SNK was an organ. "Council of People's Commissars" - who is it?

The government of the world's first workers' and peasants' state was first formed as the Council of People's Commissars, which was created on October 26. (November 8) 1917, the day after the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution, by the resolution of the 2nd All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies on the formation of a workers' and peasants' government.

The decree written by V.I. Lenin stated that to govern the country, a Provisional Workers' and Peasants' Government, which will be called the Council of People's Commissars, was established "until the convening of the Constituent Assembly." V.I. Lenin was elected the first chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, who served in this post for seven years (1917-1924) until his death. Lenin developed the basic principles of the activities of the Council of People's Commissars and the tasks facing the highest bodies of government of the Soviet Republic.

The name “Temporary” disappeared with the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly. The first composition of the Council of People's Commissars was one-party - it included only Bolsheviks. The proposal to the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries to join the Council of People's Commissars was rejected by them. On Dec. In 1917, the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries entered the Council of People's Commissars and were in government until March 1918. They left the Council of People's Commissars due to disagreement with the conclusion of the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty and took the position of counter-revolution. Subsequently, the CHK was formed only by representatives of the Communist Party. According to the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918, adopted by the 5th All-Russian Congress of Soviets, the government of the Republic was called the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR.

The Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918 determined the main functions of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. The general management of the activities of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR belonged to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. The composition of the government was approved by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets or the Congress of Soviets. The Council of People's Commissars had the necessary full rights in the field of executive and administrative activities and, along with the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, enjoyed the right to issue decrees. Exercising executive and administrative power, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR supervised the activities of the People's Commissariats and other centers. departments, and also directed and controlled the activities of local authorities.

The Administration of the Council of People's Commissars and the Small Council of People's Commissars were created, which on January 23. (February 5) 1918 became a permanent commission of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR for preliminary consideration of issues submitted to the Council of People's Commissars and issues of current legislation for the management of the department of branches of public administration and government. In 1930 the Small Council of People's Commissars was abolished. By decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of November 30, 1918, it was established under the leadership. V.I. Lenin Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense 1918-20. In April 1920 it was transformed into the Council of Labor and Defense (STO). The experience of the first SNK was used in the state. construction in all the union soviet socialist republics.

After the unification of the Soviet republics into a single union state - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), a union government was created - the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. The regulations on the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR were approved by the Central Executive Committee on November 12, 1923.

The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was formed by the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and was its executive and administrative body. The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR supervised the activities of all-Union and united (union-republic) People's Commissariats, considered and approved decrees and resolutions of all-Union significance within the limits of the rights provided for by the Constitution of the USSR of 1924, the provisions on the Council of People's Commissars of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, and other legislative acts. Decrees and resolutions of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR were binding throughout the entire territory of the USSR and could be suspended and canceled by the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and its Presidium. For the first time, the composition of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, headed by Lenin, was approved at the 2nd session of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on July 6, 1923. The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, according to the regulations on it in 1923, consisted of: chairman, deputy. Chairman, People's Commissar of the USSR; Representatives of the union republics participated in the meetings of the Council of People's Commissars with the right of an advisory vote.

According to the Constitution of the USSR, adopted in 1936, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was the highest executive and administrative body of state power of the USSR. It formed Top. Soviet Council of the USSR. The USSR Constitution of 1936 established the responsibility and accountability of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Top. Council, and in the period between sessions of the Top. Council of the USSR - its Presidium. According to the USSR Constitution of 1936, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR united and directed the work of the all-Union and Union-Republican People's Commissariats of the USSR and other households subordinate to it. and cultural institutions, took measures to implement the national economy. plan, state budget, exercised leadership in the field of external relations with foreign states, supervised the general development of the country's armed forces, etc. According to the Constitution of the USSR of 1936, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR had the right to suspend decisions and orders of the Council of People's Commissars of the Union Republics in the branches of management and economics within the competence of the USSR and cancel the orders and instructions of the USSR People's Commissariats. Art. 71 of the USSR Constitution of 1936 established the right of deputy inquiry: a representative of the Council of People's Commissars or the People's Commissar of the USSR, to whom a request from a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR is addressed, is obliged to give an oral or written answer in the appropriate chamber.

The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, according to the Constitution of the USSR of 1936, was formed at the 1st session of the Supreme Council. Soviet of the USSR January 19 1938. June 30, 1941 by decision of the Presidium of the Supreme. The Council of the USSR, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR created the State Defense Committee (GKO), which concentrated all the fullness of state power in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45.

The Council of People's Commissars of the Union Republic is the highest executive and administrative body of state power of the Union Republic. He is responsible to the Supreme Council of the Republic and is accountable to it, and in the period between sessions of the Supreme. Council - in front of the Presidium Top. The Council of the Republic and the Council of People's Commissars of the Union Republic are accountable to it, according to the Constitution of the USSR of 1936, issues resolutions and orders on the basis of and in pursuance of the current laws of the USSR and the Union Republic, resolutions and orders of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and is obliged to check their implementation Vert N. History of the Soviet State. 1900--1991. M., 1999. S. 130--131..

Council of People's Commissars

The creation of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR as the executive body of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR (Central Executive Committee of the USSR) was provided for by the Treaty on the Formation of the USSR. In this agreement the abbreviation “Sovnarkom” was used for the first time.

The prototype of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was the Council of People's Commissars - the first collegium of commission chairmen in the history of the Soviet state, who were entrusted with “the management of individual branches of state life.” Formed by the decrees of the 2nd All-Russian Congress of Soviets and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on October 27, 1917, five years before the formation of the USSR, the Council of People's Commissars, chaired by V.I. Lenin, was the government of the Russian Soviet Republic (from 1918 - RSFSR). After the formation of the USSR, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR coordinated the activities of the Soviet republics that became part of the Soviet Union, in fact becoming the first government of the USSR in the period between the signing of the Treaty on the Formation of the USSR on December 29, 1922 and the formation of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on July 6, 1923.

As the government of the Soviet Union, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the people's commissariats led by it played a key role in such significant events and processes for the country and society as economic recovery after the civil war, the New Economic Policy (NEP), collectivization, electrification, industrialization, five-year plans for the development of the national economy , censorship, fight against religion, mass repression and political persecution, Gulag, deportation of peoples, annexation of the Baltic states and other territories to the USSR, organization of the partisan movement and industrial production in the rear during the Great Patriotic War. The period of activity of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR covers several wars and armed conflicts on the territory of the Soviet Union and beyond its borders - in Europe, Central Asia and the Far East.

In the Constitution of the USSR of 1924, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was defined as the executive and administrative body of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, and with the adoption of the Constitution of the USSR of 1936, it received an alternative name - the Government of the USSR - and acquired the status of the highest executive and administrative body of government of the Soviet Union.

The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was formed by the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and was its executive and administrative body. The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR supervised the activities of the all-Union People's Commissariats, considered and approved decrees and resolutions of all-Union significance within the limits of the rights provided for by the Constitution of the USSR of 1924, the provisions on the Council of People's Commissars of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and other legislative acts. Decrees and resolutions of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR were binding throughout the entire territory of the USSR and could be suspended and canceled by the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and its Presidium. For the first time, the composition of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, headed by Lenin, was approved at the 2nd session of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on July 6, 1923. The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, according to the regulations on it in 1923, consisted of: chairman, deputy. Chairman, People's Commissar of the USSR; Representatives of the union republics participated in the meetings of the Council of People's Commissars with the right of an advisory vote.

The Constitution of the USSR of 1936 established the responsibility and accountability of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR to the Supreme Council and, in the period between sessions of the Supreme Council of the USSR, to its Presidium. According to the Constitution of the USSR of 1936, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR united and directed the work of the all-Union and Union-Republican People's Commissariats of the USSR and economic and cultural institutions subordinate to it, took measures to implement the national economic plan, the state budget, provided leadership in the field of external relations with foreign states, directed the general building the country's armed forces. According to the Constitution of the USSR of 1936, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR had the right, in sectors of management and economics within the competence of the USSR, to suspend resolutions and orders of the Council of People's Commissars of the union republics and to cancel orders and instructions of the People's Commissariats of the USSR.

During the Great Patriotic War, the activities of the People's Commissariats of the USSR were subordinated to the State Defense Committee - an emergency governing body under the leadership of the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR I.V. Stalin, which was created for the period of the war and had full power in the USSR.

The Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was the head of the Soviet government. Appointment to the position of Chairman was carried out upon approval of the composition of the government at a session of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR (since 1938 - the Supreme Soviet of the USSR).

Each union and autonomous republic had its own government - republican councils of people's commissars - formed by the Central Executive Committee (since 1938, the Supreme Council) of the corresponding union or autonomous republic. Republican governments were not legally subordinate to the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, but were obliged to be guided in their activities by the decrees and resolutions of the Union Council of People's Commissars. At the same time, the Union-Republican People's Commissariats as part of the Republican Councils of People's Commissars had a double subordination - they were simultaneously subordinate to both the Council of People's Commissars of the Union Republic, within the framework of which they were created, and the corresponding Union-Republican People's Commissariat of the USSR, whose orders and instructions were to be followed in of its activities.

However, this list strongly diverges from official data on the composition of the first Council of People's Commissars. Firstly, writes Russian historian Yuri Emelyanov in his work “Trotsky. Myths and Personality,” it includes people’s commissars from various compositions of the Council of People’s Commissars, which have changed many times. Secondly, according to Emelyanov, Dikiy mentions a number of people’s commissariats that never existed at all! For example, on cults, on elections, on refugees, on hygiene... But the actually existing People's Commissariats of Railways, Posts and Telegraphs are not included in the Wild's list at all!
Further: Dikiy claims that the first Council of People's Commissars included 20 people, although it is known that there were only 15 of them.
A number of positions are listed inaccurately. Thus, Chairman of the Petrosovet G.E. Zinoviev never actually held the post of People's Commissar of Internal Affairs. Proshyan, whom Dikiy for some reason calls “Protian,” was the People’s Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs, not of Agriculture.
Several of the mentioned “members of the Council of People’s Commissars” were never members of the government. I.A. Spitsberg was an investigator of the VIII liquidation department of the People's Commissariat of Justice. It is generally unclear who is meant by Lilina-Knigissen: either the actress M.P. Lilina, or Z.I. Lilina (Bernstein), who worked as head of the public education department of the executive committee of the Petrograd Soviet. Cadet A.A. Kaufman participated as an expert in the development of land reform, but also had nothing to do with the Council of People's Commissars. The name of the People's Commissar of Justice was not Steinberg at all, but Steinberg...

The Council of People's Commissars is the highest government body that exercised executive power in Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1946. This abbreviation stands for Council of People's Commissars, since this institution consisted of the heads of the People's Commissariats. This body first existed in Russia, but after the formation of the Soviet Union in 1922, similar entities were formed in other republics. The following year after the end of the war, it was transformed into the Council of Ministers.


The Council of People's Commissars is a government that was initially created as a temporary body consisting of representatives of peasants, soldiers and workers. It was assumed that it should have functioned until the convening of the Constituent Assembly. The origin of the term's name is unknown. There are points of view that it was proposed either by Trotsky or Lenin.

The Bolsheviks planned its formation even before the October Revolution. They invited the Left Socialist Revolutionaries to join the new political entity, but they refused, as did the Mensheviks and Right Socialist Revolutionaries, so as a result a one-party government was convened. However, after the Constituent Assembly was dissolved, it turned out that it became permanent. The Council of People's Commissars is a body that was formed by the country's highest legislative institution - the All-Russian Central Executive Committee.


His responsibility included the general management of all affairs of the new state. It could issue decrees, which, however, could be suspended by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Decisions in this governing body were made very simply - by majority vote. At the same time, the chairman of the mentioned legislative institution, as well as members of the government, were present at the meetings. The Council of People's Commissars is an institution that included a special department for case management, preparing issues for consideration. Its staff was quite impressive - 135 people.


Legally, the powers of the Council of People's Commissars were enshrined in the Soviet Constitution of 1918, which stated that the body should manage general affairs in the state and certain industries.

In addition, the document stated that the Council of People's Commissars should issue bills and regulations necessary for the proper functioning of public life in the country. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee controlled all adopted resolutions and, as mentioned above, could suspend their effect. A total of 18 commissariats were formed, the main ones dedicated to military, foreign and naval affairs. The People's Commissar was directly in charge of administration and could make decisions individually. After the formation of the USSR, the Council of People's Commissars began to perform not only executive, but also administrative functions.


The Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR was formed in very difficult conditions of political change and struggle for power. A. Lunacharsky, who took the post of the first People's Commissar of Education, argued that its composition was accidental. V. Lenin had a great influence on his work. Many of its members were not experts in the fields they were supposed to lead. In the 1930s, many government members were repressed. According to experts, the Council of People's Commissars consisted of representatives of the intelligentsia, while the Bolshevik Party declared that this body should be a workers' and peasants' body.

The interests of the proletariat were represented by only two people, which subsequently gave rise to the so-called workers' opposition, which demanded representation. In addition to the layers mentioned, the working group of the institution included nobles, minor officials, and the so-called petty-bourgeois elements.

In general, the national composition of the Council of People's Commissars still causes controversy among scientists. Among the most famous politicians who held positions in this body, there are such names as Trotsky, who was involved in foreign affairs, Rykov (he was in charge of the internal affairs of the young state), as well as Antonov-Ovseenko, who served as People's Commissar for Naval Affairs . The first chairman of the Council of People's Commissars is Lenin.


After the formation of the new Soviet state, changes took place in this body. From a Russian institution it turned into an all-Union government. At the same time, his powers were distributed among the allied authorities. Local republican councils were created locally. In 1924, the Russian and all-Union bodies formed a single department for affairs. In 1936, this governing body was transformed into the Council of Ministers, which performed the same function as the Council of People's Commissars.

1 General information
2 Legislative framework of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR
3 The first composition of the Council of People's Commissars of Soviet Russia
4 Chairmen of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR
5 People's Commissars
6 Sources


The Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (Sovnarkom of the RSFSR, SNK of the RSFSR) is the name of the government of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from the October Revolution of 1917 to 1946. The Council consisted of people's commissars who led the people's commissariats (People's Commissariats, NK). After the formation of the USSR, a similar body was created at the union level.

1. General information

The Council of People's Commissars (SNK) was formed in accordance with the "Decree on the establishment of the Council of People's Commissars", adopted by the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies on October 27, 1917.

The name "Council of People's Commissars" was proposed by Trotsky:

Power in St. Petersburg has been won. We need to form a government.

What should I call it? - Lenin reasoned out loud. Just not ministers: this is a vile, worn-out name.

It could be commissioners, I suggested, but now there are too many commissioners. Perhaps high commissioners? No, “supreme” sounds bad. Is it possible to say “folk”?

People's Commissars? Well, that'll probably do. What about the government as a whole?

Council of People's Commissars?

The Council of People's Commissars, Lenin picked up, is excellent: it smells terrible of revolution.

According to the Constitution of 1918, it was called the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR.

The Council of People's Commissars was the highest executive and administrative body of the RSFSR, having full executive and administrative power, the right to issue decrees having the force of law, while combining legislative, administrative and executive functions.

The Council of People's Commissars lost the character of a temporary governing body after the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, which was legally enshrined in the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918.

Issues considered by the Council of People's Commissars were decided by a simple majority of votes. The meetings were attended by members of the Government, the chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the manager and secretaries of the Council of People's Commissars, and representatives of departments.

The permanent working body of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR was the administration, which prepared issues for meetings of the Council of People's Commissars and its standing commissions, and received delegations. The administrative staff in 1921 consisted of 135 people. (according to data from the Central State Archive of the Russian Federation of the USSR, f. 130, op. 25, d. 2, pp. 19 - 20.)

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of March 23, 1946, the Council of People's Commissars was transformed into the Council of Ministers.

2. Legislative framework of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR

According to the Constitution of the RSFSR of July 10, 1918, the activities of the Council of People's Commissars are:

· management of general affairs of the RSFSR, management of individual branches of management (Articles 35, 37)

· issuing legislative acts and taking measures “necessary for the correct and rapid flow of public life.” (v.38)

The People's Commissar has the right to individually make decisions on all issues within the jurisdiction of the commissariat, bringing them to the attention of the collegium (Article 45).

All adopted resolutions and decisions of the Council of People's Commissars are reported to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (Article 39), which has the right to suspend and cancel a resolution or decision of the Council of People's Commissars (Article 40).

17 people's commissariats are being created (in the Constitution this figure is indicated erroneously, since in the list presented in Article 43 there are 18 of them)..

· on foreign affairs;

· on military affairs;

· on maritime affairs;

· on internal affairs;

· Justice;

· social security;

· education;

· Posts and telegraphs;

· on nationalities affairs;

· for financial matters;

· ways of communication;

· agriculture;

· trade and industry;

· food;

· State control;

· Supreme Council of the National Economy;

· health care.

Under each people's commissar and under his chairmanship, a collegium is formed, the members of which are approved by the Council of People's Commissars (Article 44).

With the formation of the USSR in December 1922 and the creation of an all-Union government, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR became the executive and administrative body of state power of the Russian Federation. The organization, composition, competence and order of activity of the Council of People's Commissars were determined by the Constitution of the USSR of 1924 and the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1925.

From this moment on, the composition of the Council of People's Commissars was changed in connection with the transfer of a number of powers to the Union departments. 11 people's commissariats were established:

· domestic trade;

· finance

· Internal Affairs

· Justice

· education

health care

· agriculture

social security

The Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR now included, with the right of a decisive or advisory vote, representatives of the USSR People's Commissariats under the Government of the RSFSR. The Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR allocated, in turn, a permanent representative to the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. (according to information from the SU, 1924, N 70, art. 691.) Since February 22, 1924, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR have a single Administration. (based on materials from the USSR Central State Archive of Ordinance, f. 130, op. 25, d. 5, l. 8.)

With the introduction of the Constitution of the RSFSR on January 21, 1937, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR was accountable only to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, and in the period between its sessions - to the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR.

Since October 5, 1937, the composition of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR has included 13 people's commissariats (data from the Central State Administration of the RSFSR, f. 259, op. 1, d. 27, l. 204.):

· Food Industry

· light industry

timber industry

· agriculture

grain state farms

livestock farms

· finance

· domestic trade

· Justice

health care

· education

local industry

· public utilities

social security

Also included in the Council of People's Commissars is the Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the RSFSR and the head of the Department of Arts under the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR.

3. The first composition of the Council of People's Commissars of Soviet Russia

· Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars - Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin)

· People's Commissar for Internal Affairs - A. I. Rykov

· People's Commissar of Agriculture - V. P. Milyutin

· People's Commissar of Labor - A. G. Shlyapnikov

· People's Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs - committee, consisting of: V. A. Ovseenko (Antonov) (in the text of the Decree on the formation of the Council of People's Commissars - Avseenko), N. V. Krylenko and P. E. Dybenko

· People's Commissar for Trade and Industry - V. P. Nogin

· People's Commissar of Public Education - A. V. Lunacharsky

· People's Commissar of Finance - I. I. Skvortsov (Stepanov)

· People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs - L. D. Bronstein (Trotsky)

· People's Commissar of Justice - G. I. Oppokov (Lomov)

· People's Commissar for Food Affairs - I. A. Teodorovich

· People's Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs - N. P. Avilov (Glebov)

· People's Commissar for Nationalities - I. V. Dzhugashvili (Stalin)

· The post of People's Commissar for Railway Affairs remained temporarily unfilled.

The vacant post of People's Commissar for Railway Affairs was later filled by V.I. Nevsky (Krivobokov).

4. Chairmen of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR

5. People's Commissars

Deputy Chairmen:

· Rykov A.I. (from the end of May 1921-?)

· Tsyurupa A. D. (12/5/1921-?)

· Kamenev L. B. (Jan. 1922-?)

Foreign Affairs:

· Trotsky L. D. (26.10.1917 - 8.04.1918)

· Chicherin G.V. (05/30/1918 - 07/21/1930)

For military and naval affairs:

· Antonov-Ovseenko V. A. (26.10.1917-?)

· Krylenko N.V. (26.10.1917-?)

· Dybenko P. E. (26.10.1917-18.3.1918)

· Trotsky L. D. (8.4.1918 - 26.1.1925)

Internal Affairs:

· Rykov A.I. (26.10. - 4.11.1917)

· Petrovsky G.I. (11/17/1917-3/25/1919)

· Dzerzhinsky F. E. (30.3.1919-6.7.1923)

· Lomov-Oppokov G.I. (26.10 - 12.12.1917)

· Steinberg I. Z. (12.12.1917 - 18.3.1918)

· Stuchka P.I. (18.3. - 22.8.1918)

· Kursky D.I. (22.8.1918 - 1928)

· Shlyapnikov A. G. (10/26/1917 - 10/8/1918)

· Schmidt V.V. (8.10.1918-4.11.1919 and 26.4.1920-29.11.1920)

State charity (from 26.4.1918 - Social Security; NKSO 4.11.1919 merged with the NK Labor, 26.4.1920 divided):

· Vinokurov A. N. (March 1918-11/4/1919; 4/26/1919-4/16/1921)

· Milyutin N.A. (acting People's Commissar, June-6.7.1921)


· Lunacharsky A.V. (26.10.1917-12.9.1929)

Posts and telegraphs:

· Glebov (Avilov) N. P. (10/26/1917-12/9/1917)

· Proshyan P. P. (12/9/1917 - 03/18/1918)

· Podbelsky V.N. (11.4.1918 - 25.2.1920)

· Lyubovich A. M. (24.3-26.5.1921)

· Dovgalevsky V. S. (26.5.1921-6.7.1923)

For nationalities affairs:

· Stalin I.V. (26.10.1917-6.7.1923)


· Skvortsov-Stepanov I. I. (26.10.1917 - 20.1.1918)

· Brilliantov M. A. (19.1.-18.03.1918)

· Gukovsky I. E. (April-16.8.1918)

· Sokolnikov G. Ya. (11/23/1922-1/16/1923)

Communication routes:

· Elizarov M. T. (11/8/1917-1/7/1918)

· Rogov A. G. (24.2.-9.5.1918)

· Nevsky V.I. (25.7.1918-15.3.1919)

· Krasin L. B. (30.3.1919-20.3.1920)

· Trotsky L. D. (20.3-10.12.1920)

· Emshanov A. I. (12/20/1920-4/14/1921)

· Dzerzhinsky F. E. (14.4.1921-6.7.1923)


· Milyutin V.P. (26.10 - 4.11.1917)

· Kolegaev A.L. (11/24/1917 - 3/18/1918)

· Sereda S.P. (3.4.1918 - 10.02.1921)

· Osinsky N. (Deputy People's Commissar, 24.3.1921-18.1.1922)

· Yakovenko V. G. (18.1.1922-7.7.1923)

Trade and Industry:

· Nogin V.P. (26.10. - 4.11.1917)

· Smirnov V. M. (25.1.1918-18.3.1918)