Tests final certification 4.

By the end of elementary school, namely, by the end of the 4th grade, teachers draw a line on all learning, and this line is the State Final Attestation (GIA). GIA is practically the same as the Unified State Exam. This is also a system of tests and assignments. Writing mathematics is mandatory, and the final assignments are quite difficult. That is why teachers pay (or should pay) attention to thoroughly preparing fourth-graders for the GIA throughout the last quarter. And to help both parents and teachers, our article. On this page we will collect tasks for the State Examination Examination of different years, test papers in mathematics, which will help fourth-graders prepare for the upcoming final certification. Children will not only consolidate their acquired knowledge, but also learn how to fill out an examination form.

Any file can be downloaded and/or printed by clicking on the cover.

Mathematics. Final certification in primary school. Morshneva L.G.

The tasks are given according to options, each option in three parts. Each option is accompanied by a form for recording answers. At the end there are answers to tasks for testing the student by a parent (teacher).

It is equally important when preparing a student for the State Examination to pay attention to especially difficult tasks and work on them. Such tasks are collected in the manual

The most insidious tasks on tests in mathematics. Final examination. 4th grade. Uzorova O., Nefedova E.

A collection of the most necessary and difficult examples and problems that are offered on final tests in mathematics in the 4th grade. The questions cover all topics covered in primary school.

Mathematics. Final certification for a primary school course: standard test tasks. Ilyashenko L.A. 2016

Preparation for the final complex work. Mathematics, working with information, reading 4th grade. Exercise book for schoolchildren. Planet.

Mathematics. Final works based on a single text for the primary school course 2016. A.V. Volkov, V.V. Khvostin.

The notebook is intended to prepare 4th grade students for completing the final work for a primary school course and contains material for testing knowledge and skills in mathematics. Includes 5 works in two versions. Each work consists of a single text and 16 tasks, during which you need to find and use information from the text. The testing form will help teach children how to correctly fill out such documents, which will accompany them until they graduate from school. The notebook also contains answers to the assignments. The benefit complies with the Federal State Educational Standard.


to assess individual achievements of students

4th grade when mastering educational programs of primary general education in the subject "Russian language".

Compiled by:Velmozhko Svetlana Sergeevna



option 1

Last name, first name of the student

instructions for the student

To do this you need:

We wish you success!






Flowery, greedy, machine, victim, parachute, funny.


3. Mark with an X the line in which all the words are correctly placed in order.


    Coat, dog, pumpkin, axe, pointer, pointer, anchor.

    Rope, hole, hare, earth, button accordion, game, lamp.

    Wind, harp, teeth, fox, belt, sleeve, dance.


Flowerpot, window, milk, taxi, popsicle, tree stump, glass.


5.Write down words with the same root.

cuckoo cuckoo

I bought a hood.

Put on the cuckoo's hood,

How funny he is in the hood.






    let's run


_______________________________________________________________________________ _


Helicopters took off from the ship.


Sleep in a smart cradle,

All in lace and silk,

Sleep, my beloved son,

In your warm corner!


in masculine form


in feminine form


in neuter form


In the spring, if you miss an hour (___), you won’t make it up in a year (___).


Cause distress. __________________________


    Blue River.


    Floats on the sea.

    The birch has dropped its last leaves.


A quiet breeze flew over the treetops.


14. Mark with an X the sentence with homogeneous predicates connected by a conjunction AND .

    Olya and Natasha did a math assignment together.

    A large gray cloud rose and covered half the sky.

    The winter sun shines brightly, but does not warm.


Definition , addition , subject , predicate , addition .


16*. Correct mistakes.

Squirrel is a fox animal. But you can often find her in city parks. The protein is small in size. she is the owner of a beautiful, fluffy boast.


Title the text. Make and write down a plan.

Ironwood is called boxwood. This is a small tree. Its height is no more

4-5 meters, and thickness - 10-15 centimeters. Boxwood branches are completely covered with small, hard evergreen leaves. Boxwood is very heavy. If you throw a piece of this tree into water, it will drown. Boxwood wood is extremely strong. It is used instead of metal in machine parts, where silent operation is required. Billiard balls, checkers, chess and a wide variety of artistic products are made from boxwood. Boxwood groves can be found in the Caucasus and Crimea.

(72 words)

According to G. Skrebitsky






option 2

School__________________________________________ Class 4____

Last name, first name________________________________________________________________

Last name, first name of the student

instructions for the student

40 minutes are allotted to complete the work.

There will be different tasks at work.

To do this you need:

Select an answer and place a cross (X) in the box next to the answer you think is correct.

Underline a word or several words

Write down a word or several words.

Next to the numbers of some tasks there is an asterisk (*) - this is how more difficult tasks are marked. If you don't know how to complete a task, skip it and move on to the next one. If there is time left, you can try again to complete the missed tasks.

We wish you success!

1. Mark with an X the word(s) that have fewer sounds than letters.







2*. Underline the words in which all consonants are hard.

Jockey, golden, screen, chicken, foreman, motorcycle.


    Spectator, umbrella, game, broom, bread, coat, seagull.

    Tree, life, earth, mammoth, skier, prisoner, anchor.

    Battle, newspaper, collective farm, lazy man, ruler, metal, cliff.


4. Write these nouns in two columns.

Bucket, morning, coat, letter, moose, highway, coffee.


5. Write down words with the same root. Select the root.

Four turtles have four turtles.



6. Mark with an X the word that matches the diagram



    started talking



7*. Make up new words using parts of these words.


8. Above nouns, indicate grammatical features - gender, number, case.

The last slanting rays of the autumn sun gild the dull steppe.


9. Underline the adjectives in the quatrains. Write the underlined words in the table.

A tired evening lingers at the window,

The bright dawn has already faded,

Having touched the crowns of the birches a little

Honey gilded amber.


in masculine form


in feminine form


in neuter form


10. Fill in the missing letters. Indicate the verb conjugation in brackets.

The word is not a sparrow: fly_t (____) - don’t catch it (____).


eleven*. Choose and write the answer using the verb exception. Write the verb in the 3rd person singular.

Perceive your surroundings through vision. __________________________


12. Mark the sentence(s) with an X.

    Over the vast sea.


    They ring loudly.

    A quiet warm dawn was breaking over the earth.


13. Underline the grammatical basis of the sentence. Indicate the parts of speech above the words.

Dry leaves fell from the poplars with a rustle.


14. Mark with an X the sentence with homogeneous predicates connected

union AND .

    The car was still racing among fields and meadows.

    Danil and Sasha play hockey well.

    The friends entered the door and found themselves in a large hall.


15*. Make up and write down a proposal according to the diagram.

Subject , predicate , definition , addition , addition .


16*. Correct mistakes.

The tiger is the biggest and strongest cat in the world. This beast is very beautiful. He has a short but thick coat of reddish color with black stripes. The tiger is a clever, strong predator.


17. Read. Divide the text into parts. Place it at the end of each part.

We, birches, are kind housewives. We decorate the earth. Wherever you go, you will meet us everywhere. And in the dense forest there are birch trees. And in the swamp, among the hummocks and mosses. And on dry ground, on sand, on an old fire. Even among stones, boulders, and stone mountains, birches have taken root. It was a lost place, the most lost. And the birch trees came there, stood up - and everything immediately became prettier. Silk foliage rustles and whispers, birds build nests on the branches, light spills over the ground from the white trunks. A man will wander in, take a look, and he won’t be able to leave this place. The beauty bewitched me.

(85 words)

According to E. Shim




18. Write down the text of assignment No. 17, observing the division into parts. First, write down your title.



option 3

School__________________________________________ Class 4____

Last name, first name________________________________________________________________

Last name, first name of the student

instructions for the student

40 minutes are allotted to complete the work.

There will be different tasks at work.

To do this you need:

Select an answer and place a cross (X) in the box next to the answer you think is correct.

Underline a word or several words

Write down a word or several words.

Next to the numbers of some tasks there is an asterisk (*) - this is how more difficult tasks are marked. If you don't know how to complete a task, skip it and move on to the next one. If there is time left, you can try again to complete the missed tasks.

We wish you success!

1. Mark with an X the word(s) that have fewer sounds than letters.





    spruce forest


2*. Underline the words in which all consonants are hard.

Jury, whisper, groovy, cyclone, chocolate, magazine.


3. Mark with an X the line in which all the words are correctly arranged in alphabetical order.

    Willow, pride, Christmas tree, astronaut, cuckoo, fox, October.

    Climber, brother, birch, needle, frost, portrait, Friday.

    Apricot, showcase, staircase, distance, clothes, dandelion, travel.


4. Write these nouns in two columns.

Pony, hay, cafe, piano, mirror, cinema, dominoes.


5.Write down words with the same root.

The crow has a baby crow.

The crow missed the crow.




6. Mark with an X the word that matches the diagram

    a note


    night light



7*. Make up new words using parts of these words.


8. Above nouns, indicate grammatical features - gender, number, case.

There was a cup of baked milk on the table.


9. Underline the adjectives in the quatrains. Write the underlined words in the table.

Znayka is glad to meet with us.

He has a mysterious look.

We have a new topic without a doubt

Techniques for written multiplication.


10. Fill in the missing letters. Indicate the verb conjugation in brackets.

If you chase two hares (____), you won’t catch either one (____).


eleven*. Choose and write the answer using the verb exception. Write the verb in the 3rd person singular.

Inhale and release air. __________________


12. Mark the sentence(s) with an X.

    After the rain, a bright rainbow appeared in the sky.

    A brave man.

    At the edge of the sky they were still burning.

    It was getting dark.


13. Underline the grammatical basis of the sentence. Indicate the parts of speech above the words.

The children collected autumn leaves into bouquets.


14. Mark with an x ​​the sentence with homogeneous predicates connected

union I.

    Masha and Polina water the beds.

    The titmouse sat on a branch three steps away and squeaked.

    Grandmother has lilies, roses and dahlias in her garden.


15*. Make up and write down a proposal according to the diagram.

Circumstance , subject , predicate , definition , addition.


16*. Correct mistakes.

The marten is a clever, beautiful and predatory animal. The fur coat is fluffy, warm, thick. There is a decoration on the throat and chest - a yellow pitno. And there are sharp claws on the paws.

________________________________________________________________________________ 17. Read. Divide the text into parts. Place it at the end of each part.

Make a plan. Title the text.

The tallest tree in the world is eucalyptus. Imagine a thirty-story building. Isn't it true, he is fabulously tall! And eucalyptus trees can be taller than such a house. Eucalyptus is not only the tallest, but also the fastest growing tree. In one year it grows 2-3 meters! Eucalyptus trees draw a lot of moisture from the soil and drain swampy areas well. Eucalyptus wood is very durable and beautiful. Ship masts are built from it and furniture is made. In our country, eucalyptus trees grow in the Caucasus and Crimea.

(75 words)

According to E. More




18. Write down the text of assignment No. 17, observing the division into parts. First, write down your title.



Option I


G. teapot

2. Which word has [t"]?

G. sugary

3. Choose a numeral from the words below:

A. primary

B. primary

G. first


  • 1 - noun
  • 2 - adjective
  • 3 - verb
  • 4 - numeral
  • 5 - interjection
  • 6 - adverb
  • A. up
  • B. viscous
  • V. kralka
  • G. wow!


A. in... sleep, pl... clean, expensive... sl

V. under... drove, thin... thinner, for nothing

G. pr... course, r... zhok, sea... z


A. cook

B. quickly

G. penny


A. (not) clumsy baby

B. (not) anyone to ask

V. (in)visible landscape

G. (not) good mushroom

8. In which line are all words written with a hyphen?

9. Indicate the error in the statement: “Spelling is a system of rules about:

A. writing words and their significant parts

B. correct pronunciation of words

B. writing uppercase and lowercase letters

D. transferring words from one line to another"

10. Which branch of linguistics studies the meaning of words?

A. syntax

B. morphemics

V. vocabulary

G. orthoepia

11. Enter a simple sentence:

B. Jackets, trousers, hats - everything was piled up.

12. Which of the sentences are complicated by adverbial verbs?

A. Extend your arms, looking only forward.

B. The mood, high and festive, made itself felt.

13. Is there an error in the sentence?

A. We rode a bicycle, often fell and broke our knees.

After reading the novel, I liked B. Bazarov.

B. The collection has been replenished with eight to ten five new specimens.


The onion (2) poached in oil (1) must be washed (3) finely chopped and seasoned with spices.


In the box (1), decorated (2) with a beautiful bow (3), there were (4) a lot of (5) sweets (6).

16. Read the text.

From the text above, select a complex sentence:


18. Explain the placement of the dash in sentence 10:

B. Quick change of action.






24. Set the text type:

A. reasoning

B. description

B. narration


A. scientific

B. official business

V. journalistic

G. artistic

Option 2

1. In which word the number of letters does not correspond to the number of sounds?

A. rolling pin

B. decanter

2. Which word has [l]?

A. biscuit

V. cutlet

G. coats

3. Choose a pronoun from the words below:

A. frying pan

4. Match (word - part of speech):

  • 1 - noun
  • 2 - adjective
  • 3 - verb
  • 4 - numeral
  • 5 - interjection
  • 6 - adverb
  • A. runs
  • B. kalach
  • At two
  • G. sharply

5. In which line are the missing vowels in all words checked by stress?

A. under... drove, thin... thinner, for nothing

B. white... mi, l... doni, pleased...

V. in... sleep, pl... clean, expensive... sl

G. pr... course, r... zhok, sea... z

6. Which word has a prefix, root, suffix and ending?

A. kneaded

B. sold

G. boiled

7. In what case is NOT written separately with words?

A. he (did not) open the jar

B. (un)cooked borscht

V. broke (un)accidentally

G. (not) what to expect

8. In which line are all words written separately?

A. (from) under, (to) the right, (in) the end

B. as if (didn’t) see what I (same) said

V. (in)sincere, somewhere, (semi)girth

G. (red) brown, some kind of (half) lemon

9. Indicate the error in the statement: “A simple sentence can be complicated:

A. homogeneous members

B. participial phrase

B. participial phrase

G. subordinate phrase"

10. What branch of linguistics deals with the study of sounds and spoken speech?

A. morphology

B. spelling

V. phonetics

G. orthoepia

11. Enter a simple complex sentence:

A. I came, but no one was here anymore.

B. The dough, having risen high, should lift the lid.

B. Jackets, trousers, hats - everything was piled up.

G. Like in a fairy tale, everything worked out for us, but he was still dissatisfied.

12. Which of the sentences is complicated by an adverbial phrase?

A. The mood, upbeat and festive, made itself felt.

B. A culinary masterpiece, skillful and rare, was wasted.

B. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

D. Steam from the kettle, which had been boiling for a long time, burst out.

13. Please indicate a sentence that does not contain an error?

A. We were able to admire all seventy-five crystals.

B. After salting the soup, the pan should be full.

B. An apron must be put on when entering the kitchen.

14. Indicate the correct placement of commas in the sentence:

Potatoes (1) boiled in salted water (2) should not be large (3) or cut.

15. The main members of the proposal are:

He (1), with his (2) eyes wide open (3), looked (4) somewhere into the distance (5).

16. Read the text.

1. Post office and bank, shops and office buildings - all this makes up the street, remarkable because it is here that your favorite cafe is located. 2. Maybe let's look inside to plunge into its atmosphere. 3. Soft light and pastel colors of the interior seem to complement each other. 4. You definitely want to stay here and order something. 5. Sitting at a small cozy table, it’s nice to watch neat waitresses welcoming visitors. 6. They always wear Irish style clothes. 7. The inexpensive menu is very varied and unusual. 8. We, as always, order a cocktail, a simple salad and fries. 9. And even in the short time that we usually spend time in a cafe, it becomes so good, thanks to the atmosphere and delicious food. 10. You guys also check out this cafe - you won’t regret it.

From the given text, select a simple two-part sentence:

17. Which of the following sentences is complicated by a participle phrase?

18. Explain the placement of the dash in 1 sentence:

A. The second part of the sentence contains a consequence of what is said in the first part.

B. The dash stands before the generalizing word for homogeneous members of the sentence.

B. Quick change of action.

D. In the first part of the sentence there is an indication of the time or condition of what is said in the second part.

19. Which of the following sentences does not contain borrowed words (of foreign origin)?

20. Which sentence is complicated by homogeneous members?

21. Indicate the sentence complicated by the adverbial phrase:

22. Which sentence has an introductory word?

23. Which of the following sentences is complex?

24. Set the text type:

A. reasoning

B. narration

B. Description

25. Determine what style this text belongs to?

A. official business

B. scientific

V. artistic

G. journalistic


Option I Option II
2 A B
3 G B

A 6, B 2, C 1, D 5

A 3, B 1, C 4, D 6
5 A IN
6 IN G
7 IN A
8 G B
9 B G
10 IN IN
11 B B
12 A, B IN
13 B A
14 IN D
15 G A
16 IN G
17 B A
18 A B
19 G IN
20 IN G
21 A A
22 A A
23 B B
24 B IN
25 IN G

Larionova Valentina Egorovna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MOBU secondary school No. 33 named after. L.A. Kolosova
Locality: Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Final certification in Russian language (grade 4)
Publication date: 13.12.2016
Chapter: elementary education


Part 1

. Which word has four letters and three sounds? 1) silk 2) fraction 3) day 4) anchor
Indicate a word that ends in a voiceless consonant. 1) dream 2) waterfall 3) flew 4) tractor
Which word is stressed incorrectly? 1) alphabet 2) more beautiful 3) kilometer 4) shop
The composition of which word differs from the composition of the word
? 1) crafts 2) trip 3) pole 4) gifts
Which word is missing a letter?
fundamentally? 1) t_nulls 2) s_stit 3) on the windowsill_ 4) pastry
1) shovel 2) fallen 3) live 4) blood
. In which version is a letter missing in both words?
? 1) in books_ and in notebooks_ 2) on top_ ate_ 3) along paths_ to the gate_ 4) on a leaf_ of bird cherry_
. Indicate the word with a preposition. 1) (from)run 2) (on)smear 3) (from)wind 4) (by)read
. Indicate the adjective in the prepositional case. 1) along the winter (road) 2) on the bottom (shelf) 3) evening (twilight) 4) at the rear (wheel)
. What part of speech word is missing in this sentence?
Foliage flutters in the air.

. In which phrase is the adjective used in a figurative sense? 1) hot coffee 2) hot soup 3) hot argument 4) hot iron
. Indicate the option in which the main members of the sentence are correctly indicated.
The migratory birds preened their feathers and set off.
1) feathers were cleaned 2) migratory birds 3) birds cleaned 4) birds cleaned and set off
Part 2

Write down a check word for the missing spelling in the word locality. Answer: ______________________________________________________________________
Indicate the numbers where commas should appear in the sentence.
In the spring (1) the bullfinch flies into the thicket of the forest (2) makes a nest (3) in the thick paws of spruce trees.
Part 3


For a long time the fox tore the drum with its claws, gnawing with its teeth, and finally tore the skin and saw emptiness.
And then she grew bolder and attacked her prey.
A hungry fox one day came across an old drum.
He lay in the bushes and hummed as the branches hit his stretched skin.
Hearing these loud sounds, the fox was at first afraid to approach. Answer: - ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________


Part 1

Which word has five letters and four sounds? 1) leg 2) deer 3) gun 4) willow
Indicate a word that ends in a voiced consonant. 1) boot 2) story 3) suffix 4) fence
. Which word is stressed incorrectly? 1) took" 2) carpenter 3) then" mouths 4) call" m
The composition of which word is different from the composition of the word lemon? 1) grass 2) chairs 3) toys 4) note
. Which word is missing a letter?
fundamentally? 1) wonderful 2) star 3) pigeon 4) p_rolled
Indicate the word that has a missing letter
. 1) re_kiy 2) u_kiy 3) try_ba 4) uka_ka
Which combination of words has a letter missing in both words?
? 1) appeared on the poplar_ and siren_ 2) settles on the hat_ and collar_ 3) along the path_ to the dacha_ 4) at Seryozha_ and Zo_
Specify the word without a preposition. 1) (on) the horizon 2) (under) the tree 3) (over) covered 4) (in) the gorge
. Indicate the adjective in the instrumental case. 1) in the far (land) 2) silver (carpet) 3) evening (newspaper) 4) through the dense (forest)
. What part of speech word is missing in this sentence.
It smells like young hay and cherry resin.
1) verb 2) noun 3) adjective 4) preposition
. In what combination of words is the verb used in a figurative sense? 1) hit the bell 2) hit the table with your fist 3) frosts hit 4) hit a stone
Indicate the option in which the main members of the sentence are correctly indicated.
The first leaves on the birch sparkle and shimmer in the sun.
1) the first leaves 2) the leaves sparkle 3) the leaves on the birch 4) the leaves sparkle, shimmer
Part 2

Write down a check word for the missing spelling in the word hovering. Answer: _____________________________________________________________________
. Indicate the numbers where commas should appear in the sentence.
During the night my little bunnies warmed up (1) dried out (2) slept (3) ate well.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________
Part 3


. Here is the ancient coat of arms of the city of Serpukhov.
Russian cities have long had their own coats of arms.
It depicts a peacock in the center of the shield.
This is a symbol of the bright chintz that was produced in the city.
. The feathers of this overseas bird shimmer like a rainbow. Answer:_________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________


Part 1

Indicate the option that correctly indicates which parts of speech are the words indicated by numbers in the sentences. 12
There is a bar of soap on the shelf. Lena was washing the dishes.
1) 1 - verb, 2 - verb. 2) 1 - noun, 2 - noun. 3) 1 - noun, 2 - verb. 4) 1 - verb, 2 - noun.
. In which word can only the second syllable be stressed? 1) crying 2) washing 3) castle 4) dancing
Which of these words is a test for the rest? 1) shooting 2) shooter 3) shot 4) shooting range
Indicate in which word the missing unstressed vowel cannot be checked by stress. 1) take a look 2) room 3) amazing 4) height
. Specify the word with a prefix
. 1) announcement 2) gift 3) donkey 4) lunch
. Indicate the “extra” word among these synonyms. 1) blizzard 2) cold 3) blizzard 4) blizzard
. In which variant is the adjective not the same root as the highlighted noun? 1)
- thundercloud 2)
- nut bush 3)
- sunny meadow 4)
- early spring
. Indicate the option in which the ending must be written in place of the gap
? 1) silver_frost 2) in the warm_ sea 3) to the sea_ shore 4) under the shady_ oak
. Which statement is wrong? 1) Nouns are declined. 2) Verbs are conjugated. 3) Adjectives change according to number, gender and case. 4) Nouns of the 1st declension in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases have the same endings.
. Specify a noun of the 1st declension? 1) without salt 2) in the azure 3) along the river 4) after the rain
. Indicate the verb I conjugation. 1) feed 2) draw 3) hold 4) load
. In which verb should you write soft in place of the gap?
1) bathes 2) admires 3) rides 4) holds
Part 2

Indicate the predicate in the sentence.
Streams of warm steam came from damp hillocks and old stumps.

Choose from this sentence a combination of words that is not a phrase.
The old black grouse fell into a deep sleep.
Answer: ___________________________________
Part 3

In what order should the lettered sentences appear to form a coherent text? Complete 4-6 sentences, continuing the text.
. This bird is called a woodpecker. B. A bird lives in our forest.
. It sits on a tree and taps on it with its beak.
. This woodpecker was having lunch - he was getting seeds from pine and spruce cones.
Sometimes there are many, many cones lying in the snow under a tree. Answer:_________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________


Part 1

Indicate the option that correctly indicates which parts of speech are the words indicated by numbers in the sentences. 1 In the fields that were not mowed with a scythe, 2 All morning the rain fell with a scythe. 1) 1 - adjective, 2 - noun 2) 1 - verb, 2 - noun 3) 1 - noun, 2 - adjective 4) 1 - adjective, 2 - adjective
. In which word can only the second syllable be stressed? 1) abyss 2) village 3) organ 4) face
. Which of these words is a test for the rest? 1) dance 2) dancer 3) dancer 4) dance
. Indicate in which word the missing unstressed vowel cannot be checked by stress? 1) winner 2) g_rchitsa 3) freeze 4) b_loto
. Specify the word with a prefix
? 1) cheesecake 2) loach 3) paste 4) domineering
. Indicate the “extra” word among these synonyms. 1) trouble 2) hurricane 3) misfortune 4) grief
. In which variant is the adjective not the same root as the highlighted noun? 1) neighbor - neighboring houses 2) spring - spring stream 3) squirrel - white clouds 4) goose - goose feather
. Indicate the adjective in which the ending should be written in place of the blank
-to her
? 1) near a predatory (bird) 2) far away (country) 3) to a nearby (grove) 4) along a wide (alley)
State the correct statement. 1) A suffix is ​​a part of a word that serves to connect words in a sentence. 2) A suffix is ​​a part of a word that serves to form new words. 3) A suffix is ​​a common part of related words. 4) A suffix is ​​a part of speech.
Indicate the noun of the 3rd declension. 1) with potatoes 2) without noodles 3) with a friend 4) walking
. Indicate the verb II conjugation. 1) read 2) prick 3) breathe 4) draw
. In which verb should a soft sign be written in place of the gap?
1) hiding 2) rolling 3) waking up 4) smiling
Part 2

Indicate the word that is a minor member in this sentence.
The tourists were accompanied by a doctor.
Answer: ____________________________________________
Indicate the number of commas to be placed in this sentence.
The sun peeked out from behind the clouds and played with its rays, but soon disappeared again.
Answer: _______
Part 3

. In what order should the lettered sentences appear to form a coherent text? Complete 4-6 sentences, continuing the text.
. A cat was sneaking towards him in the tall grass. B. An owl was sitting on its roots.
. The cat stood up and crawled into the bushes in fear.
Suddenly the eagle owl shouted a long phrase.
In the park, a storm uprooted an old spruce tree. Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Part 1

Choose the correct characteristic of the last sound in the word
. 1) [d] - consonant, voiced pair, hard pair 2) [t"] - consonant, voiceless pair, soft pair 3) [t] - consonant, voiceless pair, hard pair 4) [d] - vowel, unstressed
. Mark the word that cannot be moved from one line to another. 1) troika 2) Julia 3) ship 4) lighthouse
Indicate a noun with a double consonant. 1) length(n/nn)a 2) length(s/ss)ten 3) pa(s/ss)fat 4) size(n/nn)o
. Mark the option that correctly specifies the test word for the highlighted word. 1)
with water - side 2)
with water - barrel 3)
with water - tank 4)
with water - sides
? 1) squeak 2) paper clip 3) squeak 4) squeak
In which word should a letter be written in place of the gap in the root?
? 1) bookmark 2) devil 3) happy 4) resurrected
Indicate the word in which a soft sign should be written in place of the gap
1) barrel_ka 2) song_nya 3) garage_ 4) duesh_
Indicate the adjective formed with a prefix. 1) ad 2) successful 3) light 4) ugly
In which case form do nouns have no prepositions? 1) nominative 2) genitive 3) accusative 4) dative
.Indicate a noun that has the ending -i in the prepositional case? 1) calendar 2) tree stump 3) dove 4) shadow
In which phrase is the adjective used in a figurative sense? 1) bear skin 2) bear trail 3) bear trail 4) disservice
Choose the option to continue the sentence in which the conjunction
connects homogeneous members.
The first bee woke up and... .
1) our yard came to life 2) early flowers flew over 3) spring has come 4) all the trees in the forest are covered with leaves
Part 2

. Give the correct ending for the verb. (they) drank___ Answer:______________________________
We turned onto a narrow forest path.
Part 3

In what order should the lettered sentences appear to form a coherent text? Complete 4-6 sentences, continuing the text.
. Suddenly he noticed a mink under a birch tree.
. In the forest, the first stream ran down the hollow.
I decided to look into the stream. G. The hedgehog was sleeping sweetly in the hole.
. A cold stream woke him up. Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Part 1

Choose the correct and most accurate characteristic of the last sound in the word
. 1) [l] - consonant, voiced paired, hard paired 2) [l"] - consonant, voiced unpaired, soft paired 3) [l] - consonant, voiceless, hard paired 4) [l] - consonant, voiced
. Indicate a word that cannot be moved from one line to another. 1) aria 2) army 3) Maria 4) blizzard
Indicate the word with a double consonant. 1) ra(s/ss)painted 2) ra(s/ss)kaz 3) kva(s/ss) 4) delicious(s/ss)ny
. Indicate the option in which the correct test word for the highlighted word is selected. 1
) link
socks - carried 2) walked
for example_mic
straight 3) turn to
- tank 4
) kitty
- rolls
. Which word is not related to the word
? 1) line 2) line 3) line 4) lined (notebook)
In which word is a letter written in the place of the gap in the root?
1) _run 2) hint 3) try 4) _do
. Indicate the word in which a soft sign should be written in place of the gap
1) vegetable 2) bone 3) eat_ 4) shower_
Indicate the verb formed with a prefix. 1) cloudless 2) castle 3) move out 4) clean
. In what case form are nouns always used with a preposition? 1) nominative 2) genitive 3) prepositional 4) dative
? 1) barn 2) carrots 3) Igor 4) Marina
. In which phrase is the adjective used in a figurative sense? 1) fresh bread 2) fresh fish 3) fresh news 4) fresh cucumber
Choose the option to continue the sentence in which the conjunction connects homogeneous members (no punctuation marks are placed).
Lilac bushes and... grew along the edges of the path.
1) a small bird was chirping there 2) bird cherry trees 3) droplets of dew glistened on the leaves 4) there was a gazebo nearby
Part 2

Give the correct ending for the verb.
(they) breathe_
Indicate which part of speech word expresses the subject in this sentence.
A fresh breeze carried spring scents through the forest.
Part 3

. In what order should the lettered sentences appear to form a coherent text? Complete 4-6 sentences, continuing the text.
. There was blood oozing from his paw.
The children found a wounded hare under a bush.
The children carefully picked him up and carried him home.
When the hare's foot healed, the children took him to the forest.
At home, they washed the hare's wound and smeared it with iodine. Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Part 1

. Indicate which parts of the word, besides the root, are in the word fiction. 1) prefix and suffix 2) prefix, suffix and ending 3) suffix and ending 4) prefix and ending
. Which word, when combined with different words, can be both an adjective and a noun? 1) heavenly 2) gentle 3) duty 4) bright
. Indicate a noun that has an ending in the prepositional case
? 1) lilac 2) beans 3) girl 4) pain
Which noun is modified by numbers? 1) trousers 2) sleds 3) skirts 4) glasses
. In which variant is the letter missing in the highlighted word?
? 1) hug around the tree 2) start a song 3) wash down the medicine with water 4) get off the tree
. In which variant is the letter missing at the end of the verb?
? 1) the thunderstorm was approaching 2) the lilies of the valley were blooming 3) the sun was appearing 4) tourists looked out
Which word is written separately from
? 1) (casually 2) (don’t) know 3) (not) sloppy 4) (don’t) know
. Choose the correct option to continue the statement.
A soft sign at the end of a word in the initial form after sibilants is written...
1) for nouns of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd declension 2) for nouns of the 1st declension 3) for nouns of the 2nd declension 4) for nouns of the 3rd declension
Give the correct meaning of the expression.
Nick down
. 1) to be arrogant 2) to walk importantly, proudly 3) to remember firmly 4) to scratch your nose
The best thing is new, best friend...
1) ancient 2) decrepit 3) dilapidated 4) old
Which sentence doesn't have a verb? 1) A wonderful alley of poplars rustled on the road. 2) From the station to the village it is more than a kilometer. 3) I followed the fox's trail. 4) Early in the morning winter came down from the mountains.
. Mark the option with a mistake at the end of the adjective. 1) a ray of sunshine 2) on a spring morning 3) a fresh newspaper 4) from the morning fog
Part 2

. How many sounds [t"] are there in the words of the sentence?
Keep your notebook clean
. Answer: ________________________________________________________________
. Give an example of an indeclinable noun. Answer: ___________________________________________________________________
Part 3

In what order should the lettered sentences appear to form a coherent text? Complete 4-6 sentences, continuing the text.
But it was very difficult. B. The ant found the grain.
The ant couldn't move it.
Only together could the friendly ants cope with the grain.
. Then he called his comrades for help. Answer:_________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Part 1

. Indicate which parts of the word, besides the root, are in the word
. 1) prefix and suffix 2) prefix, suffix and ending 3) suffix and ending 4) prefix and ending
. Which word, when combined with different words, can be both an adjective and a noun? 1) autumn 2) dining room 3) rainy 4) plaintive
Indicate a noun that has an ending in the dative form
? 1) library 2) carrots 3) daughter 4) mother
Which noun has only a plural form? 1) feathers 2) exercises 3) snowstorms 4) day
In which variant is the letter missing in the highlighted word?
? 1)
weak 2)
sour cream 3)
please note
friends 4)
please accept
In which variant is the letter missing at the end of the verb?
? 1) the sun came out 2) the lilac blossomed 3) the sea raged 4) the athletes jumped
Indicate the word with a preposition. 1) (by) line 2) (by) friend 3) (by) forget 4) (by) year
Choose the correct statement. 1) Nouns do not change by case. 2) Nouns change according to numbers and cases. 3) Nouns change according to gender. 4) Nouns do not change according to numbers.
. Give the correct meaning of the expression.
Keep your mouth shut
. 1) to be speechless 2) to remain silent, not to say too much 3) to find yourself in a funny position 4) to get sick
Insert the missing word in the proverb that matches its meaning.
It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame...
1) to deceive 2) not to study 3) to be greedy 4) to be arrogant
Which sentence doesn't have a verb? 1) All day the grandmother grazes the cow in the meadow. 2) The cow is chewing juicy grass. 3) In the evening, grandmother milked the cow. 4) Good fresh milk!
. Mark the option with a mistake at the end of the adjective. 1) in early autumn 2) to a neighboring grove 3) to a dense forest 4) with fresh greens
Part 2

. How many [f] sounds are there in the words of the sentence?
The camel decided that he was a giraffe, and walked with his head up.
Answer: ____________________________________________________________
Break down the word carriers by composition. Answer: ___________________________________
Part 3

. In what order should the lettered sentences appear to form a coherent text? Complete 4-6 sentences, continuing the text.
. The defeated man hid under the barn and sits there quietly.
Suddenly a hawk swooped down.
. He grabbed the screamer and took it away for lunch.
. Two young cockerels fought, and one defeated the other.
The winner flew up onto the fence, flapped his wings and shouted at the top of his lungs: “Ku-ka-re-ku”! Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

OPTION I Test final work in Russian language grade 4 (1-4)

a) b - be; b) z - ez; c) l - le;

d) n - en; d) r - re.

a) [c]; b) [p]; c) [h];

d) [w]; e) [p]; f) [t].

3. Indicate which word has a soft consonant sound:

a) thunderstorm; b) wind; c) garden;

d) cabbage; d) beam.

4. Find words with similar roots for the word water:

a) driver; c) wire;

b) water; d) water.

5. Indicate words with the letter a at the root:

a) pr...sit; c) chl...sweat;

b) f...fly; d) protect.

6. Indicate which word contains the unpronounceable consonant t:

a) wonderful... b) tasty..yummy; c) valiant..

7. Find a word with the letter e at the root:

a) d..rector; c) now;

b) k..lometer; d) b..years.

8. Indicate the word without a prefix:

a) caught; b) injection;

c) idea; d) task.

a) n..write; c) d..run;

b) h..walk; d) r..run.

a) (seemed) c) (pass) passed;

b) (along) the river; d) (for) ran.

11. Find words with a separator k

a) departure; b) s..ate; c) in..south; d) nightingale-.i; d) volume..vol.

12. Indicate which words have the correct ending underlined:

a) thinks_ b) big O; c) windows O;

d) forest IR d) review it.

13. Find the word that matches the pattern:

a) thought; c) school;

b) transports; d) slippery.

14. Indicate which of these words are nouns:

a) to the left; b) task; c) white;

d) walked; d) walking.

15. Find the verbs:

16. Indicate the noun of the 2nd declension:

a) by the road; c) in a horse;

b) at the barn; d) at my grandfather's.

17. Find nouns of the 3rd declension:

a) coal; b) cowardice; c) dictionary; d) ship.

18. Indicate at the end of which words and is written:

a) in the village..; c) in bed..;

b) oh comrade..; d) to Siberia...

19. In which sentence is the highlighted word in the accusative case?

A. Guys built a snow fortress.

B. Running minutes and a watch.

V.S morning I'm sitting on the river.

G. The boys began to catch up ball.

a) in the blue sky; c) hot milk;

b) on a winter night.

21. Indicate which words should be written together:

and you; b) (y) walked; c) (at) boards;

d) (at) them; d) (y) gift.

22. In which sentence is the verb used in the present tense?

A). The first butterfly flew out into the sun.

b). In the evenings, songs are played around the fires.

V). We will build a new house.

23. Find verbs of 1st conjugation:

a) breathe; b) think; c) see;

d) weed; d) build.

24. Indicate at the endings of which verbs and is written:

a) write...t; b) se..t; c) gon..t;

d) friend..t; d) deciding..t.

25. Indicate in the suffixes of which verbs and is written:

a) listen..l; b) se..l; c) throw..l;

d) offended..l; d) glue..l.

26. Find the verb in the 2nd person, plural:

a) run; b) running; c) run; d) run; d) runs.

27. Indicate where you need:

a) catch...; b) kidney; c) garage..; d) thing...

28. In which sentence are the main parts underlined incorrectly?

A). Clouds covered the sky.

b). They looked at the ice floes.

V). We bought new books.

A). The green crown of trees shelters birds, beetles, and butterflies.

b). The old oak was visited by tits, nuthatches and pikas.

V). Herons live in swamps and lakes.

30. Indicate sentences that have errors in punctuation.

A). Swallows and blackbirds fly to warmer regions in flocks.

b). The swallow flies with its beak open and catches prey in flight.

V). In winter, the sun shines brightly, but provides little warmth.

G). Nightingales build their nests on the ground and hawks on the tops.


For 45-47 correct answers - “5”;
for 36-44 - “4”;

for 28-35 - “Z”;
for 18-27 - “2”.

Class: __________ Last name, first name: ___________________________________________________

OPTION II Test final work in Russian language grade 3 (1-3)

1. Indicate which letters are named correctly:

a) g - ge; b) k - ke; c) m - em;

d) s - se; e) x - eh.

2. Find voiced consonants:

a) [f]; b) [g]; c) [l]; d) [n]; e) [ts]; e) [h].

3. Indicate which word has a hard consonant sound:

a) family; b) thicket; c) goal;

d) greens; d) line.

4. Find words with the same root for the word -mountain-.

a) grief; b) mountain; c) grieve; d) highlanders.

5. Indicate words with a letter and a root:

a) sanctify; c) in..black;

b) sang..sang; d) comes to life.

6. Indicate which words contain an unpronounceable consonant i.e.

a) joyful; c) monthly;

b) heavenly; d) dangerous..

7. Find a word with the letter o in the root:

a) k..lendary; c) in..kzal;

b) p..lto; d) potatoes.

8. Indicate the word with a prefix:

a) field; c) remember;

b) hike; d) peace.

9. Find a word with the letter o in the prefix:

a) r..skaz; c) ..drink;

b) p..dvodny; d) d..write.

10. Indicate which word should be written separately:

a) (by) road worker; c) (for) carried;

b) (with) whistling; d) (swam)

11. Find the word with the separator ь:

a) serious; b) leaf..i; c) b..yut; d) announcement.

12. Indicate which words have the correct ending:

a) gum_ b) mushroom s; c) post ICU;

d) walk sew; d) royal eat.

13. Find the word that matches the pattern;

a) came in; c) will run away;

b) coastal; d) hi.

14. Indicate which of these words are nouns;

and tomorrow; b) escape c) surname;

d) more; d) decided.

15. Find the verbs:

a) exit; b) hasty c) ran;

d) more; d) decided.

16. Indicate the noun of the 1st declension:

a) in the forest; c) near the reeds;

b) in the oven; d) with speech.

17. Find a noun of the 3rd declension:

a) guest; b) king; in the door; d) driver.

18. Indicate at the end of which words e is written:

a) in the muse..; c) about horses..;

b) from deserts..; d) to the factory...

19. In which sentences is the highlighted word in the nominative case?

A). Flowers look like a little sun.

b). Dandelions bloom all summer.

V). Colored lights fly into the sky.

G). The wind blew the ball along the path.

20. Indicate which adjectives end with e:

a) blue wave; b) about fresh greens;

c) the far... edge.

21. Find words that need to be written separately:

a) (from) him; b) (from) beat; c) (at) us;

d) (c) you; d) (c) beat.

22. In which sentence is the verb used in the future tense?

A). Marina sowed asters and nasturtiums.

b). He talks about skiing competitions.

V). We will solve this problem.

23. Find the verbs of II conjugation:

a) drive; b) shine; c) work;

d) pull; d) dig.

24. Indicate at the end of which verbs e is written:

a) top..t; b) pash..t; c) vert..t;

d) writing...t; d) ver..t.

25. Find verbs whose suffixes are written e;

a) ta..l; b) ver..l; c) view...l;

d) hear.-l; e) offended..l.

26. Indicate the verb in the 3rd person, plural:

a) are silent; b) remain silent; c) you are silent;

d) is silent; d) be silent.

27. Find words that require b:

a) watchman..; c) youth..;

b) run ..; d) point..ka.

28. Indicate the sentence in which the main members are underlined incorrectly.

A). The crane was lifting large blocks to assemble the house.

b). A cloud covered the sun.

V). Multi-colored toys decorate green Christmas trees.

29. Find a sentence with homogeneous subjects.

A). Fluffy snow covered trees and houses.

b). We picked berries and mushrooms in the forest.

V). The backpack contains books and notebooks.

30. Indicate sentences that have errors in punctuation.

A). It has risen high, and the crescent moon is white in the clouds.

b). There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut.

V). I love not only drawing, but also singing.


For 47-49 correct answers - “5”;
for 39-46 - “4”;

for 29-38 - “Z”;
for 19-28 - “2”.