Power function with natural even exponent. Power function

Function where X– variable quantity, A– a given number is called Power function .

If then is a linear function, its graph is a straight line (see paragraph 4.3, Fig. 4.7).

If then is a quadratic function, its graph is a parabola (see paragraph 4.3, Fig. 4.8).

If then its graph is a cubic parabola (see paragraph 4.3, Fig. 4.9).

Power function

This is the inverse function for

1. Domain:

2. Multiple meanings:

3. Even and odd: function is odd.

4. Function frequency: non-periodic.

5. Function zeros: X= 0 – the only zero.

6. The function does not have a maximum or minimum value.


8. Graph of a function Symmetrical to the graph of a cubic parabola relative to a straight line Y=X and is shown in Fig. 5.1.

Power function

1. Domain:

2. Multiple meanings:

3. Even and odd: the function is even.

4. Function frequency: non-periodic.

5. Function zeros: single zero X = 0.

6. The largest and smallest values ​​of the function: takes the smallest value for X= 0, it is equal to 0.

7. Increasing and decreasing intervals: the function is decreasing on the interval and increasing on the interval

8. Graph of a function(for each N Î N) is “similar” to the graph of a quadratic parabola (function graphs are shown in Fig. 5.2).

Power function

1. Domain:

2. Multiple meanings:

3. Even and odd: function is odd.

4. Function frequency: non-periodic.

5. Function zeros: X= 0 – the only zero.

6. Highest and lowest values:

7. Increasing and decreasing intervals: the function is increasing over the entire domain of definition.

8. Graph of a function(for each ) is “similar” to the graph of a cubic parabola (function graphs are shown in Fig. 5.3).

Power function

1. Domain:

2. Multiple meanings:

3. Even and odd: function is odd.

4. Function frequency: non-periodic.

5. Function zeros: has no zeros.

6. The largest and smallest values ​​of the function: the function does not have the largest and smallest values ​​for any

7. Increasing and decreasing intervals: the function is decreasing in its domain of definition.

8. Asymptotes:(axis OU) – vertical asymptote;

(axis Oh) – horizontal asymptote.

9. Graph of a function(for anyone N) is “similar” to the graph of a hyperbola (function graphs are shown in Fig. 5.4).

Power function

1. Domain:

2. Multiple meanings:

3. Even and odd: the function is even.

4. Function frequency: non-periodic.

5. The largest and smallest values ​​of the function: the function does not have the largest and smallest values ​​for any

6. Increasing and decreasing intervals: the function is increasing by and decreasing by

7. Asymptotes: X= 0 (axis OU) – vertical asymptote;

Y= 0 (axis Oh) – horizontal asymptote.

8. Function graphs They are quadratic hyperbolas (Fig. 5.5).

Power function

1. Domain:

2. Multiple meanings:

3. Even and odd: the function does not have the property of even and odd.

4. Function frequency: non-periodic.

5. Function zeros: X= 0 – the only zero.

6. The largest and smallest values ​​of the function: the function takes the smallest value equal to 0 at the point X= 0; doesn't matter the most.

7. Increasing and decreasing intervals: the function is increasing over the entire domain of definition.

8. Each such function for a certain exponent is the inverse of the function provided

9. Graph of a function"resembles" the graph of a function for any N and is shown in Fig. 5.6.

Power function

1. Domain:

2. Multiple meanings:

3. Even and odd: function is odd.

4. Function frequency: non-periodic.

5. Function zeros: X= 0 – the only zero.

6. The largest and smallest values ​​of the function: the function does not have the largest and smallest values ​​for any

7. Increasing and decreasing intervals: the function is increasing over the entire domain of definition.

8. Graph of a function Shown in Fig. 5.7.

For the convenience of considering a power function, we will consider 4 separate cases: a power function with a natural exponent, a power function with an integer exponent, a power function with a rational exponent, and a power function with an irrational exponent.

Power function with natural exponent

First, let's introduce the concept of a degree with a natural exponent.

Definition 1

The power of a real number $a$ with natural exponent $n$ is a number equal to the product of $n$ factors, each of which equals the number $a$.

Picture 1.

$a$ is the base of the degree.

$n$ is the exponent.

Let us now consider a power function with a natural exponent, its properties and graph.

Definition 2

$f\left(x\right)=x^n$ ($n\in N)$ is called a power function with a natural exponent.

For further convenience, we consider separately a power function with an even exponent $f\left(x\right)=x^(2n)$ and a power function with an odd exponent $f\left(x\right)=x^(2n-1)$ ($n\in N)$.

Properties of a power function with a natural even exponent

    $f\left(-x\right)=((-x))^(2n)=x^(2n)=f(x)$ -- the function is even.

    Value area -- $\

    The function decreases as $x\in (-\infty ,0)$ and increases as $x\in (0,+\infty)$.

    $f("")\left(x\right)=(\left(2n\cdot x^(2n-1)\right))"=2n(2n-1)\cdot x^(2(n-1 ))\ge 0$

    The function is convex over the entire domain of definition.

    Behavior at the ends of the domain:

    \[(\mathop(lim)_(x\to -\infty ) x^(2n)\ )=+\infty \] \[(\mathop(lim)_(x\to +\infty ) x^( 2n)\ )=+\infty \]

    Graph (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Graph of the function $f\left(x\right)=x^(2n)$

Properties of a power function with a natural odd exponent

    The domain of definition is all real numbers.

    $f\left(-x\right)=((-x))^(2n-1)=(-x)^(2n)=-f(x)$ -- the function is odd.

    $f(x)$ is continuous over the entire domain of definition.

    The range is all real numbers.

    $f"\left(x\right)=\left(x^(2n-1)\right)"=(2n-1)\cdot x^(2(n-1))\ge 0$

    The function increases over the entire domain of definition.

    $f\left(x\right)0$, for $x\in (0,+\infty)$.

    $f(""\left(x\right))=(\left(\left(2n-1\right)\cdot x^(2\left(n-1\right))\right))"=2 \left(2n-1\right)(n-1)\cdot x^(2n-3)$

    \ \

    The function is concave for $x\in (-\infty ,0)$ and convex for $x\in (0,+\infty)$.

    Graph (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Graph of the function $f\left(x\right)=x^(2n-1)$

Power function with integer exponent

First, let's introduce the concept of a degree with an integer exponent.

Definition 3

The power of a real number $a$ with integer exponent $n$ is determined by the formula:

Figure 4.

Let us now consider a power function with an integer exponent, its properties and graph.

Definition 4

$f\left(x\right)=x^n$ ($n\in Z)$ is called a power function with an integer exponent.

If the degree is greater than zero, then we come to the case of a power function with a natural exponent. We have already discussed it above. For $n=0$ we get a linear function $y=1$. We will leave its consideration to the reader. It remains to consider the properties of a power function with a negative integer exponent

Properties of a power function with a negative integer exponent

    The domain of definition is $\left(-\infty ,0\right)(0,+\infty)$.

    If the exponent is even, then the function is even; if it is odd, then the function is odd.

    $f(x)$ is continuous over the entire domain of definition.


    If the exponent is even, then $(0,+\infty)$; if it is odd, then $\left(-\infty ,0\right)(0,+\infty)$.

    For an odd exponent, the function decreases as $x\in \left(-\infty ,0\right)(0,+\infty)$. If the exponent is even, the function decreases as $x\in (0,+\infty)$. and increases as $x\in \left(-\infty ,0\right)$.

    $f(x)\ge 0$ over the entire domain of definition