Associated with insufficient hydration of the body. Training and drinking regime, hydration and dehydration of the body

HYDRATION in solutions(Greek, hydor water) - the process of adding water molecules to molecules or ions of a dissolved substance.

The concept of “hydration” refers to water solutions; with other solvents this phenomenon is called solvation (see). The reverse process of hydration or solvation is called dehydration or desolvation, respectively. G. is an important condition for the dissolution of substances and their stability in solution, in particular the stability of solutions of protein and other biopolymers. G. causes swelling (see) of polymers in aqueous media, plays an important role in the permeability of cell membranes, in water-salt metabolism, etc.

Ions are especially prone to gas. Their hydrodynamics is determined by the dipole orientation of water molecules in the electric field of the ion, and the hydrodynamics of polar nonelectrolytes is determined by their orientation due to the interaction of dipoles and the formation of hydrogen bonds.

The ordered arrangement of solvent molecules around ions or polar groups of atoms in a solute molecule suggests that they form hydration layers or shells. The water molecules in the hydration layer remain chemically almost unchanged. This is how G. differs from other chemicals. interactions in solutions, for example, from hydrolysis (see). However, many physical properties change in the hydration layer. properties of water: vapor pressure, dielectric constant, compressibility, dissolving ability, etc. Hydrogenation is accompanied by the release of heat and a decrease in the entropy of the solvent due to the ordered arrangement of water molecules in the hydration layer (see Thermodynamics).

The hydration shell is mainly held together by electrostatic forces of attraction, and polar groups can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules. Those water molecules that are most tightly bound to ions or polar groups in the molecules of the solute are those that are concentrated in the first molecular layer; the binding energy of the molecules of the second layer is much lower; in the third it is already negligible.

As a result of hydrogenation of ions, coordination compounds are often formed. For example, the formation of the Cu 2+ ion in aqueous solutions occurs in such a way that four water molecules are distributed symmetrically around Cu2+, forming a flat figure. The hydrated copper ion Cu 2+ -4H 2 O gives the solution a characteristic blue color. The formation of hydrates (solvates) underlies the theory of solutions of D. I. Mendeleev (see Solutions).

The most tightly bound hydrate water can, during the crystallization of a dissolved substance from solutions, enter into the composition of its crystals (crystallization water), forming crystalline hydrates (see), for example. CuSO 4 -5H 2 O, which are essentially complex compounds (see).

The degree of heterogeneity of different ions and molecules is not the same and depends on the size of the particles and the magnitude of their charge. The greater the charge and the smaller the size of the ion, i.e., the higher the specific charge density, the greater the degree of G. The L + ion is more hydrated, since its specific charge density is higher than that of K + ions. Undissociated molecules are also hydrated to one degree or another; their hydration shell appears only around polar groups and therefore may not be continuous.

The concentration of ions in a solution affects their mobility, and the dependence is inversely proportional.

Bibliography: Dumansky A.V. Lyophilicity of dispersed systems, Kyiv, 1960; Jirgensons B. Natural organic macromolecules, trans. from English, M., 1965; Karyakin A.V. and K r and in e scientific center about in and G. A. State of water in organic and inorganic compounds, M., 1973, bibliogr.

A. Pasynsky.

Changes in the degree of hydration depending on the factors causing post-mortem rigor were studied by Gamm. They found that immediately after slaughter the muscle is in a state of very high hydration. During subsequent storage for 1-2 days, a strong drop in the ability of meat to bind moisture is observed. Post-mortem changes in hydration are of great importance for meat processing and influence the increase in its hardness during the onset of post-mortem rigor. As the author has shown, this phenomenon is caused by the fact that the minimum hydration and maximum rigidity after the slaughter of an animal coincide in time. By 24 hours of storage, the content of bound water in meat decreases from 90 to 72-75% of the total moisture of the meat.
The decrease in muscle protein hydration is partly explained by a drop in muscle pH from 7.0 to a value close to the isoelectric point of muscle proteins (pH 5.0-5.5). But the loss of meat’s ability to bind moisture cannot be explained only by a drop in pH, since the separation of muscle juice occurs even when the pH decreases slightly. For example, this occurs in the meat of tired animals whose glycogen content was very low before slaughter. The decisive factor in reducing the ability to bind water is the breakdown of ATP. The author showed that a strong drop in the ability to bind water by the muscles of cattle within the first two days after slaughter should be attributed to approximately 2/3 due to the breakdown of ATP and only 1/3 due to a drop in pH due to the accumulation of lactic acid.
When studying the effect of adding ATP on the hydration of muscles in cattle, Gamm discovered that the effect depended on the concentration of ATP and the duration of meat storage. In hot-steamed meat, the ATP content even at a concentration of 0.0015 mol causes softening of tissues and an increase in their hydration. This is approximately the amount that, according to Marsh, corresponds to the concentration required to increase the volume of chopped muscle tissue under the action of the Marsh-Bendoll factor (0.0016 M).
In beef meat, ATP in concentrations below 0.0005 M always has a contractile and dehydrating effect. This ability to contract with the addition of ATP also remains after long-term storage.
If the ATP concentration exceeds 0.0012-0.0015 M, ATP has a hydrating and softening effect on the stored muscle. Therefore, at these relatively high concentrations, ATP breakdown is not fast enough to cause immediate contraction. This softening effect does not appear for long, since after just a few minutes, contraction occurs and the ability to bind water greatly decreases with the progressive breakdown of ATP.
The hydration increased as a result of increasing the ATP concentration to 0.015 M during subsequent storage of meat only slightly decreases and the decrease is not observed at all at an ATP concentration of 0.03 M.

Sports and proper hydration

With any physical exercise or fitness, your body loses water and salts. To compensate for this loss, avoid injury and pain, and make exercise truly beneficial, you must take in adequate amounts of fluid. In this article, specialists from the Embassy of Medicine tell you what to do to prevent dehydration.

Typically, the human body loses more than half a liter of water daily through sweat and breathing. With increasing air temperature or intense physical exercise, this loss can increase to a liter or even one and a half, which leads to severe dehydration of the body, which must be compensated by drinking water or liquids containing sodium and potassium salts.

According to the European Institute of Hydration, when dehydration exceeds approximately 1-3% of body weight, a person's physical performance is significantly reduced. And more pronounced dehydration is dangerous to health.

People who are involved in fitness must ensure proper hydration, and this must be done during the following stages of sports:

    Before exercise, it is recommended to drink about 400-600 ml of water or drinks 1-2 hours before exercise to prepare the body for physical activity by ensuring adequate hydration. This protects the athlete from sudden increases in body temperature and reduces pain and fatigue. During exercise, athletes should begin to take fluids as early as possible and drink at regular intervals in order to promptly compensate for the loss of moisture and salts through sweat and breathing and maintain a constant level blood glucose. Hydration after exercise is essential for an athlete's recovery and should begin as early as possible.

What is better to take to prevent dehydration during fitness activities: water or isotonic drinks?

For light to moderate exercise (less than an hour and a half), there is nothing better and more natural than water because the body absorbs it faster. It may be cool, but it is better not to drink very cold water. Dear readers, if you are reading this article on the website of the Embassy of Medicine, then it was borrowed there illegally.

Various sports drinks are a good alternative when performing intense exercise for a long time. These drinks are designed to quickly replenish lost energy, water and mineral salts, as they contain simple carbohydrates (fructose, glucose, sucrose) and polysaccharides (starch and maltose), sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium salts, as well as chlorides and phosphates all what is necessary for the rapid restoration of the water and electrolyte balance in the body disturbed as a result of physical activity. People who suffer from hypertension should avoid consuming these energy drinks.

Fitness instructors of the Embassy of Medicine recommend that when playing sports, keep in mind several more factors that can lead to excessive loss of fluid from the body and provoke dehydration.

More water and mineral salts are lost from the body when an athlete trains in a hot or humid environment. To avoid this, in summer it is better to do this in the morning or late evening.

Sportswear should be comfortable and adequate. It should be made of materials that allow the body to “breathe”, freely allowing moisture to pass through when sweating.

The hot sun always provokes greater fluid loss, so never forget about a hat to protect against overheating.

Taking diuretics can also contribute to rapid dehydration during exercise, so if you are taking any medications, be sure to consult your doctor.


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Heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death in women. In men, it is the second most common cause of death after tumors. Although the factors that cause these problems are varied, food plays an important role in the occurrence of diseases. Among them, according to nutritionists at the Embassy of Medicine, there are some that should be avoided at all costs.

The human body consists of 70-80% water; bones contain 50% water, adipose tissue - 30%, liver - 70%, heart muscles - 79%, kidneys - 83%; a loss of 1-2% causes thirst; loss of 5% - dry skin and mucous membranes, disruption of physiological and mental processes; 14-15% - death; excess water causes water intoxication, which disrupts colloid osmotic pressure. Water is the basis of good health. It can store large amounts of energy and transmit it further. That is, water is the main regulator of energy and osmotic balance (transfer of substances) in the body. Water is the most important solvent of substances, including oxygen. Therefore, it regulates all the functions of the body, as well as the activity of all the dissolved substances that it carries. With insufficient water balance, chemical processes in the cell are disrupted, namely chemical, and not just physical. The result is obesity with cellulite, high blood pressure, gastritis, heartburn.... Drink a lot of water, but! a few sips every half hour, if you are calm, do not move. Do not swallow immediately! Hold it in your mouth! The slower you swallow, in microsips, the better. I won’t talk about the four to five liters recommended by every yogi, because it’s stupid. In general, be careful about what Indians recommend; a lot of things are adapted to their lifestyle, climate and mentality. The main indicator is that the urine is always light! Always! If it gets dark, increase the water, but little by little. Juices, compotes, teas, coffee do not count at all; you need to drink clean, non-mineral water. The body needs a pure solvent. 10 rules for hydration (water saturation) of the body Daily water consumption at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. Avoid drinks that have diuretic properties: coffee, tea, alcohol, Coca-Cola. By the way, you can drink alkaline mineral waters (Borjomi, Narzan). Every day, start with half a liter of clean water - 1 glass, room temperature. You can add a little (at the tip of a knife) soda to it. ½ teaspoon per liter is enough to alkalize the water. Increase water consumption during illness. Drink throughout the day at intervals and do not wait for thirst to appear. The body does not make much difference between thirst and hunger. What we begin to feel as hunger is most likely thirst. Therefore, it is advisable to drink a glass of water before eating. Carry a bottle of water with you at all times. Drink water 15-20 minutes before meals and 1.5 - 2 hours after meals. It is not advisable to drink while eating (as juices and enzymes in the stomach are diluted). Increase water consumption during times of stress and physical activity. Drink only clean water (the pH of the water should not be lower than 7.3). Sweat (for example, a bathhouse at 70-85 degrees, but not a sauna). How to charge water yourself Scientists have already officially proven that water is capable of receiving, storing and transmitting information. Water can be perfectly charged with the help of Divine Reiki energy. It fills the water with information aimed at healing a person. We call such water “charged”. The effect of charged water on the human body is very strong, because a person consists of 70-80% water. All cells of our body contain water, and blood and lymph flow to them, adding information of charged water. This water has a very pleasant taste. It resembles the taste of fresh spring water. People who don’t drink much in everyday life are happy to consume charged water. Even animals distinguish charged water from plain water. My cat no longer drinks plain water, only charged water. Charged water does not deteriorate and stores information for a very long time (for years). One day I left a bottle of charged water in the car and forgot. I discovered it only 2 years later, the water was fresh, like from a spring. Water acts on all levels and planes of a person: psychic, mental, emotional, physical. Water is charged individually for each person. It will not benefit other people, although there will be no harm. Water will soothe one, cleanse another, and invigorate another. Before charging, the water must be passed through a filter or boiled. It is not advisable to use mineral and carbonated water. Water temperature is room temperature. Water should not be stored on the floor, because small entities live on the floor. You cannot boil or freeze charged water - the information will be destroyed. You need to drink up to 2 liters of water per day. In case of diseases of the cardiovascular system, you need to limit your salt intake, it retains water, in such cases you need to drink 2-3 glasses a day (as you feel). And for diseases of the kidneys, liver and gall bladder, you need to drink as much water as possible. The charging process itself. Before charging the water, just like before starting a regular Reiki session (for those who are into Reiki), you need to ask the Higher Powers/Reiki/Gods to give you the energy to charge the water. for those who are not into Reiki, simply ask your Higher Power to give you the energy to charge the water. Feeling the energy in your palms, you apply the hands to the vessel with water and hold them while the energy flows. When the flow stops, you give thanks and end the process. Those who do not know Reiki techniques can charge the water with spell words. Attention! Spells are used only by those who do not know Reiki. Reiki practitioners do not need to do this at all. REIKI is such a powerful energy that it is enough to charge water with Reiki. Because this is a completely different level of work - from the level of the Spirit, the energy of God. On some water, a spell for cleansing. With a bowl, we fold our hands around the glass (for women, the left hand is on top, for men, the right hand is on top) and say a curse. You can drink this water to cleanse yourself from the inside and wash your face with it to cleanse yourself from the outside. Accept our living water power, help us to cleanse ourselves, to be pure for a century, to give birth to every life, to get rid of dryness, to revive the field, to water the arable land, to preserve the strength. Depart, unclean one, most pure companion. GO! Vedana..