The USSR is a union of Soviet socialist republics. Years of existence of the USSR, features, history and interesting facts

Once, while talking with a friend from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the conversation turned to the great history of the USSR. My interlocutor advised me to "google" the title of this post. I didn’t pay much attention to this, but after a couple of days I remembered the conversation and followed the advice ...
At first, everything seemed to me some kind of nonsense, and only the title of my friend and my personal attitude towards him made me read it more carefully. A few hours later I questioned my citizenship.

They decided everything for us.

The signing in Belovezhskaya Pushcha of the 3-sided Agreement on the creation of the CIS (December 8, 1991), in which it was announced that the USSR "ceases to exist" did not comply with the legislation in force at that time and was contrary to the will of the people, when 76.4% of Soviet citizens voted for preservation of the USSR. In addition, the existence of an inter-republican CIS does not cancel the USSR. The membership of the Soviet Union in the United Nations was not legally terminated. The Belavezha Agreement was not properly ratified and not submitted to the UN Secretariat, as it should be.
The inviolability and integrity of the state territory of the USSR was enshrined and has not yet been canceled in the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (09/01/1975): “The participating States believe that their borders can be changed, in accordance with international law, by peaceful means and by agreement… The participating States regard as inviolable all the frontiers of each other, as the frontiers of all states in Europe… they will accordingly refrain likewise from any demand or action aimed at seizing and usurping part or all of the territory of any participating State” .

So, there are no legal obstacles to the existence and revival of the USSR. Moreover, the Constitution of Russia, adopted by referendum, does not contain any norms prohibiting the existence of the USSR and proclaims the people the only source of power in Russia. And since this source never spoke out for the collapse of the USSR, the stated opinion has not yet been refuted by anyone. What do you think of numerous lawyers - and not only lawyers?

Legally, the USSR remains in existence. The annulment of the union treaty of 1922 is nonsense, since the treaty itself was annulled by the adoption of the constitution of 1936.

The referendum of March 17, 1991 (here it is, the will of the people, to which political demagogues so love to refer!) confirmed that the vast majority of Soviet people still consider historical Russia their homeland. The Belovezhskaya Accords were ratified by the Supreme Soviet of Russia, which was abolished after Yeltsin's Decree 1400 of September 22, 1993 (which automatically made the decisions of the Supreme Council illegal). However, the Belovezhskaya Accords themselves were annulled by the State Duma on March 16, 1996. Although our "free" press prefers to remain silent on this matter, the fact remains that the USSR continues to exist precisely as a subject of international law.
But not only was the opinion of the people completely ignored - the constitutional procedure for secession from the Union was violated. In accordance with the legislation, it was required: holding a referendum as an application for withdrawal; negotiations on the border, division of property, army, etc. within 5 years; in the event of a mutually acceptable outcome of the negotiations, a second referendum. The signatories themselves claimed in the statement that they “have the right” to dissolve the USSR, since the RSFSR, the Ukrainian SSR and the BSSR were the founders of the Union, who signed the agreement in 1922. However, among the founders were the Transcaucasian Federation, which then included Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Therefore, at least for the appearance of legitimacy, it was necessary to invite representatives of these republics.

Thus the citizen Shushkevich S.S. in collusion with citizens Yeltsin B.N. and Kravchuk L.M. on the night of December 8, 1991, in Viskuli (Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Belorussian USSR), they violated the will of the people expressed on March 17, 1991 during the All-Union referendum on the preservation of the USSR, grossly violated the Constitution and laws of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, exceeded their powers: they terminated the union The 1922 treaty and announced the dissolution of the USSR, transferred the powers of the Union to the ruling elite of the Russian Federation.

The creation of the Russian Federation has many violations. For example, not a single Act on the transfer of assets from the USSR Pension Fund to the RF Pension Fund has yet been found, the same for Social Insurance, passport office and military registration. Yeltsin simply changed the sign from the State of the "USSR" to the Private Business Corporation LLC "RF", while not having any authority.

On October 15, 1993, B. Yeltsin commits another malfeasance, replacing the referendum with a popular vote - he votes for the adoption of the DRAFT Constitution of the Russian Federation. Further, replacing the name of the country of the RSFSR with the Russian Federation in the Law on Citizenship No. 1848-1 of November 28, 1991, misleading people, transfers them from the USSR to the Russian Federation.

USSR Shrugged (Revolver ITV) - 07/25/2016. Interview with an independent expert on anti-corruption activities and (you will be surprised) the acting head of the Sverdlovsk region of the RSFSR

Karma does not allow you to post a video. For those who are interested: com/watch?v=IVlu7DH3JbQ
What is most interesting is that people who do not accept Russian passports (there are several hundred such people in the Nizhny Novgorod region) and sue officials who refuse to accept Soviet passports ALWAYS WIN cases in court.

"Government of Russia" (DUNS - 531298725) is registered by D&B in the USA. Legal entity of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation) - officially registered in the world register of legal entities as a commercial organization, the executive director of the company is a citizen of the USSR D. A. Medvedev.

Here you can see the form of the document, which is a legitimate argument in defending our Soviet citizenship.

About the passport

The RF passport is an illegal document issued to citizens of the USSR outside the Law, since the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Passport of the Russian Federation" does not exist (is absent). USSR passports of the 1974 model were confiscated from citizens of the USSR illegally, in a fraudulent way. The insert of the Russian Federation in the Passport of the USSR confirms an obvious act of fraud. It was from him that the citizens of the USSR began to be charged with non-existent citizenship of the Russian Federation, by persons abusing their official powers. And then they completely stole our USSR passports

What do we know about the FMS of the Russian Federation? That this is a company registered as "health administration" by type of activity. This is a business qualification given to them by the United States. Therefore, in violation of all norms, the FMS of the Russian Federation has nothing to do with resolving issues related to migration and conferring Russian citizenship on anyone who has a birth certificate in the USSR.

Constitutional scam!

In the Russian Federation, no one has ever even raised the question of the citizens of the USSR voting for the Constitution of the Russian Federation, since they voted for the DRAFT Constitution of the Russian Federation!

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is an illegal and incompetent declaration, because there were no citizens of the Russian Federation at the time of the "adoption" of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, just as there are no citizens of the Russian Federation until now, in the numbers declared following the results of the vote. The draft Constitution of the Russian Federation still had to go through 3 stages: discussion, amendments to the text and submission of the final version to the popular vote, and only citizens of the Russian Federation could vote for the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which, as we have already indicated, do not exist.
The legality of USSR citizenship is determined by the USSR Law "On Citizenship of the USSR", which no one has canceled. Citizenship of a person is determined by the citizenship of his parents and is confirmed by a birth certificate, or an identity card of a citizen of the USSR: a Passport, a Military ID or an identity card of an officer of the USSR. Reason: Articles 13, 14, Law of the USSR of 05/23/1990 N 1518-1 "On Citizenship of the USSR". The grounds for the loss, termination, withdrawal from citizenship, or deprivation of citizenship of the USSR are reflected in Section III of the Law.

Yeltsin B.N., signing the Decree on a letterhead with the coat of arms of the RSFSR, was in the position of President of the RSFSR. However, he declared himself the president of the still non-existent Russian Federation, abusing his official position and committing legal forgery (fraud), that is, committing a crime!

Citizenship of the USSR will help to completely get rid of the payment of loans, taxes, fines and other unreasonable payments in favor of foreign jurisdiction on the territory of the USSR, since citizens of the USSR are not subject to the courts of the Russian Federation or other foreign jurisdictions operating on the territory of the USSR.

Citizens of the RSFSR, the USSR, who did not leave the sovereignty of the state of the USSR, either voluntarily, or according to documents, or as a result of a popular vote, remain so to this day and warn you that any actions outside the jurisdiction of the laws, decrees and documents of the Russian Federation (“Russian Federation, registered in Bisnode D&B Deutschland, Robert-Bosch-Strabe 11, 64293 Darmstadt, DUNS company number 531 298 725) in relation to the rights and freedoms of citizens of the USSR is illegal, illegal, illegitimate and fall under Article 64 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR "Treason to the Motherland" .

Taking into account that the establishment of constitutional law and order is impossible without the restoration of the bodies of power and administration, as well as other bodies of state administration of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which, for one reason or another, fictitious subjects of law, were at the disposal of foreign subjects of law, but when the bodies of power and administration are restored The USSR demands the return to the state of the USSR of everything that it had before the collapse of the authorities and administration, starting with citizens of the USSR and ending with everything illegally exported, sold or destroyed.

Is a citizen of the USSR obliged to repay a loan to the RF Bank?
The conflict lies in the fact that no one canceled Soviet laws, no one deprived the citizenship of the USSR, and the Russian Federation cannot refuse to recognize the laws of the USSR as valid, since there is not a single legal basis for this. Moreover, even raising a discussion of such an issue is disastrous for the Russian Federation, since there are results of the all-Union referendum of March 17, 1991 on the preservation of the USSR.

But the situation becomes even more ridiculous for banks, since the 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation itself also established the priority of the laws of the USSR over the laws of the Russian Federation in the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation - paragraph 4 of Art. 15, since the Union Treaty is international for the Russian Federation, and international treaties have established priority over the laws of the Russian Federation.

Thus, banks fell into the trap of the priority of the laws of the USSR and banks cannot prove that these laws have been repealed or have lost their legal force, no matter how much they fantasize.

The Russians have come up with a way not to pay loans - according to Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ...

Residents of the Nyurbinsky district of Yakutia were the first to come up with such an initiative. Several people immediately embarrassed the employees of the regional department of the FSB by sending them letters with competent explanations why they refuse to pay the loan. Such information with reference to the media2 is quickly spread by bloggers.

“I, such and such, took a loan from a bank, but then I did not know that the founders of the bank were foreign companies headquartered in NATO member countries. I am not opposed to repaying the loan, but I cannot, since these acts fall under Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, namely, the provision of financial assistance to a foreign state, an international or foreign organization or their representatives in activities directed against the security of the Russian Federation.

Further, there is a note that, according to the law, persons who have committed crimes under this article are exempted from criminal liability if they have notified the authorities about it. All this is painted on four pages, with a detailed justification. Now the FSB is thinking what to do with these statements.

As noted, the letters are very well-written. Moreover, it turns out that the applicants are formally right. On the other hand, if a precedent is set, a major scandal may erupt. Counterintelligence officers have ten days to make a decision.

“Given that the founders of network companies are registered in Cyprus, the Cayman Islands, etc. (but not in Russia) - soon we will be able not to pay for a communal apartment. There is nothing to help enemies, ”they comment on this news in social networks, which seems to have found general approval among the inhabitants of the country.

Secrets of the passport of the Russian Federation. What do the citizens of the Russian Federation not know?

Citizenship of the Russian Federation is a fiction. How did we become migrants in our own country, the USSR?

A camouflage passport is a passport issued on behalf of a non-existent country or entity whose legitimacy is not documented. They are distinguished from fake passports only by the fact that these passports are printed on real, but obsolete forms. A camouflage passport can be issued on behalf of a defunct state (for example, South Vietnam), on behalf of a state that has changed its name (for example, Upper Volta is now called Burkina Faso), on behalf of a real state that never issued passports, or on behalf of fictitious state (for example, the Russian Federation or other subjects of law created on the territory of the USSR after March 17, 1991, the All-Union referendum on the preservation of the USSR).

Citizens do not become citizens upon reaching the age from which they issue ausweisses of a “citizen of the Russian Federation”, in which there is NO birth information. Citizens become AT THE PLACE OF BIRTH, FROM THE MOMENT OF BIRTH. Any person, of any country, born in the United States is automatically a US citizen. Born in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany - a citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany, automatically. The nationality of the parents does NOT matter. A birth certificate is a certificate of citizenship! Only a birth certificate CONFIRMS the fact of your citizenship! NOT PASSPORT!

The absence of the OGRN on the OFFICIAL seal in the "Passport of the Russian Federation" speaks of the fake, ABOUT THE INVALIDITY of this seal. Absence of OGRN “FMS department subdivision code......? indicates the absence of a status that allows the issuance of LEGITIMATE documents. It is for this reason that you are forbidden to travel outside the occupied lands of the USSR with your Ausweiss. To do this, you need to get a different document - “foreign. the passport". Because it has at least one essential feature, without which you are not a CITIZEN of the Russian Federation, because there is no such country in the UN registry. This sign is the PLACE of BIRTH. In foreign passports it is written - USSR. We translate into ours - the USSR !!!

In the passports of the Russian Federation, the seal is RED, with a diameter of 30 mm. According to GOST, 40 and 50 mm are permissible - clause 3.2. Read clause 3.9 from which you will learn that only persons who are NOT legal entities can reproduce the coat of arms of the Russian Federation WITHOUT indicating the TIN and PSRN. But there is one catch: the status of a legal entity means a renunciation of their CIVIL RIGHTS AND HUMAN RIGHTS. It is worth thinking about this, in terms of the status of the FMS bodies in relation to the Russian Federation.

The Federal Migration Service (FMS of Russia) is a federal executive body that implemented the state policy in the field of migration and carried out law enforcement functions, functions of control, supervision and provision of public services in the field of migration. It was subordinated to the Government of the Russian Federation.

The FMS of Russia in its current form was created by paragraph 13 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2004 No. 314 "On the system and structure of federal executive bodies."

Since January 1, 2006, territorial bodies of the FMS of Russia have been created, uniting the subdivisions of the passport and visa service and the subdivisions for migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the subjects of the federation, with their withdrawal into a separate structure of direct subordination.

On April 5, 2016, by the Decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, the Federal Migration Service was abolished, and its functions and powers were transferred to the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. On April 13, 2016, Colonel of the Internal Service Kirillova Olga Evgenievna was appointed head of the Main Directorate

How can a citizen of the USSR talk with a policeman, an inspector of the traffic police of the Russian Federation, etc.

What is an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and how to work with it in practice.
As we already know, the commercial company "MVD RF" is registered (DUNS - 683530373), as well as the "Government of Russia" (DUNS - 531298725) by D&B in the USA. And as soon as you recognize yourself as a citizen of the USSR, it makes little sense to pay attention to the illegitimate laws of the Russian Federation. The fact is that as soon as you know how to properly declare your rights to anyone, from that moment you become out of his reach.

Before they demand anything from you, they must present documents. And in the documents they all have a seal that does not correspond to their own GOSTs. Therefore, ask to bring the seal in line, and then make some demands. Calmly, correctly without conflict.

And who are you? Submit your documents. The document proving your identity is a passport, a military ID, a sea passport, a prosecutor's certificate. The ID is just a pass through your checkpoint. It may be fake or expired. As it turns out, all police certificates of the Russian Federation are stamped with the coat of arms of the Russian Federation, but without indicating the TIN and PSRN, the diameter does not correspond to GOST R 51511-2001), i.e. the seals are false, and the documents are worthless.
Show your passport. I must identify you. Let's say the passport is shown. We open an extract from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Is this your department? Do you work for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation? The Ministry of Internal Affairs is located in Moscow, st. Zhitnaya, 16? Is Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Minister of Internal Affairs, your superior?

I took this document from the tax office, as it states (between 30 and 31): only Kolokoltsev V.A. can act on behalf of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation without a power of attorney. Show me the power of attorney, please, from Kolokoltsev V.A. that he authorized you to carry out such and such actions at such and such a time in such and such a territory. Is there such a power of attorney? Not? You don't have authority. Who are you?
I am not obliged to show you anything until you confirm your authority. No passport, no birth certificate.

If they make a decision, never sign anything. We are in different legal jurisdictions. I live in the USSR. They are located on my territory, for which there are documents, there is a certificate of my birth. They came to visit us, occupied us. And they impose rules on us. They have no right to influence us with their laws. For them to have such a right, there must be an international treaty between the USSR and the Russian Federation, which does not exist. Therefore, if such agreements are made, we are not subject to jurisdiction (neither to the courts, nor to bailiffs, nor to the police, to anyone).
Before talking to anyone and building a defense, you need to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and study who is who.

Further on the statement, we look at the branches. If there is a ministry of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, then in all regions the regional GUVD - state institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - must be registered in the tax authorities. And in this statement the branch must be indicated. But he is not! Not a single city, not a single region has a registered Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs works without documents in order to act in the legal field of the Russian Federation. No registration, no power of attorney.

What types of activities at the Ministry of Internal Affairs are indicated in the extract? From lines 37 to 66. Only 1 license - 67-73.

Accordingly, since this institution is not registered with the tax office, it falls under at least 16 violations of the Tax Code:
- Failure to report.
- Illegal business activity.
- Work without education legal. faces, etc.

Facts and circumstances:
The plaintiff is a citizen of the USSR and is a party to a public contract - the Constitution of the USSR of 1977 as amended on October 7, 1977 and December 12, 2015;
The international treaty of December 4, 1991 on the succession in respect of the external state debt and assets of the USSR became an act of interference by third parties in civil law relations between the USSR and the citizens of the USSR.
EU Member States declared on 23 December 1991 "noting that the international rights and obligations of the former USSR, including rights under the UN Charter, will continue to be exercised by Russia".
In a Message dated December 24, 1991, the President of Russia informed the UN Secretary General that Russia retains responsibility for all the rights and obligations of the USSR in accordance with the UN Charter.
The UN Secretary General sent a message to all UN members with an accompanying comment that it “states reality and does not require formal approval from the UN” (Diplomatic Gazette, 1992, No. 2-3. P. 28).

The plaintiff considers the application of the EU as a proposal of an offer to the leadership of the USSR and the RSFSR for the organization of a management company with the name "Russia".
The International Fund, the Paris Club, the EU allocated "investments" to the leadership of the Soviet Union and the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic for the creation of a management company with the name "Russia".

At the time of the EU proposal, such a structure as "Russia" and / or "Russian Federation" was absent legally and in fact, therefore, it is the EU countries that allocated funds for the creation of this structure that are the founders of the "Russian Federation".
The “Russian Federation” was formed by the founders by renaming the “Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic” on December 25, 1991, and on December 12, 1993 they adopted their internal document “The Constitution of the Russian Federation”.
The Claimant notifies that on June 12, 1990, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic withdrew from the Soviet Union.

At the time of the declaration of independence, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic did not have citizens of the republic and its own territory, as well as an agreement with other republics and the Soviet Union on the settlement of issues of dual or triple citizenship on the territory of the USSR.

The law on citizenship of the Soviet Union allowed citizens of the USSR to have citizenship of the republics, however, none of the republics adopted a republican law on citizenship and not a single citizen of the USSR expressed their desire to acquire citizenship of the republic.
The Decree of November 11 (24), 1917 on the abolition of estates and civil ranks established the citizenship of the Russian Republic, common for subjects of the Russian Empire.
The Russian Republic was founded on September 01, 1917. and is the legal successor of the Russian Empire. The territory of the Russian Republic became the entire territory of the Russian Empire with the exception of the territory of Finland.

On the territory of the Russian Republic, the management of all state affairs was carried out on the basis of trust management through the organization of the Soviet Union.
The founder of the Soviet Union, as well as the Ukrainian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, the Belarusian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, was the Russian Republic through the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Republic (Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic) in 1918 and the Constitution of the USSR in 1924.

There are no documents on the reorganization or termination of the Ukrainian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, the Byelorussian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, the Russian Republic (Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic).
The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic arose on the basis of the proclamation of the Constitution of the USSR of 1936 in 1937. The task of the new republic was the management of public property on a part of the territory of the Russian Republic within the boundaries of the control of the territory by the Soviet Union.

The territory of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic is much smaller than the territory of the Russian Republic, and the republic itself did not and could not have territory and citizens, since all citizens of the USSR became co-owners of public property and the entire territory. The allocation of the territory of the Russian Republic, which, on the basis of the Decree on Land, became part of public property, is illegal.
At the time of the renaming of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic on December 25, 1991 to the Russian Federation, the republic had no citizens.
The Constitution of the RSFSR of 1978 established that only citizens of the republic can elect and be elected to the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.

In the absence of citizens in the republic, all elections to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR are null and void.
At the time of voting for the adoption of the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation on December 12, 1991, citizens of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, as well as citizens of the Russian Federation, were absent.
At present, I claims that all deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation have been carrying out illegal legislative activities since 1991, since any decisions based on the results of the elections are void.
The results of the elections to the State Duma are insignificant due to the absence of citizens of the Russian Federation in the Russian Federation.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (if we do not take into account its insignificance), territories are included in the number of subjects of the Russian Federation, while citizens of the Russian Federation are not listed as subjects of the Russian Federation.
The law on citizenship of the RSFSR was allegedly signed on November 28, 1991.
A month later, the RSFSR was renamed the Russian Federation.

There is no resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR on the enactment of the law on citizenship.
Decree of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of January 23, 1992 No. 2240-1 signed by the “Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation” (no such chairman was elected) associated with the demise of the USSR. Despite the change in the name of the RSFSR to the Russian Federation, the law on citizenship was published on February 6, 1992 in Rossiyskaya Gazeta without the name "Russian Federation".
Citizenship is a stable political and legal relationship between the state and the citizen.
The absence of the will of the citizens of the USSR to acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation indicates the absence of voluntariness in the creation of such a relationship between the citizens of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 182-FZ of November 12, 2012 "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" provided citizens of the Russian Federation who received a primary passport of the Russian Federation to acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation.
There is no information in the official press that State Duma deputies acquired the citizenship of the Russian Federation in accordance with this law.

Candidates for deputies of the State Duma, employees of the CEC of the Russian Federation, judges of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation did not pass the procedure for citizenship of the Russian Federation after they received the primary passport of the Russian Federation, and therefore, any of their actions in the legal field of the Russian Federation are illegal.
Agreement on accession to the Cooperation Agreement of December 29, 2009 of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and the Federal Migration Service of October 15, 2015 (signed, stitched and numbered on January 07, 2016, sent by the CEC of the Russian Federation via e-mail from the postal address [email protected] January 18, 2016) was adopted by the CEC of the Russian Federation.
As a party to the Cooperation Agreement, I has every reason to receive information about persons registered as voters at polling stations and candidates for deputies of the State Duma.

To date, the CEC of the Russian Federation has not provided any information about the participants in the 2016 election campaign, including data on the citizenship of voters and candidates for deputies, as well as on the material condition of candidates for deputies.
And he declares that candidates for deputies of the CEC of the Russian Federation are registered as deputies in violation of the law on citizenship of the Russian Federation, and voters are included in the voter lists illegally.
And he points out that multi-stage scams in order to cover up primary crimes against the legitimate people's power cannot serve as a basis for recognizing the legality of primary criminal acts in the future.

And for starters, did you know that judges in the Russian Federation are appointed by the president, by decree, in which there is no data other than the full name, i.e. if Ivanov Vasya was appointed as a judge, you can change your full name to Ivanov and claim that you are that judge.

In the end, I would like to emphasize the following: I DO NOT call for civil disobedience, I DO NOT call for rebellion, revolution, etc., etc. I want to understand: I am a citizen of the Russian Federation or the USSR.

On December 30, 1922, the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was approved at the First All-Union Congress of Soviets.

In December, the Union, in July - the government.

The agreement on the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was signed on December 29, 1922 at a conference of delegations from the congresses of Soviets of the RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR, BSSR and ZSFSR and approved by the First All-Union Congress of Soviets. December 30 is considered the official date of the formation of the USSR, although the government of the USSR and the allied ministries were created only in July 1923.

From 4 to 16.

Over the years, the number of union republics in the USSR varied from 4 to 16, but for the longest time the Soviet Union consisted of 15 republics - the RSFSR, the Ukrainian SSR, the Byelorussian SSR, the Moldavian SSR, the Armenian SSR, the Georgian SSR, the Azerbaijan SSR, the Kazakh SSR, the Uzbek SSR, Kirghiz SSR, Turkmen SSR, Tajik SSR, Latvian SSR, Lithuanian SSR and Estonian SSR.

Three Constitutions in 69 years.

For nearly 69 years of its existence, the Soviet Union has changed three constitutions, which were adopted in 1924, 1936 and 1977. According to the first, the All-Union Congress of Soviets was the highest body of state power in the country, according to the second, the bicameral Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The third constitution also initially had a bicameral parliament, which in the 1988 edition gave way to the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR.

Kalinin led the USSR the longest.

Legally, the head of state in the Soviet Union in different years was considered the Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the President of the USSR. Formally, the longest head of the USSR was Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin, who for 16 years held the post of Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, and then for eight years was the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The flag was approved later than the Constitution.

In the Treaty on the Formation of the USSR, it was determined that the new state has its own flag, but it was not given a clear description. In January 1924, the first Constitution of the USSR was approved, but there was no indication of how the flag of the new country looked like. And only in April 1924, the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR approved a scarlet flag with a red five-pointed star, a sickle and a hammer as a flag.

In America - stars, in the USSR - slogans.

In 1923, the coat of arms of the Soviet Union was approved - the image of a sickle and a hammer against the background of the globe, in the rays of the sun and framed by ears of corn, with an inscription in the languages ​​of the union republics "Proletarians of all countries, unite!". The number of inscriptions depended on the number of republics in the USSR, just as the number of stars on the US flag depends on the number of states.

universal anthem.

From 1922 to 1943, the anthem of the Soviet Union was "The Internationale" - a French song with music by Pierre Degeyter and words by Eugene Pottier, translated by Arkady Kots. In December 1943, a new national anthem was created and approved with lyrics by Sergei Mikhalkov and Gabriel El-Registan and music by Alexander Alexandrov. Alexandrov's music with a modified text by Mikhalkov is currently the anthem of Russia.

A country the size of a mainland.

The Soviet Union occupied an area of ​​22,400,000 square kilometers, being by this indicator the largest country on the planet. The size of the USSR was comparable to the size of North America, including the territories of the USA, Canada and Mexico.

The boundary is one and a half equator.

The Soviet Union had the longest border in the world, over 60,000 kilometers, and bordered on 14 states. It is curious that the length of the border of modern Russia is almost the same - about 60,900 km. At the same time, Russia borders on 18 states - 16 recognized and 2 partially recognized.

The highest point of the Union.

The highest point of the Soviet Union was a mountain in the Tajik SSR with a height of 7495 meters, which in different years was called Stalin Peak and Communism Peak. In 1998, the authorities of Tajikistan gave it a third name - Samani Peak, in honor of the emir who founded the first Tajik state.

Unique capital.

Despite the tradition that existed in the USSR of renaming cities in honor of prominent Soviet figures, this process did not actually affect the capitals of the Union republics. The only exception was the capital of the Kirghiz SSR, the city of Frunze, renamed in honor of the Soviet commander Mikhail Frunze, who was a local native. At the same time, the city was first renamed, and then became the capital of the union republic. In 1991, Frunze was renamed Bishkek.

The Soviet Union in the mid-1950s - early 1960s made a kind of "scientific and technical hat-trick" - in 1954 it created the world's first nuclear power plant, in 1957 it launched the world's first artificial satellite into orbit, and in 1961 launched the world's first manned spacecraft. These events took place respectively 9, 12 and 15 years after the end of the Great Patriotic War, in which the USSR suffered the greatest material and human losses among the participating countries.

The USSR did not lose wars.

During its existence, the Soviet Union officially participated in three wars - the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940, the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and the Soviet-Japanese War of 1945. All these armed conflicts ended with the victory of the Soviet Union.

1204 Olympic medals.

During the existence of the USSR, athletes of the Soviet Union took part in 18 Olympics (9 summer and 9 winter), winning 1204 medals (473 gold, 376 silver and 355 bronze). According to this indicator, the Soviet Union to this day ranks second, second only to the United States. For comparison, the third-placed Great Britain has 806 Olympic awards with 49 participation in the Olympic Games. As for modern Russia, it takes 9th place - 521 medals after 11 Olympiads.

First and last referendum.

In the entire history of the existence of the USSR, the only all-Union referendum was held, which took place on March 17, 1991. It raised the question of the future existence of the USSR. More than 77 percent of the referendum participants voted for the preservation of the Soviet Union. In December of the same year, the heads of the RSFSR of the Ukrainian SSR and the Byelorussian SSR announced the termination of the existence of a single country.

Happy New Year 2017 to all users of the USSR website. I wish you and your family and friends all the best and prosperity. May the new year bring only good, kind, eternal!

In 1913, the future head of the first socialist state, V.I. Lenin, being a unitarian like Marx and Engels, wrote that a centralized large state "is a huge historical step forward from medieval fragmentation to the future socialist unity of all countries." In the period from February to October 1917, the centuries-old state unity of Russia collapsed - a number of bourgeois-nationalist governments arose on its territory (the Central Rada in Ukraine, Cossack circles on the Don, Terek and Orenburg, Kurultai in the Crimea, national Soviets in the Transcaucasus and the Baltic states, etc. .), seeking to isolate themselves from the traditional center. The threat of a sharp reduction in the territory of the socialist proletarian state, the loss of hopes for an early world revolution forced the leader of the party that came to power in Russia to reconsider his point of view on its state structure - he became a fierce supporter of federalism, however, at the stage of transition "to complete unity". The slogan of "a united and indivisible Russia", professed by the leaders of the white movement, was opposed by the principle of the right of all nations to self-determination, which attracted the leaders of national movements ...

However, the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918 was a step backwards from a true federation, since it only declared the form of the state structure of Russia (it did not even provide for the representation of future members of the federation in the authorities of the center), in fact, it proclaimed a unitary state created from above on the initiative of the ruling party by joining those conquered in during the Civil War of the Territories. The division of powers between federal and local bodies in the Russian Federation was based on the principles of the exclusive competence of the first and the residual - the second ...

The first intra-Russian national borders appeared in late 1918 - early 1919 with the formation of the Labor Commune of the Volga German Region and the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, by the end of 1922 there were already 19 autonomous republics and regions in the RSFSR, as well as 2 labor communes created on a national basis. National-state formations coexisted with administrative-territorial units, both of which had a very weakly expressed independence.

The Russian Federation, according to the plan of its founders, was to become a model of a larger socialist state, allowing the restoration of the Russian Empire, the collapse of which during the revolution and the “triumphal procession” of the Soviet power could not be avoided. Until the middle of 1918, only two republics existed as independent states - the RSFSR and Ukraine, then the Byelorussian Republic, three republics in the Baltic states, three in Transcaucasia ...

From the first days of their existence, the RSFSR, itself in need of the most necessary, provided them with assistance in various spheres of public life. The armies of the independent republics were supplied by the People's Commissariat (People's Commissariat) for military affairs of the RSFSR. A decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of June 1, 1919 "On the unification of the socialist republics of Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus for the struggle against world imperialism" formalized a military alliance. The armies of all the republics were united into a single army of the RSFSR, the military command, management of railways, communications, and finances were united. The monetary system of all the republics was based on the Russian ruble, the RSFSR took over their expenses for the maintenance of the state apparatus, armies, and for the establishment of the economy. The republics received from her industrial and agricultural products, food and other assistance. The union, along with other factors, helped all the republics to get out of the war ...

Over time, the state apparatus of all the republics began to be built in the likeness of the RSFSR, their plenipotentiary representations appeared in Moscow, which had the right to enter on behalf of their governments with representations and petitions to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the Council of People's Commissars (Sovnarkom), people's commissariats of the RSFSR, to inform the authorities of their republic about the most important events of the RSFSR, and the authorities of the latter on the state of the economy and the needs of their republic. On the territory of the republics, there was an apparatus of authorized representatives of some people's commissariats of the RSFSR, customs barriers were gradually overcome, and border posts were removed.

After the blockade of the Entente was lifted, the RSFSR concluded trade agreements with England, Italy, Norway, and Ukraine with Austria, Czechoslovakia and other states. In March 1921, a joint delegation of the RSFSR and Ukraine concluded an agreement with Poland. In January 1922, on behalf of the organizers of the Genoa Conference, the Italian government invited only the RSFSR from all the republics to participate in it. In February 1922, at the initiative of the Russian Federation, nine republics signed a protocol authorizing it to represent and protect their joint interests, to conclude and sign treaties with foreign states on their behalf. Thus, the military, bilateral military-economic treaties were supplemented by a diplomatic agreement. The next step was the formation of a political union.


By 1922, 6 republics had formed on the territory of the former Russian Empire: the RSFSR, the Ukrainian SSR, the Byelorussian SSR, the Azerbaijan SSR, the Armenian SSR and the Georgian SSR. Between them from the very beginning there was a close cooperation, due to the common historical fate. During the years of the civil war, a military and economic alliance was formed, and at the time of the Genoa Conference in 1922, a diplomatic one. The unification was also facilitated by the common goal set by the governments of the republics - the construction of socialism on the territory located "in the capitalist environment."

In March 1922, the Azerbaijan, Armenian and Georgian SSRs merged into the Transcaucasian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. In December 1922, the First Transcaucasian Congress of Soviets addressed the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee with a proposal to convene a united Congress of Soviets and discuss the issue of creating a union of Soviet republics. The same decisions were taken by the All-Ukrainian and All-Belarusian Congresses of Soviets.


There was no consensus on the principles of creating a union state. Among a number of proposals, two stood out: the inclusion of other Soviet republics in the RSFSR on the basis of autonomy (proposal) and the creation of a federation of republics with equal rights. Project I.V. Stalin "On the Relations of the RSFSR with the Independent Republics" was approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Parties of Azerbaijan and Armenia. The plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia recognized it as premature, and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus spoke in favor of maintaining the existing contractual relations between the BSSR and the RSFSR. The Ukrainian Bolsheviks refrained from discussing the Stalinist project. Nevertheless, the autonomization plan was approved at a meeting of the commission of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on September 23-24, 1922.

IN AND. Lenin, who did not participate in the discussion of the project, after reading the materials presented to him, rejected the idea of ​​autonomization and spoke in favor of forming a union of republics. He considered the Soviet Socialist Federation the most acceptable form of government for a multinational country.


On October 5 - 6, 1922, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) adopted the plan of V.I. Lenin, however, this did not lead to an end to the struggle in the party on issues of national policy. Although the "autonomization" project was rejected, it still enjoyed some support from a number of senior officials both at the center and in the localities. I.V. Stalin and L.B. Kamenev was urged to show firmness against Ilyich's "national liberalism" and, in fact, to abandon the previous version.

At the same time, separatist tendencies in the republics are intensifying, which manifested itself in the so-called "Georgian incident", when the party leaders of Georgia demanded that it be included in the future state as an independent republic, and not as part of the Transcaucasian Federation. In response to this, the head of the Transcaucasian Regional Committee G.K. Ordzhonikidze was furious and called them "chauvinistic rot", and when one of the members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia called him "Stalin's donkey", He also beat the latter hard. In protest against Moscow's pressure, the entire Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia resigned.

Commission chaired by F.E. Dzerzhinsky, created in Moscow to investigate this "incident", justified the actions of G.K. Ordzhonikidze and condemned the Georgian Central Committee. This decision aroused the indignation of V.I. Lenin. It should be recalled here that in October 1922, after an illness, although he began to work, he still could not fully control the situation due to health reasons. On the day of the formation of the USSR, being bedridden, he dictates his letter "On the question of nationalities or autonomization", which begins with the words: "I seem to be very guilty before the workers of Russia for not intervening energetically and sharply enough into the notorious question of autonomization, officially called, it seems, the question of the union of Soviet socialist republics.



The Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic (RSFSR), the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic (Ukrainian SSR), the Byelorussian Socialist Soviet Republic (BSSR) and the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic (ZSSR - Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia) conclude this Union Treaty on unification into one union state - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics...

1. The jurisdiction of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, represented by its supreme bodies, shall be:

a) representation of the Union in international relations;

b) changing the external borders of the Union;

c) conclusion of agreements on the admission of new republics to the Union;

d) declaration of war and conclusion of peace;

e) conclusion of external state loans;

f) ratification of international treaties;

g) establishment of foreign and domestic trade systems;

h) establishing the foundations and general plan for the entire national economy of the Union, as well as concluding concession agreements;

i) regulation of transport and postal and telegraph business;

j) establishing the foundations for organizing the armed forces of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics;

k) approval of the unified state budget of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the establishment of a monetary, monetary and credit system, as well as a system of all-union, republican and local taxes;

l) establishment of general principles of land management and land use, as well as the use of subsoil, forests and waters throughout the territory of the Union;

m) common union legislation on resettlement;

o) establishing the foundations of the judiciary and legal proceedings, as well as civil and criminal union legislation;

o) establishment of basic labor laws;

p) establishing the general principles of public education;

c) the establishment of general measures in the field of public health protection;

r) establishment of a system of measures and weights;

s) organization of all-Union statistics;

t) the basic legislation in the field of union citizenship in relation to the rights of foreigners;

u) the right to a general amnesty;

v) repeal of resolutions of congresses of Soviets, Central Executive Committees and Soviets of People's Commissars of the Union Republics that violate the Union Treaty.

2. The supreme authority of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is the Congress of Soviets of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and in the periods between congresses - the Central Executive Committee of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

3. The Congress of Soviets The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is composed of representatives of city Soviets at the rate of 1 deputy per 25,000 voters and representatives of provincial congresses of Soviets at the rate of 1 deputy per 125,000 inhabitants.

4. Delegates to the Congress of Soviets of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are elected at the provincial congresses of Soviets.

…eleven. The executive body of the Central Executive Committee of the Union is the Council of People's Commissars of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Council of People's Commissars of the Union), elected by the Central Executive Committee of the Union for the term of the latter, consisting of:

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Union,

Vice Presidents,

People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs,

People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs,

People's Commissar for Foreign Trade,

People's Commissar of Communications,

People's Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs,

People's Commissar of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate.

Chairman of the Supreme Council of the National Economy,

People's Commissar of Labour,

People's Commissar of Food,

People's Commissar of Finance.

…13. Decrees and resolutions of the Council of People's Commissars of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are obligatory for all union republics and are carried out directly throughout the entire territory of the Union.

…22. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has its own flag, coat of arms and state seal.

23. The capital of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is the city of Moscow.

…26. Each of the Union Republics retains the right to freely secede from the Union.

Congresses of Soviets in documents. 1917-1936. vol. III. M., 1960

1917, night of 26 to 27 October. Elected by the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets as head of the Soviet government - Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars.

1918, beginning of July. The 5th All-Russian Congress of Soviets adopts the Constitution of the RSFSR, which clarifies the status of the post of Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, which is occupied by V.I. Lenin. November 30th. At the plenary meeting of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies, the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense is approved, the Council is given full rights in the matter of mobilizing the forces and means of the country for its defense. V.I. Lenin is approved as the Chairman of the Council.

1920, April. The Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense is transformed into the Council of Labor and Defense (STO) of the RSFSR under the chairmanship of V.I. Lenin.

1923, 6 July. The session of the Central Executive Committee elects V.I. Lenin as chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. July 7th The session of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR elects V.I. Lenin as chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. July 17th. The Council of Labor and Defense under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR is being created under the chairmanship of V.I. Lenin.

Years of existence of the USSR - 1922-1991. However, the history of the world's largest state began with the February Revolution, or more precisely, with the crisis of Tsarist Russia. Since the beginning of the 20th century, opposition moods have been wandering in the country, which now and then resulted in bloodshed.

The words spoken by Pushkin in the thirties of the XIX century were applicable in the past, do not lose their relevance today. Russian rebellion is always merciless. Especially when it leads to the overthrow of the old regime. Let us recall the most important and tragic events that took place during the years of the existence of the USSR.


In 1916, the royal family was discredited by scandals around an odious personality, the secret of which has not been fully solved to date. We are talking about Grigory Rasputin. Nicholas II made several mistakes, the first in the year of his coronation. But we will not talk about this today, but recall the events that preceded the creation of the Soviet state.

So, the First World War is in full swing. Rumors are circulating in Petersburg. Rumor has it that the empress divorces her husband, goes to a monastery, and from time to time is engaged in espionage. Formed opposition to the Russian Tsar. Its participants, among whom were the closest relatives of the king, demanded the removal of Rasputin from government.

While the princes were arguing with the king, a revolution was being prepared that was supposed to change the course of world history. Armed rallies continued for several days in February. They ended with a coup d'état. A Provisional Government was formed, which did not last long.

Then there was the October Revolution, the Civil War. Historians divide the years of the existence of the USSR into several periods. During the first, which lasted until 1953, a former revolutionary was in power, known in narrow circles under the nickname Koba.

Stalin years (1922-1941)

By the end of 1922, six politicians were in power: Stalin, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Rykov, Kamenev, Tomsky. But one person should govern the state. A struggle began between the former revolutionaries.

Neither Kamenev, nor Zinoviev, nor Tomsky felt sympathy for Trotsky. Stalin especially did not like the people's commissar for military affairs. Dzhugashvili had a negative attitude towards him since the time of the Civil War. They say he did not like the education, the erudition that used to read the French classics in the original at political meetings. But, of course, that's not the point. In the political struggle there is no place for simple human likes and dislikes. The clash between the revolutionaries ended in Stalin's victory. In subsequent years, he methodically eliminated his other associates.

The Stalin years were marked by repressions. First there was forced collectivization, then arrests. How many people in this terrible time turned into camp dust, how many were shot? Hundreds of thousands of people. The peak of Stalin's repressions came in 1937-1938.

The Great Patriotic War

During the years of the existence of the USSR, there were many tragic events. In 1941, the war began, which claimed about 25 million lives. These losses are incomparable. Before Yuri Levitan announced on the radio about the attack of the German armed forces on no one believed that there was a ruler in the world who was not afraid to direct his aggression towards the USSR.

WWII historians divide into three periods. The first begins on June 22, 1941 and ends with the battle for Moscow, in which the Germans were defeated. The second one ends with the Battle of Stalingrad. The third period is the expulsion of enemy troops from the USSR, the liberation from the occupation of European countries and the surrender of Germany.

Stalinism (1945-1953)

Was not ready for war. When it started, it turned out that many military leaders were shot, and those who were alive were far away, in camps. They were immediately released, brought back to normal and sent to the front. The war is over. Several years passed, and a new wave of repressions began, now among the highest command personnel.

Major military leaders close to Marshal Zhukov were arrested. Among them are Lieutenant General Telegin and Air Marshal Novikov. Zhukov himself was slightly harassed, but not particularly touched. His authority was too great. For the victims of the last wave of repressions, for those who survived in the camps, the year was the happiest day. The “leader” died, and with him the camps for political prisoners went down in history.


In 1956, Khrushchev debunked Stalin's personality cult. He was supported at the top of the party. After all, over the years, even the most prominent political figure could at any moment be in disgrace, which means being shot or sent to a camp. During the existence of the USSR, the years of the thaw were marked by the softening of the totalitarian regime. People went to bed and were not afraid that in the middle of the night they would be picked up by state security officers and taken to Lubyanka, where they would have to confess to espionage, an attempt to assassinate Stalin, and other fictitious crimes. But denunciations and provocations still took place.

During the years of the thaw, the word "chekist" had a pronounced negative connotation. In fact, distrust of the special services originated much earlier, back in the thirties. But the term "chekist" lost official approval after the report made by Khrushchev in 1956.

The era of stagnation

This is not a historical term, but a propaganda-literary cliché. It appeared after Gorbachev's speech, in which he noted the emergence of stagnant phenomena in the economy and social life. The era of stagnation conditionally begins with the coming to power of Brezhnev and ends with the beginning of perestroika. One of the main problems of this period was the growing shortage of goods. In the world of culture, censorship rules. During the years of stagnation, the first terrorist acts took place in the USSR. During this period, there are several high-profile cases of hijacking passenger aircraft.

Afghan war

In 1979, a war broke out that lasted ten years. Over the years, more than thirteen thousand Soviet soldiers died. But these data were made public only in 1989. The biggest losses came in 1984. Soviet dissidents actively opposed the Afghan war. Andrei Sakharov was sent into exile for his pacifist speeches. The burial of zinc coffins was a secret matter. At least until 1987. On the grave of a soldier it was impossible to indicate that he died in Afghanistan. The official date for the end of the war is February 15, 1989.

The last years of the existence of the USSR (1985-1991)

This period in the history of the Soviet Union is called perestroika. The last years of the existence of the USSR (1985-1991) can be briefly characterized as follows: a sharp change in ideology, political and economic life.

In May 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev, who by that time had held the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU for just over two months, uttered a significant phrase: "It's time for all of us, comrades, to reorganize." Hence the term. Perestroika was actively talked about in the media, and a dangerous desire for change arose in the minds of ordinary citizens. Historians divide the last years of the existence of the USSR into four stages:

  1. 1985-1987. The beginning of the reform of the economic system.
  2. 1987-1989. An attempt to rebuild the system in the spirit of socialism.
  3. 1989-1991. Destabilization of the situation in the country.
  4. September-December 1991. The end of perestroika, the collapse of the USSR.

The enumeration of the events that took place from 1989 to 1991 will be a chronicle of the collapse of the USSR.

Acceleration of socio-economic development

Gorbachev announced the need to reform the system at the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU in April 1985. This meant the active use of the achievements of scientific and technological progress, a change in the planning procedure. Democratization, glasnost and the socialist market have not yet been discussed. Although today the term "perestroika" is associated with freedom of speech, which was first talked about a few years before the demise of the USSR.

The years of Gorbachev's rule, especially at the first stage, were marked by the hopes of Soviet citizens for change, for long-awaited changes for the better. Gradually, however, the inhabitants of a vast country began to become disillusioned with the politician, who was destined to become the last general secretary. The anti-alcohol campaign drew particular criticism.

No alcohol law

History shows that attempts to wean the citizens of our country from drinking alcohol do not bear any fruit. The first anti-alcohol campaign was carried out by the Bolsheviks back in 1917. The second attempt was made eight years later. They tried to fight against drunkenness and alcoholism in the early seventies, and in a very peculiar way: they banned the production of alcoholic beverages, but expanded the production of wines.

The alcohol campaign of the eighties was called "Gorbachev's", although Ligachev and Solomentsev became the initiators. This time, the authorities tackled the issue of drunkenness more radically. The production of alcoholic beverages was significantly reduced, a huge number of shops were closed, the prices for vodka were raised more than once. But Soviet citizens did not give up so easily. Some purchased alcohol at an inflated price. Others were engaged in the preparation of drinks according to dubious recipes (V. Erofeev spoke about such a method of combating dry law in his book “Moscow - Petushki”), and still others used the simplest method, that is, they drank cologne, which could be purchased at any department store.

Gorbachev's popularity, meanwhile, was declining. Not only due to the prohibition of alcoholic beverages. He was verbose, while his speeches were of little substance. At every official meeting he appeared with his wife, who caused particular irritation among the Soviet people. Finally, perestroika did not bring the long-awaited changes into the lives of Soviet citizens.

Democratic socialism

By the end of 1986, Gorbachev and his aides realized that the situation in the country could not be changed so easily. And they decided to reform the system in a different direction, namely in the spirit of democratic socialism. This decision was facilitated by a blow to the economy caused by many factors, including the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Meanwhile, in some regions of the Soviet Union, separatist sentiments began to appear, interethnic clashes broke out.

Destabilization in the country

In what year did the USSR end its existence? In 1991 At the final stage of "perestroika" there was a sharp destabilization of the situation. Economic difficulties have developed into a large-scale crisis. There was a catastrophic collapse in the living standards of Soviet citizens. They learned about unemployment. The shelves in the stores were empty, if something suddenly appeared on them, endless lines instantly formed. Irritation and dissatisfaction with the authorities grew among the masses.

The collapse of the USSR

In what year the Soviet Union ceased to exist, we figured it out. The official date is December 26, 1991. On this day, Mikhail Gorbachev announced that he would cease his activities as president. With the collapse of the huge state, 15 former republics of the USSR gained independence. There are a lot of reasons that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. This is the economic crisis, and the degradation of the ruling elites, and national conflicts, and even the anti-alcohol campaign.

Let's summarize. Above are the main events that took place during the existence of the USSR. From what year to what year was this state present on the world map? From 1922 to 1991. The collapse of the USSR was perceived by the population in different ways. Someone rejoiced at the abolition of censorship, the opportunity to engage in entrepreneurial activities. The events that took place in 1991 shocked someone. After all, it was a tragic collapse of the ideals on which more than one generation grew up.

(USSR, Soviet Union), a state that existed in 1922-91 in most of the territory of the former Russian Empire.

  • Byelorussian SSR (BSSR),
  • Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR),
  • Transcaucasian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (ZSFSR), which included the Azerbaijan SSR, the Armenian SSR, the Georgian SSR ( since 1936 were part of the USSR as independent union republics),
  • Ukrainian SSR (Ukrainian SSR).

Subsequently formed:

  • Uzbek SSR, Turkmen SSR ( 1925 ),
  • Tajik SSR ( 1929 ),
  • Kazakh SSR ( 1936 ),
  • Kirghiz SSR ( 1936 ),
  • Moldavian SSR ( 1940 ),
  • Latvian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, Estonian SSR ( 1940 ),
  • Karelo-Finnish SSR ( 1940; since 1956 Karelian ASSR within the RSFSR).

From the beginning of the 1920s, and especially after the death of V. I. Lenin (see Lenin Vladimir Ilyich), a sharp political struggle for power unfolded in the country's leadership. The authoritarian methods of leadership used by I. V. Stalin to establish the regime of one-man power were established.

Since the mid 20s. the winding up of the New Economic Policy (NEP) began, and then the implementation of forced industrialization and forced collectivization. The Communist Party completely subjugated state structures. A strictly centralized and militarized social system was created in the country, the purpose of which was the rapid modernization of the country and the support of the revolutionary movement in other countries. Mass repressions, especially after 1934, affected all sectors of society; forced labor in the Gulag system assumed unprecedented proportions. By the end of the 30s. a developed industry was created in the country, focused primarily on the needs of defense.

At the end of the 30s. there were sharp changes in the country's foreign policy, a departure from the course of collective security. The Soviet-German treaties of 1939 were concluded, according to which Western Ukraine and Western Belarus were later included in the USSR, and in 1940 the Baltic countries, Bessarabia, and northern Bukovina.