How much the uterus contracts after childbirth in multiparous women. How long does it take for the uterus to contract after childbirth and is it possible to speed up this process? Why does the uterus not contract after childbirth?

During pregnancy, the uterus undergoes great changes. During the period of bearing a baby, it grows more than 10 times. After the birth of a child, the reproductive organ gradually returns to its prenatal state. Sometimes contraction of the uterus after childbirth takes on a pathological character. If the problem is not recognized early, it may be necessary to remove the organ. How long does it normally take for the uterus to recover?

What does the uterus look like after birth?

Childbirth ends at the moment when the baby's place, or placenta, emerges from the uterus. The uterine cavity becomes like a bleeding wound. The site of placenta separation is subject to the greatest damage, since a large number of vessels rupture there.

How does the uterus contract normally?

Despite the length of the stretching process, recovery of the uterus after childbirth occurs quickly. Immediately after birth, the fundus of the uterus is 1–2 cm above the navel. Every day it moves down. After 10 days, the uterus descends into the pelvis. Simultaneously with prolapse, a decrease in the size of the reproductive organ and the release of lochia occur. These processes are caused by contraction of the uterus.

Contractions after childbirth resemble contractions. The organ tenses, and the woman feels discomfort in the lower abdomen. Uterine contractions intensify when breastfeeding. In primiparous women they are more intense than in multiparous women. The table describes the established normative periods for recovery processes in the uterus.

ProcessTime frame for full recoveryFeatures of the period
Uterus weight1.5–2 months7 days after birth, the weight of the organ decreases to 500 g, after 2 weeks its weight is 350 g, after 2 months – 50–70 g.
Cleansing from lochia6 weeksFor the first 3 days, scarlet blood with clots and mucus is released. Next, the discharge becomes pink or yellow-brown. By the 10th day, blood impurities disappear, the lochia is yellowish or transparent.
Endometrial restoration10–12 daysThe restoration process occurs when cleansing from lochia and activating the formation of leukocytes.
Healing of the placenta attachment site21 day
Cervical reconstruction8–13 weeksAfter 12 hours it decreases to 6 cm, on the 10th day the internal pharynx closes, the external pharynx closes after 8 weeks.

As shown in the table, recovery, also called uterine involution, normally takes 1.5 to 2 months. The most intense contractions of the uterus are felt during the first week after birth.

Why doesn’t the organ contract or the process goes badly?

The speed of recovery of the reproductive organ depends on the individual characteristics of the woman and the level of the hormone oxytocin in the body. After a caesarean section, the contractility of the uterus is lower than after a natural birth (we recommend reading: how long does the uterus contract after a caesarean section?). However, regardless of the method of delivery, the recovery period should not exceed 2 months. The uterus contracts poorly due to a number of reasons:

  • the woman giving birth is less than 18 or more than 35 years old;
  • repeated abortions in the past;
  • childbirth after a previous caesarean section;
  • inflammation of the uterine endometrium;
  • hormonal deficiency;
  • refusal of breastfeeding;
  • birth of a large baby;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • complications that arose during childbirth (weak labor, rapid labor);
  • premature birth of a child;
  • congenital pathologies of the structure of the reproductive organ;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • the presence of a tumor in the uterus;
  • violation of hematopoietic function.

How to understand that the uterus is contracting poorly?

Poor uterine contractions prolong the postpartum recovery process. There is a danger of inflammation of the uterine endometrium due to delayed release of lochia, which can lead to infertility. Therefore, it is very important to identify abnormalities within a 2-month period. There are a number of ways by which you can determine that an organ is almost not contracting.

Ultrasound examination

In the case of a normal course of the postpartum stage, ultrasound is prescribed 4–6 days after birth. If delivery and the first day of the postpartum period are complicated, the study is carried out earlier. An ultrasound is performed abdominally. 2 hours before the procedure, the woman needs to drink 1–1.5 liters of fluid to fill the bladder. If uterine recovery slows down after childbirth, an ultrasound will reveal:

  • a large number of clots or blood in the uterine cavity;
  • the presence of remnants of the placenta or membranes in the uterus;
  • discrepancy between the size and height of the fundus of the uterus to the norm.

Nature of the discharge

If the uterus recovers poorly after delivery, lochia is retained in its cavity. The processes of rotting and inflammation begin.

You can understand that the body has failed if the discharge:

  • smell unpleasant;
  • have a green tint;
  • scarlet blood is secreted for more than 4 days;
  • lochia are absent;
  • after complete cessation, the discharge resumed;
  • lochia ended before the 6th week or lasts more than 8 weeks.

Woman's feelings

Normally, during uterine contractions, a woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen, as during contractions. However, the sensations are short-lived and not intense. There is also soreness of the mammary glands, nagging pain in the perineum. These symptoms are most pronounced in the first week after delivery. However, after 1.5 months they completely disappear. If the uterus contracts for too long, the following symptoms appear:

  • there are no signs of contractile activity;
  • unbearable pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and perineum;
  • the intensity of contractions increases after 7 days;
  • when touching the abdomen, it feels like the uterus is hard;
  • the urge to urinate does not come on the third day after the birth of the child.

A woman may experience severe chills, fever and heat, lightheadedness, weakness and dizziness. Sometimes urinary incontinence occurs.

What to do to speed up organ contraction?

If it is determined that the involution of the reproductive organ is slow, doctors determine why this is happening and take measures to help shrink the uterus. In some cases (if endometritis or placenta remains are detected in the uterine cavity), curettage is performed. If the woman’s general condition is satisfactory, measures to help reduce the organ are carried out at home.


Because the organ contracts under the influence of oxytocin, doctors use it when the recovery rate is reduced. In order to help the uterus contract, tablets, injections and intravenous infusions of oxytocin are used.

The regimen for using the drug is determined depending on the woman’s condition and the severity of the pathology. As a rule, the medicine is prescribed in the first days after childbirth. Over the course of 3–4 days, 2 ml of oxytocin is administered 3–5 times a day.

In the form of tablets, oxytocin is prescribed in case of minor disturbances in contractile activity. The use of the tablet form of the drug is also aimed at improving the production of prolactin and, as a result, lactation. To speed up the natural production of the hormone, doctors recommend frequently putting the newborn to the breast.

Physiotherapy (cold, massage, exercise)

Applying ice to the abdomen is one of the oldest ways to make involution faster. In some maternity hospitals, a woman in labor is placed on a heating pad with ice on her stomach in the first hours after delivery. Under the influence of cold, the muscle organ begins to shrink. Sometimes the procedure is carried out throughout the entire period of a woman’s stay in the maternity hospital. Ice is placed on the stomach 4-5 times a day for 5-10 minutes, placing a towel under the heating pad.

However, this procedure causes discomfort to the woman and increases the risk of activating inflammation in the appendages. In this regard, the use of cold has become an unpopular therapeutic measure.

A special massage also helps speed up the recovery of the reproductive organ. There are 2 types of procedure:

  • Interior. The first day after birth, the doctor performs manipulations inside the uterine cavity every 2 hours. The process makes the woman uncomfortable. However, it allows you to quickly induce contractions.
  • External. The obstetrician applies light pressure to the uterus, massages and strokes the abdomen. The doctor’s touch causes pain, since the manipulations cause contractions. The procedure is also canceled on the second day.

One of the simplest physiological exercises for uterine involution is resting while lying on your stomach. Lying in this position is also recommended after a caesarean section. In the absence of contraindications, experts recommend doing special physical exercise every day from the third day. Recommended exercises:

  • Lying on your back, straighten and bend your legs. At one time you need to do 10 flexion and extension movements.
  • Kegel exercises.
  • Sitting on a fitball, raise your legs one at a time and hold them raised for 10 seconds. In this case, it is necessary to tense the vaginal muscles.
  • Sitting on a gymnastic ball, make circular movements with your pelvis.

If stitches were placed during childbirth or complications arose, physical exercise should be coordinated with your doctor. It is necessary to practice in a well-ventilated area. Before exercising, you should empty your bladder.

Traditional medicine

Many adherents of traditional medicine claim that the uterus will recover better if you drink royal tea or decoctions, tinctures and juices of medicinal herbs. The following herbs help restore the organ:

  • Nettle. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 40 g of dry nettle leaves and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. The liquid must be infused for at least 40 minutes. Take the infusion 0.5 cups before meals.
  • Shepherd's purse. The infusion is prepared in the same way as the previous remedy. The prepared liquid is intended for one-day use.
  • Burdock juice. The leaves need to be crushed using a meat grinder and the juice squeezed out of them. Drink 2 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

To induce uterine contractions, they also use white damask, birch and raspberry leaves, bay leaves, barberry roots, and sage. Components can be combined. However, it should be borne in mind that many medicinal herbs are prohibited during breastfeeding. The use of royal collections must be agreed with a specialist.

How to relieve pain from intense contractions?

Because pain thresholds vary from woman to woman, some mothers are in so much pain in the first days after giving birth that they require painkillers. Various medications help relieve pain. However, their use must be agreed with your doctor. For pain relief we recommend:

  • No-Shpa;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Paracetamol.

During the entire period of bearing a baby, the female body changes and takes on new forms. But the most changed organ, of course, is the uterus itself, which ensures the correct development of the child in utero.

Thus, the growth of this organ from the moment of fertilization until the onset of labor may not stop, and the uterus itself (its cavity) becomes 500 times larger than its original size. Of course, such a process after the birth of the baby needs to be reversed, and therefore it is logical to assume that immediately after birth, the uterus is restored in size. But how does this happen, how much does the uterus contract after childbirth, is this process painful, like contractions?

A change in the size of the uterus in a pregnant woman occurs not due to an increase in tissue, that is, its actual growth, but due to stretching. During fertilization, a hormone is released, which in turn affects the body of the uterus, increasing the elasticity of its tissues.

The normal thickness of the walls of the organ before pregnancy is 4 cm. During gestation, at its different stages, the uterus and its walls become thin, and by the end of pregnancy its thickness (myometrium) does not exceed 0.5 cm. The level of endometrial thickness is measured every time during screening - testing. Each gestation period has its own characteristics.

How long does it take for the reproductive organ to regain its previous size if the stretching occurred for the entire 9 months? Restoration of the previous size occurs (if all processes of labor resolution occurred without complications) up to 1.5-2 months. Such periods are considered standard, and that is why women in labor are informed of the need for sexual abstinence after childbirth for the first 50-60 days.

Along with the uterine cavity, its cervix also changes, which after childbirth thickens again, acquiring its previous size. However, the entire recovery process should normally not exceed the specified time frame. This applies to both natural childbirth and delivery by caesarean section.

Dimensions of the uterus after childbirth

After it has become clear how long the uterus contracts after childbirth, it is interesting to find out the size of the organ in a normal state and during uterine contraction. What is considered normal and what is an anomaly? What processes precede such processes, and who may be at risk?

Uterine recovery (in time) or involution of the postpartum period is an obligatory stage for a woman in labor. The first thing doctors will ask you to do after the baby is born is to push out the placenta. After strong pushing and active labor, such a process does not cause pain in the woman in labor, and therefore there is nothing to be afraid of.

The process proceeds somewhat differently in women with cesarean section. Since in this option there is no natural release of oxytocin, the birth hormone, by the body, compensation in the first stages occurs due to the artificially introduced hormone in the form of droppers. Immediately after removing the baby, the doctor also removes the birth place. At this stage there will be no pain, since the woman in labor is under anesthesia.


The normal weight of the uterus after childbirth is 50 grams every two months. Immediately after the baby is born, the weight of the uterus is approximately one kilogram.

Pain after a cesarean section begins after the effects of anesthesia begin to wear off. And, as a rule, the intensity of such contractions is much more painful than after natural childbirth. This is explained by the fact that the uterus was not physiologically prepared for such a sharp hormonal imbalance, and therefore, in the absence of the fetus in the uterine cavity, the uterus contracts painfully and intensely.

During the section, the size of the uterus is identical to natural childbirth, however, contractions can be seen with your eyes: the stomach literally moves in waves, contractions are visible, and the pain is very strong. To eliminate pain, such women in labor are given additional painkillers in the form of droppers and injections in the abdomen. There is no pain syndrome, since the nerve endings are cut. Restoration of sensitivity in the lower abdomen (in full) will take at least 1.5-2 years.

The dimensions of the uterus after childbirth are the same in all cases - already in the first hours after the extraction or birth of the child, the uterus shrinks to 15-20 cm (fundal height). At the time of discharge from the maternity ward (4th day), the height of the fundus should be within 9 cm. And only by the end of the second week after birth the uterus returns to the level of the pubic bones. The weight of the uterus after childbirth without anomalies is 1-1.2 kg; after childbirth, the weight also decreases gradually, but the full process of involution occurs within two months. To make the uterus contract better, doctors in the maternity hospital additionally administer injections of oxytocin.

Dynamics of uterine contraction in the normal postpartum period

If the birth took place without complications, and there are no aggravating factors, then the weight and size of the uterus after childbirth is restored according to the schedule:

  • 1 day – uterine fundus height (UFH) 15 cm, weight 1 kg;
  • Day 4 – VDM 9 cm, weight 800 grams;
  • Day 7 – VDM 7 cm, weight 0.5 kg;
  • Day 14 – VDM 3 cm, weight 450 grams;
  • 21 days – weight 0.35 kg;
  • 2 months – weight 50 grams.

Such dynamics may be deviated from the norm by minor indications, however, in general, in a normal state of affairs, without complications, complete recovery occurs in the first one and a half to two months.

Contraction of the uterus after caesarean section

Caesarean section is performed according to indications and is considered a complication of childbirth. Since this condition is not normal for the body, the body is forced to react differently than during natural childbirth.

For normal contractions of the uterus, oxytocin injections are administered, and immediately after the mother is transferred to the ward, the baby is given breastfeeding. This increases the concentration of oxytocin. For the next 5 days in the maternity hospital, it is recommended to additionally administer anti-tetanus injections (3 days) and oxytocin drips. However, if a woman in labor is breastfeeding and feels a contraction, then such methods can be adjusted.

The intensity of contractions after a cesarean section is slightly increased in the first day; this process is somewhat more difficult for weeks with a natural birth. However, already on the third or second day the difference is not felt, the uterus contracts identically to natural childbirth.

Possible deviations from the norm

When the uterus does not contract after childbirth, this is a significant complication for the mother in labor, since this condition is dangerous to life and health. Deviations from the norm in the intensity of contraction of the uterine body can be observed in women at risk:

  • giving birth after 30 years;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • early birth (before 35 weeks);
  • anomaly of the anatomy of the uterus (sidoloid, horn-shaped);
  • polyhydramnios;
  • heavy weight of the child;
  • injuries of the birth canal;
  • the presence of fibroids in the woman in labor;
  • poor blood clotting.

If the contractions go poorly, and the woman in labor feels worse, then a decision is made on additional drug stimulation. But the best preventive medicine is the natural hormone prolactin and oxytocin, which is produced every time a baby is applied to the breast. This is natural stimulation, which is provided by nature itself.

Also read our article: “Restoration of the female body after childbirth” https://site/652-vosstanovlenie-posle-rodov.html

The next 6 or 8 weeks after the birth of a child, or the postpartum period, is often called the “tenth month” because, as in the previous 9 months, important changes occur in a woman’s body. First of all, the process of involution occurs, that is, the return of all systems and organs to their normal state. The main female organ “responsible” for the growth and development of the fetus is the uterus. How much does the uterus contract after childbirth, what sensations accompany this process and what to do if it does not proceed as it should?

How the uterus contracts after childbirth

The uterus should contract completely around 6 weeks after birth.

Throughout the postpartum period, the size of the organ decreases. So, if after the birth of the child her weight is about a kilogram, then after 4 weeks it is about 50 grams. Why does the uterus contract with such rapid dynamics? The process is ensured by several mechanisms:

  1. Muscle contractions are tonic, in which the muscles are shortened, as well as in postpartum contractions, in which muscle fibers are removed and the blood supply to the organ is reduced. Postpartum contractions begin around the second day after the baby is born and are usually painless and unnoticeable.
  2. When muscles contract, the walls of blood vessels are compressed, as a result of which muscle hypertrophy disappears.
  3. Contractions also occur during breastfeeding, in which case they are caused by the action of hormones.

The doctor can determine the degree of contraction by measuring the height of the uterine fundus. A day after birth, it is located approximately at the level of the navel, after which it lowers - by a centimeter every day. By the 11th day, the fundus of the uterus should be behind the womb, and after 6-8 weeks the organ reaches its normal size.

The external uterine pharynx also gradually contracts: after childbirth, its size is on average 10 cm, and its complete closure takes approximately three weeks. By the fourth week, the uterus acquires tone, loses mobility, and swelling of the tubes disappears.

Woman's feelings

The absolute norm is the appearance of postpartum discharge, which is called lochia. They are formed as a result of healing of the inner surface of the uterus and restoration of the epithelium. The nature of these secretions changes during the postpartum period:

  • in the first days the lochia is bloody;
  • from 3 to 10 days they have a red-brown tint;
  • after the 10th day, blood impurities disappear, the discharge becomes transparent;
  • The discharge stops after 5-6 weeks.

Involution is usually painful. More often this is a completely tolerable aching pain, but sometimes it can be very painful. In this case, injections with antispasmodics are given. How long does it take for the uterus to completely contract? Normally, this process should take no more than 1.5-2 months. You can understand that the uterus has shrunk by the following signs:

  1. The belly has decreased (in the first days after the birth of the child, the woman still looks like a pregnant woman).
  2. The discharge is over.
  3. If a woman does not breastfeed, then after the involution of the uterus she begins menstruation. For nursing mothers, this criterion is not significant.
  4. Ultrasound and are the most accurate methods for diagnosing the dynamics of involution.

After second birth and caesarean section

After cesarean section, involution occurs more slowly. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the integrity of the muscles and blood vessels is disrupted during surgery. In addition, for the first day the woman in labor is in intensive care, in a mode of limited physical activity, which also does not contribute to the process.

After 2 births, involution usually occurs not only more intensely, but also more painfully; some women in labor even compare this time to prenatal contractions. The pain is especially intensified during feeding, but it does not last long, about 2-3 days. At this time, the woman is usually in the hospital, so she can be given painkillers if necessary.

What to do to speed up the reduction

If the uterus contracts poorly, this can be determined by the nature of the discharge. For example, they are very scarce, last only a few days and end quickly, blood impurities remain in them for a long time and the total duration of lochia increases. A doctor should monitor the process in order to take measures to stimulate it, if necessary. We list the most common reasons that slow down involution:

  1. Multiple pregnancy.
  2. Big fruit.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the uterus.
  4. Weakness of labor.
  5. Benign tumors.
  6. Inactivity.
  7. Bends and some other structural anomalies.
  8. Location of the placenta (the uterus does not contract for a long time with a low attachment).

To make the uterus contract better, the following measures are taken:

  1. Applying cold, usually a cold heating pad, to the abdominal area.
  2. Injections of oxytocin, which accelerates involution.
  3. Special exercises can help the uterus contract.
  4. It is recommended to lie on your stomach more often in the first few days.
  5. It is worth making every effort to establish breastfeeding.

Postpartum gymnastics

In addition, the doctor is faced with the task of preventing inflammation in the absence of normal discharge. If lochia lingers in the cavity, a diagnosis of lochiometra may be made - a complication in which postpartum secretions are not removed naturally. In order to get rid of it, the gynecologist may resort to diffuse rinsing of the cavity with antiseptics or antibiotics or vacuum suction of the remaining fetal membranes.

You should immediately consult a doctor if the discharge continues for more than 6 weeks or if there is blood in it for more than 12 days.

Slow involution can lead to retention of postpartum secretions in the uterine cavity, which will cause inflammation. If this process drags on, doctors will have to resort not only to cleaning, but also to surgery.

The basis of the recovery period after delivery is uterine contraction. This process returns the organ to its original size and stimulates lactation. If the contractile activity of the organ is poorly expressed, then doctors prescribe special medications. Before childbirth, the organ also contracts – these are the so-called “training contractions”. But if this happens during pregnancy, this is a pathology that requires specialist intervention.

What is uterine contraction?

The uterus contracts after delivery to regain its previous shape and size. A sign of the onset of contractile activity is the hardness of the organ. Over the course of 2-3 weeks, the uterus becomes the same as it was before pregnancy. During these days the organ moves.

Immediately after the birth of the baby, the uterus weighs about a kilogram, and after two weeks it no longer weighs more than 70 g.

During this process, muscle tissue contracts and hypertrophy disappears.

How do uterine contractions occur?

During contractions in the postpartum period, lochia emerge from the woman's genitals. Initially, these are bloody, abundant clots that gradually turn pale and decrease in number. After two weeks they become transparent or yellow in color. Their smell does not cause strong disgust, but it is difficult to call them pleasant either. After 2 months they should no longer be there. During the contractile activity of the organ, there is slight pain, aching and pulling in nature. Women with a high pain threshold experience spasmodic pain in the abdominal area. In such cases, antispasmodic injections can be used. If the volume of the abdomen has decreased, discharge and pain have disappeared, it means that the uterus has shrunk to normal size.

During pregnancy (in the first half), uterine contractions signal the presence of pathology. Manifests itself in the form of lumbar pain and in the abdominal area. At the same time, the stomach itself is hard.

Reasons for layoffs

The cause of contraction can be both pathologies and normal functioning of the organ. The norm is considered to be contraction after childbirth and in the second half of pregnancy.

Also, the reason for this phenomenon may be:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • abnormal organ structure;
  • severe toxicosis (due to constant vomiting, the peritoneal area becomes tense);
  • incompatibility of the Rh factor in the child and mother;
  • infectious and inflammatory nature of pathology of the genital organs;
  • polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancy;
  • the appearance of fibroids or endometriosis;
  • high physical activity;
  • regular stressful situations, psychological overload;
  • excessive gas formation;
  • harmful production.

Keep in mind that a pregnancy that occurs with constant uterine contractions is considered pathological. In this case, the fetus does not receive the required amount of nutrients, and its growth and development are delayed.

Increased tone during pregnancy is a threat of miscarriage, and insufficient contractile activity after childbirth threatens the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

Reasons for violation of contractions

Poor contractile activity may occur due to:

  • a large number of fetuses during pregnancy;
  • low location of the placenta;
  • difficult childbirth and pathological pregnancy;
  • large fruit;
  • weak labor activity;
  • weakness and exhaustion of the female body, etc.

The reason for the complete absence of reductions will be:

  • bend of the uterus;
  • injury to the birth canal;
  • organ underdevelopment;
  • inflammation of the appendages or uterus before this;
  • presence of fibroids.

The list presented may expand, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Ways to stimulate uterine contractions

There are folk remedies and pills for contracting the uterus after childbirth. In addition, suppositories, injections and more are used.

Drug stimulation

After childbirth, to contract the uterus, the gynecologist may prescribe medications that cause increased contractile activity. This is usually done in cases where the body is unable to do this on its own.

Medicines are prescribed in the form of:

  • Oxytocin;
  • Ergotala;
  • Pituitrina;
  • Methergina;
  • Ginestril;
  • Desaminooxytocin
  • prostaglandins, etc.

Homeopathic medicines have a milder effect.

These include:

  1. Millefolium granules or drop form. The product not only stimulates contractile activity, but also calms the nerves.
  2. Witch hazel tincture. Activates muscle function, eliminates inflammatory processes, stops bleeding.
  3. Sabina. It contains Cossack juniper, which improves general condition, normalizes metabolic processes, and stimulates the uterus.

If necessary, massage therapy is also prescribed. In extreme cases, it is necessary to perform an operation - curettage. If the case is very severe, the uterus is removed. Breastfeeding is a good way to stimulate. It is more difficult for those mothers who do not have milk. In addition, you need to be more active and sleep on your stomach. Frequent trips to the toilet to empty the urethra also help the uterus to contract.

On CTG you can see uterine contractions and monitor them. After giving birth, not all cases should involve taking medication by mouth or experiencing the stress and pain of injections. You can buy suppositories for contracting the uterus; the doctor will decide which ones are suitable in a particular case.

Folk remedies

Herbs for uterine contraction also help. The following recipes are advisable.

  1. Birch tincture. May foliage is suitable for cooking. At this time it has the most medicinal properties. If the raw materials were not prepared in advance, then any leaves will do. For 600 ml of hot water, take three tablespoons of crushed raw materials. A pinch of baking soda is also placed here. The product is infused for two hours. You need to drink everything in three times (in the morning, afternoon and evening at equal intervals). This tincture can be used 10 days after birth.
  2. Infusion of raspberry leaves. The raw materials are crushed. Two tablespoons are poured with 500 ml of boiling water, and everything is left for three to four hours. This is consumed within a day.
  3. Viburnum juice. A good option is to drink 10 ml of pure juice three times a day.
  4. Decoction of shepherd's purse. How to reduce the uterus using this recipe? Take 25 g of raw material and fill it with 500 ml of water. Place on the fire and wait until it boils. Leave to infuse for two hours. You need to drink 10 ml three times a day.
  5. Decoction of claspberry. 30 g of clasp flowers are poured with boiled water in an amount of 500 ml. Then put it on the fire and cook for another 7-8 minutes. The resulting drink is divided into 5 parts and drunk throughout the day. Keep in mind that this herb lowers blood pressure.
  6. A decoction of nettle leaves. Dry raw materials (35 g) are poured with 500 ml of boiling water. It costs about three hours. Drink two or three times throughout the day. This decoction can also be dripped into the nose or inserted into moistened tampons for nosebleeds.
  7. Tincture based on red geranium. 10 g of foliage and stems are poured into 450 ml of warm water. Leave the composition for 12 hours in a dark place. Everything is drunk 2-3 times throughout the day.
  8. Tincture of bitter wormwood. 5 g of raw material is poured into 500 ml of hot water. The composition remains standing for an hour. You need to drink 150 g three to four times a day.
  9. Honey and lemon juice. This drink promotes contractile activity. But be careful if you are breastfeeding. Your baby may have an allergic reaction to citrus fruits and honey.

To make the uterus contract faster, you can do special exercises. But, do not forget to consult your doctor first.


What to drink to contract the uterus? You will find the answer to this question above. There are a huge number of medicines and traditional medicine recipes. Remember that only the attending physician can take responsibility for choosing the means of stimulation. Independent use is fraught with serious consequences.

The contractile activity of the organ in which the fetus was present for 9 months should help reduce its size. At the same time, lochia - postpartum discharge - comes out of the uterus. Along with tolerable pain, this is a woman’s normal condition after childbirth. If for some reason this process is suspended or does not occur at all, then doctors prescribe special drugs that stimulate the uterus.


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As soon as the baby is born and the afterbirth is removed, a long and important period begins - the postpartum period. Its main goal is the complete restoration of the genital organs and returning them to their original appearance. One of the main processes of the postpartum period is uterine contraction. It is about that amazing process, its norms and deadlines that we will talk today.

The uterus is truly an amazing organ. From an organ the size of a large chicken egg, it turns into a container that can hold one or even several fetuses, the placenta and amniotic fluid. After childbirth, it should shrink in record time and take on almost its original form.

Contraction begins immediately after the birth of the child, with its help the placenta begins to separate and be released. This is a very important process, since stopping bleeding depends on its progress. A feature of the vessels that fed the placenta is the complete absence of a muscle layer. That is, such arteries cannot close on their own. It is the compression of the walls of the uterine arteries by the contracting muscle of the uterus that causes the bleeding to stop.

In the future, the processes of contraction of muscle fibers will be aimed at reducing the size of the uterus and the formation of its cervix.

Approximate timing of uterine contractions

On average, complete restoration of the size and shape of the reproductive organ occurs throughout the entire postpartum period - that is, in 42 days. For some women this happens faster, for others it may take longer. This slow contraction is called “uterine subinvolution.”

Why doesn't the uterus contract after childbirth?

As a rule, recovery processes occur more slowly in women:

  1. After a caesarean section.
  2. After giving birth to twins or triplets.
  3. In women who have given birth to a large child.
  4. In patients who received surgical aids and inadequate stimulation during childbirth.
  5. In women with excess body weight or weakened, poorly nourished patients.
  6. In postpartum women with infections of the genital tract and uterus: postpartum endometritis, suppuration of the sutures of the vagina and cervix.
  7. When fragments of the placenta, fragments of membranes or blood clots are retained in the lumen of the uterus. These foreign bodies mechanically prevent the muscle from contracting.
  8. In mothers who refuse to breastfeed, since the main hormone responsible for contractions of the muscle fibers of the uterus, oxytocin, is released into the blood in large quantities when the nipple is stimulated.

It is interesting that women after their second birth do not have any reliable advantages in such terms over mothers who gave birth to their first child.

Normally, the recovery process is not felt by the woman in any way, but sometimes, especially after putting the baby to the breast, a woman in labor may feel painful contractions similar to labor. These are completely normal feelings. To relieve pain, you need to lie on your stomach for a while after each feeding.

Treatment of uterine subinvolution

Most often, certain disturbances in the involution process are noticed by doctors in the postpartum department when, when examining a young mother on a chair, they discover an increased size of the uterus or notice sagging of its walls. Sometimes, during a routine ultrasound, the doctor sees an accumulation of blood clots or other foreign bodies in the cavity.

Less commonly, the woman herself may notice a slowdown in contraction: after discharge, she will be bothered by abdominal pain, a sharp decrease in discharge or, conversely, bleeding, fever and discharge with an unpleasant putrid odor. In such cases, you should immediately contact your gynecologist.

Most often used for subinvolution of the uterus:

  1. Oxytocin preparations in the form of injections, droppers or lozenges.
  2. Antibacterial therapy if endometritis is confirmed.
  3. If a large number of clots accumulate in the cavity or oxytocin preparations are ineffective, curettage or curettage of the uterus is necessary. This is a simple and quick operation under intravenous anesthesia, after which the uterus quickly returns to normal.

How to speed up recovery processes at home?

Of course, any self-medication methods are applicable only after consultation with a doctor.

  1. Herbal treatment. The most effective remedies include nettle decoction and water pepper tincture. Nettle must be brewed based on the proportion of 3 tablespoons per half liter of boiling water. The resulting volume of decoction should be drunk in small portions throughout the day. Water pepper can be purchased at a pharmacy in the form of an alcohol tincture and taken 30 drops 3-4 times a day.
  2. Breastfeeding on demand and frequent latching. This is a very good method that helps both the production of oxytocin for uterine contractions and increases the amount of milk for the baby.
  3. Gymnastics. There are no special exercises specifically for contracting the uterus, but general physical activity, with elements of Kegel exercises, yoga, breathing exercises and dosed tension of the abdominal muscles, definitely helps to quickly free the uterus from clots and recover.

Alexandra Pechkovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for the site

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