Slide on the topic of pets. Presentation for preschoolers “Pets

Olga Volchenkova
Presentation for preschoolers “Pets”

Presentation for preschoolers "Pets"

1. Slide COW

Cow- a large horned animal.

Cows graze in the meadows in summer and eat lush grass.

They give tasty and healthy milk.

It is used to make cottage cheese, yogurt and cream.

Cows moo. They make a long, loud sound “Moo-oo.” This means that they are hungry, or they are calling the baby, or it is time for milking.

In winter, they eat hay prepared for them.

2. Slide PIG

Pig– a very smart pet.

In pigs poor vision and acute hearing.

Piglets are very active from birth, they have pink heels and curled tails.

For the pigs They are easy to care for because they quickly become accustomed to a daily routine.

3. GOAT slide

Goat the most unpretentious pet.

The body of goats is covered with long, straight hair, and almost all goats grow a beard.

Goat milk is very healthy and nutritious.

Goats and kids are not afraid of heat and frost.

4. Slide HORSE

Horse– a very beautiful pet, a person’s favorite and helper.

Horses They eat oats and hay. They love carrots, apples, crackers and sugar cubes.

Horses They run fast, and to prevent their hooves from wearing out, people shoe them.

5. Slide DUCK

Duck is a waterfowl. She is a distant relative of the wild mallard duck.

Wings ducks large, well developed with a wide scope. The short tail is raised upward. The legs are strong, short, and the beak is large.

in winter ducks with ducklings live in warm poultry houses.

6. Slide GOOSE

Goose larger than a duck, and has longer legs and neck. These birds are amazing because they swim, run and fly equally well.

Usually geese cackling and talking to each other. And if they don’t like something, they begin to hiss and may even pinch.

7. Slide CHICKEN

Chicken- The most common poultry. She gives a person tasty and healthy eggs

In chickens there is a comb and a beard that help them maintain the body temperature they need.

Cockerels have larger combs than hens, a long bushy tail, and spurs on their legs.

Hens, roosters and chicks eat grain.

8. Slide RABBIT

Rabbit- a very cute and affectionate domestic animal, similar to a hare.

The rabbit differs from the hare in having shorter ears and paws.

Rabbits need to be fed every day with fragrant hay from mown field grasses.

You also need to give branches of fruit trees or willow, linden, maple so that he can gnaw on them, grinding down his teeth.

9. Slide CAT

Cats man's most beloved pets. Baby cats - kittens - are always very playful.

Cat clean, washes often.

Cat walks calmly in the dark. These whiskers help her with this.

walks cat silently, retracts its claws and steps with soft pads, climbs trees deftly

10. Slide DOG

Dog man's most devoted and faithful friend.

When she meets her owner, she happily wags her tail and barks.

Sometimes dogs can “sing” – howling to the melody they like.

To dog She was smart and obedient, she is being trained: she is taught to carry out various commands.

11. FISH slide

Homemade fish live in aquariums.

These wonderful pets delight people with their colorful colors.

Types of aquarium fish a lot: goldfish, angelfish, guppies, barbs and many others.

12. Slide TURTLE

And a real one can also live in a home aquarium. turtle! Only freshwater, of course.

Although these turtles small in size, but they need a spacious aquarium.

For home keeping, you can choose a swamp, Caspian or American red-eared turtle.

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Marina Aleksandrovna Kapitonova
Interactive game “Pets” (presentation)

Purpose of the game: introduce children to domestic animals and their young; learn to name and compare them by size; develop memory, attention, speech; enrich vocabulary; Animals are called pets who live next to a person. He cares about them (builds a home, feeds, looks after). A animals They benefit people for this (meat, milk, lard, eggs, wool, fluff, and help cultivate the land and guard the house.

Dog is first pet, which was tamed by man. A guard dog lives in a special house - a kennel or booth. They are kept on a chain so that they protect the house and do not harm a stranger. Dogs eat meat, special dog food, and cereal. Dogs help humans in everything. They serve in the police and army, there are guide dogs for blind people, and rescue dogs. Dogs communicate by barking. Loud barking warns the owner of danger.

Cow – very smart and affectionate pet. Loves human care and attention. The cows are fed grass and hay. They are kept in a special room - a barn. In the evening, milkmaids milk the cows - they take milk from the udder. Dairy products are made from cow's milk products: cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, kefir, etc. Cows communicate by mooing. Pig - pet with an elongated head - snout. They love to dig up the ground with their snout in search of edible roots. Pigs are kept in a special room - a pigsty. Pigs are omnivores animals, feed on both plant and animal food. Pigs give humans meat, lard, and skin. Pigs communicate by grunting.

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Presentation "Pets" I bring to your attention a presentation on the topic "Pets". The presentation contains riddles about pets. Riddles are useful for.

This presentation can be used starting from the second junior group. With the help of this presentation, children will learn about domestic animals and their babies (mom, dad and their child, and will consolidate the sound pronunciations of domestic animals (as they say).

During the didactic game, children will consolidate their knowledge of

Why do I call them “Pets” (a person takes care of them, feeds them, gives them comfort and a home)

What animals eat (this topic can be expanded and supplemented with other pictures)

What benefits do they bring to humans (are they useful in protecting the home (dog, help in the household (horse, food (milk - goat, cow, etc.))

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Presentation “Domestic Animals and Their Babies”

Today, the use of computer technologies (ICT) has entered the preschool education system. The use of computers in classes in kindergartens began. In our preschool we use ICT mainly to demonstrate didactic material; it is very convenient to use in the classroom and greatly facilitates our work. And most importantly, the kids find it very interesting.

But recognizing that ICT is a new powerful tool for the intellectual development of children, it is necessary to remember that its use for educational purposes in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole.

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Presentation on the topic “Pets” for preschoolers with OHP 2 | Your speech therapist online


The presentation includes a number of riddles on this topic with answers in pictures.

Children look at photographs of animals (structure, body parts, distinctive features). You can have a conversation with children about why animals are called pets, remember the voices of animals, the names of their cubs.

The lesson includes finger exercises on this topic.

The presentation contains details on the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. “Call it affectionately”, “One is many.”

Then the lesson uses elements of literacy training: sound and syllabic analysis of words, determining the position of sound in a word.

This presentation can be used not only in classes in speech therapy groups, but also in regular groups for older people.

Presentation on the topic “Pets” for preschoolers with ODD | Your speech therapist online


Explanatory note.

A presentation on the topic “Pets” is based on games and exercises for children of senior preschool age with ODD.

Its goal is to expand children's knowledge about domestic animals, their body structure, feeding habits and place of residence. Practice forming possessive adjectives and agreeing numerals with nouns.

Develop visual-figurative thinking, visual perception, attention and coherent speech, fine motor skills. To cultivate a caring attitude and love for animals, a desire to care for them.

This presentation can be used by speech therapists and educators in frontal, subgroup and individual educational activities.

You can download the presentation HERE

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Presentation of a lesson for an interactive whiteboard on the world around us (junior group) on the topic: Interactive game for preschoolers “Pets”

Subject: "Pets"

- Purpose of the manual:

Objectives of the manual:


Material from the site

Presentation for a lesson on the surrounding world (junior group) on the topic: Interactive game for preschoolers “Pets”

- Subject: "Pets"

- Purpose of the manual: To consolidate and expand children’s ideas about pets: appearance, nutritional habits, housing

Objectives of the manual:

1) . Develop monologue, coherent speech; ability to tell consistently: answer questions with a detailed sentence. (Speech development)

2) . Form and activate the vocabulary of domestic animals: cow, horse, sheep, goat, dog, rabbit, cat ,…(Speech development, Social-communicative)

3) . Develop friendly relationships, the ability to listen to a friend, plan your work in collective creativity; children's curiosity and independence (Socio-communicative development)

Presentation: Pets

The speech therapist gives the children masks of pets (you can draw them), and the children put them on their heads.

“One day, the pets started an argument about who was most needed by the owner.

The cow said (the child, who has a corresponding mask on his head, says): “I am the most necessary, because I give delicious milk,” and the cat answered her: “No, I am the most necessary, because I catch mice that eat the owner’s supplies.” "

But the dog did not agree with them: “I am the most needed, because I guard the owner’s yard.” But then the horse intervened in the dispute and said: “And I transport heavy loads for the owner, so I am the most needed.”

They argued for a very long time, but could not figure out who was most needed.”

2. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Guys! Today we will talk about pets, and you should think about who is the most necessary for an owner.

3. Introductory conversation.


The very first animal that man made his friend was a dog. Time passed. Domestic animals began to differ greatly from their wild relatives both in appearance and character.

They are peace-loving and flexible, are not afraid of humans, and are accustomed to receiving food, help and protection from him.

Cows, sheep, goats, horses and other large domestic animals are livestock. Cattle graze in the meadow in summer. There the animals eat fresh grass. They prepare hay for the winter. Cows and goats are milked every day and receive milk.

Sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, butter, and cheese are made from milk. Rams and sheep are shorn when they grow wool. Threads are made from sheep's wool.

Threads are used to knit scarves, socks, sweaters and make woolen fabrics. Cows and sheep provide meat. Horses help people in their work.

They transport goods. All pets are beneficial.

4. Development of lexical and grammatical categories.

Guys! You know different pets. And what body parts of these animals can you name? (Children name body parts)

Game “Whose, whose, whose?”

Dog paws. Whose paws? - Dog. Cow's hooves. Whose hooves? -...Goat beard. Whose beard? -...Horse tail.

Whose tail? -... The muzzle of a rabbit. Whose face? -...Cat paws. Whose paws? - … etc.

Game "Say the other way around"

Many animals have the same body parts, but they may differ in size, color, or may be opposite to each other. Look at the pictures and answer: A cow has a long tail, and a pig has... (short) A pig has thick legs, and a sheep... (thin) A pig has hard bristles, and a cat has hair... (soft) A goat has sharp horns, and ram... (stupid)

Game "Form a new word."

The cow has a long tail. What kind of cow? - Long-tailed. The bull has sharp horns. Bull, which one? - Sharp-horned. The pig has short legs.

What kind of pig? - Short-legged. The rabbit has long ears. What kind of rabbit? - Long-eared. The horse has a long mane. What kind of horse? - Long-maned.

Sheep have soft wool. What kind of sheep? - Soft-haired. A camel has two humps. Camel, which one? - Double-humped.

Physical education minute.

This is what a cat is like, (Walk with a “kitten” step) Round face, (Stroke the face) And on each paw (Depict claws) The claws are scratches. All his toys - (Jumping in place) A cube and a reel. The cat is like a ball (They jump after each other in a circle) Jumping around the apartment.

Game “Guess what kind of animal this is?”

You have learned a lot about domestic animals, and now try to guess them by their habits and voice.

Guards, gnaws, barks (who is this?) – Meows, laps, scratches –


Presentation for children "Pets" - download, watch for free

Slide no. 20Slide description:

RIDDLES Mustachioed muzzle, striped fur coat, washes itself often, but doesn't know how to handle water. He lies there and is silent. If you come up, he will grumble. Whoever goes to the owner, She lets him know.

The mansions are white, the supports are red.

Slide no. 21Slide description:

He shakes his beard, pulls his bast, but doesn’t weave bast shoes. Who has a snout that is not squeezed into a fist? He has hooves on his feet. He eats and drinks from a trough.

She herself is motley, Eats green, Gives white.

Slide no. 22Slide description:

Not a plowman, not a blacksmith, not a carpenter, but the first worker in the village. The living castle grumbled, lay down across the door, two medals on his chest. It's better not to go into the house.

The thick grasses have become entwined, the meadows are curled, and I myself am all curly, even with a curl of an horn.

Slide no. 23Slide description:

INTERESTING FACTS The cat is the most effective healer than other four-legged animals, flying and crawling. Their advantage is that the cat does not succumb to a person’s mood and does not become infected with his diseases.

Almost all cats and some dogs lie next to or on the painful part of the human body. Dog saliva helps heal wounds and abrasions. Whiskers help your cat determine if it will fit through the hole!

Slide no. 24Slide description:

According to Guinness, the smallest cat is the Himalayan Persian Bluepoint, called Tinker Toy; when he grew up, his length was only 19 cm. French kings are known to the world not only for their luxurious courtyard.

These great people are famous for their boundless love for hunting dogs. Louis XIII slept with his dogs. Duke Vedom went even further; a whole pack of dogs slept on his bed.

Slide no. 25


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Integrated lesson on speech development and teaching children the Tatar language in the second junior group on the topic “Pets and their young”

The lesson is conducted in the second junior group according to the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. The lesson uses the comparison method...

Integrated lesson on speech development and teaching the Tatar language in the second junior group on the topic: “Pets and their cubs”

Integrated lesson on speech development and teaching the Tatar language in the second junior group on the topic: “Pets and their cubs” Purpose: To clarify and expand the children’s vocabulary...

Integrated lesson on speech development and teaching children the Tatar language in the younger group on the topic “Pets and their young”

Integrated lesson on speech development and teaching the Tatar language in the second junior group on the topic “Domestic animals and their young”.

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Presentation for kindergarten "Pets" - Presentations for kindergarten


The development corresponds to the program of M. A. Vasilyeva. The lesson is complex, it includes the development of speech and familiarization with the environment, they are connected by one plot.

Dynamic breaks based on musical and physical education, the “Fun Training” exercise, breathing exercises, and aromatherapy prevent the child from getting distracted and help move from a difficult task to an easier one. Children consolidate their acquired knowledge and learn to express their impressions and attitudes towards the environment in coherent statements. The presentation consists of 10 slides and has the necessary illustrations.

The summary provides detailed navigation through the presentation slides.

Target audience: for preschoolers

I hope that my recommendations will not offend you, but will give you food for thought and improvement of the presentation. 1. Slide 2. A blurry, unclear picture is poorly perceived, especially for children. It's better to spend a little time and find a clearer picture.

It’s possible that the template seems good to you, it’s green, but on slides 2, 3... it’s superfluous and distracts attention. Therefore, it is better to stretch the picture (proportionally) across the entire slide.

2. Slide 5. The picture needs to be selected without a background inscription and preferably with a saucer (with milk), then the real saucer will not differ so sharply from the drawn kitten. 3. Slide 6. The slide is overloaded with unnecessary and distracting elements - a white frame and a background pattern.

The frame needs to be cut off and the background covered with a picture. 4. Slide 8. It will be more correct if the entire presentation is framed either only with real photographs or hand-drawn pictures. As a rule, pictures in a presentation should be in the same key.

5. Slide 9. It’s great that you know how to use animation tools, but several views on one slide are unnecessary. Animation should be kept to a minimum, because... it distracts attention from the main thing. Unfortunately, I did not see any methodological recommendations for the presentation.

I couldn’t understand how reasonable it was for you to place pictures of animals on one slide. If the lesson plan is just an introduction, it is better to place them on different slides; if there is a comparison, then, of course, on one. Text on slides.

I understand that the children for whom this presentation is made cannot read. Therefore, the text is intended for the teacher as a hint. Then you need to make it less noticeable for children - smaller font and place it at the bottom of the slide.

6. Slide 10. You, of course, have final words to complete the lesson, so it is better to remove the text from the slide (if the children cannot read), or reduce it to one sentence. Sincerely, Natalia.

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Slide captions:

Presentation for children of the younger group. Prepared by: Yakovleva N.V.

Goal: Expand children's understanding of pets, evoke an emotional response with the help of artistic words.

Sergey Mikhalkov Kittens Listen, guys, I want to tell you; We gave birth to kittens - there are exactly five of them. We decided, we wondered: What should we name the kittens? Finally we named them: ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE. ONE - the kitten is the whitest, TWO - the kitten is the bravest, THREE - the kitten is the smartest, AND FOUR - the noisiest. FIVE - similar to THREE and TWO - Same tail and head, Same spot on the back, Sleeps in the same way all day in a basket. Our kittens are good - ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE! Come to us, guys, look and count.

Interesting facts about cats A cat's nose print is unique, like a human fingerprint Cats are the laziest mammals, they sleep 16 hours a day Cats smell 14 times stronger than humans, and are much better than dogs

Elena Stekvashova PUPPY How I want a puppy, But a living one, not made of plush. So that the sides are plump and the ears stand straight up. I would love him so much! He would love me too, I would go for a walk with him On a rainy day or a fine day. I would feed him from my hands, He would lick my palm. I talked to my sister - For some reason she needs a cat.

Interesting facts about dogs Laika, a Russian mongrel, was the first mammal to orbit the Earth in a spacecraft in 1957. Small amounts of grapes or raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs. Chocolate, Aussie nuts, fried onions or anything with caffeine can also be harmful to dogs. The Egyptians, Japanese, and Indians considered dogs to be sacred animals and revered them very much.

Tail in a pigtail, Legs like matchsticks, Lip stuck out down... All fluffy, Golden, With a white star on his forehead. A skirt, a stick, a piece of washcloth - whatever he sees, he sucks everything. He walks behind Aunt Nadya and teases Zhuchka at the gate. If he goes out into the field - what a treat! He looks into the distance for a long time - and suddenly he squeals like a pig, throws up his back and gallops towards his mother in the meadow. (Sasha Cherny)

Interesting facts about horses If you put a bucket of coffee and a bucket of cocoa in front of a horse, the horses will prefer coffee in four cases out of five. Horses can also recognize themselves in pictures. Having seen a brother in the picture, the horse can “greet” him with a quiet neigh and sniff him. Horses have selective musical tastes. They prefer soothing or upbeat instrumental music, but become agitated by loud music such as rock.

Z. Pisman On the lawn, near the river, sheep are chewing grass. The shepherd urges them on and plays the pipe. The sun is shining in the sky, the wind is circling and flying, the river is shining blue, running down the hill like a wave. The water in the river is good, the sheep are drinking by the shore, the fish are swimming in schools. Ducks live by the river. The sheep walked and fell asleep near the river. And their shepherd boy got tired and put away his horn until morning.

Interesting thing about sheep Rams and sheep have an amazing ability to remember their shepherd. When the flock is driven to a watering place, many sheep are mixed there. However, when the shepherd calls his sheep, they all move away from the water and move on to the pasture. It is very rare for someone else’s sheep to wander into the wrong flock. This only happens due to ear or eye diseases. The main diet of rams consists of leaves and grass, but they also like to eat mushrooms. An interesting fact is that when sheep graze in an open, unfenced area, they huddle together and do not leave each other, but if they see a fence, they feel calm and graze without fear of anything.

A. Butenin More than all my little animals that I look at - (Real and toys) - I treasure the cow I love my cow, And, waking up at exactly 5, Tying a rope on the horn, I take her out for a walk I go to watering with her, And I give pluck the grass, and along the cherished path, I go to the house where I live. In the morning I’ll tell her: “great”! At night I’ll whisper to her: “bye”! And then my cow will give me a lot of milk

Interesting facts about cows: Cows and bulls are color blind. The taste of a cow's milk is affected by the grass she eats. If the milk has a bitter taste, it means that the cow ate wormwood or some other bitter herb. The cow is a ruminant animal. They can make up to 100 jaw movements per minute.