The oldest pyramids in the world were found in Russia. Unknown civilizations of the Ural mountains

There are a lot of interesting things in the Urals: the Chelyabinsk “Tractor”, Chebarkul, a meteorite, and even Mount Kirel. Kirel is in Bashkiria, in the Beloretsky region.The mountain is located 5 km from the village of KUZGUN-AKHMEROVO. Height -1162m. above sea level. The nearest city is Beloretsk (68,000 inhabitants). The nearest large cities are Ufa and Magnitogorsk. Now attention: - How many times have Russian Presidents visited Magnitogorsk and the Yamantau ski resort? Why do senior officials have such love for this godforsaken bear corner? But even high-ranking foreign officials surrounded by the President ski in this area!

Mount Kirel is not the only interesting object in the region. The famous Mount Yamantau is very close - within sight of each other. There is quite a lot of information on the air that in this mountain there is an underground city, the reserve capital of Russia and the reserve command post of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. The frequent visits of the rulers there are direct confirmation that there is no smoke without fire.

And also, very close to Kirel there is Mount Raspberry (according to other sources - Malinovka). Together they form a kind of two-horned “hat” just like the Horned Rock on Altai .

On the left is Malinovka, on the right is Kirel.
But it turned out to be extremely difficult to find information about these mountains. It simply doesn’t exist, except for the memories of tourists who are not even familiar with the history of these places. And the course towards silence is clearly visible. It’s not surprising, the entire Urals is one big secret military unit.

Just admire it. As if by chance, all interesting objects were photographed with poor resolution, or unexpectedly during a moment of light cloudiness.

And the cities there are entirely “mailboxes”. Mezhgorye, for example, just recently received a name, and previously it consisted of two villages with letter names - Beloretsk 15 and Beloretsk 16. But we are not interested in cities and underground bases, but in what is in a prominent place, but still somehow apart !

Kirel from the neighboring peak.
The very fact of the existence of expeditions of the NKVD, Ahnenerbe, Mi-6 to Tibet, the Caucasus, the Kola Peninsula, and the Middle East is beyond doubt, and turns the attention of readers and television viewers to Kailash and Baalbek. In addition, the idea is persistently put forward that they were fools and were engaged in all sorts of nonsense, and now the search has been stopped due to its inexpediency. How, how... Let's not give in to manipulators and soberly assess the situation. Doesn’t the “fuss” around the Ural objects directly indicate a huge interest that the government clearly does not advertise? Or maybe something was actually discovered in the Yamantau area?

She's on the other side
A huge number of scattered facts indicate that a highly developed megalithic civilization once existed in the Urals. The gentlemen cannot help but know this, but they stubbornly pretend that everything worthy of scientific attention is located outside Russia. Please study Machu Picchu, Pisaka, Tiwanaku, etc. We didn’t have anything before and couldn’t have it, because it simply didn’t exist. These are all just piles of natural stones and nothing more. Anyone who tries to point out obvious traces of mechanical processing of stones throughout the Urals runs a very high risk of ending up in a mental hospital. I'm not scared. Our world is already one big psychiatric hospital, so it’s a waste of time... in general, I’ll risk voicing a seditious idea once again, and now in relation to the Malinovka and Kirel mountains.

Yamantau can be seen in the distance. Photo from the slope of Kireli.

Tourists strive to capture the grandeur of the beauty of the Ural Mountains, and I understand them.

But sometimes you come across pictures that speak volumes. I can’t help but rejoice at the painfully familiar “building materials dumps.” Kurumniki. Where would we be without them in the mountains!

Due to their “fluidity” they are not covered with a layer of turf, and often show perfectly preserved right angles, edges and edges - clear evidence of artificial processing.

Somewhere here the giant Svyatogor and his friend Zlatoglavka were on patrol.

Imagine in your mind what this slide could have been like before it was destroyed.

The same view from afar.

Well, did any associations appear?

Do you remember about the Bosnian pyramid in Visoko?

I understand that this is arrogance, and yet the word “pyramid” has already disappeared. If you're not a sparrow, you won't catch him!


What do you think of the remains of this “wall” on the crimson mountain?

But Kirel and Raspberry from a different angle. Seeing this, I scratched my head for a long time until it dawned on me that I had seen the same thing in the Primorsky Territory. Two pyramids Brother and Sister near Nakhodka. Destroyed, but they exist!

And now let's move on from the general to the specific.

Pay attention to the slab on which the right hand of the climber rests - a rock climber in an orange jumpsuit and a white jacket. A fragment of a slab, with a clearly defined chamfer, along the right edge.

Another phenomenal shot. The unnaturalness of the granite blocks immediately catches your eye. It is only necessary to take into account the level of destruction, comparable in power to explosions of nuclear charges, and correct what is visible now with the destructive impact of the passage of time. Water, wind, fires, geological processes, temperature changes, the influence of vegetation and an increase in soil layer very quickly change the area beyond recognition.

In this “dump” several objects can be identified as incompatible with natural origin.

No comments are needed here. Parts of the building structures are not even very damaged. They are simply dismantled and thrown into a pile.

And this is very similar to igneous rocks, or... like a stone exposed to colossal temperatures in the virtual absence of oxygen. This is a very typical trace of the epicenter of an atomic explosion. Are there any volcanoes in the area?

Here the stones are badly destroyed, but even here you can see one with a suspiciously smooth edge (top left).

And here small fragments are observed, very similar to artificial ones.

Again the same picture. I believe that such rubble did not arise over millions of years, but simultaneously, as a result of a one-time destruction and complete destruction, followed by centuries of erosion.

Well, where would we be without quartz? It is always present at the sites of supposed megalithic structures. Magic crystal?

I don’t know, I don’t know... I’m not saying anything, but who will forbid you to think?

Pyramids on Lake Baikal.

No matter how paradoxical it may seem, there is an analogue of the pyramids in Rostov. This is a Neolithic fortress known only to a narrow circle of scientists, sometimes called the Sanctuary of Arius, or the Aryan Temple. In terms of age, this structure is at least a thousand years older than the pyramids. However, the mathematical model of this unique architectural complex is not inferior in its harmony to the most important of the wonders of the world, which are the pyramids. Like the pyramids, the Aryan Temple was built according to the principle of the Golden Ratio. However, its design reflects the dependence of the “Phi” proportions on the “Pi” proportions, and not vice versa, as we see in the design of the pyramids. This circumstance forces us to take a fresh look at the purpose of the pyramids, which is the main guideline in the search for the keys to their secrets.
No matter how paradoxical it may seem, there is an analogue of the pyramids in Rostov. This is a Neolithic fortress known only to a narrow circle of scientists, sometimes called the Sanctuary of Arius, or the Aryan Temple.
In Rostov-on-Don, for several years now, by all available means, the destruction of the Aryan Temple, grandiose in size, age and significance, has been carried out, without which the history of human civilization will be immeasurably impoverished, and the Egyptian pyramids will lose their semantic content and turn into an ordinary heap of stones ...
In terms of age, this structure is at least a thousand years older than the pyramids. However, the mathematical model of this unique architectural complex is not inferior in its harmony to the most important of the wonders of the world, which are the pyramids.
Archaeological excavations of pyramids, which are at least 2 times older than the Egyptian ones, have been resumed on the Kola Peninsula; it is still not known who built them
The Kola Peninsula is a peninsula in the north-west of the European part of Russia, in the Murmansk region. It is washed by the Barents and White Seas. The area is about 100 thousand km.
In the north there is tundra vegetation, to the south there is forest-tundra and taiga. The climate of the peninsula is moderately cold. Frosts and snowfall are possible even in summer. Strong winds (up to 45-55 m/s) are frequent on the coast, and prolonged snowstorms occur in winter. The relief of the Kola Peninsula consists of depressions, terraces, mountains, and plateaus. The peninsula's mountain ranges rise more than 800 meters above sea level. The plains of the Kola Peninsula are occupied by swamps and numerous lakes.
Amazing pyramids and huge stone slabs, made artificially from 9,000 to 40,000 years ago, discovered on the Kola Peninsula, are a strong argument in favor of the existence of an ancient civilization in these places. The most ancient pyramids in the world, discovered on the Kola Peninsula, confirm the existence of the legendary Hyperborea. The Kola Peninsula has recently become a Mecca for researchers and hunters of scientific discoveries.
Several years ago, huge pyramids, very similar to Egyptian ones, were discovered in the Lugansk region, however, the right of these stone mounds to be called pyramids is still controversial among scientists. This is the so-called Marl ridge near the city of Perevalsk.
But one thing is certain: there are really only three such unique ancient monuments as tomb pyramids in all of Europe: one was built in Rome for Gaius Cestius, and the other two are actually located on Poltava soil. The first of them rises in the village of Komendantovka, Kobelyaksky district, and the second is the highlight of the palace and park complex of the national history museum of the ancient village of Berezovaya Rudka, in the Piryatinsky district.

Krasnoyarsk pyramid

Sopka Chernaya (Kara-Dag) is the highest “pyramid” in the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk. This is a long extinct volcano. In the early 90s, a group of archaeologists studied the sites of primitive man and came to the conclusion that the trihedron of the mountain with the destroyed western slope consists of stones folded artificially. An increase in background radiation was also discovered in the mountain area, but the reason for this phenomenon is still a mystery.
In the center of Krasnoyarsk there is Mount Kum-Tigei (Karaulnaya), on the top of which stands the Church of the Martyr Paraskovya, and at the foot there was once a fort of Krasny Yar.
The famous explorer of Siberia Semyon Remezov, who studied the surroundings of the fort in the 17th century, suggested that many of the hills and mountains surrounding the settlement could well be of man-made origin.

Crimean pyramids

Pyramids of Crimea.

In addition, in the spring of 2001, seven giant pyramids were found stretching along the southern coast of Crimea in a straight line from Sevastopol to Foros. Scientists believe that these mysterious structures are one and a half to two thousand years older than the Egyptian ones and are the same age as the Tibetan and Mexican pyramids. Based on these Crimean finds, many well-known scientists around the world are already inclined to believe that Ukrainian geophysicists and archaeologists have stumbled upon the remains of an ancient civilization, which in its development was significantly ahead of ours. Representative of the International Academy for the Safe Development of Humanity Berdyshev claims that there are only 200 pyramids in Ukraine, they will soon be discovered near Dnepropetrovsk and Chernivtsi, their age is 12-15 thousand years.

Nakhodka. Pyramids brother and sister.

In 2009, to the previously discovered northern “proto-Egyptian” pyramids of the Kola Peninsula, the pyramids of Lake Ladoga and the Great Pyramid of the Urals (as Hyperborea researchers call it, which remains so mysterious and mysterious due to its inaccessibility), the ancient pyramids of the White Sea region were added
In the summer of 2010, on the Kola Peninsula, researcher Igor Gusev identified an ancient step pyramid made of stones. Its approximate height is 80 meters.

Pyramid. Kola Peninsula



The largest megaliths in the world were found in Gornaya Shoria in Southern Siberia



Based on a lecture by ufologist Nikolai Subbotin (Perm branch of RUFORS) Traces of ancient civilizations in the Urals.

In 1994, Radik Garipov, a former ranger of the Krasnovishersky Nature Reserve (Perm Territory), with a group of rangers made a round of the cordons. A cube of regular shape with sides of 2 meters was discovered on the Tulymsky ridge.

In 2012, R. Garipov, as a guide with a group of scientists from Perm University, made an ethnographic expedition to the Krasnovishersky Nature Reserve. Scientists were simultaneously looking for traces of ancient civilizations, and Garipov spoke about that stone on the Tulym ridge.

On the slope of the ridge, several blocks were found with obvious traces of instrumental processing of sericite slate. The grinding of the edges was so high-tech that despite the enormous number of years, lichens could not penetrate into the cobblestones. At the same time, all the surrounding kurumniks are covered with greenish lichens. On the ridge itself they found a perfectly flat area, as if it had been specially cleared. From a distance it looks small, but its size is about four football fields (photo above).

The Ural mountains are low, as they are the oldest on the planet. They are covered everywhere on top with kurumniks - stone fragments left over from the glacier. This site has been completely cleared of large and small boulders. It's like it was cut off. Helicopter pilots say that there are several such sites (6) and are usually located at dominant heights. It’s as if they were cut perfectly straight with ledges on purpose.

On that ridge, of course, we found dolmens, of which there are quite a few in the Urals, and pyramidal structures made of stones about two meters high. By the way, there are such ones on Iremel.

After Perm residents disseminated this information in 2012, in particular, wrote an article in the Communist Party, many tourists began to send them many photographs from all over the Urals.

By the way, such boulders are a dime a dozen in Taganay.

Length about three meters, thickness 40 cm.

They cannot date this civilization yet. If you believe the Tibetan lamas that there were 22 civilizations on Earth before us, then whose traces are these? It's impossible to say.

There are other mysterious objects in the Urals, for example, relatively speaking, a corral like the one on the Konzhakovsky stone (Sverdlovsk region). This is a circle with a diameter of approximately 5 meters. All these artifacts are located in remote places. There are no roads nearby.

Very strange objects similar to ancient mine workings. Geologists suggested that these were the consequences of a glacier. That is, the glacier came 120-100 thousand years ago, then left 40 thousand years ago, dragging piles of stones behind it and piled up such piles. But if you look, you can see that this whole heap consists of small stones ground by some kind of tool. This is clearly not a glacier, but traces of some kind of mining activity. There are also similar embankment objects in Yakutia.

There is a remote region of the Northern Urals called Maly Chender. This is the very north of the Perm region. There is a mountain called the Black Pyramid. It can be seen that the neighboring mountains are irregular in shape. And here is an absolutely isosceles pyramid. The mountain consists entirely of quartzites. There used to be a mine at the base. By the way, in “the most anomalous zone of Russia” - Molebka (Perm region) there are a lot of quartzites. Under certain conditions, when rocks are compressed, static electricity accumulates in them, that is, they are such resonators and energy storage devices. And here the whole mountain consists of quartzites. There are often different visual effects: balls, glows. Plus, there is an impact on people. They experience fear and physical sensations.

Solo traveler Tom Zamorin visited this Black Pyramid. On the way I came across small pyramids made of stones. He says that he always felt someone’s presence, that someone was watching him. When I started to fall asleep, I heard footsteps. I understood well that this was not an animal, that it was a two-legged creature, but not a person. Tom heard him walk around the tent and stand at the entrance and seemed to be looking right through it. Most likely it was a Bigfoot, which is not uncommon in the Northern Urals (in the Southern Urals too). Well, I immediately remember the Dyatlov Pass, which is not far away (see map below).

It was also impossible to find out who developed this old mine at the foot of the Black Mountain. There is no data from the 18th century. Near the mine there is a valley with the funny name “Valley of Death”. No one can explain the name, but they say that tourists once died there due to a mudflow that came down from the mountain.

In the Sverdlovsk region there is a Devil's settlement. There are many objects with this name in the Urals and in Russia. As a rule, this is associated with some kind of temple. The place is strange. It's like an ancient city. The masonry is definitely man-made.

The base up to 3-4 crowns is laid out with regular blocks. The 30-meter-high wall consists of vertical pillars. Between the stones there is, as it were, some kind of fastening solution. How many thousands or millions of years is this fortification? But there are modern hammered hooks there. The place is popular with rock climbers. And this is what is scattered around the Devil's Settlement.

There are dozens of such regular slabs around.

Maybe it was an ancient defensive wall? It could have been destroyed as a result of some kind of explosion or earthquake. On one side the wall is flat, and on the other there are many platforms-steps along which you can climb up without any aids. At the top there is a flat platform with a side. Among the stones there are many clearly made, rather than natural, completely round holes through which you can spy or shoot. There are still many strange canals around that look like dolmens, perhaps these are drainage systems.

Another interesting place in the Sverdlovsk region is Popov Island.

There are many such man-made objects of regular shape. There are also various steps, chamfered holes as if drilled by a giant drill. There are many interesting completely round lakes in the Urals with a diameter of 100 to 500 meters and an island in the middle. Perhaps this is a trace of a nuclear explosion. In the legends of the Urals and Siberia there are some echoes of the ancient atomic war. Not to mention the Mahabharata, where everything is described in the best possible way. There are perfectly round craters of artificial origin in other regions of the Earth, for example in Yakutia, Africa, etc. It should be added that in the Southern Urals there are a great many similar stone objects (Iremel, Taganay, Arakul, Allaki...).

According to Ural legends, the Northern Urals were once inhabited by marvelous people, or white-eyed miracles. There is a cave 8 meters deep in the north of the Perm region near Nyrob Divya. There are often sounds, rustling sounds, singing, and in the grottoes people sometimes experience fear and horror (presumably due to infrasound). Sometimes in the forests they meet some little men 120 cm tall in strange clothes made of scraps. In the Perm region there are so-called “Chudsky wells” - vertical holes with a diameter of 50 cm in the ground, as if drilled by a laser of unknown depth, some are flooded. According to legend, the Chud went underground.

There are also legends about giants who once lived in the Urals (Svyatogor).

This is a map of artifacts along the border of the Perm region and the Sverdlovsk region. Somewhere a little to the south the famous Molebka is the most fun place in the Urals.

The famous Man-Pupu-Ner (Komi).

Stone outcrops on a flat plateau. Everyone is arguing about what this is? Different versions: weathering, release of magma from an ancient volcano. Or maybe these are the remains of some man-made object?

In the bottom photo is the Shikhan ridge (near Lake Arakul, Chelyabinsk region) by Vlad Kochurin

The world's oldest Ural Mountains keep many secrets of the ancient history of our Earth and the civilizations that preceded today's. And only quite recently the Urals began to reveal their secrets to us.

There are many well-known sayings and proverbs that indicate that often acquired knowledge simply makes a person stupid. Just remember “Through the Mouth of a Baby...” And why not? Why not assume that the first opinion, a feeling at the level of intuition, instantly forgotten because “They meet you by their clothes...”, is really always correct? Have you noticed that in fact all children speak correctly? I noticed that in Russian lessons children make the same grammatical mistakes. Accident? There are no mass accidents. This is already a pattern. I began to figure out why everyone, as if by agreement, writes words such as “Shameless”, “Disenfranchised”, etc., contrary to the rules. The simplest explanation I have is this: children initially KNOW how to write CORRECTLY. It is logical to write shameless and without rights. This is what common sense dictates, and children know this from birth. They simply use their minds, not knowledge hammered into their heads. You can be convinced of this by reading publications published before the reform of the Russian language in 1918, carried out by A.V. Lunacharsky - the “Great Enlightener”, who castrated the Russian letter and introduced the OPPOSITE, UNIMAGINED rules of writing. I started with these thoughts because I want to invite you on an exciting journey that is not intended for adults. I take with me kids who have not heard anything about geology, history and other “smart” sciences. From scratch. Follow me with your mouth open and try to find an explanation for what you see. You are five years old, don’t forget!

This is guys, it's called a mine. Dwarves live in it, who are called "Miners", sometimes: miners or miners. They are always there in fabulous places like this.

So what do you think? Great?

Oh how interesting! What a huge city! Did giants live here?

I don't know, kids! Adults call it “Stone City” and say that nature itself created it. Those. he appeared himself. From chaos. It took and formed into a city, which is far to the north in the Ural Mountains.

So they themselves see that these are not stones, but a destroyed city. Otherwise they would have called it differently...

All adults are fools, that’s why they are adults. They don’t believe their own eyes, because there are even older ones who are called “scientists,” and these scientists said that this is not a city, but just a pile of stones.

Who told them?

And other scientists told them, someone else told them, and everyone believes the scientists to whom someone themselves told something.

Your scientists are truly fools!

What does it look like?

It was as if the dough was dripping, dripping, and then fried and became hard. This city must have burned down.

And the legend says that the ruler of this city had a beautiful daughter, but she was blind from birth. Her father called the wizard and asked him to give his daughter sight so that she could see what a beautiful city she lived in. The wizard set his condition: - that the city would turn to stone after the beauty regained her sight. The beauty learned to see, but that flourishing city no longer existed. In its place is what you see now.

The Ruler turned to the wrong wizard. Very sorry. It looks like a city built on a bed of pillows and blankets. Someone pulled the edge of the sheet from below, all the houses collapsed, and even the stone melted and flowed like dough from a pan in mom’s kitchen when she’s baking pies. - May be. When earthquakes happen, this happens.

Why don’t adults and scientists believe legends? A legend isn't exactly a fairy tale, is it?

Scientists don't believe in legends.

Some strange things... they believe other scientists, but they don’t believe legends!

Look what huge walls! And at the top there are like turtles. Local residents call all these stones: - “Turtles”.

What a foundation! What a domino it was before its destruction!

And then there are these huge bricks in the wall on the left. And the passage was probably wider before.

Yes... here, too, the street has become quite narrow...

They had a whole square here.

Who said there was a turtle up there? Well, look! The eyes, the thick eyebrows above them, the forehead and everything below the bridge of the nose fell off, only the top from the thick beard to the very eyes remained!

May be! It also looks like the head of a falcon, or like God with a falcon's head - Thoth or Khors

Did nature really try that hard? Real streets, alleys, squares. We need to dig up the streets and find what is buried there. Maybe there are trams or cars left.

No guys! It is prohibited to dig in such places. Only tourists are allowed to go.

Who forbade digging?

But if they believe that nature did it, why can’t they dig?

So that future generations can also see this beauty.

Future generations will only see graffiti and rubbish. Are there devices that look underground?

And look here: - It’s as if a landslide covered everything from above, and trees grew on it, but on the lower right one block remained unfilled. Do you see what the correct shape is? Nature doesn't do that. These are traces of stone processing!

Wow! Under this “turtle” the slabs were badly damaged, but the large foundation blocks were well preserved!

So the adults... walk around and gasp: “Oh, what smooth walls! Oh, what right angles! Oh, how much it looks like the streets!”

Why don’t they see that these are streets? Ah...the scientists told them!))))

Well, what is this?

Don't you see? Oh adults! This column under the roof has fallen on its side!

The plaster has fallen off between my uncle and the tree!

What... weren't the giants sawing the stones?

They say no. Nobody sawed them.

Oh! The top of Chinganchgook's head fell off!

It was as if the corridor was tilting.

Why "as if"? You don’t believe in giant builders either?

Well, it’s not that I don’t believe it... but there’s not enough evidence, to be honest.

Don't listen to your brain, but to your heart and mind.

Are the brain and mind different things in your opinion?

Silly! Who doesn't know this! The brain is a jelly into which the tales of scientists are stuffed, otherwise - the MIND. AND ONCE - MIND is completely different! There is no need to teach him, he knows everything himself without any scientists! The mind is like the hard drive of a computer. What you write down is what will happen. The mind is like wireless Internet, where you can talk to the gods, with your grandmother, grandfather, and their grandmothers and grandfathers.

What about your great-great-great-grandchildren?

Yes, easily! They just weren’t born in your time. And in the time of THEIR “great-great” they have already died long ago, like my grandfather for me.

Look how smart you are! What do you see here?

You're the smart one. You graduated from college. And I am INTELLIGENT. I see a rectangular block below, which is clearly made. Rain, wind, sun and plants destroy stones rather than turning them into blocks.

Here too. It’s as if the wall was destroyed, and the foundation blocks were less damaged.

Again, “as if.” Uncle Andrey! You’re like that blind beauty, you’ve learned how to make computers, but you don’t know what’s going on under your feet!

You guys are probably right! Look what a smooth corridor was left under the molten block that collapsed from above.

Yeah! I know what it all looks like! It looks like a pyramid, inside of which there were tunnels, stairs, chambers, passages, and halls. But fire from the sky destroyed the pyramid and turned it into a pile of stones. These are all just leftovers. Or maybe the pyramids themselves can explode!

Yes! Is very similar! This is how debris scatters if there was an explosion from within! It looks like the Sayano-Shushi tragedy is just childish pampering compared to what happened here!

Uncle Andrey, look! The plaster has fallen off, see?

Yes guys! You notice everything! Just like on the ruins of the pyramids in Nakhodka and Krasnoyarsk!

ABOUT! We know this guy! It is in the wonderful magazine of Natasha from Barnaul klyaksina

And this, presumably, is Natasha herself! Isn't it scary in such ruins?

The territory of Russia keeps many secrets. But Siberia is especially rich in mysteries - a place where peoples mixed, where huge ancient civilizations arose and disappeared.

Where did the Sargat disappear?

Siberian archaeologists are looking for an answer to the question: where did the ancient Sargats, whose kingdom stretched from the Urals to the Barabinsk steppes and from Tyumen to the steppes of Kazakhstan, disappear?

There is an assumption that Sargatia was part of ancient Sarmatia and existed for more than 1000 years, and then disappeared, leaving behind only mounds.
Scientists believe that on the territory of the Omsk region there is a special region of Sargatia - “Graves of Ancestors”. At the beginning of the 20th century, a whole complex was opened, called Novoblonsky.

Sargat burial mounds were up to 100 meters in diameter and reached a height of 8 meters. Clothes made of Chinese silk with gold decorations were found in the graves of the nobility; the Sargat wore gold hryvnias around their necks. DNA studies have revealed their similarity with the Hungarians and Ugrians. Nobody knows where the Sargat disappeared.
Unfortunately, many graves were plundered by “miners” back in the 18th century. The famous Siberian collection of Peter I was composed of Sargat gold.

Is Denisovan man the ancestor of Australian Aborigines?

In 2010, during excavations in the Denisovskaya Cave in Altai, archaeologists found the phalanx of a finger of a seven-year-old girl who lived 40,000 years ago. Half of the bone was sent to the Institute of Anthropology in Leipzig. In addition to bones, tools and jewelry were found in the cave.
The results of the genome study shocked scientists. It turned out that the bone belonged to an unknown species of human, which was called Homo altaiensis - “Altai man”. DNA analyzes showed that the Altai genome deviates from the genome of modern humans by 11.7%, while for Neanderthals the deviation is 12.2%.
No Altai inclusions were found in the genomes of modern Eurasians, but “Altai” genes were found in the genomes of Melanesians living on the Pacific Islands; 4 to 6% of the genome is present in the Australian Aboriginal genome.

Salbyk pyramid

The Salbyk burial mound is located in the famous Valley of the Kings in Khakassia and dates back to the 14th century BC. The base of the mound is a square with a side of 70 meters. In the 1950s, an expedition of scientists found an entire complex inside the mound, reminiscent of Stonehenge. Huge megaliths weighing from 50 to 70 tons were brought to the valley from the banks of the Yenisei. Then the ancient people covered them with clay and built a pyramid, not inferior to the Egyptian ones.
The remains of three warriors were found inside. Archaeologists attribute the mound to the Tagar culture and still cannot answer how the stones were delivered to the valley.

Mammoth Kurya and Yanskaya site

The ancient human sites discovered in Arctic Russia raise many questions. This is the Mammoth Kurya site in Komi, which is 40,000 years old.
Here archaeologists found bones of animals killed by ancient hunters: deer, wolves and mammoths, scrapers and other tools. No human remains were found.
Sites 26,000-29,000 years old were found 300 kilometers from Kurya.
The northernmost site was the Yana site, found on the terraces of the Yana River. Dated to 32.5 thousand years old.
The most important question that arises after the discovery of sites is who could live here if there was an era of glaciation at that time? Previously it was believed that people reached these lands 13,000 - 14,000 years ago.

The mystery of the Omsk “aliens”

10 years ago, in the Omsk region, on the banks of the Tara River in the Murly tract, archaeologists found 8 graves of the Huns who lived 1.5 thousand years ago.
The skulls turned out to be elongated, reminiscent of humanoid aliens. It is known that ancient people wore bandages to give the skull a certain shape. Scientists are wondering what prompted the Huns to change the shape of the skull so much?
There is an assumption that the skulls belong to female shamans. Since the find raises many questions, the skulls are not displayed, but are stored in storage rooms. It remains to add that the same skulls were found in Peru and Mexico.

The mystery of Pyzyryk medicine

The burials of the Pyzyryk culture in the Altai Mountains were discovered in 1865 by archaeologist Vasily Radlov. The culture was named after the Pyzyryk tract in the Ulagan region, where the tombs of the nobility were found in 1929.
One of the representatives of the culture is considered to be the “Princess of Ukok” - a Caucasian woman whose mummy was found on the Ukok plateau.
It recently became clear that the Pyzyryk people already had the skills to perform craniotomy 2300-2500 years ago. Now neurosurgeons are studying the skulls with traces of operations. Trepanations were carried out in full accordance with the recommendations of the “Hippocratic Corpus” - a medical treatise that was written at the same time in Ancient Greece.
In one case, a young woman apparently died during the operation; in another, a man with a head injury after trephination lived for several more years. Scientists say that the ancients used the safest technique for scraping the bone and used bronze knives.

Arkaim - the heart of Sintashta?

The ancient city of Arkaim has long become a cult place for mystics and nationalists. It is located in the Urals, discovered in 1987 and dates back to the turn of the 3rd – 2nd millennium BC. Belongs to the Sintash culture. The city is distinguished by the preservation of buildings and burial grounds. It was named after the mountain, the name of which comes from the Turkic “arka”, which means “ridge”, “base”.

The Arkaim fortress was built according to a radial pattern of logs and bricks, people of the Caucasian type lived here, there were houses, workshops and even storm sewers. Also found here were items made of bone and stone, metal tools, and foundry molds. It is believed that up to 25,000 people could live in the city.

Settlements of a similar type were found in the Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions, in Bashkortostan, and therefore archaeologists called the area the “Country of Cities.” The Sintash culture lasted only 150 years. It is unknown where these people went afterwards.
Disputes about the origin of the city are still ongoing among scientists. Nationalists and mystics consider Arkaim a city of ancient Aryans and a “place of power.”