A lump in the groin in men: what is it and why is it dangerous? Lump in the groin area: possible causes and prevention.

The presence of any type of compaction in the intimate area is a source of concern for many, including if a lump appears in the groin of men on the left.

The appearance of a tumor in the intimate part can be caused by various reasons, including harmless ones, which will require medical supervision or a conservative course of treatment.

If a lump appears under the skin in the groin of a male, an examination and consultation with a doctor is required.

Lump in the groin

The development of a tumor in the groin area is often a symptom of possible health problems.

Males are more susceptible to the appearance of an inguinal lump in the following cases:

  • In case of a reduced immune system;
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • In the absence of an active lifestyle;
  • With poor nutrition.

Reasons for appearance

The appearance of a lump in the groin area can occur for the following reasons:


Atheroma (or in other words, wen) is a cyst of the sebaceous gland, which is formed as a result of blockage of the excretory duct. A distinctive sign of formation is the release of a small amount of substance when pressure is applied to it, possibly with the presence of an unpleasant odor and a yellowish tint.

The factors that provoke the appearance of wen are the following:

  • Improper personal intimate hygiene;
  • overweight;
  • metabolic disease;
  • increased sweating;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • lack of necessary vitamins and microelements for the body.

As a rule, such formations do not pose a health hazard if they do not hurt, and also in case of a good location. Regular examination by a doctor and monitoring of tumor size are required.

If the lump hurts, is subject to constant friction, interferes with walking, or changes in size, surgical intervention will be required.


The cause of the manifestation of lymphadenitis is the presence of pathogenic structures (viruses, bacteria, allergens) in the body of a pronounced or latent nature, which penetrate the lymphoid tissues through the bloodstream. Such a tumor is very small in size, dense on palpation.

This disease is a common occurrence and can be primary or secondary. In addition, venereal diseases and urinary tract infections are considered factors that provoke the development of lymphadenitis.

In mild forms of the disease, there are no obvious symptoms, and the lump is determined only by palpation. A red bump indicates the development of a purulent infection.

Symptoms of the acute form of the disease are as follows:

  • Pain is felt at the site of the lesion;
  • Increased body temperature is observed;
  • There is redness of the affected area;
  • There is a feeling of aching in the muscles and joints.

It should be borne in mind that physical activity increases unpleasant symptoms.

Inguinal hernia

It is diagnosed when the lump is localized in the groin area. The occurrence of a tumor is the result of the prolapse of any part of an organ through. A characteristic feature is that when lying down, the seal easily returns to its place upon palpation.

The factors for the appearance of a hernia are the following:

  • Excessive exercise;
  • Excess weight;
  • Frequent constipation;
  • Weak abdominal muscles.
  • Stones in the ureter

The presence of a lump in a man’s groin on the left side may be a symptom of stone penetration into the ureter. This disease is accompanied by severe unbearable pain, which is caused by the passage of stones through the urethra.

The pain syndrome appears unexpectedly and may not go away for a long time, even during the day.

Other reasons

The appearance of a lump in the groin on the right or left side, as well as under the groin, can be caused by an injury or bruise, as well as a sprain during sports.

As a result, the blood flow from the injured vessels penetrates into the surrounding tissues, forming a hematoma.


If there is a lump in the groin area, you should immediately consult a specialist and undergo appropriate diagnostic testing to determine what it may be and determine the cause of the tumor. First of all, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of a malignant type of tumor.

Some are lost, not knowing which doctor to contact. An examination by a urologist, as well as other specialized specialists if necessary, is required.

If surgical intervention is necessary, a consultation with a surgeon will be required.

The doctor must examine the patient’s history and complaints, and then refer him for additional examination, which includes:

  • Submission of clinical blood and urine tests;
  • Taking a smear from the urethra;
  • Oncology analysis.


The occurrence of a lump in the groin area in men or a tumor of any size requires medical attention. Self-medication in such a case is not allowed, as is postponing a visit to the doctor.

The treatment method is determined after identifying the reasons that caused the formation of the compaction.

The following treatments may be applicable:

  • A course of drug therapy with the prescription of appropriate drugs. Includes drugs from several pharmaceutical groups: antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory. Painkillers may be prescribed if necessary.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures (in the absence of contraindications);
  • Surgical intervention. Surgical treatment is accepted in case of hernia, atheroma,... There are situations in which surgery cannot be avoided.

The course and method of treatment is determined by the attending physician. In many cases, the presence of a lump in the groin area requires immediate treatment.

Preventive measures

Following simple preventive measures will help reduce the likelihood of a tumor occurring:

  • Compliance with the rules of personal body hygiene;
  • Use protective equipment during sexual intercourse;
  • Hardening the body;
  • Comfortable underwear that does not put pressure on the genitals.

A prerequisite is maintaining a healthy immune system, good nutrition, and sufficient physical activity. In addition, it is important to promptly consult a doctor if any symptom of the disease develops. It is imperative to treat any diseases, avoiding the development of complications and chronic forms.


A lump in the groin in men does not appear without a reason. In most cases, treatment is favorable, the lump resolves without a trace or is removed surgically.

An important factor is timely consultation with a doctor and compliance with his recommendations.

When a lump appears in a man's groin, he should immediately consult a doctor. The appearance of such hard swellings may be a sign of a serious illness. Especially if it hurts. Even if it has disappeared or resolved, this does not mean that the danger has passed, although many people forget about the doctor after that - until its next appearance. But it is quite possible that the disease has already become chronic.

Why do lumps appear in the groin?

Various tumors, lumps and bumps in the groin are signs of some disease. But only a doctor can determine it. The lump may appear due to the cause often being atheroma or inguinal hernia. For diagnosis are of great importance:

  • existing diseases;
  • size, density and shape of the cone;
  • temperature;
  • the occurrence of pain;
  • location of the lump.


If a lump appears in the groin in men, then a possible cause is inflammation of the lymph nodes. This disease is called lymphadenitis. Most often, this disease begins after viral, fungal and infectious diseases. Inflamed lymph nodes are usually no larger than large beans. Previously, lymphadenitis was treated through surgery. Conservative methods are now used. But they can give a positive effect only in the early stages of the disease.

Main symptoms:

  • lymph nodes are enlarged;
  • temperature rises;
  • the appearance of pain;
  • inflammation in the area of ​​the lump.

The causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes can be:

  • disease of the genitourinary system;
  • venereal diseases;
  • oncology;
  • genital infections;
  • prostatitis;
  • testicular diseases;
  • helminthic infestations.

If you consult a doctor late and lymphadenitis is advanced, then purulent processes may begin. They spread deep into the body and cause phlegmon.

When does a lump appear in the groin in men?

With atheroma, a dense round lump appears in the upper part of the groin. Inside it there is a capsule with a thick mass, which is released through a duct. This lump is called a gland cyst, or atheroma. It can be the size of a walnut or develop into a huge tumor. Reasons for appearance:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • various injuries and bruises;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • fried and fatty foods;
  • toxic substances.

Inflammation begins when the ducts of the sebaceous glands become blocked. As a result, there is no way out for the accumulated fat. In case of progressive inflammation, a subcutaneous abscess may begin.

In boys, the lump also appears due to an undescended testicle. But due to injury or swelling of the scrotum, inguinal lumps appear less frequently than for the above reasons.

Inguinal hernia

Often, when a hernia occurs, a lump appears in the groin in men. It is formed due to weakening of the abdominal muscles. When stressed (coughing, physical activity, etc.), the intestinal loops begin to bulge, forming a pouch. A lump appears in the groin on the left or right. There is pain and a red tint of dense swelling, which only intensifies with tension. The only treatment is through surgery.

Diagnosis of lumps in the groin

If a lump appears in the groin in men, you need to contact a surgeon. The doctor palpates and determines the consistency and mobility of the formation. Be sure to take urine and blood tests. To determine oncology, a biopsy, ultrasound and MRI are performed. Treatment is prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis has been established.

Treatment and prevention of lumps in the groin

They do not treat the lump itself (this is a consequence, a kind of signal from the body), but the reason why it appeared. Urologists and surgeons do this. First, medicinal methods are used and only after that - surgical intervention, if there is no other method of treatment. Sometimes, as with an inguinal hernia, immediate surgery is the only option.

To prevent groin lumps, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Do exercises. Swimming and providing your body and muscles with physical activity (but in moderation, without overdoing it). Any restorative procedures can prevent diseases that can later cause groin bumps to form. Proper nutrition is also important for prevention. As well as timely rest and personal hygiene.

The appearance of any tumors on the body always leads to concern for one’s health. Representatives of the fair sex react especially violently to changes in any part of the body. This reaction is not always caused by fears for the health of their body; more often, girls are guided by aesthetic considerations and worry about their beautiful appearance. A lump in the groin in women is an alarming sign that should not be ignored. Such a formation cannot be perceived only as a cosmetic defect; the appearance of lumps in the groin area may indicate the presence of pathological processes in the body.

If a woman has a lump in her groin, first of all you need to consult a doctor; if the tumor appears as a result of a disease, then the sooner you start the course of treatment, the better the result will be.

Often the development of a neoplasm occurs unnoticed by a woman and is not accompanied by discomfort or pain. A woman may discover a lump by accident while taking a shower or changing her underwear. A subcutaneous lump in the groin of women is a very delicate topic, and many female representatives are embarrassed to consult a doctor with such a problem, as they believe that it is associated exclusively with a sexually transmitted infection. However, in fact, there are many reasons for the appearance of lumps in the groin area. The most common ones are:

  1. Infectious diseases: damage not only to the reproductive system, but also to any organs or tissues by bacterial or viral flora can be accompanied by an increase in various, including. Each disease caused by the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the body is characterized by enlargement of the lymph nodes to varying degrees and in different locations. In such cases, the lump under the skin in the groin in women is just a lymph node, which thus responded to the penetration of the pathogen into the lymphatic vessels. Often, infectious diseases are accompanied by vivid clinical symptoms, but there are also sluggish, latent infections. Remember that if you find one or more enlarged lymph nodes, you should consult a doctor;
  2. Inflammatory processes in the female genital organs: due to the anatomical features of the structure of the female genitourinary system, pathogenic flora can easily penetrate the vagina, urethra and bladder. Inflammation caused by various pathogens in these organs is often accompanied by regional lymphadenitis. The internal lump in the groin in women, which can be detected by palpation or visually in such cases, is an inflamed lymph node. Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin are also caused by sexually transmitted diseases and fungal infections, which are accompanied by a complex of unpleasant symptoms (burning and itching in the vagina or urethra, the presence of discharge of varying consistency with an unpleasant odor, pain, and others);
  3. Allergic manifestations: lymph nodes can increase in size not only in response to the occurrence of an infectious process, but also to the entry of certain allergens into the body. If you find a lump in a woman’s groin on the left or right, then you need to remember whether you took any medications or maybe the day before you tried a new exotic dish;
  4. Inguinal hernia: this pathological condition is much less common in women than in men. However, in some cases, the lump between the leg and the groin at the bend turns out to be an inguinal hernia. Inguinal hernias in women are formed due to weakness of the abdominal muscles. This is observed when performing significant physical activity, obesity, and various pathologies of muscle fibers. A hernia is characterized by a soft consistency, painlessness (if uncomplicated), and the possibility of manual reduction. Even if a lump between the groin and leg in women does not cause you discomfort, you should definitely be examined by a surgeon;
  5. Inflammation of the sebaceous gland: a purulent lump in the groin in women can occur as a result. Predisposing factors for this condition are increased sweating in the groin area, failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules, and trauma during shaving or waxing. A boil is a formation that rises above the surface of the skin. The maturation stage is characterized by local pain and discoloration of the skin over the affected area. As a rule, the boil matures and opens on its own within 7-10 days;
  6. Inflammation of the sweat gland: a painful lump in the groin in women can form due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the sweat glands. The epithelium of the skin of the groin area contains a large number of sweat and sebaceous glands. If hygiene standards are not observed, hidradenitis can be recurrent. The disease is usually caused by bacterial flora and can be successfully treated locally;
  7. Inflammation of the Bartholin glands: when the inflammatory process is localized in the Bartholin glands, the lump is located in the groin of women on the right or left in the area of ​​the vestibule of the vagina. Bartholinitis can occur due to the pathogen entering the gland during unprotected sexual intercourse or failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. The process is accompanied by pain, changes in the color of the skin around the affected gland and the development of swelling;
  8. Varicose veins: a woman’s hereditary predisposition and lifestyle play a significant role in the development of this pathology. With varicose veins of the superficial femoral veins, a lump between the leg and groin often appears after physical strain. Severe pain syndrome is not typical for this disease, but such a manifestation is very frightening for a woman and brings unpleasant sensations;
  9. Development of neoplasms: most often, benign neoplasms in the form of lipoma or atheroma are observed in the groin area. A tumor of the lymph node may also develop, which must be distinguished from the usual enlargement of the lymph node due to inflammation;

Diagnosis of lumps in the groin area in women

Even if you feel absolutely healthy and, apart from the appearance of a tumor in the groin, you have no other alarming symptoms, you still need to undergo a medical examination. If the lump in the groin area is painless and does not cause discomfort, then first of all you should consult a surgeon to rule out an inguinal hernia or benign neoplasms of adipose tissue or blood vessels. However, if you feel even minor signs of general malaise, it is best to consult an infectious disease specialist or dermatovenerologist.

A set of diagnostic measures is prescribed individually in each specific case. If you suspect an infectious process in the genitourinary system, in addition to standard clinical blood and urine tests, you will need to take a flora smear from the vagina or urethra. To establish the etiology of a latent infection, more complex research methods, such as PCR and ELISA, will be needed. When a tumor develops in the tissues of the groin area, a biopsy is required to exclude a malignant course of the process.

Treatment of lumps in the groin area in women

It is important to remember that self-medication of neoplasms is strictly contraindicated. Even a small bump in a woman’s groin can be a sign of serious pathology. Treatment should be prescribed exclusively by your attending physician after a thorough examination. Depending on the etiology of the appearance of the formation in the groin, one or another therapy tactic is selected. If the lump is an inflamed lymph node, then treatment will be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. As the infectious agent is neutralized, the lymph node will decrease in size.

Pathologies such as varicose veins, inguinal hernias and benign neoplasms may require the inclusion of various surgical procedures in the treatment complex. Pathologies such as varicose veins, inguinal hernias and benign neoplasms may require the inclusion of various surgical procedures in the treatment complex. For blockage and inflammation of the glands located in the groin area, local treatment with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointment or gel is most often used. In the prevention of hidradenitis, furunculosis and bartholinitis, careful adherence to the rules of intimate hygiene plays an important role.

Remember that it is most effective to treat the disease in the early stages. You should not ignore the appearance of lumps in the groin area; timely consultation with a doctor will help avoid many unpleasant complications.

The strong half of humanity does not like to discuss their problems, especially of an intimate nature. But it is still necessary to solve them, because health is a very limited resource. Why do lumps appear in the groin of men? How dangerous are they? What is their diagnosis and treatment?

Symptoms and causes of lumps in the groin in men

In the human body, everything is interconnected and nothing happens for no reason. The groin is the area where the lower part of the peritoneum articulates with the thighs. There are many circulatory and muscle attachments, the spermatic duct, the inguinal canal and intestinal loops located here. A lump in the groin certainly signals the progress of a pathological process, which is unsafe to ignore.

They can occur in the lower abdomen, perineum, inguinal folds, most often on the right or left side. In most cases, tumors in the groin are painless at the initial stage of their development. Many representatives of the stronger sex notice them when the seals clearly make themselves felt and are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Painful sensations that can radiate to the lower back, leg, genitals, etc.
  • Swelling of the scrotum.
  • General weakness, elevated body temperature.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Pain during physical activity, sexual intercourse, urination, etc.

Often, the skin in the area of ​​the neoplasm changes color (redness, darkening, etc. is observed), becomes hotter to the touch and is painful on palpation. Experts believe that the main reasons for the appearance of seals are:

  • Genetic diseases and hereditary predisposition.
  • Infections of the genital organs (including sexually transmitted diseases).
  • Inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system: prostatitis, orchitis, urethritis, etc.
  • Worm infestations and hormonal imbalances.
  • Injuries and wounds in the groin area.
  • and frostbite.

Particularly noteworthy are formations in the groin, accompanied by itching and burning in the genitals, rashes, erosions and ulcers in the intimate area. In this case, a visit to the doctor should take place urgently.

Sometimes lumps in the groin in men appear and disappear periodically. This phenomenon also cannot be ignored; it may indicate the presence of some chronic disease with regular exacerbations. One day the formation may become inflamed, then surgical intervention will be the only solution to the problem. Therefore, the cause of such pathologies must be identified and eliminated in time.

Types of neoplasms in this area

In most cases, lumps in the groin in men are benign. Such formations include:

Atheroma or inguinal wen that occurs when the sebaceous gland becomes clogged and its excretory duct is blocked. The seal will be quite hard to the touch and moveable. The main causes of the pathology are insufficient hygiene, excess weight and sweating, disruption of hormonal and metabolic processes in the body, vitamin deficiency and weak immunity.

Lipoma (another type of inguinal). Its main differences from atheroma are slower growth and the ability to grow in groups, while atheroma is always a single formation. Lipoma is not prone to inflammation, and if it does not cause much discomfort to its owner, it is not necessary to remove it. Atheroma is much more dangerous, it often becomes inflamed and requires mandatory surgical treatment.

An inguinal hernia, in which intestinal loops slip out through weakened local muscle tissue. In this case, the lump is clearly visible in a standing position, but is less painful and can be almost unnoticeable when the man is lying down. The greatest danger is strangulation of the hernial sac, which can occur at any time and can only be eliminated surgically.

Lymphadenitis or inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes. The main symptom of this disease is the formation of a small lump (the size of a bean), which over time becomes red, inflamed and painful, especially during physical activity. Like any other inflammation, lymphadenitis can be accompanied by hyperthermia, general weakness, swelling, etc. Infections of various locations and nature are considered common causes of pathology.

Hydrocele or hydrocele of the testicle, often resulting from trauma to the genital organs. Such a tumor is prone to constant growth, which causes pain, sexual dysfunction and difficulty urinating.

Only a doctor can accurately determine the type of lump, and you should contact him as soon as possible. Drug treatment leads to good results only in the initial stages of such pathologies. In advanced cases, surgical intervention is no longer possible. In this case, the situation can be aggravated by sexual dysfunctions, weak potency, infertility and the development of malignant processes in the affected tissues.

Development of malignant tumors in the groin

Often, cancer cells form in the lymphatic system, so enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes cannot be ignored. This system is designed to protect the body from viruses and various infections; with cancer, the immune system is suppressed and the entire protective barrier is destroyed as a whole.

Cancer of the inguinal lymph nodes is a fairly common disease among the stronger sex. It is more often diagnosed in older men; in young people it develops against the background of weakened immunity and genetic predisposition. Experts believe that factors contributing to the development of pathology are:

  • Infectious diseases (including HIV, AIDS, tuberculosis, etc.).
  • Untimely or poor-quality treatment of lymphadenitis, inguinal hernia, etc.
  • Severe and advanced forms of prostatitis, urethritis, etc.
  • Work in hazardous industries.

Some chemicals contained in low-quality food products also contribute to the malignancy of cells: pesticides, food dyes, palm oil, etc.

The following symptoms may indicate the development of malignant pathology in the inguinal lymph nodes:

  • Pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Swelling of the peri-inguinal space.
  • Enlarged glands and nodes in the groin.
  • Itching and burning in the genitals, the appearance of ulcers and erosions on them.
  • Urine or stool with .
  • Sudden changes in body weight for no apparent reason.
  • Increased sweating and general weakness.

Having discovered such manifestations in yourself, you should urgently contact a surgeon, who, if necessary, will redirect his patient to a more specialized specialist: andrologist, urologist, venereologist, etc.

Even the most experienced doctor will be able to confidently and accurately make a diagnosis after a full examination, which will also take some time.

However, it is possible to completely recover from cancer only in its initial stages. That is why postponing a visit to the doctor is dangerous not only for health, but also for life.

Diagnostics and prognosis

Considering the wide variety of pathologies that lead to compactions and swelling in the groin area in men, their diagnosis and treatment is the prerogative of an experienced doctor. First of all, you should contact a urologist or surgeon. When making a diagnosis, the doctor will rely on the results of:

  • Visual inspection and palpation. Each type of inguinal seal has its own characteristics (structure, consistency, mobility, clarity of contours, etc.)
  • Blood and urine tests to identify the enzymatic and molecular ratio of cells. For example, a high level of leukocytes indicates the presence of an inflammatory process, and lactate dehydrase indicates cancer.
  • X-ray and MRI scans, as well as ultrasound, which allow you to get an accurate picture of the course of the disease, the nature and condition of the formation.
  • A biopsy in which a small piece of tissue or fluid is removed for examination.
  • CT (computed tomography), which allows observation in a three-dimensional projection.

If there is an infection, the patient can be redirected to a dermatovenerologist or infectious disease specialist. In rare cases, if lymphoma (cancer of the inguinal lymph nodes) is suspected, a bone and spinal cord examination is performed.

If you consult a doctor in a timely manner and begin treatment, then the specialists’ prognosis is quite favorable. The problem can be solved with a simple operation, medication or laparoscopy. In severe cases, a lump in the groin in men can lead to infertility, sexual dysfunction, or develop into a malignant tumor. The consequences of advanced pathology can be unpredictable and very serious.

Sometimes the cause of tumor formation is much more dangerous than the lump itself (for example, immunodeficiency, tuberculosis, leukemia, etc.) Therefore, an accurate diagnosis is the first step towards recovery, and it is highly inadvisable to delay it.

Treatment methods for groin lumps in men

Treatment will depend on the cause of the tumor. Atheroma and lipoma are eliminated by surgical opening, cleansing of necrotic and purulent masses, and removing the capsule itself to avoid its subsequent filling. In such cases, laser removal is widely used.

Only surgical treatment is indicated. Such operations are not classified as complex; after them, men quickly return to their usual rhythm of life. The only mandatory condition will be a reduction and proper distribution of physical activity.

Lymphadenitis requires complex treatment, consisting of:

  • Physiotherapy (electrophoresis sessions, UHF, etc.)
  • Taking vitamins and antibiotics.
  • Local application of anti-inflammatory ointments.
  • With suppuration and acute inflammation, there is a need for surgical dissection and cleansing.
  • Lymphoma is an indication for surgical removal of the node, radiation and chemotherapy, immunomodulation and restorative procedures.

Unauthorized treatment and diagnosis are unacceptable and are fraught with the most negative and unpredictable consequences. If you find a lump in the groin, even a small and painless one, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is the only way to achieve a complete recovery in a short time and avoid dangerous complications.

While watching the video you will learn about a tumor in the groin.

However, you can prevent most lumps in the groin in men on your own. Truths that have long been known to everyone will help with this: a healthy lifestyle, proper alternation of physical activity and rest, good nutrition, hygiene and pickiness in sexual partners. These simple rules are the key to the strength, health and longevity of every man.

Are you worried that you have a swelling in your groin on one or both sides at the same time? You don't know what it is and why it happened. Most often, a lump in the groin means that you have an inflamed regional lymph node. But this does not mean that you can calm down and wait for everything to go away on its own; on the contrary, you need to take this alarming signal quite seriously. Let's figure out how and why lymph nodes can become inflamed.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph node in the groin

The lymphatic system in the body is represented by a network of lymphatic vessels, which through a certain segment pass through the lymph node and go to the next node. In the lymphatic vessels there are cells - lymphocytes, which destroy infectious agents that have entered the body in one way or another. Passing through the lymphatic vessel, more detailed cleaning of the lymph occurs, and decay products remain in the lymph node and are processed. From this we can conclude that the lymph nodes are a kind of border that provides protection for the body.

But if the contamination of the body with microbes is so strong that lymphocytes are not able to kill all microbes and viruses, then lymphadenitis begins, the replenishment of lymphatic vessels. The lymphatic system is divided into sections, for example, if you have a toothache, then the cervical or submandibular lymph nodes will become inflamed, respectively, if your inguinal lymph nodes are inflamed, then you have a problem either in the pelvic organs, genitals, or in the legs.

What diseases of these organs can lead to. Most often, these are sexually transmitted diseases, for example, at the beginning of the disease, small rashes and sores form on the genitals, the inflammatory process begins, lymphocytes are activated, but if the body is weakened, the complete destruction of Treponema pallidum, which causes syphilis, does not occur.

After this, the lymph nodes begin to react, from the increased production of lymphocytes, they increase in size. Most often, they are dense and painless to the touch, without redness or increased local temperature. If the disease progresses, there is a chance that lymphadenitis will turn into a purulent form. In this case, the lymph nodes will be painful, the skin over them will be hot and reddened.

In this case, you urgently need to consult a doctor, since the lymph node may rupture and the pus that has accumulated in it will go beyond its limits and infect the soft tissues, and from this it is very close to phlegmon, a much more serious disease. To exclude syphilis, you need to donate blood for analysis.

Replenishment of the lymph nodes can also lead to. It begins in the same way, with a rash on the external genitalia, and subsequently the inguinal lymph nodes begin to react. But with this disease, suppuration in the lymph nodes is quite rare.

Also, the inguinal lymph nodes can become inflamed due to leg injuries and foot fungus. These painful conditions also occur according to the principle of an infectious disease. All of the above types of lymphadenitis are benign enlargements of the lymph nodes and, with the treatment of the underlying disease that caused the enlargement, quickly return to their physiological norm.

Malignant lesions of the lymph nodes, or, as it is also called, also occur. This is a fairly serious disease that requires long-term treatment or surgery. The causes of Hodgkin's disease are not fully understood; a viral nature is assumed.

Clinical signs are not typical at the onset of the disease; lymph nodes may periodically enlarge and then return to normal on their own. Subsequently, some people experience a general reaction of the body, with the person feeling headaches, heaviness in the stomach, drowsiness, and often sweating, especially during sleep. Possible fluctuations in body temperature.

What you should pay attention to if you suspect you have lymphogranulomatosis is that often not only the inguinal lymph nodes react, but also the axillary, cervical and others. To confirm the diagnosis, you should consult a doctor, where you will have a tissue biopsy of the lymph node, followed by microscopy.

And if the diagnosis is confirmed, then at an early stage, this disease responds well to pharmacological treatment. If the moment is missed, X-ray irradiation of the affected area of ​​the body is carried out, while capturing some of the nearby lymph nodes in order to avoid the appearance of metastases.

A tumor in the groin area can also occur due to an inguinal hernia. In this case, through weak ligaments or muscles, intestinal loops or omentum emerge under the skin. Inguinal hernia is more common in men, due to the fact that their work more often involves lifting heavy objects.

This condition is very dangerous, since the anatomical location of such a hernia is more susceptible to strangulation. The signs by which you can make a preliminary diagnosis are: sudden pain and after that you find a swelling in the groin, when lying down it is practically not felt, when walking you feel a heaviness in your stomach and the swelling in the groin prevents you from walking. Do not try to treat yourself, but urgently go to the doctor, since infringement can occur at any moment.

A lump (tumor) in the groin area can be a symptom of the following diseases:

Questions and answers on the topic "Lump or swelling in the groin"

Question:Hello! I have several lumps in my left groin! The size of a pea, and one seal is about the size of a bean! They don’t hurt, they can just be felt very well! There are also ones on the right, but they are small there. And then they increase and then they decrease! What to do? Nothing seems to hurt! I got a tattoo on this place - so they became more noticeable.

Answer: Hello, peas are lymph nodes. Normally, they are always palpable, painless, and not fused with the surrounding tissue. Without an examination, I cannot say whether there is cause for concern. See a therapist. You can take a blood and urine test to see if there are signs of inflammation.

Question:Hello! About two months ago, a lump in the form of a nodule appeared in the groin; now it has increased in size, causing discomfort and pain when pressed. What could it be?

Answer: The picture you described does not allow us to assess the nature of this nodule. Your condition is unclear to us without an in-person examination.

Question:Hello, I recently discovered a lump in my groin, about a centimeter in diameter, raised slightly above the skin, and does not hurt. With force it moves about one and a half centimeters. Tell me, please, what can it be? This didn't happen before. I feel good and nothing else bothers me.

Answer: Good evening. Without inspection, to say that this will be very biased. You should consult a doctor in person. Lumpiness in the groin in women may be associated with an enlargement of the inguinal lymph node, which is observed in inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system in women. It could also be a tumor (for example, lymphoma).