Vasya name meaning. Mystery and interesting facts about the name Vasily

Like many other popular names, the name Vasily is of Greek origin and came into Russian culture along with the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. Translated from Greek the name Vasily means "royal". This epithet is one of the epithets of Zeus, later applied to kings and emperors. This epithet was applied only to representatives of the highest authorities and did not apply, for example, to the kings of Western Europe, who were crowned by the Pope. The name comes from ancient Greek. words βασίλειος (basileios) and originally sounded like Basileus.

The name is widespread in countries with Christian culture. However, it is worth noting that its sound in each language can be very different from the original one. Well, the female name Vasilisa also comes from the same root. You can find out its meaning for girls and women by clicking on the link.

The meaning of the name Vasily for a child

Little Vasya is distinguished by great mobility and kindness. His mobility is pleasantly combined with a stable nervous system, which is quite rare for children with increased activity. But the boy’s kindness is especially noticeable in his love for animals. He will be very happy if he has a pet, although he will not immediately understand the responsibility for it. Unfortunately, his kindness is often taken advantage of by more cunning children, but over time, Vasily will learn to distinguish between who really needs help and who is trying to “sit on his neck.”

Vasily studies quite successfully, but with some coolness. This is due to the fact that Vasily has excellent training abilities and he gets used to getting results without making any effort. He has an excellent memory, and his ability to understand the essence of a question often helps him out in adult life. Vasily rarely becomes an excellent student, but if he gets a good grade, it means he knows the subject for sure.

About Vasily’s health we can say that it is strong and this allows him to look good for many years. The boy is growing quite athletic and enjoys playing sports. The slender figure acquired in adolescence will be characteristic of him throughout his life, and this despite a slight tendency to be overweight.

Short name Vasily

Vasya, Vaska, Vasyok, Vasyochek, Vasyanya, Vasyuta, Vasyata, Syuta, Vasilek.

Diminutive pet names

Vasenka, Vasyushka, Vasechka, Vasyasha, Vasyunya.

Children's middle names

Vasilievich and Vasilievna. There are also folk forms of abbreviation, such as Vasilich and Vasilichna.

Name Vasily in English

In English, the name Vasily is written as Basil, but read as Basil.

Name Vasily for international passport- VASILII, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Vasily into other languages

in Armenian - Վասիլ
in Belarusian - Vasil
in Bulgarian - Vasil
in Hungarian - Bazil
in Greek - Βασίλης
in Georgian - ვასილ
in Spanish - Basilio
in Italian - Basilio
in Chinese - 瓦西里
in Latin - Basilius
in German - Basil
in Polish - Bazyli
in Romanian - Vasile
in Serbian - Vasilije
in Ukrainian - Vasil
in French - Basile
in Finnish - Pasi
in Czech - Basil

Church name Vasily(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Vasily.

Characteristics of the name Vasily

The adult Vasily is distinguished by calmness and even some phlegmatism. He does not like to rush things and at the same time has persistence and the ability to get his way. Vasily is characterized by the ability to wait for the right moment and dislike hasty decision-making. Vasily is usually the unspoken leader of the company, since he still has the most important word. By the way, he is calm about his own success if he achieves it. In principle, it is not typical for Vasily to display any ambitions in public, even if he has them.

Calmness and hard work are the main things that characterize Vasily at work. To this should be added his excellent ingenuity. The originality of his decisions often baffles everyone, but his authority makes even the most notorious skeptics listen. Of course, such an attitude must be earned, and Vasily does this successfully. Most often, Vasily’s work is related to technology and electronic equipment, but he can also successfully work in other industries. Often the team itself nominates Vasily as a leader, which is quite rare.

Vasily cannot be called an exemplary husband, but what cannot be taken away from him is his concern for the material well-being of the family. He often disappears at work, and his relationships with friends often become the reason for quarrels in the family. Vasily often changes with the advent of children and this somewhat relieves the tension in the relationship. He is a caring, responsible father and simply a wonderful owner of the house.

The secret of the name Vasily

The secret of Vasily can be called a certain penchant for cunning. He does not consider cunning something shameful, because he never uses it on his family and friends. So, if you do not fall into this circle, then you should be more careful in your behavior with Vasily.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

Totem animal- Cat.

Name color- Blue.

Tree- Elm.

Plant- Thistle.

Stone- Pomegranate.

The name Vasily comes from the ancient Greek word, which translated means “ regal" Having dealt with the origin and meaning of the name Vasily, let’s move on to his character. Little Vasilys love animals very much and will not miss the opportunity to tinker with animals or birds. At the same time, young children are usually the favorites of their grandparents. Vasya prefers to be with his peers and values ​​friendship. The latter quality is so strongly expressed in men bearing this name that he is more likely to quarrel with his girlfriend or wife, but will not allow the interests of his friends to be infringed.

Character and destiny

Since childhood, Vasily has been very active, sociable and friendly; such people are often called “ soul wide open" Vasily are smart and intelligent people who can find a common language even with an obvious ill-wisher. Vasily enthusiastically takes on any work, sometimes solving several problems at once, and he is quite successful in this.

Vasilys are most often calm, sometimes even phlegmatic people, who are very difficult to anger. They very rarely interfere in other people's affairs, but they can prevent people from doing anything unreasonable. Vasily never lose heart, know their worth and constantly strive for excellence in everything. Men usually have little or no attachment to their loved ones and relatives, allowing them to control their own destinies and act as they themselves want. The main feature of the Vasilievs can be called optimism in life: they never complain about fate and steadfastly endure all life’s inconveniences.

Family Vitalys get along well with their fathers-in-law, but sometimes they have strained relationships with their mothers-in-law. Throughout his life, Vasily has had a hard time. Men bearing the name Vasya have excellent memory and innate curiosity, so they can engage in absolutely diverse activities and have their own opinion on any specific issue. Basils combine both subjectivity and objectivity. Sometimes Vasily demonstrates their considerable self-confidence, and sometimes they are not at all decisive.

The secret of the name Vasily: The Vasilievs have excellent intuition, but they do not use it often, believing that logic is much more reliable. And the Vasilievs’ logic is excellent, since they have an excellent analytical mind. In disputes, Vasily can actually bombard their opponent with facts and arguments, thus putting him in a dead end. Men bearing this name also have extraordinary morality, and sometimes their correctness can cause some irritation to others. Usually Vasily has good health, but at the same time they constantly take care of it, go in for sports, and exercise.

Name horoscope

According to many astrologers, it will be useful for Vasily to at least sometimes attend yoga sessions. Like most men, Vasily loves hockey and football, but not to play, but to sit in the stands of the stadium or in a sports bar over a glass of beer with friends. Vasily has excellent organizational skills, so he can become a very successful leader. But here lies one drawback: Vasily strives in most cases to do everything himself, and not delegate the work to someone else.

What does the name Vasily mean in astrology:

  • Zodiac sign corresponding to the name: Aries, Leo, Aquarius.
  • Patron planet of Vasily: Saturn.
  • Character traits: sociability, excitability, intelligence.
  • Colors of the name Vasily: yellow, blue.
  • Patron saints of the name: Archbishop Saint Basil the Great, Venerable Basil the Righteous.
  • Name days: January 14, March 13.
  • Talisman stone: garnet.
  • Animal: cat.
  • Plant: elm, thistle.

Forms of the name Vasily

Short and diminutive options: Vasil, Vasilyushka, Vasilka, Vasilek, Vasilko, Vasya, Vasyunya, Vasyuta, Vasyukha, Vasyusha, Vasyai, Vasyanya, Vasyatka, Vasyasha, Vasenka, Vasechka, Vasyan, Vasek, Vaska, Vasyura. Synonyms for the name Vasily. Basil, Basil, Vasil, Basilio, Pasi, Basilius, Basiliu. Short form of the name Vasily. Vasya, Vasyuta, Syuta, Vasyonya, Vasyunya, Vasyura, Syura, Vasyukha, Vasyusha, Vasilyushka, Vasilka, Vasilko, Vasyay, Vaka, Vasyanya, Vasyata, Vasyatka Vasyakha, Vasyasha.

Name Vasily in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 瓦西裡 (Wǎ xī lǐ). Japanese: ヴァシリー (Vu~ashirī). Korean: 바실리 (basilli). Hindi: वसीली (Vasīlī). Ukrainian: Vasyl. Telugu: వాసిలీ (Vāsilī). English: Vasily (Vasily).

Origin of the name Vasily

The secret of the name Vasily according to the theory of Father Pavel (P.A. Florensky)

This name etymologically means royal, royal. His intellect quickly grasps the relationship of things, people and events, and does not get lost in the complexity of life's relationships. Organization and organizational ability are dear to Vasily; but not that organization that serves the external one-time achievement of a set goal, therefore - not politics and not tactics in themselves, but an organization in the internal sense, in which there may be both politics and tactics, but as subordinate aspects.

Having set a goal for himself, Vasily knows what he wants and persistently strives for it. Without asking himself what is impossible, Vasily goes slowly, without losing what he has achieved, without breakdowns. This ability for purposeful activity is determined in Vasily by the direct connection of his will with reason.

Due to his basic inclination to cover a wide range of phenomena with his horizons and consider himself responsible for it, it seems necessary to Vasily to look and keep an eye on the entire range of phenomena so that nothing escapes his gaze. Therefore, suspicion is one of the traits that can develop in Vasily.

The meaning of the name Vasily for sex

The degree of his sexuality depends on the partner. With a skilled partner, Vasily is transformed, his sexual needs increase. He tries not to part with the woman who was able to awaken the sensual man in him. Does not tend to change partners frequently; if his girlfriend suits him, a breakup can only happen on the woman’s initiative; he himself will never dare to give up the pleasure of intimate meetings with her. Vasily is tactful, intelligent, and easily wins the love and trust of his partner without making much effort. Capable of strong feelings. Reaches sexual maturity early.

Compatibility of the name Vasily and patronymic

Vasily Alekseevich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Yuryevich is a gallant gentleman, knows how to care for women, conquers them with kindness and generosity. He never comes to a date empty-handed, he loves to give flowers. Vasily is not a supporter of long-term courtship; after a month of meetings, unexpectedly for everyone, he proposes his hand and heart to his beloved. Too amorous and trusting. Often recognizes his wife's parents after the wedding. He is a good owner, loves to tinker in the soil, and takes care of the garden himself. In his house, a former homeless dog is often raised, which his son brought home. But Vasily loves cats more. According to his wife, his greatest drawback is his passion for sports. Vasily is a passionate fan, does not miss a single hockey or football match, loves dominoes, spends hours in the yard with men, which greatly annoys his wife. Vasily never conflicts with his wife, but acts in his own way.

Vasily Alexandrovich, Arkadyevich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Valentinovich, Vitalievich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich, Maksimovich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Fedorovich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich has good hearing and loves to sing. Pays a lot of attention to her appearance. Selfish, careerist. He is strongly attached to his mother, which his wife doesn’t like much. Slow in action, but a good owner, he is interested in everything that happens in the house. He doesn’t consider it shameful to take care of children, potter around in the kitchen, or go shopping. He loves to receive guests and has many friends. He gives birth to children of different sexes.

Vasily Alanovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich is friendly, unforgiving. Cheerful by nature: Rarely at home, immersed in his favorite work. He is always in business, looking for additional income. His family never needs anything; Vasily knows how to provide for it. Reliable husband, loving father. Both sons and daughters are born. He is not involved in raising children, but the children are more attached to him than to their mother. He loves sports and spends his free time with children at the stadium.

Vasily Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Igorevich, Iosifovich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich is secretive and taciturn. For women, he is an eternal mystery; he never lets them into his inner world. A caring husband who loves to eat and drink. He is jealous, aggressive when drunk, and does not tolerate objections. Economical, prudent; In the family he plays the role of a peacemaker, he will always find an opportunity to reconcile everyone, and does not like scandals. Strives for harmony and stability in family relationships. He takes as his wife a girl with a strong character, strong-willed and decisive. What she values ​​most is her intelligence. He gives birth to children of different sexes.

Vasily Bogdanovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich Egorovich; Konstantinovich, Matveevich, Nikanorovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Tarasovich, Timofeevich, Yaroslavovich; Yanovich is more conflicted and unbalanced than all his other namesakes; In relationships with women, he is not trusting and cautious. He has a highly developed sense of duty, so he carefully chooses his wife; He believes that he needs to start a family once and for all, at an age when he already has a stable financial situation and is settled in life. That's why he gets married late. Such Vasily can be harsh and hot-tempered, but cannot stand quarrels; The leader is selfish, which manifests itself most of all in the little things. With his wife he is gentle and sensitive; but he is loving, cannot stop having affairs with long-time girlfriends, even when he gets married: Because of his inconstancy, the marriage may fall apart. With children, both sons and daughters, despite any family problems, he always maintains warm relations;

Characteristics of the name Vasily according to P. Rouge

Character. 96%.

Radiation. 94%.

Vibration. 114,000 vibrations/s.

Color. Yellow.

Main features. Excitability - intelligence - sociability - activity.

Totem plant. Truffle.

Totem animal. Dolphin.

Type. Exceptionally intelligent and smart people. They manage to solve dozens of issues at the same time and everything is very good.

Psyche. They have a hard time in life. An excellent memory combined with curiosity allows them to study a variety of problems and develop their own opinion on each issue. They combine objectivity with subjectivity, self-confidence with a certain indecisiveness.

Will. Strong, although perhaps not strong enough for such an extraordinary nature.

Excitability. Excessive excitability should not be allowed to develop into nervousness. In this case, these people become uncontrollable and unfair.

Speed ​​reaction. They are stubborn, especially if they are offered something new. It is difficult to convince them, especially since they are often really right!

Field of work. Vasily carefully chooses his field of activity and organizes his studies in such a way as to quickly achieve his intended goal. They are born inventors with enormous potential. Professions where they can order, manage people and processes are suitable for them. These are impeccable organizers, with only one drawback - they want to do everything themselves. Under certain circumstances, they become misanthropes.

Intuition. It’s good, but they don’t trust it, preferring logic to intuition. Their principle is reliability and thoroughness.

Intelligence. They have a brilliant, analytical and synthetic mind at the same time. You should not enter into lengthy discussions with them, as you will simply be buried under an avalanche of arguments.

Susceptibility. They rarely show tenderness. In boys with this name, it is necessary to develop kind feelings and tolerance towards other people from childhood, even if they are not as smart and developed as them.

Moral. They often irritate others with their too impeccable behavior. In relation to comrades, whether men or women, they are selfless; They are very faithful to friendship.

Health. Despite the fact that their health is good, they worry about it. They should avoid mental stress and stimulants, play sports, and do not neglect sleep. Yoga classes are something that is simply necessary for them.

Sexuality. Satisfaction of their feelings is included in their life plans. They have control over their sexual desires: they do not want to lose control of the situation, even when it comes to feelings.

Activity. In the midst of work, they may be visited by doubts, which they, however, try not to show.

Sociability. Vasily loves to receive guests, loves to be the center of attention.

Conclusion. Interesting personalities. Unfortunately, they are not always able to distribute time and attention between family and work, or find a middle ground between duty and feelings, tenderness and severity. Somewhat divorced from real life, perhaps due to excessive intelligence.

Vasily and pets

Noyabrsky Vasily can be an excellent trainer and dog breeder in a kennel. He loves hunting, and with great pleasure he can give comprehensive advice on raising a dog at home. In winter and autumn, Vasily prefers to have a dachshund and a shepherd dog in the house. For summer and spring Vasily, the following dog breeds are more suitable: American Cocker Spaniel, Shar-Pei.

Dog names should be soft to pronounce: Lizzie, Folonzo, Athens, Sita, Aina, Verity, Gamma, Daly.

Name popularity and statistics

The name Vasily, which parents gave to their son at birth, is quite popular. For every 1000 newborn boys this name was given (on average by period, Moscow):
1900-1909: 76 (5th place)
1924-1932: (not in the top ten)
1950-1959: (not in the top ten)
1978-1981: (not in the top ten)
2008: (not in the top ten)

Famous people named Vasily

Basil the Blessed ((1469 - 1552) Russian saint, holy fool; sometimes called “Basily the Naked”)
Vasily Aksenov ((1932 - 2009) Soviet and Russian writer)
Vasily Terkin (a soldier of the Great Patriotic War, a fictional hero of the poem “Vasily Terkin” (another name is “The Book about a Soldier”), a poem by Alexander Tvardovsky, one of the main works in the poet’s work, which received national recognition)
Vasily Buslaev (the hero of the Novgorod epic, which, according to assumptions, personifies the power of Novgorod itself, like Sadko - the wealth of this city)
Vasily Vereshchagin ((1842 - 1904) Russian painter and writer, one of the most famous battle painters)
Vasily Klyuchevsky ((1841 - 1911) prominent Russian historian, ordinary professor at Moscow University; ordinary academician of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (extra staff) in Russian history and antiquities (1900), chairman of the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities at Moscow University, secret advisor)
Vasily Livanov ((born 1935) Soviet and Russian film actor, screenwriter, writer, director, animator, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1981), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1988). He received the greatest fame for creating the screen image of Sherlock Holmes in a series of television films directed by Igor Maslennikov based on the works of Arthur Conan Doyle, for which he was awarded the Order of the British Empire in 2006.)
Sir Philip St. John Basil Rathbone MC ((1892 - 1967) English actor, public recognition brought him the role of Sherlock Holmes)
Vasily Trediakovsky (Tredyakovsky) ((1703 - 1769) famous Russian scientist and poet of the 18th century, philologist)
Vasily Shukshin ((1929 - 1974) Russian Soviet writer, film director, actor, screenwriter)
Vasily Zhupikov ((born 1954) Soviet football player, central defender)
Vasily Zhukovsky ((1783 - 1852) Russian poet, one of the founders of romanticism in Russian poetry, translator, critic)
Vasily Chapaev (himself signed as Chepaev) ((1887 - 1919) commander of the Red Army, participant in the First World War and the Civil War. Recipient of three St. George Crosses and one medal. Recipient of the Order of the Red Banner (1919).)
Vasily Lanovoy, Vasil Lanovy ((born 1934) Soviet, Russian theater and film actor, master of artistic expression (reader), Lenin Prize Laureate (1980), People's Artist of the USSR (1985))
Vasily Alekseev ((1942 - 2011) Soviet weightlifter, two-time Olympic champion (1972, 1976) and eight-time world champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1970), Honored Coach of the USSR (1991). Set 80 world records, 81 USSR records. Vasily Alekseev is the holder of the current world record for the total of three exercises - 645 kg (at present, official competitions in weightlifting triathlon are not held, so Alekseev’s record cannot be broken).)
Vasily Mate ((1856 - 1917) Russian artist, engraver, etcher. Author of numerous etchings and woodcuts (woodcuts) - portraits of figures of Russian history and culture, reproductions of paintings and drawings by V.M. Vasnetsov, I.E. Repin, V. .I.Surikov, I.P.Trutnev and many other Russian artists of the 2nd half of the 19th century, as well as Murillo, Rembrandt, etc.)
Vasily Merkuryev ((1904 - 1978) Soviet theater and film actor, teacher and director, People's Artist of the USSR)
Vasily Rochev ((born 1980) Russian skier, member of the Russian national cross-country skiing team. Repeated champion of Russia. Winner and silver medalist of the 2000 World Junior Championships. Participant of the 2002 Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. World champion 2005 in sprint. Bronze medalist of the 2006 Olympic Games in team sprint paired with Ivan Alypov. Winner of two silver medals at the World Championships in 2007.)
Vasily Polenov ((1844 - 1927) Russian artist, master of historical, landscape and genre painting, teacher. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1926).)
Basil Poledouris ((1945 - 2006) American film composer, Greek origin)
Sir Basil Henry Liddell Harte ((1895 - 1970) before knighting - known as Captain B.G. Liddell Harte; English military historian and theorist who had a great influence on the development of mechanized warfare in the 20th century, as well as on the theory of strategy in general Liddell was his mother's maiden name, and he began using it as part of his surname in 1921.)
Basil Zaharoff, or Sir Basil Zaharoff, or Basileios Zaharoff (Zachariou) ((1849 - 1936) Greek arms dealer, businessman and financier, director and chairman of the Vickers-Armstrong company in the First World War. Zaharoff was said to have nurtured conflicts , to sell weapons to both sides. Zaharoff spoke 14 languages, and his name was pronounced differently depending on the country in which he was in)
Vasily Zheleznikov ((1877 - 1960) Russian polar explorer, sailor-helmsman. Member of the Russian polar expedition led by Baron E.V. Toll (1900-1902), search and rescue expedition of E.V. Toll’s group (1903). In honor Vasily Zheleznikov named an island on Precious Bay at the northwestern tip of Bunge Land in 1902. “For three years of labor and hardship” endured during participation in the RPE and search and rescue expedition, Zheleznikov was awarded a gold medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the inscription “For zeal "to be worn on the chest on the Stanislav ribbon. The Academy gave him a pension of five rubles a month.)
Vasily Stetsenko (Stecenkov) ((1822 - 1901) Russian admiral)
Vasily Yagodin ((1870 - 1937) archpriest, saint of the Russian Orthodox Church, canonized as a martyr in 2000 for church-wide veneration)
Vasily Yushkevich ((1897 - 1951) Soviet military leader, Colonel General (1945))
Vasily Sheremetyev ((1795 - 1862) Russian statesman; served as Minister of State Property in 1856-1857, Member of the State Council of the Russian Empire, Actual Privy Councilor (1856))
Vasily Kiknadze ((born 1962) Russian media manager, TV presenter, sports commentator)
Basil Spalding de Garmendia ((1860 - 1932) American tennis player, silver medalist at the 1900 Summer Olympics)
Basil Copper ((born 1924) English writer in the genres of horror, fantasy and detective, as well as the compiler of several collections)
Basil Davidson ((1914 - 2010) British intelligence officer during the Second World War, then an Africanist historian, international journalist, an active supporter of the anti-colonial struggle of the peoples of Africa, an opponent of the apartheid regime and a writer. In 2002, the President of Portugal awarded Basil Davidson the title of Grand Officer of the Order Infanta Don Enrique.)
Basil Isaac Hirschowitz, sometimes referred to as Hirschowitz ((1925 - 2013), American gastroenterologist. Recipient of numerous professional awards: the Schindler Medal of the American Endoscopic Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, the Freidenwald Medal of the American Gastroenterological Association (1992), the General Motors Kettering Prize for Cancer Research (1987 ) and others.)
Basil Gras ((1836 - 1901) a general of the French army who went down in history, first of all, as the developer of a breech-loading rifle with a longitudinally sliding bolt chambered for a metal weapon cartridge, based on the Mle 1866 Chassepot, which was named “Rifle Gras” in his honor. Some sources call Gra's invention "the evolutionary pinnacle of French single-shot rifles chambered for a unitary cartridge.")
Vassilis Avlonitis ((1904 - 1970) Greek actor, one of the most famous representatives of the so-called old Greek school of comedians. He performed in numerous films and performances in the mid-20th century. Vassilis Avlonitis is known to the audience for his collaboration in films with actress Georgia Vasiliadou, where he usually plays her husband, brother or neighbor. Together they bring genuine laughter. In addition, Avlonitis has performed several complex dramatic roles, in particular as the main character in the film "Night Pranks".)
Vasilis Papageorgopoulos ((born 1947) Greek athlete and politician, mayor of Thessaloniki)
Vasilis Amanatidis ((born 1970) Greek poet, art critic, curator)
Vasilis Kyriakos Hadzipanagis ((born 1954) Soviet and Greek football player, midfielder and striker)
Vassilis Logofetidis ((1898 - 1960) Greek comedian)
Vasilis Torosidis ((born 1985) Greek football player, defender)
Vasilis Konstantakopoulos ((1935 - 2011) Greek shipping magnate, also known as "Captain Vasilis" and also the "King of Containers". Founder of the Costamare shipping company, which was the first to cooperate with COSCO. Chairman of the Hellenic Association for the Protection of the Marine Environment .)
Vasilis Karavias ((1733 - 1830) one of the most important participants in the first (Vlacho-Moldavian) stage of the Greek liberation war of 1821-1829)
Vasilis Karras ((born 1953) Greek singer, one of the most famous performers in the laika genre)
Vasilios Hadzis ((1870 - 1915) marine painter, representative of the Munich school of Greek painting)
Vasilios Vasiliades ((1920 - 1945) Greek pilot of the Second World War. He rose to the rank of major in the RAF, scored 11 personal victories, was awarded the DFC Cross and the DFM Medal.)
Basilius Faber ((c.1520 – c.1576) German scientist and translator of the 16th century. He translated many of Martin Luther’s works into German. His main work is considered “Thesaurus eruditionis scholasticae” (1571 and 1749).)
Vasily Valentin (an alchemist who lived in the 14th or 15th centuries; his treatises became widely known in the 17th century. Biographical information about their author has not survived. Some historians question the authenticity of the works attributed to him and the very existence of Vasily Valentin; it is assumed that these treatises were written by different people no earlier than the second half of the 16th century. For the first time he obtained hydrochloric acid by heating table salt with iron sulfate, studied its effect on metals. For the first time he described in detail antimony, the method of its preparation from antimony luster and antimony compounds. He described nitric and sulfuric acids, aqua regia , ammonia, sublimate and other mercury salts, some compounds of zinc, tin, lead, cobalt. Observed “sweetening of acids” - the interaction of alcohol and acids with the formation of esters.)
Basil al-Assad ((1962 - 1994) eldest son of former Syrian President Hafez al-Assad, elder brother of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad)

The mystery of the name

Basil- regal (ancient Greek).
Comes from the Greek word "basilius" - king. Appeared since the Persian wars - 5th century BC.
In the past the name was very common, but its popularity began to decline from the middle of the 19th century. Now the name is taking on a new birth.
Zodiac name: Capricorn.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: blue, deep blue.
Talisman stone: pomegranate.
Auspicious plant: elm, truffle, thistle.
Patron name: cat.
Happy day: Saturday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Main features: good nature, leisurely.


Vasily Amasiysky, bishop, martyr, May 9 (April 26), May 13 (April 30).
Vasily Ankirsky, Caesarea, martyr, defender of the Orthodox faith, January 14 (1).
Vasily Ankirsky, presbyter, martyr, April 4 (March 22).
Basil the Athenian, Apolloniad (Macedonian), martyr, July 19 (6)
Basil the Great, Carian (Cappadocia), archbishop, Ecumenical teacher. January 14 (1). Defender of the Orthodox faith from heretics.
Basil of Byzantium, martyr, December 11 (November 28).
Vasily Vsevolodovich Yaroslavsky, Prince, June 5 (May 23), June 21 (8), July 16 (3).
Vasily Dekapolit, Rev., Confessor, March 13 (February 28). He endured much torment for the veneration of holy icons, then labored in fasting and prayer until he was very old.
Basil of Constantinople, abbot, October 23 (10).
Vasily Mangazeisky, martyr, April 5 (March 23).
Vasily Moskovsky, Fool for Christ's sake, August 15 (2).
Vasily Novy, Constantinople (10th century), venerable, confessor, April 8 (March 26). He suffered torment for the faith of Christ, but remained unharmed. He was perspicacious and healed the sick through prayer.
Vasily Ostrogsky, Trebinsky, Zaholmsky, Skenderijsky, Metropolitan, May 12 (April 29).
Vasily Pariysky, bishop, confessor, April 25 (12).
Vasily Pechersky, hieromonk, martyr, in the Near (Antoniev) caves, August 24 (11), October 11 (September 28).
Basil Equal to the Apostles, Grand Duke, July 28 (15).
Vasily Romanovich, Bryansk, prince, reverend, October 3 (September 20).
Vasily (Vasilke) Rostovsky, prince, martyr, March 17 (4), June 5 (May 23).
Vasily Ryazansky, bishop, June 23 (10), July 16 (3).
Vasily Sokolovsky, Rev., on the first Sunday after July 12 (June 29).
Vasily Spaso-Kubensky (Kamensky), Rev., (2) August.
Vasily Khersonessky, bishop, martyr, March 20 (7).
Basil the sunflower, warm, April 4. Hieromartyr Basil was a presbyter in Ancyra of Galatia. During the spread of the Arian heresy, he urged his flock to cling to Orthodoxy for a long time, for which he became a victim of persecution and torture. He courageously accused Emperor Julian, who arrived in the city, of apostasy. Julian ordered leather straps to be cut from the saint's back. Vasily patiently endured this terrible torment. All stabbed to death with hot rods, in the year 362 the saint with prayer gave up his soul into the hands of God.


January 14 is Vasiliev's Day.
If there is fog - for the harvest.
Vasiliev's night star - summer is berry.
The blizzard on Vasiliev's Day promises a large harvest of nuts!
A pig and a boletus for Vasiliev's evening.
April 4 - Vasily-warm.
The sun in circles means the harvest.
Turn out the shafts: the sleigh ride stops.


In his childhood, Vasya amazes with his extraordinary maturity and seriousness. A calm guy, he doesn’t bully, doesn’t make noise, seems to listen obediently, but still does it his own way. He takes care of animals with love, is very loyal to his friends, he has many of them.

For adult Vasily, communication with friends comes first, even to the detriment of peace in the family and work. However, he does his job well, although perhaps not enough for such an extraordinary nature.

Vasily chooses his profession carefully. The true calling of modern Vasily is business. He seems phlegmatic, but sometimes this impression is deceptive, since he thoroughly calculates his actions several steps ahead. Vasily can be a good inventor. He is a wonderful leader: an organizer, smart and resourceful, full of ideas, excellent at arguing his positions, difficult to piss him off, extremely polite with employees, gallant with women.

In relationships with women, Vasily demonstrates knightly qualities and controls his sexual desires. In marriage he is faithful, stoically endures even a bad housewife with a harmful character. Vasily will find a good wife among women with names: Margarita, Yulia, Anna, Yana.

Vasily is often a drinker. At work they put up with this, the atmosphere at home can be tense. Then Vasily withdraws into himself and becomes indecisive. The sober Vasily has a “full cup” of house; he is always happy to receive guests and go out of town with a group. He loves children passionately and tenderly, and has an excellent relationship with his wife’s parents.

The energy of the name corresponds to the idea of ​​a Russian person - open, good-natured, leisurely, sometimes drinking, sociable, but cunning and knows his worth. This interesting nature is understood and objectively described by P. Florensky: “The name Vasily etymologically means “royal”, “royal.” If in royalty the main sign is not greatness or dignity, which can be inherent in a wide variety of moral and social states, but what is necessary for the king the ability to embrace a broad horizon from a certain height and consciously conduct systematic activity in the area covered, then, indeed, royalty, so understood, is an essential sign of Vasily. His intellect quickly grasps the relationships of things, people and events, and does not get lost. And the complexity of life’s relationships.. Without wondering what is impossible, Vasily walks slowly, but without losing what he has achieved, without breakdowns; if he retreats, then this is not an accidental evasion or confusion, but a bypass of the obstacle encountered: Vasily needs to leave it behind him, but he does not see an indispensable need for whatever it takes to move it, and he moves forward, realizing and consolidating some higher building, which from that time on becomes forever the property of culture.

This ability for purposeful activity is largely determined in Vasily by the direct connection of his will with his mind: the mind passes into the volitional principle, as if germinating it, and emotions are not so much absent or poorly developed, but they do not stand between the mind and will , but are pushed aside and therefore, despite the overall great activity of character, they themselves remain passive, perceiving from afar life and the action in it of the person to whom they belong, and therefore are, as it were, fatalistic... And in business, and in rest, and in the construction of life , and in caring for himself, Vasily is not guided by externally and formally established norms. He can be cruel, even breaking norms, in the name of his goal; but he can also be immensely generous when this generosity can be shown by a single act of will, a single wave, and at the same time he will take into account even less any norms and requirements of law, or even morality. This says a lot, because as an organizer, administrator, builder of life, Vasily cannot simply take norms lightly, imposing and enforcing them himself. But when it is really necessary, he is able to autocratically abolish this time, this single time, the norm and implement what is now exactly required, even if it is in complete contradiction with the formally and literally understood rule of everyday life. He knows how to do this with authority, without staining his conscience and without being internally forced, as a result of such a retreat, to further violations of the same rule, as happens with a simple fall..."

Surname: Vasilievich, Vasilievna.


Vasily Grigorievich Perov (1833-1882) is rightfully considered the founder of critical realism. Among the ARTISTS who worked in the 60s of the 19th century, he was the first and most consistent fighter for democratic painting.

Perov's art carried a sharp denunciation of modern life, sharp criticism of its vices and dark sides. His paintings told about the parasitism and hypocrisy of the clergy, the corruption and bribery of officials, the dark kingdom of tyrant merchants. At the same time, Perov acted as ardent defenders of the people. The scenes he recreated are sad; it was not for nothing that the artist was called the “true poet of sorrow.”

Among such paintings, “Seeing Off a Dead Man” (1865) occupies a central place.

Winter. The sky hung heavily over the road. A wretched coffin in a wretched sleigh... A widow with her head bowed low, a girl tired of crying and a little boy - the only man in the house, drowned in his father's large sheepskin coat. And no one cares about this hopeless grief. “It’s as if one of the millions of birds froze on the road, and no one knows about her and will never know, no one was interested in her life or death - that’s the content of this picture,” wrote critic V. Stasov.

The viewer sees neither tears nor pathetic gestures. With mute, patient submission, which has become familiar to the Russian peasant, these people accept the merciless blows of fate.

The impression of severity and emotional intensity is achieved largely through the landscape. Here the landscape is not just a background against which people are depicted. For the first time in Russian genre painting, it becomes an important carrier of mood. Cold, gloomy, deserted, emphasizing the feeling of loneliness, being lost in this uncomfortable world, the landscape allows the artist to make the feelings expressed in the picture universally significant.

The artist’s principle of criticism of contemporary life, developed in the second half of the 60s, reaches its peak in the painting “The Last Tavern at the Outpost” (1868).

The picture almost defies verbal retelling. On the outskirts of the city, a pair of harnessed sleighs stopped at the last tavern. The peasant woman who remained in the hallway has been waiting for her husband on a spree for a long time. The windows of houses covered with snow glow alarmingly. The whole landscape is full of feelings of loneliness and hopelessness. The picture is like a sad song, full of melancholy and sadness.

In Russian painting there are few such honest, heart-tugging paintings as “Seeing Off the Dead Man” and “The Last Tavern at the Outpost” by Vasily Grigorievich Perov.

Since childhood, the boy has been distinguished by a calm and balanced character. He has a natural curiosity, is sociable and will easily come to the rescue, giving everything he has. Vasya loves his parents very much, spends a lot of time with his mother and grandmother, and loves having fairy tales read to him.

The baby is open to everything new and enjoys exploring this world through trial and error, so relatives should keep an eye on the boy to prevent trouble.

Vasya has good mental abilities, but he does not achieve much success in his studies. He is not very interested in school and the tedious learning process; he prefers to frolic with his classmates in the school yard than to sit diligently at his desk, studying boring subjects.

The boy loves animals very much, so parents should buy a pet and teach the baby to take care of his furry friend. As a child, Vasya is fond of football and swimming, loves to draw and enthusiastically reads adventure novels, imagining himself as the main character of a literary work.

Parents should instill hard work and responsibility from an early age, otherwise the boy will grow up to be a lazy and irresponsible person. In adolescence, a guy, like all his peers, tends to dramatize events and succumb to the negative influence of others. Vasya may start smoking or abusing alcohol so as not to stand out among his comrades. It will be difficult for parents to control the behavior of the young man because he cannot stand prohibitions.