Dentistry. Alpha health center Alpha insurance medical center

I have been attached under VHI for the third year (my organization’s choice). You can get tested; there are very few decent doctors. If I had to pay myself, I would probably demand reasons for such prices, since an appointment costs an average of 2,000 rubles, but, as I noticed, very often doctors do nothing except look at the throat and measure the pressure. I came in with a cold, and they ended up diagnosing sinusitis, which apparently wasn’t treated, because three weeks later I came back to them again with the same symptoms. But this time all the doctors, including the head, threw up their hands and made it clear that I just needed a vacation. Is it okay that I’m 39.5 and my nose can’t breathe? As I remember, I was examined by a neurologist (Silaev), an ENT specialist (Korobeinikov, Dobrova, Chekaldina, there were also doctors, but for some reason they are not displayed in my chart, so I cannot write their last name), an endocrinologist Kamaeva, a therapist Samartseva, who was clearly not She was happy that I came to her, and apparently I couldn’t say anything. As a result, she called the manager, who was also clearly not very happy that she needed to do something. As a result, they made the assumption that, in my opinion, it was an incorrect diagnosis and once again sent me to retake the tests. As a result, I went to the ENT specialist and waited for a miracle until I had a headache and I went to do a CT scan myself (I had to study on the Internet what it was, why no one said about it, I don’t understand). As a result, I had pansinusitis (as I understand, the sinusitis was not treated and it developed into pansinusitis). As I remember well, the doctors during hospitalization were shocked by how they “treated” me. By some miracle, I didn’t go on vacation, although I regularly heard recommendations, but decided to do a CT scan first. What could have happened to me if I had listened to these miracle doctors? I don't even want to write. So think a hundred times before going there. For such a price tag, I think there are more worthy places with competent doctors. As for dentistry, I was treated by Pavlova, it seemed worthy, but very little time has passed and, frankly speaking, after that situation the overall impression of this institution is terrible. There was also a case when I came with a child (1.1 years old), heard from the staff a promise that they would look after him while I was doing the procedure, and in the end the child walked around the clinic alone and looked for me... He walked alone through the corridor with the stairs, the door to the street, shouted: “Mom”... And the girls at the reception in the children's department, from whom I heard a promise to look after, did not even look in his direction! Of course, they called me later (after I left them a complaint) and apologized, but one wonders what could have happened. ..

MC "Alpha Health Center" has been successfully operating since 2008. It is a assistance project of the Alfa-Insurance group. The clinic has high-quality modern medical equipment and professionals on its staff. The medical center helps patients even in the most difficult cases, always pays attention to the problem and tries to solve it.

Advantages of Alpha Health Center

The clinic has a network of clinics throughout Russia and is focused on high-quality care for people. The MC at Komsomolsky Prospekt, 17, building 11 provides a full range of medical and diagnostic services.

The appointment takes place without queues and stress at a time convenient for you. The clinic uses SMS notifications so that the patient does not forget about his visit to the doctor. Among the advantages of the clinic we can also highlight:

1. Professionalism of doctors.

2. Honey equipment from world leaders in this field of production.

3. Possibility of recording online through the website.

4. Having your own laboratory.

5. Possibility to call a doctor at home.

6. Availability of an emergency room.

7. The ability to quickly obtain accurate tests.

In addition, the clinic has a convenient location and is easily accessible both by personal and public transport.


The staff of the MC "Alpha Health Center" has the appropriate qualifications and specialized work experience. The clinic has a strict system for selecting candidates for staff. Doctors must complete tests that are based on educational standards in Europe and the United States. In addition, the clinic monitors the quality of doctors’ work.

The clinic employs general practitioners and highly specialized doctors. Here you can make an appointment with the following doctors:

  1. rheumatologist;
  2. dermatovenerologist;
  3. obstetrician-gynecologist;
  4. allergist-immunologist;
  5. infectious disease specialist;
  6. cardiologist;
  7. oncologist;
  8. mammologist;
  9. neurologist;

And also: ENT, ophthalmologist, urologist, surgeon, endocrinologist, proctologist, pulmonologist, orthopedist-traumatologist and others.

The clinic is staffed by doctors of restorative and anti-age medicine: nutritionist, trichologist, cosmetologist, chiropractor, reflexologist, massage therapist, psychiatrist and psychiatrist-narcologist. You can also make an appointment for your child to see a pediatrician.


At the Alpha Health Center MC you can undergo all the necessary diagnostic tests. The clinic offers the following services:

  1. laboratory research;
  2. Ultrasound diagnostics;
  3. digital radiography;

To get an appointment with a specialist at the Alpha Health Center, make an appointment on our website, or call. If you are looking for a referral specialist, you can contact the clinic staff and they will help you find the right specialist. If you have already been treated at this clinic, please share your opinion about the work of the medical specialist. center.

The Dental Center on Frunzenskaya offers a wide range of medical services. Impeccable service, the latest examples of multifunctional equipment, a comfortable and friendly environment contribute to the achievement of confidential contact with the attending physicians.

The dental center provides all the necessary conditions for carrying out treatment procedures. Our own laboratories allow you to undergo examination at an affordable price. Quality and safety requirements are met at the level of international standards.

The clinic employs experienced, highly qualified specialists. Many years of experience, modern technical equipment and professionalism of doctors allow us to achieve effective results even in the most difficult and neglected situations.

Our services

At the Alfa Health Center, dentistry is available to patients in full:

  • Surgery (tooth extraction, frenulum correction, bone grafting).
  • Prosthetics (installation of crowns, facets, production of removable dentures).
  • Implantation using strong, durable foundations.
  • Tooth-saving operations.
  • Removing plaque, cleaning enamel.
  • Therapy of oral cavity defects.
  • Correction of bite, elimination of tooth perforations.
  • Installation of braces and plates.
  • High-quality whitening based on the ZOOM system.

Preparation for treatment begins with information about the medical history (anamnesis). If necessary, a panoramic photograph of the jaw is prescribed, on which you can see foci of inflammation and the condition of the periodontal tissues.

Symptoms to see a doctor

Dentistry is located next to the Frunzenskaya metro station. We work seven days a week and seven days a week. Do not delay visiting the dentist if you are concerned about the following symptoms:

  • Characteristic swelling of the face.
  • Toothache.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Swelling, unnatural gum color.
  • Strong headache.
  • Lethargy, sleep disturbance.
  • There is pronounced destruction of the enamel.
  • The dentition is crooked and requires correction.
  • The surface layer of the enamel has yellowed, the upper part of the tooth has worn away.
  • Bad breath.

Aesthetic dentistry

At the clinic on Komsomolsky Prospekt, you can get advice any day and get acquainted with the list and prices for the following services:

  • Professional oral hygiene.
  • Installation of veneers, jewelry (skys).
  • Lumineers prosthetics.
  • Surgery of gum pockets (curettage).
  • Correction of the bite using transparent aligners.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning of enamel.
  • Air Flow plaque removal.

Our advantages

  • High level of personnel competence.
  • The latest diagnostic equipment.
  • Full range of dental services.
  • No queues and impeccable service.
  • Use of effective pharmacological agents.

We will see you at any convenient time, perform the necessary medical operations, get rid of pathological abnormalities and restore your general well-being!