Calming products for babies. Review of sedatives for children: herbal, homeopathic, best


Children can experience stress, fear, anxiety, depression, worry about problems, disagreements with friends and family. The consequence is often tearfulness, irritability, and emotional excitability, which has nothing to do with the development of mental illness. Many parents cannot cope with upset children and turn to doctors for help. In this case, the pediatrician can recommend various sedatives or complex herbal teas that can calm an excited baby, prevent the development of hysteria and normalize sleep.

Types of sedatives for children

Hysterical attacks and psychological stress are relieved not only by medication. In addition to sedative medications, which can be purchased at pharmacies, pediatricians recommend the following methods:

  • herbal medicine, including decoctions and teas of medicinal herbs;
  • folk remedies;
  • homeopathy;
  • pedagogical measures of influence on the child.

The reason for the occurrence of nervous excitement lies in the vulnerable and sensitive child’s psyche. The baby’s nervous system, which is not yet fully formed, is not able to effectively regulate the body’s mood swings. Children do not understand how to behave in stressful situations, and parents do not always distinguish manifestations of neurosis from simple irritability, so it is important to consult with doctors and start taking sedatives as soon as children begin to be capricious more than usual and behave more nervously and irritably.

Calming herbs for the child's nervous system

Not all parents are ready to give their child a mountain of sedative pills to calm him and their nervous system, but they do not have the strength to withstand sleepless nights. Herbal sedatives have a gentle effect on the nervous system, relieve anxiety and have an advantage over other options due to their balanced composition. The most popular and suitable sedatives for babies are:

Name of the sedative



Mode of application

Price, rubles

Bayu-bai - soothing drops for children

oregano, mint, chamomile, lemon balm, mint, purified water, citric and glutamic acids, glycerin, magnesium sulfate, sodium benzoate, Aspasvit sweetener

the drug prevents the development of stress, adapts the child’s body to heavy physical and psycho-emotional stress, restores natural sleep patterns, improves memory and thinking

sedatives for children over 3 years old

5-10 drops three times a day or 1-15 drops thirty minutes before bedtime

Calm down - calming collection for children

green tea, thyme, alfalfa, motherwort, rosehip, lemon balm, peppermint, kelp powder.

normalizes the baby's sleep pattern, calms the neuromuscular system, and lulls him to sleep before bed.

can be used from any age.

for children over three years old, one sachet diluted in a glass of boiling water before bed; for children under one year of age, a sedative is poured into 1.5-2 glasses.

Phytosedan – collection.

collection No. 2 – valerian, mint, motherwort, hops, licorice; No. 3 – valerian, sweet clover, oregano, thyme, motherwort.

sedative of plant origin, has calming, antispasmodic effects.

Can be used from 12 years of age.

two tablespoons of the collection are poured into a glass of boiling water, taken orally four times a day, half an hour before meals, a third of a glass for two weeks.

70–100 depending on collection number

Homeopathic sedatives

Traditional medicine is skeptical about homeopathic sedatives, but parents often choose such medications for overexcited, nervous babies. In this case, consulting a doctor is still necessary, since not all products are recommended for children and are suitable without exceptions or contraindications. Homeopathic remedies contain plant components.

The following are very popular:

Product name



Mode of application

Price, rubles

Naughty in the form of granules

Staphysagria, C200+ Wormwood, C200+ pharmaceutical Chamomile,

Normalizes sleep, calms the nervous system

Age over five years

5 granules half an hour before meals once a day, preferably in the evening. The course is one month.

Note – drops, tablets

Sowing oats, chamomile, phosphorus, coffee tree, zinc valerinate.

The excipient in the drops is ethanol; for tablets – potato starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate

Eliminates sleep disorders, helps with increased nervous excitability

Age of at least three years for drops, for tablets - at least twelve years.

From 3 to 12 years - five drops three times a day, from 12 children - 10 drops or one tablet. Therapy lasts 1-4 months

240 – tablets

413 - drops

Bryonia, Chamomilla, Staphysagria

Calms an overexcited nervous system and promotes rapid sleep

Age over seven years

Dissolve 5 granules in the morning 15 minutes before meals for two weeks

humulus lupulus, crategus, hypericum perforatum, lemon balm officinalis, camomilla recutita, avena sativa, picrinicum acidum, kalium bromatum, ammonium bromatum, natrium bromatum, ethanol

Helps with neuroses, sleep disturbances, increased excitability, neurasthenia.

Contraindicated under two years of age

Children under six years old – 5 drops 3 times a day; up to 12 years – 10 drops.

Motherwort, hawthorn, coriander, valerian, nutmeg, lemon balm, sugar, starch, oats, calcium stearate, PVP.

The sedative has restorative and calming effects.

Age over 12 years

1-3 tablets three times a day with meals


Magnesium sulfate

Calms the nervous system

Age less than three years

One tablespoon of powder three times a day before meals


Chamomilla, valerian, cuprum, Kalium phosphoricum, staphysagria, Calcium hypophosphorum

Reduces increased excitability, improves concentration

Less than one year old

Three times a day before or after meals, half an hour later

Dietary supplement Hare

Magnesium lactate, vitamin B6, dried thyme extract, chamomile, fennel fruit, lemon balm leaves, oregano, peppermint, vitamin C, fruit syrup (sugar, apple-cherry juice).

Indicated for stress, neurasthenia, calms and relaxes

Age over three years

1-2 tea boats three times a day with meals

Homeopathic sedatives are available in the form of drops for oral administration, teas, and mixtures. Such medications are effective during the first trips to kindergarten, school and other stressful situations. Some sedatives come in the form of capsules (Magne B6 - replenishes magnesium deficiency), tablets (Dormikind - has a hypnotic effect). Most of these medications contain glucose, which improves metabolic processes and reduces excitability.

Medicinal sedatives for children

Anti-anxiety medications are indicated for children with non-pathological psycho-emotional changes. The choice of medication remains with the attending physician. One of the popular amino acid-based drugs is Glycine. This is a mild sedative for children, which is also prescribed for adults, promotes emotional relief, improves brain function, reduces excitability, and the consequences of physical activity. The price of the drug depends on the manufacturer, ranging around 250 rubles. Prescribe one tablet per day for a month.

Some sedatives are available in the form of a solution (sodium bromide) or a powder for preparing a solution (Citral, Diphenhydramine).

Other sedatives for children:

Name of the sedative



Mode of application

Price, rubles

Pantogam in the form of tablets or syrup.

syrup – calcium hopantenate, glycerol, food sorbitol, sodium benzoate, citric acid, aspartame, flavoring, water; tablets – calcium hopantenate, methylcellulose, magnesium hydroxycarbonate, calcium stearate, talc.

stimulates metabolism, has sedative, anticonvulsant, nootropic effects, reduces excitability, activates physical and mental activity.

Indicated for children of any age

Children under one year old are prescribed 5–10 ml of syrup per day, children up to three years old – 5–12 ml, children up to seven years old – 7.5–15 ml, children over seven – 10–20 ml. The course of treatment is from one to three months.

Nootropic (capsules).

Glycine, gotu kola extract, ginkgo biloba extract, vitamins B3, K1, B5, B6, B12.

improves brain performance, memory, blood circulation, vascular tone, reduces emotional stress and conflict.

indicated for children over 12 years of age

1-2 capsules once a day with meals. The course is 20 days.

Tenoten for children (tablets).

mixture of homeopathic dilutions C12, C30 and C50, lactose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose.

calms, reduces anxiety without side effects, helps to better tolerate psycho-emotional stress, improves thought processes.

Indicated for children of any age

tablets are dissolved 1-3 times a day, one tablet outside meals. The course lasts from one to three months.

Phenibut tablets.

phenibut, lactose, potato starch, calcium stearate.

reduces anxiety, fear

Indicated for children over two years of age

Children from two to eight years old are prescribed 50-100 mg of medication after meals three times a day, from eight to fourteen years old - 250 mg.

depending on the manufacturer from 100 to 500


Sedatives, herbal teas and homeopathic medicines are not the only methods of combating children's irritability. An excellent solution is sedative herbs, which have a more gentle effect on the body and have almost no contraindications. Most herbs can be given to babies even up to one year old. It is still impossible to give any herbs thoughtlessly - it is important to take into account the composition of the decoctions, dosage, method of use and consult a doctor. Suitable herbal remedies for children:

  • Valerian. Products based on medicinal valerian relieve nervous excitement and relieve spasms thanks to the unique combination of alkaloids and essential oils in the composition. The advantage of this plant is its versatility - doctors recommend valerian even for infants to normalize sleep and for adolescents with increased nervous excitement.
  • Motherwort. As part of herbal mixtures, this herbal remedy gently soothes the young nervous system. To prepare, take equal parts of valerian, motherwort, fennel and thyme, brew 2 tablespoons of the mixture and consume chilled.
  • Melissa. Decoctions based on this herb, together with linden and peppermint, relieve physical stress and relax the child’s body. Herbal teas based on linden and mint / lemon balm, thyme and valerian are effective. Both decoctions are brewed in half a liter of water, drunk as needed or take a bath with its addition.
  • Water procedures in a warm, aromatic bath restore the child’s strength and prepare him for sleep. Valerian tincture and motherwort, about forty drops, are added to water for newborns. For older children, a pine bath is suitable, which relaxes the baby and relieves nasal congestion.
  • Oatmeal decoction is an unusual but effective method of relieving stress. Unpeeled oats, well washed and dried, are poured with boiling water in a ratio of 200 mg per 1 liter. The broth is brought to a boil, infused for half an hour, and filtered. The finished drink is drunk before meals, with honey or sugar added to taste.


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Lately I have developed a strong feeling that our entire society, young and old, is hopelessly chronically ill. The queues at pharmacies, in any case, are sometimes longer than the queues at the cinema box office.

Almost half of the people standing in them, according to my observations, are young parents or grandparents who came to get a sedative for their small child or grandchild. Well, what do you want: nervous and hectic times give rise to a restless generation.

Both mothers and fathers, in search of their own peace, rush to search for an effective medication that will magically change their nervous, hysterical, capricious child into a sweet and quiet baby. This does not happen, my dear parents.

Sedatives in the understanding of modern official medicine are drugs that normalize and balance the nervous processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex. Often this balance turns out to be fragile, and the inhibition “outweighs”. This mainly happens when it comes to the use of synthetic sedatives.

In addition to them, sedatives are of other origins - homeopathic and herbal. Medicinal sedatives are usually prescribed by a doctor. For all other medications, it is also advisable to ask your doctor’s advice to avoid negative consequences.

Discussions in society regarding homeopathic remedies do not subside. Some people consider them a “dummy” with a placebo effect, others are sure that small doses of substances used in them are the most suitable treatment for children. In any case, parents, according to reviews, are more inclined towards homeopathy. As for doctors, there are as many opinions as there are doctors themselves - each specialist has his own view on the problem of restless children.


Parents need to start worrying and make an appointment with the baby to get a prescription for sedatives in the following cases:

  • If the child is hyperactive and easily excitable.
  • If his night sleep is disturbed (1-2 awakenings per night are not considered a deviation).
  • If the child “throws” strong, frequent and rather prolonged tantrums.
  • If the baby behaves extremely restlessly 80% of the time he is awake (runs, screams, talks loudly, does not know how to listen and remember, concentrate, and almost always actively gestures).
  • If the child is withdrawn, anxious, depressed and depressed.
  • If a teenager has a severely impaired motivation to learn, he has memory problems, antisocial behavior, unmotivated aggression, irritability,
  • If a child pees at night (after 3 years), suffers from nightmares, is very developmentally behind peers, stutters, and suffers from tics.
  • If a child finds it difficult to tolerate new conditions, he has started attending kindergarten or school, and these changes in his life are very painful.

There are situations in which it is certainly impossible to do without sedative medications. But let’s leave the right to draw conclusions to specialists; diagnosing a child on your own is unacceptable. After all, a child can be capricious and hysterical because he has the same parents, because of the characteristics of his own temperament, or because of pedagogical omissions - in other words, he is very poorly brought up. In these cases, medications will only aggravate the problem, and certainly will not be beneficial.

If the doctor advised your baby to take a sedative, do not argue and do not neglect the opinion of a specialist. Since “advanced” forms of neurological diseases are increasingly difficult to treat with age.

Calming drugs for children are available in different dosage forms:

  • Pills;
  • Ampoules for intramuscular and intravenous administration;
  • Capsules;
  • Syrup;
  • Drops;
  • Potions;
  • Herbal preparations;
  • Suspensions and powders for the preparation of suspensions.

Syrups, mixtures and suspensions are suitable for infants and infants up to one year old - they are easy to drink. From 2-3 years old, children can be given soothing teas; from 6 years old, children can usually take a pill without any problems. But medications in capsule form are intended for children over 12 years of age.

Requirements for sedatives for children:

  • No toxicity,
  • The drug should not cause physical (narcotic) dependence,
  • The list of contraindications should not be on three sheets of appendices.

Watch the video in which a psychotherapist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences Galushchak Alexander Vasilievich talks in detail about one of the children's sedatives Phenibut:

Brief overview of drugs

The most common sedatives for children today usually have a plant base. Doctors try to prescribe synthetic drugs in extreme cases with quite serious neurological and psychiatric diagnoses. But herbal and homeopathic remedies, including nootropics, are welcome. Let's look at the most popular children's sedatives that you can find in any pharmacy:

Name of the drug

Effect of the drug

When is it appointed?

To whom is it assigned?

Contraindications for use

Nootropic drug with mild tranquilizing effect

Anxiety-neurotic conditions, insomnia, psychopathy, childhood stuttering, prevention of motion sickness, nervous tics, enuresis.

Children over 5 years old

Liver diseases, liver failure.

Nootropic drug with moderate sedative effect

Enuresis, deterioration of memory, attention in the child, sleep disturbances.

Children over 3 years old

Kidney diseases

Metabolic agent (amino acid) with mild sedative and antidepressant effects

Stressful conditions, nervousness, deviant behavior, perinatal forms of encephalopathy, sleep disturbance.

Children from birth

"Citral" (potion)

A sedative and anti-inflammatory drug of combined origin, manufactured in pharmacies to order.

Intracranial pressure in infants, neurotic conditions, sleep disturbances, hyperexcitability

Children from birth

Individual allergic reactions to components.

"Magne B6" (forte)

Vitamin and mineral preparation

Magnesium deficiency, sleep disorders, irritability, aggression, fatigue

Children aged 4 years and older

Kidney pathologies, galactosemia, individual allergic reactions.


Sleep disturbances, increased anxiety, psychomotor agitation, irritability.

Children over 3 years old

Individual allergic reactions to components.

Nootropic antiplatelet sedative drug

Enuresis, stuttering, childhood tics, insomnia, Meniere's syndrome, vestibular dysfunction.

Children over 3 years old

Ulcers and erosions of the gastrointestinal tract, liver failure.

"Atomoxetine" (Strattera)

Psychostimulant (non-narcotic)

Attention deficit disorder, depression, facial tics, spasms.

Children over 6 years old

Angle-closure glaucoma, individual allergic reactions to components.


Homeopathic sedative

Increased nervousness, irritability, sleep disturbances.

Children over 5 years old

Diabetes mellitus or suspicion of it, individual allergic reactions to components.

"Little Bunny"

Dietary supplement

Children's fears and anxiety, nervousness, hyperactivity, sleep disorders.

Children over 3 years old

Individual allergic reactions to components.

Dietary supplement

Nervous states, irritability, emotional instability.

Children over 12 years old

Individual allergic reactions to components.

"Baby gray"

Tearfulness, irritability, increased chaotic motor activity, sleep disturbances, hysterics.

Children over 7 years old

Individual allergic reactions to components.

Homeopathic sedative

Increased psycho-emotional arousal, sleep disturbances, moodiness and irritability of the child.

Children over 3 years old

Individual allergic reactions to components.

"Bay-bye" (drops)

Homeopathic sedative

Anxiety, increased anxiety, sleep disturbances, nervous conditions.

Children over 1 year old

Individual allergic reactions to components.


Group of multicomponent homeopathic preparations

Sleep disorders, neuroses.

Children over 3 years old

Individual allergic reactions to components.

“Pomogusha” – syrup

Dietary preventive product with a complex of vitamins

Sleep disorders, vitamin deficiency, attention deficit, irritability.

Children over 3 years old

Individual allergic reactions to components.

"Sibiryachok phyto" dragee

Dietary preventive product with a complex of vitamins and minerals

Sleep disorders, difficult period of child adaptation to new conditions - kindergarten, school

Children over 3 years old

Individual allergic reactions to components.

Important: Any of the listed remedies, although most of them are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, should be agreed with your doctor.

Tests for allergic reactions are not included in standard examinations of a child in a clinic, and you cannot reliably know which of the herbal components of the drug can cause allergies in your baby.

It happens that even harmless pharmaceutical chamomile causes a rash, allergic runny nose and swelling of soft tissues. It’s better not to risk it and consult a pediatrician. He will prescribe your dosage based on the child’s age, weight and general characteristics of his health.

Alternative Methods

So, now we know which medications will help calm the child. Are there alternative methods? Of course, there are quite a lot of them. Some you may remember from your own childhood. Some have become widespread relatively recently. What will help calm a child?

  • Herbal tea. You can prepare a sedative mixture yourself, or you can purchase it at a pharmacy. Anxiety and nervousness are well relieved by teas based on chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, mint, and motherwort.
  • Soothing baths. They can be made for children from birth. The herbs and herbal decoctions that you add to the water can be different (most often it is motherwort, pine needles, chamomile, St. John's wort, lemon balm), but you must carry out the procedures strictly according to the schedule. Soothing therapeutic baths should be repeated every 2-3 days for 1-2 months.
  • Soothing massage. Massage for hyperactive children should include a set of exercises aimed at relaxation. These are stroking, patting, pinching, circular movements with the hands. The use of a soothing ointment or cream is encouraged (these are baby creams with chamomile and lemon balm). Contraindicated - sharp, deep and tonic pressure, painful effects during a massage session. It is best to do a soothing massage shortly before an evening swim before bed.

  • Music therapy. This method is based on the positive impact of sounds on the child’s psyche. If your baby is restless, often throws tantrums, or is capricious, give him several “musical breaks” a day. Don't force him to sit and listen, let the music play in the background. Let your playlist include preludes and fugues by Bach, compositions by Mozart, symphonies by Beethoven, works by Grieg, Mussorgsky, Chopin. The main thing is to choose slow and melodic compositions, since fast and energetic ones have the opposite effect (Vivaldi’s music, for example, causes animated swinging of arms and legs without a hint of calm in my son). Scientists have found that only mother's lullabies have the most beneficial effect on children, so sing songs to your child more often. In second place is classical music, and children's songs from cartoons took only third position.
  • Aromatherapy. Inhaling heated vapors of essential oils (aroma oils) is a great way to relieve anxiety and stress in a child. But here you need to remember that this can be harmful to newborns and children under 3 years of age, since at this age babies are especially sensitive to strong odors. They may develop allergies and respiratory diseases. Therefore, it is better to install aroma candles and aroma lamps for a short time in the rooms of children 4-5 years old and older.

This video features music that has received a large number of grateful reviews from parents. They claim that when listening to it, children quickly calm down and fall asleep in a sound and restful sleep.

  • Play therapy. Social and child psychologists are always ready to help you create games that will relieve tension in your child. The treatment received during the game is most beneficial for a growing person. Most often, calm games that require concentration are used for hyperexcitable children. For children with depression and neurosis, role-playing games are better suited to help them harmoniously adapt to the world around them.
  • Art therapy. Treatment with art and creativity. Modeling, drawing, and creating appliqués are very helpful for easily excitable children. Any creative process that stimulates fine motor skills has a positive effect on brain function. If no one in the family knows how to draw or sculpt, it doesn’t matter. Now there are so-called calming coloring books. They can be bought or downloaded for your child on the Internet. They differ from other types of coloring books in that they have pictures with an abundance of small details, similar to mandalas for adults - a sacred practice in Buddhism and Hinduism. You should not assume that a nervous and restless child will immediately enthusiastically take up calming creativity. But if you draw or make something a little every day, then, as they say, patience and work will wear out everything.

  • Fairy tale therapy. You've probably already heard something about the incredible healing and educational impact of fairy tales on a child. Believe me, these rumors are completely justified. Children love to listen to fairy tales, bedtime stories are especially beneficial, and fairy tales in which the characters were able to overcome their anxiety are perfect for restless children. Tell the kids in more detail exactly how the characters managed to do this, what they felt about it. “Ivan Tsarevich went to look for his arrow. He was very worried whether he would be able to find her, and was worried about how he would return home later; his hands were even sweaty and his head ached.”... Children tend to identify themselves with others, and the successful experience of a positive character will help the baby quickly overcome his own stress, which he I am not always able to express the power of age in words.
  • Vitamins. The benefits of vitamins in correcting restless behavior in a child should not be underestimated. Some nervous disorders arise precisely from a lack of vitamins and minerals. So “important” for the child’s psyche are magnesium and calcium, B vitamins, vitamins D, C, E. Therefore, choose a vitamin complex for your child according to his age, and make sure that his diet is also saturated with foods containing a sufficient amount of vitamins.
  • People's "secrets". There are folk secrets and little tricks that allow you to cope with tension and nervousness in a child. My great-grandmother, who raised 8 children, always read prayers to them before going to bed. She also washed her face with spring water. She believed that the healing properties of spring water and prayers help remove “any bad attack” from the child.

Modern parents often have to resort to the help of sedatives for children, especially 2 years old, since it is at this age that the child develops hyperexcitability. This trait can develop after suffering psychological stress, which negatively affected the psyche of 2-year-old children. Therefore, the whims and nervousness of 2-year-old children should be perceived not as the consequences of improper upbringing, but as a dysfunction that needs treatment. Therefore, the doctor may recommend sedatives to maintain balance in the baby’s psyche and help him fight aggression.

Why does nervousness occur in 2-year-old children?

There are many reasons that can cause nervousness and moodiness in 2-year-old children. The main factors include conditions in which the child experiences discomfort or pain. Thus, disruptions in the nervous system can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Hunger.
  2. Teething.
  3. Intestinal colic.
  4. Cold.
  5. Increased child activity before bedtime.
  6. Mental pathologies that are rare and require more serious treatment.

How does increased excitability manifest in 2-year-old children?

Sedatives are prescribed for children 2 years of age if the following manifestations are clearly visible in their behavior:

  1. Sleep disturbances and difficulty falling asleep.
  2. Regular whims and tearfulness.
  3. Regular tantrums.

If there are such conditions in the child’s behavior, it is recommended to show him to a doctor. It is unacceptable to independently purchase any sedatives for a 2-year-old child, so as not to provoke a worsening of the condition. Based on the examination and complaints, the doctor will prescribe the right medications to maintain the baby’s mental and emotional state.

Tablet sedatives

The most popular option among doctors is the use of drugs whose task is to reduce the activity of the nervous system of 2-year-old children. The popularity of such drugs is due to their ease of use, since the tablet can be crushed and given to the child with food. The most common drug for the treatment of hyperexcitability of the nervous system is Glycine. It is safe even for newborn babies, its effect on the body is mild. You can use such sedatives to normalize sleep and relieve nervous tension. Komarovsky also recommends this particular remedy.

An analogue of Glycine is the drug Phenibut, which will help relieve tension and help improve children's sleep.

Preparations in syrup form

Such medications are less aggressive, so parents trust them more. Among the most popular sedatives, it is worth noting Pantogam. It eliminates insomnia in children 2 years old, relieves nervous tension, and even eliminates convulsions.

Such drugs are not addictive, so they can be used for a long period, until the main negative symptoms from the nervous system and emotional state are eliminated.

Tranquilizers for 2-year-old children

Very rarely, but still sometimes doctors resort to using this group of drugs for children 2 years old. Such drugs include Elenium, Phenazepam, Tazepam. These medications are tranquilizers, so their use must be strictly in accordance with medical prescription and instructions. The drugs are strictly prohibited for self-medication; they strongly suppress the nervous system and have the ability to cause addiction to the body.

Tranquilizers are used to treat children with extreme excitability of the nervous system and under severe stress.

Homeopathic medicines for children 2 years old

Today, drugs of this group are widely used for children 2 years old. Their use does not require special instructions, they have no contraindications, and have a gentle effect on the child’s body.

Often, for hyperexcitability, doctors prescribe drugs such as Zaichonok, Notta, Dormikind, Viburkol. Such drugs have almost the same effect on the body. But some of them still have nuances, for example, Viburkol suppositories or drops can not only relieve irritability, but also reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process with painful sensations during teething in a child. And to improve sleep and fall asleep quickly, the best option would be Notta.

Certain nutritional rules

Sometimes a child's sleep disturbances indicate that there are some nutritional problems. For many caring mothers, there is an opportunity to cope with this problem on their own. With the help of special cereals, you can ensure that your baby sleeps soundly at night, as he will feel full.

It is good to use such products as a kind of sedative. According to parents' reviews, the most optimal mixtures for children are Nutrilon "Good Night", Humana "Sweet Dreams", Nestozhen "Happy Dreams".

Herbal remedies to reduce nervous system hyperexcitability

If doctors prescribe medications with some caution, then traditional medicine is not prohibited even for infants. To eliminate excessive activity of your baby, you can use calming herbs.

The following herbs are suitable for a two-year-old child:

  1. Calendula – it helps eliminate inflammatory processes and improves sleep.
  2. Valerian - helps relieve a child from stress and emotional overstrain.
  3. Sage – fights colds, helps to relax the child’s psyche.
  4. Chamomile – helps relieve tension and pain during intestinal colic.
  5. Mint will improve sleep and improve the baby’s mood.
  6. Thyme – soothes, relieves inflammatory processes in the child’s body.

Often, medicinal soothing herbs are used to prepare tea, decoctions or infusions, and diluted herbal solutions are often added to baby baths.

Herbal teas

The advantages of using such teas are that they are allowed even for the smallest children. The best remedy for children is tea based on one ingredient, because teas can cause allergic reactions, and it will be difficult to determine what exactly the baby’s body reacted to. After studying each medicinal plant separately, you can prepare a collection from them.

One of the most common medicinal plants is mint. Tea is prepared on its basis. Additional ingredients are valerian root and hop leaves. This tea is an excellent sedative for children. The resulting collection is poured with boiling water and infused for half an hour. It is recommended that the baby drink this strained and cooled decoction every time before putting the child to bed.

Another effective remedy is tea based on rosehip and linden. To properly prepare this remedy, you need to take linden flowers and rose hips in equal proportions. These ingredients are mixed, poured with water, and brought to a boil over low heat. This decoction should be infused for 15 minutes; Before using, you should add a little honey to it.

Every child can be whiny and irritable sometimes. At the age of three, a child may have increased nervous excitability caused by the formation of personality, the period of growing up, and getting used to kindergarten.

At three years old, children strive to show their independence in everything, and this is fraught with outbursts of aggression and scandals. If the whims are short-term and you can come to an agreement with the child, then everything is normal.

But sometimes the irritability and excitability of a three-year-old baby becomes excessive. Against this background, digestive disorders, sleep disturbances, and appetite disorders may occur.

How to help a child with nervous excitability?

It is important to prevent such conditions. Parents must learn to find an approach to their child and, if necessary, seek the help of a doctor. There are ways to help with nervous excitability. Medicines are not always needed. Soothing warm baths help a lot. Aromatherapy will be useful.

The main thing is to choose essential oils that will not create the opposite effect. Massage is indispensable in the treatment of the nervous system. He must be relaxing and easy. Herbs are effective sedatives.

Calming collection for children

Ready-made kits for three-year-old children are sold. They brew easily. But you can make a collection of herbs yourself.

The main thing is to select such a concentration of herbs so that the collection is not bitter, because for a three-year-old a sedative should be tastes good.

You can prepare the following fees:

  • Collection of lemon balm, mint, oregano, valerian. This collection has no contraindications. Add a cup of boiling water to 2 teaspoons of crushed herbs, infuse and allow the child to drink in small portions throughout the day.
  • A collection of fennel and caraway fruits, valerian roots and motherwort. The proportions are the same - 2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water. You can give it to your child as tea, adding a little honey. This collection not only calms, but also improves digestion and relieves spasms in the intestines.
  • A collection of mint, chamomile, lemon balm, caraway seeds, valerian root and rose hips. It will help with severe irritability, in addition, it will strengthen the immune system.

When can you give a sedative?

Unfortunately, sometimes herbs alone are not enough and medications are required. Despite the fact that there are mild drugs with a preventive effect and a minimum of contraindications, they must be prescribed by a doctor. We offer an overview of the main sedatives for children 3 years old.

Tenoten for children

This drug helps with the child’s excitability and headaches in the baby. Tenoten is also prescribed in situations such as adaptation to kindergarten, to alleviate crisis conditions.

Tenoten is also indicated for the correct functioning of the nervous system and brain. This drug helps improve memory and attention. The drug is given to children three years old 1-3 tablets per day, depending on the doctor's prescription.


This drug is indicated with increased excitability, as well as during periods of crisis. Glycine contains an amino acid that, when broken down, saturates the body's cells with oxygen. Promotes faster transmission of nerve impulses to the brain. Glycine is given to three-year-old children, half a tablet twice a day. Glycine should be taken in courses, making sure to take breaks to avoid addiction. It acts on the body gently and gradually.

Drops "Bai-bai"

This is a dietary supplement. The drug contains extracts of mint, motherwort, hawthorn, peony, as well as glutamic and citric acids. The components have a calming effect, prevent the appearance of irritability, and normalize sleep. The main indication for prescribing the drug is sleep disturbance in a child.

Syrup "Hare"

This is a herbal preparation based on herbs. It has a gentle effect on the nervous system, relaxes, and helps you fall asleep easier. It has almost no contraindications. Give to a three year old child three times a day, 1-2 teaspoons.

Medicine Citral

This is a synthetic drug that contains components such as diphenhydramine, magnesia, sodium bromide, valerian. The potion reduces intracranial pressure, has a calming effect and prevents allergic reactions. The medicine is given only as prescribed by a doctor and is prepared according to a prescription in a pharmacy. The bromine contained in the mixture can inhibit the nervous system, causing apathy and drowsiness.

Phenibut drops

This is a fairly strong drug. Prescribed for treatment of attacks of aggression, sleep disorders. The drug improves memory, increases performance, and increases reaction speed.

Phenibut also has an antispasmodic effect. However, sometimes side effects occur in the form of seizures and outbursts of anger. Therefore, the drug should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor. Typically the course lasts three weeks.


This is hopatenic acid (vitamin B12). The drug acts mildly and has fewer contraindications and side effects than other drugs with similar effects. Improves cerebral circulation, gently normalizes sleep, calms, promotes attention and concentration.

The drug is taken in courses of 7 to 12 days, with mandatory breaks. In case of an overdose, reactions such as nausea, depression, lethargy are possible.

It is necessary to treat disorders of the nervous system in a timely manner, because as the child grows older, there will be more and more difficulties that will need to be calmly overcome.

Modern children often suffer from increased excitability, so many parents have a question about what sedative is acceptable to give to infants.

A constantly capricious child is a difficult test for the mother’s nervous system and not only that. A newborn already takes a lot of strength and energy, and if he also does not sleep at night and does not find peace during the day, the parents are ready to do a lot to stop the whims.

First of all, it is worth finding out what is the cause of children's anxiety. Most likely you will find:

  • pain in a child;
  • discomfort for any reason;
  • neurological disorders;
  • psychological trauma;
  • incorrect daily routine.

In this situation, you need to visit a pediatrician and conduct a full diagnosis. When the cause is found, after it is eliminated, the baby will stop being capricious, throwing tantrums and having trouble sleeping.

Do not self-medicate and give sedatives to your newborn only as prescribed by a doctor. After all, even the safest sedatives can cause irreparable harm to a child’s health.

First of all, doctors try to get by in the following ways:

  • homeopathy;
  • soothing teas;
  • baths;
  • massage.

In extreme cases, sedative medications are prescribed.

For children from 0 to 12 months, modern pharmaceuticals offer a large selection of ready-made sedative drugs. The following medications are allowed for children under one year of age:

  • "Glycine";
  • "Phenibut";
  • "Magne B6";
  • "Central";
  • "Pantogam".

But it is worth remembering: such drugs can be harmful, and therefore they can only be used as directed and under the supervision of a pediatrician. Homeopathic remedies are better suited for children:

  • "Tenoten";
  • "Baby Sed";
  • "Dermikind";
  • "Whim";
  • "Note";
  • "Edas";
  • “Naughty”, etc.

And even a pediatrician should prescribe them.

For 2, 3, 4, 5 year olds

  • “Persen” helps relieve nervousness and improve sleep for children, and relieve emotional overexcitement. It is prescribed in tablets from the age of three, and in capsules from the age of 12.
  • “Phenibut” is a potent remedy that helps relieve anxiety, irritability and fear. The drug may cause allergies and addiction. Give in very small doses, calculated by the doctor.
  • “Pantogam” is a good remedy that relieves increased muscle tone. The drug has been poorly researched, and therefore it is not worth focusing on it. Available in the form of syrup and tablets and recommended from 2 years.
  • Tenoten helps relieve anxiety and calms. It is widely used for hypoxia, cerebral circulatory disorders, increased excitability, and intoxication. Available in tablets and not recommended for use by children under three years of age. It is better to dilute the tablet in water and give it as a drink.
  • “Nota” is an anti-anxiety homeopathic remedy, available in tablets and drops. Drops are preferable, they are convenient to dilute in a drink, and the baby can drink them freely.
  • “Glycine” is a completely natural drug recommended for children of any age.
  • Similarly, universal remedies are “Magne B6”, “Citral”.
  • In special cases, tranquilizers are prescribed - Elenium, Phenazepam, Tazepan, Sibazon. They are used very carefully, they are addictive and can subsequently have a negative impact on children's health. Typically, these medications are recommended for children over five years of age.

What are the consequences of delayed mental development of a child? Will your child do worse at school? Read the material.

From 6 to 10 years

Children between the ages of six and ten begin a special period when hyperactivity may become noticeable. The child leaves kindergarten and becomes a schoolchild, and this is especially stressful for children’s nerves.

  • “Bayu-bai” is a completely natural syrup made from herbs. It is given to children by pouring it into a spoon, diluting it in a drink. The drug is recommended for use from the age of five.
  • "Atomoxetine" is prescribed based on the results of a thorough diagnosis confirming diagnoses such as hyperactivity and attention deficit starting from 6 years of age. Self-medication with the drug is unacceptable; it must be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Depressive behavior and aggressive behavior in adolescents can be treated with Epam 1000 drops.

Replacement of drugs intended for children under one year of age

The nervousness of the mother of a restless baby can be transmitted to the baby and make him even more capricious, so you should think about rest. It is worth reviewing your daily routine, for example, calculating whether you walk enough with your newborn, whether you bathe often, and what time you go to bed. It is also worth paying attention to how calm the environment is at home and whether wet cleaning of the living space is carried out regularly.

Until the baby is diagnosed, follow these simple rules:

  • Ventilate your home every day.
  • Daily wet cleaning is recommended.
  • Take care of children's hygiene.
  • Take daily walks.
  • Create a positive environment at home: do not speak in a raised voice, avoid scandals and any other negativity.
  • Every day, bathe your baby in warm water with the addition of a decoction of soothing herbs.
  • Try to keep the room where you live neither hot nor cold.
  • Buy clothes made from natural materials.
  • Make sure your child is dry and well-fed.

Relaxing baths

Soothing baths are a safe way to help children relax and calm down. In the absence of any serious reasons for the child’s nervousness, a bath with herbal decoctions and plant extracts is the most suitable remedy. Children under one year of age benefit greatly from the following added to the water during bathing:

  • fennel;
  • peony;
  • motherwort;
  • valerian;
  • chamomile;
  • hop;
  • lavender.

Calming teas

Children under one year old are offered to use sedative teas, purchased ready-made and made independently. Store-bought tea will help you “not miss” with the dosage, but tea made personally guarantees a completely natural composition.

Nursing mothers have a way out - half an hour before the evening feeding of the baby, also drink a glass of sedative tea. The result will be a double effect: it will help the mother relax and relieve the baby’s nervous tension.

Important: give tea to your baby after studying the instructions, pay special attention to contraindications and side effects.

They prepare their own drink from the same herbs used in the baths.

When to use

  • Tantrums for no obvious reason.
  • Insomnia, restless sleep.
  • The child cannot get used to kindergarten or school.
  • The son gets tired of the school curriculum and therefore worries.
  • Adolescence.
  • The baby often cries, is capricious and gets excited easily.

Suitable herbs

  • Chamomile. Fights colic, relieves inflammation, and has sedative properties.
  • A series. It has bactericidal properties and helps in the treatment of allergies. A similar component is added to tea only on the recommendations of a pediatrician.
  • Valerian.
  • Calendula. Fights many disorders in the body and is a universal component. Reduces children's anxiety, reduces excitability and restores nerves.
  • Mint soothes and helps with vomiting and nausea.

The components are used in medicinal drinks both individually and in combination with each other.


Tea for babies with a calming effect is purchased ready-made and made with your own hands. The drink consists of one component or includes a complex of herbs.

From 1 month

Chamomile infusion is the simplest and safest drink allowed for babies from birth.

  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped chamomile.
  • 200 ml boiling water.

Pour boiling water over dried flowers and leave for 15 minutes. The infusion, cooled to room temperature, is given to the small patient. The dose is calculated according to age: from a teaspoon to half a glass.

From birth

A drink made from fennel seeds is beneficial for both the baby and his breastfeeding mother.

  • 1.5 tsp. fennel seeds.
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water

Pour boiling water over the seeds and leave for 10 minutes, filter and give to the baby. The drink can be conveniently diluted with your main drink in a bottle.

From 6 months

Tea made from lemon balm, chamomile and mint perfectly relieves anxiety and restores sleep.

  • 1 tsp. lemon balm.
  • 1 tsp. daisies.
  • 1 tsp. mint.
  • 1.5 tbsp. boiling water

The crushed collection is poured with boiling water and kept for 20 minutes, filtered and added to the baby’s drink. This drink is also recommended for nursing mothers.

From 1 year

  • 1 tbsp. l. valerian.
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon balm.
  • 200 ml boiling water.

The components are mixed and poured with boiling water, left for 25 minutes, filtered, and given 1 tsp. or added to regular tea.


The nervous system of a baby from 0 to 12 months is still weak and easily reacts to any irritants. Therefore, it is worth creating comfortable conditions for your beloved child and not delaying going to the doctor if he is constantly nervous and crying. Perhaps the cause of the baby’s anxiety is not a harmful nature, but a specific disease.

Between the ages of one and three years, you should definitely visit a neurologist; it is during this period that a common diagnosis among modern children is made - hyperactivity.