Trust your eyes and not your ears. Don't believe your eyes? Do you believe your ears? Don't trust your brother, but trust your crooked eye

A little boy came out of the entrance holding the hands of his parents who smiled at him. His light brown hair fluttered in the wind, and his bottomless blue eyes sparkled with joy because today was his birthday and he was turning 9 years old. And everything in this world seemed to smile at him. - Mom, can I go to the playground to play with the guys?; - Of course, son, my mother answered; - Just make sure you don’t fall, dad added; - I'll be careful, I promise everything will be fine; - Well, I ran; “Don’t fall,” the parents shouted in unison; - Hello Yukio; - Hello Shiro; - By the way, happy birthday to you; - Thanks a lot; - Well, let's go play; - Went; An hour later: “Ugh, well, you exhausted me, Shiro; - Yeah, don’t tell Yukio how we drove; - Yes, I really liked it; Whine... whine... whine. - What are these sounds!; - Look Shiro, someone is crying there; - Do you know who is it?; - Ahhhh. It is Menma who is not friends with him and does not communicate; - And why?; - He is rich, and rich people are known to be arrogant; - What is he doing here then?; - How should I know! and in general... he is strange, rude, hidden and always grunts, and he is also a fool; - Have you checked? - Here’s another thing, it hurts; - Okay, wait here, I'll be there soon; - This... Yukio, you’re not going to come up to him and get to know him; - That's exactly what I'm going to do; - I won’t let you in because I’m worried about you. Who knows what to expect from this strange guy; no one has ever interacted with him; suddenly he’s some kind of crazy person; - Ay! Stop talking nonsense, he’s a child just like you and me. And don't be stupid Shiro, everything will be fine with me; - Oh, you don’t change, you seem smart, kind, always honest with everyone. But you still strive to find an adventure to suit your butt; - But without this, it’s boring without adventures in this world and it won’t take long to die; - Okay, I'll go; - Good luck and be careful in case he really is crazy; - Hello... silence; - Hey hi... silence; - Can you hear me?!! I am turning to you!!!; - What do you want from me?; - Phew, I already thought that you were deaf; - I'm not deaf, I was just thinking. So what do you want from me?; - I want to meet you, by the way my name is Yukio, what’s your name? - Menma, you won’t offend me like others; - No, of course, I don’t need to do this, I’m not like others; - Well, okay, I'll believe you; - Well, then Menma will know each other; - Yes; - By the way, how old are you Menma? - 12; - And you? - I’m 9 - Tell me about yourself Menma, what do you love, what do you want to become?; - Well, I love to draw, I study French and other languages, I study with famous teachers in subjects that are studied at higher universities. Although I don't really like any of this; - Why then are you learning all this?; - My parents force me to say that I have to learn all this because in the future I will become the heir to the company; - Ahh. Clear; - Why are you smiling? - Yes, this is cool, you will be wealthy, you will have a job, money and you will not need anything; - Isn’t everything going to be like that for you?; - No, will everything be different for me?; - Oh, sorry, I completely forgot to ask what are you interested in Yukio?; - Yes, I love reading manga, helping my parents and brother, and I especially love hanging out with friends. In short, I spend my childhood carefree, because I’m still a child, and I don’t want to bother myself. I want to enjoy life, the sun, and every day; - I would like to go out with friends like you, but I don’t have them. Enjoy life and the sun and, in general, simply not be indebted to anyone or owe anything; - You know, Menma, you’re just used to taking on a lot of burden and that’s why you fall every time and stop crying from hopelessness; - Just be yourself, don’t try to please anyone or prove something. If you take a load, take the one you can carry. Enjoy life and the blue sky and the stars that are there. - You know, no one has ever told me this, not even my parents. You are the first one who spoke to me and did not run away; - Thank you very much Yukio; - You're welcome. You know, I thought about it and decided that from this day on I will be your best friend. But before that, we will say an oath that we will be obliged to keep for the rest of our lives; - Do you agree?; - Yes!!!; - And so repeat after me; - “I will always tell you only the truth, not when I betray you, and I will be with you no matter what happens”; - Now you and I are best friends for life; Whimp... whimper. flop. whine. - Well, why are you crying, calm down?: Whip...whimp.whimp. - Well, be quiet, everything is fine, come, I’ll hug you; Slap. flop. - You see everything is fine, you calm down; And so the years passed, Menma and Yukio became more and more close, and they also began to study at the same school, or rather Menma transferred to the school where Yukio studied. Over the years, they began to change, Yukio became a beautiful omega with a delicate scent, and Menma became the alpha and heir to a large company for whom omegas ran in droves. But he didn’t care because he had Yukio, whom he loved madly, but was afraid to admit, like Yukio himself. And then, as it turned out, they turned out to be a true couple and began dating. And everything would have been nothing until one fatal day when Menma’s heart shattered into 1000 pieces... WHICH YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER

Don't believe your ears, but believe your eyes

Don’t trust your own brother, but trust your crooked eye.

Wed. Il faut mieux se fier à ses yeux qu"à ses oreilles.

Wed. Ne vous en rapportez qu"à vos propres yeux, et ne vous fiez jamais à ce qu"on vous redira. Nos yeux sont toujours à nous; mais nos oreilles appartiennent aux autres.

M-me Campan.

Wed. Homines amplius oculis, quam auribus credunt.

People trust their eyes more than their ears.

Senec. Er. 6, 5. Wed. Hieron. Er. 60, 10.

Wed. Pluris est oculatus testis unus, quam auriti decem.

Qui audita, audita dicunt: qui vident, plane sciunt.

One witness in person is better than ten witnesses; those. One eyewitness is better than ten hearing speakers.

Plaut. Truc. 2, 6, 8.

Wed. ώτίων πιστότεροι όφθαλμοί .

Eyes are more reliable than ears.

Apost. 18, 71. Wed. Herod. 18.

Cm. Don't believe every rumor.

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and apt words. A collection of Russian and foreign quotes, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. St. Petersburg, type. Ak. Sci.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what “don’t believe your ears, but believe your eyes” means in other dictionaries:

    Don't believe your ears, but believe your eyes. Don’t trust your own brother, but trust your crooked eye. Wed. Il vaut mieux se fier à ses yeux qu’à ses oreilles. Wed. Ne vous en rapportez qu'à vos propres yeux, et ne vous fiez jamais à ce qu'on vous redira. Nos yeux... ...

    Wed. They say that Khvalynsky, dressed in full dress uniform and even fastening the hooks, steamed his boss in the bathhouse, but not every rumor can be trusted. Turgenev. Two landowners. Wed. ...And the fool who listens to all human lies is a lie. Krylov... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Don’t believe every (word) rumor. Wed. They say that Khvalynsky, dressed in full dress uniform and even fastening the hooks, steamed his boss in the bathhouse, but not every rumor can be believed. Turgenev. Two landowners. Wed. And that fool, Who... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Don't believe your ears, believe your eyes! Don't believe the words, believe your eyes! See MAN...

    See: Don't believe the words, believe your eyes! ... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    See Don't believe your ears, but believe your eyes... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling) Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

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Publication date 25.08.2011

As you know, today in most cases the employer prefers, along with a resume, to receive from the applicant recommendations from his previous place of work. We asked recruiters to explain how a written recommendation differs from a verbal one, and which one employers typically prefer.

Arina MEDVEDEVA, senior consultant at AVRIO Group Consulting (search and selection of top and middle managers, engineering and technical specialists, administrative personnel):

Recommendations, as a rule, are taken in two cases: if there are any doubts about a person after interviews, or if we are talking about top positions, then a recommendation is needed a priori. In our practice, in both cases, the employer long ago abandoned written recommendations. They are taken exclusively orally, and from several previous places of the candidate. At the same time, a consultant to a personnel company or an employee of the HR department most often checks the “authenticity” of the person he is calling. That is, he contacts the company directly to make sure that the recommender actually works or worked for the company and is related to our candidate. Also, often a potential employer uses personal connections in the market to collect information about the person of interest.

It is not difficult to understand why an employer trusts oral rather than written recommendations - a written recommendation does not convey intonation and other nuances of speech that can serve as an additional hint for the listener, not to mention the opportunity to get answers to questions of interest. In addition, most often written recommendations are drawn up by the hand of the person to whom they are given, and not because the person seeks to forge something, but because the manager does not have the time to do this himself. However, regardless of the type of recommendations, employers often do not trust them one hundred percent, but request information from at least three places of work of the candidate, remembering that what they hear is not necessarily true and corresponds to reality. Each case is absolutely individual, and the opinion of any person is subjective. I would like to remember the words of one of my HR colleagues that the best recommendation was and still is a probationary period.

Olga KRAEVA, General Director of MP Concept LLC (organization of corporate events, training, employment assistance):

After carrying out all the necessary procedures related to making a preliminary decision in favor of the candidate, the personnel service (in some organizations the security service) checks the recommendations of the potential employee. Even if the candidate has a letter of recommendation drawn up in full, this document is not always enough. So, HR officers often prefer to play it safe and receive an additional oral recommendation.

More than once I have had to deal with the fact that a beautifully designed letter was actually written by the applicant himself. And due to someone’s kindness, or perhaps due to the negligence of an official, the seal of the organization was put on him. To avoid personnel errors, a professional recruiter will not be too lazy to call previous places of work. And at the same time he will decide whether to contact the contact numbers indicated by the applicant, or look for the organization’s phone numbers independently by all available means. In personnel practice, it happens that a candidate indicates the contacts of his good acquaintances, bosom friends and acquaintances. Therefore, I am a supporter of the second option. I warn the future employee that calls will be made to previous places of work (last, penultimate, even if more than five years have passed) and after searching for telephone numbers of the enterprises where the candidate worked, I call the HR department, immediate supervisor, etc. What if will they give a sharply negative review? Although I understand that sometimes the immediate supervisor has a grudge against a fired employee, and in any case, an oral recommendation is a subjective matter. That’s why I turn to several officials and always to different organizations where the applicant worked. And I am sure that a serious applicant should be prepared for such a procedure as part of his employment.

Elena BOLNYAKOVA, HR manager at Piteravto LLC:

Every person wants to be sure that the decision they are making is correct, and any employer is no exception. After all, during an interview we see only one side of the coin – the one that the candidate wants to show us. At the same time, in no case should a request for recommendations be considered as a sign of distrust on the part of the employer. If they are interested in the opinion of your former boss about you, then this indicates a serious intention to consider your candidacy for an open position.

Recommendations can be either written, in the form of a letter of recommendation, or oral – a telephone call to a former place of work. From the point of view of information reliability, both options have their pros and cons. A letter of recommendation entices us with the seal and signature of the manager; a call provides us with more “live” information and allows us to obtain exactly the information that is necessary to make a decision. On the other hand, a letter can be written by anyone, nowadays it is not difficult to forge a signature and seal, and dummies can answer you at the other end of the line.

From my own experience, I can say that a substantive conversation with the immediate supervisor provides much more information about the candidate. And receiving recommendations from the so-called second circle, that is, employees of third-party departments, partners, business clients, allows you to complement the portrait of the applicant.

Dear representatives of personnel services of St. Petersburg!
If you would like to participate in our surveys, please email [email protected] to the leading column Tatyana GORYACHEVA

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