Continuous and separate spelling of adverbs ege examples. Continuous spelling of adverbs

We continue to explore the levels of the language system, based on . Let's turn to the most difficult issues of spelling. Today we will talk about the spelling of adverbs.

Lesson 12. Spelling of adverbs formed from nouns. Letters Н and НН in suffixes of adverbs formed from adjectives and participles. Summary table of spelling of adverbs together, separately and through a hyphen

I. Adverbs formed from nouns with a preposition must be distinguished from the nouns themselves with a preposition and adverbial combinations. Use the table to distinguish between them.

Written separately
nouns with preposition
Are written together
adverbs and adverbs
1 They have the meaning of the subject. This is often confirmed by the presence of a dependent word - a sign of an object expressed by an adjective.
If there is no dependent word, it can be substituted mentally, for example:
The boy turned on the side.
The boy turned on the right side.
They have the value of a sign of action. This is confirmed by the absence of dependent words that cannot be mentally substituted, for example:
The commander put on a cap on the side.
2 Can be replaced by a synonymous or similar noun with the same preposition:
The sleeping boy turned on the back.
Can be replaced by a synonym or
similar adverb:
The commander put on a cap crooked.
3 Nouns with a spatial or temporal meaning always have dependent words with them:
Diver sailed away deep into (what?) seas.
Adverbs with these meanings are always
indicate the direction of movement
and do not have dependent words:
Diver sailed away(where?) deep into.

The adverbial combination has the following features:

a) nouns retain at least some case forms:
(went) abroad, (lived)Abroad (but: creatures. abroad);
(Keep) under the arm, under the arm,
(but: creatures. armpits);

b) combinations with prepositions:
without:(work) tirelessly, (be at home) without the knowledge of adults, (get acquainted) indiscriminately;
before:(dance) goodbye, goodbye;
(hit) in a big way, (act) on the move, (break in) on the fly;
with noun. with a vowel - (time) short of, (shot) point blank, (dress) skin-tight;
in:(to be) fully armed, (talk) publicly.
Pay attention to the final vowels!

Adverbs contain words that are not used in modern language:
(to eat) enough, (get up) early in the morning, (sit) locked up, (burn) down to the ground.

Exercise. Compare paired sentences with homonymous adverbs and nouns. What question would you put from the verb to the adverb? To a noun? Is it possible to put a case question to an adverb?

  1. During a rockfall, small pebbles hail fell from the mountains. During a thunderstorm the crops were broken hail.
  2. Alyosha keeps his thoughts in secret. Alyosha secretly sympathizes with Olya.

The task demonstrates that when you determine which part of speech is in front of you - an adverb or a noun with a preposition without a dependent word, you need to consider that:

A) in a phrase from the main word, verb, to a dependent noun with a preposition, two questions can be posed - logical ( as where?) and grammatical, including a preposition. To the adverb, you can only put the question of the adverb - it will be logical and grammatical at the same time;
b) a noun can be replaced by a synonymous or similar noun, and an adverb by an adverb.

For example:

  1. (noun with a preposition) Alyosha keeps his thoughts in secret. - Holds(how?, in how?) in secret; synonym - in secret.
  2. (adverb) Alyosha secretly sympathizes with Olya. - Likes(how?, how?) secretly; synonym - secretly.

II. Adverbs ending in -about, mainly formed in a suffix way from adjectives and participles: beautiful (color) - (draw) beautifully, windy (person) - (act) windy, excited (child) - (answer) excitedly.
In the suffix of such adverbs, one letter H is written if they are formed from adjectives with one H, and HH is written if they are formed from adjectives and passive participles with HH, for example: wind n th man - act in the wind n oh puta n th answer - answer puta n oh confused nn th answer - answer confused nn about.
Such adverbs -about in a sentence, homophones of short passive participles or verbal adjectives of the middle gender, where one or two letters H are written in the suffix.
Check - questions from the main word in the phrase to the adverb or participle. Adverbs answer questions how?, how?, which are placed mainly from the verb, and short participles and neuter adjectives answer the question what is it?, which is placed from the noun. Compare:

  1. The student answered(how?, how?) confusing. - Adverb formed from participle confused
  2. The student answered(how?, how?) confused and confused. - An adverb formed from a verbal adjective confused
  3. my business(what?) confused (how?) consequence. - Short participle: there is a dependent word
  4. my business(what?) difficult and confusing. - Short verbal adjective: there are no dependent words and the producer of the action is not implied - a noun or pronoun in the instrumental case

III. In the recommended manual, the morphology of the adverb and the spelling of this part of speech are analyzed in detail. Here we give a summary table of the spelling of adverbs together, separately and through a hyphen. Continuous and separate spelling of adverbs and adverbial combinations formed from nouns, see above.

are written together are written separately adverbs formed by conjunction are written hyphenated adverbs formed by conjunction
prefixes and suffixes with short and full adjectives:
whitewashed, in vain, hastily, often, recklessly
in with a full adjective starting with a vowel:
(talk) openly
prefixes on- and full adjectives and pronouns that change according to the type of adjectives; end in -mu, -him, -ski, -tsuki, -i:
in a new way, in my opinion, like a pig, like a German, like a bird
prefixes in and on the
double, triple
excuse on with collective numbers:
two by three
prefixes in- (in-) and ordinal numbers:
first, fifth
prefixes with interrogative and demonstrative pronouns:
why why
particles - something, - either
something, something, something
and adverbs:
somewhere, sometime, somewhere
prefixes and adverbs:
until now, from outside, the day after tomorrow
prepositions with invariable words in the meaning of nouns:
with a bang;
two nouns with prepositions:
eye to eye, point to point;
two identical nouns, one of which is in the nominative and the other in the instrumental case:
honor honor
repetition of the same word, base or synonymous words:
barely, exactly the same, unexpectedly, out of the blue

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Spelling of adverbs

Vowels a and about at the end of adverbs

Adverbs with prefixes in-, for-, for-, have a letter at the end about, and adverbs of the same origin with prefixes to-, from-, from- have a letter at the end a. For example: to the right, light, firmly; satiety, once in a while, again.

Such adverbs are formed from adjectives in a prefixed-suffixal way, and they must be distinguished from adverbs that have the same prefixes, but are formed in a suffixal way: orally about(oral), verbatim about(literal), serviceable about(serviceable).

Adverbs for hissing

At the end of adverbs, after the sibilants, it is written b.

For example: backhand, wide open, away. Exceptions: already, married, unbearable.

In total, in Russian there are 9 adverbs for this rule.: wide open, completely, completely, away, unbearably, backwards, backwards, gallop, exactly. You can just learn these words. But if some new word is added with a hissing at the end, it will have to be written according to the given rule.

Not and nor in pronominal negative adverbs

In negative adverbs, it is written under stress not, without stress - nor, in both cases, these are prefixes and they are written together: nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, once, never, nowhere, nowhere, no way, not at all, nothing, no reason (to no purpose); also, not at all.

For example: once to deal with trifles - never" did not deal with trifles; summer not "where was to play - children nowhere" did not play; not "from where waiting for news nowhere "yes no news came. See also Use of Particle NOT and Use of Particle NOR

Letters n and nn in adverbs

Continuous spelling of adverbs

1. Adverbs are written together, formed by combining prepositions with an adverb, for example: utterly, forever, through, the day before yesterday, from the outside, hardly, the day after tomorrow.

Note 1. Separately written combinations of prepositions with invariable words used in these cases in the meaning of nouns should be distinguished from such adverbs. Wed: For tomorrow the patient felt better (felt when?, in the meaning of the adverb). - The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow(assigned to what time? to when?, in the meaning of a noun).

2. Adverbs are written together, formed by combining the prepositions in and on with collective numbers, for example: double, triple, quadruple, two (but: two), three (but: three, also one by one).

3. Adverbs are written together, formed by combining prepositions with short adjectives, for example: to the left, for a long time, tightly, red-hot, long ago, to the right, for a long time, in vain, nearby.

Note. There is a difference between the continuous spelling of some adverbs of this type and the separate spelling of prepositional-nominal combinations. Wed: people a lot happens here every day. - He doesn't come here. a lot months (the presence of a controlled word).

4. Adverbs are written together, formed by combining prepositions with full adjectives and pronouns, for example: close (approach), scattered (throw), manually (make), blindly (wander), blindly (play), outright (get resigned), draw (play), rush (swing), recklessly, at random, probably for the first time.

Note. Adverbs of this type are written separately, composed of the preposition в and an adjective beginning with a vowel, for example: in the open, in general.

5. Adverbs formed by combining prepositions with nouns are written together, for example: forward, sideways, sometimes, firsthand, old, start, at random, in addition, on the contrary, involuntarily, soft-boiled, squatting.

Adverbs of this type include:

a) Words with different adverbial meanings, having in their composition such nouns or such nominal forms that are not used in the modern literary language: near, enough, after, shattered, on loan, in return, locked up, launched, sucked, vzashey, askew, at random, for hire, inside, inside, personally, back home, waddling, racing, ahead, interspersed, mixed up, swimming, side by side, in a hurry, starve, half-starved, inadvertently, sleepily, waddle, unawares, apart, seriously, gallop, casually, soft-boiled, old, secretly, in a hurry, exorbitant prices, alien, down to the ground, married (from the old form of wine. fall.), familiar, from the inside, from the beginning , confession, surreptitiously, surreptitiously, from time immemorial, ucnolu, from time immemorial, sideways, in defiance, backwards, sobbing, inside out, back, to the ground, by heart, obliquely, obliquely, at random, backhand, race, contrary, across, across, across, on the spot, straight ahead, snapped up , out, down the drain, wide open, on the alert, on an empty stomach, at random, on the run, on the alert, in reality, unknowingly, by chance, unbearable, inappropriately, on the ground, rightly so, behind, by hearsay, at a distance, across, in half, in the afternoon, foolishly, behind, outside, early in the morning , awake, awake, too much, etc..

b) Words with different adverbial meanings, if between the preposition (prefix) and the noun from which the adverb was formed, a defining adjective, pronoun, numeral cannot be inserted without changing the meaning, or if a case question cannot be posed to the noun: in addition, wade, fly in, plenty, plenty (eat), puff (smoke), completely (exhausted), together, in an instant, nakidka (wear a coat), for nothing, again, truly, around, following, vying, out of line, up to, just right (suit), on time (to arrive), subsequently, half, really, has the right (to do so), for the future, at random, at random, at random, at odds, at random, at a stretch, hardly, soon, out loud, dry, secretly, awake, for nothing, married, at once, in a row, by the way, to one side (put on a hat), towards, bulging, right through, out, out, out, out, at attention, head on (smash), out of spite, by heart (learn), inside out, on the eve, finally, there is, on the contrary, flatly, vying, at the ready, half, vying, vying, intercepting, ostentatiously, finally, for example, for rent, all the way, ahead, wide open, in a singsong voice, along with, forcibly, to death (to stand; but: not for life, but for death), at random, in the morning (return), frankly, unbearable, side by side (live), from birth, partly, side by side, in a row, sometimes, involuntarily, singly, in the morning, side, sl ishkom, shouldering (chopping), immediately, from time to time, in a row.

Note 1. Many of these words, depending on the context (presence of explanatory words) and meaning, act as a combination of a preposition with a noun and are written separately. Wed: wade - enter the ford; to be really (actually) happy - to believe in the truth; the right to act in this way - not to doubt the right to do so; smash head - put on the head; to act in secret (secretly) - to keep secret (in secret); learn by heart - give by heart; to do in spite - to complain about evil and injustice; speak stretched out (stretching the words) - give the boots into stretching (cf .: in a repeated stretch), lean to one side - turn on your side (cf .: to the right side), on the side of the burn - from side to side; live side by side - live side by side; stand to death - go to death; return in the morning (in the morning) - reschedule in the morning; not to see from birth - thirty years old; too much - more than three meters; contrary to other people's opinion - to get into a cut on the arm.

c) Words with spatial and temporal meanings that have in their composition the nouns top, bottom, front, back, height, distance, age, beginning, despite the possibility of setting a defining word before some of them: up, up, up, up, up, up; down, below, down, down, below; forward, forward; back; up; far away, away, away; forever, forever, forever, forever, forever; at first, at first; but if there are explanatory words for the corresponding nouns, these words are written separately, for example: to the top of the mountain, to the heavenly heights, to the distance of the steppes, to the blue distance, forever and ever, forever and ever, at the beginning of life, from the beginning of the school year.

Note 1. The possibility of inserting a defining word (cf .: up - to the very top) does not mean their separate spelling. Separately, these words are written only if there is an explanatory word for the indicated nouns in the sentence itself or according to the meaning of the context, for example: to the bottom of the dress, into the depths of the ocean, into the foggy distance, at the beginning of autumn, forever and ever, forever and ever, repeat the lesson from the beginning (i.e. "from the beginning", not "first"). Wed: Science is studied from the basics, friendship is cherished from the beginning(proverb). But: Need to start over(meaning "again, again, again").

Note 2. Many of the words given in this paragraph can be used as prepositions with a controlled noun, and in these cases the continuous spelling is preserved, for example: There was light at the bottom of the door(i.e. the light came from under the door, and did not illuminate the bottom of the door). The date was at the top of the letter.(the meaning of the adverbial preposition is perceived, and not the subject meaning “the top of the letter”). Wed also: to be at the top of bliss, to feel at the top of well-being(with the figurative meaning of the word at the top), stop in the middle of the road, etc.

6. Many adverbs of a professional nature and colloquial style are written together with the prefix v- and the final syllable -ku, for example: in pursuit, in a puff, in a roll, in a stitch, in an overlay, in a rush, in a lap, in a waddle, in a turn, in a run, in a fold, mixed in, side by side, in a puff, in a tuck, a tack, a tuck, tuck, tuck, tuck, tack, tack, tack, tack, tack, tack, tack, bait, tack, tuck, tuck, tug, tack, tuck, tug, tuck, tuck, tack, tack, tack, tuck, tuck, tug, tuck, tumble, tumble, tumble, tumble, tumble, tumble, untwist, twitch.

Written separately: in derision, in installments; also a curiosity(other education) and various combinations in which the noun begins with a vowel (skinny, etc.).

Hyphenated adverbs

1. Adverbs with a prefix ending in -om, -him, -ki, -ni, -i are written with a hyphen, for example: work in a new way, let it be your way, advise in a friendly way, speak French, cunning like a fox; apparently, in an empty way, as before, and also in Latin.

Note 1. The prefix is ​​written together if the adverb includes a short adjective in y (for a long time, little by little), with the suffix -enku, -onku (little, slowly) or a comparative degree (more, more often).

Note 2. In adverbs with a prefix in-, formed from compound adjectives with hyphenated writing, the hyphen is written only after the prefix, for example: in social democratic, in non-commissioned officer.

Try not to confuse the adverb and adjective. Compare: dressed in autumn. It is dangerous to walk on autumn ice.

2. Adverbs are written with a hyphen in -th, -them with the prefix in- (in-), formed from ordinal numbers, for example : first, fourth, seventh, last(the last spelling is by analogy with those like the previous ones).

3. Indefinite adverbs with particles are written with a hyphen - something, - either, - something, something, - the same, for example: sometime, sometime, sometime, somewhere.

4. Adverbs are written with a hyphen, formed by the repetition of the same word or the same stem, as well as a combination of two synonymous or associated words.

Here is the most complete list of these words:

inside out,full,light-light,any-expensive,willy-nilly,very very,all in all,at the very least,little by littlea long time ago,exactly the same,barely,barely,crisscross,goodbye, helloanyway,a little bit,tight,little by littlenot today, tomorrow,sewn-covered,from the floundering bay,quietly

5. Hyphenated technical term on the mountain.

Separate spelling of adverbial combinations

1. Adverbial expressions are written separately, consisting of two repeated nouns with a preposition between them: side by side, eye to eye(by analogy: one on one).

2. Adverbial expressions with amplifying meaning are written separately, formed by a combination of two identical nouns, one of which is in the nominative case, the other in the instrumental, for example: business by business, honor by honor, eccentric by eccentric.

3. Combinations of nouns with prepositions used in the adverbial meaning are written separately:

  • without: without knowledge, without request, without bluntness, without looking back, without refusal, without clearance, without waking up, without discrimination, without asking, to no avail, without restraint, without silence, without fatigue;
  • in: in smoke, in gloss, in the insole (drunk), in selection, in addition, in clubbing, in the old days, at the joint, at a dead end, at a dead end;
  • before: to the point, to the dump, to failure, to death, to the point of drop;
  • per: past midnight;
  • on the: on the run, on weight, in sight, on the fly, on the run, on the move; by weight, by sight, by taste, by eye, by eye, by sin, by wonder, by envy, by touch, by rarity, by fame, by laughter;
  • from: from strength (three kilograms, etc.);
  • on: the old fashioned way;
  • under: to match, under the slope, under the hop, under the guise;
  • With: with the knowledge, with kondachka, with a swing, with a swoop, with a pantalyk (to go astray), with a run, with acceleration, with a swing, on the move.

Adverbial combinations of prepositions in and on with plural nouns are also written, denoting location, time, state (physical and mental): in the heads, in the legs, the other day, on joys, on lynxes, on demolitions, on the clock (to stand).

Combinations of the preposition on with invariable parts of speech (particles, interjections) are written separately if they act as adverbs: at random, to nothing (to nullify), to cheer, to fufu.

4. Adverbial combinations are written separately, consisting of the preposition in and nouns starting with a vowel: in exchange, short, girth, point-blank, alone, openly.

5. Combinations of nouns with various prepositions, used separately as an adverb, are written if the noun in a certain meaning has retained at least some case forms.

For example: in a sneer, with a sneer; abroad, abroad, from abroad (but: trade with abroad - from the noun abroad), at home, at home; on all fours, on all fours; squatting, squatting; on tiptoe, on tiptoe; on the heels, on the heels; on bail, on bail; for memory, from memory; on hand, not on hand; conscientiously, conscientiously; under the armpit, under the armpit, under the armpits, under the armpits, from under the armpits (but: armpits); under the hood, under the hood.

The same if the noun is used in a figurative sense, for example: shout in the hearts (in anger), scold behind the eyes (in absentia).

6. Separately, combinations of negations are written not and neither with prepositional forms of nouns, for example : out of measure, not in credit, beyond the power, not to taste, not for good, not one iota, not for a penny, not in a hurry.

In cases of difficulties in spelling adverbs formed by combining a preposition with nouns, one should refer to the spelling dictionary.

In the Spelling by Rules course, you will find interactive spelling exercises for adverbs. >>>


Near, sideways, ford, forever, up, above, plenty, deep, far, far, far, twice, together, doubly, in addition, enough, after, along, shattered, suddenly, back, on loan, in return, locked up, really, completely, sideways, briefly, crooked, twisted, left, together, instantly, hire, first, down, down, draw, again, inside, inside, forever, forever, on time, at all, with might and main, together, truly, around, in general, firsthand, homeward, for the first time, forward, in front, interspersed, mixed up, swimming, in an undertone, completely, half-turned, half, in a hurry, fit (according to measure), subsequently, in the dark, really, right, to the right, biting, half-starving, for the future, inadvertently, however, really, in vain, scatter, scatter, waddle, scatter, scatter, scatter, scatter, unawares, scatter, scatter, level, scatter, hand-to-hand, seriously, entirely, jump, casually, soon, following, blindly, aloud, soft-boiled, continuous, dry, everywhere, secretly ( do in secret, those. secretly; but: keep secret, i.e. in secret), secretly, in a hurry, at exorbitant prices, three times, three times, four times, four times, black, sew.

White, forever, to the top, red-hot, as far, utterly, to the bottom, dry, satiety, completely, completely clean.

For nothing, for a long time, alive, in vain, dead, married, married, again, at the same time, then, in the morning, often, why.

From the outside, long ago, from afar, from afar, from the inside, occasionally, sideways, gradually, from under the brows, stealthily, from time immemorial, blue, from time immemorial.

Up, down, in a row, by the way.

Sideways, white, sideways, forever, forever, probably, probably, for sure, up, on top, forever, backwards, sobbing, hardly, forever, towards, inside out, through, out, out, out, at attention, tightly, naked, headlong, ready , in two, for a long time, alone, tomorrow, back, on the ground, out of spite, by heart (learn by heart), inside out, by heart, obliquely, on the eve, finally, firmly, to the left, light, there, much, on the contrary, backhand, flatly, vying, at the ready , racing, forward, contrary, across, on the spot, for show, half, finally, to the right, for example, for hire, straight ahead, ahead, recklessly, on the contrary, straight ahead, on a par, wide open, in a singsong voice, snapped up, out, forcefully, through, as far as, hastily , down the drain, to death, hastily, wide open, so, strongly, dryly, on an empty stomach, at random, at random, in the morning, on the alert, rough, clean, clean, in reality, not far away, not aware, casually, unbearable, inappropriately, unwieldy, unbearable, not without reason (not without reason), shortly, there is no need, inopportunely, briefly ( came for a short time), repeatedly, for good reason.

By no means, from birth ( never (=never) heard of; but, five years old (=from birth)), from here, because of, from there, partly, why.

Closer, nearby, sideways, on top, on top, everywhere, even more so, rightfully so, cheaper, for a long time, longer, in a row, the day before yesterday, behind, truly, for the time being, little by little, little by little, in addition to, a lot, in vain, hearsay, involuntarily, little by little, below, until now, one by one, alternately, in pairs, across, in half, in vain, equally, because, the day after tomorrow, in the middle, in the middle (in the middle), so far, slowly, then, because, in the morning, how much, therefore.

Side, above, above (top down, top to bottom), above, rashly, foolishly, now, behind, left, too, young, outside, first, bottom, again, completely, first, front, shoulder, early in the morning, right, sleepy , immediately, akin to, sort of, headlong.



Without knowing, without asking, without saying a word, without looking back, without refusal, without clearance, without waking up, indiscriminately, without asking, to no avail, without restraint, without stopping, without getting tired, side by side.

In the form, in the heads, in a curiosity, in addition, in conclusion, in the end, in the root, in gloss, in moderation, in mockery, at the feet, in the foot, in exchange, in an embrace, in a detour, tight, in girth, in general, fully armed, publicly, alone, in order to avoid, a hundred times, openly, in revenge, in an armful, in dust, in opposition, in installments, retail, in a row, in hearts, in clubbing , after that, on time, in the old days, to the side, on the line, in silence, in three deaths, at a dead end, point-blank.

On demand, to the point, to the extreme, beyond recognition, to the dump, to failure, goodbye, so far, to death, to the point of drop.

Behind the eyes (in absentia, in absence), abroad, abroad, after midnight, for peace, for what.

From abroad, from under the arms, from under the arm, from under the bushel.

Mal is small less.

At random, on the run, on the side, forever and ever, forever and ever, by weight, by weight, by sight, by sight, by taste, by time, by choice, by eye, by eye, by eye, by sin, marvelously, one of these days, at home, at home, on hind legs, on envy, on backs, on backs, at the end, at exhaustion, at wear, at wear, at the end, on all fours, on all fours, squatting, squatting , in a way, on the fly, in a manner, for a moment. to the world, to no, to fly away, to excellent, to the touch, for memory, afloat, to back down, to back down, on bail, on bail, on sight, on rare, on hand, on trots, on a gallop, on fame , for laughter, for demolition, for conscience, on guard, for slaughter, with a bang, on the go, for good, on tiptoe, on tiptoe, on the clock (on guard), on all fours, on all fours, on the move, not in the spirit , not to the credit, not to the best of the example, not for nothing (not for free), not for anything, not for good, not for haste, not for anything, not to taste, beyond the strength beyond the teeth, not to the liking, not on the shoulder, not away from the arm, not for anything, not for a penny, not one iota, toe to toe.

One on one, big and small

From time to time, at your side, in the evening, downhill, on the cheap, at the end, at the end, under the spoon, under the spoon, under the arms, under the arms, under the arm, under the force, under the bushel, under the bushel, to match, in twos , under the guise, under the bridle, under the slope, at least inwardly, one at a time, in turn, predominantly, conscientiously, in the old fashioned way, three at a time, silently.

From side to side, from side to side, from side to side, from the knowledge, from sight, eye to eye, from the end, word for word, word for word, - with a swoop, with a raid, with a swoop, from beginning to end, with all that, with to go astray, from a running start, from acceleration, on a grand scale, on the move, from hour to hour.