Creation of commissions at the enterprise. Order for a permanent commission

In the course of their activities, many enterprises are faced with the need to make an independent or expert opinion on any issue, which often requires the opinion of several specialists. This could be a theft investigation, a routine audit, employee certification, etc. For these purposes, the head of the enterprise selects a certain group of people who have one or another relationship to a specific situation and are competent in this matter. Their powers are regulated by the order appointing the commission, a sample of which is given below.

When creating a commission group, the key point is its independence from the fact being investigated or verified. Those. the people included in it must assess the situation from a neutral and cool-headed position, and also not have personal interests. For example, when appointed to the position of expert in the investigation of theft in a warehouse, where the suspect is one of the storekeepers, his partner or close relative cannot apply.

Types of commissions and document features

The order to create a commission is a standard document, which necessarily reflects the fact for which the expert group was created. Therefore, there are several types of commissions:

  • Expert - usually created to investigate theft, violation by an employee of established rules, audits. It involves experts with knowledge and experience in the area under investigation. For example, when identifying those responsible for theft in production, mid-level managers who are directly involved and who know the technology become members of the commission. The commission created to record the fact of systematic absenteeism of an employee usually includes the leader of the offender, as well as his colleagues;
  • Certification - created to conduct certification of employees regarding their suitability for the position and verification of qualifications. It usually includes representatives of the enterprise management or directly employees of the education sector

Depending on the purpose, an order is issued. Although there are no particular differences between the documents - they have a common form, but they differ only in design.

A sample order for the creation of a commission requires the inclusion of the following points in the document:

  • Rationale for creating a group of experts;
  • Membership, indicating the positions of employees, and also, if there are people invited from other enterprises, indicate their names. This paragraph is indicated first, after the name of the document and its purpose;
  • Chairman of this board. Must be selected or appointed by the head of the organization, he is a representative of the entire expert group;
  • Main part. All actions taken on the main issue of the commission are reflected here, as well as conclusions made in the process, and other nuances.

Order to create a commission

When appointing a commission for any purpose of the enterprise, the order can be written relatively arbitrarily, but taking into account some important nuances. From the point of view of documentation support for management, the document form should fit the following sample and contain:

  • Document header. First, indicate the name of the organization to which the order to create the commission relates, in the second line the name of the document. Next, the registration serial number and creation date are written down.
  • Rationale (purpose) for creating an expert group;
  • The text of the order, which contains instructions on the appointment of specific people to the positions of members of the commission and the chairman of the group, indicating their positions. A secretary is also appointed who is responsible for maintaining all documentation that will be compiled during the course of activities;
  • Main part. The above-mentioned members of the expert group are given an order to carry out specific activities for which the document was created: investigations of violations or thefts, certification of employees;
  • The last point of the document is the personal signature of the director, its transcript, as well as the official seal of the enterprise.

The manager’s order to create a commission comes into force immediately after it is signed and the information is communicated to the employees specified in it.

This document form is a standard one, so it can be used by any type of enterprise as a sample.

Sample order to create a commission

We bring to your attention such an order for the creation of a commission.

Open Joint Stock Company "Rassvet"

“11/10/2014” No. 28


On the creation of an expert commission

In order to identify the culprit of the theft of products at the main warehouse of the enterprise, as well as to detect violations in the storage of goods, I order:

1. Appoint an expert commission consisting of:

Chairman: Deputy Head K.K. Dmitriev

Members of the commission: Chief accountant N.N. Fedoryuk.

Head of the Supply Department Petrov D.T.

Head of Sales Department G.D. Viktorov

Secretary: Ivankina M.E.

2. Members of the commission group should identify the total amount of the shortage, who is responsible for the theft of products, and also draw up a list of violations in the storage of goods and identify those responsible.

Director of OJSC "Rassvet" Mikhailov E.T.

As you can see, this sample order for the creation of a commission combines all of the above characteristics of the form and is a good example of drawing up a document.

According to Art. 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to remove from the performance of labor duties an employee who appears at work in a state of alcohol, narcotic or other toxic intoxication. An order to create a commission to conduct an internal investigation is issued on the basis of a report from the head of a structural unit or another employee who discovered the fact of appearing at the workplace in a state of intoxication. A commission is created to make a decision to remove an employee from work and apply disciplinary action to him.

How to issue an order to appoint a commission

The administrative document is drawn up in any form and usually contains the following details: date and number, details of the memorandum, the essence of the order, the composition and tasks of the commission, the signature of the head. The commission includes at least three employees. The sample order for the appointment of a commission indicates the positions and names of all members of the commission, the date, place, and purpose of creating the commission. The order must be familiarized with signature to all persons included in the commission.

The commission identifies signs of intoxication of the employee and records this, then receives explanations from the employee regarding the fact of being intoxicated at the workplace. If necessary, the employee, with his consent, is sent for a medical examination. As a result, a report on the results of the commission’s work is drawn up, in which conclusions are drawn to confirm the fact that the employee is intoxicated or to refute this fact.

The order to create a commission to conduct an internal investigation relates to orders for the main activity and is stored in the organization permanently, in accordance with Art. 19 of the order “On approval of the list of standard management archival documents. formed in the course of the activities of state bodies, local government bodies and organizations, indicating storage periods" dated August 25, 2010 N 558.

Often used with this pattern:

The company's fixed assets have their own service life. As time passes, machines and equipment become unusable, break down, become obsolete, and their service life ends. There comes a time when it is necessary to write off fixed assets. In order to decide what to write off and what can still serve for the benefit of the company, a special commission is created for fixed assets, which deals with their write-off. To do this, you must have an order approved by the manager, a sample of which you can download for free at the end of this material.

Commission on fixed assets

Worn-out assets of the enterprise's fixed assets require write-off, since their further use will be costly, inappropriate, irrational and unprofitable. If expensive repairs are required, it is better to purchase new equipment and write off the old one. Note that fixed assets are also written off if their useful life has expired or they have completely depreciated their cost.

In order to determine the fixed assets that can be written off, it is necessary to create a special commission that will conduct an inventory and identify old, damaged objects, prepare the necessary documents and issue an act for writing off the enterprise's fixed assets.

The commission is formed by the heads of the company or enterprise. It includes at least three people, from them is selected chairman And secretary.

From experience, we will say that most often the commission includes representatives of the accounting department and a company employee who is financially responsible for the integrity and safety of the operating system.

The composition of the created commission is approved by order of the director.

We also invite you to download other sample orders:

  • About the creation of an expert commission
  • On the creation of a special commission to investigate accidents.

How to correctly fill out an order to create a special commission to write off fixed assets of an enterprise?

Such an order is issued on company letterhead. The name of the document is written at the top, below is the order, locality and table of contents. It is necessary to indicate the reason for creating the order, as well as:

  • Approve the composition of the special commission, list all its members, indicating their full name and position.
  • List of fixed assets that are subject to write-off.
  • The time frame within which the inspection of the objects subject to write-off will be carried out.
  • Indicate the list of persons who must familiarize themselves with the order.

The document is signed by the manager.

Below are the signatures of interested parties and members of the commission.

is issued in connection with the creation of the body on the results of whose work the validity of the disposal of property unsuitable for further use will depend. Find out what to consider when drawing up such an order and what its sample might look like from our material.

Main aspects of drawing up an order on the commission for writing off material assets (goals, formation of the composition, execution of the protocol, etc.)

Drawing up an order establishing the composition and defining other aspects of the work of the commission for writing off material assets (WSC) is one of the elements of a multi-step procedure for writing off the company’s property. This procedure includes the following:

  • identification of material objects that have partially or completely lost their consumer properties, including as a result of physical or moral wear and tear, death or destruction and for other reasons;
  • recognition of property as unsuitable for further use in the company’s activities;
  • preparation of necessary documents.

The order on the CSC is necessary to resolve a number of organizational issues:

  • determining the quantitative and structural composition of the company’s specialists for the formation of the CSC;
  • establishing a time frame for the work of the CSC;
  • detailing the powers, responsibilities and work regulations of members of the CCC.

The order on the CSC must be formulated in such a way that, as a result of the work of the commission, the main goal of its creation is achieved - making a decision to write off the company’s property.

The order may also contain regulations for the work of the CCC, if the algorithm of actions of the members of the CCC when performing their functions is not described in another local act (for example, in the Regulations on the work of the CCC).

Such regulations in the form of a separate provision, in particular, may contain a detailed description of the work of the CSC, including when:

  • conducting an inspection of property subject to write-off;
  • studying information about the properties and characteristics of this property contained in technical, accounting and other documentation;
  • making a conclusion on the possibility and (or) feasibility (suitability) of further use of property (including the possibility of restoration or further use of individual elements: components, parts, structures - property subject to write-off).

On our forum you can discuss any difficult moment for you that arose in the course of keeping inventory records. For example, you can learn how to properly write off unsalable goods.

The regulation must also provide for the following:

  • the validity of decisions of the CSC with a certain quorum (for example, the presence of at least 2/3 of its members when making a decision on write-off);
  • deadlines for consideration by the CSC of documents submitted to it on property subject to write-off;
  • situations when it is necessary to invite experts or other specialists to determine the suitability (degree of possible use) of the property;
  • other important aspects of the work of the CSC.

The regulation may also determine the period during which the CSC submits for consideration to the head of the company a document containing the commission’s conclusions on the further fate of certain material assets. If such a provision has not been developed by the company, the necessary aspects of the work of the CSC are reflected in the order.

What does a sample order for a commission for writing off property look like?

The write-off of material assets must be considered as one of the elements of the accounting and control system for ensuring the safety and efficient use of the company's property. Therefore, it makes more sense to organize the work of the CSC on an ongoing basis, and describe the regulations in a separate provision.

Taking into account this approach, there is no need to reflect a detailed description of the commission’s actions in the order on the CSC, and you can limit yourself to the following information, including:

  • company name;
  • details of the order (name, number and date);
  • an indication of the purpose of creating the CSC, listing personalized information about its members;
  • manager's signature.

You can see one of the options for a sample order on the commission for writing off material assets on our website.

The frequency of issuing an order for the CSC is not established by law, so this can be done once, and then reviewed as necessary.

Based on the results of the work of the CSC for the specified period, management assesses its effectiveness and formulates certain organizational conclusions (on the need to reduce or expand the number of CSC, change the structure, adjust the work regulations, etc.).


The commission for writing off material assets is necessary to carry out a set of measures to assess the suitability of the company’s material assets and resolve the issue of their write-off. Its composition and powers are established by a special order.

In the process of business and economic activity, the head of an organization can solve various issues based on the more competent assistance of professionals who are better versed in certain issues. To resolve issues, a commission consisting of a group of specialists can be created, its goal is to solve all the tasks assigned to it. The creation of a commission is carried out on the basis of an order from the head. The range of tasks assigned to the commission may vary.

The certification commission is created with the purpose of studying the professional preparedness of personnel at the enterprise based on the materials received and documents provided. Its competence includes hearing from certified employees about their performance in the company, and making its decisions on the suitability of these persons for the position held. The commission may consist of several persons, including a chairman, alternates and a secretary.

At the same time, the commission evaluates the level of training of employees based on. On its basis, personnel are assessed by voting, after which the result is announced and entered into. The procedure, attached documents, personnel are regulated on the basis of. The commission is appointed on the basis of the order of the head.

The procedure for drawing up an order to create a commission

It is worth noting that at least 65% of the commission must be present at meetings for its opinion to be considered valid.

Preparation for conducting a personnel audit usually includes the following steps:

  • Registration of the manager’s decision on the intention to conduct certification of employees.
  • Creating an order to convene a commission.
  • Approval of a schedule for holding hearings, in which case it is necessary to identify all employees who are subject to inspection and notify them within the established time frame.

The order does not have an established unified form, so it can be drawn up according to the standards established in the organization with the details indicated on it.

When compiling it, you should enter the following information:

  • If the order is drawn up on company letterhead, then it must already indicate the necessary details of the organization; if not, then they must be reflected.
  • The order must have a regular number in accordance with the order register, the date of its preparation and the city.
  • The preamble of the document can begin with the words “In pursuance of...”, “In order to carry out...”, then regulatory documents and legislative norms should be reflected (LC RF Art. 212, order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 342N dated April 26, 2011).
  • If services are provided for certification of workplaces, it is necessary to indicate the details of the contract - number and date.
  • In the administrative part it is written “I order” and then the instructions of the manager are written down.

The administrative part of the document should indicate the following:

  • The members of the commission, which is appointed by the director, are listed, and it must include an employee of the certifying organization.
  • The chairman and secretary are indicated.
  • The name of the certifying organization is reflected, as well as its responsibilities.
  • The person responsible for compliance with this order is indicated.

After this, the order must be signed by all persons indicated in the document and at the end the manager signs.