Exercises for punching power at home. How to increase your punching power

Almost every athlete who practices boxing sets himself the task of developing a good punch. But it's not that simple. To achieve this, you need to work long and hard in training. Constantly practicing striking a punching bag, as well as working with a boxing paw, are the most effective methods of practicing a strike.

At each training session, you should “fill your fists”, which will make the blow harder. are quite poorly developed, so this procedure is quite important for every fighter. Most often, the wrist and thumb suffer during classes. The strongest blow with your hand should not cause pain, much less lead to injury.

In order to prevent injury, it is necessary to periodically “fill” your hands. The fastest and most effective way to develop underdeveloped muscles is to do this on a soft, rubberized surface. Later, when your hands adapt, you can move on to a wooden surface. A good training for fists was, is and will be a direct blow to a punching bag. The training bag can be either purchased or homemade. The disadvantage of the former is that they are intended for training with gloves. You won't be able to get good at such bags normally. Therefore, it is better to do it yourself.

The weight must be 60 kilograms or more, the outer layer must be made of leatherette or tarpaulin. Its length is usually about half a meter. An ordinary bag is placed inside the cylinder, which will be filled with millet or barley. It is precisely due to the fact that the pear is filled with grain that its density is similar to that of the hand. This will help you develop your hand in training.

In addition to speed, strength plays an important role in improvement. There are many great exercises to improve it that will help not only improve strength, but also overall fitness and endurance. First of all, you need to perform a barbell chest press. Suitable also (24-32 kg). Punching a punching bag is also a very effective exercise that increases strength and stamina. Almost all experienced trainers say that the goal should be to punch through the bag, and not to hit its surface. Single punches are best for developing strength.

However, the boxing pad remains one of the most unique training methods to help develop the strongest punch possible. Here are some exercises:

1) the partner who holds the paw constantly moves, keeping his hands at a certain level, while the trainee must try to produce a powerful blow from the most advantageous position;

2) the partner holds his paw in one place, and in his other hand there is a whip. The trainee's task is to strike the paw.

There are many ways to put on the strongest one, but these exercises are very effective. The main thing is to constantly train and you will master a good defensive weapon.


In most cases, the force of a blow depends on the technique of the blow, the condition of the muscles, and genes. The first step is to at least learn the basics of technique, striking, so that it makes sense to increase the speed and force of the strike. So, let's start with a warm-up. We stretch our arms, shoulders, chest, back, and leg muscles. As you know, the power of a direct blow comes from the triceps. But depending on how the blow changes, other muscles are also involved. Let's take the side kick as an example: it mainly involves the triceps and chest muscles. And, let’s say, in the lower blow - the biceps, triceps, chest muscles, as well as the back muscles and muscles are involved. The entire force of the blow depends on the legs, and only then the muscles of the arms are involved.

After this short excursion into theory, we can move directly to the exercises. Let's proceed to the first exercise for a direct strike - push-ups on the palms, narrow position. This exercise uses the triceps muscles, which are part of the core muscle group for punching speed and power. You need to place your palms in such a way that a triangle is formed between them. In this case, the palms should be parallel to the chin. When we touch our forehead to the area of ​​the triangle.

Now we move on to the second exercise - push-ups on fists, narrow position. In this exercise, we again work the triceps. Place your fists together, parallel to the middle of the chest area. In this way, we do push-ups, while spreading our legs shoulder-width apart.

Next, we perform push-ups on fists in a wide position. In this exercise, in addition to the arm muscles, the chest muscles are also used. By pumping up the chest muscles, we accordingly increase the strength and speed of the side impact. We spread our hands as wide as possible, place them on fists and begin. Push-ups need to be as deep as possible so that the muscles work optimally. The best way to perform deep push-ups is using three chairs. We place 2 chairs parallel to each other for the arms and 1 for the legs. And thus we do push-ups, lowering the torso as deeply as possible.

Now take dumbbells weighing 2-3 kilograms. To begin with, you do not need to take more weight so as not to damage your joints. And we fight with a shadow, 200 blows of straight, side and uppercuts.

Then we take a jump rope and start jumping as quickly as possible, preferably for at least 3 minutes. By performing this exercise, we pump up the calves and feet, from which the impact force directly comes. If you don’t have one, you can jump without it, steps forward, backward, right and left.

Push-ups must be performed smoothly, at an even pace and to the limit, until your hands tremble from overload. As you know, in all forms, by doing something beyond their capabilities, they thereby expand. So we did a few sets of push-ups plus jumping rope. After this, be sure to spend 20-25 minutes hitting the bag. Moreover, working with a pear should also be smooth. It’s not worth hitting it with all your might and as quickly as possible. To relax the worked muscles, you need to do a couple of rounds with the punching bag.


  • boxing blog
  • boxing power punches

Strong hands are a sign of a real man. The ability to deliver strong blows is valued not only in boxing or any other martial arts. You cannot equate the expressions “strong arms” with “big muscles.” As a rule, exercises aimed at developing arm strength and punching power will not add inches to the size of your biceps. But it is still necessary to carry them out. Add a few exercises to your training program, and the results will not be long in coming.

You will need

  • - barbell or dumbbells with a thick bar;
  • - a small all-rubber ball;
  • - gymnastic mat.


Boxing is one of the toughest sports. The desire to bet motivates people to take up boxing. But not all boxers can boast of a good punch. What is necessary for your blow to knock down a bull?


Add sharpness. A physically strong person does not always have a knockout blow, and there are several reasons for this. One of them is low impact. Remember your school physics course? The force of the impact is equal to multiplied by the acceleration. And there is nothing surprising here - with strength and low speed, the blow is average. And if there is also little physical strength, then it can generally result in a rather unconvincing blow.

Train your hitting speed on a special small one with alternating strikes. It’s also worth adding shadow kicks with small dumbbells in your hands to your training.

Learn to relax. The punches are going well, but in the ring, is something not working out? This is a psychological factor. There is fear here, and the fear of doing something to the enemy. Because of this, the subconscious hinders movement, and the blow is not so fast, strong and clear. You need to be able to distance yourself from what is happening. Of course, not like a Buddhist, because you can miss the left side kick, but all fear and all emotions must be left outside the ring so that you can show the maximum you are capable of.

Move. Even if you are as heavy as an elephant and as agile as a lion, in a static position it is problematic to carry out a stunning blow. The impact in dynamics is stronger than in statics, you can easily verify this in practice.

Engage your whole body. Perhaps you already know this simple truth, but still you should not forget about it, that a strong blow is a blow in which the whole body works: arm, shoulder, back, legs. So, do not forget that the blow comes from the legs, and turn them on during the attack.

Select a specific point. A good shot must be accurate. The truth is simple, so aim at a certain place. If you want to knock your opponent off his feet, then aim for the jaw, taking into account all the wishes described above.

Contact your coach. All of these are universal, but the problem with the blow is different for everyone, so it would be great to contact a specialist who can see with an experienced eye what you are doing wrong.


  • put on a blow at home

Plyometric exercises that help develop pushing power include jumping on one leg. Try to push as hard as possible to make the jump long, help yourself by actively working with your arms.

Incorporate interval running into your workout. Such training contributes to the development of special speed endurance. The essence of interval running is alternating long acceleration with active rest. Jogging plays the role of active recreation. The acceleration can last from 50 to 2000 meters, depending on your fitness.

To speed up running, it is not enough to work out just the power of the kick. Increasing the stride length is also mandatory. Do not try to artificially lengthen your stride; this will lead to you jumping rather than running. A sufficiently powerful push will automatically lengthen the flight phase. But your body must be ready for this. Lack of elasticity in the muscles of the thigh and lower leg can prevent you from running fast enough.

To stretch your hamstrings, lie on your back. Lift your right leg up and place a towel over your foot. Pull your thigh towards your body. Then, holding the ends of the towel with your hands, try to straighten your leg at the knee joint. Try to keep both straight legs.

Stand sideways to a stable support and grab it with your hand. With your other hand, grab the ankle with the same name legs and move it back, stretching the muscles of the front of the thigh. Keep your back straight. Pull your knee back and pull your heel as close to your buttocks as possible.


Speed ​​training can only be successful if you have a good technical base. Don't do plyometric exercises if you're just starting out as a runner. They are intended for those athletes whose muscles and joints are already sufficiently trained and are able to withstand significant loads.

Exercises with dumbbells and barbells, as well as regular exercises on gymnastic equipment such as horizontal bars and uneven bars, will help you become stronger and more resilient. To achieve noticeable results, it is important to properly organize the training process.

If you want to get sculpted muscles, purchase a gym membership to the weightlifting section. At the initial stage, start training on special machines, on the horizontal bar and parallel bars, with dumbbells. Remember that any exercise that works the muscles in your body increases their strength. These can be regular push-ups, pull-ups on the bar, dips on the uneven bars, etc.

Together with your trainer, create a training program that will correspond to the physiological characteristics of your body and your goals. If you want to slightly increase muscle strength without achieving the results of famous bodybuilders, a simpler method than that designed for impressive achievements in weightlifting will suit you.

In the case when your goal is pronounced muscles, you want to seriously engage in strength sports - you cannot avoid basic exercises with a barbell under such impressive names as “deadlift”, “French press”, etc.

Remember that the goal of each exercise, regardless of how it is performed - with dumbbells, with a barbell, on the horizontal bar or parallel bars, is to work out certain muscle groups. Some exercises are responsible for training the biceps - the biceps muscles of the arms, others - for pumping up the triceps, others - for strengthening the abdominal muscles, etc. It is important that your complex includes exercises to work various muscles, because the combination of pumped up arms with thin or thick legs will look quite ridiculous.

The initial period of muscle and ligament development takes about two to three months, after which you can move on to more serious exercises with a barbell. The weight of the barbell, the number of approaches and repetitions should be increased gradually. The initial indicators will depend on your individual capabilities, on average, this is 5-10 repetitions and 2-3 approaches.

When working with a barbell, be sure to use the help of a belay partner. Not only will it help prevent possible injuries, but it will also help overcome sticking points in the last reps.

When training your back muscles, be sure to use a special safety belt and wear leather wristbands and gloves to protect your hands.

When following all the recommendations of your trainer, do not forget to monitor your diet; it should contain sufficient quantities of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals. Allow adequate time for sleep and recovery after training.

Workouts at home

You can increase muscle strength at home by working out with dumbbells, parallel bars and horizontal bars. In addition, techniques such as fitness, stretching, Pilates, abdominal exercises, gymnastic sticks, hula hoops, etc. can help you develop body flexibility. You can find on the Internet or purchase on DVD a set of exercises for and gradually, step by step, develop your muscles and endurance.

Video on the topic

To increase speed, you need to put in some additional effort during training. It is important to perform the strike technically correctly, to have developed muscles and ligaments, and to be relaxed when attacking.

Martial artists and professional boxers boast a fast and powerful strike that can incapacitate an opponent for several minutes. It is believed that such speed of work of the arms and legs is acquired by perennial training, repeated several times a week. This is true, but if you focus solely on impact speed, you can significantly improve your performance in a few weeks.

Power and speed of blows are not always compatible

If you are a bodybuilder, it is unlikely that you will be able to significantly increase your punch speed. The fact is that in “jocks” the muscle fibers are tightened and cannot work quickly. Due to the increase in mass, sharpness is lost. Of course, there are athletes who can carry out quick strikes, but they previously practiced boxing or other martial arts. Muscle memory helps you apply established technique and speed. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to increase speed indicators.

In addition, during muscle pumping, ligaments become clogged, which play an important role in striking.

Therefore, if you decide to increase the speed of your impact, stop lifting the iron. It’s better to work out with your own weight, but here you also need to take into account some nuances. When doing pull-ups and push-ups, the movements must be made sharp, with the same sharp exhalation as if you were throwing a punch when straightening (push-ups) or bending (pull-ups) your arms.

Additional exercises

To increase impact speed is important. If the kick is performed correctly, daily repetitions will help increase speed. In this case, it is important to imagine the hand thrown out to strike in the form of a cannonball tied to a cable. The hand itself is the cable, and the fist is the core.

It is imperative that both arms and legs at the moment of impact be relaxed and quickly return to their original state. The additional inertia of returning the leg and arm back will add speed.

Constant sparring with a partner helps develop a reaction. This applies to the speed of perception of the situation, the ability to evade an attack, and the speed of striking. Fighting practice will gradually increase strength and speed.

Performing punches with dumbbells in your hands or weights on your legs helps build explosive power, which is always needed to increase the speed and power of your punch. Exercises can be performed only after a good warm-up, concentrating on each individual blow. It is important to pay attention to body position. If it is stable, the blow will be more powerful. When the body is unstable, a lot of force and inertia goes into restoring balance.

Working with a pear at a torn pace. When practicing punches on the punching bag, you can change the tempo from medium to maximum. In this case, the maximum pace is maintained for 10-15 seconds, after which we again switch to medium speed. This increases sharpness and explosive power.

It is important to know! The speed of the strike can be developed if the muscles are well trained and the strike technique is well established.

It is important for novice athletes to understand that to strengthen blow not only body mass is important, but also the inertia that occurs at the moment blow. This is a key point in the combat direction, which will help us make the blow more powerful. There are also a number of important rules for increasing power blow.


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Some people are naturally gifted with a heavy blow - let's be happy for them. For those who are unlucky by nature, don’t be too upset, you can deliver a blow.

A knockout blow is formed from several factors:

  1. Technique
  2. Timeliness
  3. Accuracy
  4. Speed
  5. Force

Luckily, for athletes who don't have this natural gift, you can still acquire a strong knockout punch by working on exercises that play an important role in increasing punching power.

Push-ups with clapping

  • Triceps
  • Deltas
  • Trapezoid


  1. Starting in a standard push-up position
  2. Start doing push-ups, but halfway through, push off the floor with a sharp movement and clap your hands
  3. Land on the floor with two hands, get ready for the next set.


If you find it difficult to do push-ups with clapping, you can simplify this exercise and do it from your knees. This will strengthen your muscles and after a while you will be able to do a more complex version of the exercise described above.

Power outputs from the bar

The critical moment for a strong blow is the skill of exploding sharply. This exercise will help you develop this skill.

Main muscles that work:

  • Triceps
  • Deltas
  • Trapeze
  • Abdominal muscles
  • Breasts


  1. Stand on your elbows and get into a plank position.
  2. In one explosive movement, push your hands off the floor and stand on your palms
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise


If you find it difficult to do this exercise, then do it from your knees first.

Hanibal push-ups

Hanibal push-ups are a great exercise that works the entire body. In addition to pumping up muscles, it’s a good way to teach balance.

Main muscles that work:

  • Triceps
  • Deltas
  • Trapezoid
  • Breast
  • Press
  • Quadriceps
  • Caviar


  1. Get into a normal push-up position
  2. As you begin the push-up, push your feet off the floor toward your hands.
  3. When your feet land touch your hands to your knees
  4. Return to original position (hands return first)


If this exercise is difficult to perform, do the simplified version and skip the third step.

A fight with a shadow

Proper punching technique is very important for a strong knockout blow. There is no better way to practice proper application than shadowboxing.

Main muscles that work:


  1. Warm up well before shadowboxing.
  2. Don’t try to throw too strong punches right away, you may strain the ligaments.
  3. Repeat the strike or combination you want to practice.
  4. Work relaxed. But at the same time concentrated.
  5. Imagine an opponent.


Try boxing with 1-2 kg dumbbells for a few rounds. You will notice the difference when you box without them later. Hands will fly out at incredible speed.

Long jump

A strong blow starts from the feet. Therefore, it is necessary to develop striking power through the development of leg strength. One of the best exercises for developing explosive cutting power is the long jump.

Main muscles that work:

  • All leg muscles


  1. Start in an athletic stance. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms raised at chest level.
  2. Swing your arms down while lowering your torso and placing your weight on the balls of your feet.
  3. With one sharp swing forward, throw your arms forward, push off with your feet and fly forward
  4. Land in the same position you started from. Turn around, repeat.


The main thing is to master the correct execution technique, so I suggest starting with jumps that are short in distance, but technically correct, and increasing the distance over time.

This is a simple exercise that will increase your endurance and leg strength. Changing legs while jumping develops exactly those muscles that are necessary for a strong blow.

Main muscles that work:

  • Quadriceps
  • Buttocks
  • Posterior thigh


  1. Start with your front leg in front of you on a full foot, bent at 90 degrees. The hind leg is also bent at a right angle, but stands on the toe.
  2. In one movement, push off the floor with both feet and fly off the ground. During the flight, switch your legs.
  3. Land smoothly in the same position you started in, but switch legs.


Try to land as smoothly as possible.If you are doing the exercise at home, jump more quietly and do not disturb your neighbors.

A very useful exercise for strengthening the leg muscles. Do it regularly and you will notice a difference in the way you throw side kicks.
Main muscles that work:

  • Quadriceps
  • Buttocks
  • Posterior thigh
  • Caviar


  1. Stand on your left leg, with your right leg behind your left. Hands as in the first picture.
  2. With a sharp movement, push off with your left leg, swing your arms and jump onto your right leg, placing your left behind your right.
  3. Repeat the movement. Glide as if you were skiing or skating.


When landing, bend your knees more.Make your jumps higher, further, more intense to increase the load.

Sprint jumps on one leg

This is a classic exercise that all sprinters do to achieve explosive speed at the start of the run. It will help you increase the power of your straight punches.

Main muscles that work:

  • Quadriceps
  • Buttocks
  • Posterior thigh

Jumping on one leg

This is perhaps the simplest exercise on the list.

Can everyone jump on one leg? Great. Then jump.

This exercise will increase your leg strength and balance. And it will definitely strengthen your blow, because a blow is a redistribution of body weight from one leg to the other.

Jump on one leg and knock out your opponents.

Main muscles that work:

  • Quadriceps
  • Buttocks
  • Caviar
  • Posterior thigh


All you need to do for this exercise is bend one leg at the knee and jump forward as far, as fast and as high as you can.
To complicate the exercise, you can try jumping not only forward, but also backward and in different directions.

10 meter sprint

  • Fast 10 meter sprints will teach your leg muscles to really explode.
  • Fast, sharp mobilization of muscles, the key to high speed and force of impact.
  • Do 5-6 sprints, then rest for 2 minutes.
  • Wear comfortable running clothes, good shoes, and always warm up before sprints.

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With your fist, you can find very little useful information. In particular, they usually write that you cannot strike on your own and you need to train with an experienced fighter or coach who knows exactly what he is doing. We decided to correct this injustice and systematize all the knowledge necessary for a beginner to understand with his fist. Read on and absorb the knowledge!

How to increase punching power: characteristics

What are impact indicators and how to develop them? Speaking frankly, without embellishment, about the masters of Shao-Lin, all fighting characteristics and striking exercises can be divided into three indicators: speed, strength and technique. Below we will list various exercises with which you can develop each of them.


The best exercises for punching speed were developed by boxers a century ago: you take a 5-10 kg dumbbell in each hand and start sparring with a shadow, holding and

combining the same strikes in your usual rhythm. In just a minute you will feel how all your muscles ache from fatigue, but don’t stop: by doing so, you are killing three birds with one stone. On the one hand, you strengthen your muscles and make them stronger, on the other, you increase your endurance, teaching them to endure long-term loads, and, in the end, in training without weight, you will feel that you have become noticeably faster in movement.

Tip: another very interesting exercise from wushu fighters. Do shadowboxing in the pool, underwater. The speed of your punch depends on your body's ability to overcome air resistance, and since it is much higher, training in such conditions will make you much faster.

Oddly enough, you can read about how to increase the force of a punch in a real fight in an anatomy textbook. What is strength? This is mass times acceleration. Accordingly, if you work on speed, then all you have to do is work on your weight and thereby you will increase the power of your blow. Try to gain more and work with heavier weights on heavy compound exercises.

Another secret of how to increase your fist is hidden in the density of the striking surface. For these purposes (to increase density) various brass knuckles are used, and also, which is a more effective and honest way, they stuff the surface of the fist, leveling the knuckles, which turns the fist into a real hammer. For the same purpose, you can simply do push-ups from the floor from a fist stand.

The correct technique for performing a strike is 50% of its power. After all, a well-placed blow originates in the heel of the leg opposite the striking hand, and only then, accumulating the inertial force of the legs, back, torso and arm, comes out at the striking point of the fist. By the way, this is why using an open palm to strike is much more effective (one bone joint is involved in the blow) than even a well-filled fist, because in the second case more than 30 bone joints are involved in the blow, which is not only extremely dangerous, but also extinguishes about 20-25 % impact force.

Any man would like to learn how to strike hard, since this is the only way to win a fight with an opponent. Even if you don't attend boxing or martial arts training, this doesn't mean you don't need to train your punching power. Situations in life can be very different and it is quite possible that you will need to stand up for yourself or for your loved ones. To defeat your opponent, you must not only hit correctly, but also deliver super-powerful blows.

How to increase punching power at home

If you know that this is your weak point, you will have to train regularly to strengthen your blow. To do this, you don’t have to visit the gym or go to boxing classes; if you want, you can increase your strength even at home. The main thing in this case is regularity of classes. We advise you not to give up, even if at first you do not notice any changes. Strength requires development, and it will not appear if you give up halfway. Therefore, we advise you not to hope for a miracle and work hard on yourself!

How to increase the power of a punch? Rule #1: Before starting the main training and performing punches, be sure to do a 10-minute warm-up. This may include push-ups, pull-ups, arm swings, etc. This will prevent injuries and sprains.

Manual expander- Buy this inexpensive device at a sporting goods store. With its help, you can train your wrists and strengthen them; the simulator also develops your forearms, and they are the ones that are used when making strikes.

Kicks in the air. Imagine that a dangerous opponent is standing opposite you. Strike him and don’t forget to move, this way you will hone not only your striking technique, but also your reaction speed. In real life, you will be able to react to danger as quickly as possible.

Dumbbells. As we have already said, it is not necessary to buy a gym membership, because you can train effectively even at home. To do this, we advise you to buy collapsible dumbbells, the weight of which can be adjusted. Use them to train the muscles of your chest, arms and shoulders 3-4 times a week, and the results will not keep you waiting.

Push ups- a universal exercise that will not only improve your endurance, but also affect your strength. Try to do 2-3 sets of push-ups every workout, try a new type of push-up each time.

Check out our post How to Do Push-Ups Properly

Jump rope. Boxers jump rope not only to shed excess weight before competition, this exercise also helps develop wrists and shoulders and improve reaction time. Jump for 4-5 minutes before training.

Pull-ups. This exercise works no worse than push-ups. Not everyone can do pull-ups, but we encourage you to try anyway. In any case, the exercise will only benefit you.

Swing the hammer. Doing this exercise in an apartment is very dangerous, but if you still want to try, try it. Strike the imaginary enemy with a hammer, while trying to tense your arm muscles as much as possible.

Training with a punching bag. If you have the opportunity, try to at least sometimes include hitting a punching bag in your training. The equipment is available in many rooms; if you wish, you can install it at home.

To make your punch more powerful, you will have to work hard. But with regular training you will succeed and after 2-3 weeks you will notice good results. Also, don’t forget to eat right and include as much protein in your diet as possible.

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