The solar eclipse began on February 26 of the year.

The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 occurs at 8 degrees of the zodiac sign Pisces. The eclipse contains a positive impulse that will help us turn our dreams into reality. The influence of the spiritual planet Neptune is emphasized, instilling hope for a bright future. Neptune brings inspiration, there is a desire to move forward to new achievements.

The eclipse begins on February 26 at 13:15 UTC (Greenwich Mean Time) or 16:15 Moscow time.

The end of the eclipse is February 26 at 16:31 UTC or 19:31 Moscow time.

This celestial phenomenon can be observed in Southern and Western Africa, South America, and Antarctica. On the morning of February 26, a solar eclipse can be seen in South America and will end over southwest Africa at sunset. It will not be visible on Russian territory. An eclipse is annular when the diameter of the lunar disk is slightly smaller than the solar one, so the Moon does not completely cover the Sun; a luminous ring remains visible.

Impact of a solar eclipse in Pisces

The Sun and Moon at 8 degrees Pisces form a conjunction with Mercury and Neptune, so the impact of the eclipse may be ambiguous. Neptune plunges us into an ocean of fantasy, but the presence of Mercury reminds us to remain objective and evaluate perspectives sensibly. Maintain a balance of dreams and realism, then success will easily find its way to you.

The impact of the eclipse will have a positive impact on many areas of life, it is especially good for creative individuals and people of art. In addition, you can count on positive development in the area of ​​relationships. Maybe you will make new influential friends, find love and start a relationship with a worthy person.

The most impact of the solar eclipse in February 2017 will affect representatives of the sign Pisces and Virgo, especially those born between February 22 and March 3 (Pisces) and from August 26 to September 5 (Virgo). Gemini and Sagittarius will also feel its energies. In what direction the changes will occur depends on the position of the planets and important points in the natal chart, so the nature of the changes is determined for each individual.

In astrology, it is believed that a solar eclipse marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Thus, it crosses out the past and opens a new chapter of life. This is a great time for new endeavors, whether they relate to work or personal life. There are many possibilities, and our task is to choose among them those that contribute to the realization of our true needs. To make the right choice, you need to analyze the affairs of the past days, take responsibility for what happened and change the trajectory of movement. Old habits, behaviors, or beliefs may need to be abandoned.


A solar eclipse in Pisces brings a positive impulse and gives energy for new beginnings. One of the most significant aspects is the conjunction of the Sun and Moon with Neptune. Neptune in Pisces is very strong, because this zodiac sign is his abode. Although the influence of this mysterious planet is not always beneficial, the positive qualities are now more noticeable because its negative aspect with Saturn is no longer in effect. Neptune shows that we can rise above limitations and soar towards our dreams. Spirituality and talent development are the basis of success. All this implies a close relationship with the people around us and the world as a whole.

Neptune is known as the planet of spirituality and mysticism, and has the ability to enhance intuition and empathy. Boundaries between people dissolve, and you will feel true unity with your loved ones. Spiritual teachings and occult disciplines become clearer, and extrasensory abilities may open up.

Jupiter and Uranus

However, not all planetary relationships are harmonious (See eclipse astrological chart below). The opposition between Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries increases the need for freedom, and the desire to rebel against all rules and restrictions appears. As a result, unexpected events cannot be ruled out that will lead to significant changes in your personal life.

The opposition of Jupiter and Uranus is emphasized by minor aspects: semi-square (aspect 45°) of the Sun with Uranus and sesquiquadrate (aspect 135°) of the Sun with Jupiter, which also introduce their own nuances. Jupiter makes us more confident in ourselves, but we must balance what is desired and what is possible, otherwise excessive optimism can lead us down. The relationship between the Sun and Uranus is often a harbinger of dramatic changes. The combination of Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus indicates a high concentration of energies, although there is uncertainty, i.e. the main message of the eclipse is expressed implicitly. On the one hand, there is tension and there is a desire to change something, on the other hand, there is no complete clarity or there are no specific goals. In addition, warlike Mars is conjunct unpredictable Uranus, which adds some risk or haste.

To summarize, we can say that the energies of the solar eclipse of February 26, 2017 are generally positive, but there is a factor of uncertainty and chaos. There is a possibility that under its influence events will occur that have an ambiguous meaning. Perhaps projects will be launched that are not destined to be realized due to a lack of determination, or they will turn out to be far from reality. If you are planning to start something new, remain practical and carefully weigh the pros and cons of your initiatives.

On February 26, 2017, as well as three days before and after this date, it is not recommended to make anything important: large purchases, serious financial transactions, important negotiations, etc. If possible, it is better to postpone significant events and trips to another period. It is advisable to spend the day in a calm environment, without doing anything unusual or risky.

February 26 at 17:58 Moscow time There will be an annular solar eclipse. This regular astrological phenomenon occurs due to the conjunction of the Sun with the lunar nodes - the shadow planets Rahu and Ketu.

The sun in astrology represents our “I”, spirit, the principle of self-awareness. The energy of the Sun gives life, light, motivates a person to self-expression and development. During an eclipse, the Sun comes under the influence of shadow planets, representing the passage of time and karmic conditioning. Therefore, the moment of the eclipse is special in the year: a person is faced with his karmic issues, attachments of the past and aspirations for the future. Deep tendencies may come to the surface, the consequences of past actions and connections with people may appear, and unexpected events due to karma may occur. The eclipse also opens access to our talents, purpose and global tasks of this life. This is a special time in which it is important to maintain a clear and calm state of consciousness, accepting circumstances and directing attention deep into yourself. Meditation and prayer are especially effective at this time.

On the day of the eclipse, as well as several days before and after Not recommended starts new projects, concludes contracts, holds important meetings. Any undertaking can result in unexpected consequences.

An eclipse affects each person differently depending on their individual horoscope. If an eclipse falls on important points in the natal chart, for example, on the 1st house or natal planets, then a person can feel the influence of the eclipse on himself in the corresponding area of ​​life. It is believed that the consequences of the events that occurred on the day of the eclipse last 6 months. Be attentive to what is happening these days and if events seem unfavorable to you, then accept them as the fruits of your karma and important lessons for further development.

The eclipse will occur on February 26 in the sign of Aquarius in the nakshatra Shatabhisha, carrying the energy of purification and zeroing. Shatabhisha is associated with the deity Varuna - the ruler of cosmic waters and rain. At this point in the sky, water pours out from the Aquarian jug in a stream of healing, connecting with the ocean of consciousness. This is an impulse to overcome limitations, to go beyond the comfort zone or generally accepted ideas, here a new vision and desire to understand the whole is born.

Mercury, which is in the sign of Aquarius and also in the Shatabhisha nakshatra, will take part in the eclipse. Mercury represents rational thinking, the ability to convey intuitive and imaginative phenomena in the language of symbols and words. Mercury is all about speech, writing and communication. Thus, the eclipse opens up the opportunity to recognize and intelligently comprehend the deep vision of Shatabhisha, to express it in communication.

(c) Valeria Zhelamskaya

This is how February turned out, full of eclipses, either Lunar or Solar. Fortunately there are no others

This time, on February 26, 2017, we will experience an annular Solar Eclipse, which will reach its maximum at 16:54 Riga time. The eclipse can be observed in the south of Argentina and Chile, South America, Angola, Antarctica and Africa. As you can see, Europe and Russia remained on the sidelines, but nevertheless, the overall energy of this day will be negative.

The sun represents power and the ruler. And since the influence of the eclipse will be especially strong in South America and in countries close to it, riots, strikes and other discontent with the authorities can be expected there these days. Moreover, this is a time when the leaders of countries may not keep their promises and it will be difficult for them to reach an agreement.

In Vedic astrology, a solar eclipse is created by the shadow planet Ketu or the Southern Lunar Node. And for the Sun this is the most unfavorable connection (for example, a person with such a connection in the natal chart will be very selfish and it will be difficult for him to accept authority and advice from elders). Therefore, do not be surprised if these days your health worsens and your social sphere is affected. People with cardiovascular diseases should be especially careful - monitor your blood pressure, take medications on time and do not be nervous. Also, these days everyone should take care of their eyesight.

Now we are in the corridor of eclipses, the first of which was Lunar on February 11th. Many could feel a loss of strength, a decrease in income, exacerbation of illnesses, depression, reluctance to live and other worries. By the way, last time I was asked why not all people feel the influence of eclipses. The fact is that for some of us, the Nadi channels through which the energy of life (Prana) moves are cleaner. Such people, more than others, can sense changes in space and the general atmosphere, and feel the pain of another person. For others, these channels are not so clean and then the eclipse affects their gross body more than their subtle body. Therefore, eclipses affect everyone, but to varying degrees. Plus, the closer you are to the point of the eclipse, the stronger its harmful influence.

“Man’s actions are observed by the sun, moon, air, fire, sky, earth, water, heart, Yamaraja, day and night, dawn, twilight, and the Supersoul” (Agni Purana 255.35).

- keep the fast
— after the eclipse, take a cool shower

P.S. before the eclipse, on February 25 there will be a New Moon. Take care of your mind, which can be extremely restless on this day. And most importantly, keep the right attitude, don’t be discouraged, think only positively and repeat the right affirmations. Remember that at this time, every thought you have will shape the future. Don’t dwell on the bad, otherwise it will definitely come true. In general, watch your thoughts

Beginning of the eclipse February 26 at 13:15 UTC (Greenwich Mean Time) or 15:15 Kyiv time.
Maximum phase February 26 at 14:58 UTC or 16:58 Kyiv time.
End of the eclipse February 26 at 16:31 UTC or 18:31 Kyiv time.
This celestial phenomenon can be observed in Southern and Western Africa, South America, and Antarctica. On the morning of February 26, a solar eclipse can be seen in South America and will end over southwest Africa at sunset. It will not be visible on our territory. An eclipse is annular when the diameter of the lunar disk is slightly smaller than the solar one, so the Moon does not completely cover the Sun; a luminous ring remains visible.
The eclipse will take place in the constellation Aquarius, in the Satabhisha nakshatra in the 3rd pada. During an eclipse, a very unfavorable picture is created: the Sun, Moon, Mercury fall under the aspects of Saturn and Rahu, Jupiter is also afflicted by Saturn and Mars.
We will not observe the eclipse, so its influence will be minimal, but the picture of the planets in the sky itself is quite unfavorable. Whoever has this nakshatra accentuated (plants or lagna are located there) should take into account and take into account in which house this occurs. An eclipse usually has a very strong effect on the areas in which it is visible.
A solar eclipse coincides with the new moon, a lunar eclipse with the full moon (this always happens), and this in itself gives special power to these days.

The essence of an eclipse- during a solar eclipse, Rahu covers the Sun (Surya, Consciousness), and the rays of the Sun are vital for all living things. Therefore, hiding the sun's rays is unfavorable for people and all other living beings, and for Nature as a whole. During solar eclipses, we do not receive the Light of Surya (Sun/Spirit), we do not receive the Light of Existence, but are influenced by the Darkness that comes from Rahu (North Node), influenced by the Forces of ignorance, unconsciousness, obsession (obsession), passion. An eclipse removes or reduces Solar influences (Light of Consciousness/Spirit) for the entire Earth, so both people and all creatures suffer.
During an eclipse, a person's consciousness becomes clouded and darkened. His mind (awareness and wisdom) is weakened. Therefore, a solar eclipse gives adverse effects on people, on society, on nations and countries. Tension and stress are increasing in the world, destructive and non-evolutionary tendencies are increasing. This influence continues for two weeks (during one Paksha).
According to Vedic knowledge and traditions, there are a number of important recommendations and advice that are best observed during solar and lunar eclipses ( 3 hours before and after the eclipse):
* you don’t need to look at an eclipse (!), for the same reason you shouldn’t look at the sunset;
* you shouldn’t leave your house/apartment (and especially shouldn’t travel)
* it is advisable not to be in an open space, but to be indoors;
* no need to eat three hours before and after the time of maximum eclipse;
* you should not drive a car;
* business, commercial, financial activities should be avoided;
* no need to be near groups of people (avoid crowds, crowds);
* it is recommended to rest;
* it is better to meditate and engage in other practices for the Spirit.
An eclipse can negatively affect the well-being of even a practically healthy person; mentally unstable and “meteorologically dependent” people especially suffer.
Research by medical scientists has shown the effect of a solar eclipse on humans. Medical studies have been conducted that have shown that the human body begins to react to this phenomenon as soon as the disk of the Sun is covered by the Moon. In hypertensive patients, blood pressure rises, the heart increases the force of blood ejection, but the blood flows unevenly to different hemispheres of the brain; the functioning of the nervous system is disrupted.
During a Solar Eclipse, the Sun and Moon are conjunct (new moon), but next to them is a Node - Rahu or Ketu. Their influence has a strong impact on a person, in the body there is a powerful load on the regulatory system (on the integrity of the functioning of the unity of Consciousness + Perception + Corporeality, there is the Sun + Moon + Venus. The health consequences on the day of the eclipse are especially dangerous for people with cardiovascular pathologies, hypertensive patients, mentally unbalanced.
Therefore, even doctors say that on the day of the eclipse it is better not to engage in activity - actions will be inadequate and there is a greater likelihood of mistakes. They advise you to wait out this day. This is especially important for pregnant women, since they are the most receptive and sensitive.
During a lunar eclipse, people's perception (mind), thinking and emotional sphere are very vulnerable. Therefore, the number of mental disorders in people is increasing. This is due to disruption of the hypothalamus at the psychophysiological level, which corresponds to the Moon (Chandra). The body's hormonal cycles may be disrupted, especially in women, and even more so in pregnant women.
During a solar eclipse, the functioning of the thalamus, which corresponds to the Sun, is disrupted. The risk of cardiovascular diseases increases. Consciousness (the inner “I”) becomes clouded. The consequence of this may be increased tension and stress in relations between people and in society as a whole, the growth of radical and aggressive tendencies in countries and the world as a whole, inadequate and unfounded decisions/actions of some politicians and state leaders.
Earthly consequences of an eclipse- natural disasters, hurricanes, unusual meteorological phenomena. Terrestrial consequences of an eclipse (in the form of natural disasters, such as earthquakes or seismic activity, tsunamis, hurricanes, unusual meteorological phenomena) are possible for several weeks after the eclipse. The likelihood of armed conflicts (wars), fires, man-made disasters, plane crashes, and accidents at airports or spaceports increases.
There may be economic instability for several weeks after the eclipse. In any case, eclipses bring changes in life, both of a person and of society. The transformations that an eclipse brings are felt as the harshness or inevitability of events, a kind of retribution or punishment (“Law of Karma”). Some people or groups of people (organizations) can do strange and crazy things. One of the world leaders may become involved in a tragedy or scandal. Some ruler (president, king, first minister) may commit a crazy act, a stupid decision.
Likely an event of terrorist or sabotage activity. Therefore, you need to increase security as much as possible and remain calm. Terrorists will be active and may strike. Possible food poisoning. There are likely to be “fermentations” in the minds of large groups of people and, as a result, protests, collective acts, unrest, riots, and acts of disobedience.

An eclipse, to some extent, is a “significant event,” that is, a Sign, a Sign that indicates transformations, phase transitions in the life of a person, organization, society, country or the whole world. Almost always changes are associated with material (including financial), mental (spiritual), bodily (physical) transformations, which we consider suffering. Therefore, an eclipse is considered a negative sign. And its harmful results are concentrated as time moves towards the date/time of this phenomenon.
The effects of an eclipse are more likely to appear in 1) the regions that correspond to the Rashi ["sidereal zodiac sign"] in which they occur; 2) in places on Earth where they are visible; 3) in areas of life that correspond to Rashi (for example, Vrishabha-rashi - places of rest, Dhanu-rashi - temples, religious institutions, ashrams, seminaries, and so on).
During eclipses, the best thing we can do is turn to our Higher Power – in the Spirit, to the Family/God. Even if most of the people around us or the whole world have gone crazy, I still have my Higher Power (Spirit, God), my Duty (Purpose), and I need to do what I have to do. Practice for the Spirit (“Spiritual practice”, meditation) is the main thing that will help me during lunar and solar eclipses, this will give me awareness, and will help my Family help me, and will create evolutionary, coherent influences in my environment.

What is auspicious to do on the day of an eclipse?
All instructions are advisory in nature. It is advisable to take all this into account in your actions, remembering the principle of “kala-patra-desha” (Sanskrit), or “time-circumstances-place”.
It is favorable to stay at home on this day, especially for Women (especially pregnant women) and children, as well as the elderly and unhealthy people.
It is favorable to turn to Rod for help and support - during a solar eclipse it is better to contact the paternal Rod, and during a Lunar eclipse it is better to contact the maternal Rod.
It is beneficial to read a prayer OUT LOUD, maybe some special one, or you can just pray in your own words, the main thing is to turn to God and the Higher Powers.
It is favorable to do something good, from the bottom of your heart, and specifically to people in need (not at the very moment of the eclipse, but before and after)
It is favorable to make donations of goodness (time, money, clothing, food).
It is favorable to be alone on this day (if possible, of course);
It is auspicious to light sandalwood incense in the place where you have the entrance to your house/apartment.
It is very favorable to bathe in holy waters and springs
In general, it is favorable to take ablutions, baths or showers more often on this day (especially immediately at the very moment of the eclipse);
It is favorable to Fast. In general, it is not recommended to eat food 12 hours before a solar eclipse and 9 hours before a lunar eclipse. If it is difficult to completely give up food, then at least limit yourself to light vegetarian food;
It is favorable to eat food on this day only that which was prepared AFTER the moment of the eclipse, at least an hour later. Food prepared before an eclipse, not to mention food prepared during the eclipse itself, is considered unfit for consumption.
In general, it is favorable to engage in only calm activities on this day that do not cause strong emotions and tension in you;
It is beneficial to be in a state of awareness and calm. It is especially important these days not to be provocative and not to provoke anyone around. It is important to be above illusions, literally and figuratively. During an eclipse, there is an activation of the “dark” sides of each Person, and of Life in general. Therefore, “make allowances” for everyone around you, and for your part, make every effort to harmonize yourself and to harmonize everyone around you, including loved ones.
It is favorable to devote yourself on the day of the eclipse to SPIRITUAL practices and CLEANSING in all senses and at all levels! Because you know how and can do it. This will be the best protection against the dark energies of the eclipse.

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Topics and situations related to eclipses may have emerged as early as three weeks before the first eclipse, and the significance of the issues that eclipses will reveal will be felt for at least six months, until the next “eclipse season” in August, where the key solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 will be 28° 53" Leo.

But the influence of the eclipse, the topics affected by the eclipse and the situations associated with it, can develop over many years until the next eclipse of the same Saros cycle (18 years).Both eclipses of February 2017 belong to the same Saros cycle 19S.This Saros series began on April 16, 1512 and consists of 71 solar eclipses.

Eclipses are repeated in the same degree of the Zodiac every 19 years, and every 18 years there are eclipses of one saros series. We can look back to remember what happened to us 18-19 years ago. Themes, circumstances and events of 1998 and 1999 may be part of current events, remotely or directly.For example, in 1998, the solar eclipse also took place on February 26, and also on 08° Pisces, but belonged to Saros 18S. In 1999, on February 16, there was a previous solar eclipse of the current Saros, it was at 27° Aquarius.

Bernadette Brady, in her book Predictive Astrology, characterizes the Saros series of February 2017 eclipses as follows:“This family of eclipses brings with them an element of pleasant surprise. Unexpected happiness, a joyful event, a lucky opportunity, a random win. You can trust the events that happen; they can positively change a person’s life.”

The characteristic is quite optimistic, but we do not forget that it talks about the Saros cycle as a whole, and this is a period of 1300 years and more than 70 eclipses, this is rather an archetypal characteristic. But the fact that the overall tone of this saros provides clues to solutions rather than piling up problems is encouraging. And it is also consonant with the aspects of the lunar eclipse on February 11 at 22°28" Leo.

The first thing to remember regarding both eclipses and this entire period,– I quote from my article “Eclipse and Fate”:“At this time, especially near eclipses, you should carefully monitor all current situations, meetings and new ideas. We must remember that every event that occurs during an eclipse is more important than we might initially assume. An eclipse emphasizes the significance of events and the seriousness of its consequences. Ideas, proposals, projects and people who enter our lives during the “season” of eclipses become part of our lives for a long period.”

But mistakes, delusions, miscalculations and misdeeds also become more significant than at other times, and their consequences are inevitable and painful for a long period. Therefore, we do not follow the lead of emotions, rely on reason and prudence, and do not succumb to provocations and temptations. Important decisions should not be made during eclipses, and especially on the day of the eclipse.

Second thing to remember – s The emotions of this season are associated with our awareness of our identity, our “I” that is different from others, our personal and creative tasks in a collective context. This is the topic: “I” and the team, the ability not to dissolve in the interests of others, but to be able to build relationships so that cooperation or personal relationships do not interfere with our need to be ourselves. Do not follow the lead of others, do not engage in dubious benefits and relationships of dependence, do not compromise principles and be true to yourself, even if this means parting with someone or something, or losing something. This is honesty towards yourself and others, as well as towards the law. This "eclipse season" is a tale about how the solar principle(A lion ) drains the pool of illusions ( Fish ). This is a time of cleansing and clarity.But this is also a period of risk, especially the second half of February. Therefore, let us be vigilant. I write about the risks below, in the paragraph about the eclipse on February 26.Now about each eclipse specifically.

The eclipse ends at 02:53:26 GMT

It will be visible in Europe, most of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctic.

The lunar eclipse on February 11 at 22°28" Leo in the North Node can be considered positive, as positive as an eclipse can be. The range of topics that the lunar eclipse in Leo emphasizes is quite wide - from power to entertainment, from personal achievements to financial adventures. During this period interests are aimed at creative tasks and personal fulfillment, personal achievements. This is also the topic of children, relationships with children, love relationships, hobbies. These are topics of personal and collective creativity, creative projects, friendships, relationships with loved ones, creative searches. These are also monetary issues - money received from real estate or parents. This eclipse also activates risky adventures, gambling and speculation - this period will show their result, feasibility and prospects. Themes of power, dominance, the relationship between personal and collective tasks become important. Events may encourage you to take on take responsibility and manage the situation.

An eclipse gives significance to everything that happens at this time. If there are no accidents, then they never happen during eclipses. Monitor what is happening, take positive steps - the undertakings of this period will be important and will have a significant impact on the long term. Meetings that will take place near this eclipse and acquaintance will play an important role in life. Therefore, it is better to choose where you go and who you deal with.

This is also the time of the result - the intermediate or final result. What was started, undertaken before, will now reach its culmination, bear fruit or come to an end. This period will show the state of affairs, the essence of situations, the value of previous undertakings or their short duration. Do not brush aside inconvenient facts, do not close your eyes to the obvious, even if it is not as you would like - this is a time of illumination and awareness. Now everything is maximally manifested and you can understand and see a lot regarding the state of affairs, relationships and the prospects of projects, so that with this new understanding you can move on.

The focus may be on relationships with a partner in business or marriage, the need to reconsider the approach to some joint issues, make decisions that will improve the relationship, or it will be time for separation, which is long overdue. But what has lost its significance will go away. Therefore, if you have to part with something or someone, remember the Eastern maxim: “do not hold back what is leaving, do not push away what has come.” What will remain is what will contribute to personal progress and promotion of endeavors. This is also a time to receive important information that will complement your original plans and provide insight into a new approach to relationships and your personal prospects. If you come to the conclusion that you value personal relationships or collaborations, bBe prepared to make changes to your original plans, especially if the situation calls on you to take into account the wishes of your partners, or those people on whom the development of your endeavors and your plans depends.

The eclipse begins at 12:10:48 GMT

Maximum phase at 14:53:25 GMT

The eclipse ends at 17:36:02 GMT

For Kyiv we add 2 hours, for Moscow +3.

Few observers in South America and South Africa will have the opportunity to see the annular eclipse on February 26th. Its visibility will be a narrow path 31 km wide, which crosses the southern part of Chile and Argentina, the South Atlantic, Angola, the Zambim and Congo borders. The partial eclipse will be visible in South America, Africa and Antarctica.

Solar eclipse on February 26 at 08°12" Pisces in the South Node. This eclipse coincides with the conjunction of Mars with Uranus in opposition to Jupiter and the activity of the cardinal tau square. I have already written in detail about the aspects associated with this eclipse in the February forecast, those who is not in the subject, you should go here... And now about the solar eclipse itself.

This eclipse is complicated. It completes the cycle of eclipses of the last two years and is final, bringing to the surface illusions and delusions, deceptions and miscalculations, so that you can get rid of this painful baggage and begin a period of renewal, getting rid of unrealistic attitudes and dependent relationships. The next eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo axis will be on March 20, 2034 and in the period until 2036.

This eclipse is related to the theme of health, retribution for past mistakes, or the revelation of secrets that will affect important relationships. This is a time of confusion, when previous shortcomings or irresponsibility can lead to problems with work, layoffs or layoffs are likely. This eclipse is associated with themes of isolation, involvement in questionable activities, substance abuse (alcohol, drugs, etc.), and the need to deal with matters that seem inexplicable or strange.