Var thunder all types of equipment. Ground equipment in airport service

German tank development tree(The German ground vehicle development branch includes lines of light, medium, heavy panzers, closed and open self-propelled guns and self-propelled guns). As an exception, there are two "paper" tanks that were never built in iron: Panther II and Tiger II (105 mm).
Playing on the Germans is very comfortable, there are a lot of great cars. The best BR for a tank arcade are 2.0, 3.7, 4.3 (grooves-4), 6.7, 8.0. The top-end Leopard 2A4 is also good.

German tanks
Flakpanzer I ausf. A
Sdkfz 6/2 Flak36
Aufklarungspanzer 38(t)
PzKpfw 35(t) , PzKpfw 38(t) Ausf.A , PzKpfw 38(t) Ausf.F
PzKpfw II Ausf.C, Ausf.F, Ausf.H
PzKpfw III Ausf.B , Ausf.E , Ausf.F , Ausf.J (L/60) , Ausf.L , Ausf.M , Ausf.N
PzKpfw IV Ausf.C, Ausf.F, IV Ausf.F2, Ausf.G, Ausf.H, IV Ausf.J
PzKpfw V Panther Ausf.D, Ausf.A, Ausf.G, Ausf.F
Panther II
PzKpfw VI Ausf.H Tiger
PzKpfw VI Ausf.B Tiger II (Porsche turm)
PzKpfw VI Ausf.B Tiger II (Henshel turm)
PzKpfw VI Ausf.B Tiger II mit KwK46
PzKpfw VI Ausf.B Tiger II Sla.16
Sturmgeschutz III Ausf. A
Sturmgeschutz III Ausf. F
Sturmgeschutz III Ausf. G
Sturmhaubitze 42 Ausf. G
Sturmpanzer IV Brummbar
Pz.Sfl.IVa Dicker Max
Sd.Kfz.164 Nashorn (Hornisse)
Selbstfahrlafette auf VK3001(H) Sturer Emil
Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer
Jagdpanzer IV L48
Panzer IV/70
Panzerbefelhswagen Jagdpanther, Panzerjager Panther
Panzerjager Tiger, Panzerjager Tiger (P) Ferdinand
PzKpfw 748/2(a) (captured М4А2 Sherman), Kpfpz Churchill (trophy)
Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind, Flakpanzer IV Ostwind
Flakpanzer IV Kugelblitz, Flakpanzer V Coelian
Marder III
KV-1 mit KwK-40 , KV-II 754(r) , T-34-747(r) (trophies)
Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus, E-100
Leopard 1, Leopard 2
Panzerwerfer 42
Raketenjagdpanzer RJpz-2
Begleitpanzer 57
Kampfpanzer KPz-70

US land development tree(the development branch of American tanks consists of the LT, ST, PT, TT, ZU lines).
Americans are not recommended for leveling. The armored vehicles are not bad, but the combat ratings are too high, which makes the game a misery. BR 4.7 (M6A1 + M18) and 6.7 (T29 + T34) are relatively good. Only Abrams in the top bends.

As expected, mainly Stuarts and Shermans, a branch of turret-mounted tanks: M8, M18 Black cat, M10 Wolverine, M36 Slugger, and tanks based on half-track armored personnel carriers, starting with the Diamond T (Autocar) M3 75 mm GMC. The top heavyweights will be the Super Heavy Tank T28 and Gun Motor Carriage T95.

It is interesting to trace the transformation of American STs from M2 through M3 to M4 Sherman. The only 37mm cannon turned out to be not even funny for the average peasant, so the redundant machine guns were replaced with a 75mm cannon in the sponson. This decision was also unsuccessful, and the 75mm gun was moved to a new turret, replacing the unnecessary 37mm. As a result, we got a decent middle peasant - Sherman. Then in the ST branch there are Pershings (including M26E1 and T26E4 Super Pershing), Pattons and M60.
Rank 6 - Main Battle Tank MBT-70 and Abrams.

At the same time, the LT design immediately turned out to be successful, and the Stuart M5 differs from the M3 and M2 mainly in the strengthening of its armor. The line is crowned with the LT M41 Walker Bulldog, T92 and Gun Launcher AR/AAV M551 Sheridan.

There are T34 Sherman Calliope and M26 T99 multiple launch rocket systems.
Anti-aircraft guns: M13, M16, M15, M19, M42 Duster, M163 Vulcan; amphibian LVT(A)-1.
M50 Ontos.

Great Britain land development branch
The British are not recommended for leveling up, since most tanks only have solid AP shells (with low armor protection). The only good arcade setup is on BR 3.0, but it is often balanced against 3.7, popular among the Soviets and Germans.

British tanks and armored cars
A1E1 Independent
A13 Mk.1, A13 Mk.2
A12 Matilda Mk.II
Valentine Mk.I, Mk.XI, Mk.IX
Tetrarch Mk.I
A34 Comet I
A30 Challenger
Crusader AA Mk I, AA Mk II
Crusader Mk.II, Mk.III
Churchill Mk.III, Mk.VII
Cromwell I, Mk.V RP3, Mk V
Centurion Mk.1, Mk.3, Mk.10
Conqueror Mk.2
AC IV Thunderbolt
3inch Gun Carrier
Avenger, Archer
A39 Tortoise
Charioteer Mk.VII
Armored Car Mk.II AA
Sherman VC Firefly
Falcon AAS
FV4004 Conway
Strv 81
FV102 Striker
Chieftain, Challenger

Japanese land development branch(Japanese ground tree)
The disadvantage of low-level Japanese is that the turret turns slowly, and top tanks do not have good armor. In addition, due to the small amount of equipment, it is difficult to assemble a full-fledged setup for an arcade game. So far there is a good set only for BR 2.0: Ho-I + Chi-Ha Kai + Ta-Se.

Japanese tanks and armored cars
Type 95 Ha-Go, Ha-Go commander (premium)
Type 98 Ke-Ni, Type 2 Ka-Mi
M24 Chafee, M4A3(76)W, M41 Walker Bulldog
Type 60 SPRG
Type 89 I-Go Ko
Type 97 Chi-Ha, Chi-Ha Naval Short Gun (prem), Type 1 Chi-He
Chi-Ha KAI
Type 2 Ho-I
Type 3 Chi-Nu, Type 4 Chi-To, Type 5 Chi Ri II
ST-A1, ST-A2, ST-B1
Type 61, Type 74, Type 90
Type 94 SPAA
Ta-Se, So-Ki
M42 Duster
Type 87
Type 4 Ho-Ro
Type 1 Ho-Ni I, Type 3 Ho-Ni III
Type 5 Na-To II
Heavy tank No. 6 (Tiger) (premium)

China's upgrade branches are mainly foreign models of armored vehicles (Soviet, British and American supplies, Japanese trophies, clones of USSR tanks). The Chinese land development tree is only available on Chinese servers that have no connection with the rest of the world. There is also an aviation tree there. Although you can register and play there, the high ping (long response time) and incomprehensible hieroglyphs interfere. Fights with players from the RU (Russia), EU (Europe), US (USA) clusters are impossible.

How many tanks are there in Warthunder? Development branches of WT armored vehicles 2018-2019 with BR (all ranks of all countries with indication of combat rating)
In the future, more new tanks, self-propelled guns and armored vehicles will be added to “Tundra”, including independent trees for exploring the ground of other nations. The best armored vehicles.

Correctly “Vor Thunder”, not “Var Thunder” (Vorthander and not Varthander varsander) ;-)

Aviation today is the fastest and in many ways the most convenient form of transport for traveling long distances. And it is no secret that a fairly large amount of effort and resources are used to ensure the flight of each aircraft. Airports are an important part of air transportation - from the smallest to the largest international hubs. And in each of them, life is like an anthill. It’s just that the anthills are also different in size and the number of worker ants in them.

Such working ants at each airport are a huge fleet of equipment - plane buses, tractors, ramps, deicers, snow blowers, fuel tankers, fire engines, etc. All of them scurry around the clock on the runways and in hangars to ensure the speed of aircraft service and ensure safe flight for passengers.
My story will be about some of the working ants that are on duty at the airport today.
Standing in the terminal of almost any airport waiting to board our flight, we often observe the work of certain machines on the runways or taxi pads. Most often this is the movement of various passenger vehicles of technical services, as well as clearing the strip from snow or ice. Any weather precipitation for an airport is a potentially dangerous factor that must be eliminated as quickly and effectively as possible. That is why during a snowfall, as well as after it, snow removal equipment on the runway works almost non-stop. Whatever the weather, the asphalt surface must be clean and provide sufficient traction during takeoff, landing and taxiing of the airliner.

To remove large amounts of snow during heavy snowfalls, an auger machine is used. Its device allows, without damaging the concrete surface, to quickly and effectively remove large masses of snow in a short period of time. Special support wheels and a lower ski position the auger rotor as close to the ground as possible.

Snow is ejected from the side snail at a distance of about 50 meters. In this way, the snow is quickly removed from the strip, and then graders (as in photo No. 2) sweep away the snow, and trucks take it out.

Another extremely important worker ant in winter is the deicer - an anti-icing machine that applies a special alcohol-based anti-icing liquid to the aircraft fuselage. Anti-icing treatment is needed to prevent the flaps and other moving elements of the fuselage from freezing during takeoff, landing and flight. The process is carried out in a semi-automatic mode - near the fire protection nozzles there are ultrasonic radars that control the distance to the fuselage and at a critical moment stop the rod with the nozzle. First, remove any remaining ice, and then apply anti-icing fluid.

The deicer, despite its outward “ordinariness,” is actually a computer monster - five different embedded computer systems are responsible for its operation. To treat one Boeing 737-500 type airliner, 400 to 700 liters of anti-icing fluid are typically required. The cost of one such machine, according to a representative of the technical service of the Surgut International Airport, is about 20 million rubles (approximately 650 thousand dollars).

The runway must be kept in perfect condition not only in winter, but also at any other time of the year. For these purposes, there is a machine that combines the functions of a washer, floor polisher and sweeper.

Today, not a single international airport can do without an airfield tractor. This short, but powerful and angry gnome is capable of towing aircraft weighing 60 tons or more.

The white plates on the stern of the tug are weights.

Firefighting equipment at the airport is always on alert, because in the event of a fire, seconds count.

Please note that in the cabin of the fire truck there are people ready for immediate response. All cars are necessarily equipped with powerful water cannons.

Fueling into the aircraft is carried out by special vehicles - fuel tankers. It is known that during flight the aircraft consumes a fairly large amount of fuel - from 700-800 liters per hour for small models to several thousand liters per hour for large airliners. In addition, there must be a sufficiently large supply of fuel on board the aircraft in case of various unforeseen situations - a flight to another airport in the event of the destination airport refusing to accept the board for various force majeure reasons (weather conditions, accidents, etc.), additional stay in the air awaiting a command to landing, etc. Modern tankers have a fuel tank capacity of 10 thousand liters or more and provide an accurate dosage of the fuel being poured.

Filling tanks of fuel tankers takes place at a special fuel warehouse, where the quality of the fuel is monitored, as well as the introduction of special additives into it, depending on various current needs.

To transport passengers from the terminal to the aircraft (if it is impossible to deliver the aircraft to the jet bridge), special buses called platform buses are used. As a rule, these are low-floor buses with high capacity - more than 100 people.

Various types of self-propelled ladders are used to deliver passengers directly to the aircraft cabin. One of the world's largest manufacturers of drains is the French company Sovam. Self-propelled ladders are equipped with Perkins, Deutz or VW engines. The minimum docking height is 2.2 m (Boeing 737), the maximum is 5.8 m (Airbus A340). The gangway can support up to 102 people.

Currently in the game there are two technological tank branches of two countries - the USSR and Germany. In the future it is planned to add the USA, Japan and the UK. Let's look at those already present in the game.

In total, the game provides five types of tank equipment:

  1. Lightweight - for reconnaissance and artillery support.
  2. Medium - for breaking through enemy flanks and destroying light ground vehicles.
  3. Heavy - used to protect the main forces.
  4. Anti-tank self-propelled artillery installations - for cover and protection from enemy attacks.
  5. Anti-aircraft installations - for countering aviation and destroying air targets.

Below are screenshots of the Soviet development branch. Click the mouse to enlarge the pictures.

The branches, in turn, are divided into ranks as they progress, of which there are only five. Let's look at the ground vehicles of the Soviets by rank in the game War Thunder:

  1. The entry level includes tanks BT-7, T-26, T-28, T-60, T-70 and ZIS-30. It is not necessary to open all the branches; first, you can upgrade the equipment that you think is more necessary at this stage of the game.
  2. The second rank already allows you to determine the further specifics of the equipment and your preferences for the type of game, and includes good intermediate samples, such as E-80, T-34 1941L11, T-34 1941, T-34 1942, KV-1, KV-1 ZIS-5 and SU-76M.
  3. The third rank can already be called “playable” for solid farming and further development of your tanks (one KV-2 is worth something). T-34-57, T-34-85, KV-2 1939, IS-1, SU-85, SU-85M.
  4. In the fourth, the specifics and the best representatives, in our opinion, of tank destroyers are already visible. SU-100, T-44, T-34-85, IS-2, ISU-122 and ISU-122S.
  5. Well, the top of the military technological branch of the USSR is the reward for passing the previous ranks, the best representatives of that time - IS-3, ISU-152, IS-4M and T-54-1951.

The German development branch in the game War Thunder is almost the same in complexity as the Soviet one for completing and discovering new equipment.

By rank, German ground vehicles in the Var Thunder game are distributed as follows:

  1. The first initial rank includes - PzKpfw 38(t) Ausf.A, PzKpfw II Ausf.C, PzKpfw II Ausf.F, PzKpfw III Ausf.E, PzKpfw III Ausf.F, PzKpfw IV Ausf.C, StuG III Ausf. A.
  2. At the second rank, you should already decide on the priority of the development of the branch and the type of equipment. PzKpfw III Ausf.L, PzKpfw III Ausf.M, PzKpfw IV Ausf.F, PzKpfw IV Ausf.F2 and StuG III Ausf.F.
  3. The third rank is intermediate and interesting in it are the tank destroyers. Jagdpanzer IV, PzKpfw V Ausf.D, PzKpfw IV Ausf.H, PzKpfw IV Ausf.G and PzKpfw VI Ausf.H1.
  4. Those who reach the fourth rank become owners of good cars with excellent “killer” and dynamic characteristics. Includes Ferdinand, Jagdpanther, PzKpfw V Ausf.G, PzKpfw V Ausf.A and PzKpfw VI Ausf.B.
  5. Well, the top of the German tank branch includes some of the best representatives - Panther II, PzKpfw V Ausf.F and PzKpfw VI Ausf.B mit KwK46. The Maus line is not yet considered in the game.

Which country should you start with the ground vehicles branch? The balance of the game does not allow us to give precise recommendations on choosing a nation, and each player probably has his own preferences in technology, but we still dare to recommend pumping both branches in parallel to at least the third rank; someone will probably like the clumsy power of the advice, or maybe vice versa - More tactically flexible, but weaker in terms of fire, German technology at the initial stage of development of the branch. But the Soviet branch is still considered the easiest at the beginning of the game.

Types of ground combat in the game War Thunder.

The game provides three types of battles for tanks in Var Thunder:

  1. Arcade.
  2. Realistic.
  3. Simulator.

To begin with, we advise you to choose the option of arcade battles, since in them you have the opportunity to see the impact location of a projectile fired by your tank, which in turn makes it possible to “get your teeth into” accurately hitting the weakest modules of enemy tanks. If your tank is hit at the beginning of the battle, then in the arcade version you have the opportunity to continue the battle for the selected country by transferring to another tank from the hangar. The mode is good for earning silver, although it gives less experience points than in other modes.

The more complex and “expensive” type of combat in War Thunder in terms of gaining combat experience is realistic. Here you need to use all your gaming skills and the skills of your crew. There is no possibility of changing the vehicle selected before the battle and restarting after the destruction of your tank. The controls are complicated - without markers or distance indicators to the target. Increased experience is given for destroying enemy equipment, but a lot of money is taken to repair your own. As a rule, they participate in Battles at more “mature” ranks and top tanks. The battles have a historical basis and involve the battle of one nation against another.

Tank crew in War Thunder. Upgrading combat skills.

The crew of ground vehicles in the game always consists of five people: a tank commander, a gunner, a driver, a gunner-radio operator and a loader. Each one here has its own combat characteristics that increase the overall combat damage from your vehicle. Let's take a closer look at the specialties of each.

Tank commander. There are five skills to learn - survivability, leadership, machine gun shooting, vigilance and field repair. You can choose leadership as a priority to study, which improves the characteristics of the crew as a whole.

Gunner. The five combat characteristics for the gunner are survivability, vigilance, field repair, ranging and guidance. Here the recommendations depend on your preferences for the battle mode in the game - if you mainly play or plan to participate in arcade battles on this machine, then you should improve the range detection, since it is most important in this mode. And if you are a supporter of realistic or simulator battles, then you should pay attention to guidance.

Driver mechanic. There are four combat skills: driving, vitality, vigilance and field repair. The absolute first characteristic here is to improve driving, which increases the combat vehicle’s maneuverability and braking speed.

Charging. There are also four combat characteristics: vigilance, survivability, field repair and gun loading. Here, of course, we first pump up the loading of the gun, which will increase the rate of fire of our gun.

Gunner-radio operator. It is possible to upgrade as many as six perks: survivability, vigilance, field repair, radio communications, shooting from a course machine gun and reloading a course machine gun. First of all, we download the specialized skill - radio communications.

It is noticeable that in addition to the basic characteristics of the military specialty, there are also general ones that increase the skills of the crew - survivability and field repair.

In addition to pumping up the crew's combat skills, the Var Thunder game has an additional feature for a general increase in performance - this is qualification.

It should be remembered that in order to gain qualification, the crew must be pumped up to one hundred percent level.

Modules and improvements for tanks in War Thunder.

Modules and additional equipment of tanks in the game are divided into three types:

  1. Mobility.
  2. Firepower.
  3. Security and camouflage.

The mobility section includes all maneuverability and speed of movement of the vehicle. Includes the ability to pump up the tracks to improve traction and ability to overcome various obstacles on the maps. The suspension and braking system improve the handling and overall dynamics of the tank in the game War Thunder. The transmission is responsible for the gearbox and control rods, which has a positive effect on control.

Firepower modules are responsible for tank improvements related to weapons; the turret drive adjusts and lubricates the vehicle's turret rotation mechanism itself and slightly increases the speed and smoothness of rotation. Artillery support allows you to call in artillery fire at a specified point, but it should be remembered that only light and medium tanks have this ability.

Security and camouflage allows you to install modules that improve additional protection for the vehicle using padded armor and reduce visibility for enemy tanks and aircraft. We hope our guide to tanks and crew skills in the game Var Thunder will help you quickly upgrade your combat vehicles and defeat more opponents in the vastness of the game.

The “Foliage” remote demining vehicle is a unique development of Russian military equipment designers, an indispensable assistant to units performing special-purpose missions, primarily strategic missilemen. The main purpose of this vehicle is to protect mobile ground-based missile systems on the march - the shield and sword of our security. In the new release of the program "Military acceptance", broadcast on the Zvezda TV channel, journalist Alexey Egorov will talk about this machine, the functionality of which has not yet been replicated in any country in the world. As always, the most intimate secrets related to the deployment of the next new Russian weapon in combat formation will be revealed to the program’s crew. Guardian angels for "Topols" and "Yars" Searching for and neutralizing explosive devices planted along the route of the Topol, Topol-M and Yars missile systems is the “role” of this machine. The fact is that these self-propelled launchers, as well as their communications and support vehicles, while moving through patrol areas run the risk of being attacked by saboteurs, including with the use of various types of mines. To avoid such incidents, missile units include special equipment capable of inspecting the path of advance in real time, finding and neutralizing planted explosive devices. A significant part of the information about the Foliage MDR still remains in the public domain - as, in fact, information about the combat the purpose and functionality of the Strategic Missile Forces themselves. From open data it is known that the basis for the vehicle was a Kamaz-made wheelbase, and the complex of special radio-electronic equipment included devices that make it possible not only to find mines, but also to literally burn their electronic components, rendering the ammunition itself unusable. Deputy General Director of JSC Krasnodar Instrument Plant Cascade, where these machines are produced, Anatoly Maslov emphasizes: there are no analogues to such equipment anywhere in the West. The Americans used something similar in Iraq, but there the machine, at best, found land mines, but did not destroy them. By the way, the lack of not only a prototype, but also the model of such equipment itself caused certain difficulties in the development of “Foliage”. But our engineers coped with it and managed to implement their plans into a full-fledged mobile remote mine clearance complex. For its tasks, the vehicle is “packed” to the maximum. It has an autonomous power supply system, a universal wide-area multi-zone search module, an electromagnetic complex of pulsed-action equipment (microwave installation), and equipment for monitoring the electromagnetic environment and radio interference. The task of neutralizing dangerous traps can be carried out independently, by our own crew, or by an assigned engineering support unit. For effective combat work, "Foliage" is also equipped with standard means of reconnaissance of minefields, both in portable and stationary versions, and has radio communications equipment, including internal communication devices.
Perhaps the most noticeable element of the vehicle's appearance is a parabolic antenna, similar to those used by radar stations. An electromagnetic complex with radiating systems makes it possible to detect mines at a distance of at least 100 meters and examine a sector with an angle of up to 45 degrees. The operation of the complex is based on the key principles of neutralizing modern explosive objects - detonation, disabling their electronic filling, blocking control signals. Moreover, what is important, all these manipulations can be performed in motion, at a speed of at least 15 kilometers per hour. Microwave on wheels One of the formations of the Strategic Missile Forces, where the “Foliage” complex is in service, is the famous Novosibirsk Glukhovskaya division. The scheme for using the equipment is simple: the antenna installed on the body of the vehicle operates in the microwave range and, with its microwave radiation, strikes the electronic filling of mines installed along the path of advancement. The crew, in addition to the commander, driver and two sappers, includes an electronic equipment operator. The special protective suit in which he performs tasks (it is called “Ekran-2B”) allows him to protect a person from harmful radiation when the antenna device is turned on. The impact of the impulse is also reduced by the design of the machine, which also uses protective elements, including, for example, copper plates. As the military says, microwave tightness is achieved, and if it is violated, a special system gives an alarm signal.
It is known that mobile ground-based missile systems are based on the principle of constant mobility. The mobile version is also provided as the main method of using the remote mine clearance machine. In the front part of the “Foliage” there is a movable frame mounted on telescopic rods, which are shortened in the stowed position. It is this frame that carries equipment designed to clear mines. The generator of ultra-wideband electromagnetic pulses destroys explosive objects in a radio-controlled way - it sends a certain signal, with the help of which the planted landmine is initiated. In the combat position, the frame moves forward, and its instrumentation is lowered to the ground (the instrument unit is located next to the front of the armored car’s hood). Interestingly, the “Foliage” also has a regular mine detector. It is needed if the planted explosive object operates according to the “standard” principle, that is, it is triggered by pressure. As soon as a dangerous find is discovered, sappers begin to neutralize it. There are two of them in the “Foliage” crew, both have compact mine detectors, as well as portable electronic jamming devices. A “noise” curtain is placed to prevent the charge from being activated. Communication between the sappers and the vehicle commander is ensured through standard headphones mounted on the helmet of each serviceman.
Security Priorities In general, many protection technologies have been introduced into the security system for mobile missile systems. For example, the paint that covers the rocket body is fireproof and prevents the spread of fire in the event of a fire in the storage area. The ARS-14KM station is generally a whole supporting complex. With its help, you can carry out special processing, fight dust, and extinguish fires. This unit is also used to set up smoke screens, with the help of which temporary positioning areas of missile systems can be hidden from prying eyes. The area that can be “hidden” in this way can be up to several square kilometers, while the smoke produced by the installation is harmless to both humans and the environment.
“Air defenders” of missile strategists are unmanned aircraft. The UAV systems equipped with the Strategic Missile Forces units reconnoiter the approaches to combat patrol routes, uncover saboteur ambushes, and make it possible to remotely monitor the area in real time. If terrorists manage to bypass these methods of defense, another element comes into play - anti-sabotage units that accompany columns of missile systems on the march. These groups, whose personnel undergo constant training, are capable of repelling an enemy attack and protecting a convoy with “particularly dangerous cargo.” True, the Strategic Missile Forces officers are convinced that things won’t come to this: any saboteurs will be destroyed at distant approaches. The “Foliage” vehicle itself is also adequately protected. The complex armor used here allows the crew not to be afraid of bullets and shrapnel, including those from detonated explosive objects. According to Anatoly Maslov, a representative of the Cascade plant, foreign customers are already showing interest in this Russian development. But for now the equipment is intended only for our troops, and this, we must agree, is completely justified. The opinion expressed in this material is the author's and may not coincide with the opinion of the editors.

The creators of the multiplayer simulator of historical military equipment War Thunder constantly delight fans of the game with various additions.

Tanks are a relatively new type of vehicle in War Thunder. The ability to play with ground combat vehicles appeared in the game in 2014. Currently there are about 200 models of tanks and other armored vehicles in the game.

Which countries' tanks are represented in War Thunder?

At first, armored vehicle branches of only two countries were available: the USSR and Germany. Later they were joined by US and British tanks. The main emphasis when creating all types of equipment in War Thunder is on historical accuracy.

Let's take a quick look at all four countries:

Tank classes inWar Thunder

In addition to being divided by country, armored vehicles in War Thunder are divided into 5 ranks, or 5 “eras of development”. They reflect the real process of development of ground combat equipment in the 40s - 50s, when vehicles created with an interval of several years could seriously differ in combat characteristics.

According to their purpose, equipment in War Thunder is divided into:

  • Self-propelled guns (self-propelled guns).
  • Medium tanks.
  • Light tanks.
  • Heavy and assault tanks.
  • Self-propelled anti-aircraft guns (ZSU).

There is another type of armored vehicle, “young”, but already considered by some to be a separate class. We are talking about vehicles with missile weapons.

Rocket tanks in War Thunder

So far there are only eight cars of this class in the game.

These are 4 tanks with MLRS, equipped with unguided rockets:

BM-8-24- Soviet light tank of the first rank, equipped with a Katyusha rocket launcher. The missiles have a deadly range and high destructive power, but other than them the tank has no weapons. So in close combat and on reload he is very vulnerable.

"Panzerwerfer-42"- a German half-track vehicle, almost unarmored, but with twelve 158 mm rockets. A hit from such ammunition can send even the heaviest tank into the hangar.

T34 "Calliope"- American Sherman tank with an additionally installed MLRS for 60 missiles.

Pershing M26 T99- a British tank with two additional missile launchers on the sides of the turret. The tank is equipped with a powerful weapon, so missiles are just an addition to its firepower.

And after the release of the recent addition "Fire Arrows" 4 tanks with ATGMs appeared in the game:

  • "Raketenyagdpanzer-22"- a German self-propelled gun armed with the same ATGMs as the previous tank.
  • IT-1- Soviet tank destroyer based on the T-54, the world's first and only purely missile tank with ATGM.
  • STRV-81- British Centurion-3, additionally equipped with SS-11 missiles.
  • "Sheridan"- a light and very mobile American tank from the Vietnam War. It is equipped with a 152 mm cannon that fires both conventional shells and guided missiles.

ComparisonWar Thunder andWorld of Tanks

Massive multiplayer tank battles are present in both games, but this does not mean that they repeat each other.

World of Tanks is primarily an arcade shooter with historical elements, and War Thunder is a military simulator. When creating technology in the latter, the main attention is paid to historical accuracy. Therefore, while WoT developers can often afford to change the actual characteristics of tanks in favor of balance, this is not welcome in War Thunder. Even the models for dealing damage in the games are very different: if in “Tanks” health is simply taken away when armor is penetrated, then in War Thunder everything is much more complicated - when calculating the consequences of a hit, the speed of the projectile, the affected area and other parameters are taken into account.

And finally, the WoT engine is somewhat older than the War Thunder engine - therefore both the physics and graphics in Tanks are less realistic.

However, it is impossible to say for sure whose model of tank battles is better. It all depends on the player's goals. If you want realistic control of steel monsters, then War Thunder is better. If you consider multiplayer tank battles as an eSport, choose World of Tanks.

One thing is clear - with the advent armored vehicles in War Thunder The “tank monopoly” of WoT has come to an end. Now there are two serious online games on the market dedicated to multiplayer tank battles.