Interpretation of dreams icons. Why do you dream about icons of saints - interpretations according to dream books

Dream interpretation icon

You can believe in God or not. Anyway, in real life you periodically come across symbols of faith: a church, an icon, a cross.

It is not surprising that in dreams we can see images of saints. Why do you dream about an icon?

Dreams of the Holy Face

An icon is an image of a holy person. People attribute it to have a healing effect. Even if it cannot heal a physical illness, it will enrich a person spiritually, make life cleaner, and life more pleasant.

Amulet body icon

Believers believe that having an image of a guardian angel near you is good. This will be able to protect you from various troubles. The body icon is considered a talisman.

Popular dream books

To understand the issue, you need to contact dream interpreters. Why do you dream about an icon? They will help you understand why the sacred image appeared to you, what certain actions will lead to in real life.

Interpreter Loffa

This is the opinion given by this dream book: the icon personifies the unity and inner strength of a sleeping person.

There may come a time in life when you need to feel the powerful support of higher powers. If you dream of icons, it means you will get it, just listen to yourself. The higher powers that you believe in in reality will not allow you to stumble or go astray from the right path.

Esoteric interpreter

As this dream book interprets, seeing icons means success in life. Divine powers bless you for any endeavor.

But if the dreamed face was not sublime, but rather demonic, then you will face temptation. The person will think that he is doing everything right. But all his actions are aimed only at satisfying his own pride.

Why might you dream of an icon without a face - you will bow to something unknown, all principles and worldview will change radically.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Be baptized in front of the icon

To be baptized in front of an icon in a dream means that in reality you are busy with material things, but do not think at all about spiritual food.

Why might you dream of a holy face crying - this is a bad sign, the dream book warns you.

Seeing a sacred face in your hands means you have been waiting for news for a long time and finally it will come.

Lighting a lamp near the iconostasis means you feel guilty for your actions; you would give a lot not to do them.

According to this dream book, the icon fell - a negative sign from above. The person does not fully understand the situation and commits erroneous actions.

Opinion of the seer Vanga

Seeing icons in a house in a dream means, unfortunately, in the area where you live, a conflict on religious grounds will soon break out. There will be casualties. It will take time for the situation to normalize.

If you take down icons from the wall, people will stop believing in God. This will be a definite crisis, but they will suffer the well-deserved punishment for it.

Seeing icons standing in a church means you will find yourself in a situation where only faith will help. One day you will come to church as a lonely sinner to find peace of mind.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about an icon? You will be a happy and healthy person, everything will be easy and the first time.

The dream book also examines in detail all possible dream options:

Kissing the icon

  • Finding an icon in a dream means higher powers are with you, but you have to choose which side to choose, good or evil.
  • When you dream of many icons, you will have fun.
  • Kissing an icon is a joy.
  • Pray furiously - watch your property, there is a high risk of loss.
  • Pray quietly, kneeling - your dream will come true.
  • For a girl, a night vision where her mother gave her icons promises a quick wedding.

Miller's Dream Book

What message does the icon convey? Miller's dream book says: this object in a dream promises success in work. You can make any deals, start new businesses - good luck is with you. The time comes when you will be able to increase your well-being; no force will be able to interfere with you.

Oddly enough, but buying an icon in a dream means bad events. This means that friends and partners will refuse to support you. Even in the most difficult situation you should not count on them. You risk being left without a job and without a livelihood. Family troubles can ruin your relationship.

If you see icons in a church, it means your life choice was right. A similar plot is positive for young girls - soon you will meet your betrothed and marry for love.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about an icon? More and more difficulties will appear on your way. In the end, you have to make a choice: either you choose a financially secure life and go against faith, or you will have to endure poverty, but live with faith in your heart.

Candle in front of the icon

If you dream of a candle and a lamp that was lit in front of an icon, they will begin to humiliate you, the situation will be aggravated by the fact that you will not have funds.

Magic dream book

The face of a saint - there will be love and prosperity in the house.

For young people, such a dream is considered as a talisman against worldly temptations.

A body icon that you buy in a dream - you will need patience in order to survive difficult times.

Smile while looking at the face of a saint - your faith is strong, hope warms your heart.

Psychological point of view

Dreams about icons, according to psychologists, indicate your rejection of the relationship with your partner. You are sure that this is wrong, that the connection goes against God's laws.

You should think about what exactly you consider correct, what should be the bonds between a man and a woman, what is your correct ideal? Perhaps you have simply created the wrong idol for yourself?

Try to smile, relax and look at the situation from a different angle, what if you are tormenting your soul in vain?

Did you notice which icon you dreamed about?

In reality, are you a believer, do you know when the name day takes place, do you honor church holidays, regularly attend church and know the faces of the saints? This means that you were able to remember which saint’s face you dreamed about.

The interpreters contain any predictions. I dreamed about an icon:

It is important what the icon looked like in the dream:

  • the icon is turned upside down - a difficult trial or illness awaits you;
  • broken, cracked - you have gone astray from the right path, at least don’t lose faith;
  • burning - a negative sign, sorrows and trials;
  • old - ask your relatives for help, you won’t be able to do it yourself;
  • the holy face that streams myrrh - you have been given a chance to fix everything and live happily, turn to God for help.

A golden icon that appeared in a dream means your faith is strong and unshakable.

Your actions

Giving a gold icon means you will provide support to your family and friends, thereby saving them.

Wipe the dust off the faces of the saints - you have a real chance to correct your mistakes, start with something, take at least a small step.

Finding an icon - don’t rush things.

To hide it means you are embarrassed by the fact that you are a believer, or you are gradually losing faith.

If you are given or given an icon, it would be a good idea to visit the church.

The artist paints an icon

Drawing an icon in a dream means you will blindly worship something or someone and become a fanatic. If you did this with chalk, for example, on the asphalt, then your faith will begin to run counter to the canons of the church. You will be like a man falling into an abyss, clutching at a straw.

Other interpretations

A strange dream in which you saw a witch with an icon means that you have decided to seek help from dark forces. You shouldn’t get carried away with magic, it’s better to cross yourself, go to church, and pray to God.

A gypsy carrying an icon in his hands - do not give in to the persuasion of imaginary friends who want to lead you astray.

The face of a saint falling from your hands speaks of your wrongdoing; you should repent and take the right path.

But finding an icon, especially finding a gold one, means correction, life in peace and harmony with the outside world.

Icons, candles? If not, then this article will be useful for you.

According to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The icons themselves are reminders of truths, of the bright and the good. In everyday life, people often forget what goodness is. So they dream of icons to guide them on the right path. When in your dream you pray in front of an ancient image, it means that you will soon feel better. All problems will be resolved, and obstacles will be overcome jokingly. But a broken, damaged, cracked icon is a bad symbol. Surely you are too unfair to others or selfish. What bad trait is dominant in you? Eradicate it.

Why do you dream about icons according to Nostradamus’ dream book?

The image is a symbol of spirituality and repentance. In principle, there is nothing wrong with such a dream. But if you dream, beware of trouble. When you pray in front of the face of a saint, this suggests that in real life you are too fixated on everything material. Don’t forget: the material is secondary, the spiritual is paramount. This is what the icons are trying to remind us of. Carefully holding the image in your hands and admiring it means an inheritance, and a considerable one at that. Use it wisely! Placing a thin church candle in front of an icon means that in reality you are tormented by remorse. Perhaps they can still be fixed, or they are simply not justified. Think about it, because you have absolutely no time to worry in vain. before your eyes? Be afraid of making a fatal mistake - the mistake of a lifetime.

Why do you dream about icons according to Miller’s dream book?

This dream book is one of the most popular and proven by experience. According to him, seeing in is a sign of successfully establishing business relationships with influential people. You will only need to try a little. You certainly won't need anything extravagant. You will complete any task you start with flying colors! Prayer in front of the icon indicates career growth in reality. You don’t even need to make any special efforts. The boss himself will notice your efforts, if, of course, you really try. But buying an icon does not bode well. Friends can turn their backs on you and betray you at any time. Not everything is going smoothly at work either. And even your family doesn’t value you as much as you would ideally like. The saddest thing is that only you and no one but you are to blame for everything. Admiring an icon in a church building means a correct, conscious choice, an adequate action. Finally, you have learned to think first and then do. For young girls, such dreams foreshadow a profitable and happy marriage. This happens quite rarely, so you are incredibly lucky. Your chosen one will love you until the end of his days, like in a fairy tale.

Why do you dream about icons according to Vanga’s dream book?

Icons hanging on the walls of your house represent an imminent conflict that cannot be resolved peacefully. Still, try not to overdo it with cruelty. Getting rid of icons means a crisis. You are not yet strong spiritually. Icons in a temple or church signify the omnipotence of faith and hope.

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The icon symbolizes the help of higher powers. A person who has a dream with the face of a saint can count on joyful events, good luck, and supernatural coincidences. The icon gives protection from adversity and protects from everything bad. However, it all depends on the specific situation - on how exactly the icon is dreamed of.

Why do you dream about an icon according to Miller’s dream book?

A dream acquires an accurate interpretation when the dreamer can describe to whom the icon is dedicated. If the Mother of God is depicted on it, it symbolizes asking for help. Most likely, a person has a difficult situation in life that is difficult to resolve, so one can only hope for the help of higher powers. An icon with the Mother of God usually predicts a successful resolution of affairs in the near future.

The image of Seraphim of Savor in a dream means that you do not need to listen to the advice and opinions of people around you. It is better to act according to the dictates of your heart. Even if your strength is running low, it is better to turn to prayer for help.

The icon with Matrona dreams of prosperity in your personal life, the realization of your plans, and the fulfillment of desires.

Seeing the Seven-Arrow icon in a dream means that the dreamer has embarked on an extremely dangerous path. It’s better to get rid of evil thoughts, abandon the planned revenge - this will definitely not lead to good. You shouldn't follow Satan's lead.

The icon of Jesus Christ in a dream symbolizes uncertainty in a perfect action. A person is tormented by remorse, he wants to repent and free his soul from torment. Although sometimes the image of Christ indicates the right path and blessing from above.

The icon with St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is a dream of surprise, unforeseen events that should happen soon.

For a woman, a dream with the icon of the Kazan Mother of God means a fateful meeting that will change her whole life. For unmarried people, this is a sign of a speedy wedding. For people legally married, this is a symbol of a happy family life.

The icon of the Holy Trinity is dreamed of when a person needs help, not only from family and friends, but also from higher powers. It is better to turn to the Almighty in prayer than to suffer mentally. If you dream of an ancient icon, you will need advice from distant relatives.

A young unmarried girl may dream about the icon before her upcoming wedding. Such a dream means that in the near future the groom will propose marriage. Moreover, the wedding will go well, and family life will be happy.

If a dreamed icon is on fire, it means troubles, difficult trials and adversity. The broken face of the saint symbolizes the wrong path. Perhaps you should rethink your decision and take a different path in life. An inverted icon means serious illnesses or fatal mistakes made recently.

If you dream of golden icons in the house, this is a sign that the dreamer has strong faith. Seeing them in someone else's house - a dream foreshadows a meeting with a person who can show the true path and help you sort out mental contradictions.

Buying an icon in a dream is a bad sign. In real life, friends will turn away at the most crucial moment, when their help is needed more than ever. The dreamer may lose his job and be left without financial support. Failures and discord are possible in your personal life; even divorce cannot be ruled out.

Dream Interpretation: icon according to Vanga’s predictions

Despite the positive interpretations of many predictors, Vanga believes that a dream about an icon does not predict anything good. According to her, quite difficult times await the dreamer. If a person sees an image of a saint in his own home, conflicts will soon occur in the country that will be related to religion. Moreover, they will end in failure. A large number of casualties and economic decline cannot be ruled out. After such a conflict, recovery will take years.

Removing an icon from a wall in a dream means a crisis of faith: people will stop obeying God and will not respect the laws. This will cost them dearly; they will not be able to avoid punishment.

Why do you dream of an icon within the walls of a temple? Such a dream foretells that difficult times will come and the only way out of a difficult situation will be to turn to faith. Even if the dreamer is not a believer, he needs to pray, God will not turn away from him. Otherwise, troubles will continue to haunt the person, and he will be unable to cope with them.

Kissing an icon in a dream means relying only on higher powers. Only in this will there be salvation. A fallen icon means personal tragedy. At some point, it may seem that God has turned away and is not trying to help. But that's not true. You need to continue to believe and ask for help, it will definitely come. Praying in front of an icon in a dream means believing in the best, taking the right path, making the right decision.

Seeing an icon in a dream according to Freud's dream book

The psychologist connects the images of saints with the sexual sphere of life. Why do you dream about an icon according to Freud’s dream book?

An icon in a dream symbolizes the torment associated with a love relationship. The dreamer considers them sinful and wrong. His soul is tormented by thoughts that he has chosen the wrong half and is wasting his time. In this situation, Freud advises, first of all, to calm down and trust your own heart. It will certainly tell you the right way and point you on the right path. There are no rules or laws in personal life; if this happens, then it is destined to happen. One life period will definitely give way to another.

Standing in front of an icon or kissing it in a dream means establishing a relationship with a loved one in real life. If loved ones are in a quarrel, such a dream means reconciliation in the near future. Sometimes it pushes a person to take the first step.

Standing in front of an icon in a dream according to Nostrdamus’ dream book

The astrologer believes that the icon is a symbol of spirituality and repentance. The interpretation of the dream depends on the specific circumstances. For example, a dream of a myrrh-streaming icon is a sign of something bad. Sometimes it even foreshadows a worldwide catastrophe or a serious accident with the death of a large number of people.

Praying to an icon in a dream means being too concerned about your own financial well-being. Don’t forget about spirituality when trying to increase your capital. It is she who should come first, and not material values.

Holding an icon in your hands means good news. Perhaps the good news will come from afar or from close people.

Lighting candles in front of images of saints in a dream means repenting of your sins. The dreamer feels remorse, but is afraid to admit it even to himself.

Standing in front of an icon in a dream, picking it up, and then dropping the icon on the floor means making a fatal mistake in reality.

The appearance of an icon in a house in a dream symbolizes goodness. This means that your deepest desires in reality will come true in the near future. If the dreamer desecrates the face of the saints, you need to be wary. This means that in real life there are many enemies, they weave intrigues, spread rumors that will cause discord in the family or quarrels with friends. You should beware of potential enemies and immediately cut off all relations with them, both personal and professional.

People who tend to believe in supernatural forces may dream that the icon suddenly came to life. Such a dream does not portend trouble; rather, it is a confirmation of spiritual development.

If in a dream you light a candle or lamp in front of an icon, then in reality you will soon experience need, and maybe humiliation. Only faith will help you cope with this. When you dream of many icons, this is a sign that a holiday is soon expected in the family circle.

Seeing yourself standing in front of an icon from the outside symbolizes life problems that you will have to face in the near future. But this dream already means their successful resolution and overcoming difficulties.

Standing in front of an icon in a church and looking at it is a dream that promises future insight. In life you will have to face difficult choices. There is a risk of taking the wrong path. Only faith will help you make the right choice and remain satisfied with yourself. For a young girl, such a dream can foreshadow a successful marriage and a happy family life. People associated with business can find a different interpretation. Standing in front of an icon in a church in a dream means successful negotiations that will lead to increased material well-being.

Forecasters perceive the dreamed icon in different ways. But their opinions agree on one thing - higher powers try to help a person take the true path, regardless of the complexity of the situation.

Dream theme:

Icon in a dream- There will be trouble in your family. Tears, grief and loss will overtake you. Every person dreams and it is a very good sign that you dreamed about an icon.
Carrying an icon in a dream means some kind of blessing for all your endeavors, which will end quickly and successfully. This also means that relationships within the family will become stronger and your financial situation will improve.
Seeing an icon in a dream means that fate will present you with a difficult choice. Your future life will depend on whether you prefer material wealth or spiritual development and enlightenment.
Seeing a fallen or crying icon in a dream- a very bad sign.
Holding it in your hands means receiving the long-awaited news.
For mature people, seeing an icon in a dream means that, for some reason, you consider the relationship with your partner to be sinful.
A crying or fallen icon seen in a dream can be considered a bad omen.
If in a dream you buy an icon, then you may not expect anything good. This most likely means that many people who have helped you in the past will turn their backs on you. Also, things at work may get worse, but only you and no one else will be to blame. It may turn out that in a dream you visit a church and see an icon in it, then even in the most difficult situation you will be able to find the right path or make the right decision.
If in a dream a blissful face is depicted on an icon, such a dream promises good luck in everything, a blessing from heaven.
If the icon is faceless, then you should change your life priorities and not waste yourself on trifles.
If young and unmarried people dream of an icon, then in reality it will protect them from deception and strong temptation.
If a young unmarried girl saw an icon in a dream, this means imminent marriage. Her marriage will be long and happy.
If the icon you dreamed of has a good face, it means you are blessed for some important work that you are about to begin. Cast aside doubts and boldly proceed to your plan.
If you dream of several icons at once, then this means great family joy, heavenly favor and well-being in the home.
If you dream about how you pray in front of an icon, then you should think about the development of your inner world and spirituality.
The icon promises a successful marriage, which will be long and strong if it is dreamed of by young girls.
When the icon has a dark, gloomy appearance with a bad face, you know that in reality temptations and temptations await you. If you give in to a fleeting passion, you will regret it for a long time.
Praying in front of an icon in a dream means asking for help, support in solving difficult life problems. Deep down, you doubt that you can cope with adversity. Gain strength and patience, then life will get better.
It is not a good sign if you saw a darkened or split icon in a dream.
One of these signs is that you will have the opportunity to improve relationships with your family, business partners that may appear in the near future, and other people close to you.
An icon that comes to life before your eyes in a dream speaks of such a trait of your character as belief in paranormal phenomena, supernatural forces, a destined line of fate and luck. However, this state of affairs does not harm you at all. On the contrary, thanks to your intuition, faith in miracles and significant events, you manage to achieve success in achieving your goals.
Such an icon means that if you do not correct your mistakes in the near future, your situation will only worsen, you will suffer failures and losses.
A dark or stern face foreshadows numerous and absolutely empty temptations.
Most often this means that you have done wrong things that are causing people to suffer.

Dreams almost every night show us mysterious, unsolved worlds.

Wherever our mind goes to travel! And what a number of amazing, confusing symbols, ciphers and codes he encounters in his dreams.

Simple and familiar objects in the world of night dreams carry a special meaning, mean a lot of important things, and can foreshadow something significant, something to which the dreamer should pay the closest attention. What exactly do the signs tell us, how can we interpret and understand them correctly?

A particularly interesting sign that you can’t help but pay attention to is the icon. The faces of Saints, the icon of Jesus Christ, the image of the Mother of God, the appearance of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are not without reason, and always point to something very important.

But in order to explain why you dream about an icon, Christ or the Mother of God, or other faces, you need to not only remember the image itself, but also other details.

For example, whether there was one icon - or there were several of them, where they were located, and also what the dreamer was doing. After all, the meaning of the dream—and, as a consequence, the dreamer’s further actions in reality—depends on all this.

Examples of such unusual, meaningful dreams are as follows:

  • You just saw some icon - Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, or St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • You dream of icons and images in your house, apartment, room.
  • I dream of the faces of saints in a temple, in a church.
  • You dreamed of an icon of the Mother of God.
  • I dreamed of the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Icon of Jesus Christ in a dream.
  • An icon comes to life in a dream.
  • The face of the saint cries in his sleep.
  • The icon fell in your dreams.
  • You are flying on an icon.
  • Look at the images of saints in the temple.
  • Remove the image from the wall.
  • Pray while standing in front of the iconostasis.
  • Look at the icon in a dream.
  • Hold it in your hands.
  • Place a candle in front of the icon.

These actions are familiar and, it would seem, there is nothing surprising in them - but remember all the details. You may be surprised to find out what an icon means in a dream - and you will be able to apply the knowledge in reality.

See the holy faces

An icon can mean different things. As a rule, dream books indicate their association with spirituality, holiness, faith - this is no wonder. But in what aspect exactly to interpret what you saw in a dream, the details will indicate this.

1. Seeing an icon in a dream from the outside, as a symbol, is a sign of bright, spiritual joy, faith and peace in the soul. If there is confusion in your heart or you are suffering, faith will help you calm down. Soon peace and tranquility will come to your soul, anxiety and suffering will disappear.

2. It’s curious why you dream about an icon in your house. This is a very good and bright sign, which not only indicates that peace and kindness reign in your beautiful, strong family and cozy home, but also promises further prosperity and joy.

There will be happiness in your family nest, know this. For a mother and wife, such a dream is especially good.

3. Icons hanging in a church or temple are dreamed of as a promising sign. You have faith and hope, and this will save you from any trouble. You don’t have to be afraid of any evil or difficulties; your inner light will help you in everything.

4. The icon of the Mother of God, which you dreamed about, suggests that you, without a doubt, have remarkable strength necessary to cope with any difficulties and failures.

Perhaps now you don’t believe in yourself and are counting on someone’s help, but know that you yourself can overcome everything - your internal reserves are more than enough.

5. The image of the Mother of God for a woman is a sign of imminent marriage, and for a married lady - the approach of great happiness in marriage, prosperity and bright love in the home.

6. The icon of Jesus Christ in a dream is a powerful symbol and decree that you are being blessed by higher powers. You have support from above and you are moving on the right path.

Even if it’s difficult for you and you feel that your strength is not enough, know that this is not so. Continue along this path, everything will work out, don’t be afraid of anything.

7. And the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in a dream is a hint of real incredible miracles that may very soon unexpectedly happen in your own life. Believe it.

8. But such a dream, in which the icon is crying, is a serious warning. It is possible that your conscience is not clear enough, or that you intend to commit some bad act. It's not too late yet, is it?

Think about this, do not do evil - so that you yourself do not regret it later. Nothing can be returned back later, remember this.

9. An icon falling in a dream is a hint of some serious mistake that you are about to make. If you are on the verge of some serious action, think again - whether you intend to do the right thing. Such a dream just won’t happen, believe me.

10. If in your dreams you see an icon come to life, this is a hint of your belief in the supernatural, in higher powers. This faith, if you do not rush to extremes, will be your support and support, and will be able to help you in difficult times. Keep it, but just don’t forget about this, the real world.

What was the dreamer doing?

If in your dreams you not only saw an icon or image from the outside, in the form of a sign or vision, but did something directly - lit a candle, prayed, and so on - this carries separate meanings.

1. If you have dreams in which you fly while sitting on an icon, this fabulous and unusual dream is very successful. He says that a happy accident will save the situation, no matter how hopeless and hopeless it may seem. So, now is exactly the moment when you can safely rely on the help of higher powers.

2. Being in a church in a dream, walking among icons and looking at the faces of saints is a dream that portends you peace, prosperity and quiet, bright happiness. Whatever happens now, everything will get better very soon, without a doubt.

3. If you dream of your hands removing the icon from the wall, this is a warning - you are ready to lose faith and be disappointed. Should not be doing that. Faith and inner light are what protect and save you, don’t lose it.

4. As the dream book indicates, the icon in front of which you pray in a dream is an indication that in your real life there is now too much material, but not enough spiritual. It would be very useful to reconsider your values ​​- think carefully about the fact that you are a little lacking in spirituality. This is really important.

5. If in a dream you simply stand in front of a large icon and look at it, in reality you have a serious choice to make. Listen to your own heart, it will certainly tell you the right path.

6. Holding an icon in your own hands in a dream is a very good dream. Happy, unexpected news is coming soon - who knows, maybe it will change your life!

7. And if in your dreams you place a candle in front of the images, then in reality you probably experience remorse because of some act that you have committed. If necessary, ask someone for forgiveness, think about how to fix everything. It's within your power.

Dreams with icons and faces of saints are quite rare - and such dreams are very valuable. The signs they give should be taken seriously - and not ignored. Therefore, take into account the advice of the dream book - and do the right thing in reality.

Interpretation of dreams. Why do you dream about icons?

Do you know why you dream of a church, icons, candles? If not, then this article will be useful for you.

Why do you dream of icons according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The icons themselves are reminders of truths, of the bright and the good. In everyday life, people often forget what goodness is. So they dream of icons to guide them on the right path. When in your dream you pray in front of an ancient image, it means that you will soon feel better. All problems will be resolved, and obstacles will be overcome jokingly. But a broken, damaged, cracked icon is a bad symbol. Surely you are too unfair to others or selfish. What bad trait is dominant in you? Eradicate it.

Why do you dream about icons according to Nostradamus’ dream book?

The image of the saint's face is a symbol of spirituality and repentance. In principle, there is nothing wrong with such a dream. But if you dream of crying icons, beware of trouble. When you pray in front of the face of a saint, this suggests that in real life you are too fixated on everything material. Don’t forget: the material is secondary, the spiritual is paramount. This is what the icons are trying to remind us of. Carefully holding the image in your hands and admiring it means an inheritance, and a considerable one at that. Use it wisely! Placing a thin church candle in front of an icon means that in reality you are tormented by remorse. Perhaps they can still be fixed, or they are simply not justified. Think about it, because you have absolutely no time to worry in vain. Is the icon falling before your eyes? Be afraid of making a fatal mistake - the mistake of a lifetime.

Why do you dream about icons according to Miller’s dream book?

This dream book is one of the most popular and proven by experience. According to him, seeing an icon in a dream means successfully establishing business relationships with influential people. You will only need to try a little. You certainly won't need anything extravagant. You will complete any task you start with flying colors! Prayer in front of the icon indicates career growth in reality. You don’t even need to make any special efforts. The boss himself will notice your efforts, if, of course, you really try. But buying an icon does not bode well. Friends can turn their backs on you and betray you at any time. Not everything is going smoothly at work either. And even your family doesn’t value you as much as you would ideally like. The saddest thing is that only you and no one but you are to blame for everything. Admiring an icon in a church building means a correct, conscious choice, an adequate action. Finally, you have learned to think first and then do. For young girls, such dreams foreshadow a profitable and happy marriage. This happens quite rarely, so you are incredibly lucky. Your chosen one will love you until the end of his days, like in a fairy tale.

Why do you dream about icons according to Vanga’s dream book?

Icons hanging on the walls of your house represent an imminent conflict that cannot be resolved peacefully. Still, try not to overdo it with cruelty. Getting rid of icons means a crisis. You are not yet strong spiritually. Icons in a temple or church signify the omnipotence of faith and hope.

Why do you dream about an Icon, dream book What does it mean to see an Icon in a dream?

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream about an Icon according to the dream book?

Seeing an Icon in a dream - Such a dream suggests that you consider your intimate relationship with your partner a sin. You are convinced that everything is going wrong, and not like everyone else. But do you know what personal relationships should be like? Why do you look back at others when you have your own life, and you should live as you see fit?

Ancient dream book

Seeing an Icon in a dream:

Icon - If you saw an icon in a dream, it means that you consider your relationship with your partner, for no apparent reason, to be sinful, incorrect, and not the way it is “supposed” to be. It is quite possible that you have a lot of complexes that do not allow you to live freely and calmly, that prevent you from relaxing and loving easily, without restrictions. Share your doubts and fears with your partner. Perhaps he will help you cope with your complexes

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Icon what does a dream mean:

Seeing an Icon in a dream - If you dreamed of an icon, then you consider the relationship with your partner to be sinful and wrong. What then, in your opinion, should they be and is it necessary to be guided by any rules in this case? Nostradamus said: “The icon is a symbol of spirituality, prophecy, repentance. A dream in which you pray in front of an icon means that you pay too much attention to material problems and forget about spiritual ones. Seeing a crying icon in a dream is a bad omen. If in a dream you hold an icon in your hands, in reality you will receive the long-awaited news. To see in a dream how you place a candle in front of an icon means to experience remorse due to past mistakes. A fallen icon is a symbol of a fatal mistake.” And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams in which an icon appears in this way: “If you saw icons in a house in a dream, such a dream predicts that a conflict will break out in your family. If you dreamed of icons in a church, then this means that your only salvation in difficult times will be faith, and even if you are not a very religious person, you will come to church like the prodigal son, and God will not turn away from you.” D. Loff wrote: “Dreams about icons often reflect either strength or unity. You want to feel unity with the Universe, and icons are the right link to make this unity possible. Sometimes you may dream of a situation in which you need supernatural power to resolve a conflict. Icons in this case will serve as a guide or symbol of such power. There is a huge number of images available to all people - icons. The ones you find in your dreams will also relate to your life experiences (for example, the crucifixion, the full moon, the Star of David, Stonehenge, Buddha).”

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of an Icon in a dream?

Seeing an Icon in a dream means - Image (icon) - well-being.

Summer dream book

Why see an Icon in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Bowing to the icon (icon). - To piety.

The face of a saint - If you dream of the face of a saint, it means illumination.

Olga - Seeing the image of St. Olga on an icon in a dream means ordering a prayer service in honor of your dead.

Drawing an icon is a serious test of your soul.

Spring dream book

Why see an Icon in a dream?

According to the dream book, Icon means in a dream - Bowing to the icon - to patience.

Face - seeing someone's face vaguely in a dream means that your angel is worried about your life. Be careful, don't forget to pray.

Olga. Seeing an icon of St. Olga for a woman bearing this name is a big change in life, a good one. Buying an icon of St. Olga means patronage from above.

Drawing an icon means quick death.

Autumn dream book

Why see an Icon in a dream?

Why do you dream about the Face of a Saint - To see the face of a saint on an icon in a dream means to meet a very nice person.

Olga - To see an icon of St. Olga in a dream - the saint will patronize you.

Drawing an icon - You will pray to someone as a deity, but you yourself came up with an idol for yourself, later you will be bitterly disappointed.

Why do you dream about the Matrona icon?

Any dream interpreter will say that if a person dreams of an icon - any icon, not just the Matrona, then this is a very important sign. Perhaps the dreamer needs help. Matronushka helps women find their destiny and give birth to a child. It can help in other situations too.

Dream Interpretations believe that a dreamed icon signals the dreamer about serious troubles, and specifically in the spiritual sense. When a person is at a crossroads, experiences difficulties, feels weak, a dream about an icon speaks of the need to come to church and repent of sins. If the dreamer prayed, this is a good sign; it means that he will have the support of higher powers. In this case, the support of Matrona.

On the other hand, if an icon is broken in a dream, then the dreamer will face serious trials that may end in failure. There are situations when a person faces a serious choice and is about to commit a mortal sin.

In this case, praying in a dream can protect you from an irreparable mistake. When it seems that everything is bad and there is no way out, the arrival of Matronushka gives hope.

It is very important to listen to your intuition. Dream interpreters can tell you what the Matrona icon means in dreams, but the dreamer must draw the conclusion himself. In any case, this means that higher powers have paid attention to the person and will help him if necessary.

If a person saw the icon of Matryona in his own home in a dream, this promises well-being in the house, both material and moral. This is very important when peace and tranquility reigns in the house. Perhaps Matrona said some words, warned or advised. It is necessary to remember what exactly she said. Perhaps, by following her advice, the dreamer will avoid big trouble.

If the icon streams myrrh, then this is a wonderful omen. This means that everything will be fine both in business and in personal life. However, for this you need to live with faith in your soul. Undoubtedly, when you dream of an icon that is broken, damaged or upside down, you can expect the worst events. It could even be the loss of a loved one. This dream also suggests that the dreamer is no longer supported by higher powers.

Women, in order to arrange their personal lives and give birth to a child, come to Matrona in Moscow to pray and ask her about it. If you dreamed about the icon of Matrona, then you need to do just that - go and pray, and Matronushka will definitely help. Such a dream can also mean healing from a serious and long-term illness. If it is not possible to travel, then it is worth purchasing such an icon and praying.

In most cases, a dream about an icon means that you need to turn to God so that he can save you from making the wrong choice and help you in family matters.

Higher powers will definitely help those who ask for it and have Faith in their souls. Bad events are foreshadowed by a burning icon. This, unfortunately, may mean the burning out of all hopes for improving things and conceiving children.

When a person dreams of an icon, it is very important for later life. This means there is a serious choice between evil and good, and Saint Matrona will help you make it, you just need to make an effort for this. At least just go to church and pray.

Many people do not pay attention to the dreams they have, this is not entirely correct, but only experienced people can interpret them. You can, of course, read dream books, but there are so many of them that it is difficult to choose one that can decipher the dream and take into account all the nuances.

Why do you dream about the icon of the Mother of God?

Not everyone knows that the veneration of the Mother of God is very ancient. The prototype of the Virgin Mary in Egypt was the goddess Isis, who gave birth to a son, Horus. We can say that people have worshiped the image of the divine mother at all times. They asked her for blessings and protection, she helped. The dream really tells a person about the favor of the Mother of God.

It is believed that the saints are actually present in their icons. The dreamer saw the Virgin Mary herself. Her appearance, of course, was not an accident. There were reasons for this. One of them could be the purity of thoughts of a believer, his sincere love for the Mother of God and her son. Appearing in a dream, the Mother of God personally confirmed that sincere faith was noticed in Heaven. The Bible has a special place for dreams, and even more so in the history of the Christian faith. For example, Christ himself gave Saint Catherine a wedding ring. From that moment on, she became his bride.

One day, the Virgin Mary appeared to the little girl Matryosha in a dream. Yes, not just once, but for three whole nights in a row, she dreamed of her and ordered her to get her icon, which was hidden in the ground. And they found the icon. This is how the man-made image of the Kazan Mother of God, which had been hidden from people for many years, returned to the temple. A believer should treat his dream with reverence.

You need to know that the icon of the Mother of God can appear in a dream before trials. Tragedy can happen in life. The Virgin Mary appeared to man to enlighten him, and this will be revealed. Or in order to warn that she will protect him and save him from all upcoming troubles. Perhaps someone was not serious about the Christian faith, but will now find it. If a person prayed for someone or asked God and the Mother of God to grant him health, to help him in a difficult matter, then he himself can guess what exactly is connected with the appearance of the icon of the Holy Virgin Mary in his dream.

Wondering why the icon of the Mother of God is dreamed of, a person can really find the answer to his question on his own and because almost everyone has a secret strong desire that seemed unrealizable. A dream in which something happens to an icon is very bad, and if the dreamer has even a drop of faith, he should go to the temple and pray. Because such an appearance of the Mother of God is also a symbol. In principle, the person whose vision was pure should also pray as a sign of gratitude near the icon of the Mother of God.

It can be assumed that in our age of electronics, in which there is the Internet, mobile phones and spaceships, there are not too many people left who believe. But that's not true. Because with age comes wisdom and knowledge that Higher powers are present in this world. Under no circumstances should this dream be treated with disdain.

The icon of the Mother of God in a dream is the highest goodness; a person was given great happiness. Of course, it may foreshadow upcoming adversity, but it’s unlikely. It is sometimes assumed that a fallen angel could appear in the form of the icon of the Mother of God to seduce a person. But this is also unlikely, because God is omnipotent.

Why do you dream about an icon?


Natalya s

According to Freud - If you dreamed of an icon, it means that you consider your relationship with your partner to be sinful, incorrect, and not the way it is “supposed” to be. Have you ever thought about what exactly they should be and why you should be guided by some rules when starting a relationship?

And so, if you dreamed that you were standing in front of an icon of the Mother of God, then in reality you are not sure that you will have the strength to cope with all the hardships of life and provide your family with a decent existence. However, after such a dream everything should go smoothly. For a young woman, a dream in which she sees icons foreshadows an imminent marriage. If in a dream you see an icon come to life, then in real life you tend to believe in the supernatural and this belief sometimes helps you in achieving the set goals.


An icon seen in a dream foreshadows favorable opportunities for establishing relationships with the right people and establishing business contacts. You will be able to benefit from the business you have started under the most difficult circumstances. If you dream that you are praying in front of an icon, then your business partners will offer you support. Buying an icon in a dream foretells that your friends will refuse to help you. You may lose your job or family through your own fault. If you look at an icon in a church, you will soon make the right choice. For a young girl, such a dream promises a successful marriage. She will never regret that she married this man.

*@ Catherine @ *

Seeing an icon in a dream means being faced with a difficult choice: either commit a materially profitable but immoral act, or refuse benefits but be a decent person.

A cross in a dream foreshadows some misfortunes that you will fall into due to the fault of others. If you kiss a cross in a dream, such a dream predicts that you will endure your troubles with due fortitude.
- For a young woman to see that she is holding a cross in her hands predicts that she will observe modesty and goodwill in behavior, thereby winning the love of others and arousing the favor of fate.
- If you dream of a person with a cross in his hands, then know that this dream encourages you to charity and care for others.
A dream of a cross (religious symbol) predicts recovery for a sick person, reciprocity for a lover, and salvation for someone in a hopeless situation.

Elena Ermakova

The icon dreams of prosperity. If a girl or young man dreams of an icon, it means a quick wedding and a prosperous life. If a sick person dreams of an icon, it means a speedy recovery. If you dream of an icon in a gloomy dream with unclear images, very old, darkened, something mysterious will be revealed to you that will give you strength or an advantage over your enemies.

Tatiana Kalina


If you dreamed that you were standing in front of an icon of the Mother of God, then in reality you are not sure that you will have the strength to cope with all the hardships of life and provide your family with a decent existence. However, after such a dream everything should go smoothly. For a young woman, a dream in which she sees icons foreshadows an imminent marriage. If in a dream you see an icon come to life, then in real life you tend to believe in the supernatural and this belief sometimes helps you in achieving the set goals.

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