Candles livarol when breastfeeding. Candles Livarol: instructions for use in gynecology, reviews of women

Treatment of thrush with vaginal suppositories with antifungal components gives the greatest effect and allows you to achieve a quick result. You can buy these drugs in a pharmacy without a prescription, but it is advisable to consult a doctor before using Livarol suppositories: what they are prescribed for, how to take them, can they be replaced with analogues if necessary.

Candles "Livarol" contain ketoconazole as an active ingredient. This substance has a fairly wide spectrum of action, including against fungi and bacteria. Ketoconazole is part of many antifungal drugs and is most effective as a topical antifungal agent.

Additional substances (the basis for suppositories) make the treatment much more effective:

  • shape and facilitate the insertion of the suppository into the vagina;
  • reduce the intensity of inflammation;
  • soften the mucous membrane;
  • help heal minor injuries.

Candles give only a local effect for fungal inflammation of the vagina and labia, but are ineffective against fungal cystitis and more serious diseases. However, in this case they can also be used in complex therapy.

Indications for use

Candles from thrush Livarol are prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • With candidal vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the walls of the vagina and skin of the labia). In this case, they are the main means for treating the disease.
  • With candidal cystitis and endometritis, suppositories are prescribed as part of complex therapy along with systemic drugs.
  • Can be used to prevent candidiasis during long-term treatment with antibiotics or glucocorticosteroids.
  • In chronic and recurrent candidiasis, suppositories are used to relieve exacerbation. In this case, the drug is an element of complex therapy, since the fight against the fungus in the vaginal area is not enough.

Also, "Livarol" can be used as a prophylactic for candidiasis of other areas of the body to prevent the spread of infection to the genitals.


Candles "Livarol" can not be used if hypersensitivity to the components of the drug or to the active substance is detected.

Stop taking and consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • discomfort;
  • pain in the genital area;
  • swelling;
  • deterioration in general well-being.

The second important contraindication is early pregnancy (up to 12 weeks). At this point, Livarol candles can have a negative impact on the development of the child. After this period and during breastfeeding, these suppositories should be used with caution. It is necessary to consult with a gynecologist so as not to harm your health and the health of the unborn baby.

When using suppositories during lactation, it is sometimes advisable to stop breastfeeding for the duration of treatment.

Method of application, dosage

Livarol - suppositories from thrush, they are inserted into the vagina and dissolve there, providing a local effect.

Mode of application:

  1. Before the introduction of the suppository, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the genitals and wipe the perineum dry.
  2. Then you need to lie on your side and insert the candle with the pointed end forward.

The candle will dissolve itself in a few minutes. The instruction recommends lying down for about an hour after the procedure so that the active substance is completely absorbed. Therefore, it is best to use the drug in the evening before bedtime.

The dosage of the drug depends on the purpose of its appointment:

  • For the treatment of acute candidiasis, a suppository is administered every day at night for 5 days.
  • If candidiasis is chronic or recurrent, the duration of the course increases to 10 days.
  • The prophylactic course lasts 5 days, begins the next day after the end of menstruation, if necessary, repeats monthly.

It should be noted that when suppositories from thrush Livarol are prescribed, the instruction does not recommend using during menstruation, since then their effectiveness is much lower - the active substance is partially lost along with menstrual flow.

It is better to use the drug in the evening, and not in the morning - then the loss of the active substance is excluded along with secretions when walking and running.

In addition, in the morning, the patient may not have time to lie down for an hour after the procedure.

Possible side effects

Candles are one of the safest dosage forms, but nevertheless, their use is associated with certain side effects. These may be local or general allergic reactions in the patient. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your condition and, if it worsens, stop taking the drug in time and inform your doctor.

Local allergic reactions can be not only in the patient herself, but also in her sexual partner. To prevent them, it is necessary to take a break in intimate life until complete recovery. In general, not useful for both partners.

For women undergoing treatment and using Livarol suppositories, the instructions for use for thrush warns of more abundant discharge than usual. This is due to the fact that ketoconazole causes the death and release of dead fungi along with mucus and curdled secretions. It is advisable to use panty liners during treatment to keep the linen clean.

The use of tampons can lead to the maintenance of inflammation and worsening of the general condition.

Paradoxical as it may seem, but Livarol suppositories help from what, the disease can be provoked. If the drug was used incorrectly, for example, a woman stopped using suppositories before it was prescribed by a doctor, then there is a great danger of a recurrence of thrush. In addition, fungi have the ability to develop tolerance to antifungal drugs, although much less than bacteria. Therefore, with constant misuse of "Livarol" may develop.

Features and limitations of application

An overdose of "Livarol" in clinical trials has not been noted. There are indications that when several suppositories are inserted in a row, discomfort occurs in the vaginal area, and a severe allergic reaction is possible. These phenomena pass independently and rather quickly.

The use of suppositories in girls under 12 years of age is not recommended. There is no reliable data on the danger or safety of such treatment. Assign "Livarol" to children only if there is laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis of genital tract candidiasis.

In no case should you use the drug in girls without a doctor's prescription.


Candles "Livarol" from thrush is an effective remedy, but it is important to strictly follow the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor. If this is not done, then their use may not only fail, but also lead to the opposite effect - relapses and chronicity of the disease.

And some secrets... Have you ever tried to get rid of thrush? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, the victory was not on your side. And, of course, you know what is:

  • white curdled discharge;
  • severe burning and itching;
  • pain during sex;
  • bad smell;
  • discomfort when urinating.
Now answer the question: does it suit you? Can thrush be tolerated? And how much money have you already "leaked" for ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end it! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive method based on traditional medicine that allows you to permanently get rid of thrush.

The only remedy for thrush and diseases caused by Candida fungi, recommended by our subscribers!

Every woman at least once in her life faced such an unpleasant disease as thrush. The reasons that can cause candidiasis are different. It is necessary to start treatment of the disease in time to prevent recurrence. Many different means are used for treatment. Deservedly won a leading place in the top effective drugs Livarol.

Candles Livarol: a unique composition

If you start treatment at the initial stage, then the disease can be effectively and quickly cured. As a rule, at the first symptoms of thrush, doctors recommend using Livarol. The composition of suppositories includes ketoconazole. It has a destructive effect on fungi. The medicine also contains other excipients that uniqueize the composition of the drug.

Ingredients of Livarol:

  • Ketoconazole (40 milligrams);
  • Polyethylene oxide (400 and 1500 milligrams);
  • Butylated hydroxyanisole.

When is Livarol used for thrush?

Candles Livarol are used not only for the treatment of thrush, but also for other diseases:

  • with disturbed microflora of the vagina (most often this happens during pregnancy);
  • with a chronic form of candidiasis that recurs;
  • with chronic and acute mycosis.

Also, Livarol suppositories can be used prophylactically to prevent thrush. They can increase the effectiveness of drugs during antibiotic therapy. Candles can be prescribed to a woman who has had an infectious disease when her immune system is weakened. In such a situation, Livarol helps prevent candidiasis.

Contraindications to the use of the drug from thrush

It is best to start treatment with livarol immediately after the end of menstruation. This mode of application is also good because during this period of time the concentration of estrogens in the woman's blood begins to gradually increase. Thus, in place of the fungi “destroyed” by ketoconazole, normal lactobacilli will be populated, as a result of which, after a short course of treatment, the normal microflora of the vagina will be completely restored.

Why do white vaginal discharge appear after using livarol suppositories?

The curdled masses of white color that stand out from the vagina during the use of the drug livarol are destroyed colonies of pathogenic fungi. The appearance of these secretions during treatment indicates its effectiveness.

Livarol is an antifungal drug that is injected into the vagina to treat vaginal candidiasis ( that is, lesions of the vagina with pathogenic fungi). As the infection develops, the number of candida in the vagina increases, as a result of which, over time, they can cover the entire surface of the mucous membrane, taking the form of a white, cheesy plaque. The main treatment for vaginal candidiasis is the intravaginal administration of antifungal agents, such as livarol suppositories. The active substance of this drug is ketoconazole, which has an antifungal effect ( that is, upon contact with pathogenic fungi, it destroys them). In addition to ketoconazole, the suppository contains other components that ensure that the required form of the drug is maintained until it is used.

After insertion into the vagina the temperature in which can reach 37.5 degrees) the suppository melts, as a result of which the active substance covers a large surface of the mucous membrane and contacts the fungal colonies located on it, which then die. Dead colonies of fungi ( which are white curdled masses) are detached from the mucous membrane of the vagina and are released along with the molten substance of the suppository to the outside.

After the end of treatment, fungal colonies do not remain in the vagina, as a result of which the pathological discharge stops.

Can I have sex while taking Livarol?

It is possible to have sex during the period of using Livarol suppositories, but it is not recommended to do this immediately after the administration of the drug.

Livarol is an antifungal drug that comes in the form of vaginal suppositories and is used to treat vaginal candidiasis ( lesions of the vaginal mucosa by pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida). For maximum effectiveness, suppositories should be inserted deep into the vagina. The suppository inserted into the vagina melts, as a result of which its active substance ( ketoconazole) comes into contact with pathogenic fungi located on the mucous membrane and destroys them.

The antifungal effect of the drug persists for several hours, as a result of which candles should be used 1 time per day ( at night before bed). If a woman had sexual intercourse before the introduction of the candle, this will not affect the effectiveness of the treatment or the health of the woman herself. The most formidable complication in this case may be reddening of the mucous membrane of the partner's penis, due to the action of the previously administered drug. The development can be prevented by using condoms, which should be used during the entire period of treatment ( 5 – 10 days).

If sexual contact took place during the first hours after the administration of the drug, the possible consequences may be more formidable. The likelihood of damage to the partner's penis can also be eliminated with a condom, but the effectiveness of the treatment itself in this case will be significantly reduced. The fact is that during sexual intercourse, most of the dissolved drug is mechanically removed from the surface of the vaginal mucosa. This is also facilitated by increased activity of the glands of the vagina. As a result, after the end of the course of treatment, a certain proportion of fungi may survive, leading to a relapse ( re-aggravation) disease or its transition to a chronic form.

Thrush is the most common disease in women that occurs at any age. The slightest violation of the hormonal background and a decrease in immunity negatively affects the state of the reproductive system. Various means are used to treat the disease, but the most popular remedy is vaginal suppositories. But, unfortunately, no matter how effective the drug is, ignorance of its features can lead to refusal to use it. So, discharge after Livarol by some women is considered a lack of medicine or a side effect. But is it really so?

Reasons for the development of thrush

Thrush (or vaginal candidiasis) is a common infectious disease that almost every woman has encountered. According to medical data, the disease affects 75-80% of the weaker sex.

The disease is provoked by fungi of the genus Candida. The developed pathology is not contagious, not sexually transmitted. These microorganisms are present in the reproductive system of every female representative. In a normal state of immunity, fungi usually do not manifest themselves, since their increased reproduction is controlled by special lactobacilli present in the vagina and providing the necessary acidic environment.

But as soon as there is a failure in the microflora, and beneficial organisms reduce their activity, the acidity in the body decreases. The more the pH approaches neutral, the more favorable the conditions for the reproduction of candida become. They begin to multiply intensively, penetrating the mucous membrane and causing an inflammatory process in the vagina.

The reasons for the development of thrush are:

  • Decreased body immunity due to diseases, poor lifestyle, poor hygiene and other factors.
  • Therapy with antibiotics. The use of strong antibacterial drugs contributes to the destruction of not only pathogenic, but also beneficial lactobacilli. And since antibiotics do not affect fungi, they get excellent conditions for reproduction.
  • Contraceptives, due to the sex hormones they contain, change the hormonal background in the female body, which can cause infection.
  • Cytostatic drugs: inhibit cell division in the body, reducing immunity.
  • Glucocorticoids: a side effect of drugs is a decrease in the body's defenses.
  • Diabetes. A person with this disease has reduced immunity, there are circulatory disorders. As a result of insufficient supply of cells and tissues with useful substances, favorable conditions are created for the development of infection.
  • AIDS: An extremely low level of immunity contributes to the active spread of pathogens.
  • Untreated thrush in a pregnant woman. In addition to the consequences for women's health, the infection is transmitted to the child during childbirth.

Manifestations of thrush

An infection that has developed in the vagina signals its presence with several unpleasant symptoms:

  • Itching and burning. Signs associated with inflammation are especially pronounced at night, after bathing or procedures, intimacy.
  • Specific discharge from the vagina - thick masses, similar to cottage cheese.
  • If they occur in the vagina, this is due to developed inflammation. Complaints of discomfort in the lower abdomen and increased urination are evidence of the spread of infection to the urinary organs.

When making a diagnosis, an examination of the vagina and laboratory tests of discharge are performed.

Treatment of thrush

The task of treating vaginal candidiasis is to suppress the development of the infection and eliminate the causes that caused it.

The complex of medical measures includes:

  • Appointment of antifungal drugs (tablets or suppositories) for intravaginal use.
  • Therapy with antiseptic preparations for disinfection and cleansing of the vagina from pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Temporary ban on the use of contraceptives, antibiotics and other drugs that destroy beneficial vaginal microorganisms and thereby contribute to the development of thrush.
  • Therapy of existing diseases that have a negative impact on the level of immunity.

What is Livarol

Livarol is an antifungal drug in the form of vaginal suppositories, designed to eliminate vaginal infections:

  • Therapy for acute, chronic or recurrent thrush
  • Prevention of fungal infections in patients who have undergone treatment with antibiotics or other drugs that lower immunity and affect the state of the vaginal microflora.

The therapeutic substance of vaginal suppositories is ketoconazole, an imidazole derivative. Depending on the concentration, it has a fungicidal or fungistatic effect. After penetration into the cellular organism of the fungus, it suppresses the production of vital substances of the pathogen. Under the influence of drugs, the synthesis of ergosterol, triglycides and other compounds stops. The resulting deficiency makes it impossible for the formation of new cells, filaments and colonies of the fungus, which leads to the death of the pathogen. As a result, the infectious process is on the decline.

Ketoconazole affects dermatophytes, molds and other fungi. But most importantly, it suppresses candidal pathogens - the culprits of vaginal infection.

How to apply candles

How to use vaginal suppositories for thrush should be determined by the doctor individually for each patient. Usually one suppository per day is prescribed, an increase in procedures is possible according to indications. It is not recommended to change the dosage of the drug on your own.

The suppository is administered in the supine position to the maximum depth. Under the influence of human heat, the remedy will melt and turn into a thick mass that will cover the walls of the female organ. To prevent the product from leaking out, it is not recommended to get up after the procedure. In any case, doctors advise not to rise for 1.5-2 hours after the administration of the drug. In order not to spoil the bedding and minimize inconvenience, it is recommended to use sanitary pads.

The standard treatment regimen for thrush with Livarol is 5 days, with a severe or advanced form of infection, the gynecologist can extend the treatment for another 5 days. In addition, depending on the diagnosis, other drugs may be prescribed.

The treatment course should not be interrupted at the first symptoms of remission, as untreated thrush will return or become chronic. It will be more difficult to get rid of it, and the developed complications will cause serious damage to the body.

A stumbling block for many women is the issue of treatment during menstruation. Doctors do not advise interrupting treatment during menstruation. The medicine does not affect either the cycle or the volume of released blood. Moreover, antifungal suppositories have a healing effect on the mucous membranes of the vagina.

intimate question

Treatment of infectious diseases of the reproductive system often involves the rejection of sexual intercourse. There is no such requirement for Livarol. Gynecologists allow intimacy, but with one condition - you can have sex only before the medical procedure. After applying the candle, this is not recommended.

Otherwise, for the sexual partner, this may result in an allergic reaction to the drug - hyperemia of the penis.

Cause of Discharge Complaints

The main complaints about Livarol are copious discharge after suppositories. They can be white, pinkish or sandy. Most women are frightened, considering this a side effect or an exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, often the appearance of incomprehensible secretions provokes them to early refusal of treatment.

As gynecologists explain, what comes out of Livarol is a normal phenomenon associated with the characteristics of the drug. After dissolution in the vagina and penetration into the epithelial tissue, the multiplied microorganisms are suppressed. The “leakage”, which women so often complain about, is facilitated by the substances contained in the candles. They melt under the influence of human heat and create the effect of a bath. Penetrate themselves and simultaneously deliver ketoconazole to all parts and cells of the vaginal walls. And after the end of the therapeutic action, they leave the body along with the fungi and their metabolic products.

Complaints about discharge in the form of white sand are most often explained simply - these are the remains of a melted suppository. It is necessary to be alert if blood clots appear in the discharge. In this case, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor, contact him as soon as possible.

However, it should be noted that not all women experience copious discharge after suppositories. Due to the characteristics of the body, for each woman, the effect after candles manifests itself in different ways.

Who should not be treated with Livarol

Like any medication, Livarol has contraindications. Candles should not be used for:

  • The presence of individual hypersensitivity of the body to the constituent components
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy
  • Children under 12 years of age.

The drug is approved for the treatment of thrush in pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. But in this case, the question of the use of Livarol should be decided by the gynecologist. The risks to the fetus at these times are minimal. The danger lies in the long-term use of suppositories, as the risk of developing allergic reactions of the body increases, which can adversely affect the health of the unborn child.

Although there is no strict ban on treatment with Livarol suppositories for lactating women, they should take into account that if an allergic reaction follows, it may adversely affect the composition or taste of milk. This is especially important to consider if long-term treatment is ahead. Therefore, the question of the use of suppositories during lactation is best agreed with the doctor.

If a woman has damage to the vagina, it is not recommended to use candles. First you need to achieve complete healing of open wounds, and only after that proceed with antifungal therapy.

What are the side effects

Due to the fact that Livarol suppositories are used for local treatment, the active substance of the drug ketoconazole practically does not pass into the body. Therefore, it does not enter the bloodstream and does not cause a systemic effect. All side effects of the antifungal drug are associated with the reaction of the female organ.

During the course of Livarol, the development of undesirable manifestations is not excluded:

  • Severe itching and burning
  • Redness or swelling of the vagina
  • Pain in the vagina
  • Rashes on the skin in the perineum
  • Headaches, dizziness (in isolated cases).

More serious reactions (anaphylaxis) are extremely rare. Mostly occur when non-compliance with contraindications to the drug.

If any uncharacteristic symptoms appear after using the suppository, you should consult a gynecologist.

Pink discharge that may appear after the procedure is most likely associated with latent erosion. The components of the suppository irritate the blood vessels, and the discharge becomes stained. If this symptom appears, you need to consult a doctor to adjust further treatment.

Livarol vaginal suppositories are considered a good remedy for thrush. They not only eliminate its symptoms, but also relieve the causes of the disease - a fungal infection. But for therapy to be successful, it must take place only as directed by a doctor. Ignorance of the causes of the disease or incorrect definition of infection during self-treatment contributes to the transition of thrush into a chronic form. Getting rid of it will be much harder.

Thrush in women (urogenital candidiasis) is a common occurrence.

The pathology is characterized by fungal origin and has nothing to do with sexually transmitted diseases. At the same time, active candidal fungus causes discomfort to women and complicates gynecological diseases. It is also transmitted to the sexual partner if the sexual life is conducted without a condom.

It is necessary to start treating vaginal candidiasis as soon as possible, using effective topical agents. Often gynecologists prescribe Livarol suppositories - an effective fungicidal drug that is suitable for women of any age, pregnant and lactating mothers.

Livarol: composition and pharmacological properties

In Livarol suppositories, the composition is based on such an active substance as ketoconazole. Auxiliary ingredients are butylhydroxyanisole and the base for vaginal suppositories. Medicinal units are packed in contour cells. Each carton contains 5 or 10 cone-shaped suppositories. The color of the drug is white, yellow or pinkish.

The drug has fungicidal and fungistatic properties. This means that the active substance simultaneously inhibits the vital processes of the pathogen, destroys the structure of its body and provokes death. Useful microflora Livarol does not affect.

Livarol is able to suppress the activity of streptococci and staphylococci, which cause mixed infections and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. The use of suppositories in this case provides a complex effect and avoids treatment with a large number of medicines.

Why prescribe candles

The drug in question is effective against any microorganisms. If you have heard about Livarol suppositories, but do not know exactly what they are prescribed for, we recommend that you study the main indications for the use of this remedy.

When Livarol is prescribed:

  • Vaginal candidiasis.
  • Urogenital dysbacteriosis.
  • Therapy of mild and recurrent forms of thrush.
  • Prevention of fungal infections in the field of gynecology, the development of which is associated with weakened immunity.
  • Support for the body after antibacterial and chemical therapy, which led to a disorder in the vaginal biocenosis.
  • Mixed fungal infections provoked by staphylococci and streptococci.

At an early stage of thrush with mild pain and burning sensation when urinating, Livarol suppositories are prescribed for use within 1 to 3 days. Deep into the vagina, suppositories are administered in the supine position. It is more convenient to do the procedures before going to bed so that the melted candle does not leak out. A cloth napkin or panty liner will help protect linen from getting dirty.

The acute form of thrush is treated with the drug for 3 to 5 days. Progressive candidiasis is manifested by symptoms such as:

To improve the condition, suppositories are administered at night, following the recommendations from the instructions.

Chronic thrush with Livarol is treated for 10 days according to the scheme 1 suppository per day. A long course completely cleanses the genital tract from a fungal infection and restores the bacterial balance of the vagina.


Livarol for children

Livarol suppositories are not prescribed for girls under 12 years of age. Upon reaching the age of 12 - 15 years, the drug is used according to indications.

During pregnancy

Pregnant women can use Livarol only as directed by a doctor. The first trimester is a contraindication to the treatment of thrush with Livarol during pregnancy. Another contraindication to the use of suppositories, doctors call individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Doctors explain the prohibition of the use of Livarol during pregnancy by the fact that a tiny fraction of the active substance of suppositories enters the body of the expectant mother. Despite a slight concentration in the blood, ketoconazole can cause allergic reactions and have a toxic effect on the fetus, which is at the stage of formation of organs and tissues.


Livarol practically does not cause side effects. Only in too sensitive patients can candles cause irritation of the vaginal mucosa. An allergic reaction is manifested by increased itching, swelling and redness of the tissues of the inguinal zone. The skin may react to the drug with hives or an itchy allergic rash.

In such cases, candles are canceled and more gentle analogues are selected:

  • Sebozol.
  • Ginezol.
  • Nizoral.
  • Mycozoral.
  • Lomeksin.
  • Pimafucin.
  • Nystatin.
  • Fluomizin.
  • Macmirror.
  • Primafungin.

A similar therapeutic effect is provided by candles Flagin, Sertaconazole, Ornisid, Candide (synonyms of Livarol).

How much does the drug cost

Each planimetric pack of Livarol is designed for 5 suppositories. The cost of five suppositories varies between 400 - 500 rubles. Accordingly, the price of 10 pcs. candles Livarola will be twice as large. In Ukrainian pharmacies, Livarol is sold at a price of 65 - 140 hryvnia. In Belarus, the cost of the drug ranges from 120 to 190 thousand rubles.

What are the advantages of Livarol against the background of other therapeutic intravaginal suppositories?

The main advantage of the drug is the content of a powerful fungicidal substance ketoconazole. It blocks the synthesis of a protein important for the structure of the mycelium and prevents the emergence of new pathogens.

Given that candidiasis develops under the influence of various factors, there is always a reason to buy Livarol. Thrush is provoked by diabetes mellitus, hormonal changes (including during pregnancy), infectious diseases of a chronic nature, antibiotic therapy and unprotected sexual intercourse. But the most important factor is the weakening of the immune system. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of health and prevent the body from losing resistance to pathogens.

During the period of application of Livarol, it is important not to interrupt the treatment and bring it to the end. If the drug is prescribed for a long time, and the unpleasant symptoms disappeared earlier, the course should be continued until the doctor cancels the therapy. This will avoid recurrence of thrush and prevent the transformation of the acute stage into a chronic one.

An important point in the fight against thrush is the treatment of both sexual partners. Intimate life for the duration of therapy is recommended to be canceled, and it is better not to use barrier contraceptives, since the drug reduces their effectiveness.

Also, a woman is advised to wear underwear made of breathable fabric (preferably cotton and without lace) and review the diet. The menu should be dominated by dairy and plant foods, fresh vegetables and fruits. From flour and sweet carbohydrate products must be abandoned completely or at least limit their consumption. Sweets negatively affect the vaginal environment and the composition of the microflora.

With frequent recurrences of thrush, women should regularly take a smear both during therapy and as the course ends. This approach will help to understand whether the drug copes with its functions and consider replacing it with a more effective analogue.

The medicine "Livarol" belongs to the group of antimycotic substances (i.e. antifungal). The composition includes the substance ketoconazole, which shows its activity against several types of fungi that affect the woman's vagina.

This drug is produced in the form of vaginal (vaginal) suppositories, which contain 400 mg of active ingredient. The package contains 5 and 10 candles. Each candle is torpedo-shaped, white or cream in color, marble top available.


Vaginal suppositories from thrush "Livarol" adversely affect the fungal infection of the female vagina, inhibiting the formation of certain substances on the surface of the fungus and changing the composition of its shell. It has an effect on fungi that belong to dermatophytes (trichophytes, microspores and epidermophytes) and yeasts (candida, pityrospores). They also partially perform the action of an antibiotic, acting on streptococci and staphylococci.

Indications for use

For the treatment of thrush, candles "Livarol" are used. This drug is used in such cases as:

  • Acute candidiasis (thrush) of the vagina. This is a rapidly flowing disease with white discharge and the presence of a large number of other symptoms.
  • Chronic thrush, which has periods of exacerbation and remission (attenuation of the process for a while).
  • As a prevention of the occurrence of thrush when using antibacterial drugs.
  • Prevention of candidiasis after an infectious disease, which significantly lowers immunity.
  • Violation of the microflora of the vagina for various reasons (including during pregnancy).

Contraindications to the use of the drug

The drug is of such high quality that it has practically no contraindications. However, in the presence of allergic reactions to ketoconazole or other components of suppositories, it is better to refuse its use. Livarol during pregnancy can be used only from the 12th week, when the main organs and organ systems of the fetus are formed.

Apply candles "Livarol", if there is thrush, it is necessary with caution if:

  • The patient's age is less than 12 years.
  • Pregnancy after 12 weeks. It is used after consulting a specialist.
  • When breastfeeding. The use of suppositories is possible only after consultation with a gynecologist.

Overdose and side effects

No cases of overdose with suppositories have been reported and have not been clinically studied.

Side effects of the drug: itching and burning in the vaginal area, redness of the mucous membrane in this area and signs of irritation, which the gynecologist detects when examined in the mirrors, may occur. Skin rashes and hives (red, itchy patches on the skin) may also occur. In more rare cases, nausea and dizziness occur, as well as pink vaginal discharge.

Instructions for use "Livarol"

Candles are used in the treatment of fungal diseases of the vagina in women. To start treatment, it is necessary to release the candle from the packaging by pulling on 2 edges. After extraction, lying on your back, a candle is inserted deep into the vagina. It is better to do this before going to bed and do not get up after the introduction. Because the candle melts and can flow out in an upright position.

Using candles, you must adhere to the following instructions for use: enter 1 time per day, 1 candle. The course of treatment in mild cases of the disease should last 3-5 days, in severe chronic forms - 10 days.

For pregnant women and lactation, the dosage is not reduced and the course of treatment is not reduced.

If necessary, the drug can be used during menstruation. However, menstruation slightly reduces the duration of the suppository in the vagina, washing it out.

Together with the treatment of a woman, her sexual partner should also receive therapy in order to avoid re-infection. For men, there are antifungal drugs in the form of an ointment or cream. In the case of severe damage, both women and men need to take antifungal tablets in parallel.

special instructions

Candles "Livarol" during pregnancy, as well as when breastfeeding a child, should be prescribed only by a gynecologist and under his control. If any adverse effects occur, the drug must be discontinued.

Alcohol intake does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.

During menstruation or other bleeding from the vagina, the drug can be used in case of severe symptoms of the disease. In other cases, it is better to wait until the end.

Analogues "Livarola"

The drug livarol has the following analogues: "Ketoconazole", "Mycozoral", "Nizoral", "Mikoket", "Oronazol". An annotation describing each of these drugs is usually attached to the package.

Candles "Livarol" have a very affordable price.

Registration number:

P N002290/01

Active substance:


Dosage form:

vaginal suppositories


1 vaginal suppository contains:

active substance: ketoconazole 400 mg;

Excipients: butylhydroxyanisole;

base for suppositories: macrogol 1500 (polyethylene oxide 1500), macrogol 400 (polyethylene oxide 400) - a sufficient amount to obtain a suppository weighing 3.0 g.


Suppositories white, white with a yellowish or grayish, or with a creamy tinge of color, torpedo-shaped. Surface marbling is allowed.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

antifungal agent ATH:


Active substance -
ketoconazole, an imidazoledioxolane derivative. It has a fungicidal and fungostatic effect on dermatophytes ( Trichophyton spp., Epidermophyton floccosum, microsporum spp. ) and yeast ( Candida spp., Pityrosporum spp.). The mechanism of action is to inhibit the biosynthesis of ergosterol and change the lipid composition of the fungal membrane.

The drug is active against staphylococci and streptococci.


Systemic absorption with intravaginal use is negligible.

Indications for use

Treatment of acute and chronic recurrent vaginal candidiasis.

Prevention of the occurrence of fungal infections of the vagina with reduced body resistance and against the background of treatment with antibacterial agents and other drugs that disrupt the normal microflora of the vagina.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Pregnancy (I trimester).


Pregnancy (II-III trimester), lactation, children under 12 years of age.

Pregnancy and lactation:

Having previously released the suppository from the contour packaging, it is injected deep into the vagina in the supine position, 1 suppository per day for 3-5 days, depending on the course of the disease. In chronic candidiasis, 1 suppository is used for 10 days.

Side effect

Hyperemia and irritation of the vaginal mucosa, vaginal itching.

Allergic reactions: skin rash, urticaria.


When using Livarol® vaginal suppositories 400 mg, negative interactions with other drugs are unknown and should not be expected, since the resorption capacity of ketoconazole is low.

Special instructions:

In rare cases, allergic reactions (hyperemia of the penis) are possible in the sexual partner.

Influence on the ability to drive a vehicle:

Suppositories vaginal 400 mg.


5 pieces are placed in a blister pack.

1 or 2 blisters, together with instructions for use, are placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions:

In a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

In a place inaccessible to children.

Best before date:

Do not use after the expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

Without recipe

Registration certificate holder:

Registration certificate holder:NIZHFARM, JSC

Livarol (pharmacologically active substance - ketoconazole) is an antifungal drug for topical use, which is a derivative of imidazoledioxolane. It has a fungicidal (i.e., destructive to fungi) and fungistatic (slowing down their growth and development) effect, which is due to the ability of the drug to inhibit the biosynthesis of ergosterol and change the lipid component of fungal cell membranes. Livarol shows its activity against dermatophytes (Microsporum spp., Epidermophyton floccosum, Trichophyton spp.) and yeast fungi (Candida spp., Pityrosporum spp.). The drug is also effective against some bacteria, including Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp. and corynebacteria. Among the important pharmacokinetic characteristics of livarol, its low systemic absorption should be noted: when used intravaginally, the drug is practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation, which favorably affects its safety profile. The drug is produced in the form of vaginal suppositories, which, in addition to ketoconazole, contains a polyethylene oxide base as an auxiliary substance, moisturizing the vaginal mucosa and improving the interaction of the active substance of the drug with vaginal epitheliocytes. Before use, the suppository should be released from the contour packaging. The introduction of livarol is carried out deep into the vagina, which is more correct to do while in a horizontal position. The frequency of administration is 1 time per day, the duration of the drug course is 3-5 days, depending on the observed therapeutic effect and the nature of the course of the disease. In chronic candidiasis, 1 suppository per day is used, the duration of treatment is 10 days. Unlike the first trimester of pregnancy, its II and III trimesters are not direct contraindications to the use of livarol, but during this period the drug should be used with extreme caution. The same goes for breastfeeding women, as well as girls under the age of 12.

The drug has a minimum number of side effects. It is curious that to some extent it can threaten the sexual partner of a woman using livarol: there have been cases of allergic reactions expressed by hyperemia of the penis. To reduce the risk of recurrence, the course of treatment must also be completed by the sexual partner. It is important that livarol is well combined with other drugs: no cases of undesirable pharmacological interactions were noted and it is practically excluded due to the fact that ketoconazole in the form of vaginal suppositories is not absorbed into the systemic circulation. Livarol is available from pharmacies without a prescription, which makes it available for use as part of responsible self-medication.

One of the indications for the use of livarol is vulvovaginal candidiasis, one of the most common diseases of the urogenital tract in women. In the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis, both systemic and intravaginal antifungal agents are used, the latter having a number of advantages, the most important of which is the possibility of creating high therapeutic concentrations of the active component with a minimum degree of its absorption into the systemic circulation. Given the high prevalence of vulvovaginal candidiasis and its impact on the quality of life of patients, clinicians are interested in finding new effective antifungal drugs that have a favorable safety profile and are available to the general population. One of these drugs is livarol, which was demonstrated as part of a clinical trial of this drug in the mycological clinic of St. Petersburg MAPO. After the course of treatment, which included taking 1 suppository of Livarol for 5 days, the curability of patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis was 100% (immediately upon completion of the drug course) and 96% (5 days after it). No unwanted side effects were noted during the study.


Antifungal drug from the group of imidazoledioxolane derivatives for topical use. It has a fungicidal and fungistatic effect, the mechanism of which is to inhibit the biosynthesis of ergosterol and change the lipid composition of the fungal membrane.

Active against dermatophytes (Trichophyton spp., Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum spp.) and yeasts (Candida spp., Pityrosporum spp.).

Also active against Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp.


Systemic absorption with intravaginal use of the drug Livarol ® is negligible.

Release form

Vaginal suppositories white, white with a yellowish or grayish, or creamy tint; torpedo-shaped; marbling of the surface is allowed.

Excipients: butylhydroxyanisole - 500 mcg; basis for suppositories: macrogol 1500 (92-98%), macrogol 400 (8-2%) to obtain a suppository weighing 3.0 g.

5 pieces. - cellular contour packings (1) - packs of cardboard.
5 pieces. - cellular contour packings (2) - packs of cardboard.


Before using the drug, vaginal suppositories should be released from the contour packaging.

Suppositories are injected deep into the vagina in the supine position 1 time / day for 3-5 days, depending on the course of the disease.

In chronic candidiasis, 1 suppository is prescribed for 10 days.


Data on overdose of the drug Livarol ® are not provided.


When using Livarol with other drugs, no undesirable interaction was noted, and it is unlikely due to the low resorption capacity of ketoconazole.

Application features

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy.

When using the drug in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy and lactation, caution should be exercised.

Use in children

With caution, the drug should be prescribed to children under 12 years of age.

special instructions

In rare cases, allergic reactions (hyperemia of the penis) are possible in the sexual partner.

Treatment of thrush with vaginal suppositories with antifungal components gives the greatest effect and allows you to achieve a quick result. You can buy these drugs in a pharmacy without a prescription, but it is advisable to consult a doctor before using Livarol suppositories: what they are prescribed for, how to take them, can they be replaced with analogues if necessary.

Candles "Livarol" contain ketoconazole as an active ingredient. This substance has a fairly wide spectrum of action, including against fungi and bacteria. Ketoconazole is part of many antifungal drugs and is most effective as a topical antifungal agent.

Additional substances (the basis for suppositories) make the treatment much more effective:

  • shape and facilitate the insertion of the suppository into the vagina;
  • reduce the intensity of inflammation;
  • soften the mucous membrane;
  • help heal minor injuries.

Candles give only a local effect in fungal inflammation of the vagina and labia, but are ineffective against fungal cystitis and more serious diseases. However, in this case, they can also be used in complex therapy.

Indications for use

Candles from thrush Livarol are prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • With candidal vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the walls of the vagina and skin of the labia). In this case, they are the main means for treating the disease.
  • With candidal cystitis and endometritis, suppositories are prescribed as part of complex therapy along with systemic drugs.
  • Can be used to prevent candidiasis during long-term treatment with antibiotics or glucocorticosteroids.
  • In chronic and recurrent candidiasis, suppositories are used to relieve exacerbation. In this case, the drug is an element of complex therapy, since the fight against the fungus in the vaginal area is not enough.

Also, "Livarol" can be used as a prophylactic for candidiasis of other areas of the body to prevent the spread of infection to the genitals.


Candles "Livarol" can not be used if hypersensitivity to the components of the drug or to the active substance is detected.

Stop taking and consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • discomfort;
  • pain in the genital area;
  • swelling;
  • deterioration in general well-being.

Features and limitations of application

An overdose of "Livarol" in clinical trials has not been noted. There are indications that when several suppositories are inserted in a row, discomfort occurs in the vaginal area, and a severe allergic reaction is possible. These phenomena pass independently and rather quickly.

The use of suppositories in girls under 12 years of age is not recommended. There is no reliable data on the danger or safety of such treatment. Assign "Livarol" to children only if there is laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis of genital tract candidiasis.

In no case should you use the drug in girls without a doctor's prescription.


Candles "Livarol" from thrush is an effective remedy, but it is important to strictly follow the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor. If this is not done, then their use may not only fail, but also lead to the opposite effect - relapses and chronicity of the disease.

Olga:I had chronic thrush - you just have to eat sweets, take antibiotics or make love to your husband and again these terrible symptoms! Doctors prescribed different pills, from which there was no sense. Oh, how much I tried everything - it helped, but not for long. Finally, I was cured, strengthened the immune system, and all thanks to this article. Six months have passed since the last relapse. Anyone who has thrush - I recommend reading it!