How many calories does it take to walk for an hour? How many calories does walking burn? Intensive walking

Today it is necessary to be fit, cheerful and beautiful. Young people are going to the gym again, many are starting to run in the morning. This is a great trend and should definitely be supported. But today the topic of our article is slightly different. Not everyone can afford to go to the gym, and an untrained body cannot stand running, especially if there are a certain amount of extra pounds. An alternative can be simple walking. Today we want to take a closer look at how many calories walking burns. By answering this question, you can build a balanced diet to enhance the effect.

How many calories does walking burn?

Of course, to lose weight it’s not enough to go shopping. How many calories are burned per hour of walking depends on:

  • presence/absence of additional equipment (walking poles, weights);
  • your weight;
  • your age;
  • level of physical fitness;
  • pace;
  • duration;
  • roads (it’s harder to walk uphill);
  • intensity of hand movement.

It is clear that if you walk quickly, you will burn more calories than if you walk at a slow pace. Plus, it is better to conduct classes in a park or forest. The load will immediately increase due to unevenness on the road.

In 1 hour of walking you can burn 200 kilocalories or more. You can independently calculate how many calories your body will burn.

For one kilogram of weight, each person spends an hour walking:

  • at an average pace (4 km/h) 3.2 kcal;
  • at a fast pace (6 km/h) 4.5 kcal;
  • almost running (8 km/h) 10 kcal;

There is also a convenient sign where you can see how much you will spend depending on your body weight and walking speed.

50 KG 55 KG 60 KG 65 KG 70 KG 75 KG 80 KG 85 KG 90 KG
3 km/h 126 138 150 163 175 187 201 213 226
4 km/h 160 177 192 209 224 240 257 272 288
5 km/h 184 202 221 239 258 276 295 312 331
6 km/h 217 238 262 283 304 326 349 369 392
7 km/h 291 321 351 379 409 439 467 496 526
8 km/h 374 410 449 487 523 562 598 636 673
9 km/h 480 530 577 625 674 722 769 818 866

That is, if you weigh 55 kg and walk at an average speed, you will lose 202 kcal in an hour.

Considering all this is completely inconvenient. After all, you still need to correctly estimate the speed. If you know exactly the distance traveled, calculating the speed is easy. And if not? Count steps per minute? This will make you more tired than walking itself!

I recommend using a fitness bracelet. You put it on your hand, and he counts how much time has passed. For me, this is a convenient and simple electronic pedometer.

Fitness bracelets and smartphones for calculating calorie consumption

The fitness bracelet has a built-in motion sensor – an accelerometer. The smartphone, on which a special application should be installed, receives sensor readings via the Bluetooth wireless network and converts them into steps. And then the steps are recalculated into kilometers and calories according to the user’s weight, height and age specified when launching the application. It is clear that in this case, the accuracy of estimating calories burned is very low.

An accelerometer can also be built into a smartphone, but here the error is even greater, since the smartphone should be worn in a place where the accelerometer can well sense the vibrations caused by walking, for example, in a trouser pocket. All such devices are designed for walking or running, and in fitness training mode their readings are even more unreliable.

How to calculate your own speed?

There is nothing complicated about this: knowing a simple formula, you can always calculate your speed. This will help turn the abstract concept of “fast walking” into something more real. It’s easy to estimate how many calories you’ll burn if you count the number of steps. If you walk at a speed of 3 km per hour, you take 50 steps in one minute. A speed of 4.5 km/h will allow you to take 75 steps per minute, and 6 km/h will allow you to take 100 steps per minute. That is, if you take 125 steps per minute, you can easily count on losing 10 kcal per kilogram of weight. This is an impressive figure, considering that not every workout in the gym will give you such results.

How many calories are burned by walking in an hour?

Currently, there are special calculators that determine energy consumption for a particular type of load. On average, it is generally accepted that during a walk a person spends 3.2-3.8 kilocalories per kilogram of weight. The final result depends on many components. Thus, during exercise on rough terrain, up to 6.4 kcal is lost.

More information about how many calories are burned per hour of walking can be found below:

  • walk on a flat road – 200;
  • uphill – 320;
  • classes at an average pace - 335;
  • climbing stairs – 500-700.

How many calories are burned when walking 1 km

Experts say that to lose weight you need to exercise regularly. It is important to cover a distance of at least 2-3 kilometers. Do not forget that before classes you need to do a short warm-up. This rule especially applies to athletes who prefer intense training in nature.

When, how much and how you need to walk in order to lose weight, you need to decide only and you need to do this taking into account the state of your health. Some recommendations from experts:

  • You need to walk at least 6 km a day, otherwise there will be no result.
  • You need to walk at a fast pace, but do not run.
  • Steps should be from heel to toe of medium size.
  • You need to move your hands strictly to the beat.
  • The minimum lesson time is 30 – 40 minutes.
  • Try to make these walks a habit for you, then they will have noticeable benefits. The habit will develop in a few weeks and will stay with you forever.
  • To make your walk successful, you must have the right equipment.
  • Choose the right place to study. It should be with the least amount of transport.
  • Increase the load gradually.

Let walking be an amazing and useful entertainment for you, which will help you lose those hated kilograms. Turn a necessary activity into pleasure. Enjoy the beauty of the world around you and at the same time get rid of excess weight. Fill yourself with positive emotions and radiate light and warmth. Walking in the fresh air can give you all this.

Walking or running? What's best for losing weight?

What is better - running or walking for weight loss? Let's compare these types of physical activity.

Do you want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you

Benefits of running for weight loss

  • This sport will allow you to lose weight faster and more intensely due to greater activity and the ability to burn calories faster.
  • To burn the same amount of calories, you will need to spend much more time walking.
  • Running strengthens muscles better by putting more strain on them. Accordingly, the relief of the hips improves faster.
  • This sport allows you to “escape” from depression and sad thoughts.

The benefits of walking for weight loss

  • The main advantage of this type of load is that it has no contraindications. Walking can be freely practiced by people with musculoskeletal problems, heart disease and obesity.
  • This method of losing weight is much less traumatic and will not harm ligaments and joints.
  • For an untrained person, brisk walking is enough to reach the maximum permissible heart rate for useful cardio training. Only experienced athletes can run at the correct (low) heart rate.
  • Walking promotes mental activity. Why not “reinvent the wheel” while walking?

How much energy is spent per week?

If you take daily two-hour walks, refuse the elevator and climb the stairs on foot, you can easily burn 2000 kcal in a week, which is comparable to one fasting fasting day or 200 g of subcutaneous fat. A very tempting prospect, isn’t it? But this is by no means all the advantages of walking.

The benefits of walking.

  1. A simple and safe way to lose weight. The risk of injury, ligament damage, and fractures is almost zero.
  2. If there are no medical contraindications, it is suitable for any age.
  3. Does not require financial expenses, unless there is a desire to take walks in a new sports suit or acquire additional equipment. In other cases, walking will help you save on public transport.
  4. As a rule, walking is done in the fresh air. The cells are enriched with oxygen, which will have a beneficial effect on complexion and appearance.
  5. While walking, your posture improves, your gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles tighten.
  6. Increases endurance, improves lung and heart function.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

With the advent of cars and the increase in the number of “sedentary” professions, people walk less and less. This negatively affects the health of the country's population. Let's talk about the benefits of walking for women and men, how it affects the condition of the figure, and what to do if this type of physical activity becomes unavailable due to constant pain in the legs.

Walking: benefits and harms

The benefits of walking are beyond doubt. It has long been proven that physically active people get sick less often and live longer. They feel better because walking really does a lot:

1. Allows you to control body weight. Physically active people weigh less. Prevention is the prevention of dozens of dangerous diseases, many of which lead not only to a deterioration in the quality of life, but also to death.

2. Strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

3. Improves blood circulation throughout the body.

4. Relieves stress, increases vitality, prevents depression.

5. Increases the body’s nonspecific resistance, thereby reducing the risk of infectious diseases.

An additional benefit of walking for women is reducing the risk of varicose veins. When walking, the leg muscles constantly contract. They ensure the movement of venous blood upward to the heart, preventing the occurrence of congestion.

An additional benefit of walking for men is the prevention of chronic congestive prostatitis. One of the causes of this disease, which manifests itself as constant pain in the perineum, scrotum, and rectum, is stagnation of blood in the pelvis, which occurs during a sedentary lifestyle. The benefits of walking for men include improving pelvic blood flow.

There is no harm from walking. The exception is when a person walks in winter. Then he may slip on the ice, fall and get hurt or fractured.

Walking for weight loss

Is it possible to lose weight by walking? Yes it is possible. But considering how many calories are spent when walking, you will have to walk for a very long time, every day, for several hours, while limiting yourself in food.

However, for many people it is the preferred way to increase energy expenditure per unit of time, for example:

  • for older people who cannot exercise;
  • with severe obesity, when it is very difficult to practice intense physical activity;
  • in case of pathology of the cardiovascular system or musculoskeletal system, when heavy loads are simply contraindicated.

Here are the benefits of walking for your figure:

1. Body weight decreases. But only if you walk a lot and regularly.
2. Muscles and ligaments are strengthened.
3. Posture improves by strengthening the back muscles.

It is impossible to say exactly how many calories are burned when walking. This depends on a number of factors: the nature of the terrain, gender, age, body weight of a person, metabolic rate, and most importantly, the speed at which he moves.

Calorie consumption when walking - table:

As you can see from the table, the average calorie consumption when walking, if you move at a walking pace, is 200 kcal per hour. If you go fast, you spend twice as much. But these data are approximate. This shows how many calories walking burns for a 70kg person. If you are heavier, your energy expenditure will be greater.

You can focus not only on time, but also on distance when planning loads. From the table you can easily understand how many calories walking 1 km burns. This is approximately 60 kcal for a person weighing 70 kg. Therefore, if you have a walk planned and you want to burn 600 kcal, aim for a distance of 10 km.

If you want to increase the intensity of physical activity while walking in order to increase calorie expenditure per unit of time, you can use the following methods:

1. Walk on an incline – naturally, not down, but up. You will expend more effort and burn more calories.

2. Do not walk on asphalt, but on sand or snow. The worse the grip of the legs with the surface, the more the muscles have to strain to maintain the balance of the body.

3. Walk with a load. You can put a backpack on your back, pick up light dumbbells, and attach weights to your legs.

My legs hurt from walking: what to do?

Walking can cause pain in the legs of older people, and sometimes even young people. What to do in this case? There is no single recipe, because pain can occur for various reasons. We roughly divide them into two groups:

1. Damage to joints, bones, ligaments. These pathologies can be either traumatic or internal (autoimmune, degenerative, dysmetabolic). If you are injured, you just need to wait until the damage heals and only then start walking again. For internal diseases, only dosed physical activity is indicated. All these conditions require observation by a rheumatologist.

2. Vascular damage. The most common causes are varicose veins or obliterating arterial diseases. In the first case, your legs may hurt after a long walk in the evening. When arteries are damaged, pain occurs suddenly, right while walking, and the person is forced to stop so that the painful sensations decrease. All these diseases require contacting a vascular surgeon.

There are also many other causes of leg pain when walking. These include various formations on the feet, skin diseases, and pathologies associated with damage to soft tissues. In any case, you cannot be treated using instructions from the Internet. You need to see a doctor.


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What the calorie consumption will be when walking is important for anyone who cares about their figure to know. After all, you can lose weight from walking so much that it doesn’t seem like enough. And you can achieve absolutely nothing. Now we will talk about different options for burning fat through walking.

So, how to lose weight with walking? The simplest answer is to walk more and more often. And here are some theoretical aspects of a walking lifestyle.

What determines calorie consumption?

How many calories walking burns is a controversial question. And everything will depend on the following factors:

  • Weight and height of a person.
  • His physical fitness.
  • Nutritional features.
  • External conditions (weather, indoor environment with the treadmill and other factors).
  • Clothes and shoes.
  • Leg speed, extra arm work, etc.

These are the most significant and important factors that will determine your success in expending energy and getting rid of excess fat.

Another factor is the individual characteristics of your body: how much you sweat, what type of metabolism you have, how fast or slow this metabolism is. Every nuance will decide a lot. Some people will have to walk a lot to lose significant weight. And some will see the effect after several hours of training.

On the Internet you can find various figures showing how many calories are burned when walking 1 km. Please understand that these are average values. They are derived from massive experiments. At a minimum, you need to divide your calorie expenditure by weight category. The maximum is to individually calculate exactly your consumption, which is very difficult to do.

For example, a person weighing 50 kg will spend 184 kcal per hour, provided that he walks at a speed of 5 km per hour. And if his weight is 90 kg, then at the same speed the consumption will increase to 331 kcal! Let’s say the value will fluctuate by 30–50 kcal in both directions, depending on the above features.

Factors influencing energy consumption

Now let's look at how these factors affect consumption. And the main thing is how to use it to your advantage.

Weight and height

Weight and height are slowly changing values. The taller you are, the longer and heavier your limbs are. This means that it takes a little more effort to move them. But to walk the same distance you will need to take fewer steps.

Weight directly affects calorie expenditure. Energy consumption when walking for a fat person can thus be several times higher than for a thin person. After all, you need to move much more weight in space.

For overweight people, brisk walking to lose weight will have a much greater effect than for those who are not overweight, but simply want to correct their figure a little.

By the way, you can artificially increase your weight by using weights. This way you will burn more calories. In order not to harm your spine and knees, the weight should be hung on your lower leg. This is ideal for increasing your endurance, strength and energy expenditure both on the track and when walking in the park.

Every person who is losing weight can afford to buy weights (they are inexpensive) or make them themselves.

Physical training

Your physical fitness will affect the intensity and duration of your walk. Today the main problem of humanity is laziness. The more comfortable a person lives, the less desire he has to move. Because of this, a good half of humanity is overweight and has weak muscles.

Your stamina will allow you to travel long distances. The best way to lose fat is to go hiking. For example, for 1 km at a speed of 5 km per hour, you will burn approximately 36-37 calories if your weight is 50 kg. This means that in 10 km at this speed 370 kcal will be lost. During the campaign you will burn more than one thousand of them.

To make you burn even more energy, bring a quality backpack with hiking gear. This will increase your weight, and therefore your fuel consumption.


When losing weight, if you definitely decide to lose weight, you should eat a certain way. If you eat high-calorie foods, the time spent walking should increase equivalent to what you eat. That is, you will make life difficult for yourself.

If calorie expenditure is less than calorie intake, the excess will be stored as fat. What you are running away from will happen again and again. And on the scales, each time you either do not see any changes, or, in general, you will gain weight.

It’s more convenient to calculate not exactly how many calories are burned when walking 1 km, but how long you walked, for example, energy consumption per hour of walking. Then you can easily combine the caloric intake of food and the duration of your walks.

If you know how many calories walking burns, you can compensate for eating a piece of cake. But when you do this, you will understand that burning even 50 kcal eaten requires time and effort, and, therefore, you will think again before going to the candy store.

Since we are talking about nutrition, we note that walking after eating is not recommended. It's better to wait half an hour or an hour.

External conditions

One of the most convenient options for walking workouts is walking on a treadmill for weight loss. Firstly, you are not disturbed by cars and other passers-by. Secondly, you don’t care what the weather is like outside. The external factor as an obstacle disappears. Next, it’s up to your desire to lose weight.

The intensity of calorie burning when walking also depends on the ambient temperature. There is a common misconception here. When it's hot, we sweat more. Accordingly, there is a temptation to think that in the heat, training is more effective and more calories are burned. But this is self-deception. More fluid comes out, and energy is not wasted on warming the body. In cool weather, in addition to spending calories on movement, your body is forced to spend resources on maintaining body temperature. That is, the consumption is slightly higher. In addition, active movement in extreme heat is dangerous to health, remember this.

Walking in place for weight loss is good for those who are too lazy to leave the house. But this is a rather boring and tedious task; you are unlikely to have the will to stagnate in one place for an hour or more. If you suddenly decide that marching on the spot at home is still more convenient for you, then walking with weights will definitely benefit you.

Clothes and shoes

Proper walking is one that brings you not only benefits, but also pleasure. If you are uncomfortable and uncomfortable, the reason for this may be clothes and shoes. It’s too hot, or, conversely, not warm enough - you chose the wrong suit. If your heels ache or your toe hurts, you need better sneakers.

Travel speed

Walking quickly burns many more calories than walking slowly. Does slow walking actually help you lose weight? Yes, you still waste energy. But this is an extreme, because in this case very few of these calories are spent per unit of time, and accordingly, very little fat can be burned. You can't walk all day, can you?

Fast walking helps you lose weight much faster. The most effective way to lose excess weight is by walking quickly and using weight-bearing devices.

Times of Day

How many calories are burned when walking in the morning and evening? When is the best time to go?

This is an individual question. The answer would be – go when you feel comfortable. If you constantly overcome yourself, the time spent will not be justified by the result. Every kilometer you will think about only one thing - when will it all end. And the main rule in any business is to like it!

Some people like to greet the morning with a walk, others love walks before bed. Everyone chooses their own. When do you like to go for a walk? Yes, just for a walk. This is also fuel consumption. And you lose fat and get pleasure.

How much do we end up spending?

So, how many calories are spent when walking on average - from 126 to 1000, depending on the factors we have listed. The spread is huge, isn't it? A speed of 5 km per hour gives an hourly consumption of approximately 184 to 331, based on a weight of 50 and 90 kg respectively. A quick walk at a speed of 8–9 km per hour spends from 480 to 866 kcal in 60 minutes. Walking at such a speed is difficult for an ordinary person - it’s practically running. We add - the number of calories burned increases even more.

In other words, walking helps you lose weight anyway. Even a simple walk in the park will use up energy. And you can influence how quickly this process goes by varying various parameters of your training.

Energy expenditure during a diet increases physical activity. If you can’t go to the gym or do exercises at home, then you can simply walk more, say weight loss experts.

Before you start losing weight this way, you need to learn how to walk correctly and calculate the number of calories burned.

How many calories are spent walking?

The number of calories burned depends mainly on your weight and walking speed. You can calculate how much energy is spent during exercise using a table.

Travel speed/weight 50-60 kg 60-70 kg 70-80 kg 80-90 kg
4 km/h Up to 192 kcal Up to 224 kcal Up to 257 kcal Up to 288 kcal
6 km/h Up to 262 kcal Up to 304 kcal Up to 349 kcal Up to 392 kcal
8 km/h Up to 449 kcal Up to 523 kcal Up to 598 kcal Up to 673 kcal
9 km/h Up to 577 kcal Up to 674 kcal Up to 769 kcal Up to 866 kcal

In addition, important factors that can influence the increase in calories expended are:

  • availability of weights and additional equipment;
  • hand movement;
  • age;
  • road (are there any ups or downs);
  • time.

Let's celebrate! Also, many experts argue that periodic changes of pace are the most productive when losing weight. That is, if you switch from walking at an average pace to fast or slow from time to time, the number of kilocalories burned will increase.

In general, walking pace can be divided into:

  • slow or walk (3 km/h);
  • medium (4 km/h);
  • fast (6-7 km/h);
  • very fast (8 km/h).

The last two paces are considered aerobic exercise. To burn a large amount of energy, you need to not only walk quickly, but also for a long time - at least an hour.

After all, in the first half hour, not as much energy is expended as in the subsequent time (after about 45 minutes of intense walking). That is, on average, you can spend 500-600 calories per hour if you move at a speed of 8 km/h.

Good to know! You should not engage in such intense exercise immediately after eating (even if the meal was light). There may be pain in the abdomen, a feeling as if something is stabbing in the side. This has a bad effect on human health and does not heal the body at all.

This product will be a good helper in losing weight. The components of the sweets have a gentle effect on the body, have a 100% natural composition, this determines the absence of side effects.

Of course, it is especially important to combine taking pills with proper nutrition and exercise. In this case, the effectiveness will be maximum, and the result will be noticeable on your face.

The more often a person walks, the more his health improves, his mood improves, and his health becomes much better.

What happens when you walk:

  1. If you breathe correctly while walking, you can strengthen your respiratory system.
  2. Walking uses most of the muscles, so blood circulation and metabolism improves.
  3. Muscles are strengthened.
  4. You can lose excess weight.
  5. Proper and regular walking is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, as well as ailments associated with the musculoskeletal system.
  6. Blood circulation in the pelvis improves, which is very useful for men, because congestion in this area is relieved.
  7. If you walk regularly, your immunity improves over time.
  8. Increases endurance.
  9. Sleep improves.
  10. It has a positive effect on the nervous system.

For the activity to be beneficial, it is very important to be able to walk correctly:

  • You should not overload an untrained body with a high pace and tiring duration; classes should be built incrementally - first walk for about half an hour at a walking pace. Gradually the pace should increase, as well as the practice time.
  • The body is healed not by walking slowly, but at a speed of 7 km/h, which lasts at least an hour. Such a moderately intense pace puts a certain load on the body, while blood circulation improves and muscle tone increases.
  • Gradually, the walking speed can be increased if the load no longer seems strong. In addition, you can walk not only on a flat surface, but also on sand, uphill, on stairs, using equipment (Nordic walking). Such aggravating factors affect the number of calories that are burned during exercise.
  • In order for walking to bring not only pleasure, but also the expected effect, walks must be regular - at least 3 times a week, and ideally - daily.

Experts in the field of weight loss have come up with several tricks on how to burn the maximum number of calories while spending a minimum of time:

  • The most popular and surest option is to increase your movement speed. At the same time, it is important to ensure that there is no rapid heartbeat or shortness of breath - in this case, the body is not ready for intense stress, and you should not harm your own health. If it is not possible to increase your speed, walk long distances. Of course, this will take more minutes or hours, but you will burn a lot of calories.
  • Another way is to walk in cold weather, then the body will burn calories not only by walking, but also by generating heat. Try to distract yourself with something while walking: talk to a friend on the phone, listen to music, or play an audiobook.
  • Experts say that regularly changing your pace while walking is very productive in terms of burning calories. That is, if you switch from an average pace to a fast one, then vice versa - and so on several times during the lesson, then you will burn twice as many calories as compared to what is burned at the same speed of movement.
  • While walking, you can swing your arms, use ski poles, and do some physical exercises on the go - all this increases calorie expenditure. It is also necessary to keep your abdominal and buttock muscles tense.

Do you want to lose excess weight?

A slim figure is the dream of many women and men. I want to be at a comfortable weight without exhausting myself with strict diets and heavy exercises.

In addition, excess weight can lead to health problems! Heart disease, shortness of breath, diabetes, arthritis and significantly reduced life expectancy!

It has the following properties:

  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Burns fat deposits
  • Reduces weight
  • Lose weight even with minimal physical activity
  • Helps reduce weight in cardiovascular diseases

What types of walking are most effective?

Nordic walking can rightfully be called a very effective training method for body shaping. This concept refers to walking at an intense pace using ski poles. This method of losing weight is suitable for any age, regardless of the level of physical fitness.

During such an exercise, almost all the muscles of the body are involved, of which 50% burn fat. Not only do poles add weight, but they also reduce stress on the knees and joints in the legs. When walking this way, not only your legs are used, but also your arms and back muscles.

If you cannot control the pace yourself, then you should visit the gym and walk on a treadmill. Here the pace is set by the simulator itself, but the time and body weight are set by the practitioner.

Good to know! Walking up the stairs is also an excellent option. To begin with, it will be enough to simply refuse the elevator and go up or down to the desired floor under your own power.

Stories from our readers!
“I don’t have a lot of excess weight, only about 5 kilograms. But these kilograms are located in very unpleasant places that cannot be corrected with exercise. Conventional diets also did not produce results - completely different parts of the body lost weight!

A friend advised me to speed up my metabolism and ordered these sweets. I was very pleased with the natural composition, pleasant taste and ease of use! Combined with a light diet and plenty of fluids. I recommend!"

Everyone knows that walking, like other types of daily human activity, requires certain energy costs. Calorie consumption when walking depends on the type and intensity, as well as the speed of the person’s movement. If we count how many calories are burned when walking normally or slowly, then this figure is the smallest and is only 250 kcal per hour. When walking quickly, calories are burned much more intensely, especially if you climb stairs - from 540 to 740 kcal per hour. Naturally, climbing stairs for an hour is not an easy task, so you should start walking for the purpose of losing weight from 15 minutes, gradually increasing the load and time.

In addition, there is also a healthy brisk walk at a speed of 5-6 km/hour, which helps burn approximately 300-380 calories per hour of walking. You can also combine different types of walking, such as climbing stairs with brisk walking. In this case, you will be able to burn about 450 kcal. If we talk about calorie consumption during sports walking, during which almost all muscle groups are involved, then this figure is about 420 kcal per hour.

Remember that you can engage in race walking only after appropriate physical training and warm-up, as well as consultation with a doctor, since such a load may be contraindicated for your body. All data on how many calories are spent when walking are approximate, since they depend on the time and intensity of the walk in each individual case.

How many calories do you burn when walking? What kind of walking is most effective?

As we have already found out, how many calories are burned when walking depends on the type of walking itself, as well as on the individual characteristics of a person: his weight and speed of movement. The greater the weight and the higher the speed of movement, the more calories your body can burn per hour of walking. If the speed of movement is about 3-4 km/h, then it is considered a regular slow walk. If it reaches 5 km/h, then this is the approximate average speed of a pedestrian, and movement exceeding a speed of 6 km/h is already fast walking.

The most calories are burned when walking quickly. On average, this figure is at least 400-500 kcal/hour. If you have data on how many calories are burned when walking, then you can not only calculate the speed and time of your walking workout, but also lose weight well. And if you also use various weighting agents, the positive effect in getting rid of excess calories will be obvious. Therefore, the most effective is considered to be walking quickly up the stairs with additional weight in your hands.

Here it is very important to know when to stop and distribute the load correctly, so you need to start right away not with long hikes in the mountains, but with a daily walk in the park. And for those who love active recreation and at the same time want to lose weight, walking over rough terrain with climbing mountains along a certain route is recommended, which is considered analogous to walking up the stairs.

How many calories can you burn walking up the stairs? Benefits of walking

To determine calorie consumption when walking up stairs, you need to know a person's weight. Scientists have found that when going up stairs, a person spends 0.14 kcal per 1 kilogram of weight, and when going down – 0.10 kcal. In order for walking up the stairs to become more effective, you need to train for at least 25 minutes, which is about 16-18 descents and ascents with an average heart rate of about 140-150 beats/minute.

It is very important that when walking you do not miss steps, since this involves the use of certain muscle groups that must certainly work. In addition to the fact that walking up the stairs helps reduce fat deposits and improve the condition of the legs, it perfectly tones the body and helps normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increasing the body's endurance. In a month of such walking, you can reduce your waist size by several centimeters, as well as increase your lung capacity, normalizing your breathing, thereby getting rid of shortness of breath.

However, if you have problems with blood pressure, then you should be careful when climbing stairs, as this type of walking puts more strain on the heart. For training, use any staircase 4-5 flights long. Before you start, do not forget about the mandatory warm-up for your leg joints. Alternate the pace and intensity of walking, take your time when descending, and when you feel very tired in your muscles, be sure to stop for a few seconds to rest. It is normal to experience pain in the legs because it means that the body is receiving the correct load.

How many calories are burned when walking at a fast pace?

Fast walking is rightfully considered one of the most natural and safest aerobic exercises on the body. In order to avoid health problems, you need to take at least an hour of walking every day. Scientists have found that fast walking burns about the same amount of calories per hour of exercise as doing aerobics in the gym - about 450 kcal. In addition, the main advantage of fast walking is the fresh air that you breathe during training, tempering and strengthening the body.