Methods of non-material motivation of personnel. "Non-material motivation of personnel"

Now it's time to talk about what it is non-material motivation of staff, what are its main methods and directions, and how best to apply them.

So, if we look at the most common ones, we can see that more than half of employees leave their jobs due to dissatisfaction with the level of pay,

But at the same time, up to 40% of employees quit for other reasons, which, accordingly, also need to be paid attention to. All these reasons indicate that the company does not have a system of non-financial motivation for staff or does not operate effectively. Let's look at what it is and how to carry it out correctly.

Non-material motivation of personnel is the creation of internal motives among employees to increase labor efficiency and loyalty to the company through the use of methods not associated with any form of payment of material incentives. At the same time, many methods of non-material motivation of personnel involve certain financial costs.

Unfortunately for workers, employers today have an advantage in the labor market, so they are the ones who set labor rules for their employees. Of course, every employer wants to pay less and get more results. In addition, practice shows that exclusively material motivation of personnel in the complete absence of intangible ones does not work very effectively, especially in the long term. If you constantly increase wages, employees will begin to take it for granted and will stop working with maximum efficiency. In addition to money, they must see the employer’s concern for themselves, their value to the company - all this can be achieved by competently applying methods of non-material motivation of staff.

What should be the system of non-material motivation of personnel?

1. Covering all categories of employees. If material motivation is usually used only for sales employees, then non-material motivation should apply to all employees so that no one feels left out.

2. Comparable with your business objectives. Non-material motivation of staff can simultaneously be useful not only in terms of increasing labor productivity, but also in other areas of company development. For example, you can pay employees to attend trainings and seminars that will improve their skills. As a result, it will be non-material motivation for employees - training at the expense of the company, and you will receive more qualified personnel with the same salary.

In other words, the system of non-material motivation of personnel should have a positive impact not only on the work of each individual employee, but also on the company as a whole.

3. With the constant replacement of old methods with new ones. If for material motivation it would be better to consistently use the same remuneration system, then non-material motivation of personnel should always have a certain effect of novelty. For example, when a manager praises an employee for the first time in front of the whole team, he will be proud of this and will begin to work even more efficiently. But when he praises him in exactly the same way for the twentieth time, it will already be perceived as commonplace and will not give any effect.

How to choose methods of non-material motivation of personnel?

In order to competently choose the optimal methods of non-material motivation of personnel, it is necessary to start from the psychological needs of the employees who make up the work team. Maslow’s well-known pyramid, which identifies five levels of human needs, will help with this. Let's consider how to select types of non-material motivation of personnel for employees who have needs at each of these levels from lowest to highest.

1. Physiological needs. For people who cannot satisfy their physiological needs (they have nowhere to live and nothing to eat), non-material motivation will be generally ineffective. First of all, it is necessary to give them the opportunity to satisfy these needs using material motivation - to ensure a sufficient level of earnings. Once the physiological needs are satisfied, the person will move to the next level of Maslow's pyramid.

2. Security needs. People whose physiological needs are satisfied then have needs for protection and safety. They want to feel confident in the future, some protection from their employer. In no case should such people be frightened by dismissal: they need to be made to understand that the company provides them with this protection while they work here - they will always have a sufficient level of income, they are reliably protected.

3. Social needs. Next, social needs come to the fore - being in a team, communication, friendship. In this case, non-material motivation of staff should be aimed at creating a cohesive, friendly team and maintaining a peaceful environment in it. To do this, you can use the organization of corporate events, sports competitions, joint trips on excursions, to nature, visits to cultural events, etc.

4. Esteem needs. Employees at higher levels of needs need to be respected, to feel important to the company, and to be seen as a valuable employee by the employer. Here it is necessary to use methods of non-material motivation aimed at expressing recognition and respect: honor boards, personal and public praise of the leader, awarding diplomas, valuable prizes, etc.

Many managers mistakenly use such non-financial staff motivation for employees who are on the first two steps of Maslow's pyramid. In this case, this may be perceived negatively by them, as mockery: “I need money, and you are here with your certificates...”.

5. The need for self-expression. And finally, employees at the highest level of Maslow's pyramid need the opportunity to create something, take initiative, and participate in the development of some innovations. If you want to win their loyalty, you must provide them with this opportunity, otherwise they will go to another employer, and you will lose valuable and professional personnel.

Always remember that after satisfying lower needs, higher ones arise, so non-material motivation of staff should not stand in one place: it is necessary to respond in a timely manner to the changing needs of your employees and follow them.

Methods of non-material motivation of personnel.

Well, now I will list the most common effective methods of non-material motivation of staff that can be used to increase labor efficiency and employee loyalty. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that some of them do not require any material costs at all, but at the same time, they will certainly have a positive effect, so absolutely every manager who cares about his team should use them.

– Conducting meetings at which employees will be informed about the company’s achievements and everyone’s contribution to these achievements, public praise, awards for particularly distinguished employees;

– Personal praise of an employee for effective work, high productivity, meeting and exceeding targets or other work achievements;

– Congratulations to employees on their birthday, New Year, March 8, Company Founding Day and other holidays, organization of festive events at any level (from corporate holidays to modest celebrations in the team);

– Help and sympathy in the grief of an employee (in the event of death or hospitalization of relatives), not necessarily of a material nature: you can be released from work for the required number of days with continued pay, allocated a company car, use your connections for better organization, etc.

– Assisting employees in resolving personal or family issues: for example, establishing an individual work schedule, assistance with renting housing, when moving, etc.;

– Providing subscriptions to visit sports clubs, fitness centers, swimming pools, etc.;

– Caring for the professional growth of employees: organizing training, participation in advanced training courses, trainings and seminars at the company’s expense;

– Concern for the career growth of employees: promotion to senior positions, first of all, of their employees who have shown good performance;

– Organization of internships abroad and business trips abroad (for companies whose activities require such a need);

– Showing interest in the problems of the work team and each employee, communicating with the team and each employee personally;

– Seeking advice from the team or certain employees (both on a personal matter and relating to the company’s activities);

– Polite treatment of employees, the use of words such as “hello”, “goodbye”, “thank you”, calling by name (both in speech and in written messages);

– Treating team members just like that, for no reason (for example, pizza, cakes, candies);

– Providing the opportunity to leave work early or take an extra day off for a job well done or for a good reason;

– Using a board of honor, both visual (in the company’s office) and virtual (on the website);

– Rewarding employees with diplomas, insignia, and memorable gifts;

– A beautiful job title (as in the famous joke: “Cleaning Manager” sounds much more attractive than “Janitor”). This has not only a psychological background, but also a rational grain: a beautiful entry in the work book will play a better role in your future career;

– Equipment of a convenient and comfortable workplace with all the necessary equipment;

– Participation of the employee in important meetings (for example, during business negotiations with partners) as a consultant.

As you can see, the methods of non-material motivation of staff are very diverse, this list could be continued further. The most important thing is that every manager must understand: even some little thing that is insignificant to him can serve as a good non-material motivation for the staff, increase the efficiency of their work, and therefore the company’s profit.

I hope you understand that non-material motivation of staff is no less important than material motivation, and these two areas should be used in combination, carefully thinking through each of them.

Remember that the famous slogan “Personnel decides everything” has not lost its relevance today. The company’s profit and the personal income of the manager directly depend on how productive the staff will be, who, in turn, can influence this efficiency using thoughtful and effective staff motivation systems.

Remember that this is not the same thing: motivation awakens in an employee an internal desire to work productively, and stimulation forces him to do this from the outside, which can lead to completely different consequences.

With this I say goodbye to you. See you in other publications on the site, which will increase your financial literacy and teach you how to effectively manage personal finances, earn money, invest and mutually beneficial cooperation with banks. See you again!

Modern economic realities force company managers to look for ways to stimulate the growth of labor efficiency of their employees. Typically, to achieve such results, bonuses are paid and salary levels are increased. This produces the required output, but cannot be practiced over a long period of time. This type of motivation can gradually turn into an expensive pleasure. Costs are seriously increasing. Therefore, non-material incentives, practiced in different countries of the world, become important.

How to stimulate the productivity of your employees without increasing salaries and paying bonuses. Everything about non-material incentives for staff.

What is meant by non-material motivation?

Incentives, defined as intangible, include those types of incentives that do not require the direct use of monetary resources. The value of a particular company for many of its employees lies not only in the size of the salary. People are also interested in something else:

  • career growth;
  • acceptable working conditions;
  • friendly staff, etc.

Employees are willing to reciprocate if they feel that the company is interested in them. Increasing the level of loyalty is the only thing that can be achieved through non-material incentives.

The proposed type of motivation is more relevant for that part of the staff that is interested in development that can lead to career growth. The workforce is heterogeneous. Some strive for something, while others serve a kind of duty imposed by the environment of existence. The latter want little: to receive their salary on time and nothing more. There can be no talk of any development here. This necessitates testing of employees to understand which category they belong to.

Types of incentives

Typically, the classification of motivations within a team leads to the formation of two groups: material and intangible. At the same time, individual and collective incentives are distinguished.

Financial incentives do not require lengthy explanations. And so everything is clear. Prizes and various bonuses are given. This has a positive effect on the quality of work, since monetary reward is an effective incentive. At the same time, the system regulating wages requires annual revision. Employees must understand that their quality work will be rewarded under any circumstances.

As for non-material motivation, it can be indirect in nature: paid vacations, sick leave, health insurance, training aimed at improving skills, etc.

Also, appropriate motivation is provided through:

  • creating conditions for career growth;
  • recognition of the importance of employees, which is confirmed by thanks and certificates from management;
  • creating a comfortable environment within the team, strengthened at various events. Joint events bring employees together, which ultimately leads to positive changes. Employee work becomes more efficient.

In the West, the term team building is often used to denote the process of forming a team, which is done in order to successfully develop the company. Competitions are held, joint trips are organized, sports competitions are organized and much more that could contribute to the so-called team building. As for companies from Russia, they are just beginning to become involved in this type of practice.

If you think that non-financial motivation does not require monetary expenditures on the part of the company, then you are mistaken. The implementation of activities that fuel this kind of motivation cannot be carried out without investing money. Although direct cash payments to employees are not made in this case.

The development of motivation without a material component must be carried out individually in accordance with certain factors that characterize a particular company. Corporate culture, development resources, goals and objectives should be taken into account. Important points include the life position of workers, their importance, gender and age. All this helps to identify the priorities of employees in relation not only to work, but also to life.

The motivation system is largely based on the individuality of companies, but there are also general principles based on three principles:

  1. The goals and objectives of a particular company are the basis for creating the type of system under consideration. It is necessary to introduce the selected incentive methods only when their effectiveness in terms of contributing to the company’s strategic plans is clear.
  2. The company's resources and budget are important elements without which it is impossible to stimulate labor, even if it is intangible. For example, issuing certificates to employees confirming the improvement of their qualifications can serve as a good motivating solution. But this is only available if there are funds for it.
  3. When creating motivators, it is necessary to identify the individual needs of employees. You cannot operate with information obtained based on the requests of the average employee. This does not contribute to the efficiency of the system.

Types of non-material motivation

The success of the company is ensured not only by monetary rewards for employees. Non-material incentives, which can be as follows, are beginning to become increasingly important:

  1. Creation. It is necessary to create conditions for employees to express themselves. If a person has ambitions, then they must be realized. Employee training makes it possible to improve their qualities. This should not be neglected.
  2. Satisfaction. Working for a company must bring satisfaction. It is good if employees are involved in solving the company's problems. They should have the right to vote.
  3. Moral component. Physical fatigue and nervous tension require release. It is necessary to help employees, which is achieved by providing additional free time, increasing the length of vacation (?), making the work schedule more flexible, etc. Public incentives are important to maintain moral motivation. High-quality work should be confirmed by verbal thanks, certificates and medals.
  4. Education. Increasing the level of skills (knowledge) of employees is a costly endeavor, but it is worth it. Labor efficiency increases when implemented in the company. The opportunity to improve their skills is valued by the majority of employees. Rotations are required within the company due to changes in jobs.

Requirements for the incentive system

To create an effective incentive system, it is necessary that its functioning is consistent with the following:

  1. Selected motivators are directed to solving priority problems.
  2. The incentive methods defined within the system cover everyone: from production workers to management employees.
  3. Non-material incentives keep up with business development. The growth of a company is moving from stage to stage and solving corresponding problems. The incentive system requires the same approach. Its development is natural.
  4. Methods of non-material motivation correspond to the needs of employees. This can only be achieved if information is collected regarding the individual needs of the staff.
  5. The concept of non-material incentives is changed on an annual basis. Over time, the motivation system becomes outdated. She stops stimulating.

Human resource management using the example of Japan

The rapid development of the Japanese economy in the middle of the last century is due to the way relationships with personnel are built in this country. The success achieved is associated with three principles:

  1. Guaranteed employment when a Japanese worker works for the same company all his life.
  2. Career growth depending on age and work experience.
  3. Features of the trade union movement.

Collectivism is too developed in Japan. Employees of the same company are almost family. Group psychology helps solve not only production problems, but also personal ones related to the achievement of individual goals.

Incentive system tools

Companies may define specific goals and principles of non-material motivation in different ways, but the general set of motivators is approximately the same for all:

  • benefits – reduction of working days. A scheme is gaining popularity when an employee is given the opportunity to use several days a year at his own discretion;
  • events - celebrations, excursions and other types of collective pastime. They create a “family” atmosphere in the team, which has a positive effect on the quality of work;
  • recognition of merit - career growth and various incentives for those whose activities significantly helped the development of the company;
  • non-financial rewards - symbolic gifts, benefits, health insurance, etc.

Material and non-material rewards, as well as mixed ones, are considered as incentives. However, they can be somewhat unique.


  1. Incentives of a material nature, aimed not at the employee, but at his household: a subscription to a salon, provision of additional education, etc.
  2. For the lower tier of employees there are bonuses, for the middle tier - a percentage of profits and for the top tier - ownership of company securities.
  3. Ceremonial events, gifts and bonuses for those who have been working in the company for a long time.
  4. Gift certificates giving the right to purchase goods in a particular retail chain for a specified amount.
  5. Subscription to high-end magazine products, membership in clubs and various types of associations, which are offered to the employee to choose from.
  6. Dining certificates that allow you to visit expensive restaurants with family members.
  7. Specific gifts related to employee hobbies.

Non-material incentives for employees

  1. Verbal gratitude.
  2. Awarding the title “Best Employee” based on the results of the month.
  3. Transfer to another job horizontally, when it is not intended to promote career growth, but to provide more comfortable working conditions.
  4. Hanging framed thank you letters in a specially designated place.
  5. Placing information on the notice board located in the staff rest area indicating that the rewarded employee completes all tasks assigned to him on time and with high quality.
  6. Planning work schedules and rest time taking into account the wishes of the employee.
  7. Placing a photograph in a newspaper published by a company as a corporate publication.
  8. Issue a message to express gratitude for good work.
  9. Organization of ceremonial farewells for employees who have shown themselves to be positive and who are leaving the company due to a change of job.
  10. Expanding the circle of authority without changing the workplace.
  11. Recording in a personal file, which can be understood as a work book (see?), thanks.

Mixed methods of personnel incentives

  1. Creation of a photographic album reflecting the employee’s work activities.
  2. Symbolic gifts with inscriptions such as “Best Worker”: mug, T-shirt, etc.
  3. Original badge.
  4. Office supplies, distinguished by high quality execution, in the form of a rolling pennant: from one employee to another as a result of labor success for a certain period (week, month).
  5. Luncheons, when distinguished employees meet at the same table with the company's management.
  6. Sending to seminars or similar events outside the city where the company is located, the topics of which are of interest to the rewarded employee.
  7. Visiting exhibitions with a specific specialization.
  8. Training paid by the company in view of possible career growth or expansion of existing responsibilities.
  9. Mentoring (paid) within the company, carried out at the peer level.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is non-material motivation of employees
  • How does non-material motivation of employees differ from material motivation?
  • What methods of non-material motivation can be applied at an enterprise?
  • How non-material motivation of employees is implemented
  • How non-material motivation of employees in an organization can cause harm
  • What needs to be done to ensure that non-material motivation of employees works for the benefit of the company

According to statistics, more than half of people quit because, in their opinion, their wages are insufficient. However, almost 40%, which is also important, leave for other reasons. This is an alarming signal and suggests that the motivation of employees to achieve good results in their work through non-material means is at a low level or is completely absent. Therefore, let's look at what non-material motivation is and the principles of its action.

Material and non-material aspects of personnel incentives: what is the difference?

Unfortunately, the importance of the degree of interest of subordinates in the results of their activities is most often underestimated. Dean Spitzer in his book “Super Motivation” gives the following indicators:

  • 50% of people do exactly the amount of work required to hold a position;
  • 80% can work much more efficiently if they want.

In 1996, the consulting firm Hay Group, with the support of Fortune magazine, launched a project within which it annually compiles a rating of the “Most Successful Companies in the World.” According to the study, when the world's most successful businesses want to push employees to achieve certain results, they pay an average of 5% less relative to the market and become more active in other methods of increasing motivation. Do you know that financial motivation of employees does not always work? And that sometimes a situation arises when non-material motivation is needed to motivate a particular employee. Complete the training program "Real Motivation" and create an employee motivation system for your company.

Any organization can quickly begin to develop if it creates conditions for a consistently high degree of motivation for employees to achieve goals. How can this be achieved? There are many well-known techniques. They are conventionally divided into material and non-material motivation of personnel.

What are the differences between these types? Let's consider A. Maslow's pyramid. According to his theory, needs are the basis of human behavior. They can be roughly divided into five levels (from bottom to top): physiological, safety requirements, social needs, the need for respect and recognition, and interest in creative self-expression. The needs of the lower levels are quite often satisfied in the modern world, while at the same time, only well-developed moral incentives make it possible to satisfy the desires that make up the top of the pyramid.

Material motivation(usually it is the most expensive) is implemented at the first levels at the base of the pyramid. What are its varieties? Let's look at them.

  • Salary increase. Unfortunately, this method is the most ineffective motivation technique. According to statistics, this method is valid for no more than three months. In addition, it cannot be used too often.
  • Awards and bonuses. Dividing the salary into basic, permanent, part and bonuses depending on the results of activities turns out to be a more useful means. This is often done in the trade sector or with employees who have direct contact with the client. The employee clearly sees the dependence of the salary on the level of indicators, which encourages him to work even more energetically. The amount of financial motivation for specialists can be determined depending on the current business tasks. Money can be awarded for fulfilling the plan, for finding and attracting buyers, for a good level of sales.
  • Social package. This technique will allow you to solve two problems at once: attract the most qualified specialists and retain them in your organization. Sometimes the set of free benefits includes a voluntary health insurance policy for workers and their immediate relatives, additional pension insurance, discounts on gym visits, etc.

Any manager should have ideas to encourage subordinates to work in accordance with their requirements at minimal cost. Please note, many of you are already managing your teams, now it is important to transfer this process to a systematic basis. This will allow you to easily save money that is usually allocated to bonuses.

The main thing in the system of moral motivation– attention to your staff. He must understand that you, as a leader, are grateful to him. In order for them to appreciate this, they will have to do the maximum. First, you need to get people to align their own interests and agendas with the corporate agenda. And secondly, they perceived themselves as an important and full-fledged part of the company. This will be their main incentive. Involve the team more actively in the life of the organization - this will improve performance indicators.

Remember that encouragement and praise should be heard by all employees. However non-material encouragement should be aimed primarily at the best: those who carried out the largest transaction, achieved high performance, and so on. This will increase their desire to achieve excellent results again.

Find out how to get maximum results from your staff while spending a minimum of effort during training.

Factors of non-material motivation of employees

    • Strength and competitiveness of the organization. The good reputation of the entire enterprise makes it easy to encourage employees to develop themselves and improve the efficiency of their activities.
    • Competent management team throughout the company. Be especially careful when choosing managers for all departments of the company. Only an experienced and demanding manager can, through his example, inspire staff to highly productive activities and thereby create an additional desire to work. It happens that people with extensive experience or significant length of service are appointed to the head of a department. At the same time, they may not be able to lead and in terms of knowledge they may be equal to their subordinates or be at a lower level of skill. Having hired such a manager, you will be faced with complete demotivation of strong employees. This may cause them to leave the company or reduce the quality of their work.
  • Compliance with the rules of the labor code. Following this point allows you to characterize the organization as stable and reliable, makes it clear that it can ensure the protection of the interests of its people. Here, transparent conditions for calculating wages and issuing vacation and sick pay are an excellent reason for further activity at the enterprise. Also, these bonuses will allow your subordinates to forget about the possibility of moving to competing organizations. If the law is not observed, the company will be regarded by the team as a temporary shelter. Because there is no point in striving for career heights in an enterprise that has forgotten about the interests of its employees.
  • Current corporate culture. Your basic rule in this case is as follows: “Every employee is an important member of my company, and in his hands is the success of the entire enterprise.” This axiom forms a person’s commitment to a common cause and responsibility towards the enterprise.

All of the above factors are indispensable in the process of building staff trust in you, as well as respect and love for the enterprise as a whole. They are fundamental in moral stimulation.

The socio-psychological characteristics of your subordinates can also help you identify motivation methods that suit you.

Psychotype Features Driving factors Reasons for demotivation
Critic Communication with colleagues is based on criticism and irony. In conversation he uses complex phrases: “In essence...”, “objectively...”, “in abstraction...”. Performs well the functions of a controller and auditor.
  • comfortable, calm psychological climate in the team;
  • boss approval;
  • performing verification functions.
  • employee objections;
  • lack of a friendly atmosphere.
Idealist This is the exact opposite of “critic.” Kind, non-conflicting and attentive to others. In order to avoid a showdown, I am ready to agree with colleagues.
  • ethics and humanity in the company;
  • recognition of the benefits of his work;
  • participation in public events.
  • unfriendliness;
  • lack of moral guidelines for the development of the organization.
Analyst Best suited for an expert position. Thoughtful and attentive, listens to speakers at meetings and takes notes.
  • respectability, comfort of the working space;
  • real growth prospects;
  • opportunity for advanced training;
  • participation in professional events.
  • excessive fuss in the organization;
  • prescriptive type control;
  • emotionality of management in decision making.
Realist Most often deals with organizational issues and is able to make decisions. Based on own experience and existing regulations.
  • the principle of nepotism;
  • attraction to managerial actions;
  • attentive attention to issues of the physical condition of employees.
  • lack of colleagues with a high level of qualifications;
  • performing unimportant functions.
Pragmatist Actively participates in changes occurring in the life of the company. He is the opposite of an analyst, characterized by high mobility and intolerance to long meetings. Can quickly solve a problem when the situation suddenly changes.
  • obtaining results in a short time;
  • implementation of new projects or opening of branches;
  • delegation of authority to achieve results in the fight against any difficulties.
  • monotonous activity;
  • protracted projects.

How non-material motivation is introduced in an organization

Remember: Different methods of motivation are effective for different people. For motivated, young workers, the opportunity for career growth is likely to be more important than the material part. For an older specialist, it is especially pleasant to have respect for him and to recognize his role in the success of the entire company. Therefore, you will have to sometimes check what exactly will be most effective.

However, we note that in this case a logical question arises: how to check? Do not try to ask directly under any circumstances, because you will hear many strained and identical answers. In addition, such questions instill a sense of tension: “Are they trying to motivate me? Am I not working hard enough? Where did I go wrong?

If you want to get the most accurate feedback about the best way to reward employees non-financially, ask them: “What do you think motivates people to perform at their best?” Everyone, without hesitation, will describe their main incentives. Make a short questionnaire where you can insert this question - it will look most relaxed there.

The questionnaire might look like this.

  1. Describe your ideal boss in a nutshell.
  2. What motivates people to do their best work?
  3. What do you find most attractive about your job?
  4. What needs to change in the department?
  5. What is the difference between a flower and a brick?

Give the questionnaire to your subordinates before the start of the meeting and ask them to answer the questions in one minute. Now you know how you can motivate each of them. Use this information when handing out assignments and organizing departmental activities.

If the response to a question regarding staff morale includes creative tasks, flexible schedules and opportunities for professional growth, such a person is unlikely to be able to cope with routine tasks for a long time. It will be most useful to translate it into the field of PR. And if the respondent indicated stability, a convenient workplace and a comfortable atmosphere in the team, he is able to perform routine work efficiently.

An incentive based on pleasant emotions and team spirit will contribute well to the growth of your business. And most importantly, it will require virtually no financial costs. You really have to pay attention to the needs of your employees and be ready to reward them.

The most effective classical methods of non-material motivation of employees

  1. Meetings, planning meetings, meetings. These are key tools you can use to create employee ownership. Meetings allow people to stay informed, share news, and feel involved in the life of the organization, as everyone is curious about what is going on around them.
  2. Congratulations on significant events. Important dates may include completion of the first year of employment, appointment to a new position, or personal celebrations such as an anniversary, birthday, and others. There is scope for your imagination; gifts can be completely different: from an award to a hand-drawn poster. Don't give in private, invite everyone to watch and join in the wishes.
  3. Education. Encourage your subordinates by sending them to various training courses, internships and scientific conferences. Self-motivated, income-generating employees typically enjoy development.
  4. The right to choose. Consult with the staff on where and how to hold a corporate event, what incentive method to choose: payment for telephone costs, gasoline or something else - there are many options. Allow your best team members to have first choice when it comes to vacation time.
  5. Possibility of feedback. Give experts the opportunity to speak out. They can do this by writing recommendations and comments in a makeshift mailbox, on whiteboards, or by speaking out loud in meetings. Don’t forget, it’s important for people to understand that their opinions are being listened to. You can also reward unusual offers. In world practice, this is called awarding initiatives.
  6. Provide seating areas. First of all, take care of the kitchen area and space for outerwear. You should always have lunch not at your desk, but in a designated room, where no one will disturb you and you can switch gears. This method will have a positive effect on the work and emotional state of the team.
  7. Communication of achievements and evaluation distinguished. Non-material motivation can be expressed in the form of well-deserved praise. Remember, everyone loves kind words. You can praise an employee both in the corporate newspaper and on the intranet.
  8. Contests and competitions. As the experience of Russian and foreign organizations shows, subordinates are perfectly stimulated by participation in such nominations as “Advanced Manager of the Quarter”, “Most Accurate Employee” or “Mr. Positive”. It is important that this method of motivation is able to function independently.
  9. Personal or personal work area. Everyone enjoys being known by sight and addressed by name. Therefore, a simple sign on the door, a table sign and even business cards can be your tool for non-monetary staff motivation.
  10. Discounts on company services or products. The price reduction may be quite small. The significance is that there is only a narrow circle of people who can use it - this increases trust in the company and management.
  11. Internal incentive events. Create and strengthen corporate spirit using forms of motivation such as holiday banquets, barbecue trips, trips to football or the theater. Even a cleanup day in your office or in the surrounding area will be beneficial, especially if you introduce team-building games.

Non-material motivation of subordinates: examples of Russian companies

  • Granting special powers. Appoint an employee as the head of one of the areas, this will allow him to gain new experience and grow in the eyes of his colleagues. He will learn how to manage a team and then be able to indicate this competency in his resume. By observing him, you will decide whether to trust him to solve more serious problems. Try to appoint one or another specialist to a leadership position - this is effective, many businessmen are already doing this. In this way, almost the entire company team can be interested in the work.
  • Attendance at important meetings. Invite your subordinates to high-level meetings; they will take it as a sign of your trust. The very fact of a person’s participation in such a meeting guarantees him the respect of his colleagues, even if he was simply present at the negotiations. True, an employee may lose loyalty to management after communicating with representatives of a competing company. To avoid trouble, eradicate the unfavorable climate and try to ensure that every person is satisfied financially.
  • Please give advice. Seek recommendations from professionals who demonstrate deep knowledge in one of the areas. This way the person will feel respected and his opinion is considered important.
  • Public expression of gratitude. Praise in public, but if you want to scold, do it in private.
  • Improving the psychological climate in the team. Make an effort to create a comfortable atmosphere, this will make it easier for you to lead people.

Carefully consider ways to motivate staff, and they will create the basis for good progressive growth of the company: by developing your own incentive program and applying it, you will see that your subordinates have become more purposeful and loyal.

Original ways of non-material motivation from market leaders

  • Leave due to “broken heart”. The marketing company Hime & Company employs only women, so its founder included heartbreak leave in her incentive program. This innovation was introduced after a staff survey. It turned out that some were very worried about the breakup with their “halves”, so they could not think about working. Now, when parting with a loved one, workers under the age of 24 have the right to one day of vacation, ladies from 25 to 29 years old - two, and after 30 years old they are entitled to three days off.
  • Unusual job titles. Walt Disney, the famous founder of the company of the same name, succeeded in managing the team. He believed that the level of job satisfaction depends not only on the salary received, but also on the prestige of the position and department. For example, under his leadership, hotel laundries were renamed textile services. Since then, these divisions have been equated to marketing and customer service. However, it is much easier to get into them, which means they are popular among young people who dream of starting a career in an organization. And Steve Jobs gave the consultants at his Apple office in New York the title of “genius,” and the number of layoffs fell several times.
  • Salary increase in the form of a lottery. The idea is very unusual, although, of course, this method is difficult to attribute to non-material motivation of staff. The management of a large Japanese Internet services company has stopped talk of an annual salary increase with simple dice. Employees roll the dice and their salary increases by 1-6% depending on the number of dots rolled.
  • Encouraging marriage between employees. The food manufacturing company Nihon Shoken has been positive about team marriages for several years now, giving newlyweds a monthly bonus.
  • Time off during sales. The marketing company Hime & Company allows specialists to take half a day off during the sales season.
  • Compensation for those who keep pets. Kyoritsu Seiyaku Corp is a veterinary equipment company. Therefore, in accordance with its activities, it gives out gifts to cat or dog owners.
  • Gift for a newbie. At Commerce Sciences, it is customary to give a welcome souvenir to all new employees. Moreover, the last person hired prepares it. There are no restrictions; anything can be a gift: from a solid set of dishes to a chocolate bar. Newcomers are pleased when their service begins with such a surprise, and this creates an additional incentive for the productive activities of young staff.
  • Bell in the office. Hang a bell or gong at your place - many businesses use this method. Its sound is designed to announce important events, for example, the signing of a contract for a large sum. The Expertcity company has a rule: you can only ring the bell for business. If an employee uses it without a good reason, he will have to treat everyone to breakfast the next morning. For example, periodically someone rings the bell to announce that they have a baby.
  • Change of workplace. HubSpot has an interesting custom: every three months, specialists change their workplace within the office. What is it for? No one is offended that he did not get the best place, communication is improved, as new neighbors periodically appear. This tradition also helps maintain order in one’s area.
  • Family friendship. Icelandic company OZ encourages family communication. Sometimes subordinates are allowed to invite their parents to the office to have lunch together. This method brings team members closer together. Management is convinced that in this way it is possible to increase labor productivity.

“Brick is the main weapon of the workers” - this is exactly what the German philosopher Karl Marx said. And it seems that there is no method against scrap, but managers still also have a weapon and it is called “motivation”.

Of course, it doesn't look so menacing. But when used properly, it is not yet clear which is more dangerous.

And, moreover, proper use is not only money, but also non-material motivation, which we will talk about today.

It's simple

The biggest disappointment for owners is to learn that people are not motivated by money.

I saw dozens of sad and falling eyes when voicing this phrase. And also dozens of indignant exclamations: “What if it’s not money? Then I don’t need such employees. I don’t have a group of interests here.”

Without philosophizing on this topic, just accept the fact that it’s not just money that motivates.

This does not mean that they should not exist at all, or that you can lower your salary to the plinth level and confidently say that you have a lot of other goodies.

Here we are rather talking about the balance of non-material methods of motivation and material ones. Like between good and evil.

Everything should be in moderation. If you have a high salary, but this does not mean that you will have the best employees.

For example, in my company, about half of the staff, according to tests, are those who are ready to easily leave us if there is no other support other than money.

Hmm.. you just can’t take me with money

And as I already said, in order not to philosophize, but to immediately move on to ready-made solutions, for those who have just begun to study this topic, I strongly recommend reading our other articles about staff motivation:

Methods, many methods

And I don’t dare detain you any longer and we move on to competitive techniques (manipulative and stimulating).

I just beg you, introduce at least a couple, otherwise why am I blaspheming in front of you here? Agreed? Okay, I'll continue.

1. Meaning

Nothing motivates like a common goal. You don’t even have to feed people food if they are united by one global goal.

This can be called differently, but in business it is customary to say. I prefer the word “Meaning”. Test question: “Why are you doing business?”

The answers may vary. Someone is betting on “We will prove that Russia can produce the best product in the world.”

Someone creates value at the level of good “Let’s make this world a better place.” And someone carries through the thorns the meaning of the sport: “Let’s increase people’s life expectancy by 2 years.”

It doesn’t matter what exactly you have, the main thing is that people believe in the idea and are ready to give their all.

This is the root of all non-material motivation of employees. This is where I recommend starting to develop this approach, even if it seems relevant only for large companies.

2. Mentoring

This point cannot be called a direct way of non-material motivation of employees, but it is such.

When an employee has a mentor, he understands that he is cared for. So to speak, a parent (aka friend) is formed within the team, to whom you can always come for advice or just cry into your vest.

By default, the mentor is the superior manager, but here the conversation is less about subordination and more about attitude.

Regardless of whether it is a boss or an experienced colleague, he must work to ensure that the person has an understanding of a strong shoulder nearby, perhaps even in personal matters.

Come here, I will be your mentor

And the same thing works in reverse. If a person is made someone’s mentor, then he begins to feel his importance, which manifests itself in power (which is what many want).

As a result, increased motivation without cost. Well, you already understood this without me.

3. Competition

My favorite method of non-material motivation. Of course, it can be made material, it all depends on the final prize.

But globally, you create conditions centered on the opportunity to show yourself and defeat your opponent.

Just like in the famous phrase: “The main thing is not victory, but participation.” Although victory also plays a role here.

I already wrote a whole article about the competition. So don’t be lazy and read, everything is detailed and clear there.

In short, the ideal duration of the competition is 2 weeks, the prize should be of interest to everyone, and the optimal goal of the competition is to raise the sagging in the company. Read the rest in the article above.

4. Additional responsibility

It may seem like a paradox, but the more responsibility a person has, the better he works. This is not an axiom, but it works for some types of people.

The logic is simple: the more responsibility, the more a person feels like an important shot in the company.

Especially when it comes to providing additional responsibility of an ordinary employee.

Just don’t take it literally, that tomorrow you need to overload everyone with the most I can’t, and as a result, ask for them.

You just need to add a little more ability to make decisions on your own.

But at the same time, it is important that you do not imaginary give this opportunity, but really trust it and practically do not control it.

5. Height in width

I want to write again that this is my favorite example of non-material motivation, but in order not to repeat myself, I will say that it is fundamental to any company.

The point is that you do not increase the employee’s position along the vertical axis (manager -> department head -> director -> so on), but do it in width.

The most classic example: manager -> senior manager -> group senior. Depending on the category, the employee will have additional privileges compared to everyone else.

And in developing the system, I would rely on an intangible asset.

For example, a softer chair, an extended lunch window, or the opportunity to be the first to choose vacation dates.

6. Space

After the appearance of a soft corner in the company, employees began to stay late at work more often. I can't say that this is good news from an environmental point of view.

But on the other hand, since they stay longer, it means they want and enjoy doing it. And the soft corner is just an additional incentive.

We are also talking about the workspace. And I clearly noticed this when one of our clients could not find new employees for his company until he equipped a modern office with all the amenities for his sales managers.

No, it wasn't Google. But in comparison with the previous room, this at least did not cause disgust.

7. Gifts

My partner has this type of non-material motivation for staff since birth.

When he goes to work, he can buy a couple of cakes, a few pizzas or other gifts for the whole company. But if he is used to doing this, then you can do it consciously to raise the morale of your colleagues.

Moreover, gifts can be given both without a reason and with a reason. From the banal, this is a birthday, New Year, March 8, February 23.

8. Training

This way you kill two birds with one stone: train your employees and increase sales.

Training can be carried out both within the company and sent to study with renowned trainers.

Naturally, the second option influences the level of respect in your favor several times better than local education.

If you want to get the maximum in the form of non-material motivation for your staff, then also periodically send your employee for training, but this time for a hobby.

Believe me, you will see a pleasant shock in the eyes of your people from the fact that the company cares about them not only as a team member, but also as an ordinary person.

9. Working conditions

I will split this point into several, since it can be viewed from different angles.

Conceptually: You need to create conditions that will be an added value when applying for a job. Among the most pronounced and not always obvious applications, I highlight:

  1. Nutrition
  2. Directions
  3. Treatment
  4. Insurance
  5. cellular
  6. Lunch nap

Logically, this also includes space, but I took it out separately because I think that in our time this requires special attention.

But at the same time, you can also safely include the work schedule, official employment, and the date of payment of salaries. In general, everything is now more understandable for the manager.

10. Events

This is when you get together as a team and have fun. Everything can happen during a regular corporate party in the form of a feast.

Or maybe in a format where the whole friendly crowd competes against each other in a playful manner. Ideally, combine both to tap into different pleasure zones.

But remember that if you do not have the most friendly team (for example, everyone works on different shifts and does not overlap), then without proper preparation such events can become hard labor, not pleasure.

I'm sure each of us has been to such meetings from which we want to quickly escape. So, it’s better not to do this at all.

11. Best employee

This is a logical continuation of the points “Growth in width” and “Competition”. Only here we are not talking about issuing privileges not based on achieving a career ladder, but based on the results of the monthly nomination “Best Employee of the Month.”

This is a separate point, since this cannot be called career growth, and it does not qualify for a competition, since it is launched on an ongoing basis.

The best employee is me

Based on the results of each month, you can issue different incentive privileges. My favorites: the ability to choose a work schedule (with a variable schedule) and additional days off.

In general, here the choice of a prize is tantamount to consistency, as in holding a competition for staff. But for your convenience, I will summarize it below.

12. Another name

Now you will laugh for a long time, but this simple action also applies to non-material ways of motivating staff.

Again, briefly: You rename the employee's position to something more pleasant and authoritative. For example, not a secretary, but the owner of the office. Or not a manager, but a seller of happiness.

Moreover, you can go through positions, departments, and premises. And the effect of such a non-standard method will not take long.

Because it’s much more pleasant to tell clients that you are not, but a genius of the sales department. And there will be a reason for conversation, and at the same time the position sounds more respectable.

13. Motivational board

The ideal intangible motivation for a sales team is an achievement board. You publicly post a board in the office where you daily note the results of each employee for the previous day and by month.

This way you constantly maintain a competitive environment throughout the department. And at the same time she is quite healthy.

This is especially true when a sufficient number of applications are received per day and the results of the championship can change every hour. Doing this is not as difficult as it seems.

14. Gratitude to mom

Have you ever said “thank you” to the parents of your employee?! Most likely no. This is normal, since the practice is not obvious, but it is very effective.

Task: take and give anything (even money) to your employee’s mother. This way you will do a good deed, show your best side and, most importantly, you will call your parents to your side (and their opinion is very important for children).

But please note that we are talking specifically about mom. We tested praise for dad, but they somehow react with restraint and don’t give a wow effect.

In the case of mothers, everything happens very brightly and effectively. All this was assessed based on feedback from the employees themselves after their parents told them about the gift.

15. Personal

This is something we do every day, but often don't notice. And since this is also an intangible method of motivating staff, it is better to use it consciously.

It's about personal and human communication. You can manifest it in dozens of different ways, I’ll show you a few for understanding:

  1. Give praise after work.
  2. Conduct a personal meeting for “life”
  3. Shake hands
  4. Sitting in an open office
  5. Call and find out how you are doing

Moreover, the closer the superior employee communicates with the inferior one, the better for the second one.

This breaks down a certain glass wall between positions. And of course, you cannot completely switch to personal communication, as the chain of command will be disrupted. But a little of this behavior will add more life to each employee.

Briefly about the main thing

If you look globally, then all non-material motivation of staff revolves around the usual human approach.

It is the 15th example of non-material motivation that perfectly describes this approach.

However, if we consider each point, then the entire system of non-material motivation of personnel is built on a human approach.

Exceptions are stimulating tools of non-material motivation. But as a rule, they do not last long.

They need to be constantly upgraded or replaced. And that's okay. Therefore, my personal recommendation is to build a team not only on money, but also on values ​​that will help you get through any crises and financial pitfalls.