev Military School. Participant of the 1st World War, ensign.

Civil War participant; commander of a platoon, company and rifle regiment on the Eastern and Southern fronts. In 1919, he was appointed commander of the 85th Special Rifle Brigade. Together with her, they crossed the Sivash and stormed Perekop. In 1924 he completed courses for command and political personnel, in 1929? courses?Shot?.

He took part in the fighting in Spain as an adviser to the commander of the Army Group of the Central-Southern Zone.

Participant in the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940 as commander of a rifle corps.

On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War from June 1941 as commander of a rifle corps; participated in the defense of Leningrad. Then he commanded the 55th and 21st armies (Leningrad and Southwestern fronts). Since August 1942? commander of the 64th (from May 1943 - 7th Guards) Army. 64th Army under the command of Lieutenant General Shumilova for almost a month it held back the 4th Panzer Army of Hoth on the distant approaches to Stalingrad. Thanks to the perseverance of soldiers and officers, as well as the thoughtful and courageous actions of the army commander, industrial enterprises continued to operate in the south of Stalingrad (now the Kirov and Krasnoarmeysky districts of Volgograd). In the further part of the army under the command Shumilova participated in the Battle of Kursk, the crossing of the Dnieper, the Kirovograd, Iasi-Kishinev, and Budapest operations, the liberation of Romania, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia.

Z ceremony of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal Mikhail Stepanovich Shumilov awarded on October 26, 1943 for the skillful leadership of military formations during the crossing of the Dnieper and the personal courage and heroism displayed.

In 1948 he graduated from the Higher Academic Courses at the Military Academy of the General Staff. Commanded the troops of the White Sea (1948-1949) and Voronezh (1949-1955) military districts. In 1956-1958 Colonel General Shumilov M.S. ? retired. Since 1958? in the Group of Inspectors General of the USSR Ministry of Defense. He was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 3rd and 4th convocations.

Lived in Moscow. Died June 28, 1975. He was buried in Volgograd, on Mamayev Kurgan. Awarded 3 Orders of Lenin, 4 Orders of the Red Banner, 2 Orders of Suvorov 1st degree, Orders of Kutuzov 1st degree, Red Star, "For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces" 3rd degree, medals, foreign awards. Honorary citizen of the cities of Volgograd (May 4, 1970) and Bratislava (Slovakia).

A street in Volgograd is named after him. In Moscow, on the house where he lived (Leningradsky Prospekt, 75), and in Shadrinsk, memorial plaques were installed.

Durability 64th. ? In the book: The Battle of Stalingrad. 4th ed. Volgograd, 1973;
The 7th Guards is coming. ? In the book: Ahead? Kharkiv. Kharkov, 1975, etc.

Additional links:

Born on November 17, 1895 in the village of Verkhnyaya Techa, now Kataysky district, Kurgan region. Graduated from a teacher's seminary.

In the army since 1916. In 1916 he graduated from the Chuguev Military School. Participant of the 1st World War, ensign.

Civil War participant; commander of a platoon, company and rifle regiment on the Eastern and Southern fronts. In 1919, he was appointed commander of the 85th Special Rifle Brigade. Together with her, they crossed the Sivash and stormed Perekop. In 1924 he completed the courses for command and political personnel, in 1929 - the “Shot” course.

He took part in the fighting in Spain as an adviser to the commander of the Army Group of the Central-Southern Zone.

Participant in the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940 as commander of a rifle corps.

On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War from June 1941 as commander of a rifle corps; participated in the defense of Leningrad. Then he commanded the 55th and 21st armies (Leningrad and Southwestern fronts). From August 1942 - commander of the 64th (from May 1943 - 7th Guards) Army. The 64th Army, under the command of Lieutenant General Shumilov, held back Hoth's 4th Tank Army on the distant approaches to Stalingrad for almost a month. Thanks to the perseverance of soldiers and officers, as well as the thoughtful and courageous actions of the army commander, industrial enterprises continued to operate in the south of Stalingrad (now the Kirov and Krasnoarmeysky districts of Volgograd). Army warriors

M.S. Shumilova captured the fascist General Paulus, his headquarters and tens of thousands of soldiers and officers. In the further part of the army under the command of Shumilov they took part in the Battle of Kursk, the crossing of the Dnieper, the Kirovograd, Iasi-Kishinev, and Budapest operations, the liberation of Romania, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal was awarded to Mikhail Stepanovich Shumilov on October 26, 1943 for his skillful leadership of military formations during the crossing of the Dnieper and the personal courage and heroism shown.

In 1948 he graduated from the Higher Academic Courses at the Military Academy of the General Staff. Commanded the troops of the White Sea (1948-1949) and Voronezh (1949-1955) military districts. In 1956-1958 Colonel General Shumilov M.S. v retired. Since 1958 in the Group of Inspectors General of the USSR Ministry of Defense. He was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 3rd and 4th convocations.

Lived in Moscow. Died June 28, 1975. He was buried in Volgograd, on Mamayev Kurgan. Awarded 3 Orders of Lenin, 4 Orders of the Red Banner, 2 Orders of Suvorov 1st degree, Orders of Kutuzov 1st degree, Order of the Red Star, “For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces” 3rd degree, medals, foreign awards. Honorary citizen of the cities of Volgograd (May 4, 1970) and Bratislava (Slovakia).

A street in Volgograd is named after him. In Moscow, on the house where he lived (Leningradsky Prospekt, 75), and in Shadrinsk, memorial plaques were installed.


On January 31, a message came from the headquarters of the 64th Army of the Don Front that made everyone excited: the commander of the 6th Army, Field Marshal General Friedrich Paulus, his chief of staff, Lieutenant General Arthur Schmidt, the first adjutant, Colonel Adam, and a group of staff officers had been captured. The first short interrogation of the field marshal took place in Beketovka, in the largest house in the area with carved shutters and a porch. In the winter of 1943, the headquarters of General Shumilov was located there.

Much water has passed under the bridge since then. But the house is standing. It still has carved shutters and a carved roof, although the porch is no longer there. But this does not spoil the house. Despite its age, it still stands out against the backdrop of small wooden houses growing into the ground. And its size is in no way inferior to modern brick cottages.

Now the great-great-grandson of the man who built the house, Valery Viktorovich Kovalev, lives here with his family. From a conversation with him, I realized that he takes great care of the house built by his great-great-grandfather. “We are repairing and maintaining this house as best we can, because we know that we can live in it,” says Valery Viktorovich. “I repaired the rubble about three years ago, trimmed it with stainless steel, but the “metal workers” tore everything up by the roots. Only slate remained, and "They took all the non-ferrous metal. Now I'm going to change the fence and gates."

Valery Viktorovich’s grandmother told him a story connected with his house. Many moments were already in his memory, for example, how after the war General Shumilov and his comrades came to visit them every year. “I was still very little then. I remember how my grandmother baked pies for them. They would come, they would definitely sit at the table, have a drink... Then, after Shumilov’s death, his daughter came to us. She came several times, and then no one came "To travel. From childhood I remember that here, right up to the bathhouse (about a hundred meters from the house - author's note) there were buses with tourists. The guide told the story of how Paulus was interrogated here."

Do you have any personal archives, maybe some photographs or something else?

There is nothing. We had antique furniture, pre-war, which witnessed Paulus’ interrogation. But it was taken away from us when the Battle of Stalingrad panorama museum was built. But the headsets there were so good! Not poor people lived in this house. After all, my great-grandfather was the manager of a furniture factory, now it is a plant named after. Yermana. He had the largest house in Beketovka. That is why Headquarters was located here.

Nevertheless, Shumilov was worried that they were taking the field marshal to interrogate not the richest apartments...

I don’t know where Paulus was before and after the interrogation, but somewhere opposite our house there was an officer’s mess. My grandmother told me this.

(Perhaps this is the same dining room in which, after the interrogation, Shumilov and Paulus dined. The transcript of the interrogation included the phrase Shumilov said to the translator: “Translate to the field marshal that I am inviting him now to have a meal, after which he will go to the front headquarters.” In various historical sources say that Paulus refused lunch. And General Shumilov himself understood that sitting at the same table with Paulus was a sensitive issue. On this subject, he even consulted by telephone with the commander of the Don Front, Marshal Rokossovsky. He, after listening to Shumilov, joked: “ "We managed to capture and interrogate, but it’s difficult to organize a “reception.” I advise you to have lunch with the field marshal. Let him know that we already know how to not only fight well, but also treat prisoners decently."


05/11/2005 Volgograd.

On the eve of Victory Day, a monument to Major General, Commander of the 64th Army Mikhail Stepanovich Shumilov was unveiled. It is installed in the center of the Kirovsky district opposite the Avangard cinema, just against the background of a marble stele to the soldiers of the 64th Army. As the veterans said at the ceremonial meeting on the occasion of the opening of the monument, now the general and his army are nearby.During the life of General Shumilov, this sculpture was created in bronze by Volgograd sculptor Lev Maistrenko, but only visitors to the Battle of Stalingrad panorama museum could see it. This is where she is now. And the bust installed in the Kirov region is only an enlarged copy of this sculpture.

The monument was made from modern composite materials, and a team of authors worked on it. The monument was erected for donations.

For reference: in the Kirovsky district there is a street named after. General Shumilov.

In the spring of 2011, on the eve of Victory Day, in the homeland of Mikhail Stepanovich Shumilov, in the city of Kataysk, on the territory of a memorial complex erected in memory of fellow countrymen who participated in the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, busts were erected to natives of the Kataysk region who were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Documentary film "Commander".

Born on November 17, 1895 in the village of Verkhnyaya Techa (Verkhnetechenskoye), Kataysky district, Kurgan region, into a peasant family.

In 1916, during the First World War, he graduated from the Chuguev Military School and received the rank of ensign. Took part in the First World War.

Service in the Red Army before the Great Patriotic War

In May 1918 he entered service in the Red Army.

During the Civil War, in 1918-1920, he rose from platoon commander to commander of a rifle regiment. He took part in battles on the Eastern and Southern fronts.

In 1919, he was appointed commander of the 85th Special Rifle Brigade, crossed Sivash and stormed Perekop.

In 1924 he completed the courses for command and political personnel, in 1929 - the “Shot” course.

Participated in hostilities in Spain.

As commander of a rifle corps, he participated in the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940.

The Great Patriotic War

As commander of a rifle corps from June 1941, he participated in the defense of Leningrad.

Deputy commander of the 55th and 21st armies on the Leningrad and Southwestern fronts (1941?1942)

Commander of the 64th Army, which took part in the Battle of Stalingrad (from August 1942), and in March 1943, transformed into the 7th Guards Army (1942?1945), which fought at Stalingrad, Donskoy, Voronezh, Stepnoye and 2nd m Ukrainian fronts

On October 20, 1943, the commander of the 7th Guards Army, Lieutenant General M.S. Shumilov, was awarded the military rank of “Colonel General.”

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal was awarded to Colonel-General Mikhail Stepanovich Shumilov by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 26, 1943 “for the skillful leadership of military formations during the crossing of the Dnieper and the personal courage and heroism shown at the same time.” .

Subsequently, units of the army under the command of M. S. Shumilov participated in the Battle of Kursk, the crossing of the Dnieper, the Znamenskaya, Kirovograd, Yassy-Kishinev, and Budapest operations, the liberation of Romania, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia.

After the war

In 1948 he graduated from the Higher Academic Courses at the Higher Military Academy named after. K. E. Voroshilova.

After the war, he commanded the troops of the military districts:

  • Belomorsky (1948-1949)
  • Voronezhsky (1949-1955)

From 1956 to 1958 he was retired.

Since 1958 - military consultant to the Group of Inspectors General of the Ministry of Defense.

Died in Moscow. Buried in Volgograd, on Mamayev Kurgan

Political activity

  • Since 1918, member of the CPSU.
  • Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 3rd and 4th convocations.


  • Tombstone on a grave on Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd;
  • Monuments in the cities: Volgograd and Kurgan;
  • Streets in the following cities are named after Shumilov: Moscow, Volgograd, Kirovograd, Minusinsk, Kataysk, Belgorod;
  • In Moscow, on the house where he lived (Leningradsky Prospekt, 75), a memorial plaque was installed;
  • A memorial plaque was installed in the city of Shadrinsk (stolen in the mid-1990s);
  • In the Kirovsky district of Volgograd, on a street named after Shumilov, a memorial plaque was installed (General Shumilov Street, building 16);
  • In the Svetloyarsky district of the Volgograd region, a school is named after him.


  • Medal "Gold Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union No. 1495 (October 26, 1943)
  • 3 Orders of Lenin
  • 4 Orders of the Red Banner
  • two Orders of Suvorov, 1st degree
  • Order of Kutuzov, 1st degree (No. 123)
  • Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree
  • medals
  • foreign orders and medals
  • Honorary citizen of the cities: Volgograd, Balti, Belgorod, etc.


  • Durability 64th. - In the book: The Battle of Stalingrad. 4th ed. Volgograd, 1973;
  • The 7th Guards is coming. - In the book: Ahead - Kharkov. Kharkov, 1975