Increase sperm motility. Best Ways to Increase Sperm Motility

You can't get pregnant and tests have shown that your man's sperm count is not active enough? In this case, you need to increase the speed of their movement and you will finally be able to conceive a baby. This is not so easy to do and a man will have to completely change his lifestyle; not everyone is ready to make such sacrifices.

Many representatives of the stronger sex do not even know that their sperm are not very active. It is for this reason that conflicts arise in the family when planning a child. As a result, it is the woman who is blamed for the couple's inability to conceive a child.

Alas, this problem has become increasingly widespread and relevant over the past few years. Most often, sperm have minimal motility due to an incorrect lifestyle, much less often due to genetic abnormalities.

How to increase sperm motility? To speed up their movement, you will need to use several methods in a comprehensive manner; this is the only way to achieve a positive result. The doctor also prescribes a regular test for the patient called a spermogram, which helps to see whether the treatment is having an effect.

The normal speed of sperm is 0.025 mm/s. Of course, there may be minor deviations from this figure.

Effective ways to increase sperm motility:

Proper nutrition. Few people pay attention to their diet, but your men’s health depends on the quality of products. Eliminate junk food and try to eat right, also take a vitamin complex.

Physical activity . Even if you don't like sports, now you will have to change your attitude towards it. Exercise at least 3 times a week for 30-40 minutes, do exercises every day and walk more often.

Quit alcohol and smoking - bad habits negatively affect sperm motility and sperm quality.

Omega acids - their deficiency also negatively affects male strength. Include fatty fish or fish oil, nuts and seeds (flaxseed, pumpkin), and vegetable oils in your diet.

Lose weight. If you are overweight and have too much subcutaneous fat, you will have to lose weight. A balanced diet speeds up sperm motility.

Boosting Vitamin D Levels - try to be in the sun more often and take sunbathing. As a last resort, buy vitamin D in tablet form at the pharmacy. It has been proven to increase testosterone levels.

Vitamin C - reduces sperm defects and has a positive effect on male strength. Eat more foods that are rich in ascorbic acid.

Forget about a hot bath. Take a shower, that's enough. Baths, saunas and baths impair sperm movement.

Stress - one of the main reasons for the deterioration of sperm motility. Try to be less nervous, change jobs if necessary, try to rest more often. Meditation can also help you cope with stress.

Drink more water. Studies have shown that those men who do not drink enough water throughout the day are much more likely to go to the doctor with problems with sperm motility. Drink 2-3 liters of water per day.

Drug treatment - prescribed in cases where sperm have minimal activity. The drug should be prescribed by a doctor based on the results of the spermogram.

In some cases, increasing low mobility is not possible; this occurs due to a genetic defect. This happens very rarely. Unfortunately, there is no way to help eliminate the problem of genetic disorders.

Sometimes low mobility is due to physical impairments such as varioceles. With successful treatment of the disease, the speed of sperm movement does not change.

Every man needs to know how to increase sperm motility. Male reproductive cells are the main factor in positive conception. When planning a pregnancy, men and women must undergo various tests and undergo a full examination. If conception does not occur for two years or more, the family should contact a planning center to identify the causes of infertility. It is important for women to find out if she is fertile, fertile, and ovulating. A man should take a spermogram and consult an andrologist. The specialist will carefully study the tests and identify the reasons.

Cause of infertility

Many young people are diagnosed with primary infertility. It is revealed by spermogram. This study helps to recognize the number of motile and abnormal sperm. The ability to move germ cells is influenced by various factors. Experts identify the following health problems:

  • Diabetes;
  • Hormonal changes;
  • Injuries;
  • Infectious pathologies;
  • Diseases of the genital organs;
  • Cardiovascular abnormalities.

Diabetics suffer from various complications. The disease has a detrimental effect on the vascular tissue of the peripheral parts of the body. The vessels of the genital organs fall under the harmful influence of diabetes. The walls of the inguinal vessels become thin, lose flexibility, and quickly collapse. This leads to malnutrition of the gonads. The male body has two sex glands: the prostate gland and paired testicles. If oxygen ceases to flow in sufficient quantities to the tissues of the glands, oxygen starvation occurs. Organs cease to perform their main function. Sperm become sluggish and a large number of dead cells appear.

Changes in hormonal levels occur for a variety of reasons. Hormones are important for the proper functioning of the human reproductive system. In men, the main focus is on the amount of the hormone testosterone. If its content in the body is reduced, then the functioning of the glands decreases. The prostate gland stops producing a sufficient amount of seminal secretion, the testicles reduce sperm synthesis. A long-term negative effect on germ cells significantly worsens their quality.

Injury to the external genitalia and lumbar region can lead to deterioration in the functioning of the prostate and testicles. It is impossible to identify such pathologies. The complication appears after a short period of time. If a man suffers one of these injuries, he should immediately consult a specialist. Timely medical intervention will help avoid complications.

Particular attention should be paid to various infections of the genitourinary system. Infectious diseases appear in the body through the colonization of pathogenic bacteria. Microorganisms have a detrimental effect on the condition of the tissues of the genitourinary organs. It is difficult to identify many pathologies that have a bacterial etiology in a chronic course. After a short time, the pathogenic microbe disappears, but the inflammatory process remains. If the doctor has identified the cause of poor sperm motility, but the microorganism has not been recognized, then the treatment will be lengthy.

Diseases of the genital organs affect the condition of the entire reproductive system. Both sexually transmitted and common colds pose a danger.

Many experts note that a decrease in sperm motility occurs against the background of gonorrhea, syphilis and latent chlamydia. The cause of this problem can only be found through laboratory testing.

Diseases of the heart muscle and vascular tissue have a detrimental effect on spermatogenesis. Poor trophism of the genital organs leads to a decrease in the production of male germ cells. Sperm change their structure and lose the ability to move.

What methods will help restore spermatogenesis?

Your doctor will tell you how to increase sperm motility. Experts recommend the following methods:

  1. Taking special medications;
  2. Get treatment if necessary;
  3. Vitamin and mineral therapy;
  4. Diet food.

An andrologist prescribes medications that improve spermatogenesis and normalize the motility of germ cells. Modern pharmacists have developed a variety of substances that have a positive effect on the male reproductive system. Andrologists recommend taking medications such as: “Speman”, “Spematon”, “Red Root”. Speman and spematon have similar effects. Speman is created on the basis of plant components. Its action is to activate the work of the prostate gland and testicles. The organs begin to actively produce seminal fluid. Long-term use of the drug normalizes the composition of sperm secretions, reduces the number of pathogenic and abnormal sperm, and increases their motility.

Spematon has a similar effect. It is based on preparations related to vitamins of plant origin. The substance normalizes the number of motile sperm, increases the volume of ejaculate, and has a positive effect on the condition of the whole organism. Speman is prescribed to increase the chances of conception. Treatment is carried out three months before the expected conception. Reception continues until pregnancy.

If a man has concomitant diseases, then he needs to undergo additional treatment. Pathologies of the prostate gland are of particular importance. Swelling of the tissues of this organ leads to a decrease in the quantity and quality of seminal fluid. Sperm formation deteriorates, sperm motility is lost. Prostatitis is a common cause of male infertility. Andrologists prescribe combination therapy. The drugs help reduce swelling of the prostate gland and normalize its functioning. Tamsulosin preparations can often be found in prescriptions.

Vitamins and microelements

You can normalize sperm motility yourself. If a man is not diagnosed with any diseases, then the reason lies in a lack of vitamins and various microelements. There are a large number of different vitamins that have an important effect on the condition of the reproductive system. For a man, it is necessary to carefully maintain the level of the following substances:

Zinc is responsible for the production of testosterone in the male body. The substance helps normalize the level of the hormone in the blood. It can and should be taken in its pure form. The most accessible are such dietary supplements as: “Zinc-active” and “Selenzinc”. The first drug can be taken independently without a doctor's prescription. Six Zinc-Active tablets contain the daily dose of the substance. Reception can be extended up to three months.

Vitamin E or tocopherol affects the ability to conceive and the condition of the walls of vascular tissue. Experts recommend starting treatment 3–6 months before expected conception. This will help normalize the composition of sperm, and will strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for good semen composition. The secretion is based on proteins and acids. To reduce the viscosity of the ejaculate and speed up the movement of sperm, you should drink medications such as Omegatrin, Oceanol, Doppel Hertz Omega-3. They belong to dietary supplements. Taking such drugs will help normalize the functioning of the muscular frame, the vascular system, and improve the quality of male semen.

Folic acid helps the male body maintain normal tissue nutrition. Acid enhances trophism of the walls of the genital organs and restores blood circulation. It is of particular importance for getting a healthy child. Taking folic acid reduces the risk of developing genetic diseases. The medication is taken under the supervision of a doctor and is recommended for both future parents.

Magnesium and potassium are responsible for reducing the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases. The drug can be taken independently. You can buy Panangin or Asparkam at the pharmacy. Medicines reduce the risk of ruptures in the walls of blood vessels, the development of strokes and heart attacks. Taking three tablets per day replenishes the required level in the blood.

Calcium is part of various vitamin and mineral complexes. When choosing a medication, you need to pay attention to the vitamin D content. This substance promotes the absorption of calcium into bone tissue. If the drug does not contain such a substance, then there is no point in taking it. Calcium helps maintain the health of a man's bone structure. If there is not enough substance in the body, then there is a risk of developing osteochondrosis and osteoporosis. These pathologies destroy the bones and joints of a man, which leads to pinched nerve endings. Disruption of the transmission of nerve impulses leads to a decrease in the hormone testosterone in the blood.

Diet food

Nutritionists recommend that patients suffering from poor seminal fluid cell motility follow special diets. Every man can adhere to such a diet on his own. The diet of patients is varied and is aimed at improving sperm analysis. Experts advise eating foods such as:

  • Greens, especially parsley and spinach;
  • Various sea shellfish;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Avocado and pears;
  • Fish having red meat;
  • Beans and lentils.

Parsley and spinach have a beneficial effect on increasing testosterone levels. Many nutritionists advise consuming these plants freshly harvested. Heat treatment destroys a large number of substances contained in greens. Petrushka is the leader among men in Russian regions. Buying or growing it will not be difficult. Parsley can be added to both soups and various salads.

Oysters are considered a natural aphrodisiac. Sea shellfish contain substances that affect the functioning of the gonads. Daily consumption of 100 g of shellfish will reduce the risk of impotence, normalize spermatogenesis, and increase libido.

Vegetables are important for maintaining a healthy diet, but tomatoes are especially important. Tomatoes contain an agent that affects sperm motility. Doctors recommend eating 2-3 tomatoes daily. This will help speed up the movement of germ cells and significantly speed up conception.

If a man has problems conceiving, he should seek help from a specialist. The doctor will tell you how to increase sperm motility.

The female egg is fertilized by a sperm (male reproductive cell), after which a fetus is formed. However, this process is not always easy. It depends on the condition of the female genital organs and sperm activity.

The distinctive features of sperm are not only the shape and the presence of a flagellum, but also the set of chromosomes. Having passed it, you can determine the viscosity, the number of cells in the ejaculate, the percentage of mobile, weakly mobile, immobile, living, dead cells. In addition, the content of leukocytes, erythrocytes, mucus, and Bechter crystals is taken into account.

Successful conception occurs when at least 30% of active sperm are present. Based on the degree of activity, they are divided:

  • young ones with linear movement, speed 0.02 mm/s;
  • rotating around its axis – no more than 15%;
  • morphologically changed (low quality, aging) at a speed of up to 0.02 mm/s - less than 10%;
  • dead, inactive cells.

Decreased sperm activity is a fairly common male problem. However, it can be easily solved by changing the rhythm of life, nutrition, and taking certain natural medications.

Factors that reduce the activity of germ cells include:

  • traumatic injury to the groin area;
  • chronic pathology of the genital organs;
  • diseases complicated by inhibition of sperm activity (infectious diseases);
  • bad habits, ecology, hard physical labor.

Nutritious diet for sperm activation

In some cases, it is enough for a man to adjust his nutritional diet, and the results improve significantly, and an increase in sperm activity is observed. For this It is recommended to enrich your food intake:

  • beans;
  • dairy products;
  • seafood;
  • beef, liver;
  • honey;
  • nuts;
  • ginger, poppy seeds;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • herbs (onion, parsley, dill);
  • vitamin C (black currant, rose hips, olive oil, red pepper).

You should avoid fatty foods, smoked meats, and sausages, and limit your coffee intake.

Normalization of the nervous system is an integral part of restoring the physiological mobility of male germ cells, since sperm activity can be increased by restoring balance in the psycho-emotional state.

Hardening the body, in particular, dousing it with water, has a good effect. The temperature should be reduced gradually, starting the procedure in the summer. Moderate physical activity (running, swimming) will help activate sperm.

In addition, you should avoid visiting the sauna, steam bath, or hot bath. Particular attention is paid to bad habits (smoking alcoholic beverages), which must be abandoned. The decrease in the activity of male cells directly depends on the volume of alcohol consumed.

“Daily intake of 100-150 ml of alcohol blocks spermatogenesis in 60-80% of men.”

You should also wear underwear made from natural fabrics. It should not put pressure on the genitals, limiting blood circulation in the pelvis. If a man spends most of his time in a sitting position, it is advisable not to cross his legs, which prevents the normal outflow of blood with the development of stagnation.

An increase in sperm activity is observed when abstaining from sexual activity for 3-4 days. The first sexual intercourse after a “break” is characterized by the greatest cell activity.

Medicinal, traditional methods of sperm activation

Previously, before conception, a man drank a decoction of elecampane for 10 days. Ginseng root, rose hips, and St. John's wort were also widely used. They strengthen overall health, positively affecting spermatogenesis, cell activity, thereby.

  • dry ginseng roots (50 g) are covered with a liter of vodka and infused. Drink 10 drops three times;
  • 15 g of crushed St. John's wort is covered with half a liter of boiling water and left for 3 hours. Drink 100 ml twice;
  • Rose hips are infused in boiling water overnight in a thermos. Drink all day.

To activate male cells, it is necessary to normalize metabolism. For this purpose, bee bread, consisting of 60 natural enzyme catalysts, is widely used. You need to take 10 g once daily. After 2 months, spermatogenesis increases, the cells become more mobile.

Low sperm activity is observed when the biochemical characteristics of the testes are disrupted. To normalize them, drone milk is used, which can increase the synthesis of androgens due to the content of enzymes of sulfide groups.

Royal jelly is used to increase overall tone and restore physiological metabolism. When fresh, it activates oxygen delivery and controls oxidative processes.

As for medicinal effects, it is necessary to highlight drugs based on beekeeping products, for example, Larinol, Apidron, Tentorium. They activate spermatogenesis and eliminate morphological changes.

Medicines containing the herb Tribulus terestis are also effective. Tribestan restores hormonal balance and increases testosterone levels. Verona is a non-steroidal drug that affects metabolism, improves spermatogenesis, activity of germ cells, and increases libido.

Insufficient sperm activity can be corrected quite well. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and have a desire to become a father.

The mobility of male germ cells is an important criterion that affects a man’s fertility. Inactive sperm can lead to infertility. To get rid of this problem, various methods are used to influence the increase in sperm motility.

Almost every second man suffering from infertility has this problem.

A decrease in the mobility of male germ cells is referred to as asthenozoospermia.

In the article you will learn about the causes of the pathological process and how to increase sperm motility after examining the spermogram.

An increase in the number of immobile sperm in a man’s ejaculate can occur for several reasons. What influences this factor:

  • adverse effects of environmental factors;
  • overheating, toxic effects;
  • bad habits;
  • occupational hazard.

Exogenous factors influencing the development of pathology were listed above. As for endogenous factors, they manifest themselves through anomalies in the structure and functioning of the flagellar apparatus of male germ cells. Chronic inflammation of the pelvic organs, as well as an autoimmune process, have a negative impact on mobility.

Carrying out diagnostic activities

To identify the pathological process, a spermogram is analyzed. It involves conducting laboratory tests on the ejaculate to monitor the motility of germ cells and possibly reduce this factor. After a spermogram, the analysis can only be deciphered by the attending physician. Based on the results of the spermogram, he determines the degree of the pathological process (asthenozoospermia) and prescribes various measures to improve the indicators.

A thorough examination will allow you to identify the cause of the disease and choose the most adequate course of therapy.

Low sperm motility can be detected by microscopy of a sperm preparation. To carry out a spermogram, a regular glass slide and a Goryaev chamber are taken. After applying the native drug to the glass, the doctor calculates the data in a counting chamber.

The motility of male germ cells is divided into four types:

  • a – sperm that move quickly, their movement is progressive;
  • b – sedentary male reproductive cells;
  • c – sperm that can move in a circle, the movement is non-forward;
  • d – immotile spermatozoa.

Firstly, a qualified specialist evaluates the spermogram of germ cells, the motility of which belongs to type a and type b. Next, he begins counting spermatozoa belonging to types c and d, after which he prescribes measures that can be used to increase sperm motility.

The norm for this criterion of male fertility is:

  • presence of type A spermatozoa – at least 25%.
  • presence of spermatozoa of type a+b – at least 50%.

Increased activity of germ cells

Treatment of the pathological process should first of all answer the question of how to increase sperm motility. To increase this criterion for male reproductive cells, doctors strongly recommend leading an active lifestyle, systematically playing sports and performing special physical exercises.

For successful therapy, it is imperative to give up bad habits and start leading a healthy lifestyle.

How to increase sperm motility using other means? Bee bread can have the most positive, and most importantly, effective effect on this sperm criterion. This beekeeping product contains a huge amount of enzymes that can have a very beneficial effect on the productivity of male seeds and the motility of germ cells.

There are many other medications that can improve sperm activity. In addition to bee bread, other products based on bee products, such as honey, drone and royal jelly, as well as medications Apidron, Tentorium, Larinol, are also very effective.

Eat more foods containing antioxidants and unsaturated fats.

You can improve the sperm count, which is responsible for their motility, by following a special diet. To rationalize your diet, you need to include in your menu foods with high levels of hormones, as well as enzymes that increase the mobility of male reproductive cells and improve the quality of the ejaculate itself. Vitamin C will help increase mobility. This vitamin is contained in large quantities in citrus fruits, berries (especially currants), rose hips (brew well), potatoes, ginger, and bell peppers.

When dieting, it is useful to consume the following foods:

  • eggs, fish, seafood, garlic, buckwheat, whole grains, pistachios, porcini mushrooms, olive oil, seaweed (rich in selenium);
  • meat (lean), liver, grains, bran, oysters, peanuts, pumpkin seeds (zinc);
  • dairy products, cheeses (L-carnitine).

Physical activity, regular exercise, and prostate massage, which affects microcirculation, will help improve sperm criteria such as motility. You need to eliminate stress from your life and not succumb to a depressed mood.

To improve sperm count, it is imperative to exclude alcoholic beverages, because the activity of male reproductive cells directly depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. Abstaining from sexual activity for several days will also help increase mobility.

Not only the reproductive function of a man, but also the general state of his sexual health depends on the activity of sperm.

Bad sperm can be a consequence and cause of the development of many diseases, leading to the development of infertility or significant violation of potency.

The reason for the development of this condition can be both existing inflammatory processes in the body and the impact of negative external factors.

    Sedentary sperm

    In the male body, sperm are stationary. Activity begins only after they enter the woman’s reproductive organs. The term “immobility” includes several concepts that relate not only to the ability of sperm to move, but also to fully carry out their functions. Bad sperm can be:

    • inactive;
    • motionless;
    • sluggish;
    • slow;
    • lazy;
    • dead.

    These types of sperm condition directly affect the likelihood of conception.

    Having studied the list of reasons why there may be low sperm motility, a man can independently identify the negative factors that affected his health and reproductive function, however self-medication is not recommended. Some concomitant diseases require complex and long-term treatment.

    The following factors can cause the development of bad sperm:

    • intoxication with substances contained in alcohol, nicotine or drugs;
    • decreased level of the immune system in the body;
    • development of varicose veins in the testicles;
    • poor nutrition;
    • negative impact of high temperatures;
    • development of endocrine diseases;
    • lack of folic acid in the body;
    • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
    • infectious diseases;
    • inflammation of the prostate gland;
    • genital injuries;
    • The patient's age is over 45 years.

    REFERENCE! The cause of low sperm motility may be the result of the negative effects of chemotherapy or radiation exposure. Some medications can also provoke this deviation (for example, long-term use of potent antibiotics).

    Diagnosis and possible diseases

    Based on the study, not only the quality of sperm and spermatozoa is revealed, but also the diagnoses of possible diseases. The doctor analyzes the general condition of the patient, the presence of negative external and internal factors. If necessary, additional examination by specialized specialists may be prescribed.

    Impaired sperm motility can lead to development of the following diseases:

    • teratospermia (a large number of sperm with a structural disorder);
    • necrospermia (“dead sperm”);
    • asthenozoospermia (inactive sperm).

    IMPORTANT! Some diseases accompanied by poor sperm motility can be inherited. When diagnosing, it is important to exclude or identify the risk of genetic predisposition. This type of deviation is the most difficult to correct.


    One of the main components of the course of treatment and increasing sperm activity is change in diet. A man needs to consume foods that increase sperm activity.

    Products that replenish not only the supply of vitamins in the body, but also increase the level of folic acid. The diet must include orange juice, legumes, peanuts, sunflower seeds, liver and beef.

    Restoration and increase in sperm motility occurs in several stages:

    • identifying and eliminating the cause of deviation;
    • spermogram(the procedure is repeated several times);
    • changing lifestyle and diet;
    • laboratory examination of ejaculates;
    • course of treatment with vitamin complexes;
    • drugs to increase sperm activity and improve sperm quality (Speman, SpermaPlant, Verona, Tribestan, etc.);
    • antibacterial drugs (in the presence of infections);
    • taking androgens;
    • compliance with a therapeutic diet.

    ON A NOTE! Treatment is aimed mainly at eliminating the cause of the deviation. Once the diagnosis is made, you should avoid wearing tight underwear or trousers, hot baths, and, if possible, reduce the abuse of bad habits.

    How to increase sperm motility on your own?

    If the diagnosis does not reveal significant deviations in the functioning of the genital organs, but is disrupted as a result of the negative impact of external factors, then it will be necessary to restore the condition on average three months. During this time, you will need to follow your doctor's recommendations and pay special attention to your lifestyle.

    Tips to help increase sperm motility:

    • eliminating excess weight if present;
    • introduction of healthy foods into the diet (vegetables, fruits, seafood, etc.);
    • reducing the consumption of baked goods, smoked foods, fatty foods and other unhealthy foods;
    • quitting smoking and drinking alcohol;
    • regular physical activity (excluding a sedentary lifestyle);
    • control of psychological state;
    • avoiding overheating of the genitals;
    • timely treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system;
    • regular sexual intercourse (once every three days).

    You can increase your activity using folk remedies. Traditional methods show good treatment results.

    For example, the use of decoctions from the root of kolgan, plantain, ginseng, the introduction of parsley and bee bread (a bee product) into the diet. You can improve sperm motility, production and quality by taking a bath with chamomile infusion.

    If it is not possible to normalize the condition and increase sperm activity using these methods, then a course of treatment with special drugs may be necessary, and the only way to conceive will be artificial insemination female egg.