Holy Mother of God of Kazan. Orthodox Christians celebrate a holiday in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

On November 4, the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - one of the most beloved miraculous images of the Mother of God by the people.

The celebration of the Kazan Icon takes place on July 21 - in memory of the appearance of the icon in 1579 and November 4 - this is a holiday in honor of the day of the liberation of Moscow from the Poles in 1612. For a long time in Rus' this day was celebrated as a public holiday. The whole country glorified one of the most beloved images in Rus', the Kazan image of the Mother of God, who showed her miraculous intercession for Rus' during the Time of Troubles. In 1737, the revered image of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was transferred to the cathedral built in St. Petersburg (Kazan Cathedral). The Kazan Icon was in the militia led by Kuzma Minin and Prince Dimitry Pozharsky when Russian troops liberated the Kremlin and Moscow from the enemy. In memory of this event, the Kazan Cathedral was erected on Red Square, which was liquidated in the summer of 1936. A significant event was marked on November 4, 1993, when the restored Kazan Cathedral was opened in Moscow on Red Square.

History of the holiday of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God Overall very interesting. Let's start with the fact that this icon appeared absolutely miraculously in the city of Kazan at the end of the 6th century. But that's a completely different story. For now, we are interested in the history of the celebration of the Kazan Mother of God on November 4.

What do you know about this holiday and the events of that time? But not much, to be honest... So read with interest. This is our history, our faith.

A miracle of Russian history... From Baptism in the waters of the Dnieper to the disaster of 1917, our Fatherland followed the direct Christian path. Reminders from above about the proximity of the Kingdom of Heaven to Russia gave our ancestors spiritual support both in everyday concerns and in matters of sovereign service. Despite everything, this thousand-year heritage is inseparable from today.

Meanwhile, the eventual outline of Russian history is permeated with the light of God's Providence. This light is revealed dazzlingly brightly in its main, key moments and it comes from the miraculous icons of the Queen of Heaven.

The most important historical milestone in the life of our Fatherland was marked by the liberation of Moscow from the Poles in 1612. The Orthodox army then went to save Moscow with a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, hoping for help from Her Kazan Icon. The celebration of the icon of Our Lady of Kazan on October 22 (November 4) is connected with this event.

The terrible Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the anointed of God, crowned king in the Moscow Kremlin in 1547 as Emperor of the Third Rome, was sent down from above great gifts for the sake of his sacred royal service. But at the height of this service, the sovereign forgot about its incompatibility with low earthly passions. The horrors and untruths of the reign of Ivan IV - right up to the villainous murders of the holy martyr Metropolitan Philip, and in direct connection with this - the decline of morality in the Orthodox people brought God's punishment - the royal family was cut off, and then the whole country was plunged into the abyss of disasters. The Russian land plunged into chaos.

Three years in a row - famine, plague, they were replaced by an endless civil war, which received a short name in Russian history - “Troubles”. Impostors, four large ones - many small ones, Polish-Swedish intervention, moral collapse of the nation, and ultimately - complete state collapse. If it had not been for him, it is unknown how our history would have turned out.

From 1610 to 1612, Russia did not exist as a state. The Poles were allowed into Moscow by the then supporters of “universal human values”, the Russian North was captured by the Swedes, Polish-Russian-Tatar gangs scattered throughout the country, robbing everyone, regardless of religion and nationality.

During the years of the Troubles, many, too many Russian people lost the ability to distinguish true from false, good from evil, and all this time the lonely accusatory voice of St. Hermogenes, since 1606 - His Holiness Patriarch, sounded. He was considered too harsh, even harsh, but if you impartially evaluate the role of the Patriarch in those terrible and shameful events, an interesting thing becomes clear: the man who once blessed the people with the newfound image of the Kazan Mother of God did not make a single mistake in assessing people and situations, he is the only one He always knew exactly what to do, he was the only one who was not tempted even by seemingly saving compromises. Everyone who considered himself a patriot checked his actions according to the model created by Patriarch Hermogenes. Like an alarm bell, the voice of the eighty-year-old Saint sounded over the dying country, a voice carried by hundreds of letters copied by hand.

The foreigners decided to break the will of the ancient elder, who spent most of his life in the feat of fasting... by hunger! Those who saw the Patriarch imprisoned in the monastery dungeon these days (nobleman Roman Pakhomov and townsman Rodion Moiseev) said that the Saint prayed before the image of the Mother of God, and tears continuously flowed from his old eyes. On February 17, 1612, His Holiness Patriarch Hermogenes died of hunger, but his calls were heard. The forces of the Second Militia moved towards Moscow (the first died in 1611), led by a simple Nizhny Novgorod butcher Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, who suffered from constantly opening untreated wounds.

There is a bitter Russian proverb that speaks of extreme need: “If you kill someone, the blood will not flow!” This is what Russia could say in the event of the death of the Second Militia. Minin and Pozharsky led the last crumbs of the country's healthy forces. Death was on the heels - assassination attempts were constantly being made on the leaders - death lay ahead: the traitorous Cossacks conspired with the Poles to jointly stab the militia in the back. The last hours of Russia's life were inexorably shortening - the selected royal army, led by Hetman Khodkevich, was in a hurry to unite with the Poles entrenched in Moscow. Too many “accidents” had to coincide for the work of the holy martyr and miracle worker His Holiness Patriarch Hermogenes to be crowned with success...

During his lifetime, the Saint managed to order that the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God be brought to the militia. Minin and Pozharsky prayed before her; she accompanied the warriors on the campaign. On August 14, 1612, the militia stopped at the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, waiting for the stragglers. On August 18, the day the militia set out for Moscow, a prayer service was served, immediately after which the wind suddenly changed: from a strong headwind it became a strong tailwind.

The chronicle story reports that the riders could barely stay in their saddles due to the wind at their backs, but everyone’s faces were joyful, promises to die for the house of the Most Pure Mother of God were heard everywhere. The militia barely had time to approach Moscow and get ready for battle when Khodkevich appeared. On August 22, a battle broke out, the main events of which took place not far from the walls of the Novodevichy Convent. In the most difficult battle, the militia retreated, the blow of the Polish cavalry was especially terrible - of course, the famous “winged hussars”, the best armored cavalry in Europe! But here the traitor Cossacks standing at a distance could not stand it, whose leaders had not yet decided which side to take. At first, a few, then hundreds after hundreds, without listening to the commanders, they went over to Pozharsky’s side, and the influx of fresh forces decided the matter. Khodkevich was defeated and driven back from Moscow.

But look at what a unique intersection we get again. A second militia is being formed in Nizhny Novgorod; troops are being gathered from all over Rus', from the northeastern region.

And the army comes from Kazan - bringing with them a list of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

And this icon becomes the guide of the second militia.

Under the icon, the second militia marches on Moscow and wins all its victories. Therefore, it is natural that on October 22, 1612, the question arises that it is necessary to storm Kitay-Gorod.

Everyone who sits in the Kremlin (and it’s not just Poles and Lithuanians, there are also Swedes, and Swiss, and Germans, and all kinds of mercenaries there) is scared. The main thing for the militia is to take Kitai-Gorod, because the strongest wall is in Kitai-Gorod.

And the Kremlin will surrender on its own, there are no more questions there. There is no food. At the same time, the Kremlin was already eating each other... They were eating rats. Okay, the rats ate each other. The fact is that when they entered the Kremlin, there was horror there. There were barrels with salted human hands, legs, and pieces of body. They ate human flesh.

Historians have a concept in this regard – where did Ivan the Terrible’s library disappear to? There is an opinion that it was eaten during the occupation of the occupier, because there was mostly parchment there, and it is edible. A message on parchment from Queen Elizabeth of England to Ivan the Terrible has survived to this day - and it appears to have a piece gnawed out in the middle. Either burnt or chewed out. If the rats chewed it up, then nothing. God knows...

So here it is. The militia had to take Kitay-Gorod. The entire army of the second militia prays on the night of October 22 to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

And at this time a miracle happens. The Mother of God appears and says that tomorrow Moscow will be saved.

On October 22, the city was taken by the militia, three days later the Kremlin surrendered. That's it, the troubles for Moscow are over, Moscow is liberated!

Expulsion of Poles from the Kremlin

Who helped? Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

Therefore, the first thing Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky does when he comes to his senses and more or less gets his affairs in order is build the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square.

Therefore, from that time on, Mikhail Fedorovich venerates the Kazan Icon along with the Fedorov Icon, which he accepted, under which he was informed that he had become a king. And she was revered as the guardian of the Romanov family.

The Kazan icon is revered as the great Russian intercessor. A lot of Kazan churches are being built. And later, in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, three main icons in every home every simple peasant is the Savior, Nikola the Pleasant and the Kazan Mother of God.

It’s amazing that this image has become popular just like St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Peter I prayed before him, preparing to march to the Battle of Poltava; Kutuzov prayed in front of her.

The Kazan icon was amazing. Unfortunately, the original was apparently destroyed. It was kept in Kazan, in 1904 it was stolen and, probably, destroyed then. A lot of lists of those revered have been preserved.

Nothing and no one on Earth lives without water - lake, river, rain, spring. Although needed by everyone without exception, water can still be different. Sometimes God gives the springs healing powers, and then the water not only nourishes, but renews strength and restores health. These healing springs and springs can be hot and can have a special taste, color and chemical composition. The beast - by instinct and man - find this water with the mind, and with it - the mercy of the Creator. Why some springs are ordinary and others are miraculous, the One who created heaven and earth and everything that is in them knows.

We see the same thing with icons. A lot of them. In churches and dwellings, large and small, ancient and new, they look at us through the eyes of Christ, the Mother of God, and saints. And through some of them God is pleased to work miracles and show mercy. So He decided, and it was He Himself who made the election. Why this image, and not another, and why now, and not earlier or not later, is also His will. This is the Kazan icon.

Her veneration connects us with persons and events. The main personality is Patriarch Ermogen, defender of the Fatherland and martyr. While still just a priest, he became an eyewitness to miracles from the newly appeared icon. He became a describer of these miracles and the creator of the troparion to the Theotokos: O zealous Intercessor, Mother of the Lord Most High, pray for all Your Son Christ our God, and cause all to be saved...

And the main event is the turmoil. There is nothing to compare it with, except perhaps the revolution of 1917 and the subsequent series of nightmares. Habitually complaining about life and expressing dissatisfaction with everything in the world, we can hardly imagine what the turmoil of the interregnum was like, when the Rurikovichs were stopped and the Romanovs had not yet appeared, when a huge country, like a wounded animal, fell into the teeth of countless jackals. Jackals have no pity.

The peasant then does not plow, because the harvest will be taken away anyway. The merchant does not go out onto the road because he will be robbed. Villages then become empty and the roofs of abandoned houses sag. Dogs in empty villages and hamlets at this time have no one to bark at. Rulers change so quickly that people do not have time to remember their names. Kissing the cross for allegiance to first one, then another, then a third, people completely cease to feel the sanctity of the oath and the kiss of the cross. Everything is profaned and devalued. Life becomes a toy, and no one buries abandoned corpses. The first to be corrupted are those who are closer to power, who are immersed in intrigue. Those who sit on two chairs and dream of a crown, but tremble for their own skin. They become cynics, and the defenseless people stop trusting anyone. And now the henchmen of the Polish king wear the Monomakh hat, and in the Kremlin they sing the Liturgy in Latin.

The way out of the turmoil was miraculous and unpredictable in advance. The people organized themselves, became inspired and, forming into regiments, went to liberate Belokamennaya - the House of the Most Holy Theotokos. The leaders were the most unexpected, just as the winner of Goliath, David, was once unexpected. On banners and icons the Face of the Mother of God walked ahead of the people's army.

Saints, among whom was Abba Sergius, appeared to Hermogenes, who was dying of hunger in the monastery basement, and said that through the intercession of the Mother of God, the judgment of the Fatherland had been transferred to mercy.

There is obviously some answer to our frequent questions and perplexities. After all, there is overseas bondage, there is a tired man, there are deserted villages. There is also the cynicism of nobles who do not love the country they rule, and are ready, if necessary, to listen to another service in an unfamiliar language. (This is if necessary, otherwise it’s better to do without services)

But there is also the Mother of God. People have love for Her. There is also Her prayer to the Son, as sometimes in Cana of Galilee. There She said: “They have no wine.” Now he says, perhaps: “They have no mind. They have no willpower. They have no love. Their faith is weak." And just as then water became delicious wine after Mary’s request, so today nothing will prevent cowardice from changing into courage, petty selfishness into nobility, and stupidity into wisdom.

If, of course, She prays.

If, of course, we ask Her about it.

Come, people named after Christ, to a clean source and draw and drink healing water for free. This is not water from a tap, but a healing spring that began to flow and did not stop by the will of God.

Grant useful things to everyone and save everything, Virgin Mary. For You are the Divine protection of Your servant.

Archpriest Andrey Tkachev

Do you know?

That on March 13, 2011, the Week of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, at the end of the liturgy in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill presented the head of Roscosmos Anatoly Perminov with the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

“I would like this image to be taken on board the spacecraft during the anniversary flight. God bless you,” said the Primate, blessing the cosmonauts present in the church.

“Let the Cover of the Most Pure Queen of Heaven extend over our troubled world, torn by contradictions, in which there is so much sorrow and human grief,” said the Patriarch. “In this sense, Russian cosmonauts, in addition to their very complex and important professional duties, will also carry out some kind of spiritual mission.”

On April 7, 2011, the Yuri Gagarin spacecraft delivered the icon to the International Space Station. Now the icon is stored in the Russian segment of the station.

There are also very interesting signs for the feast of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

Kazanskaya without rain - the year will be difficult. People said that on this day the Mother of God prays and cries for all people. She begs the Lord God for forgiveness for people and asks that our lives be easier, that the harvest next year be good, and that there be no famine. That's why it always rains on Kazanskaya. Well, if there is no rain on Kazanskaya, then next year will be very difficult. And you can’t count on a good harvest at all.

It will rain on Kazanskaya in the morning, and by the evening the snow lies in drifts. E that day has always been considered the boundary betweenin autumn and winter. Besides, people said, that before Kazanskaya it is not yet winter, and after Kazanskaya it is no longer autumn. Every peasant knew for sure that if it rained in the morning that day, then by the evening expect such a cold snap that the rain would gradually turn into snow. Of course, not all regions of Russia had snow that fell on that day for a long time. But the fact remains that, although not for long, there will be snow.

The history of the acquisition of the miraculous image

The film tells about the miraculous discovery of a revered shrine on Kazan land in the 16th century - the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, and its subsequent mysterious disappearance in 1904, and also gives an original interpretation of these events.

The film “The Holy Sign of Russia” talks about the 4 most famous copies of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, which, by the way, also worked miracles. The idea of ​​the film is this: it doesn’t matter where the icon is located now, which was found by the Kazan girl Matrona in the 16th century. Miraculous copies from the icon form the Holy Protection of Russia, and over time new shrines are opened.

The mystery of the missing icon. Kazanskaya (2008)

Movie information
Name: The mystery of the missing icon. Kazanskaya
Release year: 2008
A country: Russia
Genre: Documentary
Director: Andrey Grachev

About the film: The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God enjoys unprecedented veneration in Russia. It is an unshakable reminder of the mercy of the Mother of God to the Russian land, of intercession in the most difficult years and trials for Russia. At the beginning of the 20th century, the icon disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and for many years nothing was known about its existence. The icon of the Mother of God appeared in Kazan in 1579. Her true age and previous history are unknown. To this day, no one knows who wrote it or whether it was written by a human being.

There are many interesting facts about the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. This is a miraculous icon that appeared in Rus', but later became known in the Catholic world.

Previously we wrote about the history of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. This image became a kind of symbol of the independence of Rus' and its spiritual strength. This icon appeared under very strange circumstances, and its history is full of secrets.

History of the icon

In 1579, a church and the Kremlin caught fire in Kazan. The fire also spread to residential buildings, leaving many families homeless. In those days, many doubted their faith in God, because how is this possible? Why was God so unmerciful towards people? Many then lost their faith.

In those days, one girl named Matrona had a prophetic dream that under the ruins there was an icon of the Mother of God. Actually, this is what the Mother of God told her in a dream, appearing as light. At first the girl did not attach any significance to the dream, but then it happened again. She told her mother about everything, and they went to the supposed place that the Mother of God spoke about in a dream.

Of course, they found an icon there. The news of the miraculous discovery spread throughout the earth. The icon was transferred to the Annunciation Cathedral. During the religious procession, two blind men regained their sight. This was the first of many miracles associated with this image. In other years, the icon helped destroy the army of the impostor False Dmitry in the early 17th century. The militia was able to rid Russia of the Poles.

In 1904, according to one version, it was stolen and sold. The thief said that he destroyed the icon, although later his words changed more than once, which gave people faith in the existence of the icon. Many people still believe that the original exists.

Feast of the Kazan Mother of God

This day has a fixed date - 21 July. From year to year, people visit churches and pray for the health and happiness of the Mother of God. Here is one prayer that can be read before bedtime or in the morning:

O zealous intercessor, Mother of the Lord Most High, pray for everyone to Your Son, Christ our God, and grant to all those who seek refuge in Your sovereign protection to be saved. Intercede for all of us, O Lady Queen and Lady, who in adversity and sorrow and illness, burdened with many sins, stand and pray to You with a tender soul and a contrite heart, before Your most pure image with tears and irrevocable hope in You, for the deliverance of all evil, grant useful to everyone and save everything, Virgin Mary: For You are the Divine Protection of Your servant.

Visit the temple of God on this day to honor the memory of this icon and devote your time to God. On this day, all Orthodox Christians unite in prayer. If you can’t get to church, then read the prayer to Our Lady of Kazan at home.

Let faith in God unite you, and let the memory of the events of 1579 make you move away from any doubts. Yes, this day is not included in the list of 12 main holidays of the Orthodox world, but it is no less important for the formation of the faith of each of us. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.07.2016 04:20

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most powerful in Orthodox culture. It's connected...

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is one of the greatest symbols of faith in the history of Orthodox Christianity. ...

Traditionally, on November 4, Rus' celebrates the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. The holiday, which has a long history, is dedicated to the day of the liberation of Moscow from the Poles in 1916. It is believed that it was the miraculous icon that helped the militia led by Prince Pozharsky overcome a lot of difficulties and defeat the enemy.

In the old days, this holiday was considered a state holiday and enjoyed special love among the people. Nowadays, the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is widely celebrated by Orthodox citizens of the country. In 1993, on this day on Red Square, the opening of the restored Kazan Cathedral, destroyed by Soviet power in 1936, took place. The liberator icon is kept in it.

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered icons; it is responsible for a long list of miracles and healings. The first to appreciate the magical power were two blind men, who were entrusted with transferring the icon to the temple. Immediately after completing the assigned work, they began to see clearly.

Let the Kazan icon
Today he will bless you,
Will cover up troubles,
It will protect you from all diseases!

I wish you warmth on this day,
There is calm and peace in the soul,
To have a happy life
And it brought only joy!

May the Mother of God protect you,
Protects from troubles and worries.
Goodness, love and peace promise
And he will keep faith in his heart!

Let the icons have a bright face
It will illuminate your entire family,
Doesn't allow enemies or illness into the house
And it helps you all in life!

On the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, I sincerely wish you peace and prosperity, health for the whole family and prosperity, bright hopes and good thoughts, strong faith and incredible strength. May the Kazan Icon always protect you from life’s disasters and enemies, may the Mother of God never allow you to fall and lose your soul.

A short

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God
Let him help and find the answer to everything.
Let him protect with his grace,
Bring love and joy to your home!

Let the Kazan icon
Protects from misfortune
Let the Mother of God help,
Let it ignite faith in your heart.

Know that miracles are possible
Always pray sincerely
Heaven will always help
Make your wishes come true.

Today we honor the Kazan Icon.
May the Mother of God protect you.
And now the bells are ringing
Let your soul thunder with happiness.

I also wish you peace of mind
And strong, sincere, great faith.
Let him surround the world with his beauty
And the Mother of God will always be with you.

Let the Kazan icon bring
Welcome, good luck, joy in fate!
Let everyone who asks her for a miracle,
Suddenly he will experience a miracle!

Let the icon protect everyone from troubles,
And gives everyone magical salvation,
The icon does the impossible,
And there is no explanation for these miracles!

Let the Kazan icon
Will protect you from harm.
Peace and happiness will be at home,
And there is light in the soul of hope.

Let the Mother of God help,
Heal all illnesses.
Let problems not bother you,
And love reigns all around.

There are special holidays in the world,
Which bring only grace.
They are revered by adults and children.
They are protected by the Mother of God.

People pray to her not in vain.
She will always help everyone who is waiting.
Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan
Let joy and peace come to your home!

The Kazan Autumn national holiday is celebrated on November 4, 2019 (October 22 is the date according to the old style). In the church calendar for this day (starting from 1649), a celebration was established in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, as a sign of gratitude to the miraculous image for the deliverance of Moscow and all of Russia from the Poles in 1612.

history of the holiday

The 16th-17th centuries are called the Time of Troubles. During that period, the Polish principality mocked the Christian religion and the entire Orthodox faith, plundered churches and monasteries, cities and villages. With the help of deception, it took control of Moscow. Patriarch Ermagen convened the people into a militia to defend the Motherland. It was headed by Prince Pozharsky. An image of the Most Holy Theotokos was sent from Kazan for spiritual support.

The entire Russian people raised a prayer to the Lord God and the Mother of God for help and imposed a 3-day fast on themselves. The prayer was heard, and the wrath of God was replaced by mercy. On October 22, 1612, the militia defeated the invaders and liberated Moscow.

Traditions and rituals

This day is considered a turning point. It is after this that winter comes into its possession.

Kazan autumn - the time of settlements for completed construction work. This day was the last when the owners could pay off all the workers: painters, carpenters, plasterers, masons, simple mercenaries and others. The men returned home with money, where their wives and laid tables, laden with food and beer, were waiting for them.

Traditionally, on this day the basement was ventilated, the juniper was set on fire and the room was fumigated with it. This was done in order to preserve supplies: so that they would not rot and run out.


If the harvest was rich, then the winter will be very cold.

If it is a clear day on Kazan autumn, then cold will soon come, and if there is fog, it will be warm.

If this day passes without rain, then the year will be difficult.

The Feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is revered by Russian Orthodox people twice a year. There are not many other holy images that would be revered in Orthodoxy with the same power as the Kazan Icon. The miraculous icon, discovered at the end of the 16th century, is of great importance for the history of the Russian state. It is a symbol of the unity of the Russian people and the triumph of Orthodoxy.

history of the holiday

Key moments in the chronicle of the medieval Muscovite kingdom are clearly reflected in the history of this icon.

The miraculous appearance of the icon of the Mother of God

Ivan the Terrible, included in the lists of Russian tsars as a ruler who significantly expanded the territory of his possessions, captured Kazan in 1552. After its annexation to the Russian state, Grozny’s associates actively instilled the Orthodox faith among local residents. Not everyone liked this decision of the new government. Muslims actively resisted Orthodox expansion. According to legend, it was their lack of faith that caused the terrible fire of 1579, which destroyed half of Kazan. In folk tales, fire is associated with the wrath of the Orthodox God.

The fire partially incinerated the Kazan Kremlin, but did not spare the houses of Orthodox Kazan residents. One of them, a ten-year-old girl named Matrona, soon after the fire saw the image of the Mother of God in a dream. The saint pointed out to the girl: in the place where Matrona’s house stood, Her miraculous image was buried in the ground. She ordered to dig up the icon, and Matrona told the mayor about her wonderful dream. However, no one listened to her. Twice more the Mother of God appeared to the young woman in a dream, the third time predicting: if the icon is not dug up, the image will be found in another place, and Matrona herself will die.

And for the third time, the mayors remained deaf to the child’s requests. Then, on July 8, Matrona’s mother and her daughter went to the ashes on their own. They found an icon wrapped in a piece of cloth. The image looked as if it had just been painted: the fire did not touch the work of the unknown master, presenting the clear face of the Mother of God.

The icon itself in classical iconography belongs to the type of Hodegetria - Guide. This holy image of the Mother of God holding the baby Jesus in her arms carries the meaning of worship of the Heavenly King who has appeared in the world. Only in contrast to the classic version, the Kazan Mother of God is depicted from the shoulder, not from the waist.

Loss of the Kazan Mother

Since its appearance, the Kazan Icon has become very popular. Lists from it were sent to different parts of Russia, gaining veneration in temples and small churches. For just over three centuries, the original of the Mother of God of Kazan was kept in the Bogoroditsky Monastery in Kazan, built on the site where the image was found. In 1904, the icon of the Mother of God, along with another image (of the Savior), was stolen from the monastery. The amount of damage at that time was colossal (more than one hundred thousand rubles). But the spiritual damage caused by the attacker to the Church cannot be assessed. It took time to find the kidnapper.

When the thief, a peasant named Bartholomew Stoyan, was discovered, he stated that he had sold the rich frames and jewelry stolen along with the icon. And he treacherously chopped up the image and burned it in the oven, covering up the traces of the crime. But subsequently the attacker repeatedly changed his testimony, which is why today there are several theories suggesting that the miraculous image remained intact:

  • Stoyan stole not the original, but a skillful copy, while the original of the icon is still in storage in an unknown place;
  • For a lot of money, Bartholomew sold the Kazan Icon without salary to the Old Believers, who paid him for theft.

These theories have no actual evidence. In 1904, Orthodoxy lost one of the most amazing icons in its history.

Miracles of the Icon of Our Lady of Kazan

This icon is rightly called miraculous, because as soon as the inhabitants of Kazan found it, mysterious and miraculous healings began for everyone involved in the icon. When the Archbishop of Kazan organized a religious procession to deliver the icon from the place of discovery to the Annunciation Cathedral, blind Joseph was among those present. The peasant lost his sight three years before the events described, but by the end of the procession he somehow regained his sight. Another blind man, Nikita, gained the ability to see after a prayer service in front of the icon in the Annunciation Cathedral.

But the most important miracle attributed to the Kazan Icon is the holy blessing from the image of the Mother of God, which descended on the troops of the Second People's Militia during the Time of Troubles. In those years when Moscow and all of Russia were under the yoke of Polish aggression, the true Orthodox faith, kept in the hearts of the fighters for the freedom of the Russian people, helped them achieve miraculous victories. Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, who led the militia, ordered the icon to be delivered to him before attacking the Poles. In the decisive battle with Polish troops, which significantly outnumbered the Russians, his army won a brilliant victory. October 22 (old style) 1612 became the day when the people of Russia united against the invaders, strengthened by the power of the icon of the Blessed Mother of God.

In folk tales and chronicles, many evidences of other miracles of the Kazan icon have been preserved. Her divine light healed blind people, but there were also cases when people who had lost the ability to move returned to normal life after praying in front of the image.

Rediscovery of an icon

The loss of the image at the beginning of the 20th century was a great grief for Orthodox people for many years, although many skillful copies of the original have been preserved. After the revolution they were either destroyed or sold to the West. Among these exhibits was a copy of the icon made in the 18th century. It was considered one of the oldest and most beautiful copies of the miraculous image that had survived at that time. History of evidence has not preserved who exactly bought the list.

In 1993, the great icon was presented to Pope John Paul II. He revealed a desire to return the image to his homeland, despite the difficult relationship between Orthodoxy and the Catholic Church. It took more than ten years to complete this step. Despite all the active obstacles, God's great mercy to the Russian people was accomplished in 2004, and the icon of the Blessed Mother of God returned to Russia. This event also marks an important milestone in the establishment of good relations between the Vatican and Orthodox Russia.

Holiday traditions

Dates of holidays in honor of the icon

We have already mentioned at the beginning of the article that there are two dates in the church calendar when the Feast of the Blessed Icon is celebrated. According to the new style, the following days correspond to them:

  • July 21 – discovery of the icon;
  • November 4 - in gratitude for help in saving Moscow and Russia from the Poles.

Both of these dates are immovable: in 2018 they will be the same as in all previous years. Since 2005, November 4 has also been the Day of National Unity, i.e., a state holiday of the Russian Federation.

Rules and traditions: services, prayers, congratulations

The immutable tradition of this holiday is the procession of the cross, crowned with the image of the Kazan Icon. It is always preceded by a festive liturgy. It is the duty of every true Orthodox believer to visit it.

The classic text of the service for this day was written in the 16th century. Patriarch Hermogenes of Moscow, who was one of the eyewitnesses of the miraculous discovery of the icon, became the author of the troparion and magnification of the Mother of God. Five centuries later, his text “The Diligent Intercessor” has been preserved unchanged, while remaining one of the central components of the services of this day:

They pray to the Kazan icon for deliverance from illnesses; it is especially revered by people suffering from vision diseases. Since the Mother of God of Kazan is the patroness of young families, they honor her with a prayer for family well-being and the birth of healthy children.

Prayer before the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God:

Congratulatory texts today remember the Protector Mother of God, who sheltered the Russian lands from adversity, helping to unite in the face of the enemy, and Her miraculous deeds.

Folk signs on the holiday

A good omen on both days of the celebration is rainy, wet weather. It was believed that this was the Most Holy Mary shedding tears for the human race, begging God for forgiveness and blessings for the next year. If the weather is dry, then the coming year promises hardships.

November 4th is the day when believing newlyweds prefer to get married in church. There was a belief that such marriages would be happy and strong, and they would be protected in Heaven.

Most signs are connected specifically with the November celebration. For example, if fog falls on the ground on this day, then they expected a quick thaw, and if the weather is clear, then there will certainly be a harsh, harsh winter.