Suppositories for pain in the ovaries in women. Video about ovarian inflammation, symptoms of the disease and methods of its treatment

Suppositories for inflammation in gynecology are used very often. Such treatments can be produced using different active substances. Both rectal and vaginal suppositories of this group are on sale today.

Benefits of use

The main advantage of suppositories is, of course, that they have an exclusively local effect and practically do not penetrate the blood or tissues. And, therefore, there are practically no side effects when using them.

Also, the advantages of medicinal products of this group of doctors and their patients include:

    Quick effect. Various types of inflammation of the female genital organs are often accompanied by excruciating pain. Relief when using candles occurs almost instantly.

    Impossibility of overdose. NIt is almost impossible to harm the body when using suppositories correctly (as opposed to, for example, douching).

    INPossibility of use for both external and internal problems with the female genital organs. Very often, suppositories are used, for example, to treat fungal diseases of the vagina. Suppositories are also sometimes used for inflammation of the appendages in gynecology..

    Easy to use. Candles can also be used at home if necessary. Treatment with such means usually does not cause any difficulties, even for women who are completely far from medicine.

    Possibility of use for pregnant and lactating women. Of course, not all candles are approved for use by pregnant women. However, most types of such products can be used by pregnant women. After all, the active ingredients of suppositories practically do not penetrate into the blood, and therefore cannot harm the fetus.

    Possibility of use for preventive purposes. Some types of suppositories not only relieve inflammation, but also help strengthen the immune system. Their regular use thus reduces the risk of developing various gynecological diseases.

Of course, they are not only used for adult women.anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology. For inflammationthe walls of the vagina, appendages, ovaries or uterus in girls or young women can also use similar remedies.These are producedsuppositoriesso that when used they cannot damage the hymen.

Disadvantages of use

Thus, gynecological suppositories have many advantages. But of course, they also have some disadvantages. The disadvantages of using such funds include:

    Poor effectiveness in advanced inflammatory processes.

    Inability to have sexual intercourse while using.

Among other things, suppositories can destroy the vaginal microflora. Therefore, of course, you should not use them too often. And of course, such drugs, like any other medications, should be used only after consultation with a doctor.

Suppositories for inflammation in gynecology: varieties

The causative agents of female diseases can be different microorganisms. Therefore, suppositories produced by the pharmaceutical industry have different compositions. According to their intended purpose, all such funds can be divided into three large groups:

    suppositories intended for the treatment of bacterial diseases;

    agents used to combat fungal infections;

    antiseptic additional.

Bacterial diseases can be external or internal. Of the fungal infections, the most common are mycoses - vaginal candidiasis.

Varieties by application

Gynecological suppositories, among other things, can be classified according to the method of use. In this regard, the means of this group are distinguished:



Review of antibacterial suppositories

Suchcancan be used both vaginally and rectally.The first type of suppositoriesmost often used for external bacterial infectionsinfections. Rectal remedies are usually used for similar problems with the appendages, ovaries or uterus. After introduction into the rectum, the substances included in their composition begin to be actively absorbed into the local bloodstream.

Rectal medications are used to treat internal inflammation primarily because the intestinal walls are much thinner than the vagina. Consequently, suppositories introduced in this way are much more effective.

In addition to the method of use, antibacterial suppositories may vary in composition. From this group can be used

    with antibiotics;

    with immunomodulators.

Products of the first type are used in most cases in combination with antibacterial tablets. The most effective suppositories in this group are:

    vaginal suppositories with metronidazole;

    penicillin drugs used for sexually transmitted diseases.

The antibacterial effect of suppositories with immunomodulators is based primarily on improving the functioning of a woman’s own leukocytes. Such suppositories are considered much more harmless than those containing antibiotics. The list of this group of antibacterial agents includes:

    Viferon suppositories with interferon, which ensures activation of leukocytes;

    Vagiferon suppositories, which, in addition to interferon, include antibacterial and antifungal components;

    "Genferon" suppositories with interferon, painkiller benzocaine and taurine;

    Galavit suppositories containing an artificial stimulant of the immune system.

Very often, immunostimulating methyluracil suppositories are used to treat the female genital organs. In gynecology, they are prescribed quite often for inflammation. Their advantages include the fact that they normalize metabolism in the body.

Review of antifungal suppositories

Quite often, diseases of a woman’s vagina are provoked by a special type of fungus - candida. Infections of this type are considered less dangerous than bacterial ones. However, such diseases are often accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms - burning, itching, white “curdled” discharge. Therefore, they are also often used for their treatment.suppositories. In this casevaginal ones are usually usedanti-inflammatory suppositories. In gynecology for inflammationof fungal origin are sometimes used, however, rectal suppositories are also used. But in this case they are usually considered only as an alternative.

In the manufacture of suppositories intended for the treatment of fungal gynecological diseases, the following active substances can be used:

    TOlotrimazole Suppositories containing it not only destroy candida, but also have a suppressive effect on the vital activity of certain types of bacteria.

    Pimafucin. These suppositories, in addition to candida, effectively destroy yeast fungi.

    Fluconazole. This substance has approximately the same pharmacological action asTolotimazole But at the same time it is considered somewhat more gentle.

Review of antiseptic suppositories

Products of this type are not very strong and destroy microbes only on the surface of the vaginal mucosa. In medical practice, exclusively vaginal aseptic suppositories are used. They are prescribed mainly only as additional treatments. There are several types of such candles:

  1. Manufactured on the basis of chlorhexidine. Such products destroy bacteria quite effectively. And therefore, sometimes they can even be used as an independent drug.
  2. "Povidone-iodine." Suppositories of this variety contain a special iodine that does not irritate the mucous membranes. Some disadvantages of these products are their large size and not very pleasant smell.

Active and additional substances of suppositories

Suppositories can be classified according to their composition as follows:

    Non-steroidal. Such suppositories are used specifically for inflammation and are most often made on the basis of diclofenac, ketoprofen and other similar agents. They are usually used for 5-7 days.

    With herbal ingredients. Most often, calendula or celandine extract are added to such candles during production. The course of treatment with this group of drugs can last 2-3 weeks.

    Enzyme suppositories. When used, such suppositories quickly reduce the size of the inflammation. In addition, the enzymes they contain prevent the formation of adhesions around the ovaries and in the fallopian tubes. These remedies are usually used for 10 days.

    Immunomodulatory drugs. Candles of this type are most often made using galavit. The course of treatment usually ends after using 20 suppositories.

Medicines used for inflammation of the appendages

Thus, differentanti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology. For inflammation of the appendagesStrong rectal agents are most often used.The safest withchinon-steroidal suppositories are hidden. These could be, for example:




Also, very often, women with such problems are prescribed Diclofenac or Indomethacin suppositories. Sometimes vaginal treatments are also used to treat appendages.suppositories for inflammation in gynecology. Titlesthey have these:




In addition, for such problems, women may be prescribed a suppository “Travogen."

What anti-inflammatory suppositories are used in gynecology for inflammation of the ovaries

Diseases of this group are usually treated with rectal suppositories.Most often, in this case, patients are prescribed Betadine suppositories. When dissolved, the latter release active iodine.

Sometimes those with a different composition can be usedsuppositories for inflammation of the ovaries. In gynecologyin the treatment of such a disease are often used, for example:




What suppositories are used in the treatment of the uterus

For such diseases, anti-inflammatory suppositories are also often used. In gynecology for inflammation of the uteruscan be used, for example:




For endometriosis of the uterus, doctors rarely prescribe suppositories. The fact is that this inflammation is characterized by copious discharge. Therefore, the active components of the suppositories are washed out very quickly and do not have time to provide the desired therapeutic effect.

For cervical erosion, patients may be prescribed suppositories:




How to use it correctly

Gynecological suppositories of any type are simple to use. However, some rules when using suppositories must, of course, still be followed:

    Candles should always be used at the same time, preferably before bed.

    Before the manipulation, you should wash yourself and take a shower.

    Before using rectal products, you need to empty your bowels.

    The suppositories should be administered while lying on your back.

It is not recommended to use any hygiene products after using candles. Pads and tampons can block the flow of vaginal discharge.

Anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of suppositories are prescribed for various diseases of the female reproductive system. Some gynecological suppositories are used vaginally, others rectally. But in general, the list of gynecological suppositories is very wide.

Anti-inflammatory drugs in gynecology are always prescribed if an inflammatory process is noted. They are widely used, but at the same time, like other medications, vaginal and rectal suppositories have certain disadvantages.

Suppositories as a dosage form

Suppositories – one of the best medicines that can effectively cure women’s diseases. Suppositories are used for the prevention of female diseases, as well as for their treatment. The composition includes a base, which gives the product the shape of a candle, as well as a medicinal substance. The main feature of this medicine is that its form is stored at room temperature, and turns into liquid form when body temperature is noted.

Anti-inflammatory vaginal suppositories prescribed for a variety of diseases of the female reproductive system. Vaginal suppositories are also used to prevent such diseases. In particular, vaginal suppositories are prescribed for ovarian inflammation , antiviral suppositories for women, etc.

Despite the fact that the list of vaginal suppositories is very large, their names are known to many, and in pharmacies most of these drugs are sold without a prescription, the doctor should tell you individually which antibacterial or antiviral drugs should be used.

It is very important to know how to properly administer suppositories. How to use this form of medication is indicated in the instructions. But how to place suppositories may vary depending on the drug. For example, some suppositories are recommended to be used before bedtime, once a day.

To insert candles correctly, you need to take a lying position and wash your hands first. Also, before administering the medicine, you need to prepare a sanitary pad.

All candles are usually divided into different types depending on where they are administered:

The main advantage of using this form of medication is that the active substance enters the bloodstream relatively quickly (about half after half an hour, 100% after an hour). At the same time, it does not enter the gastrointestinal tract and is not destroyed in the liver. Also, vaginal suppositories have not only a general, but also a local effect.

In addition, the application process is very simple and painless; suppositories very rarely cause allergic reactions.

Candles for colpitis

Need to know for those who are interested in what it is in gynecology, that this is a disease in which an inflammatory process occurs in the vaginal mucosa. Treatment of colpitis in women depends on which infectious agent provoked the inflammation. So, colpitis (vaginitis) can be like specific (fungal , trichomonas , gonorrheal etc.), and nonspecific (streptococcal , staphylococcal , polymicrobial ). It is depending on the type of infection that drugs for the treatment of colpitis are selected, in particular, suppositories for colpitis .

Main features vaginitis – discomfort in the area of ​​the external genitalia, a feeling of severe itching and burning. The amount of discharge with an unpleasant odor increases, the temperature may rise, pain in the lower abdomen occurs, and problems with urination appear.

In this situation, it is important to use correctly selected suppositories for vaginitis, which help not only get rid of symptoms, but also completely cure vaginitis, suppressing the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

In the first days of illness, you need to douche using antiseptic agents (, Ppotassium manganate , Bicarbonate of soda ). Herbs are also used for this purpose - douching with chamomile, sage, lemon balm,

In parallel with douching, you can insert suppositories into the vagina. The doctor selects suppositories that demonstrate activity against the type of pathological microflora that provoked the disease. Therefore, before prescribing treatment, the gynecologist conducts a study to determine which medications should be taken.

Nonspecific vaginitis

If the patient is diagnosed nonspecific colpitis , she is prescribed broad-spectrum antibacterial vaginal suppositories or antiseptics.

The following suppositories can be prescribed to cure the inflammatory process in gynecology.

After the first stage of treatment has completed and the activity of the fungi has been suppressed, a second stage of therapy must be carried out to restore normal vaginal flora. It is important that normal conditions are created for active reproduction of lactobacilli to occur.

During this period, the woman is prescribed:

  • Candles containing . The drug is intended to normalize microflora. Bifidumbacterin is used for up to 10 days, 1 supp. in a day.
  • (with dried bifidobacteria) you need to use 1 supp every day. within up to 10 days.
  • used for 10 days, 1 sup. Acylact for the night. Candles are also prescribed Vagilak .
  • The drug contains lactobacilli, 1 capsule is administered into the vagina. morning and evening, treatment lasts up to 10 days.
  • You can also use during treatment, Bificol , in ampoules. The contents of the ampoules must be diluted with water and tampons with this liquid should be inserted intravaginally.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology

Currently, the list of names of drugs with anti-inflammatory effects is very large. Such drugs are used to treat inflammation, as additional means in a treatment regimen, which also includes tablets, injections, herbs, etc. All names of suppositories for inflammation that are offered in pharmacies must be reported to the doctor so that he can prescribe the most effective treatment.

Often, as part of a comprehensive treatment regimen, they are also present in gynecology. Antibacterial drugs effectively complement local medications in the form of suppositories.

Ichthyol suppositories in gynecology

Despite the simplicity of this natural-based drug, reviews of in gynecology, they are almost always positive, since it works effectively. The active substance is ichthyol.

These analgesic suppositories are used if treatment of inflammatory diseases is necessary, as well as to accelerate the healing of injuries and ulcers of the mucous membrane. Medicines containing ichthyol are suitable for both women and men (rectally).

If necessary, they are also used in veterinary medicine - for the treatment of dogs.

Methyluracil suppositories in gynecology

They are used to treat a variety of gynecological diseases. They accelerate epithelial renewal, heal damaged skin, and stimulate metabolic processes. They produce an anti-inflammatory effect and are used as an additional remedy in the treatment of cervical erosion.

Sea buckthorn suppositories in gynecology

Sea buckthorn suppositories are widely used in gynecology.

It is advisable to use them in the treatment, mucosal injuries , at dysbacteriosis . Reviews indicate that suppositories with sea buckthorn are very effective in gynecology. Moreover, they can be used at any age - old age or too young age is not a contraindication. Treatment with this drug during pregnancy is also allowed.

Candles with calendula

When choosing antimicrobial drugs, one should not forget about candles with calendula . After all, calendula has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing effect. The instructions indicate that this dosage form rarely causes side effects.

Vaginal suppositories are used to treat inflammatory processes, atrophic colpitis, and cervical erosion.

Indomethacin suppositories in gynecology

This medicine, by blocking the synthesis of prostaglandins, relieves pain, reduces temperature, and relieves inflammation. They are prescribed for inflammation of the ovaries, and for pain.

Also Indomethacin suppositories effective in reducing the formation of adhesions.

Candles Betiol

In gynecology, suppositories containing belladonna and ichthammol are used as an antiseptic. They are used rectally for... But sometimes during pregnancy planning, the doctor prescribes suppositories, which include belladonna, in order to influence the basal temperature.

Syntomycin suppositories

used if the pelvic organs are affected by staphylococci, chlamydia, streptococci and other bacteria.

They are prescribed when vaginitis etc. Syntomycin has virtually no systemic effect on the body. Sintomycin is administered intravaginally twice a day. How long to use the drug is determined by the doctor, but, as a rule, treatment lasts up to 10 days.

Candles Kyzyl-May

The composition includes herbs, sea buckthorn oil, cocoa butter, bentonite, beeswax. Candles improve tissue regeneration and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Prescribed when colpitis , cervitis , erosions . You need to apply 1-2 supp rectally. per day, treatment lasts up to 15 days. Cost – from 600 rubles.

Suppositories for adnexitis, endometriosis

The instructions for many drugs in the form of suppositories indicate the names of female gynecological diseases. After all, antibiotics for gynecological diseases in the form of tablets, as well as injections, must be supplemented with local agents.

Treatment should be carried out according to the scheme prescribed by the specialist. It is important that antibiotics for adnexitis are selected correctly. After all, inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system can provoke specific ( chlamydia , gonorrhea , trichomoniasis ) and nonspecific microorganisms.

  • Adnexit – inflammation of the appendages, in which a woman feels pain in the groin area. The pain can be cutting, dull, aching.
  • – an inflammatory process of the uterus, in which pain of a different nature is noted in the lower abdomen. Most often, this disease develops after intrauterine interventions ( curettage , operative delivery).

As in adnexitis , and with endometritis The woman’s body temperature may rise and other signs of intoxication may occur.

At endometriosis Medicines aimed at restoring immune status are often used. How to treat endometriosis - with medications or other methods - the doctor determines after examination and establishing an accurate diagnosis. Treatment of endometriosis involves the use of the drug with interferon and vitamin E and C. Rectal suppositories are used for pain relief - NSAIDs .

The drug is used to resolve adhesions. Candles Terrylitin and others are prescribed to reduce inflammatory processes. It is also sometimes advisable to take tablets - Chimes and etc.

Treatment of inflammation of the uterus and appendages involves, first of all, antibiotics; suppositories are also used for inflammation of the female organs. The use of suppositories is practiced for different purposes.

Rectal suppositories for inflammation of the appendages with an anti-inflammatory effect usually contain NSAIDs. They provide anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects. Medicines that belong to the group of NSAIDs suppress the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are formed in large quantities during inflammatory processes and provoke pain.

The use of rectal suppositories begins at the same time as the patient begins taking antibiotics. Treatment lasts from 7 to 10 days. As a rule, it is prescribed Movalis , and etc.

  • Prescribed once, it should be used in the evening.
  • Movalis (active component meloxicam ) apply once before bedtime, 7 days.
  • Voltaren apply in the evening and in the morning.
  • Diclofenac , Diklovit - once a day.
  • Candles with belladonna – 1-3 times a day.
  • Flexen , Flamax (active component ketoprofen) is used once for 7 days. The name "Alamaks" is also found. However, the correct name for the candles is not Alamax, but Flamax.

Modern gynecology offers a fairly wide list of rectal anti-inflammatory suppositories, but any painkillers and anti-inflammatory suppositories should be prescribed by a doctor as part of the general treatment regimen. If additional painkillers in tablets are needed, this should also be selected by a specialist.

Also, anti-inflammatory suppositories for women with endometritis and adnexitis are prescribed intravaginally. Like anti-inflammatory rectal suppositories, they need to be used regularly. The purpose of using such drugs is to sanitize the vagina and suppress anaerobic flora.

Prescribed for such diseases Terzhinan And Fluomizin (active ingredient metronidazole). You need to use Terzhinan and Fluomizin for up to 10 days, 1-2 supp. every day.

When the main therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs is completed, it is very important to normalize the vaginal biocenosis. For this purpose, they use both those drugs that contain bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, as well as Longidaza suppositories.

Longidaza provides a proteolytic effect. These are effective preventive suppositories, as they prevent the appearance of adhesions and also resolve existing ones. Longidaza stabilizes the function of the immune system and also provides antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. This drug is also prescribed for ovarian cysts. The suppositories should be used rectally, before bedtime. The course of therapy lasts up to 3 weeks.

Suppositories for cervical erosion

– a very common disease among women. It develops if the stratified squamous epithelium in the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​desquamated. In its place, columnar epithelial cells that line the cervical canal multiply. Ectopic cervix is a more correct name for this disease.

For those who are looking for names of candles from cervical erosion , it should be noted that the treatment of this disease is carried out as follows: the pathological area is destroyed by electrical, chemical, and laser methods. Before and after cauterization, suppositories are prescribed to treat cervical erosion. Before cauterization with laser, radio waves or other methods, 5-7 days before the procedure, you need to place anti-inflammatory suppositories to prevent Revitaxa – phytocandles, which also include. They effectively relieve inflammation and promote healing.

You can purchase both expensive drugs and their cheaper analogues. Candles with reparative properties are used in 1 pc. for 10-14 days.

If necessary, tablets and other medications are also prescribed.

For cystitis

Women suffering from this use different medications in this form. Almost every thematic forum informs about this, where women often describe the means they use. However, any medicines for cystitis should be taken after they have been prescribed by medical specialists, despite the fact that they can often be bought in pharmacies without a prescription. Suppositories are prescribed as an aid in treatment. As a rule, the doctor prescribes broad-spectrum antibiotics, which are used for infectious diseases.

Most often, suppositories are prescribed for cystitis. Hexicon (contains chlorhexidine, which is an antiseptic), Betadine , Genferon , McMirror , Syntomycin suppositories , Candles with Palin and etc.


In modern medicine there are a large number of drugs in this form. Their use allows you to quickly and effectively cure various diseases of the female reproductive system. A number of the drugs described above are also used for menopause. But every woman should understand that the most effective and rapid treatment will be if, after establishing a diagnosis, a treatment regimen is prescribed by a gynecologist.

Suppositories for ovarian cysts are used as part of a complex treatment of pathology. With their help, inflammation is eliminated, local blood circulation is improved, and pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed. Due to the complex effect, the cystic formation decreases and then disappears.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories for women's health

Anti-inflammatory suppositories are effective for treating diseases of the female genital organs:

  • inflammatory processes in the uterus and ovaries;
  • infection by infections and fungi;
  • adhesions;
  • cystic formations;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • cervical erosion;
  • cystitis.

The rapidity of the effect is achieved through the local use of suppositories for the treatment of cysts, which allows the components of the composition to quickly penetrate to the site of the disease.

Indications for use

Suppositories are necessary for the resorption of ovarian cysts that arise against the background of the following diseases and symptoms:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • the presence of pathogenic microflora in the genital tract;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • low immunity;
  • inability to take medications in tablet form.

To correct several pathologies at once, 2-3 types of suppositories are rarely used at the same time - other medications are prescribed for this purpose in the form of injections, tablets, and ointments.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Contraindications for administering suppositories:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • allergic reactions;
  • intermenstrual uterine bleeding;
  • malignant processes in the body.

Serious side effects from these medications are rare. They manifest themselves in the form of the following symptoms:

  • burning and itching in the vagina;
  • pain when urinating;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • irritation of mucous membranes and adjacent skin;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • bloody issues.

To prevent the occurrence of side effects, suppositories for ovarian cysts are used at the end of menstruation; for the entire period of treatment, you should refrain from sexual intercourse and visits to swimming pools, saunas, and baths.

Positive effects of treatment

Suppositories for the treatment of ovarian cysts have the following effects:

  • elimination of pain;
  • preventing further growth of the cyst;
  • reduction in the size of education;
  • normalization of vaginal microflora;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • acceleration of the regeneration process;
  • use as part of rehabilitation therapy in the postoperative period;
  • restoration of hormonal levels and the normal course of the menstrual cycle;
  • elimination of adhesions.

Cysts eliminated with suppositories

There are only a few types of cysts that can be cured with suppositories:

  • follicular – a consequence of the lack of ovulation, develops from a follicle that has not released an egg;
  • corpus luteum cyst – formed when progesterone production is disrupted;
  • polycystic disease – multiple formations on the surface of the ovary, a consequence of hormonal imbalance.

The ovaries in the female body perform endocrine and reproductive functions. With their help, the egg matures and is released, and they also maintain hormonal levels. Malfunctions of the ovaries often lead to the formation of benign tumors (cysts) on the surface of the organ.

Methods for getting rid of formations are varied. The use of suppositories in gynecology for ovarian cysts is justified in many cases and brings good results.

Indications for use

Suppositories for the treatment of neoplasms are not used for all tumors.

In the case of an endometrioid or dermoid cyst, suppositories are useless.

However, for small cysts or in combination with other means, suppositories are very effective. This method of therapy is indicated in the following cases:

IN complex therapy candles are used for:

  • elimination of the inflammatory process of the vagina;
  • restoration of microflora;
  • increasing immunity.

The advantages of these drugs are that they do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore do not cause side effects in this area. They begin to act immediately, directly at the injection site.

Contraindications for the use of candles:

  • intolerance to components;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown origin;
  • oncological diseases of the breast or reproductive organs.

Types of candles

For treatment, candles with different actions are used.


The cause of a cyst is often hormonal imbalance patients. With the help of a suppository with hormones, it is possible to normalize a woman’s condition and achieve regression of the tumor.

Hormonal drug Utrozhestan widely used for . Its active ingredient - progesterone - restores hormonal levels and promotes the formation of normal endometrium. Helps prevent tumor recurrence.

The size of the formation decreases after several applications, and at the end of the course the cyst is completely reabsorbed.

Do not use if there is a risk of thrombosis or heart disease.

Side effects include cycle disruption, bleeding between periods, and headache. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician.


Often, formations on the ovaries are adjacent to the inflammatory process in the pelvis. Suppositories with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects contain enzymes that eliminate the pathological process.

Longidaza. The drug promotes the breakdown of proteins, thereby achieving an anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect. It even treats chronic inflammation in the pelvis. This is a unique product that has no analogues.

Do not use during pregnancy or for malignant tumors. Side effects include an individual allergic reaction.

Voltaren. Diclofenac-based suppositories. Its action is anti-inflammatory, analgesic and mild antipyretic. Not prescribed during pregnancy, stomach ulcers, severe heart disease, etc. Side effects are: allergies, abdominal pain, indigestion, headaches.

Terzhinan. Combined drug with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. Effective in the treatment of candidiasis. Restores vaginal pH. Apply during the 3rd semester. There are almost no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance.

Indomethacin. Belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It also has antipyretic and analgesic properties. Do not use for vaginal infections.

Indomethacin suppositories have a fairly wide range of contraindications: stomach ulcers, arterial hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, epilepsy, tendency to form blood clots, pregnancy. They can also cause side effects in the form of: dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, increased blood pressure, swelling.

Ichthyols. Suppositories have a positive effect on the vaginal mucosa, promoting healing. They also relieve inflammation in the ovaries. They have an antiseptic and bactericidal effect. Allowed during pregnancy. Side effects include an allergic reaction.

Vagilak. The drug contains probiotics and lactose, which restores the vaginal microflora. Effective as part of complex therapy for cysts. Do not use for erosive lesions of the vaginal mucosa. Side effects occur very rarely, usually in the form of a slight burning sensation.

Lactonorm. Contains acidophilus lactobacilli, which are representatives of normal human microflora. Cannot be used for acute candidiasis. Allowed during pregnancy. No side effects were found.

The course of treatment, regimen and combination of drugs is chosen by the doctor, depending on the severity of the disease.

Self-use is prohibited.

If the treatment does not bring positive results, they resort to stronger hormonal drugs in the form of tablets. In case of a complicated cyst, it is indicated surgical intervention.

Find out what properties the drug Longidaza has for the treatment of cysts from the video:


Inflammation of the female genital organs is one of the most common reasons for visiting a gynecologist. After making a diagnosis, especially with inflammation of the appendages, the doctor may prescribe wide-spectrum painkillers, a list of which will be provided below. Depending on the type of disease and gynecological parameters, painkillers vaginal or rectal suppositories may be prescribed.

Types of anti-inflammatory suppositories

Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology have a wide list, differ in different effects and duration of use. Depending on the disease, anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology are divided into several groups for the treatment of each specific disease. There are suppositories for the treatment of inflammation of the appendages, bacterial vaginosis, uterine fibroids, cysts, thrush, colpitis, erosion, parametritis, endometritis and pelvic diseases. Based on the method of administration, they are divided into three categories:

  • Rectal - the drug is administered into the rectum through the anus (in the form of a pointed cylinder, cone, cigarette);
  • Vaginal – installed in the vagina (egg-shaped, cone-shaped or ball-shaped);
  • Sticks - inserted into the ureter or cervix.

Almost all anti-inflammatory suppositories, including rectal ones and for inflammation of the appendages, are made on the basis of herbal products and natural ingredients. For example, royal jelly promotes rapid wound healing by increasing the amount of breast milk during feeding.

Suppositories for inflammation in gynecology, containing sea buckthorn and eucalyptus oils, have an antimicrobial effect and allow the body to fight staphylococcus, streptococcus and other bacterial diseases. Preparations based on plants allow you to cope with inflammation of the appendages, cystitis and inflammatory processes of the rectum.

Vaginal suppositories have a broad effect that can relieve a lot of symptoms, including inflammation of the appendages. The presence of a local effect allows you to eliminate the clinical manifestations of various diseases in the form of swelling, redness, discomfort and itching.

Suppositories in the form of a dosage form can be considered an excellent remedy with effective action. The main distinguishing feature of all such drugs, which have a large list, is the ability to preserve them in solid form at room temperature and quickly melt at body temperature. The advantage of suppositories lies in the fact that the substance necessary for treatment can quickly enter the bloodstream (30–60 minutes). The drugs are able to bypass the digestive tract without causing an allergic reaction or harming the liver.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories

If there is inflammation of the appendages or vaginal mucosa (colpitis), it is recommended to use special suppositories. In this case, pathological processes may turn out to be nonspecific (polymicrobial, streptococcal and staphylococcal) and specific (fungal, gonorrheal, trichomonas). Typically, colpitis manifests itself in the form of discomfort in the external genital organs, as well as an increase in leucorrhoea in the vagina. To get rid of pathogenic microorganisms, anti-inflammatory suppositories are prescribed, combined in some situations with douching.

Nonspecific vaginitis

To treat this manifestation, suppositories are usually used that have an antibacterial effect, which makes it possible to cope not only with inflammation of the appendages, but also with other diseases of the female genital organs. The list of the most popular medications of this type includes: Betadine, Mikozhinax, Hexicon, Meratin-Combi, Terzhinan, Polygynax.

Thus, Polygynax includes polymyxin, nystatin and neomycin. For various inflammations, including appendages, it should be used twice a day for five to fourteen days. Terzhinan contains a combination of nystatin, ternidazole, as well as neomycin and prednisolone. This remedy should be used in the treatment of appendages and other diseases for one and a half weeks once a day.

Hexicon is capable of delivering chlorhexidine bigluconate into the body; the duration of treatment with such a drug is about one and a half weeks, and one suppository must be administered per day. The drug for the treatment of appendages Betadine contains an active component such as iodine. It is intended for double use over 10 days.

Colpitis specific

If the cause of the disease is gardnerella, then anti-inflammatory vaginal suppositories such as Ginalgin, Klion-D, Metronidazole and Terzhinan are suitable for you. Medicines of this type are usually used once or twice a day for 10–12 days, depending on the concentration of the active substance and the type of medicine.

In the presence of Trichomonas colpitis, formulations such as Pitrid, Flagyl, Trichopolum, Klion D and Ginalgin are often prescribed. They must be administered once a day for one and a half weeks. The doctor can also recommend other medications, among which it is worth highlighting Trichotsid, Trichomonacid, Macmiror and Terzhinan.

If the inflammatory process has developed against the background of genital herpes, then it is treated with the use of antiviral drugs. Poludan, Viferon and A-interferon have this type of properties. They are usually used for one week twice a day. In addition to suppositories, ointments can be used to treat gynecological diseases; they can be applied topically or used for tampons.

Treatment of candidal colpitis is carried out using those medications that have antifungal properties. Such drugs include clotrimazole, canesten, natamycin and nystatin.

The duration of use of such medications is chosen solely by the attending physician, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease. After carrying out anti-fungal therapy, the doctor prescribes suppositories aimed at normalizing the vaginal microflora. These drugs include Vagilak, Acylact, Bifikol and Bifidumbacterin. The duration of this phase of treatment can be up to one and a half weeks; it is recommended to use the drugs once a day.

In summary, we can conclude that the prescription of anti-inflammatory drugs for insertion into the vagina should be prescribed only after determining the causes of inflammation. It is imperative to determine the sensitivity of pathogens to the selected drug. Only a gynecologist can carry out such a diagnosis, so self-medication will not bring the desired result.