Syrup for strengthening the immune system “Vitamama. Drugs to boost immunity in children: what are effective Reviews of syrup to strengthen immunity for children

Anti-cold syrup is recommended as a general tonic and a source of natural vitamins to increase the child’s body’s defenses, improve the condition of the respiratory system and prevent colds. Vitamama syrup is a delicious cherry delicacy that will provide invaluable help and improve your child’s health.

As a result of the research* In a group of frequently ill children and children with diseases of the nervous system, it was found that after taking VitaMama syrup, the children's sleep improved, the majority had a lower threshold for aggressiveness, the children became more balanced, and the quality of learning improved. It is also important that during the study not a single child missed child care due to acute respiratory infections. It should also be noted that in children with intracranial hypertension the intensity and frequency of headaches and nosebleeds decreased, and symptoms such as tearfulness and irritability were absent.

Cherry juice contains the highest levels of disease-fighting antioxidants among fruits and berries. The substances that make up cherry juice stimulate cell growth, improve metabolism, and also perfectly fight stress. Cherry juice increases the level of the hormone melatonin, which, in turn, regulates sleep. In addition, cherry juice helps improve memory function, which is extremely important for a growing body during the learning period.

Echinacea recommended for auxiliary treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza and colds. Echinacea helps improve metabolic processes in the body (especially in the liver and kidneys), thereby fighting colds from the first days of use, providing an anti-inflammatory effect.

Rose hip, rich in vitamin C, has a stimulating effect on the immune system and helps fight bacteria in the body. Rosehip is an excellent antioxidant, absolutely natural and safe.

Raspberry leaves strengthen the body's defenses and are recommended as a high-vitamin remedy that has a general strengthening effect against colds and viral diseases; they also help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, fighting nervous disorders.

Included thyme organic acids, gum, carotene, flavonoids, resins, beneficial bitters, cymol, thymol and tannins, vitamins A, C, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium and zinc were found . Thanks to its rich composition, thyme perfectly helps restore the body's strength and prevent vitamin deficiency.

Natural vitamin syrup VitaMama with an improved formula, it will be a desirable and healthy treat for every child, and daily intake of vitamins will turn into an interesting game with exciting stories that you can come up with with your baby. Taking care of the younger generation is easy, vitamins from the VitaMama series are useful and exciting! In addition, adults can also take Vitamama syrup. VitaMama - healthy things can be tasty!

*The research was conducted in the municipal educational institution kindergarten No. 58 in Stavropol.

Children are given syrup for immunity from infancy. It is tasty, healthy, and helps restore the balance of vitamins and microelements, since the drinks are made from fruits, berries, vegetables, and medicinal plants. Strengthening the immune system in children is task number one for parents. This provides them with a healthy childhood and peace of mind for moms and dads.

Sweet delicacies are prepared according to recipes recommended by official and traditional medicine. Increasing resistance to diseases using folk remedies, rather than drugs, is an option whose benefits are undoubted. Children like syrups; they can drink them a lot and often. But the drink must be created according to the recipe. This requirement is due to the optimal limitation of sweet consumption.

The products from which immunomodulatory syrups are prepared - rose hips, aloe, echinacea and others - are natural sources of vitamins and microelements necessary to strengthen the child's body's defenses. By taking nectar as a means to strengthen the immune system, children avoid the unpleasant sensations that come from taking pills; there is no danger of them choking.

Passing through the mucous membranes of the larynx, esophagus, and stomach, the syrup is quickly absorbed and begins its action earlier than powders, capsules, and other drugs. Contraindications for medicinal drinks based on natural ingredients are negligible. The main danger is considered to be an allergy to the components included in the composition.

Doctor's advice! Before boosting children's immunity with syrup, check whether the baby is immune to the drug.

Syrups to improve immunity in children

There are many recipes for sweet medicines, but the most common among them are those that have been tested in practice and give a high result in increasing the body’s resistance to diseases. When using different syrups, you must follow the indicated dosage according to the age of the child. This condition eliminates the side effects of taking medicinal nectars.

From rose hips

Among syrups for increasing the immunity of children, this drink is regarded by doctors as a universal remedy. This opinion is associated with the maximum presence of vitamin C in wild rose berries. Ascorbic acid is the basis of strong immunity in children and adults, but in addition to this substance, rose hips contain:

  • organic acids;
  • tanning ingredients;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectins.

The spectrum of mineral salts consists of more than two dozen components - magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, calcium, phosphorus. Vitamin composition - completely B-group, as well as P, PP, A, K.

Rosehip preparation - gives the body high resistance to colds, neurological diseases, hormonal abnormalities, and metabolic disorders. As a preventive and therapeutic agent, it is recommended for children from the age of three at the first symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, and other infections. Directions for use: children take a teaspoon; from seven years of age, take a tablespoon three times a day.

Attention! Be careful if your child has blood clotting problems, or kidney or heart disease. If food allergies occur frequently, consult your pediatrician.

Ready-made rosehip syrup holosas is sold in pharmacies. It comes with instructions for use, which must be followed strictly. If you decide to make your own syrup, use the recipe.

  1. Rosehip berries - chop 1 kg.
  2. Pour 1.5 liters of water over the fresh berry mass.
  3. Boil the composition for 10-12 minutes.
  4. Pour 1 kg of granulated sugar into the solution and cook again for the same amount of time.
  5. Then strain the liquid concentrate from the mass of cooked berries and seeds.

Pour the finished nectar into dark glass vessels, close with lids, and place in a cool place where sunlight does not penetrate. In addition to the sweet medicine, a rosehip decoction is useful, which is brewed in a liter thermos from two tablespoons of berries.

Echinacea syrup for children's immunity

The plant, along with ginseng, is considered the root of life. The composition of resins and esters of organic acids create a unique combination that allows a person to adapt to unfavorable external conditions and raises vitality and strengthens the immunity of children and adults.

Warning! Echinacea is considered a potent immunomodulator, so the use of products based on it is strictly dosed.

Children after two years of age are recommended to be given a teaspoon of Echinacea syrup twice a day. In case of weakened immunity, if the child is often sick, with the permission of the pediatrician, syrup can be given from the age of one. Children benefit from echinacea-based tea, rich in vitamins C and B2, and infusion.

Bioaron S

Bioaron S syrup is recommended for children who are prone to diseases of the digestive system, respiratory tract, for the treatment of dermatological diseases and colds. Its basis is aloe extract. It has an effect on the intestinal mucosa, stabilizing beneficial microflora. And:

  • restores local and cellular immunity;
  • cleanses the intestines of toxins;
  • stimulate the production of immunoglobulin components;
  • increases resistance to infection;
  • enhances the effect of drugs in the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory infections.

Children aged three years old are given syrup one teaspoon at a time, and from 6 years old - one tablespoon three times a day.

Attention! If the child has had internal bleeding, then Bioaron S is strictly contraindicated.

"Vitamama" for children

This is a domestic syrup that includes several natural immunostimulating plants, fruits, and berries:

  • echinacea;
  • rose hip- source of vitamin C;
  • raspberry leaves- to improve hematopoiesis and stimulate the activity of immune cells;
  • thyme- has a positive effect on the respiratory organs and gastrointestinal tract;
  • coltsfoot- to support the immune forces of the respiratory system;
  • cherry concentrate to purify the blood, activate metabolic processes, improve intestinal microflora, increase the regeneration of tissues of internal organs.

The result of taking nectar by children is reliable protection against viruses, bacteria, acceleration of recovery from colds, enrichment of the body with vitamins and microelements.

Infusion, decoction, tea as an alternative to syrup

These forms of medicines are allowed to be given to children from the age of one year, if no allergies to the components of the formulations are detected. Children's syrup is a sweet treat, so if you have problems absorbing sugar, you should not take it. Infusions, decoctions, and teas based on echinacea, rose hips, eleutherococcus, and ginseng can serve as replacements.

For your information! Don’t forget about proper nutrition for children, exercise, and walks in the fresh air. These are components of strong immunity; it can only be formed through comprehensive measures.

Syrups should be used as recommended. Too much sweet medicine will lead to undesirable consequences. Immunomodulator products and plants have the ability to influence all organs, causing changes in them. Excessive doses cause stress to the body, so be careful.

The realities of modern life are such that we have to think about immunity, immune disorders, etc. very often. This topic becomes even more alarming when it comes to children's immunity and how it can be strengthened. Of course, there are reasons for such fears: environmental deterioration, not very healthy nutrition, as well as violation of the regime.

If we also consider that we and our children are subject to constant attacks from viruses, bacteria and fungal infections, then the conversation about immunity is very relevant. So, in this material we will talk about how you can strengthen your child’s health using syrup for children for immunity.

Echinacea syrup to strengthen the child's immunity

What methods are more effective for strengthening the immune system? The best defense in this case is to strengthen susceptibility to foreign bacteria and viruses. Most parents are skeptical about chemicals used to boost immunity.

However, you can use natural remedies known to our grandmothers; they are effective and safe for children's health. Such proven medicines include Echinacea officinalis syrup. This is one of the most effective drugs for strengthening a child’s immune system, characterized by a fairly impressive list of beneficial properties. Despite the fact that Echinacea syrup practically does not cause allergies and is generally safe for the child’s body, you should consult a doctor before using it.

Echinacea, a plant belonging to the Asteraceae family, has been used by both traditional doctors and folk healers since ancient times. The effect of taking this drug is expressed in increased immunity, increased activity of macrophages (cells that are active against pathogenic bacteria).

In addition, Echinacea syrup has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects, helps increase the body's defenses in the postoperative period and after a serious illness. Immunity syrup for children is very useful.

It increases resistance to infectious diseases, softens cough and improves the general condition of bronchitis, replenishes the lack of vitamin B, and removes heavy metal salts from the body.

Medicinal properties of Echinacea

The drug has a pronounced antiviral effect; its effect is to destroy the bonds between microbes and cells. In addition, the syrup potentiates an increase in the content of lymphocytes and neutrophils, whose main function is to protect the body.

Echinacea also contains active substances that take part in the process of cell membrane restoration and help in wound healing. In addition, the presence of certain components in the syrup enhances the production of interferon, which significantly increases the body’s ability to resist infections.

Echinacea is also a storehouse of essential oils that slow down the growth of certain pathogenic bacteria. Many experts believe that syrup for children for immunity also has a powerful antioxidant and anti-cancer effect.

Indications for use

This product is indicated for use when:

  • chronic fatigue syndrome,
  • depression,
  • inflammatory diseases of the hearing organs and upper respiratory tract,
  • decreased immunity of the skin,
  • purulent infections,
  • ulcers,
  • furunculosis,
  • old non-healing wounds,
  • burns.

In addition, the syrup is used for sore throats, pharyngitis and stomatitis.


Children are prescribed syrup, as a rule, from two years of age, in exceptional cases from one year. The syrup is contraindicated for use in children who have allergies, as it contains a large amount of sugar.

The syrup is produced in bottles of 50 and 100 ml. In addition to echinacea extract, it contains some sugar, distilled water and preservatives.

Adolescents aged 12 years and older take the drug one tablespoon twice a day. Children from 3 to 12 years old are prescribed one teaspoon twice a day. Children under 3 years old receive 3-4 drops of syrup in a dessert spoon with water, also twice a day.

In what cases should you not drink syrup to improve immunity in children?


Echinacea syrup is tolerated quite well by the child's body, but contraindications still exist. These include cases of individual intolerance to the drug, the presence of autoimmune diseases (AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis). In addition, this drug should not be used in combination with other immunostimulants.

Let's look at the most popular syrups for children for immunity.


The syrup is available in 100 ml dark glass bottles. This drug is used to strengthen the immune system in children from 3 years of age. This medicine contains sugar, an extract of a mixture of plant materials (sea buckthorn leaves, rose hips, nettle leaves, calendula flowers, black currant infusion, propolis, citric acid).

How is this syrup useful for boosting immunity in children?

Medicinal properties of Pomogusha syrup

The drug has an immunostimulating effect and also has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Such a wide range of effects is due to the components of the drug, each of which has a very strong effect on the body.

“Pomogusha” also helps improve metabolism and increase the body’s resistance to infectious diseases. In addition, the drug helps restore the body's strength, has a general strengthening and vascular effect, promotes tissue regeneration and replenishment of vitamins (C, A, E) in the body. Potentiates the absorption of vitamin A and D3.

This medicinal immunomodulatory drug is recommended by experts as a prophylactic agent for restoring immunity, as well as a supplier of vitamins and microelements. A contraindication for use may be individual intolerance to the components of the drug. The advantages of this syrup include the fact that it contains no flavors, dyes or alcohol. That's why children like him so much. There are a lot of reviews about rosehip syrup for immunity.


Children from 3 to 11 years old can receive the drug in a dosage of 10 ml or 2 teaspoons per day. Adolescents from 11 to 14 years old are prescribed 15 ml or 3 teaspoons per day. The medicine can be taken with non-hot tea or mineral water. The duration of the course of treatment is two weeks. It is recommended to repeat the reception after 7 days to consolidate the effect.

Reviews of syrup to strengthen immunity for children

According to reviews from mothers who gave these medications, they are good immunostimulating drugs. Both echinacea syrup and Pomogusha rosehip syrup cope with their task, helping to strengthen and restore the immune system. If you have mild cold symptoms (sneezing, runny nose), taking these medications helps to quickly cope with them. The effect of a course of immunomodulatory drugs lasts quite a long time, up to several months. A plus is the pleasant taste, this is important when the child is small and does not want to take a tasteless drug. How to properly give rosehip syrup to children for immunity?

Many parents begin to give immunomodulatory drugs at the moment when the child begins to go to kindergarten and, accordingly, begins to get sick often. Based on the results of taking these medications, parents report a positive effect: children get sick much less, and if they do get sick, the recovery process is much faster and easier.

Some mothers note the excessive sweetness of Pomogusha syrup; perhaps this is the only drawback. The positive aspects are the low price of these medications, which is important for many parents.

Syrup for immunity for children from Siberian Health

VitaMama syrup is intended to improve the health of the child. This is the living power of berries, fruits and medicinal plants, which are so necessary for every adult and child. The medicine is based on natural extracts and berry juice; it does not contain artificial preservatives or dyes.

A general strengthening agent and a source of natural vitamins to increase the body's defenses. Thanks to it, the condition of the respiratory system improves and the prevention and treatment of colds, as well as acute and chronic respiratory diseases in children from three to twelve years old is carried out.

Contains echinacea herb, rose hips, raspberry leaves, thyme herb, coltsfoot leaves, cherry concentrate, fructose.

In the lives of each of us, one day events occur that greatly change our lives. And I'm no exception. This is what I want to tell others about. It was 2006 then. I was 27 years old. I had been married for 3 years already, but we had no children yet. I worked in a large company as an accountant. I calculated the salaries for the entire company. And the moment came when I was burdened with a very large amount of work.

My 16 year old brother has a girlfriend. And so I completely accidentally overheard their conversation. My brother is going to visit his passion and my husband is giving him instructions. Husband - “When you come to her house, immediately ask to use the toilet, don’t be shy. And then look under the toilet lid. If you find out you know what, then feel free to get away from the slut and erase her phone number.”

First of all, the use of dietary supplements is prevention, prevention of diseases and elimination of the consequences of drug treatment. The essence of prevention is to raise a child strong, strong, resilient, so that he lives happily in the rest of his life.

As a rule, our diet is not balanced in terms of basic food ingredients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), vitamins and microelements, which is very critical for the child’s body, especially during critical age periods - the first year of life and puberty (11-15 years ), due to intensive growth, rapid development, formation of all organs and systems. During these periods, the use of dietary supplements not only provides a complete correction of vitamins and microelements, which occurs when using conventional vitamins, but, unlike them, it also contains essential amino acids that are not found in conventional products.

Dosage of dietary supplements for children.

The optimal dosage of dietary supplements depends on the child’s age, weight and severity of the disease.

Dosage depending on age and body weight.

In children, the dosage is prescribed at the rate of 0.1 g per 1 kg. body weight or 1 g per 10 kg. weight.

For example, the daily dosage of the Lymphosan phytosorption complex for a child aged 1 year and weighing 10 kg. will be 1 g (1 coffee spoon). For a 7 year old child weighing 30 kg. The daily dose will be 3 g (1 teaspoon).

Newborn children(up to 1 month) the prescription of dietary supplements is carried out with great caution. It is best to administer supplements to a nursing mother. Children of the first year of life are allowed a slight increase in the daily norm due to the fact that they have a larger amount of extracellular fluid - 37% versus 17.5 in adults.

School age children are in a stage of rapid growth. At this age, individual dosing of dietary supplements is necessary. In this case, the dosage is usually lower than in adults, by 20-25%.

Dosage depending on the severity of the lesion.

During the acute period of the disease It is permissible to increase the dosage several times. For example, in case of acute respiratory disease (ARI) in a 5-year-old child, Epam-7 was used in the first two days of the disease at a dosage of 1 drop per year of life (5 drops) every 40 minutes. This resulted in improved well-being, a decrease in temperature from 38.8 to 37 degrees C, decreased lacrimation, nasal congestion, and a sore throat when swallowing.

For disease prevention increasing the dose above the prophylactic dose is not advisable. The duration of use is much more important here: courses of 3-4 months.

Methods of using dietary supplements for children.

Children under one year old It is not recommended to give dietary supplements in the form of tablets, dry powder, or capsules. They need to take supplements in liquid form. For example, the daily dosage of Epam is diluted with warm water and given throughout the day 30-40 minutes before feeding. Powder of “Natural Inulin Complex” (“NIK”) is given in the form of a suspension at the rate of 20 mg per 1 kg of child’s weight.

For preschool children It is convenient to give dietary supplements in the form of herbal tea, tablets, capsules. They readily take Lymphosan powder in dry form, washing it down with water. Honey-based supplements “Apivit” and “Enterovit” are taken very well. If necessary, it is permissible to use products such as Vitacalcium, NovoMin in young children, pouring out the contents of the capsules (with juice, water or milk drink).

Compatibility of dietary supplements.

Much better results are obtained by prescribing 2 dietary supplements at the same time. In this case, it is advisable to reduce the dosage of each additive by 2 times.

Various dietary supplements are taken at intervals of 1.5-2 hours. Optimal prescription regimens: “Lymphosan” + “Epam”, “Lymphosan” + “Adaptovit”.

It is not advisable to simultaneously prescribe 2 dietary supplements containing dietary fiber (Lymphosans) or 2 different adaptogens.

All dietary supplements are fully compatible with medications and dosage forms. A particularly important property of dietary supplements is the removal of the toxic effects of drugs. Thanks to the use of dietary supplements, after the onset of persistent improvement, it is possible to reduce the dosage of medications. This should be done only in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician. It is important to remember that the need of a sick child to take any medications is decided individually; it is better to consult a doctor. Some diseases have contraindications, individual reactions to some components are possible - we must not forget about this!

First year of life.
The baby receives the necessary substances from the mother’s milk, therefore, first of all, a subsidy for the nursing mother is necessary (the use of dietary supplements during breastfeeding)
Herbal teas: Kuril Sai, Aminai Em, Shadite Noir 20-50 ml. appointment
Various modifications of EPAM 1 drop per 10-20 ml. water, frequency depending on the situation, on average 3-4 times a day
PIK (Natural inulin concentrate) As an infusion (1-2 g per 20-30 ml of water)
2-3 years VitaMama dragees and syrup 0.5 teaspoon
PEAK 1/3 teaspoon
Herbal teas 50-100 ml.
Adaptovit 3-5 ml.
Epam 1 drop per year of life
4-7 years NovoMin 2-3 capsules per day
Vitacalcium 1 capsule
VitaMagnesium 1-2 capsules
VitaMama syrup and dragees 1 teaspoon
VitaMama dragee "Mumieshka"
VitaMama dragee "Topivit" from 2 to 6 tablets per day in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals
Balms “Siberian propolis” 1 teaspoon
1-2 teaspoons
Herbal teas 100-150 ml
7-12 years NovoMin 4-6 capsules per day
Rhythms of Health according to the scheme
VitaMama dragee "Mumieshka" daily 2-4 tsp. (10-20 g)
VitaMama dragee "Topiviska" 5-10 tablets per day in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals
Healing honeys of the “Medina” series: Apivit, Hepatovit 1-2 teaspoons
Living cell-2.7 according to the scheme
Balms of the “Siberian propolis” series 1 teaspoon
Vitazinc, Vitaselen, Vitaiod 1 capsule per day
Lymfosan-M, Lymfosan enriched 1 teaspoon
Carnitrine 1-2 capsules per day

Prevention of diseases.

Tendency to food allergies, dysbacteriosis Trihelm, Origins of Purity, Agate Balsam, Epam11, herbal teas Kuril Sai, Aminay Em, Clear Lake, Adaptovit, Mumieshka, PIK
Iron-deficiency anemia Trihelm, Origins of purity, VitaFerrum, Epam11, herbal teas Kuril sai, Aminay em, Sagan daylya, NovoMin, Adaptovit, PIK, Pantoral
Bronchial asthma, bronchitis Origins of purity, Omegard-3, Adaptovit, herbal tea Aminai em, Flexible onion, Clean Lake, PIK, NovoMin
Gastritis, biliary dyskinesia, duodinitis Origins of purity, Omega3, Caropherol, PIK, Epam4, herbal teas - Kuril sai, Aminai em, Pantoral, Living Cell 4, VitaZinc, Basic Lymphosan and “G”
Sleep disturbance, hyperactivity Rhythms of Health, Living Cell 4, Vitamagnesium, Epam1000, herbal tea Shadite Noir, Herb of Life, Lymphosan G
Frequent ARVI Origins of purity, Solo-3, Peak, Apivit, Epam7, Adaptovit, VitaMama syrup, Zinc, Selenium, Silver balm, NovoMin, Pantoral, Health Rhythms, Basic Lymphosan
Insufficient physical development VitaCalcium, VitaZinc, PIK, Adaptovit, Dragee Vitamama, NovoMin, Omega-3, Selenium, Pantoral
Delayed speech development, learning difficulties Living Cell-2, Epam1000, Adaptovit, Vitaiod, Health Rhythms, Zinc
Decreased vision EPAM-1000, Living Cell-2, 7, Adaptovit, Lymphosan G
Fatigue, impaired attention EPAM-1000, Health Rhythms, VitaFerrum, Cedar Lecithin, Adaptovit, Novomin, VitaGermanium
When playing sports Health Rhythms, Carnitrine, Omegard-3, Chromlipase, Adaptovit, NovoMin, VitaCalcium, VitaZinc, VitaMagnesium
Regular courses (4 times a year) Origins of purity, Peak or Lymphosan basic, Adaptovit, Dragee VitaMama or Health Rhythms
Before summer and after winter Trigelm - at least 2 times a year

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Omega oils were added to the diet and used constantly, periodically Epam-11 (gastrointestinal tract) and Epam-7 (immunity). If symptoms of a cold were seen, Epam-900 was used. These products were our companions until our baby was one year old. The result is a very active, healthy child. She was crawling at five months, started using her legs at nine months (mom was one year and two months old, and dad was a very sick and frail child), and started talking at one year. Tanya always seemed older than her peers and thoughtful beyond her years. After the child turned one year old, we added Vitamama Immunity Syrup to the diet. We eat Omega-3 constantly, sometimes we give Omega-6 - they are very useful for mental development and, in general, for every cell of our body. Our oils are in capsules, but we love to chew them.

When I learned to chew, and not swallow, pills, they began to alternately give Mumieshka, Topivishka, and now Vitaminka - for the complete introduction of all the necessary microelements into the body, since our modern diet is almost devoid of this. From the age of three, Tanya learned to swallow capsules, and now during periods when there are sick people around, we give Formula 3 Antioxidants and Zinc. If you suddenly get sick, we eat Apivit, Silver Balm and, of course, Novomin (1 capsule per year of life, 3 times a day, if you feel better, 1 time a day). By the way, we have not been sick for long, and there have never been any complications. To prevent super-activity and excitability, we periodically use Magnesium. For exterior care we use our entire Zhivinka series.

And if necessary, the child already knows when to anoint the Root, and does it herself - anoints all his bruises and bruises, and even his tummy, if it hurts. He loves to rinse his mouth and throat with the Wizard (even undiluted when he is sick). Apply the Healer's Secret to the wounds. The child has never had an allergy to any product. If there is a reaction to food in the form of peeling and dryness on the tummy and butt, we use PIK, Epam-11, and our new super product Elbifid helps very well (all manifestations go away in 2-3 days). Externally we use our baby creams, oil and Velvet mask.

Today our Tanyushka is a product of Siberian Health - an active, sociable, intelligent, healthy and physically developed child. Six hours of walking in the heat at the Zoo - nothing - rushing up the stairs (who knows - in Krasnoyarsk from the exit to the road), as if she were not 4 years old, but 14, I can’t catch up with her. Or in the evening he flops down at the dacha and under the fountain and in the water, he freezes, his teeth are already chattering, I think he’ll get sick, no, nothing. The ice cream will be gobbled up quickly - if you don’t see it, we rinse the neck with the Wizard, and everything is fine. I am very glad that our family has such wonderful products from the Siberian Health Corporation for the health of the smallest member of our family.

Care products are safe. Internal products are tasty, healthy and effective. This is our experience of using the company’s product range and is in no way a recommendation. Everything is individual. And only everyone has the right to make decisions for their own health and that of their loved ones. And we made this decision. Thanks to the company! Be healthy with Siberian Health!

  • Children's cosmetics from Siberian Health: Zhivinka series
  • Why Siberian Health?
  • Compositions and use of products in the Vitamama series from Siberian Health

There are only 2 main problems with prescribing dietary supplements for children under 10 years of age - frequent allergic reactions and the whims of the child who does not want to drink relatively inconvenient and tasteless drinks. Syrup for immunity in children is one of the most convenient to serve and suitable for the digestive system with an acceptable taste. You just need to choose the optimal option from the point of view of digestibility and the needs of this particular baby.

Syrups to improve immunity in children. TOP 10

They can be synthetic or natural. The former contain artificially reproduced and micro/macroelements, while the latter are plant extracts with a scientifically proven ability to strengthen resistance.

The absence or presence of official approval for children's syrups on a natural basis is a mandatory indicator, even if parents, out of habit, believe that everything “taken from nature” is safer than what was bought at the pharmacy.

A smoothly and stably functioning, fully formed immune defense of an adult organism can “forgive” the owner for many experiments. Among them, even chemists are confused about its composition, and the “squeeze” from dead bees is clearly the “most edible” product in the world. And in children, it is prone to uncontrollable, rapidly developing allergic reactions. Most of them are life-threatening if they are not stopped in a timely manner.


This one is completely natural and developed by the Siberian Health company. It contains extracts, leaves or fruits:

  • thyme;
  • coltsfoot;
  • raspberries;

They are dissolved in apple or cherry juice, and the entire product is sweetened with fructose-sugar. It is indicated only for children over 3 years old, but according to the experience of parents, “Vitamama” also helps younger children who do not suffer from allergies. The general impression of its use boils down to the following points:

  • rarely causes allergies;
  • may complicate liver function when taken in courses longer than a month;
  • does not reduce the child’s morbidity, but accelerates his recovery.


This product is based on echinacea juice. Its immunostimulating and adaptogenic properties have been scientifically confirmed. This is a single drug (the risk of allergies is reduced compared to mixtures like the one mentioned above), but contains ethyl alcohol. Due to its presence, it is not indicated for children under one year of age.

For children 1-6 years old, Immunal is dosed in just a milliliter (“cube” of a syringe) per day. Then - a teaspoon a day, preferably dissolved in a non-hot sweet. The length of the course can vary from a week to 2 months. does not give the impression of being highly allergenic, improves overall well-being and mental activity, and gives strength. In adults, it also increases potency (men), normalizes the cycle and reduces the severity of premenstrual syndrome (women).

From a bow

This product is not sold in pharmacies and requires independent preparation from fresh onion and lemon juice with honey. The antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of onions are confirmed by official medicine, and are extremely rich (with its participation, C-reactive proteins are produced, responsible for the development of the acute immune phase).

Doctors have doubts only about the special properties of honey - the same sugar in composition as any other (a little more varied). But it is easiest to add to any solution, and it is not necessary to rely too much on the therapeutic effect in its “execution”.

For onion syrup, grate or chop a medium onion in a food processor, squeeze a teaspoon out of lemon, mix everything with 1 tsp. honey Take it 5-6 tbsp. l. per day for a week. Onion syrup quickly relieves pathologies of the upper respiratory tract and digestive tract. Those suffering from cholecystitis also speak well of it, but it is not indicated for gastritis and ulcers of any localization.

Balm “Strong”

Pharmacy syrup to strengthen the immune system, which is a mixture of extracts:

  • echinacea;
  • Sudanese rose;
  • sequences;
  • nettle;
  • alfalfa;
  • rosehip;
  • apples

“Krepysh” is also supplemented and strengthened with reconstituted apple juice, ascorbic and lemon juice, distilled water, and sugar. Children are given a milliliter of it, dissolved in any warm drink to taste, once a day, after meals.

In the future, you can move on to adult portions - 5 ml, twice a day, after meals. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, strengthens the immune defense due to its saturation with flavonoids - volatile disinfecting compounds that are found in cinnamon, alfalfa, and string.

From naked licorice

In Western Europe, this plant is more commonly known as licorice. It differs from nature by its sweet to cloying taste and tart-spicy aroma. Licorice-based products are a much more typical ready-made syrup for immunity for children than even “Holosas” (also from childhood for many, along with “Befungin”).

In addition to its sweet taste, the plant also has proven properties:

  • adaptogen;
  • antiviral and antibacterial;
  • antispasmodic;
  • mucolytics.

Licorice remedy is made from its extract with water, ethyl alcohol and added sugar. For children under 2 years of age, it is prescribed a dessert spoon, 2 times a day, after meals. and adults are shown 2-3 tsp, three times a day. The course of treatment for all ages should not exceed 10 days; it can be repeated only after 2 weeks. In general, children love extracts of this plant, although parents note that its alcohol base is undesirable.


Carob is a born Cypriot. Its fruits have a sweet taste and a “confectionery” aroma, which is why it can often be found in Greek national cuisine as a spice and a sweetener. They also add it to “ecological” (100% natural) baby products. It stabilizes blood pressure and speeds up metabolism, increasing vitality. Carob fruits are rich in E and calcium.

Children under 5 years old are given a tablespoon of it 2 times a day, and adults drink 3 tbsp. l., 3 times a day, before meals. The course of carob medicine for all ages lasts 2 weeks. Adults note its high digestibility and the effect of reducing appetite along with weight; small patients also perceive it well.

This rosehip syrup for immunity (due to its saturation with vitamin C) is also a mild diuretic and choleretic, hepatoprotector, and stimulant of peristalsis. It is approved for use by official pharmaceuticals and is an aqueous extract of the fruit of the plant with sugar.

Holosas is indicated for children even from the first weeks of life (if necessary). Up to 3 years, its single dose should not exceed a third of a teaspoon, twice a day, between meals. From 3 to 10 years, the portion is increased to 1 tsp. once a day, and then you can switch to an adult “diet”, prescribing it three times a day, on an empty stomach, in courses of no longer than a month.

The drug is formed by extracts:

  • berries;
  • currant leaf;
  • elecampane grass;
  • licorice naked.

They are combined with an aqueous base with the addition of sodium benzoate, sorbic and citric acid. The mixture is sweetened with the sweetener sorbitol. For children under 5 years old, it is recommended to take a dessert spoon once a day, with food, for a week. If the child is older, the dose can be increased to 1 tsp/day. Adults are recommended to drink it one tablespoon three times a day, during meals, with any non-hot drink.

The general impression from its use is that it is a better adaptogen than an immunostimulant. In other words, this remedy rather irritates the immune defense and treats already existing pathologies for it, rather than supplying it with the components necessary for its work or debugging the activity of its components.

"Hawthorn with rosehip"

The product contains a natural sugar substitute, fructose, as well as extracts of rosehip and hawthorn berries with the addition of ascorbic acid. Rose hips are added to syrup quite often - due to the high content of ascorbic acid.

Hawthorn blooms with buds with a not very pleasant smell, but science recognizes its immunomodulatory properties, which are not inferior to rose hips in severity. It normalizes heart rate and vascular activity, reduces blood pressure.

Hawthorn and rosehip syrup is given to children under 5 years of age only a teaspoon once a day, after meals, in dissolved form. From 5 to 10 years, the dosage increases to 1 tsp. 2 times a day, morning and evening. Next, the daily norm is equal to that of an adult and reaches a tablespoon of the product, twice a day, with food or dissolved in another drink. The total duration of the course is no more than 3 weeks.

"Blueberries with herbs"

Blueberries are best known for their ability to improve vision. But it is rich in natural antibiotics, tannins and food acids, and has a proven adaptogenic effect. Syrup for boosting immunity based on it is formed by extracts:

  • blueberries;
  • hop cones;
  • motherwort herbs.

Water, citric acid and glucose are also added to the preparation as a sweetener. Children from 2 to 12 years old are given 1 tsp, 3 times a day, after meals, in solution with another drink to taste. Teenagers and adults – 1 tbsp. l., under the same conditions. The course for all ages is no more than 3 weeks.

The realities of modern life are such that we have to think about immunity, immune disorders, etc. very often. This topic becomes even more alarming when it comes to children's immunity and how it can be strengthened. Of course, there are reasons for such fears: environmental deterioration, not very healthy nutrition, as well as violation of the regime.

If we also consider that we and our children are subject to constant attacks from viruses, bacteria and fungal infections, then the conversation about immunity is very relevant. So, in this material we will talk about what means you can strengthen your immune system with syrup for children.

Echinacea syrup to strengthen the child's immunity

What methods are more effective for strengthening the immune system? The best defense in this case is to strengthen susceptibility to foreign bacteria and viruses. Most parents are skeptical about chemicals used to boost immunity.

However, you can use natural remedies known to our grandmothers; they are effective and safe for children's health. Such proven medicines include Echinacea officinalis syrup. This is one of the most effective drugs for strengthening a child’s immune system, characterized by a fairly impressive list of beneficial properties. Despite the fact that Echinacea syrup practically does not cause allergies and is generally safe for the child’s body, you should consult a doctor before using it.

Echinacea, a plant belonging to ancient times, has been used by both traditional doctors and folk healers. The effect of taking this drug is expressed in increased immunity, increased activity of macrophages (cells that are active against pathogenic bacteria).

In addition, Echinacea syrup has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects, helps increase the body's defenses in the postoperative period and after a serious illness. Immunity syrup for children is very useful.

It increases resistance to infectious diseases, softens cough and improves the general condition of bronchitis, replenishes the lack of vitamin B, and removes heavy metal salts from the body.

Medicinal properties of Echinacea

The drug has a pronounced antiviral effect; its effect is to destroy the bonds between microbes and cells. In addition, the syrup potentiates an increase in the content of lymphocytes and neutrophils, whose main function is to protect the body.

Echinacea also contains active substances that take part in the process of cell membrane restoration and help in wound healing. In addition, the presence of certain components in the syrup enhances the production of interferon, which significantly increases the body’s ability to resist infections.

Echinacea is also a storehouse of essential oils that slow down the growth of certain pathogenic bacteria. Many experts believe that syrup for children for immunity also has a powerful antioxidant and anti-cancer effect.

Indications for use

This product is indicated for use when:

  • chronic fatigue syndrome,
  • depression,
  • inflammatory diseases of the hearing organs and upper respiratory tract,
  • decreased immunity of the skin,
  • purulent infections,
  • ulcers,
  • furunculosis,
  • old non-healing wounds,
  • burns.

In addition, the syrup is used for sore throats, pharyngitis and stomatitis.


Children are prescribed syrup, as a rule, from two years of age, in exceptional cases from one year. The syrup is contraindicated for use in children who have allergies, as it contains a large amount of sugar.

The syrup is produced in bottles of 50 and 100 ml. In addition to echinacea extract, it contains some sugar, distilled water and preservatives.

Adolescents aged 12 years and older take the drug one tablespoon twice a day. Children from 3 to 12 years old are prescribed one teaspoon twice a day. Children under 3 years old receive 3-4 drops of syrup in a dessert spoon with water, also twice a day.

In what cases should you not drink syrup to improve immunity in children?


Echinacea syrup is tolerated quite well by the child's body, but contraindications still exist. These include cases of individual intolerance to the drug, the presence of autoimmune diseases (AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis). In addition, this drug should not be used in combination with other immunostimulants.

Let's look at the most popular syrups for children for immunity.


The syrup is available in 100 ml dark glass bottles. This drug is used to strengthen the immune system in children from 3 years of age. This medicine contains sugar, an extract of a mixture of plant materials (sea buckthorn leaves, rose hips, nettle leaves, calendula flowers, black currant infusion, propolis, citric acid).

How is this syrup useful for boosting immunity in children?

Medicinal properties of Pomogusha syrup

The drug has an immunostimulating effect and also has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Such a wide range of effects is due to the components of the drug, each of which has a very strong effect on the body.

“Pomogusha” also helps improve metabolism and increase the body’s resistance to infectious diseases. In addition, the drug helps restore the body's strength, has a general strengthening and vascular effect, promotes tissue regeneration and replenishment of vitamins (C, A, E) in the body. Potentiates the absorption of vitamin A and D 3.

This is recommended by experts as a prophylactic agent for restoring immunity, as well as a supplier of vitamins and microelements. A contraindication for use may be individual intolerance to the components of the drug. The advantages of this syrup include the fact that it contains no flavors, dyes or alcohol. That's why children like him so much. There are a lot of reviews about rosehip syrup for immunity.


Children from 3 to 11 years old can receive the drug in a dosage of 10 ml or 2 teaspoons per day. Adolescents from 11 to 14 years old are prescribed 15 ml or 3 teaspoons per day. The medicine can be taken with non-hot tea or mineral water. The duration of the course of treatment is two weeks. It is recommended to repeat the reception after 7 days to consolidate the effect.